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Look at the pictures. What happens in each one? (PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE, Now) Glossary:
Write the correct letter under the Picture column.
Choose True or False for the sentences below: 1 happen - (v) an event, a situation.
each - (n) distinct, unique, separated, apart.
Picture True/Yes False/No correct - (a) adequate, good, matching.
under - (p) below, down, after, next.
1. Robert helps Linda carry something heavy. _____ _____ _____
picture - (n) drawing, image, symbol, photo.
2. Linda helps Rob with his backpack. _____ _____ _____ true - (a) yes, good, right, correct, possitive.
3. Richard is late for the first time. _____ _____ _____ false - (a) no, bad, wrong, incorrect, negative.
help - (v) to aid, to improve, to able.
4. Lety wants to go to a party. _____ _____ _____ late - (a) at a time/date after the appointed.
5. Letys mom wants to sleep early. _____ _____ _____ early - (a) at a time/date before the appointed.
want - (v) be willing to, desire, crave, need.
6. Raymond is training very well. _____ _____ _____ sleep - (v) rest in bed with eyes closed.
7. Cindy feels sad and angry. _____ _____ _____ training - (v) practice of sports discipline.

8. Raymonds coach is Mr. Whistle. _____ _____ _____ (v) verb (n) noun
(a) adjective (p) preposition

Present /prznt/ (a) Tense is now, what is current, being and existing as you live it, going on in this very moment, as you breathe.
The event or ocassion happens at this time. an action or state occurring at the moment of speaking.You use verbs in english in their simple
form. He/She/It needs s at the end. (n) gift. (v) to be at a place, to introduce (a person).
Future /fyutr/ (a) Tense has not yet happened, time that is to be or to come after, a condition or event to happen later than now.
from Latin word futurus "about to be". Uses the auxiliary will + verb or going to + verb.
Going to is generally used for immediate events to occur. (n) a future - development, promise.
PRESENT I am an student today. FUTURE I will be an engineer in two years.
You are a responsible student. You will be a proficient engineer.
He is a late today. He will be on time tomorrow.
She buys a new TV. Her friend Robert will help her.
Lety wants to go to a party. Her mom will drive her to the party.
Raymond trains every day. Raymond will be a great soccer player.

Will for offers and promises. Choose column (O) or (P): Use will or wont and the adequate verb form:
(O) (P)
keep pay tell call give be
1. I will help you with that box. _____ _____ 1. I ______ ______ anybody about that secret. (Edward Snowden)
2. Ill carry your backpack. _____ _____ 2. I ______ ______ you a present. (Richard)
3. I wont be late again. _____ _____ 3. I ______ ______ training for the tournament. (Raymond)
4. Ill be five minutes early from now on. _____ _____ 4. I ______ ______ a chiropractor later... (Robert)
5. Ill come back home by 11pm. _____ _____ 5. You better ______ ______ late again. (Cindy).
6. Ill show you my dribbling, Mr. Whistle!. _____ _____ 6. OK, I ______ ______ you a ride to the party. (Lety`s Mom)
7. OK, I will be on time Richard. _____ _____ 7. You ______ ______ a nice memory of this, Robert. (Linda)
8. You will be a supercrack, Raymond!. _____ _____ 8. Raymond ______ ______ a great player someday!. (Mr. Whistle)

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