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3 reasons the crow should symbolize national liberalism

1. Crows are incredibly social animals and could serve as a symbol of

Crows are extremely intelligent animals that are one of the few animals that can use
tools. They also are social animals. For example if you throw rocks at a crow it will worn it's
friends and any crows that come into the area that you are a threat. They will memorize your
face and form lines of crows that will scream at you from a distance when ever they see you.
They will also worn young crows who will worn their own young. It can take several
generations for them to forget.
2. To twist the original meaning of the crows in America and to symbolize
the evolution of society.
In the U.S.A crows have a uniquely dark history. Jim Crow was first established in
1894 and ended in 1967. Because of this the crow is seen as a symbol of racism. Many would
even argue that we (metaphorically) still live under Jim Crow. The war on drugs is the new Jim
crow, Environmental racism is the new Jim Crow, White women wearing box braids is the new
Jim Crow! But why was the crow associated with discrimination? Because they're black. Jim
Crow was a racial slur for blacks because crows are black and unpleasant to most people. If
you look at a crows behavior they are one of the most social animals on the planet. If crows are
to symbolize anything it should be unity. In a murder of crows they work together and no crow
flies alone because all crows are just a part of a larger whole.
3. As a fuck you to inter sectional feminist and anyone who believes
America can never change.
Building on the second point many would argue that America is incapable of change.
That America has white supremacy written into it's DNA and therefor will always be a white
supremacist capitalist patriarchy. By this logic The U.K will always be a theocratic
monarchy. See how silly that sounds? History shows that nations always evolve overtime so
there is no reason why that can't be the case in the united states. We are not the slaves or
the slave owners of the 19th century. We are not the blacks or whites of the 20th century.
America's future is for us to decide so why should we reject that power for the sake of virtue
signaling. My final point is that by claiming the crow we are taking power away from the
people who truly want to keep us seeing ourselves as our past instead of our future.

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