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Haley Pettit
Table of Contents
Introductory Materials ................................................4
Philosophy of Classroom Management,5 Consequence Chart, 8
Classroom Arrangement, 6 Motivation Strategies, 9
Behavior Expectations, 6 Positive Relationship with Students, 9
Classroom Rules, 7

First Days of School ........................................................10

First Day Greeting, 11 Agenda for First Week, 13-15
Sample Letter, 12 Questions to Consider, 15

Procedures .......................................................................16
Absences, 17 Finishing Early, 22
After School, 17 Food in Classroom, 22
Afternoon Announcement, 17 Getting Attention, 23
Afternoon Dismissal, 17 Getting Help, 23
Agenda, 17 Groups, 23
Appointments, 17 Hallway Behavior, 23
Art Supplies, 18 I Can Statements, 23
Assignment Headings, 18 Independent Work, 24
Attendance, 18 Instructional Groups, 24
Bellringer, 18 Late Work, 24
Cell Phones, 18 Leaving Classroom, 24
Centers, 18 Library, 24
Changing Classes, 19 Lock Down, 24
Citation Format, 19 Make-up Work, 24
Collecting Work, 19 Misbehavior, 24
College of Education Students, 19 Missing Assignment, 24
Communication, 20 Missing Supplies, 25
Contacting Mrs. Pettit, 20 Moving around the classroom, 25
Disaster Drills, 21 Non-Instructional Duties, 25
Discussions, 21 No-Name, 25
Dismissal, 21 Orderly Desks, 25
Emergencies, 21 Passing Out Work, 25
Entering Classroom, 22 Peer Reviewing, 25
Essay Format, 22 Pencil Sharpening, 25

Phone, 25 Taking Lecture Notes, 26
Planners, 25 Tardiness, 26
Printing, 25 Technology, 27
Questioning, 26 Testing, 27
Reading a Chapter, 26 Textbooks, 27
Researching, 26 Trash, 27
Safe Classroom Expectations, 26 Transitions, 27
SSR, 26 Unfinished Class Assignments, 27
Student Presentations, 26 Visitors, 27
Substitute Teacher, 26 Voice Level, 27
Sudden Illness, 26

General Forms .................................................................28

Missing Assignment Slip, 29 Positive Behavior Form, 34
Written Warning Form (WWF), 30 Late Work Form, 35
WWF w/ Parent Signature, 31 Blue Slip, 36
WWF w/ Parent Phone Call, 32 Grade Tracker Sheet, 37
WWF w/ Discipline, 33 Student Sign-Out/Sign-In, 38

Class Rules
Consequence Chart
Positive Relationships

Philosophy of Classroom Management:
How to properly manage a classroom is one of the most important elements
to learn during any teacher education program. An educator can have all the book
knowledge in the world, but by not knowing how to effectively communicate their
message to a class that is engaged, the knowledge they are attempting to teach truly
does not culminate in the mind of the students. There are many different theories
about the best practices to properly manage a classroom. These theories range from
very conservative, known as interventionist, to very liberal known as non-
interventionist, with a wide variety of ideas spanning the spectrum. Personally, I
feel as if for my future high school social studies course I will fall on the conservative
side of the spectrum, but closer to the middle, such as Harry Wong.
Harry Wong and Jacob Kounin embody the idea of how I plan to run my
future high school social studies classroom because they still provide a structure to
the classroom environment, but they still believe in the concept of management, not
discipline. Truly, there is a difference between a teacher managing and disciplining
a classroom, and I feel as an effective educator it is important to effectively manage
a classroom to achieve better success instead of being viewed as a disciplinarian.
Specifically, pertaining to Harry Wong, I believe that a structure to a classroom is
very important and by establishing well defined and practiced rules and procedures
on the first day of class the teacher sets a standard to be met for the entire term. By
communicating to the students what is expected of them the teacher will be able
know that the students are aware of how the class operates. In a high school
classroom students generally know how to behave, so by effectively communicating
your standards in class then students will have a greater degree of accountability.
Pertaining to Jacob Kounin, many of his ideas relate directly to my philosophy of
classroom management. The idea of withitness, or that the teacher knows
everything that is going on in the classroom at all times, and communicates that to
the students, is vital to the management of a classroom. Another major part of
Kounins plan deals directly with the flow of the lesson and keeping proper lesson
momentum. If the teacher is directly engaging the students and not giving them
enough time to act out then the students should behave better. I think that this is
vital to the progression of any topic or idea. But what happens when a student still
acts out in class?
Another major part of many of the philosophies is that students will still act
out, even if the lesson is perfect. First, I strongly believe that there is an explanation
behind the behavior of students. For this reason, it is important to document any
issue that is going on in the classroom. That way, there is a written paper trail that
can be studied when creating corrective actions. The best way to correct behavior is
to understand the student. What motivates them to be successful? What other
influential adult, whether it be a coach, a parent, a youth leader, or another teacher
can help the student build attitudes for success? For issues that infringe upon either
school or classroom rules, there punishments should correspond to the severity of
the infraction based upon a predetermined consequence chart. This chart is
necessary for allowing the teacher to create their own standard for punishment and
effectively communicate this to the class.

Classroom Arrangement:
My classroom will be set up in a small group format so I can maximize small
group discussions and activities. I will have the desks set up in groups of four that
will be rotated every unit as to encourage students to get to know every student in
the class. These groups of desks will be spaced out enough to provide space between
the various groups and other objects. Each group will have a team name placed over
top of their cluster of desks that will be the name of the group for the term. I will
have my desk in the front of the classroom by the white board so it can be accessed
easily during lessons. By the door, I will have a table with a sign-out sheet and a hall
pass that I can use to track the amount of times students leave the classroom and
where they are going. I will have everything in my room set up in corners or
directly against the wall so there are no blind spot when I am looking around. This
will be a critical part of my future classroom because if a teacher has blind spots in
their classroom they are setting themselves up for future failure or even a potential
safety concern.

Behavior Expectations:
Good Work Ethic I have high expectations of my students, and I believe that
every student can work hard if they find what motivates them. I can
encourage students to have a good work ethic by explaining my expectations,
circulating through the room and redirecting when necessary, and sending
positive postcards home to students that meet or exceed my expectations. If
a student still refuses, then it is time to find out what the bigger problem is
and work to correct this.
Positive Attitude I feel that the best way to convey a positive attitude is to
remain in one. Always present assignments in a fun and engaging manner
and find ways to engage students so that they are going to have fun. If a
student has a bad attitude, then take an interest in the student. One negative
attitude can bring down the environment in a classroom quick, and it is
imperative that I am not the negative attitude.
Respectfulness To teach respect I think it really goes back to the age-old
adage To get respect you have to earn it. To teach respect I have to respect
my students, showing them what respect looks like, so they will learn how to
respect one another, as well as themselves.
Punctuality Most schools already have rules in place regarding tardiness
and being late. So to teach this idea to students I will just follow the already
established school rule for tardiness and let that resolve itself. If a student is
repeatedly tardy, I will hold them after the bell the same amount of time they
were late to my class.

Classroom rules
Rationale for rule to be explained Consequence of
to students violating the rule
During this term we are going to be
working in groups and having group
discussions, so it will be imperative
to respect others and their opinions.
You do not have to agree with their
opinions, but at least allow them the
opportunity to share them. But, Level 1, 2, or 3
Respect yourself,
more than that, it is important that all (depending on the
the teacher, and
of us have respect for each other severity of the
your peers.
throughout this semester since we all infraction).
have so much to accomplish. I have
to teach you all a lot of material; you
all have to demonstrate this
knowledge. So, if we work together
and respect each other I know this
will be a successful school year!
1) Safety I promise I will only be
looking out for your best interest
this semester. There will be times
when I give specific instructions
to follow. You need to listen to Level 1, 2, or 3
these and do as told so I can (depending on the
Follow Mrs.
effectively work to keep everyone severity of the
safe. infraction).
2) Learning My instructions will be
designed so that you can best
learn new knowledge. So, the
instructions that I will give will
serve to guide you to the best
route to gain new insight.
There will be many times that I allow
you to work on your phones, or other
electronic devices throughout the
Electronic Devices semester. Being so, unless I have
should remain out explicitly instructed you to use your
of sight unless electronic device, then it should
instructed remain out of sight. When I am
otherwise teaching a lesson it is not only
disrespectful, but you harm your own
learning if you to continue to listen to
your music or play a game instead of

Rationale for rule to be explained Consequence of
to students violating the rule
engaging in the lesson. I promise I
will try to develop very engaging and
fun lessons throughout the term, but
unless I ask for your device to be
present, please put it away.
The school has very specific safety
and educational reasons for every
Follow all School See Handbook for
rule and procedure in the handbook.
Rules and Consequences and
So, it will be very important for all of
Procedures Level 2
us to follow each of these throughout
the term.

Consequence Chart
Level 2 Level 3
(Medium (Most
Level 1
Severity/repeated Severe/Repeated
level 1) Level 2)
1st Written Written Warning with
Offense Warning Parent Phone Call

Written Office Referral

2nd Written Statement
Offense and Detention

Written Forms follow the Color of the Offense

Motivation Strategies

A. Everyone held accountable. By communicating to the students that every student

is going to be held accountable in some manner, then they all have some motivation
to complete the assignments.
B. Give options to students. Let the students have some say in what they do. This
does not mean to let them do whatever they want to do, but give them a framework
or structure to what is allowed and then let them decide. When the students pick

what they are going to do then they are going to be more motivated to complete the
C. Use the students names when calling on them. Everyone wants to feel important
and learning and using students names is one way to show students that they
matter. This is really important to motivating students.
D. Give the students real application. Communicate to the students that what they
are doing really matters to their futures. This can be done by making connections
between what we are learning and what we see in our daily lives. When the students
have some way to connect what they are doing in class to real life, then it becomes
more intriguing and engaging for the students.
E. Find fun ways to engage the students. Have fun activities and lessons for
students to engage with and work together to achieve a common task. By having
fun activities that the students will enjoy they will be more motivated to participate.

Positive Relationships with Students

1) Before class, I will be outside the door and greet every student by name, and chat
with them if they are willing. This helps the students see that I care about them as a
person, and not as just a student I see for an hour a day. I care not only about how
they work in my class, but I care about their soccer game, their dance recital, or their
cheer competition.
2) As mentioned earlier, I will have the students in a heterogeneous group format
for the entire term and they will have a team name. Throughout the entire
semester, these teams will compete against the other teams in the class for various
benefits. They will also have opportunities to work together as a class.
3) As mentioned earlier, I will have the students create a video of some of the
classroom rules and procedures that features how to and how not to behave. This
could be a fun way for the teams to start working together and to start presenting
things to the entire class.

Days of
Starting the Year out Right

First Day of School Greeting

Hi, everyone! My name is Mrs. Pettit and I look forward to getting to know
you and starting this school year off strong. In this class, we will be learning much
more than World Civilization History. We will be learning life skills, communication
skills, and how to critically think.
To start, Ill tell you a bit about myself. I moved to Richmond, Kentucky when
I was 16 and attended Madison Central High School until I graduated in 2011. I went
to Eastern Kentucky University after that, and began working towards a degree in
Elementary Education. I realized halfway through my college career that wasnt the
job for me (too gross for mesorry), and I took a risk and changed my major to
Social Studies Teaching 8-12. Its been a wild ride, and Ive never looked back!
I am married to an auto-mechanic, and I have one daughter, one dog, and one
cat. I love to read, binge watch Netflix shows (currently rewatching Parks and
Recreation), decorate my house for every minor and major holiday, and go on
spontaneous road trips with my friends and/or family.
Enough about me. In this class, we will be learning all kinds of content in all
kinds of ways. We will start with the Renaissance and go all the way to the present.
We will learn through lecture, both group and class activities, debates, class
projects, and so much more! No one day will be the same as the next.
In this class I expect you to work hard, try your best, be okay with being
wrong sometimes, and be willing to expand your mind. Some days will be fun, and
some days may not be fun, and thats okay. I expect you to be respectful, take some
risks, and apply what you learn to your daily life as you learn how to become an
adult. This class is absolutely relevant to you if you let it, I promise. I also promise to
listen, to be equitable, to be patience, to be respectful, and to be kind. I expect you to
have the same courtesy towards me.
I think that about sums it up. Welcome to room number (insert room
number), (insert course title), and I hope you have a great (insert grade level) year!
Before we begin to go over our procedures and routines, I need all of you to
make sure the Bellringer on the board is complete. After that you will notice that
there is a note card on your desk, place the information on the board in the notecard
and hold onto those until I collect them. Please raise your hand if you have any

Sample Letters for Teacher Introduction

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you have all had a restful and joyful summer! Welcome to my Social
Studies class, my name is Mrs. Pettit and I will be the teacher for the year. I am really
excited to get the semester started and I hope that you all are ready to work. My
goal is to make this class enjoyable and interesting for all students. While this is my
goal, that doesnt mean that my class is going to be easy. I plan to make sure that all
students are challenged regularly. While at points this may become difficult, do not
forget that I am to be used as a resource and I have provided many resources to the
students for methods of answering questions. If at any point one you feel that you
need to contact me, feel free. The students have been informed of several ways to
contact me. There are also many ways to stay informed. I have a text messaging
system that I will use to send quick messages and reminders out, please enroll in
this service to stay extra informed. I will also periodically send out email
newsletters of upcoming events and past events that I feel may be of interest to you.
Furthermore, I update my classroom website ( regularly,
please check this website for upcoming events. Below, I have attached a QR code for
you to locate my classroom website. I look forward to having a great year and I
hope to hear from you soon!

Haley Pettit
Haley Pettit
Social Studies

Agenda for First Week of School
Day One ~
Classroom Management Instructional Programs
Introduce Bell Work Procedure Bell Work
o Check Bell Work o Make a name tent
o Sit in Assigned Seats o Read over course
o Start Bell Work information sheet
Assignments Welcome and Introductions
Teach Three Important Procedures o Teacher Introduction
o Entering the class (bell o Student Introductions
work procedure) Class Information, Part 1(brief
o Quieting the Class overview)
o Dismissing the Class Closure Dismissal

All School Advisory

Hand out student schedules, maps, planners, and IDs (if present)
Using Planning Guide
School Value = Organization

Day 2 -
Classroom Management Instructional Programs
Reinforce Bell Work Procedure Bell Work
Reinforce Quieting the Class o Put up name tent
Procedure o Fill out Getting Oranized
Reinforce All School Procedure Recite Student Names
using planner Getting Organized Lesson
Teach the Turning in Papers o How to stay organized and
Procedure use planners
Reinforce Dismissal Procedure o How to get around
(navigate) the school
Closure/ Dismissal

All School Advisory

Activity on showing respect
Icebreaker activity
School Value = Respect

Day 3-
Classroom Management Instructional Programs
Reinforce Bell Work Procedure Bell Work
Reinforce Quieting the Class o Write daily objective in
Procedure planner (class procedure)
Reinforce Using Planners o Fill out Information form
Procedure Course information, part 2 (course
Teach General Class Procedures details)
o Tardy and absent o Materials
o Getting materials o Grading
o Leaving seats o Rules
o Getting Help o List of Topics
o When work is complete Classroom Procedures (take notes
o Emergency Procedures and turn in)
Rehearse Turning in Papers Closure/Dismissal
Reinforce Dismissal Procedure

All School Advisory

Discuss Social Skills
Social Skills activity
School Value = Social Harmony

Day 4-
Classroom Management Instructional Programs
Reinforce Bell Work Procedure Bell Work
Teach Test Taking Procedure o Objective in planner
Rehearse turning in papers o Write name and hour on
procedure sheet.
Rehearse when work is complete Take Comprehensive pretest
procedure o Explain purpose of pretest
Rehearse dismissal procedure o Explain how to take it
o Students take pretest
o Thank students for a great

All School Advisory

Discuss the importance of getting involved in school
Extracurricular activities and other opportunities

School Value = School Spirit

Day 5-
Classroom Management Instructional Programs
Reinforce Bell Work Procedure Bell Work
Reinforce Quieting the Class o Objectives in planner
Procedure o Complete social studies
Reinforce Using Planners introduction
Procedure Lesson
Rehearse returning paper o Fun history activity
procedure Room Orientation
Rehearse Turning in papers Closure Dismissal
Rehearse getting materials
Reinforce Dismissal Procedure

Questions to Consider for First Days

Am I in the right room?
Where am I supposed to sit?
What are the rules in this classroom?
What will I be doing this year?
How will I be graded?
Who is my teacher as a person?
Will my teacher treat me fairly?

Make sure PowerPoint for first day reflects new school year policies!

A Method to the Madness

Procedure Process
When you are absent from my class for any period of time you must:
Follow all of the school policies for returning to school after an
Check in with Mrs. Pettit as soon as possible to see what material
was covered during your absence
Check for any work that may have been
posted online.
Absences Use the Ask the Teacher Blog forum to ask questions for more
extended periods of time.
For more private issues use the Contact Mrs. Pettit Forum.
Make sure all make up work is returned in the period set forth by
the make up work procedure.

For more information on make up work refer to the make up work

procedure listed below
Most afternoons Mrs. Pettit will stay in his classroom until at least
4:00. However, this is not always guaranteed. If you need additional
After School help, let Mrs. Pettit know in advance and she will do what she can to
work with you. In the event you come to the classroom and Mrs.
Pettit is not there, write a note and slide it under the door.
Afternoon During the afternoon all students will immediately go to voice level 0
and pay attention to the announcements. Any talking that lasts after
Announcements the announcements will constitute make-up time after the bell.
The teacher will dismiss individual rows to stack their chairs. The
student is to stack their chair in an orderly manner in the back of the
classroom. If there is an empty chair next to you in the row, you are
Afternoon Dismissal to take it with you as you stack your chair. After the student stacks
their chair, the student will return to their desk and clean up the
surrounding area, ensure that all borrowed supplies are returned,
and then remain standing until the teacher.
The agenda will be posted in the same place everyday. Look here to
see what is to be accomplished each day. Often times, more will be
posted than will be covered (refer to finishing work early). The daily
agenda will also be recorded in a notebook posted in the front. Refer
Agenda to this notebook to look up any day that you may need to reference
in the future.

Procedure Process
Students: To set an appointment with Mrs. Pettit to discuss grades or
to receive help on assignments simply ask Mrs. Pettit during class
changes and we will work out a time that works best.

Appointments Parents: Mrs. Pettit is legally not allowed to discuss grade materials
and specific details over the phone or over email. For this, to discuss
these details, please set-up an appointment to sit down in person. To
do this, please contact me by utilizing the Contact Me area on my
teacher website or by leaving a message on my school phone.
Occasionally we will do activities that require art supplies. When
doing this, there will be a person assigned in your group as materials
Art Supplies manager. They will be responsible for gathering materials, as well as
putting materials away at the end of class.
Every assignment that is going to be turned must have an assignment
heading. If all the information is not include it will be posted on the
no name wall for someone to claim as his or her own work. In the top
left hand corner of every assignment you will make sure to include
the following information:

Assignment Headings Assignment
Date Due

See example poster in classroom

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class period.

Students will be in assigned seats working on bellringer. Teacher
Attendance will look for the empty seats and then use this information to take
The bellringer will always be posted as students walk into the
Bellringer classroom. Students are to come in then begin working on the
Occasionally, classroom activities will call for cell phone use during
class time. But, on these occasions the teacher will inform the class
that it is ok to have out phones. When this does happen, the teacher
will be walking around to monitor the classroom use of cellphones
Cell Phones and ensure that all students remain on task. However, unless explicit
instructions are given, cell phones are to remain out of sight and out
of mind. If some emergency arises that requires use of the cellphone,
or for you to be attentive to your cellphone, please speak with Mrs.
Pettit and she will judge accordingly. If cell phone use is caught

Procedure Process
without this approval, rules will be followed and appropriate
consequences will ensue.
Occasionally, we will do activities that require various activities to be
going on at once. For these types of activities, or centers. You will
start at the station you are assigned and then move in a clockwise
rotation every time the teacher instructs you to switch. Some of
Centers these activities will require you to work in a group to achieve the
instructional purpose of the station. For these activities you should
refer to the instructional groups section. When you are rotating
between centers you should remain calm and should go directly to
the next location. Do not move around the rest of the classroom
Refer to specific school policies for behavior in the hallways. This is
a time to get your supplies for your next class period and to use the
restroom and get drinks of water. Please do these activities during
Changing Classes this time period. Repeated abuse of class time to complete these
activities will result in the loss of the privileges to leave class for
these purposes.

In this class we will use the citation format Chicago

Manual/Turabian. On any written work you must use citations to
cite the evidence for your arguments. Any material that is not cited
will be considered plagiarism. For more information on Turabian
Citation Format
uide.html For more information on Plagiarism, consult:

When in doubt, always cite!

When collecting work from each class period you will pass down the
row, not column. So, you will always pass to the person on your
right. Once at the end of the row, the person in the seat in the back of
Collecting Work the class will walk up and collect all the papers from each row. This
avoids having to get the attention of the student in front of you when
they are not paying attention and you can always see whom you are
passing the assignment with, making it more effective.

Often times, students will come into our class who are from local
College of Education colleges. As with any guest, you are to treat them with the utmost
respect. Specifically, these students are coming in training to be
Students teacher and are required to complete certain elements of
coursework during our class to understand various elements of

Procedure Process
education. With that being said, you are to cooperate with these
students and treat them the same as you would any teacher in this
building (actually better). You are what is helping them to decide if
they have chosen the right path in their lives.
There are several ways that I would like to be able to communicate
with you and your parents this year. These include:

Parent/ Teacher Conferences: These are great opportunities

to sit and discuss all that happens in the classroom, both good
and bad. I would love to see all parents at any parent/teacher
Remind 101: This is a text messaging service that I use to
remind parents and students of major upcoming assignments
and events going on in the school and my class. This is
available to sign up for email services as well. To sign up to
receive these messages ask for a invitation form from Mrs.
Pettit (standard text messaging rates apply).
Email Reminders: Much like the text messaging reminders I
will send out periodic reminders of upcoming major events
Communication and newsletters of what we are accomplishing. To sign up for
this service send an email to my school email address
informing me that you would like to participate.
Positive Postcards: periodically I will send out notes of good
accomplishments in class. Not all communication from me
will be negative so look for some of the positive ones as well.
Twitter: I will have a class twitter feed. Please look for this
for information and important updates (for more information
please ask Mrs. Pettit).
Teacher Website: I will post a lot of relevant, and probably
some not so relevant, information to my classroom website:

I look forward to staying in constant communication with you

throughout the year. For more ways to contact Mrs. Pettit see
the Contacting Mrs. Pettit
There are several ways to contact Mrs. Pettit:

Contact the school phone and ask for Mrs. Pettits room.
Send me an email to my school address listed at
Contacting Mrs. Pettit
Use the Contact Me form at
Drop a note at the office to be put in Mrs. Pettits mailbox

Procedure Process
With all of these being said I am very approachable so feel free to
come to me with any issue that needs addressing. However, with that
being said, due to State and Federal law, I am not permitted to
discuss personal identifiable information over electronic
communications. This does include information pertinent to specific
grades. If the grade is an issue that must be discussed, please set an
appointment to meet with me in person.
We will treat all disaster drills as if they are the actual event. It is
important to remain calm and listen to the instructions being given
by the teacher. Once we are all safely outside, you will find the
Disaster Drills binder that Mrs. Pettit will be holding up and follow him to this
location. I will take attendance immediately to ensure that all
students are present. DO NOT wander off. I will take this seriously
and will result in Level 2 Consequences.
All discussions in this class will be handled in an academic tone,
whether electronic or in-class. Students must be able to reinforce
any argument they make with evidence from research. Furthermore,
we must remember that all students bring some different element to
the class, so always treat your classmates with the utmost respect. To
Discussions speak for in-class discussions you must have the discussion ball and
you must say one positive comment about the previous students
argument. Then, you must state your argument and then support it
with evidence. In all discussion forums you will not say hate-filled
inflammatory comments or names, instead research based and fact
proven positions.
The bell does not dismiss students, the teacher dismisses the
students. Once the teacher has given permission to leave class you
Dismissal will get up, check your surrounding area for trash to dispose of, push
in your chair, return any pencils or other supplies that were
borrowed, leave the classroom in an orderly manner.
In the event of an emergency ensure that you remain calm
throughout the entire event. Follow the procedures practiced during
Emergency (with the disaster drills. Make sure to follow all directions from the
Teacher) teacher. During a true emergency make sure that Mrs. Pettit is the
first one that you find, and you stay with him throughout the entirety
of the event.
If something should happen and a teacher is not present, or
incapacitated during a time of emergency, follow the next steps:
Emergency (without
Medical Emergency: Student stay with any person who may be
Teacher) under duress. Student goes to classroom next door to get another
adult. Student goes to office to get nurse. Student call 911. Make
sure that everyone remains calm throughout the events entirety.

Procedure Process
Disaster Drill: Follow normal procedures to either exit the
building or to practice shelter-in-place. Ensure that another adult
is informed along the way.
Lockdown drill: Cover the window and barricade the door to
make sure that no one can get in. Call the office to inform them
that someone that this classroom was not able to lock the door
due to missing adult.

When entering the classroom you are to enter in an orderly manner.

Make sure to grab any materials that you may need along the way
Entering the and have a seat in your assigned location and get started working on
the bellringer assignment. If you are entering the classroom during a
Classroom time period other than the beginning, then you will follow the
theatre approach. Enter quietly, hand your note to Mrs. Pettit, and
find your assigned seat, without cause a disruption.
If you do finish work early during this course there is always
something else that can be achieved. The first step is to always notify
the teacher that you are finished and see if there is more work that
needs to be accomplished. The teacher will either provide extra work
Finishing Work Early or allow you to research material pertinent to the current class
period. Extra research will be awarded extra points, however the
original work will be judged for completeness before you are allowed
to move on.
It is permitted that students bring water into my classroom as long
as it is in a container that has a sealed lid. Gum is also permitted, as
long as the gum is not seen or heard. Under no circumstances is
Food in the Classroom other food products permitted in this classroom. Furthermore, the
above policies regarding water and gum should be seen as a
privilege. If at any time the teacher deems these as becoming a
problem, the teacher withholds the right to revoke the privilege.
If at any time the teacher needs to gather the classes attention they
will simply raise their hand and begin to count down from 5. Upon
Getting Attention reaching 0 it is expected that the entire class will be at Voice level 0,
Any time it takes to quiet down the class after this will be deducted
from the passing period.
Getting help in this class is a fairly easy concept. There will be an
envelope on your desk that contains two index cards, Red and
Orange. If the problem you have needs help but you can still
Getting Help (In Class) continue working, simply take out the orange card and place it on
your desk. If the problem you are having is immediate and you
cannot continue working, take out the red card and place it on your

Procedure Process
When the teacher instructs you to get into instructional groups, you
Groups (Getting into) are to do this precisely and effectively.
When moving through the hallways as a class to different locations
you are expected to behave respectfully to all of the surrounding
classes. This means that we will walk in a single file line to our
destination. There is to be no talking so we should be at voice level
Hallway Behavior 0. You are not to interact with other students as you are walking
through the hallways. Furthermore, you are to keep your hands to
yourself as you are walking. This means no touching lockers,
classroom doors, and other students.
If independent work is assigned, then it is expected to be completely
independently. While I do respect the use of cooperative learning, if I
Independent Work have assigned independent work, there is a reason for it. There is to
be no collaboration for any work that is assigned in this manner. Any
collaboration will constitute cheating or plagiarism.
Instructional groups are an important instructional tool that I will
periodically use to allow students to work cooperatively. For this to
work successfully it is important that all guidelines are followed as
they are given. When in groups every student will have a role that
Instructional Groups they have been assigned, this is the part that each student will be
held accountable. Furthermore, every group member has a different
perspective and important role to play. While in groups it is
imperative that everyone respects the differing perspectives of their
group mates. It is ok to disagree, however, it is not ok to disrespect.
All late work will be accepted up to a week after the due date with a
structural penalty of 10% for each day it is late (1st day late 10%, 2nd
Late Work Day 20%...). When submitting late work, attach a late work
submission form to the late assignment and place it in the
submission box.
To leave the classroom for any reason you must receive permission
from the teacher. Then you must sign out on the sign out sheet, and
Leaving the Classroom take a hall pass to your destination. Once you return to the classroom
you will sign in on the same sheet.
While in the library you will behave with the utmost respect. You are
Library to be on maximum voice level 1 and to behave in a calm manner. You
are to treat the books with respect and listen to the librarian.
If the school undergoes a lock down drill then you are to follow
school policies for how to complete lock down procedures. If you are
in the hallway than you are to get to the nearest teachers classroom
Lock-Down immediately. While in the classroom you are to remain as quiet as
possible not causing any disturbances. Ensure that the teacher has
locked the door and covered all windows. This is also not a time to
use your cellphones for any purpose.

Procedure Process
All make-up work will be collected and placed in the same location
everyday. If you were absent then make sure to check this location
Make-Up Work the day that you return. All assignment will be given appropriate
adjusted deadlines for completion.
Misbehaviors will be handled in conjunction with school policies and
Misbehavior the rule and consequence chart posted.
If you come to class and do not have an assignment completed then
you will be given a missing assignment sheet. This is to be completed
Missing Assignment and returned to the teacher immediately. You still have 1 week to
complete any missing assignments (See late work).
Students are to make sure that they come to class with the correct
materials to every class. In the event that a student has missing
supplies then they may borrow one from Mrs. Pettit. They will write
Missing Supplies their name on the designated dry erase board along with the
supplies that they borrowed. All materials must be returned by the
end of the class.
Morning During the morning announcements students will be on voice level 0
and listening attentively to the announcements. During this time
Announcements period is when the teacher will conduct their dress code checks.
Moving Around the When moving around the classroom, students are to act calmly and
Classroom precisely.
Occasionally, the teacher will have things that come up that fall out of
Non-Instructional the instructional realm. When items like these arise (the phone
Duties rings, a visitor comes to the door, etc.) please go to maximum voice
level 1 and proceed with whatever activity is being conducted.
All papers that do not have a name will be posted in the no-name section
No Name and not graded until the assignment has a name. The paper will be posted
for a maximum of a week before it is removed and trashed.
The desks are to remain straight and in their original location. You
may use the bottom compartments on the desks until this becomes
Orderly Desks an issue. At the end of every class period please place the desks in a
straight manner and clean up around your area.
When work is being passed out to students I will hand it out
individually to every student. While this is occurring there is to be
Passing Out Work no student out of his or her seats so I can quickly get all work back to
every student. When passing out new assignments I will pass it down
the rows much like the collection of work.
While peer reviewing students are to remember to be respectful to
their peers. There will be a pre-made format for how to peer review
Peer Reviewing a paper. The main thing is to endure that there is both positive and
constructive feedback.

Procedure Process
Only one student is to be up at a time sharpening pencils. All
Pencil Sharpening students must receive permission from the teacher prior to
sharpening their pencil.
When the phone rings, whichever student is the closest to it may
Phone answer it and say, Mrs. Pettits room
For any assignment that needs to be printed for my classroom I will
allow 5 minutes at the beginning of class for students to go to the
Printing library to print their assignments. After that 5 minutes any
assignment not submitted will be considered late.
During class I will question students in a variety of formats.
Questioning However, unless I ask for volunteers, no student will be called on by
hands, they will be drawn by cards.
When I ask you to read a chapter for homework, there will be a
Reading a Chapter predefined manner for how to read the chapter. You are to take
notes in this manner and be ready to discuss them the next day.
Researching is something that will happen frequently in this course.
For any assignment that requires you to research students are
Researching required to cite the sources for which they found information.
Furthermore, all websites that do not contain .gov or .edu are
prohibited unless specified by the teacher.
My classroom is expected to be a safe environment for all students.
Safe Classroom There is to be no bullying, harassment, fighting, or actions that put
fellow students at risk. All conversations are to be considerate and
Expectation understanding of the different cultural contexts that every student
brings with them.
This is a valuable time to be reading material that you enjoy. I
SSR (Silent Sustained encourage all students to bring leisure-reading material to read
during this time period. Students are not to have out class material
Reading) during this time period. Students are to remain quiet at voice level 0
and reading their leisure-material.
Periodically, students will be required to create projects and conduct
Student Presentations classroom presentations. Fellow students are to remain respectful
and attentive to the presentation.
Occasionally, there will be circumstances in which I must be absent
from the class. In the event that one of these occurs there will be a
substitute teacher present. Just because I am not here does not mean
we stop learning. If I know about my absence in advance I will make
Substitute Teacher sure to post and go over the agenda for the next day. You all are to
complete this and follow all the directions. In the event of a sudden
absence I will leave a plan with the sub for you all to complete. In
any circumstance you are to listen to any directions given by the
substitute. You are to treat them with the utmost respect.

Procedure Process
In the event that you are suddenly sick and need to go to the
restroom, get up, grab the trashcan, and hasten out the door. Once
Sudden Illness you grab the trash can I will understand what is happening and will
not question you.
I will go over a few formats with you on how to take lecture notes.
Oftentimes, I will provide guided lecture notes. Even though I teach
Taking Lecture Notes you the various styles. You may choose whichever method is the
best for you and utilize this method.
If you show up late to my class without a note or without some sort
Tardiness of permission you will be counted tardy. The school will track
tardiness and appropriate consequences will follow.
When we use technology in the classroom there will be very strict
standards that govern how you use the equipment. You are not to
Technology have food and drinks of any can around the technology. You will
remain on task and on the websites that we are using. I will be
monitoring the usage to make sure everyone stays on task.
During tests there is to be absolutely no talking, Voice Level 0. You
Testing are to take the test in the most serious manner; however, do not
forget that I am here to help you, so please ask me questions.
Textbooks (When to I will hang a note on the door on days that I want you to bring your
books to class. On these days you must have your book with you.
Bring) Until those days you may leave your book in your locker.
Please ask before you get up to throw your trash away. Although the
expression is throw your trash away this does not mean that you
Trash/Recycling may actually throw your trash. Instead, you may walk your trash to
the can and place it inside.
In between instructional activities there is to be no talking and
absolute concentration on the new task at hand. I will have given
Transitions instructions prior to beginning the transition and will expect you to
get all of your materials and be ready to switch during this time
All class assignments must be finished. In the event you do no
Unfinished Class complete a class assignment during class you will take it home and
Assignments complete it as homework. This is not to add extra homework;
instead to insure that all students put forth effort during class.
In the event that we have visitors to the classroom to speak or
observe you are to treat them with the utmost respect. You are to do
Visitors what they ask and listen when they are speaking. Remember, you
are representing the school!
Different times call for different levels of acceptable voices. The
teacher will tell you which voice is appropriate for each time period.
Voice Levels During lecture situations student voice levels should remain at 0.
During group work voice level should be at 2. During independent

Procedure Process
work voice level should not go above 1. Under no circumstances
should voice level ever go to 3 or 4.

0 = Silence; no talking.
1 = Whisper
2 = Normal conversational voice
3 = Raised voice; teacher instructional voice.
4 = Shouting; outdoors only, or emergency

For every

Printed Name:_________________________
Missing Assignment Slip

Missing Assignment:___________________________________________________ Due Date:___________________

I do not have my homework because:

_______ I did the assigned homework, but did not bring it to class.
_______ I chose not to do my homework.
_______ I forgot to do my homework
_______ I did not have the appropriate materials at home.
_______ Other: ___________________________________________________________

Please explain your response below:


Student Signature: ________________________________________________

Printed Name:_________________________
Missing Assignment Slip

Missing Assignment:___________________________________________________ Due Date:___________________

I do not have my homework because:

_______ I did the assigned homework, but did not bring it to class.
_______ I chose not to do my homework.
_______ I forgot to do my homework
_______ I did not have the appropriate materials at home.
_______ Other: ___________________________________________________________

Please explain your response below:


Student Signature: ________________________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________
Class: _________________________

Written Warning Form (1st Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues?


Student Signature: ________________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form (1st Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues?


Student Signature:________________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form with Parent Signature (2nd Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues? Why did this action continue?

Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________



Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form with Parent Signature (2nd Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues? Why did this action continue?

Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form with Parent Phone Call (3rd Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues? Why did this action continue?

Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form with Parent Phone Call (3rd Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues? Why did this action continue?

Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form with Discipline Actions (4th Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues? Why did this action continue?

Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________



Printed Name:_________________________

Written Warning Form with Discipline Actions (4th Consequence)

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior a problem?


What will occur if this action continues? Why did this action continue?

Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________


Printed Name:_________________________

Positive Behavior Form

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior being rewarded?


How can I continue to promote this behavior?


Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________

Printed Name:_________________________

Positive Behavior Form

Why did you receive this form?


Why is this behavior being rewarded?


How can I continue to promote this behavior?


Student Signature:____________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________

Printed Name:_________________________

Late Work Form

Assignment:______________________________________________ Original Due Date:_______________________

Why is this assignment late?

______ I was absent on the due date.
______ I did not have the assignment with me on the original due date (I have
previously submitted a Missing assignment slip).
Explanation: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature:____________________________________________

---------------------------------------------Teacher Use Only------------------------------------------

Grade Deduction:_____________

Approved____________ Not Approved___________________

Printed Name:_________________________

Late Work Form

Assignment:______________________________________________ Original Due Date:_______________________

Why is this assignment late?

______ I was absent on the due date.
______ I did not have the assignment with me on the original due date (I have
previously submitted a Missing assignment slip).
Explanation: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature:____________________________________________

---------------------------------------------Teacher Use Only------------------------------------------

Grade Deduction:_____________

Approved____________ Not Approved___________________

Date: _______________________________________________
Name (Printed): _______________________________________
Class Period: _________________________________________

Youve been Blue-Slipped!

(Sorry if you were feeling blue yesterday!)

Completing your missed homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student.

Missed Assignment: ________________________________________________

I understand it is my responsibility to record the notes and complete the assignment that I missed from
my absence.

Signature: _________________________________________________________

Record the notes and assignment that you missed below and detach this portion to take home with you
to complete the missing work.

Missed Notes: _____________________________________________________

Missed Assignment: ________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Name (Printed): _______________________________________
Class Period: _________________________________________

Youve been Blue-Slipped!

(Sorry if you were feeling blue yesterday!)

Completing your missed homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student.

Missed Assignment: ________________________________________________

I understand it is my responsibility to record the notes and complete the assignment that I missed from
my absence.

Signature: _________________________________________________________

Record the notes and assignment that you missed below and detach this portion to take home with you
to complete the missing work.

Missed Notes: _____________________________________________________

Missed Assignment: ________________________________________________

Grade Tracker Sheet
Date Name of Assignment Unit Number Points Possible My Score

Student Sign Out / Sign In Sheet
Student Name Destination Date Sign Out Sign In


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