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5. 5.

Discuss with others to identify three specific examples in which specific cultures
have adapted to another culture. Why do you think these adaptations occurred?

For this last exercise, I have chosen France for a short analysis of how cultural adaptation can
be read through the lens off the model.

France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic, guaranteeing that all
citizens regardless of their origin, race or religion are treated as equals before the law and
respecting all religious beliefs. states the Constitution of 1958. The law on the Separation
of the Church and State reserved the religion the private space and allowed to establish state
secularism in the public shere.

These two affirmations can be interpreted as an unwilligness of France to recognise any

special status of minorities, whether they be ethnic, religious, linguistic or other. Libert,
galit, fraternit is the national motto of France and under the French laws, Fench citizenship has
the predominant status and not the different ethic groups. Under this perspective, integration is
viewed as a two-way process that involves migrants as well as the host society.
Immigrants are expected to integrate into existing French culture and society; it is the
responsibility of the state and society to act as a facilitator.

A successful integration has always been one of successful individual inclusion and
acculturation to the mores of French life and in this sense, France has been characterized as
being egalitarian, secular, and assimilationist.

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