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Words and word combinations

_mud pumps (slush pumps) pompe de noroi
/reciprocating piston ?????
,reie4^/ double acting: cu dublu efect
t^t"('^ )
" duplex or triplex type : de tipul cu 2 sau 3 cilindri
valve clearance : spatiu oferit de valva
liner: camase, lainer
pistons and valves: pistoane si valce (clapeti)
in the field: in santier
rig crew: echipa de foraj
discharge flow: fluxul de refulare
impact loads: efirturi datorate loviturilor
air filled surge chamber: camera de aer
bore and stroke: diametrul si cursa
discharge pipe: conducta de refulare
suction pipe: conducta de aspiratie
piston rod = tija pistonului
hard rubber cup : cupa de cauciuc de la extremitatile pistonului
sealing elements: elemente de etansare
air chamber: samera de etansare
discharge strainer chamber head : capacului locasului sitei de la refulare
lock nut = piulita de fixare
drain : scurgere
suction flange: flansa de la aspiratie
water drip : picurare de apa
baffle: sicana
extension-fluid piston: tUa extinsa a pistonului pt. fluicl
cross head : cap de cruce
cross head upper shoe : glisiera de sus a capului de cruce
cross head lower shoe : glisiera de jos a capului de cruce
crank: biela
crank shaft = axul manivelei
seat: scaun
valve: valva, clapete
rotary hose : furtun rotary
power plants : sursele de putere
prime movers : sursele de putere .
mud vibrating screen: sita vibratoare pentru noroi
riglighting system: sistemul de iluminare al instalatiei
hydraulically operated : manevrat (actionat) hidraulic
kelly joint : prajina patrata (hexagonala)
topmost joint: conexiunea cea mai de sus
snugly fitting: piesa special potrivita
tooljoints : piesele de cuplaj intre pra.jini
conduit: canal
pipe section (oints) : bucata de praiini clc fbrzri
drill pipe: prajina de foraj
seamless tubes: tevi laminate
conncctors : concctori
drill string - garnitura cle fbra.i

tubular goods : material tubular
range: lungime
heavy walled: cu pereti grosi
O.D. (outside diameter): diametrul exterior
load: sarcina
penetration rate : vitexa de avansare
straighter holes = gauri (puturi) mai drepte
fewer drill string failures : mai putine accidente ale garniturii de foraj
drag bit (fish tail bit) : sapa coada de peste
bit breaker = placa in care se intepeneste sapa spre a o insuruba sau desuruba
rolling cutters = sape cu conuri (role)
roller bits : sapa cu diamante
water courses : gaurile sapei
blade: lama sapei
soft formation: formatie slaba, roca slaba
three cone bits : sape cu trei conuri
patern: desen, forma
balance, to: echilibru, a echilibra
balling: rnansonare
offset: compensat
i.e. (id est) = adica
nozzel: duza
high velocity = vitezamare
hole bottom: fundul gaurii, talpa
regrind, to: a remacina
previously loosened chips : bucatele dislocate anterior
srape, to = a zgaria, anzui
stones : pietrele, diamantele
protrude, to : a iesi in afara
steel matrix = matrice de otel
lunning casing = introducerea burlanelor pentru tubaj
fishing operators : instrumentatii
line pulls = tensiuni in cablul de foraj
wire strands: suvite de sarma
wound helically : infasurata helicoidal
hemp: canepa
uniform lenght of lay : cu dimensiune uniforma pe toata lLrngimea
chain driven: actionat prin lar-rturi
trip: mars
travelling block = lracara
travelling pulley (sheave) = scripete de mzrcara
pulley (sheave) : roti pentru scripeti
assembly : ansamblu
hook : carlig
swivel : capul de injectie, capul rotativ
blowor"rt preventer : prevcnitor de eruptie
valvcs (rams) : bacuri de prevenitor
clrilling llLricl (ruLrcl) = fluid de fbra.i. noroi

cool, to : ataci
lubricate, to : a unge, a lubrica
wall; wall, to : perete; a forma perete
filter cake: hlrta de filtratie
perform, to : a efectua, a indeplini, a executa
duties (duti): functii (functie)
encountered formations : formatiuni intalnite
some instances: unele imprejurari
inverted: invers
sodium chloride: clorura de sodiu
calcium sulfate: sulfat de calciu
hazard: risc
enlargement : largirea, merirea
heaving shale: marna care se umfla
lost circulation : pierdere de circulatie
test, to: aiesta, a incerca
mud balance : balanta, cantar pentru noroi
lb (pound): livra (453 grame)
gallon: galon (3,785 lihi)
mark: semn, index
gel strength: rezistenta la forfecare
filtration: filtrare.
5. Factors affecting penetration rate
Some of tn te are the following:
1.) Personnel efficiencv
a.) Competence
- experience
- special training
b.) Psycholo gical factors
- company-employee relations
- pride in job
- chance for advancement
2) rig efficiency

3.) Formation characteristics

a.) Comprebisive strength
b.) Hardness and/or abrasiveness
c.) State ofunderground stress (overburden pressure)
d.) Elasticify - brittle ofplastic t.!
e.) Stickiness or balling tendency '1 '

f.) Permeabilify
g.) Fluid content and interstitial pressur, r1r, i"
h.) Porosity \\ . ..^- ir.r
i.) Temperature. f*r'n'r'$
4.) Mechanical fnctors
a.) Weight on bit
b.) Rotating speed
c.) bit type
5.) Mud properties
a.) Densify
b.) Solid content
c.) Flow properties
d.) Fluid Ioss
e.) Oil content
f.) Surface tension - wettability
6.) Flydraulic factors - essentially bottom hole types
Rocks may be classified into three general types, namely:
1.) Sofi rocks: soft clays and shales, unconsolidated to rnoderately cemented sands;
2.) Medium rocks: some shales, poroLrs limestones ancl dolomites, consolidated sands.
3.) Hard rocks: dense limestones and dolomites, highly cemented sands, quartzite and

6. Other rotary drilling methods

6.1 The turbodrill is a rotary drilling clevice employing the same basic
mechanism as the conventional method.
The principal difference is thaffiit's rotation is provicled by a down liole nrr-rltistage
which is powered by the drilling flLrid; thus]\ootation of the drill string is eliminated. The rr-rrbine
section contains matching sets of stators and rotors, each pair being ref-errecl to as one stage. Current
models utilize 100 or more stages. Drilling mucl is clcflectccl by the sttrtor and strikes the rotating
blacles. cartsit-tg them to rotate. 'fhc design prirrciples ro"",',.ri,,g'Ytrrttlc u'r.t t,t".t.'ungl.:,

same as in other type of turbines. Variations in these factors allow the design of turbines
different operating characteristics as dictated by different applications.
6.2 Directional drilline
The general purpose of directional drilling is to place the bottom of a well under an
inaccessible surface location.
In such drilling, both vertical and horizontal deviations are carefully controlled within
precomputed limits. A number of special tools are used in directional *o.k fo,. initiating
maintaining the desired hole direction. The hole progress is controlled as much as possible by
variation of bit weight, the use of stabilizergpd rpmgrs, drill string variations and special bits.
whipstocks are of two gen6#ffi egWffi'and fixed. The removable one, as the name
implies, is withdrawn from the hole with the drill pipe, while the fixed type stays in the hole as a
permanent installation.
Conceming thefurizontal drilling, it is to be noted that the drill string components and
bottom hole assembly (BHA) include mainly motor system configuration, drill rtrirrg stabilization
and special service drill pipe and drill collars. Hydraulic calculations should address hole cleaning
and m,$r system requirements, as well as general mud system specifications, overall circulatin!
capacity. "n
systerffng performance
9 g t,^^t\il. tp!&
ci"1"'&h.{-q4eerable downhole drillirp motor rpi.*r
and the
of measuremelt-while-drilling
d (MWD) survey systems n9*,_SI9tt
iit*!gg! tolfa horizoFal-well using predictable curve built
rates' Of course, before the builllaG c6n be selected, limited factors such
as lease line locations,
potential formations-related problems and completion and production methods
must be examined.
Such downhole drilling motors systems are used also for easingpidetracking (milling).

q Certain advantages are inherent in turbodrilling:

l.) higher penetration rates due to increased rotating speed;
2.) elimination of drilling string rotation:
- lighter and cheaper drill pipe and tool-joints are permissible
- quieter operation - no rotary table noise
- less fishing jobs caused by drill string failure.
The main disadvantages are:
1.) turbodrill cost, both initial and maintenance

il::::::i::r:lti:ll":11":rrTsur:required -&streJ
3.) greater care required to remove abrasive solids from the rlud
4.) the pressure drop across the lower part of the turbine must be kept
low, thus bits with
high jet velocity cannot be used.
,,, /fr
6.3 Survevins inltruments
Dirbctional .t.ittittg .eq.tffiasurement o1'both vertical deviation ancl
horizo'tal directio'.
This is accomplished_ with variety of devices which combine pendulum reading with
simultaneously recorded compass rpading. The con-rpass used is
either magnetic or gyroscopic.
7. Fishing d$Eration
The term fishing applies to all operations concerned with tl-re retrieving
of eqr-ripn-rent or
other objects from the hole. Portion of drill string, bit, drill string accessories
ancllnadveitentty nand
tools are typical iterls which may require fishing.
The most common fishing job is that of recovering a portion of clrill string tefi in
the hole
dLre to either its falling or becoming stLrck.
Some of the causes of stuck pipe are:
l.) foreign objects or jr-rnk in the hole
2.) key-seating
3.) sloLrghing fbrmations (heaving sharlcs, ctc.)

qN - 0, "/-l-\q
4.) bit and drill collar balling
5.) pressure differential sticking
6.) cuttings settling above the bit or drill collars.
7.1 A few basic tvpe of fishing tools
. 1' overshots: these are cylindrical b"*.t sh"p.d tools which telescope over the
fish. An
intemal slip arrangement grasps the outside of the fishwith the grip
tightening as pull is increased.
Modern overshots have a releasing mechanism to be used if the fiih
caniot be pulled.
2' Spears: these devices pass inside the fish, grasping its inner wall with expanding
which can be set or released by rotating the pipe. Speais are generally
used when
will not tolerate an overshot. Their plincipai advantage over the tapered taps the hole clearance
is their releasing
3.rarcd_tap are among the oldest fishing tools used in clrilling. The tap is run into the
fish and rotated until sufficient thread is cut for a firm1old.
4' Die collar: is basically a short length of tubular material on the inside
of which threads
have been cut. The collar is used to recover tubular material which
has male threads on the upper
most portion. once the die collar has engaged the fish, it cannot
be released.
5' Washover pipe: this is a section of pipe having sufficient inside diameter
to telescope
outside the fish. It is used when annular cleaningaiound the
fish is required.
0' Itstde ;l"a outslm these are pipe cutters which can be actuated by surface
manipulation of the drill pipe. Inside cntt".s cut the fiin from the
inside out, while or-rtside cutters do
the reverse' They are used when a considerable length of drill
string must be retrievecl in sections.
The. common sequence of events is washing over, citting
and retrieving of the cut off portion. The
cutting is performed by a set of knives rotited by the aiitt pipe
whictiope.ui. *u.1, like the pipe
cutters used by plumbers.
Small items of junk as bit teeth, cones or other small pieces
steel may be retrieved with a
permanent magnet run on the drill pipe. Various junk
baskets run jLrst above the bit are also Lrsed for
this purpose.
7.2 Accessorv fishing equipment
Jaffing device.s fiars) which p.orr-d"i h*iEtype impact at the desired
downhole location
are extremely effective in loosening stuck pipe. They are
commonly run in conjunction with
overshots, spears' to aid in loosening the fish once
it is caught. These dlvices utilizethe energy of
compressed fluids which drive a free moving piston
or hammer against the top of the jar. This
compression is obtained by proper surface movement
of the drill pipel
Safety joints are often run with the fishing string ^in
stuck' These are merely specially clesigned tool jolnts
for usi ,ur. the fishing tool becomes
wliich will unscrew either with less torque or
in the opposite direction to the iegutai tooljoinis. These joints
are places in the string at the most
desirable point for subsequent fishing operations.
Words a{rd word combinations
personnel efficiency : randamentul personalului
special training : pregatire speciala
company-employee relation : relatie companie_angajat
pride in job : mandria de meserie
rig efficiency : randamentr-rl instalatiei de foraj
maintenance : intretinere
proper size: marime (capacitate) potrivita
ease in operation : usurinta in exploatare
power equipment : motoarele din dotare
colnpressive strenght : rczistenta la contpresiune
hardness : tarie. dLrritate

Oil drilling and production. English
terms and phrases.

l.The nature of petroleum

Petroleum may be defined as a naturally occuring, complex mixture of hidrocarbons which
may be either gas, liquid or solid, depending upon its own unique composition and pressure and
rempercture at which it is confined. The principal hydrocarbon series found in petroleum are:
l.Paraffins (also called saturated hydrocarbons) having the general formula CnHun*2. These
compounds are chemically stable and have either straight or branched chains.
2.Cyctoparaffins (naphthenes) having the general formula CzEzn. The compounds have a
ring structure, the simplest member being cyclopropane.
, -JJ.romatics (benzene series) having the general formula CeHun-o. These compounds are
ii'. r'.. -i:r "
j4."h- chemically active and contain the benzene ring.
r.l Fgd' L.

1.1. Properties of iiquid petroleum ,,,w{ta\g

The most widely used indicator of a grUde$!'s wodto the producers is the API (American
Petroleum Institute) gravity. This value is actuallyla measure of oil density, and is related to specific
gravity bv rhe following formula: l+.{t, i ;_,r"J)
API gravity (degrees) : 141.5 / sp. Gravity - 13 1.5

Note that an API gravity of l0 degrees is equivalent to a specific gravity of 1.

Normally, the price which a producer receives for his oil depends on its graviry. t!5)-p!-. (,t ct
dense oils (higher API gravity) being the most valuable. It is quite possible, however, that d-
particular 30 degrees oii may be more valuable than some 40 degrees oil, due to a particular yield of
a desirable product. \- I r '''' .'c

A reservoir oil always contains in solution some components which should be gases at
standard temperature and pressure. Their soiubility is due to the elevated pressure and temperature
existing underground.
As oil is produced (brought from underground to the surface), the pressure is decreased until
it reaches substantially atmosphere conditions in the stock tanks. This pressure reduction causes
certain changes in the ieservoii nuiOproperties:
a.) some of the volatile fractions vaporize, r " *vtu"v?
b.) the liquid volume to shrink, and
c.) the liquid viscosityto)nc ak fuwf l;f '0-
,a ,,6Llc

Natural gas is produced from three classes of wells:

1.) from wells where the dominant product is oil (oil wells); ?. 15r'qlJ,#
wells); /
2.) from wells where the gas itself is the principal product (gas
3.) as gas from condensate wells. Condensate wells produce from reservoirs in *'hich
the hydrocarbons (gas and liquid) originally existed as a single fluid (or phase), the resen'oir
temperature and pressure being above the criticalpoint of the hydrocarbon mixture.

t,f :
tt:'f ,1Nr

Each natural gas. like crude oil, is a unique mixture of hydrocarbons. Numerous impurities
are found in petroleum gases, some of the more common being carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide'
water vapor, nitrogen and helium.
There are a number of basic definitions which can be presented here:
1.) Wet eas: A natural gas is said to be wet if it contains an appreciable natural gasoline
content as determined by standard tests.
2.) The natuial gasoline content of a gas is expressed in gallons per thousand standard
cubic feet (GPMCF). Gases having a GPMQF of 1 or 2 are wet, whild gas with a GPMCF of 0.2
u,ould be considered somewhat arr.. WnO"{f
3.) Sour s4s: natural gas containing hydrogen sulfide'
4.) Sweet gas: natural gas containing no hydrogen sulfide'
5.) Gas gravity: The ratio of the density of a gas to the density of air at standard
conditions. In other words, a specific gravity scale based on air'
6.) Standard conditions: 14.7 psia and 60 degrees F'

' Words and word comb "
carbon dioxide: dioxid de carbon;
hydrogen sulfide : hidrogen sulfurat;
wet gas gazrrafrxal conlinAnd o anumiti cantitate de hidrocarburi lichide;
,our-gu, :-gaznatural conlindnd hidrogen sulfurat; :
sweet gas gaznafr)ralcare nu conline hidrogen sulfurat;
dry gai ggunatural cu un conlinut de pand la 0,2 GPMCF (galoane de gazolina pe mia de
picioare cubice);
p.s.i.a. (pound per square inch absolute) presiune absolutl in livre pe tol pltrat

1.3 Petroleum resources

discovered. The actual location and size of a deposit in the earth are determined only by drilling test
wells into the deposit and by producing the content of the reservoir. A test well drilled in the hope of
discovering a new pool is called a wildcat well. If this well taps a deposit of petroleum it is calied a
discovery well (diicovery oil well or discovery gas well). The recoverable petroleum is known as
the producible reserve or the proven reserve. The petroleum reserves of any region should be
distinguished from its petroieum resources.
- ti. , -,-
j" ,1 jhq A porous and permeable body of rock, called the reservoir rock, contains oil or gas or both
"'., tS.Li;L and is deformed or obstructed in such a manner that they are trapped.
The portion of the trap that holds the pool of oil or gas is called the repervoir. The significant
thing is that reservoirs can be of various shapes, sizes, origins and rock composition.
1.3.1 Pools, Fields and Provinces
Commercial petroieum deposits are classified as pgglg, fields and provinces. Terms such as
these ones are useful in describing and locating the various oil and gas agcumulations and
Pqgl the simplest unit of commercial occurence is the pool. It is defined as the body of oil
or gas or both occurring in a separate reservoir and under a simple pressure system. A pool may be
small underlying only a few acres, or it may extend over many square miles.
Field when several pools are related to a single geologic feature, either structural or
stratigraphic, the group of pools is termed a field.
Province a region in which a number of oil and gas pools and fields occur in a similar or
related geological environment.

3.Rotarv drilling
In the rotary method, the hole is dlilled by a rotating bit to which a downwarcl lorce is
applied. The bit is fastened to, and rotated by a drill string composed o1'lrigh cluality drill pipe ancl
drill collars, with new sections or joints being added as drilling progresses. The cultings arc liftec-l r;, U-.t,
fi'om the hole by the drilling fluid which is continuously circulated down the insicle oEmfiff'"g or"ly'{\v*D
string through water cgullss or nozzles in the bit, and upward in the AryubJs-spa.e betwpen tlre drill
pipe, ard the borehot".'t"Xi$,r - t,)gt{* uvt''q",h
*NtF jk_ .*\.r\w+'
At the surface, the returning fluid (mud) is divbrted on shdii;baksr(s), and through a series
^ {,o,nrof Egkli or EJr-whicF-affoid u ,.rffi"i"nt q.riesceniJdiod to-alT6-w cuttings separation arrd any
ssaryf.reating. ln\the lastnof these pits, theimud is picked up@ llre purrrp suction and repears the
w cycle. 'Set, \coh.x-- il\',t \;;:\i,,*- \o_q.-"^\
. 3f The basic rig components
We will consider only the basic rig components in the lollowir-rg order:
l. derricks, masts and substluctures
2. drawworks
3. rnud pumps
4. prime movers
5. drilling string
6. drilling line
7. bits
8. miscellaneous rig and auxiliary equipment (crown block, travelling block, master
drive bushings, kelly bushings, cathead elevators, elevator links, kelly stop cock, engines, rotary
hook, rotary hose, mud flow line, blowout preventer, sharp shaker, stand pipe, swivel, tongs, prud
box, etc.)
3.2 Derricks i^;Ldwu- a ,rtd'\o'
q ,-ui.ndl he ftrnction
function of a derrick is to provide
provi tlie v9ligl-g]-et1rc1re necessary to tire raising ald
lowering of the drill string into and out of the hole during 11g the drilline
ing opelations. ilfilbe
operations. It ;"st
rnr-rst be of
;ff*-i# height and th to perform the duties in a safe and expedient manner.
eftieksffiTfiad according to their ability tg_wrthstar;cl"the rypes of loacling:
- compressive lgads A dl+yJt\
- wind loads. L.WAtr^nuAJ_.
3.3 Draw*o.L.=---_
rn" atffittilt noist is the key piece of equipment on a rotary rig. The functions of the
drawworks are: --&E6s't -tr(o
l.) It is the control
center from which the drillers operate the rig. lt contains the clutches,
chains, sprockets, engine throttle an{ other controls which enable the rig power to be cliver-ted to the
particular operation at hand. -{s-\$* -l l"*.*",-:."< ^

,.) It trguses the drum which spools the drilling line during hoist operations and allows feed-
-----=-- .--
oII dunng drrllrng.
The principal parts of the drawworks are:
a.) The hoisting drum, which is the most important sir-rgle item of equipment on the
drawworks because it is through this drum that power is transmitted to remove the irilling string
and on this drum the drilling line is wound and unwound as equipment is manipulatecl in the hole.
b.) The catheads are small rotating drums located on both sides of the drawworks. Thev
are used as a power source for many routine operations around the rig, such as scre*ing and ...^,,*,$5
pipe and.q-ng andlull-ue single joints of drill pipe andiasing fro- Gffilgelr_ot '*'l
to the ri{floor. Most of the\earlier\atheading" was done manually. Special break-out an?*ffi-

a e,y^$*['-
r \ \# , . \*,,*\ **\NA[w s f"\'un
r;"dd $
il/ @w; firnnu4 u *( (rfrt
^lL fu,
3.4 Mud pumps r

The function of the mud pump, or s-lg!b-pg!, is to circulate the drilling fluid at the desired
pressure and volume. The pump normally us-dl for this service is the reciprocating piston (duble
acting) duplex urPrl^ type.
vr triplex
uuPrv^ or LyPg. tf*nn
,ft(' & ,^.u,-oi
The superiority of the piston type pump fo r drilling service is lqgglV
t;il."* '.
dueJo tfre following
features: {uh,
"f ;iffi;runy
1-) ability to handle fluids containing high percentages oft which are
7.) valve clearance will
2.) tY4f\<
wi allow paq#Aq of large solid particles without damage.
rry:=r-----J.) qgre and simplicity
implicity of operation and maintenance. Liners, pistons and valves
va may be
replaced in ihe field by the rig crew.
IL%dgasge of volume and pressure available by using diifferent liiner and pi piston sizes.
vrvgffidisadvai vantage ofthese pumps is that the discharge flow is pulsating, which causes
i"ilA';atperiodic impact loads on discharge lines. This dFect is minimized by aii field surge chambers
located on the discharge line.
Mud pumps are commonly denoted by bore and strokelelements on th
Some of pump part names: discharge pipe, suction pipe, piston rod, hard rubber cup (the
sealing e piston), air chamber, discharge strainer chamber head, liner (fluid cilinder), lock nuifluid
piston, drain, suction flange, piping-water drip to fluid piston rod, baffle, extention fluid piston.
cross head, cross head upper shoe, cross head lower shoe, crank shaft, seat, valve seal.
3.5 The rotary hose conducts the mud from the upper end of the stand pipe. The
flexible feature of the rotary hose permits raising and lowering-the drill string durin_e drilling
operations while mud is pumped down through the drill string.
3.6 Power plants (prime movers)
The power plant is the heart of drilling rig. The power developed by the rig porver plant is
r'rsed principally for three operations: rotating, hoisting and drilling fluid ciiculation.
In addltion to
these major functions, several auxiliary operations may also U. po*e."d Uy the rig power plant
(mud vibrating screen, water pumps, riglighting system and hyclraulicaily operated bloivout
Power for a drilling rig is normally fi-rmished by internally combustion engines, electricity or
any combination of these plants.
3.7 The drillins strins
The rotary drilling string includes the fbllowing components: kelly
.ioint, drill pipe. drill
collars, bit.
The drilling string is an extremely expensive rig component and must be replaced
periodically; consequently, every care shoulcl be exercisecl to ensure its long life.
3.,7.1 The kelly ioint is the topmostioint in the drill string.
fitBt"is commonlr. .,* y,,-!
sqtlare bLrt may be hexagonal or even octagonal. The kelly passes thror-rgh rn.rgiy fitting. properl'., '
-'--:;t-. . . .
./ s.haped bLrshings in the rotary table, allowins the table's rotation to be transrnittecl to the entirodriil
'^qffistring' -FIt"x ' /ua{''
2 n 't^-,,, -,-^
3.7.2 Drill pipe aqd tool ioint t ,,lo"YW
the drilling flLrid. Drill pipe sectiorrs or joints ;AIaX"W, slglrlg$ tubes malgfactLrrecl flrrm hi,rh
grarcle steel. The tool joints or connectors lbl thc drilllstrrrlg
attaclrccl t, thc pipc.lter its nranufactu'e. latl y.
;Felgparatc compore.r an.l ,i.e
d y{^e"^@}ra*a . ro.'n, ,44 .u_,.- _n-u
Drill pipe. as well rs allothers oil ljeltl ttrbrrlul gol,,lsly'is
wciglrt pcr lirot. stccl gradc arrd rarrgc tt",,gfr[t. - / spccilictl hy its oursirlc,lilpicr..r.
3.7.3 Drill collars itrc ltcitvy wallccl. targc O.{). stcel tubcs r.r,'hose firrrcriop is rr,
lir|nish tlt" ..,,,t,P,'.ril,cliililiEbit. allorving thc lightir clrill pipc te rcrlirirr ip rcpsigrr. [ .i1::
Acrt ql-
& wu.$.tn"tun^J

h &'\"rsr$.ft^ --
" .[dili,rr- *r't t*
i/+ = o- 6-#.(-
**N* = ^?*fl* lft*bor.o-
1.3.2 Traps
In order for petroleum to accumulate in commercial quantities it must, in its migration
process, encounter a subsurface rock condition which halts funher migration and causes the
accumulation to take place. These subsurface conditions are numerous in type, ranging from very
simple to extremely complex forms. Numerous systems of trap classification exist: the following
system proposed by Sanders appearc as simple and useful as any:
1.) btryctuialtraps: those traps formed by deformation of the earth's crust b-v either faulting
or folding. -- tdd-r - = (lfi'nlu

2.) Stratigraphic traps: those in which the chief trap-making element is some variation in the
stratigraphy or lithologl' or both of the reservoir rock, such as a facies change. variable local
porositv and permeabiliry.
3.) Combination traos: traps having both stmctural and srratigraphic fearures.
Words and word combination
petroleum resources : sumele de perol
oil deposit: zlcdmint de petrol
drilling test well : foraj de cercetare
oil reservoir: zlcimdnt de petrol
oil pool : zbcilmdnt de petrol
wildcat wdll = sondl de cercetare intr-o regiune inc[ necercetatd
tap, to :
a atinge, a pitrunde
discovery well = sond[ de deschidere
discovery oil / gas well sondd de deschidere pentru !i[ei, gaze, sondd care descoperd un
nou z[cimdnt de litei I gaze
recoverable petroleum : petrol ce se poate recupera
producible reserve rezerva ce poate fi extrasi
reservoir rock roc6,magazin, roci rezeryor
overlain (overlie, to) : acoperit(A), (a acoperi)
roof rock : roci acoperiq
traped (trap, to) : prins in capcan[ (a se prinde in capcanl)
trap: capcand
pool: zdcilmdnt
field: cdmp petrolier
province : provincie petrolierl
occutrences = aparifii, iviri
underlying (underlie, to) intinzdndu-se (a se intinde sub)
acre acru {0,4047 hectare}
square miles : mile pitrate { 1 sq mile : 2,5 km pAtrali}
geological environment condilie geologicd
earth's crust scoar,ta Pdmdntului
faulting: faliere
folding: cutare
chief trap-making element : elementul principal care formeazd capcana

(*At =

Llp catheads now automatically perlbnl the nrake-up ancl the brcerk-out operatior-rs r.r,ilhout rccluiring
the services o1'a roughneck on the cathead drum.
c.) The brakcs are important units of tlrc drawworks assembly, as tl.rey ale callecl upon to
stop the movement of large weights being lowered into the hole. When a roungldp is being macle,
, 1

the brakes are in almost continuouq use. The principal brake on a hoisting dr-iffitisually a, ilicriorl- ,Jor1r -'
type mechanical brake. tqonoi^ .fu$ h.rliun :,
To minimize the heat generated by continual use of the friction bral<e as equipnrelt \i sr*ll,rr. *
lowered into the hole, auxiliary brakes have been developed which perform a large part of the '
"slowing" action required to prevent excessive lowering speeds. Two diffbrent types of ar-rxiliary
brakes have been developed:
--- a hydraulic brake
--- an electro-magnetic brake,*N
d.) The drawworks clutch6s are used to engage mechanically the hoisting clrum witli the
transmitted power. One of the earliest types of clutches was a mechanical or".jaw clutch, so called
because of the interlocking nature of the clutch assen-rbly. With the advent of interrral combustion
engine power plants, pneumatic clutches were designed to overcome the disadvantages of tlie old
mechanical clutches.
Words 4,nd word cornbinations
rotary drilling: foraj rotativ
bit: sapa
downward force: fbrta indreptata in jos
drill string: coloana de prajini de foraj
new section or joint: bucata (de prajina de foraj)
as drilling progresses : pe masura ce forajul inainteaza
cuttings : detritus
water courses : gaurile sapei
nozzles: duzele sapei
divert, to : a indrepta spre
shale shacker: sita vibratoare
tank: haba, rezervol
bit : groapa,batale
treating : tratament
picked up : preluat
pump suction : aspiratia pompei
derricks, masts and substructures : turle, masturi si substructuri
drawworks : granic, troliu
mud pumps: pompele de noroi
prime movers: motoarele (sursele de putere)
drilling string : garnitura de prajini de foraj
drilling line = cablu de foraj
miscellaneous : diverse
crown block : geamblacul
travelling block : macaraua
bushings (master, drive) : patratii (mari, mici)
kelly bushings: patratii prajinii patrate
cathead : mosorul granicului
drill pipe, drill collar: prajina de foraj, prajina grea
elevator, elevator links : elevator, chiolbasi
mud flow line: conducta de noroi
rotary hook: carlig rotary
rotary hose : furtun rotary
kelly : prajina patrata (hexagonala)
kelly stop cock : valva de inchidere de la prajina patrata (hexagonala)
engine: masina, motor
motor: motor electric
slush pump : pompa de noroi
rotary table : masa rotary
stand pipe : conducta verticala de noroi
swivel : capul hidraulic, capul de injectie
tong: cleste
mud box : cutia de noroi, economizorul de noroi
derrick : turla de foraj
vertical clearance: spatiu pe verticala
raise, to : a ridica (cu sensul de a extrage)
lower, to : a cobori (cu sensul de a introduce)
denicks are rated : turlele sunt estimate (clasificate)
withstand, to : a rezista
strength : rezistenta la efort
clutches : cuplaje, cuplr-rri
chain, chain link : lant, za de lant
sprocket : roata dintata
engine trottles : comenzile motorului (masinii)
at hand: la indemana,prezenta
house, to : a contine, a adaposti
spool, to : a infasura (pe toba, pe mosor)
feed-off, to : a da sarma in timpul avansarii sapei
hoisting drum: toba granicului, troliul
cathead : mosorul granicului
brake: frana
brake band : banda de frana
to remove the drilling string : a extrage garnitura de foraj
wound (to wind): infasurat (a infasura)
routine operation: operatii de rutina
make-up, to : a forma pasi de prajini
brake-out, to : a desuruba pasii in bucati
single joints of drill pipe : bucati de prajini de foraj
pipe rack : rampa de prajini
rig floor: podul sondei
catheading : lucru la mosorul granicului
roughneck : sondor simplu
large weight: greutate mare
call upon, to : a face apel la
jaw clutch: cuplu cu falca
interlocking: cuplare
internal combustion engine: motor cu combustie interna.
state of underground stress: situatia solicitarii subterane
overburden pressure : presiunea de deasupra
brittle :
fragil, sfaramicios
stickiness = lipire
balling: mansonare
weight on bit: apasarea pe sapa
rotating speed = vitezade rotatie
flow properties : proprietatile (caracteristicile) de curgere
fluid loss : pierdere de fluid
wettability: insusirea de a se umezi
bottom hole cleaning = curatirea talpei gaurii de
chert : cert, roca silicioasa de precipitaiii
turbodrill : turbina de foraj
device : dispozitiv, mecanism
provide, to: a fumiza
downhole multistage turbine = turbina de fund
cu mai multe trepte
to be powered = a fi actionat(a)
matching sets of stators: seturi corespunzatoare
de statori
pair: pereche
referred to as : caruia(careia) i se spune
stage: treapta
deflect, to : a abate, a devia
strike, to : a lovi, aizbi
rotor blades : paletele rotorului
steerable = ce poate fi dirijat
measurement while drilring: masuratoare
in timpur forajului
sllrvey system : sistem de examinare, de .nuru.ui.
cllrve built rates : viteze de formare a curburii
lease line: limitele suprafetei concesionate
sid-etracking: luare de alta gaura intr_o gaura forata
milling : frezare
cheaper: mai ieftin
quieter operation: operatie mai linistita
noise: zgomot
fishing jobs : instrumentatii
care : grija, atentie
mud stream : circuitul de noroi, fluxul de
pressllre drop across... : cadere de presiune
motor system configuration : felul motorului
drill stri'g stabilization: stabilizarea garniturii de fbraj
special device drill pipe: prajini de fo-raj
si pra.jinigreie cr-r ciestipatie speciala
precomputed = precalculat
hole progress : avansarea in adancime a pr.rtLrliri
whipstock: pana de cleviere
removable : recuperabiI
withdrawn; withclrawn, to : retras; a retrage
sLrrvey instruments : instrumente de masura
accorrrplish, to : a realiz,a,a incleplini
cor-npass reading : citirea bLrsolei
fishing operations : operatie de instrumentatie
inadvertently dropped: scapat din greseala
item: articol
junk = fiare
key-seating: gaura de cheie
dog leg : schimbarea brusca in directia unei gauri care
favorizeaza formarea gaurii de cheie
stuck pipe: prajina prinsa
sloughing shales (formation): sisturi (formatii) care se
heaving shales: mame, sisturi care se umfla
bit and drill collar balling = mansonarea sapei si a prajinilor grele
pressure differential sticking : prindere dii
cauzadiferentei Je presiune
cuttings settling : depunerea detritusului
overshot: corunca
spear : rac
tapered tap : dorn conic
die collar = tuta
washover pipe : burlan de spalare
cutter: cutit
reverse: invers
sequence of events: sirul operatiunilor
cut off= retezat
knives (knive) : cutite (cutit)
plumber : instalator pentru instalatii sanitare
basket: cos, paianjen
jarring instruments : dispozitive de lovit (batut)
jar: geala
hammer: ciocan
caught (catch, to) : prins (a prinde)
safety joint: legatura (conexiune) de siguranta
less torque: cuplu de torsiune mai mic
= frC;.

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