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The Heck Is Iris Apfel?

Dear Reader,

Iris Apfel shares a spot on my inspiration board in my study. Many of you have probably
come across a picture of her at one time, though you might not recognize her name. Iris
is 95 and is well known in the realm of fashion and design. Iris and her husband Carl
(who recently passed away before his 101st birthday) built a successful business in
reproducing old world fabric patterns. Some of these fabrics made their way into the
White House when various new administrations would redecorate.

There is more that I could tell you about Iris, but the real purpose of this post is why Iris
encourages me. A recent word Holy Spirit spoke to me about Iris is: she is authentic.
This word describes her so well. Iris was told
Inspiration when she was young that she wasnt pretty
and never would be pretty, but that she had
style. As Iris evolved and grew, she didnt
strive to be someone else, but has continued
to live life as herself and not as a copy or to
conform to others expectations. To some she
may seem outrageous, but to Iris, she is

Authentic means: real, genuine, original and
true, not false or copied. Representing ones
true beliefs or nature.

Another way to understand the importance
of authenticity is, when something is not
authentic, it is considered counterfeit,
forged, corrupt, invalid and false.

So scripture is clear, we are not to be conformed to this world, (Rom.12:2) but we are to
be imitators or Christ, (1 Corn. 11: 1) conformed into the image of Jesus. (Rom. 8:29)

And maybe some of you can relate to what I am about to say. I have been on a path of
discovering Gods original intent for my life, to be Romans 8:29. Im in process...on a
road less travelled, and it is uncomfortable and challenging. Letting go of old mindsets is
like purging an overstuffed closet of ill fitting someday clothes. Then there are fears, and
self-judgment. It is the worst best journey ever.

So, if you ever hear me say, I want to be like Iris, its code for, I want to be authentic.

My best, Linda P.S. Netflix has a documentary titled IRIS

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