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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift: Stat Growth Chart by Synangel

Version: 1.0 | Last Updated: 2008-07-17 | View/Download Original File

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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Stat Growth Guide
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By: Synangel (dragoon19911)
Version 1.0
[1.0] Contents
[1.0] Contents
[2.0] Whats new?
[2.1] Whats in this guide
[3.0] Explination of the charts
[3.1] Hume Stat growths
[3.2] Viera Stat growths
[3.3] Bangaa Stat growths
[3.4] Nu Mou Stat growths
[3.5] Moogle Stat growths
[3.6] Seeq Stat growths
[3.7] Gria Stat growths
[4.0] FAQ
[4.1] Legal
[5.0] Credits, and contact me
[2.0] Whats new?
Version 1.0: Removed the stat recommendations because they got in the way of
the charts. Also changed a racial slur that i used not knowing
that it may offend. If anyone was offended i am deeply sorry.
Stat recommendations will be added to the FAQ when i have more
Version 0.9: Added Fancy ASCII tag, finilized names, and added a couple of
questions. And a rating under each stat, only for humes right now
And a few more FAQ questions.
Version 0.5: Added legal section, Cleaned up format, corrected a big job flaw
|!!!Notice!!!Prior to version 0.5 i accidentaly had the hume job |
|seer listed as Warrior, sorry for any confusion i caused |
Version 0.4: Added new Sites able to post this guide, also corrected some of
the job names. I was alerted to a possible M.ATT and M.RES error
in the charts, so i am now looking into that...
Version 0.3: The guide now conforms to an 80 line margin -.-
Version 0.2: Added To Do list, and changed Job names To english Versions
(Some are still wrong, email me if you have them)

Version 0.1: Initial WriteUp

[2.1] Whats in this guide?
This guide is for use with Final fantasty Tactics A2 (or
advanced 2) for the DS. This lists the amount of points added to each
unit when they level up, and are a certain Job . this can be used to
help better make your character. One thing to keep in mind, if you
start your character off as a mage, and level him up, there is no
point in making him a fighter later, because you have been working on
his MP and his Magick attack.

This guide is Usable for all versions of Final fantasy Tactics A2,
I have confired the japanese versions are the same as the English one.
[3.0] Explination of the charts
As terrance states:
First, quick explanation on how I'm going to lay this data out. Each
Job has a Base and a Growth for their main 7 stats: HP, MP, WAtk, WDef
MPow, MRes and Spd. The first number listed next to each stat is the
Base. The second number is the Growth.

The Base is the stat they begin with when they join at L1. This appears
to have no variance at all, and does not change. Please also note that
WAtk, WDef, MPow and MRes are stored as *fractions*. The value you see
in the game is 25% of the character's actual value. So a Soldier has a
base WDef of 84 at L1, but this will appear as 21 ingame.

Every level, their stats grow. There is a difference between how Spd
and the rest of the stats grow.
Normal Stats
The Growth is the base amount the stat will increase by. This growth
also has a Variance, which is equal to: [(Growth + 9) / 10]. So for
a Growth of 1 to 10, the Variance is 1; from 11 to 20, the Variance
is 2, and so on.

Every level, the stat will increase by Growth. However, there is a 1

in 3 chance that you will get a lesser increase (Growth - Variance)
and a 1 in 3 chance that you will get a greater increase (Growth +

The maximum value you can have in these stats is 999. Note that this
includes the hidden WAtk/WDef/MPow/MRes stats: they'll climb to 249.75
naturally and then won't grow any higher. You'll need bonuses from
equipment, weapons and other things to take it higher. (Of course, I
don't think you can even reach that high naturally, but that's what's
going on behind the scenes)

Fairly easy. The Growth rate for the Speed stat is a simple percentage.
That's the chance that the Speed of the unit will increase by 1 each
level. The maximum Speed a unit can have is 149.

You can get to L99 this time round, rather than the L50 limit in FFTA.
That just makes the maximum values more important though: it's
wastage once you get that far, so min/maxers will have to plan around

[3.1] Hume Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | SPD | W.ATK | W.DEF | M.POW | M.RES|
Soldier | 90/8 | 15/1 | 57/50% | 88/9 | 84/8 | 60/6 | 72/7 |
Thief | 83/6 | 15/1 | 60/70% | 76/7 | 74/7 | 76/7 | 64/6 |
White Mage | 84/6 | 36/4 | 58/52% | 64/6 | 73/7 | 84/8 | 80/8 |
Black Mage | 79/5 | 38/5 | 56/46% | 60/6 | 68/6 | 91/10 | 96/10|
Archer | 86/7 | 18/1 | 59/55% | 72/7 | 72/7 | 64/6 | 79/7 |
Paladin | 88/7 | 22/2 | 56/48% | 80/8 | 92/10 | 72/7 | 88/9 |
Fighter | 84/6 | 12/1 | 58/53% | 92/10 | 86/8 | 56/5 | 68/6 |
Parivir | 86/7 | 10/1 | 60/62% | 93/11 | 69/7 | 68/6 | 69/5 |
Ninja | 79/5 | 21/2 | 65/90% | 88/9 | 68/6 | 78/7 | 76/7 |
Illusionist| 76/5 | 38/7 | 54/35% | 60/6 | 64/6 | 92/9 | 84/8 |
Blue Mage | 84/6 | 30/3 | 57/50% | 80/8 | 88/9 | 84/8 | 92/9 |
Hunter | 84/6 | 26/3 | 61/65% | 84/8 | 66/6 | 68/7 | 84/8 |
Seer | 83/6 | 42/7 | 55/40% | 63/6 | 71/7 | 90/8 | 99/11|
Special jobs
Sky Pirate | 85/6 | 14/2 | 60/64% | 76/7 | 74/7 | 76/7 | 72/7 |
Heritor | 84/6 | 36/4 | 61/62% | 80/8 | 86/8 | 84/8 | 80/8 |
Agent | 86/7 | 12/2 | 59/54% | 80/8 | 83/8 | 70/6 | 72/7 |

[3.2] Viera Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | Spd | WAtk | WDef | MPow | MRes |
Fencer | 89/8 | 15/1 | 61/69% | 90/10 | 78/7 | 69/6 | 64/6 |
White Mage | 81/6 | 36/5 | 59/58% | 63/6 | 72/7 | 84/8 | 80/8 |
Green Mage | 85/6 | 30/3 | 62/86% | 73/7 | 76/7 | 84/8 | 79/7 |
Archer | 86/7 | 19/1 | 61/66% | 75/8 | 71/7 | 70/6 | 70/7 |
Elementalist| 80/6 | 28/3 | 57/41% | 70/7 | 74/7 | 88/10 | 73/7 |
Red Mage | 83/6 | 28/2 | 60/62% | 82/9 | 63/6 | 86/9 | 70/6 |
SpellBlade | 80/5 | 24/2 | 60/64% | 85/9 | 80/7 | 76/7 | 75/7 |
Summoner | 74/5 | 42/4 | 58/56% | 59/6 | 61/6 | 90/11 | 74/8 |
Assassin | 76/5 | 16/1 | 65/96% | 77/8 | 68/6 | 71/7 | 66/6 |
Sniper | 80/6 | 18/1 | 58/59% | 93/11 | 65/6 | 73/7 | 72/7 |
Special jobs
Dancer | 78/6 | 48/6 | 58/58% | 64/6 | 60/6 | 87/8 | 80/8 |

[3.3] Bangaa Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | Spd | WAtk | WDef | MPow | MRes |
Warrior | 96/9 | 10/2 | 57/50% | 87/9 | 88/8 | 58/6 | 66/6 |
White Monk | 82/6 | 12/2 | 60/61% | 89/9 | 70/7 | 70/7 | 68/6 |
Dragoon | 90/8 | 6/1 | 60/62% | 97/11 | 90/9 | 53/5 | 62/5 |
Defender | 90/8 | 8/1 | 56/45% | 84/8 | 98/11 | 60/6 | 78/7 |
Gladiator | 92/8 | 18/2 | 58/55% | 99/12 | 90/8 | 57/6 | 64/6 |
Master Monk| 81/6 | 14/3 | 61/71% | 95/11 | 78/8 | 76/8 | 76/7 |
Bishop | 80/6 | 28/5 | 55/39% | 65/6 | 69/6 | 82/9 | 86/8 |
Templar | 92/7 | 20/3 | 53/34% | 86/9 | 94/10 | 75/7 | 80/7 |
Cannoneer | 85/7 | 19/3 | 59/57% | 76/7 | 71/7 | 65/7 | 72/7 |
Trickster | 80/5 | 7/1 | 64/88% | 71/7 | 73/7 | 89/10 | 74/7 |

[3.4] Nu Mou Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | Spd | WAtk | WDef | MPow | MRes |
White Mage | 79/5 | 36/6 | 58/52% | 64/6 | 73/7 | 84/8 | 80/9 |
Black Mage | 77/5 | 34/6 | 56/46% | 60/6 | 68/6 | 91/11 | 96/10|
Beast master| 88/7 | 19/2 | 59/60% | 91/10 | 86/8 | 69/6 | 72/7 |
Time Mage | 78/5 | 38/6 | 57/50% | 59/5 | 61/6 | 89/10 | 96/10|
Illusionist | 76/5 | 42/7 | 54/35% | 60/6 | 63/6 | 92/9 | 84/9 |
Alchemist | 81/6 | 44/7 | 58/54% | 71/7 | 64/6 | 90/10 | 99/11|
Arcanist | 74/5 | 48/8 | 53/34% | 59/5 | 60/6 | 87/8 | 74/7 |
Sage | 84/7 | 32/4 | 56/48% | 79/8 | 73/7 | 89/9 | 77/8 |
Scholar | 85/7 | 24/3 | 58/58% | 88/10 | 77/7 | 78/7 | 71/7 |

[3.5] Moogle Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | Spd | WAtk | WDef | MPow | MRes |
Animist | 85/7 | 22/2 | 60/56% | 81/8 | 88/9 | 70/7 | 80/8 |
Thief | 83/6 | 15/1 | 62/70% | 76/7 | 74/7 | 76/7 | 64/6 |
Black Mage | 77/5 | 34/6 | 56/46% | 60/6 | 68/6 | 91/10 | 96/10|
Moogle Knight| 88/7 | 28/3 | 56/48% | 88/10 | 91/11 | 72/6 | 84/9 |
Fusilier | 85/6 | 12/1 | 59/54% | 80/8 | 83/8 | 70/6 | 72/7 |
Juggler | 81/6 | 18/1 | 64/74% | 82/9 | 84/9 | 72/7 | 68/6 |
Tinker | 82/7 | 24/2 | 55/45% | 84/9 | 86/9 | 82/8 | 98/11|
Time Mage | 78/5 | 38/6 | 57/50% | 59/5 | 61/6 | 89/10 | 96/10|
Chocobo Rider| 74/5 | 9/1 | 65/99% | 65/6 | 72/7 | 69/6 | 69/7 |
FlintLock | 76/5 | 33/5 | 58/52% | 84/8 | 72/7 | 78/7 | 76/7 |
Special jobs
Bard | 74/6 | 32/5 | 56/48% | 70/6 | 58/6 | 89/9 | 77/8 |

[3.6] Seeq Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | Spd | WAtk | WDef | MPow | MRes |
Berserker| 94/7 | 4/1 | 56/48% | 91/11 | 69/6 | 61/6 | 59/6 |
Ranger | 86/7 | 10/1 | 63/68% | 78/8 | 82/8 | 72/7 | 86/9 |
Lanista | 88/7 | 19/2 | 57/50% | 86/9 | 84/9 | 74/7 | 64/6 |
Viking | 90/7 | 22/3 | 59/54% | 82/8 | 73/7 | 78/7 | 97/11 |

[3.7] Gria Stat growths
Job | HP | MP | Spd | WAtk | WDef | MPow | MRes |
Hunter | 84/6 | 23/3 | 61/65% | 84/8 | 66/6 | 68/7 | 84/8 |
Raptor | 90/7 | 26/3 | 60/63% | 88/9 | 68/6 | 82/8 | 68/6 |
Ravager | 94/7 | 18/2 | 58/50% | 92/10 | 88/9 | 62/6 | 62/6 |
Geomancer| 82/6 | 36/5 | 59/52% | 79/7 | 90/11 | 76/7 | 90/11 |

[4.0] FAQ
Q: What is a <Secret job name>? I dont see it in my units job menu!
A: There are certain jobs that only special characters may be. Some need to be
unlocked and others come with the unit. Heres who can be what.
Adelle - Heritor, Unlocked by doing the quest "Gifted"
Vaan - Sky Pirate
Al Cid - Agent
Penelo - Dancer
Hurdy - Bard

Q: Whats the best job to use for <Tribe name>?

A: Refer to the rating under the stat

Q: You said <job> has no good stats! why should i use it then?!
A: Just because a job has bad stat growths, dosent mean that you should not use
it. Every job has a redeming quality and a weakness. for example, while the
Fighter job has low defence, and cannot equip heavy armour, it had a great
Weapon Attack, and abilites that allow it to do alot of damage.

Q: How do i unlock new Jobs? There blanked out!

A: Jobs are enabled by teaching that character a certain amount of abilities.
To teach a character abilities you equip them with a weapon that teaches
them an ability. Then as you do battles, you will gain AP. after a certain
amount of AP gain (different fir every ability) that ability will be
mastered and you will no longer need to equip that weapon to use that skill.
After you meet the requirments for a new job, you are able to switch to that
job. To check the requirements, hover over it and press Y.

Q: I dont see <job>!

A: First of all make sure that your unit is the right race for the job. Second
make sure that you have completed the quest to unlock the job.

Q: Oh ok, what quest do i need to do?

Job | Quest |
Arcanist | Complete "The Nu Mou Nobles" |
Assassin | Complete "Veis Assassin" |
Beastmaster | Complete "Knowing the Beast" |
Cannoneer | Complete "The Bangaa Brotherhood" |
Chocobo Knight| Complete "Popocho's Chocobos" |
Dragoon | Complete "Kyrra, Dragoon" |
Fighter | Complete "To be a Fighter" |
Flintlock | Complete "Of Kupos and Cannons" |
Fusiler | Complete "the Goug Consortium" |
Geomancer | Complete "Geomancer's Way" quest chain|
Green Mage | Complete "Green Dominion" |
Heritor | Complete "Gifted" Quest |
Lanista | Complete "A Lanista's Pride" |
Master Monk | Complete "Banbanga!" |
Parivir | Complete "The Eastwatch" |
Raptor | Complete "Instrument of Inspiration" |
Ravager | Complete "Ravager" |
Scholar | Complete "Treasured Tomes" |
Seer | Complete "The Cat's Meow" |
Spellblade | Complete "To Be a Spellblade" |
Trickster | Complete "Sleight of Hand" |
Viking | Complete "Lord Grayrl!" |
[4.1] Legal
This Guide was written by my, and all comments and statistics are clearly
stated by the rightful user.

As of now, this guide can only be hosted on: (This is the original site, and will contain the most up to date)
If this FAQ is posted on a different site then what is listed above, i suggest
that you remove it, or ask me for premission.
[5.0] Credits, and contact me
Credits go to Terence for Compiling the stats, and sarcasteak for Making a
beautiful spreadsheet.

Also i would like to thank (You know who you are):

aqua aussie - For some name corrections
Victor Chen - For aiding me in realising i misnamed Seer as warrior
And every other person that has gone unnamed in the creation of this guide.

If you would like to contact me with a suggestion or error please send an email
or add me on MSN at

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift: Stat Growth Chart by Synangel
Version: 1.0 | Last Updated: 2008-07-17 | View/Download Original File

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