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Vlad A. CODREA 1

Abstract. For the first time in our country, Middle Miocene insectivores belonging to Galerix and
Miosorex genus are described. ln the same assemblages, Gliridae indet. and small artiodactyls
(Lagomeryx size) are also mentioned. The fossils were collected from core samples extracted
from the borehole# 1266, located in the Bozovici Basin, one of the main post-tectogenetic basins
which occurred in Southern Carpathians, after the Laramian tectogenesis. The filling of this basin
consists on Miocene rnolassic deposits. For the l.apusnicul Mare Formation, two new members
are now introduced: Paraul Lighidia and Valea Sl8tinicului. The former, consists on siliciclastic
continental deposits, which could be Eggenburgian in age. The latter, includes swampy and
lacustrine deposits, tuff intercalations and coal-bearing strata, where the insectivores have been
found. The age of the fossils is Late Moravian-Early Wielician (most probably the uppermost part
of the MN 5 unit). These mammals allow to interpret the paleoenvironment as a wooded area, in
a subtropical climate, fairly humid, with open waters areas in the neighbourhood.

Keywords : Middle Miocene, Stratigraphy, Vertebrate paleontology, Insectivores; Bozovici Basin,

MN 5, Southern Carpathians, Romania.


The discoveries of fossil mammals

ting from the Middle Miocene fonmations
'wrnania are still rare. These fossils are best
in the Sarmatian deposits, but in older ROMANIA
ions as the Badenian ones, only few such
rates have been described. They belong Bucharest
to large mammals, as perissodactyls aozovicl
Sheorghiu et al., 1967; Codrea, 2000). Nothing
mown concerning the micro-mammals. In
circumstances, each new discovery adds
details concerning these faunal
Figure 1 - Location of Bozovici Basin.

xDLOGICAL SETTING The depression's outline resembles to a

rounded ellipsoid directed NE-SW, 40 km long
In the Southern Carpathians, the main and 7-8 km in its largest section, between the
ic units belonging to the southern Getides localities Bozovici and Eftimie Murgu. This
Severinides, i.e. the Supragetic, Getic and outline is in fact the heritage of the last Middle
5everin nappes, overthrusted the Danubian Miocene basin that evolved there.
:::imides in the Laramian tectogenesis If the rims of the basin are represented by
toni, 1997). After this main tectonic event, the Getic Nappe's metamorphics or even
the Cenozoic, several post-tectogenetic Mesozoic sedimentary (liassic?) formations,
were generated. Among them, Bozovici the filling deposits belong to the Miocene
ession is one of the most representative, molasse. This kind of sediments kept the
:i:roered by the Semenic Mountains to the interest of a lot of geologists, due to their coal-
and Almaj Mountains to the South. In the bearing deposits. The first surveys, as well as
references, it was also named the "Valea the oldest tentative of extraction, runs long ago
jului Depression" (Figure 1 ). in time. The first mention of the coal-bearing

3abe-Bolyai University, Department of Geology-Paleontology, 1 Koglnicaanu Str., 3400 Cluj-Napoca,



strata is from the XVIII-th century and belongs continental, alluvial plain facies. Its thickness is
to Griselini (1780). He mentioned that in several comprised between 2-19 m. Fossils are
stes in the Bozovici Basin, the bedrock of the gold- generally missing.
bearing alluvial sands consist of coal depostts.
The age of the coal-bearing formation was
for a long time a subject of controversies. A I\
lliescu et al. (1967) made a detailed description Quaternary I/';;-".
.,.. - . 0
of the Miocene sedimentary succession and . 0. 0

distinguished several stratigraphical units. Their ,

data were used by other students, for
monographic aims (ex. Todros, in: Petrescu et wQ ,
al., 1987). From the base to the top, the (I)
following "horizons' were distinguished: I. the 0
"lower" ("Lower Tortonian'), with two "sub m:E
horizons': a. "sandy, with gravels and .J 0::
conglomerate' and b. "marls and clays coal- <CO
bearing'; ii. "the Dalboe\ beds'
conglomerate and sands and iii. "the $opot
cu. z
beds' - variegated clays and marl clays (both
. .. .
"Upper Tortonian'); iv. the "upper" (possibly
"Upper Tortonian or eventually
Sarmatian'), with gravels and sands.

. - - dz
. . - .. -
Grigorescu (1985) described a M3 assigned 0 Cl)
to an anfhracothere - Brachyodus onoideus
(GERVAIS, 1852) -, found reworked in the
recent alluvial sands and gravels of Miniului
.. w
Valley, downstream from Bozovici town. The
:E :E
presumed sediments which yielded the tooth
0:: r. . Q
are siliciclastic, belonging to the base of the 0
u. -:::,
molassic succession. As the stratigraphical -:::, <(
range of B. onoideus does not surpass the base
of the Orleanian, the existence of Lower
Miocene deposits were presumed in Bozovici
Depression, at least for the base of the
Later, Petrescu & Nicorici (1989) suggested

. -c.CJ





that the coal-bearing intercalations and the :::)
underlying deposits could belong to the Early
Miocene (Eggenburgian + Ottnangian). -9!
Recently, Marinescu el al. (1998) mentioned z
fl) ..
in the Bozovici Depression several formations, - 'c
which accord generally well with the previous
a. , IV
tentative: the l.apusnicul Mare Formation in the
<C 'e:::si
base of the succession, followed by Dalboset, .J
sopot and Vindinului Formations. According to Paraul'\. +++++1i ..Q
their interpretation, except the latter, which is Lighidia GI
Sarrnatian, the other are Late Badenian. Cl
Member Cl
Unfortunately, the descriptions of these
formations are completely lacking.
In my oppinion, the l.apusnlcul Mare
Formation should be divided into two members,
easy distinguishable, which are the following
il t. f:Om
(Figure 2):
Figure 2 - Succession of the Miocene formations
1. Piiriiul Lighidia Member nom. nov. from Bozovici Basin.

Definition:- succession of quartzitic Lower boundary: the unconformity between

sandstones with poligene microconglomerate the molasse deposits and the old metamorphic
interbeddings, lens-shaped, with red and green and/or mesozoic sedimentary basement of the
silt. These deposits belongs probably to Bozovici Basin.



1 !o 0012 3 O

Figure 3 - Section on the northern rim of Bozovici Basin, With the location of the borehole# 1266:
1 - pre-Miocene basement; 2 - Prul Lighidia Member: 3 - Valea Statlniculul Member.
,.,4 - Dalboei Formation.

Upper boundary; the sequence which ends succession belongs to coal-generating, swampy
under the first tuft intercalation known as and lacustrine facies. Several fresh-water
"Sl<'llinic Tuff'. It probably corresponds to an levels, documented by mollusks like Unio or
formity produced by an errosional event. Planorbis, as well as some short marine
Age: ?Early Miocene(? Eggenburgian). episodes. documented by nannoplankton
Comments. These deposits are usually species, were identified too.
ld of fossils and one can presume any age
ised between the Late Maastrichtian and In the ifst decades, a lot of drillings were
denian. As one can suppose that the made for prospecting the coal-bearing deposits ..
cothere tooth originated from, the The samples collected from the boreholes.
=;igenburgian age could be credible, without allowed detailed studies of the flora,
ing other stratigraphical terms. invertebrate and vertebrate Middle Miocene
2. Valea Slatinicului Member nom. nov. The borehole # 1266, drilled on the western
bank of Agrijului Valley, between the town of
Definition: succession of siltic sandstones Bozovici and the village l.apusnlcul Mare, is of
days, micro conglomerates, marls, clays special interest, for several vertebrate fossils
tuft intercalations. Toward the top, coal colected from its cores (Figure 3).
lations occur (at least eleven lignite
:eds). The thickness of this member is very THE INSECTIVORES FROM BOZOVICI
Eriable, usually between 50-150 m. The
ess of the coal-beds is also variable: at Family Erinaceidae BONAPARTE, 1838
-:::i:acu cu Tula" the maximum thick reached 11 . Subfamily Echinosoricinae CABRERA, 1925
- but S and SE from Nera River, these strata Tribe Galericini POMEL, 1848
=i completely disappear. Genus Galerix POMEL, 1848
Lower boundary: The first tuft intercalation,
=-laying the Paraul Lighidia Member. Galerix aft. symeonidisi DOUKAS, 1983
=etween these members, an errosional
tinuity should exists. Locality: Bozovici (Caras-Severin district),
Upper boundary: The contact with the base from the borehole # 1266. The core was
f Dalboset Formation. extracted between 154.70-155.15 m in depth,
Age: Upper part of Moravian, possibly the from Valea Slatinicului Member's deposits.
=e of \Melician too. Probably the uppermost Geological age: Middle Miocene, probably
of MN 5. the uppermost part of the MN 5 zone
Comments. The main part of this (Badenian).


Referred material: All fossils are curate at side the talonid is not very well closed. The
the Museum of Paleontology - Stratigraphy of trigonid is nearly equal in length with the
the University Babes - Bolyai, in Cluj - Napoca talonid. A well-developed cingulum can be
(abbreviated: MPSUBB). p2 - right (MPSUBB V noted on the lingual margin. It ends just after
173/1) and left (MPSUBB V 173/2); p4 - left the protoconid, where the oblique cristid reach
(fragment, MPSUBB V 173/3); m2 - left this cusp. The posterior cingulum is present,
(MPSUBB V 173/4); m3 - left (MPSUBB V strong developed mainly on the labial half of
173/5); P3 - lingualfragments, right (MPSUBB this side. There are two roots: the anterior one
V 173/6) and left (MPSUBB V 173/7); P4 - right is vertical; the posterior one is fairly inclined
(MPSUBB V 173/8) and left (MPSUBB V compared to the base of the crown.
173/9); M1 - fragments, right (MPSUBB V m3 - The general pattern is similar with m2,
173/10) and left (MPSUBB V 173/11); M2 - but here the trigonid is clearly larger compared
right (MPSUBB V 173/12) and left (MPSUBB V to the talonid. The metaconid is the highest,
173/13). tubercle. The ridge connecting the entoconid
with the metaconid is well expressed, compared
Description to m2. The hypoconid is located in a more
Washing the sandy marls from the core, anterior position in respect with the entoconid.
several upper and lower teeth, probably The difference in height between the hypoconid
belonging to the same individual, were and entoconid is obvious: the former is very low
collected. As the sample was initially processed compared to the last. The labial and posterior
for forams or other micro invertebrates, the cingulums are lacking, but an anterior one is
sediment was boiled, and the teeth were present. The roots are similar with m2.
unfortunately severely damaged. P3 - Two lingual fragments, originating from
p2 - Both right and left teeth are preserved, the left and right rows, is available for study.
the left one together with a little fragment of the Both have two lingual cusps, the protocone and
jaw. The p1 alveoli can be also observed, the hypocone. The protocone is much higher as
indicating that this tooth was single-rooted. The the hypocone. The anterior cingulum ends
right p2 has ohly its crown, slightly broken on its before the protocone. The posterior one is
mesial margin. stronger, and it runs until the posterior side of
This premolar has a quite simple pattern. Its the hypocone. On the straight lingual side, the
shape, on occlusal view is similar to a rounded cingulum is missing.
trapezoid. The tubercles are distributed on a The 4110s! important feature is the presence
mesio-distal direction. The canine-like of two cusps on the lingual size. Doukas (1986),
protoconid is very prominent, located centrally, as well as other students like Ziegler &
between two weak stylids, which positions are Fahlbusch (1986) or De Jong (1988), observed
near the lingual border. The anterior stylid is that there are two groups of Galerix,
very weak and is higher compared to the distal distinguishable by different patterns of this
one. From lateral view, the area comprised premolar:
between the cone-shape protoconid and the G. exilis group, with only one lingual cusp
posterior stylid is fairly concave. This tooth has and
two parallel roots. G. socialis group, which G. symeonidisi
p4- A fragment, representing the trigonid is belongs to, with two cusps. To this pattern, the
available for study. It belongs to the left tooth. Bozovici Galerix, also belongs.
One can observe the protoconid, the metaconid P4 - Both the left and right premolars are
and the paraconid. The protoconid is the well preserved, excepting the small areas
highest cusp, connected by a low ridge with the located at the posterior labial terminations. The
paraconid. The metaconid is located forward, strongest and highest cusp is the paracone. A
compared to the protoconid. No cingulum can straight ridge connects this cusp with the
be observed. All the tubercles are worn on their parastyle. The anterior margin is concave. The
posterior sides. anterior and posterior cingulums are similar with
m2 -. It is slightly damaged on the antero- P3.
lingual margin, on the paralophid area. All the M1 - There are two fragments belonging to
tubercles are worn by abrasion. The metaconid this molar: a right lingual and a left labial. The
is the strongest cusp. The proloconid and the labial fragment includes the paracone, the
entoconid are nearly equally in height. The metacone and the very extended metastyle.
talonid is well closed on the. labial side, by the The metacone is more voluminous and higher
oblique cristid which runs just on the posterior than the paracone. Anterior, posterior and labial
side of the protoconid. On the lingual side, the cingulums can be noticed. The lingual fragment
narrow ridge connecting the entoconid with the preserves only the protocone, the hypocone
metaconid is very low. In this manner, on this and a part of the metaconule. There is neither


::::,;;neaon between the protocone and the longer and the M2 longer and wider. However,
";:;1!!:alC011ule, nor between the hypocone and Doukas' number of specimens available for
.2a:siC011ule. The protocone and the hypocone study was not very high.
:r: connected, The metaconule is big, "V" A richer G. symeonidisi sample, originating The anterior cingulum ends .at the base _ from different localities . from Southern
protocone. The posterior one also didn't Germany, was published by Ziegler &
the lingual side, ending before. No lingual Fahlbusch (1986). The Bozovici's Galerix
...-YJ11um can be noticed. dimensions agree . with these_ sizes especially
- I had on my disposal the teeth for the upper teeth. The lower ones are rather
:::n:m:ali'ng on both dental rows, more (the right)" large.
:r .ess (the left) damaged. In these circumstances, I interpret this
molar has a similar pattern with M1. specimen as an evolved form of G. symeonidisi,
sostyle is shorter compared to the M1. which dimensions were close to the next
ooth has consequently a rectangular representative of the lineage, G. exilis (DE
The anterior arm of the protoconule BLAINVILLE, 1839).
not touch the anterior cingulum. The
=s:srior arm of the metaconule remains far Family Soricidae GRAY, 1821
the posterior cingulum. There is a Subfamily Crocidosoricinae REUMER, 1987
=:cection between the protocone and the Genus Miosorex KRETZOI, 1959
-.,xx:one, but no connections of these cusps
the metaconule can be observed. Miosorex sp.
his study concerning Galerix exilis (DE
ILLE, 1839) and G. socialis (VON Locality: Bozovici (Caras-Severin district),
EYER, 1865) from Calatayud-Teruel Basin, from the borehole # 1266. The core was
::e Jong (1988; Figure 4) figured two extracted between 158.33-159.00 m in depth:
-::ncian>< ntal morphotypes and two intermediary from Valea Slatinicului Member's deposits.
for M2. The pattern of the Bozovici
aa::llillore is similar with the intermediary De Geological age: Middle Miocene, probably
s form # 1 . In G. symeonidis from Aliveri the uppermost part of the MN 5 zone
s, 1986) there are connections between (Badenian).
conule with the protocone, or both with
-:irotocone and the hypocone. This feature Referre material: M3 - right (MPSUBB V
to be however, very variable. In the G. 174/1).
=:::a"'idisi or G. aff. symeonidisi specimens Description. This tooth shows , typical
from different sites, like Forsthart or features for this genus. Unfortunately, it is- the
ch (Ziegler & Fahlbusch, 1986), there is only element documenting this kind of
:onnection between the metaconule and the insectivore at Bozovici.
_ cusps. Measurements (mm): Length - 0.90 ; Width
cingulum can be noticed on each labial, -1.47
...,,...I Y and posterior side.
Stratigraphy and ecology
Measurements (in mm; after Doukas' Although this is the first mention of. the
.:a:IOd, 1986) genus in Romania, however Galerix is not rare
in the Middle or Upper Miocene faunal
l.enqth Width assemblages from this part of Europe. At
;12 1.90 1.02 Engesser's (1980) map, showing the
"12 2.50' 1.80 geographic distribution of Ga/erix and
;n3 2.07 1.27 Schizogalerix ENGESSER, 1980 sites, some
?4 2.15' 1.97 new localities can be added:
M1 2.70 - -Hungary: Budapest XII ker., Szechenyi-
ld2 2.12 2.77 hegy (G. cf. socialis, "Sumegium" i.e. Pontian
- 111COmplete s.str.), Felsotarkany (G. ehiki KRETZOI, Early
Pannonian s.str.), SOmeg (G. socialis,
comments. Doukas (1986) described G. "SOmegium", i.e. Pontian s.str.; Kretzoi, 1982);
nidisi from Aliveri (Greece) as a small -Serbia: Sibnica (a mandible fragment, with
a:ecies of the genus. Compared to Doukas' p4 and m2, assigned to G. exilis; Late
=. the Bozovici's Galerix can be Badenian-Early Sarmatian; Petronjevic, 1967);
uished by the following details: the p2 is -Moldova: Bujor (p3-m3 and P3-M3,
mler, the m2 is longer, the m3 is longer, but belonging to "G". sarmaticum LUNGU, 1981;
ess wide, the P4 is less wide, M1 is much Middle Sarmatian- Bessarabian; Lungu, 1981).

Amorig these sites, the nearest similarities Paratethys. Obviously, in the Carpathian area
seem to exist with the fossil originating from S. heteromorphus range ends at the base of the
Serbia, which dimensions are very close. MNN 6a sub zone (M1irun\eanu et al., 1999).
"G". sarmaticum is a very different form, For reconstructing the ancient environments,
which could be related rather to Schizogalerix this kind of insectivores is not very diagnostic.
ENGESSER, 1980 than to Galerix. The ridge Apart the insectivores, in the same borehole,
connecting the paracone and the metacone is between 158.33-150.00 min-depth, some other
completely missing in M1 and M2 (Lungu, 1981; vertebrate remains were found: an upper molar
Table 1, Figure 4a}. belonging to Gliridae THOMAS, 1897 indet.
The stratigraphical range of G. symeonidisi (MPSUBB V 175/1) and a naviculo-cuboid of a
in Central Europe includes the time interval small artiodactyle (Lagomeryx size; MPSUBB V
comprised between the mammalian units MN 176/1 }. All these elements allow an
4a and MN 5 (Engesser& Ziegler, 1996;). In interpretation of the paleoenvironment as a
the uppermost MN 5, and immediately after in wooded area, in a warm and still enough humid
MN 6, G. symeonidisi was replaced by G. exilis. climate (subtropical type}. The open water
Transitional forms are known from several sites surfaces were surely present in the
from South Germany, as Niederaichbach (MN neighborhood and the coals suggest even
5, Schatz, 1988;-Ziegler, 1999). swampy tendencies.
The rather large dimensions, as well as the
P 3 pattern, indicate that the Ga/erix from Acknowledgements
Bozovici could 'be interpretedas an evolved
form belonging to G. symeonidisi/G. exilis I express my deep gratitude to my former
lineage. student, Emil Moricz, who provided the
The Mipsorex genus is still too poor material from Bozovici, as well as for some
documented at Bozovici for allowing a detailed geological information about this area. I am also
interpretation. fully indebt to Dr. Manfred Schlitz
From the marl intercalations belonging to the (Lichtenhaag.} and to Dr. Mary R. Dawson
coaly member, a nannoplakton assemblage (The Camegie Museum of Natural History,
with Sphenolithus heteromorphus Pittsburgh, USA). for their valuable
DEFLANDRE, 1953 and Braarudosphaera bibliographic help. The SEM photographs are
bigelowii (GRAN & BRAARUD, 1935) was due to Christiane Chancogne (Museum
found (N. Meszaros, written communication}. National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris, France}. My
In such circumstances, I appreciate that the colleagues from Babes-Bolyal University,
coal deposits from Bozovici Depression could Reader Dr. Sorin Flllpescu, Assist. Ord.
be Badenian, more precisely belonging to the Emanoil Sasaran and Drd. Paul Dica. helped
uppermost Langhian, i.e. the top of Moravian me a lot in revising the English version on the
and/or the base of the Wielician in Central text and in processing the figures and plates.


Balintoni, I. , 1997, Geotectonica terenurilor Press: p. 157-167, Tab. 11.2, New York.
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p., Cluj-Napoca. prezentei lui Anchitherium aurefianense Cuvier in
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Bozovici, borehole# 1266, Lc'ipu:nicul Mare Fonnation, Badenian:

Galerix aft. symeonidisi DOUKAS, 1983

Figure 1 - p2 left, inner view (MPSUBB V 173/2)

Figure 2 - p2 right, inner view (MPSUBB V 173/1)
Figure 3 - p4 left, trigonid fragment, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/3)
Figure 4 - m2 left, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/4)
Figure 5 - m3 left, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/5)
Figure 6 - P3 right, lingual fragment, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/6)
Figure 7 - P3 left, lingual fragment, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/7)
Figure 8 - P4 right, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/8)
Figure 9 - P4 left, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/9)
Figure 10 - M1 right, lingual fragment (MPSUBB V 173/10)
Figure 11 - M 1 left, labial fragment (MPSUBB V 173/11)
Figure 12 - M2 right, crown view (MPSUBB V, 173/12)
Figure 13 - M2 left, crown view (MPSUBB V 173/13)
Gliridae indet.
Figure 14 - upper tooth (MPSUBB V 175/1)

1lar length - 1.0 mm


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