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Linguistic Atelier w w w .Lin g ui s t i c At e l ier .

c om
al. Chruciela 94/2 b iur o @ Li n g ui s t i c At e li e r. co m
04-412 Warszawa phone: +48 502 760 514

TO: All regional branches and franchise holders
FROM: Linguistic Atelier - Head Office
SUBJECT: Seminar on implementation of STANAG6001 5th edition

BACKGROUND. Since a new version of Standardization Agreement #6001 (STANAG6001)

has been promulgated and should be ratified by all NATO members by the end of June 2013,
it is necessary for all regional schools operated under the name of Linguistic Atelier to
familiarize with the current changes to the Language Proficiency Levels introduced by the

Head Office expects all your teachers conducting military English courses to participate in a
June training on new military English tests and exam format. Our awareness of the recent
changes to NATO standards of the language courses we provide to the military personnel is
essential for prolongation of the contracts with respective MoD in your countries.

METHOD: The training will have a form of a webinar and will be run by Mrs. Barbara
Jasiska the Director of the Methodology Department.

TIME: The webinar will be launched on 12th June, between 16:00 and 20:00hrs, Warsaw
time zone. Usual meeting channel will be set up and open at 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

REGISTRATION: All participants must apply for the access code to the website to be able to
participate in an online seminar. To apply for the code, each teacher/manager must register
on and fill in the form under SEMINARS tab. Deadline for
applications is 10th June 2013, 16:00hrs.

SEMINAR TOPICS: 1. Changes introduced in STANAG6001 ver. 5

2. New tests and exams requirements
3. The firm policy on English courses revision

For questions regarding technical support: For questions regarding STANAG6001:

Mr. Piotr Wako. IT department. Mrs. Barbara Jasiska. Methodology Department.
phone: +48 502-760-517
phone: +48 502-760-514

Please, be advised that failure to attend the seminar may result in revocation of the

P. Jasiski

HR manager
Linguistic Atelier - the Art of English

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