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Ambubachi Mela




22/06/2017 - 25/06/2017


Kamakhya Devi Temple, Guwahati

The Am bu bachi Mel a is cel ebrated in the c apital c ity of

Guw ahati, in the northeas tern s tate of Ass am in I ndia. The
Am bu bac hi Mela is the m ost im portant fes tival of
the Kamakhya Temple of Guwahati . The Am bu bac hi is a ritu al
of asc es es observed with Tantrik m eans . I t is believed tha t
the pres iding godd es s of the tem pl e, Devi Kam akhya, the
M other S hakti, goes throu gh her annual cycl e of mens tru ation
du ring this tim e s tretc h.
Du ring the Am bu bac hi Mel a in Guw ahati, the doors of the
Kam akhya Tem ple rem ain cl ose d for three d ays . I t is bel ieved
tha t the M other Earth bec om es u ncl ean for three days . During
this tim e any kind of farm ing work is not taken on. Dail y
w orships and other rel igiou s perform ances are al so s topped
du ring the Am bubac hi Mel a of Guw ahati in As sa m . After the
c om pl etion of three d ays , the d oors of the Kam akhya Tem pl e
are reopened . But the d oors of the tem pl e are reopened onl y
after Devi Kam akhya is bathed and the other ritu al s are
execu ted . I t is then bel ieved that the M other E arth has
retrieved he r purity. This is purel y a ritu al of the Tantrik cul t.

The Am bu bac hi Mel a in Guw ahati is hel d at the Kam akhya

Tem pl e, after being cl os ed for the m entioned three d ays . On
the fou rth d ay, the d evotees of the Godd es s are all owed to
enter the tem pl e for w ors hi pping Devi Kam akhya. Thou sand s
of pil grim s are fou nd to vis it the Am bu bachi Mel a in
Guw ahati, who com es all over I ndia.

Ambubachi Mela Dates 2017

The Am bu bachi Mel a in Guwahati is c el ebrated every year
du ring the m onsoon s eas on, w hich happens to fall in ar ound
the m iddl e of the m onth of June. the beginning d ate of
Am bu bac hi Mel a is 22nd to 25 th June.

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