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(An Experimental Study in the Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3
Salatiga in the Academic Year 2013/2014 )


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd.I.)
In the English Department of Education Faculty
State Institute for islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

113 09 089



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(An Experimental Study in the Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga
in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

NIM.113 09 089
Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Department of Educational
Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in March, 08th 2014 and
hereby considered to fulfill the requirement of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Islam (S. Pd.I) in English and Educational Department.
Board Examiners,
Head : Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag. ____________
Secretary : Setia Rini, M.Pd. ____________
1st Examiner : Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil, M.Hum . ____________
2nd Examiner : Rr. Dewi Wahyu M,S.S., M.Pd. ____________
3rd Examiner : Mashlihatul Umami, S.Pd.I,M.A. ____________
Salatiga, March 2014
Head of STAIN Salatiga

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag

NIP. 195808 27 198303 1 002


The Best Human Is Who Has Benefit for the Human

(Hr. Bukhori Muslim)


This study is dedicated for:

My lovely Allah SWT and prophet Muhammad SAW who always guides

and gives strength for me.

My beloved mother Musriah and father Salman also my sister Siti

Maimunah. Thanks for all support, trust, finance and encouragement.

Thanks to M.Fatkhu Rozaq, who has given me full support and

motivation in finishing this paper.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the Lord of universe, because of
Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for
Sarjana Pendidikan degree in English Department of Education Faculty of State
Institute For Islamic Studies in 2014

Peace and salutation are always sent to the Prophet Muhammad SAW who
was brought us from the Jahilliyah era to Islamic era.

I realize that this final project would not have come to its final from without
generous help, support, advice and prayers of others. Many people have helped and
contributed their ideas and time in completing this final project and it would be
impossible to mention all of them. However I would like to express my sincerest
gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag. as the Head of State Institute For Islamic Studies in
2014 (STAIN) Salatiga.
2. Suwardi, M. Pd as the Chief of Education Faculty of STAIN Salatiga.
3. Maslihatul Umami, M.A. as the Chief of English Department. Also as a consultant
who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion, a
recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.
4. All of the lucterers in English Department of Education Faculty. Thanks for all
guidance, knowledge, support, and etc.
5. My beloved family, my father and my mother also my sisters thanks for all.
6. Thanks for Bapak KH. Machfud Ridwan Lc and Ibu Hj. Nafisah. You are my
second parents.Thanks for everything.
7. Thanks for Gus Muhammad Hanif and Ibu Rosyidah . Thanks for your kindness.
8. The big family of Edi mancoro.
9. All of my friends in TBI D 2009
10. Thanks to Mrs. Haryati and the students of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga.
11. All of my friends that helped me to finish this thesis


TITLE ................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION .............................................................................. ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ............................................ iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ........................................... iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................. v

DEDICATION .................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................... vii

TABLES OF CONTENTS ............................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... xiii

A. Background of the Study........................................... 1
B. The Statements of the Problems................................ 3
C. Objectives of the Study ............................................. 4
D. The benefit of the Study ............................................ 4
E. The Limitation of the problem .................................. 5
F. Hypothesis ................................................................. 5
G. Review of Previous Research.................................... 6
H. The definition the key terms ..................................... 7
I. Organization of the Research .................................... 8
A. Animation Film Medium............................................... 10
1. Definition of Film............................... ...................... 10
2. Animation Film ......................................................... 10
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Film .................. 11

4. Film As Audio Visual Aids in Teaching Writing .. 13

B. Writing Narrative Text ................................................. 14

1. Defenition of Writing ............................................... 14
2. Process of Writing ................................................... 14
3. Elements of Writing ................................................ 16
4. The Principle of Writing .......................................... 17
5. Narrative Text .......................................................... 20
1). Definition of Narrative Text................................ 20
2). The Forms of Narrative Text............................... 21
3). The Generic Structure of Narrative Text ........... 22
4). The Language Features of Narrative Text ......... 22
C. Medium in Language Teaching Learning .................... 23
1. Definition of Media .................................................. 23
2. Classification of Media ............................................ 23
A. General Description of SMP N 3 Salatiga ................. 27
B. Research Method ....................................................... 35
C . Object of the Research .............................................. 38
D. Technique of Data Collection .................................... 38
E. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................... 40
A. Data Analysis ............................................................. 42
B. Discussion ................................................................. 50
A. Conclusions ................................................................ 53
B. Suggestions ................................................................. 54



3.1 The organization structure of SMP Negri 3 Salatiga....................................... 29

3.2 Infrastructures of SMP Negri 3 Salatiga......................................................... 30

3.3 The teacher of SMP Negri 3 Salatiga................................................................ 31

3.4 Staff of SMP Negri 3 Salatiga........................................................................... 33

3.5 Family Background of Students SMP Negri 3 Salatiga................................... 33

3.6 The Name of Subject in the research................................................................. 34

4.1 The Learning process of SMP N 03 Salatiga.................................................... 43

4.2 The score of Experiment Group......................................................................... 44

4.3 The score of Control Group............................................................................... 45



Study in the Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the
Academic Year 2013/2014. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty.
English Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN). Consultant:
Mashlihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A.
Key words: Animation film as the medium, writing narrative text.
The objectives of this research are to find out whether using animation film
medium in writing narrative text is effective or not and to know how far is the
effectiveness of using animation film medium in writing narrative text. Related to the
object of the reseach, the writer used experimental method. The research was
conducted at SMP N 03 Salatiga in the academic year 2013/2014. The population in
this reseach is the second grade students of SMP Negeri 03 Salatiga. The total number
of population are 225 students. The sample were VIII- i class as the experiment group
which consist of 24 students, and VIII- d class as the control group which consist of
22 students. The writer used t-test in order to check whether the use of animation film
in writing narrative text is effective. The result of her research showed that using
animation film medium is effective to improve students writing skill. It can be
proved by the pre test to post test mean of the students writing skill of the class
which are not taught with animation film (50.36 to 57.95). The students writing skill
of the class which are taught by animation film shows significant improvement (50.
45 to 67.95). From the t-test result, it can be seen that the class which is taught by
animation film medium get higher score (11.2) than the class which is not taught by
animation film medium (5.88). It indicates that by using animation film medium, the
students can improve their writing skill effectively.



A. Background of the study

Writing is transferring informations or ideas of different kinds of the context to

reader. According to Walters (1983:17) writing is the last and perhaps most difficult

skill students learn. So, we can conclude that writing is not easy or spontaneous, It

requires concious mental effort. Unlike speech, writing has to be taught through formal

instruction . The organization framework for our ideas in written communication has to

be mastered. All these difficulties make learning to write a sophisticated proccess that

combines many interrelated components.

As a means of communication, language consists of form and meaning. Forms

of language can be divided into some elements, such as words, pharases, clauses,

sentences, paragraphs, and even at a higher level called discourse or text.

Based on the observation in SMP Negeri 03 Salatiga, many students thought

that writing narrative text was difficult. They was silent looking at the blank paper and

said there were no idea. They could not sit down quietly and talked with their friends

about the writing assignment. The problems prohibited the learners to improve their

writing ability. Especially, they are lack of ideas, vocabularies, and confidences. The

students stated that they got difficulties to remember the English vocabularies when

found unfamiliar words.

Regarding the Pre-research in SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, especially in the VIII I

class, their ability in English writing is low because only 50% students who get

standardized score (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). It is purposively chosen as a

research setting. So, the writer chooses them as a research subject. The second reason is

the teacher of English subject in this class focus on text book style without any media.

Considering this phenomenon, the teacher must resolve this problem. One of the

ways to solve the problems in developing writing skill by practising in writing

continually. In addition, the teacher needs to motivate the students and also creates an

interesting method or visual aid in teaching writing. Therefore, they will be interested in

writing class. According to Kreidler (1965:1) states that visual aid can be useful to the

language teacher because:

a) Create situations which are outside the classroom walls.

b) Introduce the students to unfamiliar cultural aspects.

c) Give reality to what might be misunderstood verbally by the students.

d) Change situations quickly and easily in a drill.

e) Provide decoration for the classroom.

Basically, the teacher can use all kinds of visual aids but they must pay attention

to how the importance of the visual aid for the teaching learning process is, how the

effectiveness of using the visual aids is, and many more questions, related to visual aids.

Any kinds of visual aids that teacher uses must make the students feel comfortable with

the material or the class so they can easily understand the lesson. Kreidler (1965;41) also

has another opinion he said that:

Using any kind of method has goal to give the students the opportunity to express
their own idea, using the language pattern that they have learned. And that the
students need this kind of opportunity in order to begin to use English in a way to
enables them to express their ideas, interest, feeling and needs, clearly, correctly
and confidently.

Based on the situation at SMP Negeri 03 Salatiga, the writer can conclude that

visual aid has an important function that the teacher can use in teaching and learning

process. It also gives the students an opportunity to extend their ability and explore their

talent. For example, by using English songs, films, comics and other mediums makes

learning English is more fun. One of medias that can be used in teaching and learning is

film especially animation film. So, the writer chooses the title The Effectiveness of

Using Animation Film as the Medium in Writing Narrative Text. (An Experimental

Study in the Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 SALATIGA) By using

animation film the students will be enthusiastic to study English well.

B. The Statement of the Problems

Based on the above phenomenon, this research is aimed at giving answer the

following problems:

1. Whether the use of animation film as the medium in writing narrative text is

effective in the second grade students of SMP Negeri 03 Salatiga in the academic

year 2013/2014?

2. How far is the effectiveness of using animation film as the medium in writing

narrative text in the second grade students of SMP Negeri 03 Salatiga in the

academic year 2013/2014?

C. The Objectives of the Study

1. To find out whether using animation film as the medium in writing narrative text is

effective in the second grade students of SMP N 03 Salatiga in the academic year


2. To know how far is the effectiveness of using animation film as the medium in

writing narrative text in the Second Grade students of SMP N 03 Salatiga in the

academic year 2013/2014 .

D. The Benefits of the Study

The benefits of this research is expected to be useful as follows:

1. For the Teachers

The findings of the research method can be used as a consideration in selecting

the appropriate method or ways in teaching learning process for junior high school

especially for improve students writing skill. Besides, it can be used to vary such

activities of writing that support and motivate their students.

2. For students

This finding of the research can improve their writing skill and motivate the

students that writing is not difficult.

3. For the Writer

The finding of the reseacher can be used as starting point in improving the

writers teaching ability now and in the future.

4. For the Other Reseachers

The fidings of this research can be used as one of the references in conducting

research on English language teaching, especially in the implementation of the use

of animation film in writing narrative text.

E. The Limitation of The Problem

In order to avoid misinterpretation of the problems, the writer would like to limit

the scope of the study. The writer want to know that animation film as the medium can

improve the students in writing narrative text. The animation film limits with title The

Princess Farmer. This study was conducted in the Second Grade students of SMP

Negeri 3 Salatiga in the academic year 2013/2014.

F. Hypothesis

This research is to answer the question about whether yes or not the

effectiveness of using animation film as the medium in writing narrative text. To get the

answer of question, the reseacher should propose alternative hypothesis(Ha) and null

hypothesis (H0) as below:

(H0) There is no significant difference of using animation film as the medium in writing

narrative text.

(Ha) There is significant difference of using animation film as the medium in writing

narrative text.

G. Review of Previous Research

In this graduating paper, the writer takes review of related literature from the

other graduating papers. One of them is a study by Sri Romadoni (2201403626) in her



SMP 37 Semarang) English Department, Faculty of Language and Art, Semarang State

University. The result of the study was that the students progress during teaching and

learning activities by using narrative film to improve writing was good. The students

achievement in writing improved. It was supported by the improvement of the result

from the pre-test to the post-test.The average scores of the pre-test, first cycle, second

cycle and post-test were subsequently 62.875, 72.125, 74.75 and 79.35. It is suggested

that teachers use cartoon film as an alternative media for teaching narratives. Beside that,


WRITING SKILL OF NARRATIVE TEXT (A case study of teaching English at eleventh

grade students of SMA Negeri 10 Semarang in the academic year of 2006/2007)

English Department, Faculty of Language and Art, Semarang State University. It was

found that since teaching writing of a narrative text by using Brother Bear, a film can

help students develop their writing skill, the writer gave them more exercises on writing

narrative texts of a film.The result of the tests shows that the students scores in the

writing draft I were 64, 3%. It means that the test was not successful. On the other hand,

in the writing of the revision II, the students achievement reached 72, 9%. It means that

the test was successful.

In summary, although some empirical studies have proven that the use of

animation film can be an effective medium in writing narrative text. This studies related to

the use of animation film and writing narrative text need to be conducted. Therefore, this

study would like to investigate the effectiveness of using animation film in writing

narrative text. By doing this study, it is expected to find out whether using animation film

as the medium in writing narrative text and to know how far is the effectiveness of using

animation film as the medium in writing narrative text.

H. The definition of key terms

1. Effectiveness

According to Hornby (1974:277), effectiveness has an effect, able to bring

about the result intend.

2. Animation Film

Animation film is process of giving the illusion of movement to drawings,

models,or animate objects. (in

accesed on Juny 9th, 2013.

3. Writing

Writing is commonly seen as a three-stage process: pre-writing, writing, and

rewriting. (Hamp, Lynons, Heasley, 2006:13).

4. Narrative text

Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people (Wardiman:2008:93)

I. Organization of the research

This paper consists of five chapters. Each chapter will be discussed as follows:

The first part is chapter I, i.e. introduction. In this chapter, the writer presents

background of the study, research of the problem, the purpose of the study, the

benefits of the problem, the limitation of the problem, the definition of key term,

organization of the research.

Chapter II discuss theoritical review. Furthermore this chapter describes in detail

animation film medium: definition of film, animation film, advantages and disadvantages

film , film as audio visual aid in teaching writing, writing narrative text: definition of

writing, process of writing, the prinicple of writing, definition of narrative text, the forms

of narrative text,, the generic structure of narrative text,linguistic features of narrative

text. media in teaching language learning, definition of media, the classification of


Chapter III is methodology of the research. In this chapter the writer explains

research setting, subject of the resesarch, the research method, technique of collecting

data and technique of analyzing the data.

Chapter IV presents research findings, consist of the data analysis and discussion.

Chapter V It covers the conclusion and suggestion proposed by the writer.

The last part is bibliography and appendix.


A. Animation Film as the Medium

1. Definition of film

A film is a visual aids that can be used in writing class. It makes lessons more

fun. It can also be used to create situation for writing classes more clearly, that the

students have big enthusiasm in teaching learning process in writing class (Harmer,


According to Encyclopedia International (1973:112), films is in fact, both an

art form and a medium of mass entertaiment, and in the latter capacity it has had a

significant impact in a sociological sense.

Film can be an effective media in teaching learning process because it

stimulates students both receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills

(speaking and writing). Meanwhile, Azhar (2011:49) defines film as pictures in a

frame where frame by frame is projected through the projector lens mechanically. So

the pictures in the screen looks alive.

2. Animation Film

Animation film are distinguished from live-action ones by unusual kinds of

work that are done at production stages (Bordwell and Thompson 1997:50) .

Animation films do not do continously filming outdoor action in the real time, but

they create series of images by shooting one frame at a time.

Animation film is kind of film which involves sound, recording a series

drawing or manipulating in animate object one frame in one time. When projected,

the sequences of frames take on the sollution of motion. It uses computer graphic in

creating animated image. It teaches students about history, science, human behavior

and any other subjects.

The researcher uses animation film with title The Princess Farmer. It is

appropriate for the students in junior high school because it is interesting for them and

has a simple story. Beside that, the film has a moral value and the language is easier

to be understood. Film can be an effective media in writing teaching. It provides

students in an idea to write, share their opinions in writing and stimulate their interest

in teaching and learning process.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of film in teaching writing

Teaching in general or English teaching in particular is combined effort of

various components to achieve a certain goal. It means that the success of teaching is

not determined by a single component, by the roles of all components involved.

However, in teaching learning process, a teacher needs to bring and apply all

components into classroom.

Harmer (2002:282) states the advantages of using film in teaching and

learning process are:

1) Seeing language-in-use

One of the main advantages of film is that students do not just hear

language, they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension , since for example,

general meaning and moods are often conveyed through expression, gesture,

and other visual clues. Thus we can observe how intonation can match facial

expression. All such paralinguistic feature give valuable meaning clues and help

viewers to see beyond what they are listening to, and thus interpret the text

more deeply.

2) Cross-cultural awareness

A film uniquely allows students a look at situations far beyond their

classrooms. This is especially useful if they want to see, for example, typical

British body language when inviting someone out, or how Americans speak

to waiters. Film is also of great value in giving students a chance to see such

things as what kinds of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear.

3) The power of creation

When students make their own film as media in teaching and learning

process, they are given the potential to create something memorable and

enjoyable. The camera operators and directors suddenly have considerable

power. The task of film-making can provoke genuinely creative and

communicative uses of the language, with students finding themselves doing

new things in English.

4) Motivation

For all of the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an

increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as

well as as hear it, and when this is coupled with interesting task.

According to Azhar (2011:50), he describes that the disadvantages of

using film in teaching and learning process are:

a) Procument of film generally is expensive and cost a lot of time.

b) When the film showed, the pictures will keep changing making all

students are not able follow the information given through the film.

c) Films not always appropriate with the needs and desired learning objective.

4. Film as Audio Visual Aids in Teaching Writing

Writing is one of productive skills that must be learnt in a language

classroom. Learners, engaged in a productive skills task can be come very frustated

when they do not have the word or the grammar they need tho express themselves.

In teaching learning process, teachers are expected to make it more to

interesting through the medium used. Film is one of the media that can be used in

teaching writing, especially in writing narrative text. According to Oemar Hamalik

that was cited from Asnawirs book, good movie or film has some features one thing

is film can arouse students interest.

By using film, teacher can give new atmosphere in their class so that the

students have a big enthusiasm in teaching learning process, besides visual aid can

help students master the material.

B. Writing Narrative text

1. Definition of writing

Writing as one of four language skills is considered a difficult skill because

the researcher should fulfill aspect of writing such as content, organization, purpose,

vocabulary, punctuation and spelling in balance way.

Harmer (2004:31) states that writing is a way to produce language and

express idea, feeling, and opinion. It means that is one speaking representative

through media. Writing is a process that what we write is often heavily influenced

by constraints of genres, than these elements have to presented in learning activities.

Writing as a form of problem solving in which the writer is faced with two

main tasks: a) generating ideas, and b) composing these ideas into a written text that

meets the needs of a reader and effeciently communicates the authors message

(Hamp, Lynons, Heasley, 2006:11).

2. Process of writing

Writing as one of productive skills need a process. Harmer (2004:4) states

that Writing process is the stages that a writer goes through in order to produce

something in its final written form. There are four steps in writing processes:

1) Planning

When planning, the writer has to think about three main issues. In the

first place, they have to think about purpose of their writing since this will

influence not only the type of text the wish to produce , but also the language

they use and the information they choose to include. Secondly, they have to

think about the audience, they are writing for, since this will influence not only

the shape of writing, but also the choice of language. Thirdly, writer has to

consider the content of the structure of the piece that is how best to sequence

the fact, idea or argument which they have decided. This stage called pre-


2) Drafting

The first version of writing called draft. The writer must use the idea

that he generated in the planning as a guide. This stage needs an editing for

checking the text.

3) Editing

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the first try. The

first try is called first draft. Perhaps the order of information is not clear enough

or the discourse marker is wrong. The way to revise and improve the first draft

is called editing.

Editing is essential part of preparing a piece of writing for public

reading or publication. Richards and Willy stated that in editing, the writers

check grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence structure, and accuracy

of supportive textual material such as quotations, examples and the like.

4) Final Version ( Final draft)

One writers have edited their draft, making the changes they consider to

be necessary, they produce their final version. This may look considerably

different from both the original plan and the first draft, because things have

changed in the editing process. But the writer is now ready to send the written

text to its intended audience.

3. Elements of Writing

Harris stated that (1969:68-69) there are four elements of writing,

there are:

a. Mastering Vocabulary/Diction

He stated that vocabularys mastering / diction played an important role

in a language, especially in the writing activity. The choice of vocabulary could

describe the writers knowledge. The number of words that is mastered by a writer

could indicate that he/she mastered a number of concepts, mastery of vocabulary

can improve by reading and listening a lot.

b. Mastering Grammatical Rules / Sentence Structure

Mastering grammatical rules / sentence structure consists of

phonology, morphology and syntax. Phonological rules dont have any roles in the

writing activity, while morphological and syntactical rules play some important

roles in the writing activity, it deals with the effective use of the right affixes,

conjunction, prefixes and composition, the structure of the sentences.

c. Coherence

Coherence means that the writers paragraph is easy to read and

understand because the supporting sentences are in some kind of logical order and

the ideas are connected by use of appropriate transition signals.

d. Spelling

One of the most difficult and confusing aspects of the English language is

spelling system. There is often a discrepancy between the pronunciation of a word

and its spelling. They cannot always know how to spell a word by its pronunciation

or how to pronounce it by its spelling, to avoid this problem, the students are

suggested to open dictionaries before they are going to write.

4. The Principle of Teaching Writing

According to (Fauziati,2002:148) the principles of writing process consist of

two parts they are the product approach and the process approach.

a) The product approach

According to Silvia in Galuh Nur Rahmahs book (2008:15), the

product approach in teaching writing mainly focused on the logical

development construction and arrangement of discourse form. paragraphing,

for example, teach by empasizing the elements of topic sentences.

The product approach inhibited learners with its strict rules of

accuracy and correctness. Therefore, they were afraid of making mistakes

when expressing their ideas. Sometimes the product approach be obstacle

freedom of the students when they are organizing their thoughs and ideas.

Based on explanation above, the writer stated that product approach in

writing simple past tense can help the students to improve their writing

ability, especially when using animation film medium. The students learn

how to make the sentences correctly based on grammatical and the

coherence. So, it can produce a good sentences.

b) The process approach

According to Ferris and Hedgcock in Galuh Rahmahs book (2008:18)

the development of the process approach dates back to the 1980s, especially

in USA educational institutions. The process approach places emphasis on

the writer as the creator of original discourse, focusing particular attention

on his or her procedures for producing and revising text.

The process approach is a recusive process that involves several stages

of rehearsing, drafting, editing and revising. In Galuh Nur Rahmahs book

(2008:19), Zamel states that repeating this process until the meaning is right.

He argues that meaning of his statement is writing involves much more than

studying a particular grammar, analyzing and imitating rhetorical model, or

outlining what one intend to say.

According to lawin (1949:10) he declares that process approach is not

just for the strugglers, better readers and writers also benefit from the

reminder. He finds that more skilled readers and writers often take liberties

with the general structure and modify it to their own liking, to personalize it,

which is exactly what we want all students to do.

In teaching writing, the process approach commonly begins with pre-

writing, the students find any relevant supporting ideas for the topic has

given by the teacher. The next process is drafting, it helps to explore any

ideas at the initial stages of writing process. Another core feature of the

process approach is editing. In this process, the teacher gives feedback to

edit the paragraph. Sometimes, the students also give it another.

The process approach encourages students to perform an experiment

with ideas through writing. The advantages of the process approach change

the students attitude toward writing simple past tense to be better . By using

process approach, the students are responsible for making improvement in

their writing ability.

5. Narrative Text

1) Definition of narrative texts

Narrative is to tell a story or tale that orderly account of events in speech of

writing (Hornsby, 1974:561 ). It is a piece of the text which tells story and, in

doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener.

Nuning Pumamawati ( 2011:5) states that narrative text is an account of

a sequence of events, usually in choronological order. Relating to kinds of text,

which has students complete studying in high school narrative is a text which

retells the story or previous the experiences.

The purpose of a text is to amuse, entertain the reader or listener about

the story. Narrative deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or

turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.

2) The Forms of Narrative Text

Nuning Pumamawati (2011:6-8) states that the common form of narrative

text are:

a. Legend

A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by

teller and listeners to take place within human his story. Typically a legend,

is a short, traditional and historicized narrative performed in a

conversational mode. Example: The Legend of Toba Lake, Sangkuriang,

and Timun Mas.

b. Fable

A fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point,

traditionally by means of animal characters who speak like act like human

beings. Example the Ants and Grasshopper, The smartest parrot, etc.

c. Fairy tale

A fairy tale typically features like flokloric characters as fairies,

goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants or gnomes and usually magic or

enchantments. Example Snow White, Cinderella, The story of Rapunzel.

d. Science Fiction

Science fiction is fiction based upon some imagined development

of science, or upon the extrapolation of a tendency in society. Science

fiction is that class of prose narrative treating of a situation that could not

arise in the world we know. Some examples of science fiction are: To the

Moon from Earth by Jules Verne and Space Odyssey by Arthur C.Clarke.

3) The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

According to Wardiman (2002:98) the steps for constructing a narrative

text are:

1. Orientation

It is about the opening paragraph where the sets, the scane and the

character of the story are introduced. It usually answer the questions


2. Complication

It is a series of complication or where the problems in the story


3. Resolution

Where the problems in the story is solved. The problem maybe

resolved for better or worse happily or unhappily.

4) Language Features of Narrative Texts

Pumamawati (2011:11-13) states that language features of narrative text


a. Using processed verb

b. Using temporal conjunction example: one day, a week, later, then long time,

long time ago, when, etc.

c. Using simple past tense example: lived, stayed

d. Using noun pharase example: long black hair

e. Using pronouns example: I, me, they, their, it, its, etc.

f. Using nouns example: tree, road, stepsister, housework

g. Using saying verb example: said, told, promised

C. Medium in language Teaching Learning

1. Definition of media

The word media derivers from latin medias that between or mediator. In

arabic media is ( (intermediary or mediator a message from sender to receiver


In addition, Gagne and Briggs (2008:4) cited on Arsyad Azhars book said

that medium is device used deliver content of material which includes some of

books, recorder, video, film, photograph, picture, television, computer. In other

words, medium is a component of learning resource or physical vehicle that

contain instructional material on students environment that can stimulate student to


2. Classification of Media

There are a lot of media in teaching and learning processes. Nasution (2005:

102 ) classifies media into 5 types, those are:

1. Blackboard

This teaching tool is very popular, used by traditional or modern school

and can be combined with other teaching tools such as radio, TV. Tool is used

in every method of teaching. Blackboard can be used for writing that makes

pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps and so on with white or coloured chalk.

2. Picture

Picture can be collected from various sources such as calendars,

magazines, newspapers, phamplets from travel agents, and etc.

3. Models

Models can be imitation of real objects such as models cars, trains,

houses, animals etc.

4. Collection

Various collection can be organized as a variety of textiles, stones, dry

leaves, currency, stamps, etc.

5. Map and Globe

Geography and history lessons will be crippled without a map. Kinds of

maps shall be provided on each part of the world, also our economy, population

and so forth.

While Azhar (2011:33) divides media into two categories:

1. Traditional media

a. Visual silence that projected

- Opaque projection (Invisibility)

- Overhead projection

- Slides

- Filmstrips

b. A visual that not projected

- Picture, poster

- Photos

- Charts, graphs, Diagrams,

- Exhibitions, information boards

c. Audio

- Recording disc

- Cassette tape, reel, cartridge

d. Multimedia presentation

- Slide plus noise (tape)

- Multi-image

e. A dynamic visual which is projected

- Film

- Television

- Video

f. Print
- Textbooks
- Module, programmed texts

- Scientific magazines, period

- Loose-leaf

g. Game
- Puzzle

- Simulation

- Board game

h. Realia

- Model

- Specimen (sample)

- Manipulative (maps, dolls)

2. The latest media technology

a. Media based on Technology

- Teleconference

- Distance school

b. Media based on microprocessor

- Computer assisted instruction

- Computer game

- Intellegence tutor system

- Interactive

- Hypermedia

- Compact (Video) disc



A. General Description of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

Based on the writers research, the profile of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga is as


1) The Profile of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

Name of School : SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

SK : 443/C/Kep/I/1993

Statistic number : 201036201003

Address : Stadion street No 4, Sidomukti, Salatiga 50721


E-mail :

Phone : (0298) 326260, 313,721

Fax : (0298) 326260

Build : August 1st , 1954

Day School : Monday-Saturday ( 07.00-12.50)

Headmaster : Drs. Bambang Subiyakto M.pd.

2) Vision and Mission of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga:

a. Vision of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

The visions of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga are as follows:

Race achievement, Pioneer in technology and model in attitude to create

SEGAR ( Santun, Energik, Gembira, Arif, Reevaluasi) in SMP Negeri 3


b. Mission of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

The missions of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga are as follows:

1) Improve the learning motivation

2) Develop the graduation quality

3) Create smart, competent and creative generation who has nationality

4) Create familial spirit and best achievement

5) Create harmonies condition and good emotion and intellectual to reach the

goal of national education

c. Organization structure

Organization structure of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the Academic year


Table 3.1

The Organization Structure of

SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

Drs. BambangSubiyakto, M.Pd

Committee Dept. of Dept. of Dept. of Dept. of

Curriculum Students Administration Counseling

Slamet Teguh Hj. Tri Indriyati Dra.

Riyadi, SH Sugiyarto, Mulyani, Triningsih, Nurhayati
S.Pd S.pd SE

Deputy of Deputy of Public Relation Infrasrtucture

Curriculum Students

Widodo, S.S Slamet Endang Tiyono, S.Pd

Riyadi, S.Pd Srinawa, S.Pd

Room Teacher of VII Room Teacher of VIII Room Teacher of IX

d. The Situation of Educational Facilities

Table 3.2
Infrastructures of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year 2013/2014
No Name Size (M2) Condition Total
1. Classroom 2583 Good 24
2. Library 84 Good 1
3. Laboratory 88 Good 1
4. Art and culture room 84 Good 2
5 Multimedia 72 Good 2
6 Aula 243 Good 1
7 Headmaster room 112 Good 1
8 Vice chairman room 24 Good 1
9 Teacher office 144 Good 1
10 Administration Office 72 Good 1
11 Storeroom 24 Good 2
12 Kitchen 20 Good 1
13 Teachers Toilet 30 Good 5
14 Students Toilet 6 Good 10
15 BK room 42 Good 1
16 UKS room 18 Good 1

17 OSIS room 25 Good 1
18 KOPERASI room 35 Good 1
19 Mosque 64 Good 1
20 Canteen 25 Good 3
21 Post Security 4 Good 1
22 Parking Area 46 Good 1
23 Sport Field 492 Good 1
24 Ceremony Field 1476 Good 1
Total Area 7218
e. The Situation of Teacher and Staff

a) Teacher

Table 3.3

The Teacher of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in Academic Year 2013/2014

No Kode Name Subject

1. BG Drs.Bambang Subiyakto, M.pd Headmaster
2. TM Hj. Tri Mulyani, S.Pd History
3. TG Teguh Sugiyarto, S.Pd Physic
4. DJ H.Darodji, S.Ag Islam Relegion
5. HY Sri Haryanto, S.PdI Islam Relegion
6. JM Jumadi, S.Th. Christian Relegion
7. YU Yuliana, S.Pd Chatolic Relegion
8. NH Hj. Nurul Hastuti, S.Pd PKn
9. BD Budiarto, S.Pd.M.Si PKn
10. DY Dwi Estuningdyas, S.Pd Indonesian Language
11. ED Endang Srinowo D, S.Pd Indonesian Language
12. AM Siti Aminah, S.Pd Indonesian Language
13. DW Dewi Wardah, S.Pd Indonesian Language
14. RS Retno Setyowati, S.Pd Indonesian Language
15. DR Dwi Retno BW,S.Pd Mathematic

16. JS Jusmaniar, S.Pd Mathematic
17. AA Anastasia Tri Astuti, S.Pd Mathematic
18. YN Hj. Sri Mulyani,S.Pd Mathematic
19. AP Anik Prihati,S.Pd Mathematic
20. IK Ika Rismanawati, S.Pd Mathematic
21. PR Patricia RK, S.Pd Mathematic
22. CA Chatarina TSR, S.Si Physic
23. IS Ismanto A.Md.Pd Physic
24. EP Dra.Endang Pratiwi TP Biology
25. JH Johan Ananto TL, S.Pd Biology
26. RW Retno wigati, S.Pd Biology
27. RN Eleanore Harini S.Pd History/PKn/TIK
28. TA Titik Anggrahini, S.Pd Geography
29. GI Drs.Giyono, S.Pd Geography
30. DP Danny Pranindyo, S.Pd Economy/Geography
31. KR Kristanto Adni, S.Pd Economy/TIK
32. CH Chomsatun, S.Pd English
33. HA Hariyati, S.Pd.MP.d English
34. YT Yulia Triwahyuni, S.Pd English
35. DS Dik Sindu, S.Pd English
36. AD Aditya Ibnu Nugroho,S.Pd English
37. WI Widodo, S.S Javanese Language
38. RT Y Rini Tri P, S.Pd Javanese Language
39. EN Eny Setyowati,S.Pd Javanese Language
40. EL Elly Maharani Shakti,S.Pd Art and Culture
41. AN Sri Andewi DA,S.Pd Art and Culture
42. MP Monica Diah P, S.Sn Art and Culture
43. SM Sri Mulyaningsih Sport
44. SL Slamet Riyadi,S.Pd Sport
45. LS Leni Septiyani, S.Pd Sport

46. EH Endro Harlon,SH Electronics
47. TY Tiyono S.Pd Electronics
48. NU Dra.Wst Nurhayati BK
49. SM Sri mulyaningsih BK
50. DT Dewi Prawasti,S.Pd BK
51. AK Ari Sungkono,S.Pd BK
52. PM Dwi Puji M,S.Kom TIK

b) .Staffs

Table 3.4
Staff of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in Academi Year 2013/2014
M M I 2 3 1 L
1 Administrati Indriyati Triningsih 4 2 1 7
on S.Pd
2 Library Retno 2 2
3 Laboratory Sugiarti 1 1
4 Canteen Sularno 1 1
5 Security Daryono 1 1
6 Gardener Slamet 4 4

f. The situation of the students

The total numbers of students SMP Negeri 3 salatiga are 688 students.

They come from various areas with different background, age, relegion, economic

status and charecteristic. The tables below are summary of the data.

Table 3.5

Family Background of Students SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year


1. PNS 18,3
2. TNI/POLRI 8,3
3. Farmer 5,8
4. Swasta 49,2
5. Wiraswasta 15,6
6. Politicion(DPR) 0,2
7. Village Official 0,4
8. Fisherman 2,2

Table 3.6

The Name of Subject in the research

Experiment Group Control Group

No Name No Name
1 Ananda Bagas 1 Abdul Fuad Wahid Khosim
2 Arsya Prahassani 2 Aldo Rabil Muslim
3 Danis Syahroni 3 Asna Afifatun Nisa
4 Elena Alfiyanti 4 Awlinda Dea Kusumandaru
5 Elsa Alfina Damayanti 5 Bangun Nur Sidqi
6 Firman Hadi Kamula 6 Dani Susanto
7 Gassania Naufal Fauziah 7 Gagah Ariprabowo
8 Hadit Hidayad 8 Hanifah Indrawati
9 Ina Barina 9 Kurniati Arum Sari
10 Iqmahanis Afisa 10 Lilik Latifah
11 Lilis Handayani 11 Listiana Vala Wardani

12 M.Abdul Cholik 12 Ludfiana Anggita
13 M.Alvin Ardiyansyach 13 Marino Firaj Kausar
14 Meila Nuraini 14 Maudy Febiana
15 Muhamad Iqbal 15 M. Kharil Fadzaki
16 Ratna Diah Utari 16 Nurnina Ulfa Damayanti
17 Rezza Aditya Putra 17 Rahayu Anis Khikmawati
18 Salsabila Jihan Syifa 18 Reynaldi Syah
19 Saskia Dilaila Oktianafi 19 Riski Abdul Fatah
20 Sastiya Rahmawati 20 Rizal Fatahillah
21 Tri Wahyuningsih 21 Widia Sukma Sari
22 Wulan Mayang 22 Wildan Eko Vergiawan
23 Yowan Alex Renaldo
24 Yusack Arya Bramasta

B. Research Method

Research can be defined as the process of problems solving. To solve the

problem, the researcher needs a method. The method of research that used in this study

is experimental research. According to Arikunto (1990: 272), Experiment research is a

research method used for finding the effects of treatments towards another in a controlled


Experimental research including in quantitative research variants. Allaga and

Gunderson (2002:1) describes that quantitative research is explaining phenomena by

collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods (in

particular statistics).

1. Essential characteristics of experimental research

There are some essential characteristics of experiment research according to

Jack R. Fraenkeland and Norman E. Wallen (2008: 262):

a. Comparison of group

An experiment usually involves two groups of subjects, an experimental

group and a control or a comparison group, although it is possible to conduct an

experiment with only one group (by providing all treatments to the same

subjects)or with three or more groups. The experimental group receives a

treatment of some sort (such as a new textbook or a different method of teaching),

while the control group receives no treatment (or the comparison group receives a

different treatment). The control or the comparison group is crucially important in

all experimental research, for it enables the researcher to determine whether one

treatment is more effective than another.

b. Manipulation of the independent variable

The researcher deliberately and directly determines what form the

independent variable will take and then which group will get which form. For

example, if the independent variable in a study is the amount of enthusiasm an

instructor displays, a researcher might train two teachers to display different

amounts of enthusiasm as they teach their classes.

Although many independent variables in education can be manipulated,

many others cannot. Examples of independent variables that can be manipulated

include teaching method, type of counseling, learning activities, assignment given,

and materials used. Examples of independent variables that cannot be manipulated

include gender, ethnicity, age, and religious preference.

c. Randomization

An important aspect of many experiments is random assignment of subjects

to groups. Although there are certain kinds of experiments in which random

assignment is not possible, researcher try to use randomization whenever feasible.

It is a crucial ingredient in the best kinds of experiments. Random assignment is

similar but not identical. Random assignment means that every individual who is

participating in an experiment has an equal chance of being assigned to any of the

experimental or control conditions being compared. Random selection, on the

other hand, means that every member of a population has an equal chance of

being selected to be a member of the sample. Under random assignment, each

member of the sample is given a number and a table of random numbers is then

used to select the members of the experimental and control groups.

According to Jack R. Fraenkeland and Norman E. Wallen (2008: 263):

Three aspects should be noted about random assignment of subjects to


It takes place before the experiment begins

It is a process of assigning or distributing individuals to groups, not a result of

such distribution

The use of random assignment allows the researcher to forms groups at the

beginning of the study. They differ only by chance in any variables of interest.

C. Object of the researchs

1. Population

According to Arikunto (2010: 173), the population is all members of the

research subject. The researcher takes population in the second grade students of

SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the academic year of 2013/2014. The population of the

students in the second grade of SMP Negeri 3 are 225 students, which is consist of

nine classes.

2. Sample

Sample is a part of population representative which is researched Arikunto

(2010: 174). The researcher only takes two classes, they are VIII-D that consist of

22 students and VIII-I that consist of 24 students, one class as the experiment class

and the other class as the control class. The reason why researcher takes the two

classes because of the recomendation of English teacher in SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga.

D. Technique of Data Collection

Data Collection is done by observing a situation, setting or interaction using the

constructed instrument ( Muijs:2004:56). In this reseach, the data is taken from:

1. Test

Test are generally prepared, administered, and scored by one teacher (Harris,


To know more the details of the test accomplished, the researcher put in plain

words below:

1). Pre-Test

This test can be called as the pre-test before the treatment of this

research. The pre test is aimed is to know the students mastery in writing

materials before the treatments carried out. In the testing process, the students

have to write a narrative text themselves. This result of the test became the

evaluation before the use of animation film as the medium in writing narrative

text is applied in the class.

2). Post-Test

Post test is done after the students get different treatments (VIII-I class

is taught by using animation film and VIII-D is taught without animation film).

From the score of this test, the researcher is intended to find out the effectiveness

of using animation film as the medium in writing narrative text. The result of the

scoring then is compared with pre-test. In this case, the reseacher knows how far

is the the effectiveness of using animation film as the medium in writing narrative


2. Documentation

Hopkins (1993:140) stated that document surrounding curriculum or other

educational concern can illumine rationale and purpose in interesting ways. The use

of such material can provide background information and understanding what issues

that would not otherwise be available. The documentary kind of data that consist of

notes, book transcript, newspaper, magazine, meeting, summary, agenda and so on.

This method used to know the condition of students and teacher, structure of school

organization, profile, and location of school..

E. Technique of data analysis

The purpose of data analysis is to know the effectiveness of using

animation film medium in writing narrative text in the second grade students of

SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in academic year of 2013/2014.

To analyze the data from the test, researcher conducts some steps:

a) To find out the rate of average of pre test (x) and the rate of post test (y) the

researcher uses formula:

: total score of pre test

y : total score of post test

N : total number of respondent (students)

b) To find out the deviation standard the researcher uses a formula:

SD =

SD = Standard Deviation
D = difference between pre test and post test
N = the number of sample
c) To find out the significance between x and y by calculate t hitung (uji-t), the

researcher uses this formula, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the

method used in the learning process, the formula is:

to =


to = T test

SD = SD for one sample t test

D = difference between pre test and post test

N = the number of observation in one sample.



A. Data Analysis

In this chapter the researcher has done the process of pre-test, experiment

treatment and post-test. After finishing that process, the writer calculated the

significant difference between two means, test of significance, and difference of

averege scores (mean) between experiment and control class. This proccess was as


Pre-test Treatment Post- test

Pre test was given to both of control and experiment class, in order to

measure how the condition of two classes before treatment. Both of classes got

same pre test, namely write a story. After doing the pre test, the researcher

conducts the experiment treatment. The teacher taught the experiment class by

using animation film (The Princess Farmer) and taught control class without

animation film. At the end of learning process, the teacher gave post test to the

two classes. They have to write the story again. It was conducted in order to

analyze how far is students get understand about the text. The research was

carried out during a month from July 10th to 27st July 2013.

Table 4.1

The learning process can be seen as the table follow:


1. First Meeting 1. First Meeting
Teacher gave pre-test for Teacher gave pre-test for students
2. Second Meeting ( with treatment) 2. Second Meeting (without treatment)

Teacher asked the students Teacher asked the students about

about narrative texts that they narrative texts that they had
had known. known.
Teacher explained about the Teacher explained about the

social purpose, generic social purpose, generic structure,

structure, and language features and language features of narrative

of narrative text. text.

The teacher showed some The teacher gave a narrative text.

animation film. Teacher and students discussed
Teacher and students discussed
about difficult words, generic
about the difficult words,
structure, and language features
generic structure, and language
of narrative text.
features from the film .

3. Third meeting. 3. Third meeting.

Teacher made review about Teacher made review about the
the previous lesson. previous lesson.
Teacher gave post- test for Teacher gave post-test for
students. students
Teacher analyzed the result of Teacher analyzed the result of
study. study.

B. Arithmatical Calculation

Table 4.2

The Score of Experiment Group

No Name Pre Test Post Test D

Score Score

1 Ananda Bagas 47 60 13 169

2 Arsya 61 78 17 289
3 Danis Syahroni 36 65 29 841

4 Elena Alfiyanti 51 66 15 225

5 Elsa Alfina 70 80 10 100

6 Firman Hadi 40 67 27 729
7 Gassania 50 59 9 81
Naufal Fauziah
8 Hadit Hidayad 38 57 19 361

9 Ina Barina 62 74 12 144

10 Iqmahanis 44 70 26 676
11 Lilis 57 67 10 100
12 M.Abdul 35 60 25 625
13 M.Alvin 52 67 15 225
14 Meila Nuraini 67 75 8 64

15 Muhamad 35 66 31 961
16 Ratna Diah 67 78 11 121
17 Rezza Aditya 56 64 8 64
18 Salsabila Jihan 52 62 10 100

19 Saskia Dilaila 43 61 18 324
20 Sastiya 48 77 29 841
21 Tri 62 74 12 144
22 Wulan Mayang 41 68 27 729
23 Yowan Alex 53 70 17 289
24 Yusack Arya 44 66 22 484
Total 1211 1631 420 8686

Mean 50.45 67.95

Table 4.3
The Score of Control Group
No Name Pre test Post test D
Score score

1 Abdul fuad 40 46 6 36
wahid khosim
2 Aldo rabil 54 60 6 36
3 Asna afifatun 35 53 18 324
4 Awlinda dea 45 50 5 25
5 Bangun nur 50 57 7 49
6 Dani susanto 35 45 10 100

7 Gagah 54 68 14 196
8 Hanifah 46 67 21 441
9 Kurniati arum 58 54 -4 16
10 Lilik latifah 67 70 3 9

11 Listiana vala 38 50 12 144


12 Ludfiana 49 50 1 1
13 Marino firaj 55 65 10 100
14 Maudy febiana 66 70 4 16

15 M. Kharil 40 56 16 256
16 Nurnina ulfa 63 66 3 9
17 Rahayu anis 60 63 3 9
18 Reynaldi syah 51 65 14 196

19 Riski abdul 55 58 3 9
20 Rizal fatahillah 35 40 5 25

21 Widia sukma 47 52 5 25
22 Wildan eko 65 70 5 25
Total 1108 1275 167 2047

Mean 50.36 57.95

1. Mean

a) Pre test of experiment class

x 5

b) Pre test of control class


c) Post test of experiment class

x 95

d) Post test of control class

y 7.95

2. Deviation Standard

a) Experiment class

According to the data from the table, the writer calculated Standard Deviation

of pre-test and post-test of experiment class.

SD =

= 7.46

b) Control class

SD =

= 5.95

2. T- test Calculation

After the writer calculated Deviation Standard , t-test calculations are;

a) Experiment class

to =


= 11.2

b) Control class

to =

= 5.88

A. Discussion

In this section, the writer analyzed the data which had been collected and then

described the result of the research.

In the first meeting of the two classes, the teacher gave a pre test for students.

They were difficult to write on the blank paper and said there were no idea.

In the second meeting (learning process), the control class was taught without

animation film. So as usual, almost of students did not pay their attention to the

teachers explanation. They feel bored because the teacher used traditional method to

explain the story. On the other hand, the experiment class (which was taught by

animation film medium) the students were more enthusiastic and more interesting in

learning process.

In the last meeting, after the treatment was given, the students of experiment

class were easier to write than control class in doing the post test. It happened

because animation films medium could be seen as the guidance in arranging the

events of the story. So, it made them get higher score in post test than control class.

The result of the research can be seen as the table follows:

No Result Experiment Class Control Class

1 Mean of

a. Pre test 50.45 50.36

b. Post test
67.95 56.95

2 Standard Deviation 7.46 5.95

3 T Test 11.2 5.88

From the table above, it can be seen that there is no significant difference in

pre test score of the two classes. After the teacher gave the treatment to experiment

class, it can be seen that there is significant improvement from pre test to post test

mean of experiment class (50.45 to 67.95). The students imagination is built by

watching film. They are easier to express their idea in writing.

On the other hand, there is no significant improvement from pre test to post

test mean of control class (50.36 to 56.95). It could happen because the students were

given traditional method by the teacher.

From the T test result, it can be seen that the experiment class get higher

score (11.2) than the control class (5.88). It means that there is significant difference

between the two classes. Thus, based on the above explanation, the writer concludes

that using animation film medium is effective in writing narrative text. The animation

film medium can help students to write easier.

According to the explanation about the analysis of the result on the table

above based on the research at the second year students of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, it

can be inferred that writing narrative text using animation film is better than that of

without animation film. Furthermore, the students who learned writing narrative text

through animation film medium and those who are not have such a significant

difference that the students writing scores taught by using animation film are higher

than those who are not given treatment.

From the research finding, it can be concluded that using animation film

medium can motivate students to engage in language learning. (Harmer, 2001:282)

states that film is a visual aids that can be used in writing class. It makes lessons more

fun. It can also be used to create situation for writing classes more clearly, that the

students have big enthusiasm in teaching learning process in writing class.

Briefly, the writing achievement in the experiment class has proven that

animation film medium can be good method in developing writing narrative text. In

addition, the positive finding of this reseach is in line with the previous research done

by Retno Ayu Murwarni Puspitasari with the title THE USE OF ANIMATION




In Retno ayus research, it is found that the use of animation movies gives positive

effect to the improvement of students in writing narrative text.



A. Conclusion

Based on the previous theoretical review and data analysis, the inference of

this graduating paper are drawn as follows.

1. The students writing skill of class which is taught by using animation film

medium (experiment class) shows significant improvement. As the finding result

shows in pre test to post test mean of experiment class (50.45 to 67.95). The

students in experiment class are more enthusiastic and more interested in the

teaching learning process because the teacher uses animation film medium in her

explanation. From the animation film medium, the students can understand about

the story line. They get new vocabularies, learnt about how to construct a

sentence grammatically and arrange the events in the story. Different from control

class, the researcher finds that there is no significant improvement of students

writing skill in class which is not taught by using animation film. It can be

proved by pre test to post test mean of control class (50.36 to 56.95). It could

happen because the teacher uses traditional method when she is explaining the

materials by verbal explanation, so that most of students are in their own

business because they feel bored in the classroom. The students are not

enthusiastic in learning process.

2. The increasing precentage students who pass in writing test from pre test to post

test(experiment class) is about 25% to 91.66%, whereas the control class is about

22.72% to 45.45%. Based on the T test analysis, the class which is taught by

using animation medium (experiment class) get higher score than the class which

is not (control class) with result 11.2 and 5.88 respectively. In other word, the

using of animation film medium makes students learn English easily. The

students feel happy in learning process and they can share their ideas

anthusiastically in the form of writing.

B. Suggestion

At the end of this chapter, the writer would like to propose some suggestions,

which hopefully would be useful for the English teachers, students, researcher, and

other reseachers.

1. For English teachers

Using animation film medium in writing narrative text is recomended as

an alternative way for English teacher, especially for junior high school teacher to

attract the students interest and motivation in learning English.

2. For the students

a. Writing is important subject to be learnt. But, most of students have difficulties

in producing written text. Therefore, students have to be serious and pay

attention to the teachers explanation in teaching and learning process.

b. To improve writing ability, the students have to develop their knowledge and

do many exercises in order to get a better achievement in producing written


3. For researcher

The researcher can develop her knowledge in English teaching. The

Animation film is not only the one method to improve students speaking skill.

There are other methods which can use to improve students writing skill.

4. For another researcher

The result of this research can be a reference for another researcher who

wants to conduct a research about teaching writing.


Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1990.Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

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Rineka Utama.
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(in ) accesed on Juny 9th, 2013).


( RPP )

Sekolah : SMP N 03 Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VIII / 1I (Dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 12 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional
dan essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan
narative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
Kompetensi Dasar : 12. 2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika essay
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkunan sekitar berbentuk
narative teks
Indikator : Menulis teks pendek dan sederhana dalam bentuk
narative dengan langkah retorika yang benar
Jenis Teks : Teks tulis
Aspek / Skills : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat menulis text
pendek dan sederhana dalam bentuk narative
dengan langkah retorika yang benar
Materi Pembelajaran :
Mantus Little Elephant
Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the jungle where elephants helped the
men with their work.These elephants were so big and strong. They could lift up the
heaviest logs with their trunks and toss them high in the air.
Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. His name was Opie. He was just
a baby and Mantu loved him very much. Mantu whispered to Opies ear that someday
he would become the biggest, strongest and bravest elephant in the jungle. The other

elephants heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises with their trunks.
Were so big and tall, but youre so small. Youre nothing at all, said one of the big
Mantu looked up at the huge elephant with a mishievous glint in his eye.
Youre so tall and can see far away. We can see what is happening down here in the
jungle. In fact, we would be the first to see any slithering snakes that may be a danger.
After hearing the word snakes, the elephants screechedand off they gwents
thundering in fright.
Did I say there were snakes? giggled Mantu. No, I dont think so, smiled
Opie. Mantu then climbed upon his little friends back and went home to the village to
tell everyone about the foolish elephants.
Adapted from: 50 Bedtime Stories, 2002

Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people.

Social Function
To amuse, and entertain the readers or listeners about the history

Language features :

Focus on specific Participants

Use past tense.
Use conjunction (and, then, after that, next, etc) Also Temporal conjunction,
like: once upon a time, one day, long time ago,
Generic structure
It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of
the story are introduced.

Where the problems in the story developed.
Where the problems in the story is solved.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran :
1. Kegiatan awal
- Greeting
- Doa
- Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari.
2. Kegiatan inti
- Guru memberikan contoh text narrative berjudul Little Mantus untuk dipahami
- Secara acak guru meminta siswa untuk membaca teks yang telah diberikan.
- Guru menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah retorika text narative meliputi Social
function, Generic structure dan Langauge features
- Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok
- Siswa mencari generic structure, language features dan kata-kata yang sulit.
- Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan secara bersama-sama
3. Kegiatan akhir
- Guru menyimpulkan materi
- Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama PBM
- Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membuat sebuah text narrative yang mereka

Sumber Belajar : Buku English Focus 2: For Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTS)
Media Pembelajaran: Bacaan littles mantus, Spidol, papan tulis
Exercise : Write a narrative text that do you have known.
Do your self and do the best!
Pedoman Penilaian:
Kesesuaian isi Generic structure Variasi kosa Tanda baca
dengan tema kata


(1-20) (1-20) (1-50) (1-10)

Nilai peserta didik = 20+ 20 + 50+10

= 100
Salatiga, 23 Juli 2013
Mengetahui, Observer
Guru Bahasa Inggris

Hariyati, S.Pd,M.Pd Durotul Yatimah

NIP.19700704 199802 2 006 NIM.11309089

( RPP )

Sekolah : SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII / 1I (Dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 12 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional
dan essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan
narative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
Kompetensi Dasar : 12. 2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika
essay pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkunan sekitar berbentuk
narative teks
Indikator : Menulis teks pendek dan sederhana dalam bentuk
narative dengan langkah retorika yang benar
Jenis Teks : Teks tulis
Aspek / Skills : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat menulis text
pendek dan sederhana dalam bentuk narative dengan
langkah retorika yang benar.
Materi Pembelajaran :
The Princess Farmer
A Bhili folktale. Kansari was the daughter of a powerful king. Although she
was a princess, she had always wanted to be a farmer when she was a child. This
made her father angry. And when she grew up her father ordered her to leave the
palace. I want you to experience how difficult life is outside the palace. Only then
will you come to your senses he said angrily.

So, Kansari packed the seeds that she had collected throughout her childhood.
And went to live in the woods. She built a little hut and began planting seeds in the
nearby field. It was hard work but Kansari had help from her three new friends, a
cat, a parrot, and a spider. The cat hunted rats in the field. The spider took care of the
hut and parrot flew around the kingdom and brought back the latest news. They all
become good friends and lived together happily.
It was not long before everyone in the kingdom was talking about Kansaris
lush farm. This made the king farious and he went to Indra. The kingdom of the gods.
The king requested to Indra to help him as he wanted to teach his daughter a lesson
leave to me I will send down a drought.All the crops will dry up and quickly,
recounted it to Kansari and her friends then moved their crops to a damp riverbed.
When the drought took place all the crops in the kingdom dried up. But, Kansaris
crops survived. Indra saw this and stracthed his head. I will send down a flood that
should stop Kansari, he said . But again, the parrot overhead Indra.
This time Kansari along with her friends, planted their crops an the slope of a
hill. When the flood came it drowned all the kingdom. Kansaris crop were the only
ones t hat survived, because the excess water simply flowed downhill. I will send
hundreds of rats, Indra decided, but the parrot told the cat of Indras plan wonderful!.
I will call my cat friends for a feast! Purred the cat. Soon the cats had eaten every
single rat in the field. By now, Indra was at his wits end. I will send birds!, she can
not save her crops from birds, he said. But, the spider called her spider friends and
they wove sticky webs above the crops. When the birth attacked the crops, they were
stuck in the sticky web the crops were saved once again. By now, the king had bigger
problems. The drought and the flood had destroyed all the crops in the kingdom
people were starvin.
The king went to Indra for hel. You do not need my help, your daughter
kansari is already feeding your people! said Indra. He took the king to the woods.
There he saw Kansari and her friends giving away sacks of grain to everyone. The
king felt ashamed of himself and proud of his daughter There are nobler things then
just living in a palace, do not you agree? asked Indra. The king begged his daughter
for forgiveness and requested her to came back to the palace.

She gave her father but, did not return to the palace. She stayed in her hut,
besides her fields living happily with her friend. Kansari later became known as the
princess farmer.
Langkah Pembelajaran:
1. Kegiatan awal
- Greeting
- Doa
- Mereview social function, generic structure dan ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari text
2. Kegiatan inti
Eksplorasi dan Konfirmasi
- Guru memutarkan animasi film yang berjudul The Princess Farmer
- Siswa di minta untuk mencatat ketika film berlangsung
- Guru meminta siswa untuk bekerja secara berkelompok
- Siswa mencari generic structure, language features dan kata-kata yang sulit
- Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan secara bersama-sama
3.Kegiatan akhir
- Guru menyimpulkan materi
- Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama PBM
- Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membuat text narrative sesuai film yang mereka lihat.
Sumber Belajar : Video Animasi Film (Internet)
Media Pembelajaran: LCD, Spidol, papan tulis.
Exercise : Write a narrative story based on film that you have been watched Do
your self and do the best!
Pedoman Penilaian :
Kesesuaian isi dengan Generic structure Variasi kosa kata Tanda baca

(1-20) (1-20) (1-50) (1-10)

Nilai peserta didik = 20+ 20 + 50+10
= 100

Salatiga, 26 Juli 2013

Guru Bahasa Inggris Observer

Hariyati, S.Pd,M.Pd Durotul Yatimah

NIP.19700704 199802 2 006 NIM.11309089


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