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OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

ndice Common errors 1

She works like a slave She works as a slave

Beginners 1 (Vol 1)
Beginners 2 (Vol 2)
Elementary 1 (Vol 3)
Elementary 2 (Vol 4)
Lower intermediate 1 (Vol 5)
Lower intermediate 2 (Vol 6)
Intermediate 1 (Vol 7)
Intermediate 2 (Vol 8)
Upper intermediate 1 (vol 9)
Upper intermediate 2 (Vol 10)
Advanced 1 (Vol 11)
Advanced 2 (Vol 12)
Extras, other bock

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Beginners 1 (Vol 1) Singular

This Este, esta
Unit 11 That Ese, esa/aquel, aquella

Greetings Interrogative Pronouns

Saludos Pronombres interrogatives
Hello! Hi! Good morning! Good evening! Good What Qu
night! Please to meet you! Nice to meet you! How Who Quin
do you do! How are you? Fine, thanks!/Well,
thanks! Very well Question Words (What, Who)
Particular interrogativas
Subject Pronouns (singular) Countries- Nationalities
Pronombres personales de sujeto (singular) Pases y nacionalidades
I Yo
You T, Vd
Occupations 1
He l Profesiones 1
She Ella Counting 1
It l, ella, ello Contar 1
The Alphabet (A-P)
The Verb To Be El alfabeto (A-P)
Present simple.
El verbo ser, estar Unit 219
Affirmative (presente de indicativo, forma On Air. Lights off/ Are you all right?/ Sorry?/ Look
afirmativa) at this?/ Thanks for calling!/ Come right now!/
Negative (presente de indicativo, forma Dont go away!
Question form (presente de indicativo, forma Subject pronouns (Plural)
interogativa) Pronombres personales de sujeto (plural)
Possessive Adjectives We Nosotros/as
Adjetivos posesivos You Vosotros/as
Singular Forma contracta They Ellos/as
My Mi, mis
Your Tu, tus/su, sus (de Vd)
His Su/sus (de l) The verb to be (plural)
Her Su/sus (de ella) Present simple
Its Su/sus (de un animal u objeto) El plural del verbo ser o estar
Affirmative (presente de indicativo, forma
Demonstrative Pronouns afirmativa)
Pronombres demostrativos Negative (presente de indicativo, forma
Singular negativa)
This ste, sta, esto Question form (presente de indicativo, forma
That se, sa, eso/aqul, aqulla,

Demonstrative Adjetives The verb There is/There are

Adjetivos demostrativos El verbo hay( haber)

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Singular Negative Question Affirmative

Affirmative Form Negative
There is There is not Is there? Question form
Plural Negative Question
Possesive adjetives
Affirmative Form Adjetivos posesivos
There are There aren not Are there? Plural
Our Nuestro, nuestra,
nuestros, nuestras
The indefinite Article Your Vuestro, vuestra,
El artculo indeterminado vuestros, vuestras/su,
a Un, una sus (de Vd)
an Un, una Their Su, sus (de ellos, ellas)

Interrogative Adverbs Objetive pronouns

Adverbios interrogativos Pronombres de complemento
When cundo? Subject Object
Where dnde? I Me Me, a m
How cmo? You You Te, a ti/le (a Vd)
He Him Le, lo, a l
The alphabet (A-Z) She Her Le, lo, a ella
It It Le, la, lo
El alfabeto de la A a la Z
We Us Nos, a nosotros/as
Counting (11-20) You You A vosotros/as, a Vds.
Contar de 11 a 20 They Them Los, les, las/ a ellos, a ellas

Unit 337 Possesive pronous (singular)

Lets see/Let me see Pronombres posesivos (singular)
Look at this! Singular
Call me!/ Thanks for calling! Mine Mo, ma/mos, mas
What do you do? Yours Tuyo/a, tuyos/as, suyos/as
How much? (de Vd)
How old are you? His Suyo/a, suyos/as (de l)
The present simple tense (singular) Hers Suyo/a, suyos/as (de ella)
Its Suyo/a, suyo/as (de un
El presente simple (singular). animal u objeto)
Affirmative (presente de indicativo, forma
afirmativa) The definite article
Negative (presente de indicativo, forma
El articulo determinado
the El, la, lo/los, las
Question form (presente de indicativo, forma
Telling the time
The verb to have (singular) La hora
Present simple tense (singular)
Question words (How much, how old)
El presente simple del verbo tener
Adverbios interrogatives
El verbo tener (singular)
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Los nmeros y el contar

Unit 455 1 al 20
Del 20 al 100
Sure thing, boss!
Get to work!
Have fun!
Dont just stand there! Unit 575
Its not a pretty sight
How do you spell? Collocations with have, do, make
The present simple tense (plural) Las colocaciones con have (tener) y do/make
Los verbos: el presente simple (plural) (hacer)
Afirmative Adverbs of indefinite frequency
Negative Los adverbios de frecuencia indeterminada
Interrogative Nouns (number-gender)
Los nombres (nmero y gnero)
The present continuos tense
The days of the week
Los verbos: el presente continuo
Los das de la semana
The months of the year
Negative Los meses del ao
Interrogative Daily routine
La rutina diaria
The verb to have (plural)
Present simple tense (plural) Unit 694
El presente simple del verbo tener (plural)
Afirmative The ver to be able to (can)
Negative El verbo poder
Interrogative The verb to like
The verb have got El verbo gustar
El verbo gustar
Present simple tense Afirmative
El presente simple de la variante have got del (singular) (plural)
verbo tener I like me gusta we nos gusta
Afirmative you te gusta/ (a you os gusta/(a
like vd.) le gusta vds.) les
Negative gusta
Interrogative he likes (a l) le gusta they (a ellos, ellas)
les gusta
Demonstrative pronous (plural) she (a ella)le
likes gusta
Los pronombres demostrativos (plural)
it likes (a l, ella,
Plural ello) le gusta
these stos,stas
those sos, sas/quellos,
aqullas I like tea
Me gusta el t
Numbers and counting
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

She likes swimming Palabras interrigativas: Which.?/Which

(A ella) le gusta (el nadar) (la natacin) one
Prepositions of place 1
Obsrvese que el complemento de like puede ser un Las preposiciones de lugar 1
sustantivo (tea) o un gerundio que desempea la Ordinal numbers 2
funcin de un sustantivo (swimming) Los nmeros ordinales 2
Parts of the body 2
The saxon genitive Las partes del cuerpo 2
El genitive sajn Shopping dialogue
Adverbs of frequency Dilogo de compras
Los adverbios de frecuencia Asking the day and date
Ordinal numbers 1 Preguntando el da y la fecha
Los nmeros ordinals 1
How far?/ How long? Unit 9152
Preguntar distancias y otras medidas
How do you spell? Prepositions of time
Como se escribe? Las preposiciones de tiempo
Quantifiers (quantitative adjectives)
Los adjetivos cuantitativos
Unit 7114 Adverbs of time 1
Los adverbios de tiempo 1
The verb want/want to Adverbs of place 2
El verbo querer Los odverbios de lugar 2
The verbs to be/look like Ordinal numbers 3
El verbo parecerse a Los nmeros ordinals 3
The verb to feel like Orientation-Giving directions
El verbo sentirse (como) La orientacin: indicar direcciones
The imperative
El imperativo
Short answers Unit 10173
Las respuestas cortas
Attributive-predicate adjectives Verb opposites
Adjetivos atributivos y predicativos Los verbos contrarios
Parts of the body 1 Comparative adjetives
Las partes del cuerpo 1 Los adjetivos comparativos sirven para comparar
Why/because dos atributos cuando stos son desiguales; es decir
Por qu?/Porque un atributo o cualidad es ms o menos que otro (pero
no igual)

Unit 8132 Iveth is , but Katty is

Iveth es alta, pero Katty es Iveth
Question words: Whose...?
Palabras interrogativas: Whose.? Irregular adjetives:
Adjective Comparative
Question words: Which.?/Which one
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

good bueno better (than) mejor que The movie I saw yesterday was
bad malo worse (than) peor que the one I saw last week.
far lejos further/farther ms lejos que La pelicula que vi ayer es menos interesante que una
(than) que vi la pasada semana
much mucho more (than) ms que
The red bicycle is radio
Other froms of comparision The red bicycle is the blue one
We use to compare two things that are the
same or equal. TIP! Nosotros tambin podemos usar more con
This tent is as warm as a trailer nouns:
(= La tienda de campaa es igual de caliente que la casa remolque) Hes got money her
Carlos runs as fast as Julio I ve got free time my brother

We use not to say they arent the same or

= / + / +
Teresa isnt as happy as Tatiana Cuando indica continuidad en incremento o
Teresa no es tan feliz como Tatiana decrecimiento:
(= Tatiana is happi than Teresa)
It isnt as expensive as a house
The car was going faster and faster

We use the adjective with (not), not the

Nosotros usamos a lot/ much/ far antes del
comparative form:
Hes as old as me. not Hes as older as me comparativo para decir que hay una gran diferencia:
El es tan viejo como Hes a lot noisier. Hes much lazier

Nosotros usamos a bit/ a little/ slightly antes del

= + / + comparativo para decir que hay una pequea
Toms as intelligent as Harry diferencia:
Tom es tan inteligente como Harry Hes also a bit more patient
(= They are both equally intelligent)

We dont use than with (not) She isnt Infinitives-gerunds 1 Commented [u1]: El es tan viejo como yo
as shy as her sister. not She isnt as shy than her Los infinitivos y los gerundios 1
sister The verbs like, love.
Los verbos like, love
Comparative Count-Mass nouns (article a, an, the)
Cuando el adj. es largo (de dos o ms slabas), la Los nombres contables e incontables
forma comparative se construye anteponiendo al Indefinite
adjetivo la palabra more (para mas) o less (para Countable a/an -s
Uncountable -/some ---

Television is radio Definite

Countable the the/-s
Radio is television Uncountable the ---

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

En el cuadro superior se indican los posibles personas y los que se refieren a cosas. Las
cunatificadores de los nombres contables e combinaciones que se aplican a personas son las
incontables. Los cuantidicadores pueden ser siguientes:
artculos (a, an, the) o adjetivos (some, any...) Personas:
Reproduzcamos los mismos cuadros con ejemplos: every everybody/everyone todos
some somebody/someone alguien
Indefinite +body/one
any anybody/anyone nadie
singular plural
no nobody/no one
Countable a train trains
Uncountable water, some water ---
Como excepcin, sta combinacin (no one) se
escribe como dos palabras separadas.
Definite Para cosas, se usan las siguientes combinaciones:
singular plural Cosas:
Countable the city the cities every everything
Uncountable the bread --- some something algo
any anything algo
no nothing nada
Obsrvese que water y bread no son cuantificables
en ingls y por tanto carecen de plural y se
conjugan simpre en singular. En cambio, se Adverbs of degree 1
consideran sustantivos colectivos. Para That was an extremely nice meal!
cuantidicarlos hay que introducir una unidad (de
pan, agua...), como por qjemplo a pice of bread o a Adverbs of Manner
glass of water, que ya son contables. Adjective describe nouns
Adverbs of manner describe how something
Numbers (1,000-1,000,000) happens
Los nmeros (1.000-1.000.000)
Description Adj. Adver.
We form most adverbs of quiet quietly
manner by adding ly to the careful carefully
Beginners 2 (Vol 2) Adjetives ending in a easy easily
consonante+ydrop the y and
take -ily
Unit 111 Adjetives ending in le, drop terrible terribly
the e and take -y
Past simple of the verb to be Good Well
Fast Fast
Jack was late for work today Hard Hardly
Past simple of the verb there is/are Irregular adverbs (apenas)
There was a photo on the table farLate Late
Qualifying adjectives Early Early
Hes a tall man
Indefinite pronouns 1
Los adverbios de modo indican de qu forma ocurre
There isnt anybody at home
algo, por ejemplo:
Los pronombres indefinidos en ingls son palabras suddenly repentinamente
compuestas de dos elementos. Podemos diferenciar gradually paulatinamente
entre los pronombres indefinidos que se refieren a carefully cuidadosamente
quickly rpidamente

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

slowly lentamente Sequencers

quietly silenciosamente Then we went to a concert
Comparative adverbs
My wife always drives carefully He speaks more loudly than everyone else
Were gradually climbing to the top of the mountain Phrasal verbs
Its suddenly getting rain Please turn off the light
Its suddenly getting stormy
Unit 1573
The weather-temperature
It was cloudy and windy yesterday Verbs-short answers 2
Yes, they will/No, they wont
Distributive pronouns 1
Unit 1219 Neither John nor Eddie work here any more
American- British English 1
Verbs-the past simple (regular verbs) I know both the New York subway and the London
I watched TV on the weekend underground
Relative pronouns (who, which, that) Phrasal verbs (with come, go, get)
Do you know anyone who lives in Boston? I got back home after midnight
Adverbs of place 2 Transport
The cat is on top of the wardrobe A truck is used to carry goods
The station is around the corner
Unit 1689
Unit 1337
Superlative adjectives
Verbs the future simple (will) We use superlatives to compare three or more
They will phone me later people, places, or things:
Relative pronouns (when, where, that) Eric is the most boring man Dom has ever met.
A bakery is a shop where you buy bread Best, latest, most attractive
Verbs-say vs tell Lista de adjetivos cuya forma superlative es
He says hell repair the machine tomorrow singular; es decir, no obedece ninguna regla.
Verbs- say vs. live Short (regular) adjetives:
What was the name of the hotel you stayed in? Adjetive Comparative Superlative
Adjetives and their opposites old older (than) the oldest
Upper is the opposite of lower pure purer (than) the purest
fresh fresher (than) the freshest
Weather forecasting
sunny sunnier (than) the sunniest
Itll be sunny in the south of England
Unit 1455 A lot, plenty, little, a few
Prepositions of time 2
Verbs-the past simple (irregular verbs) By, until, up to
Last year I went to Egypt
Food-drink 1
Adverbs of degree 2 Salad, chips, popcorn, juice, soda
We almost missed our flight

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Its the most delicious soft drink around! Modal verbs-obligation-prohibition
Have to, mustnt, dont need to
Verbs-to manage, to cope
Unit 17105 I cant cope with.
So / so much / so many
Verbs- be going to future tense So indica que un proceso est llegando a un
be going to = gonna (solo hablado) extremo. Suele formar parte de la siguientes
Indica una mayor probabilidad de cumplirse esa estructuras:
intencin: es decir, es prcticamente un plan, una so + (adjetive/adverb) tan+(adjetivo/adverbio) +que
proyeccin de futuro o un prosito.
so much+ (mass noun) tanto/a+ (nombre incontable)
Time exprssions
+that.. +que
Tomorrow, tonight, so
so many+ (count noun) tanto/a+ (nombre contable)
Next/week, year, month
+that.. +que
In an hour, week
Days of the week
It was so hot that I had to take my shirt off
My neighbour is going to travel around the world She was so sick that we had to call an ambulance
next day There was so much snow that we had to stop the
Shes going to visit her aunt tomorrow car.
be going to = gonna (solo hablado) So many people turned up that we had to put them
in the garden

Nouns-irregular plurals Por norma general, puede omitirse la conjuncin

Mouse/nice, man/men that:
Indefinite pronouns 2 It was so hot that I had to take my shirt off
Anywhere, anyhow, somehow She was so sick that we had to call an ambulance
Queue or line? There was so much snow that we had to stop the
To queue up, to stand in line car.
Flying So many people turned up that we had to put them
Check-in, passport control, customs. in the garden

Unit 18121 So fast that

Too/too much/ too many
Verb-noun collocations 1 It was too hot to
Make, do, get Lets
Idioms 1 Lets go for a walk
In deep water, to know by heart Let
Answering Which..? Let him have the bicycle
Mine, my fathers, that one
Food-ordering Unit 20153
Ill have a salad
Adverbs of degree 3 (Too/ not enough)
Unit 19137 Not quick enough to catch
Reciprocal pronouns
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Each other, one another Work for, work in, work with
Adverb order Some common abbreviations
Manner, place, frequency What does USA stand for?
Competing Job skills / Job interviews
Wining, losing, prize Can you speak French / use a computer?

Unit 451

Verbs-The conditional form of like

Elementary 1 (Vol 3) Id like/Id like to
In English, the conditional is more a mood /tener
Unit 11 ganas/ than a tense. We use it to talk about
probabilities. However, in this unit we are interested
The past continous tense only in the phrase would like. We use would like to
I was walking.They were talking order (food, in a restaurant), to book (a fight, a
Past simple vs past continuous holiday) or to ask for something. We usually only
What were you doing when use the full form (would) in questions. In the
The verb to stand for affirmative, we use the contaction -d and, in the
What does EG stand for negative, the contaction -dnt
What do you want to be /do
When you grow up /retire? Note that would like is equivalent to want. For
A simple biography instance, we can ask, would you like some tea? or Do
Went to school./Studied law at you want some tea? However, would like is more
polite, even in colloquial English
Unit 217
Adverbs just
Verbs-to Know vs to meet Ive just got./Thats just what I need
Of course I know Past I met him years ago! Adverbs so/ so
Relative pronouns- How and Why (Degree) She was so tired that
I cant remember how to do this (Likewise) Im late and so are you
Indefinitive relative pronouns- whatever and (As stated) I think so
Ill order, whatever you do So can be used (1) to intensify an adjective:
Reflexive Intensive pronouns We were so tired after swimming that we went
Adjective Preposition collocations 1 straight to bed
Sad aboutangry with Why are you so bad-tempered today?
Unit 333 (2) So can mean the same (as someone else):
Jakes from Chicago and so am I.
The present perfect tense I ordered a salad and so did Mary.
Ive beenShes returned Note that, after so (in the two examples, above), the
Modal verbs-ability vs capacity subject and verb change positions (i.e. the subject
Can /be able to comes after the verb or modal verb).
The verb to work with prepositions

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Lastly, (3) we use so instead of something that has So, they left the hotel and took a taxi to the airport
been said, e.g. It was raining, so I took my umbrella
Do you think its going to rain?
Yes, I think its going to rain Driving instructions
Start the engine
Instead of repeating its going to rain, we can Hairstyling
answer: Comb out any tangles..
Yes, I think so
Unit 7115
We can use with other verbs (hope, reckon, suppose,
guess) in the same way: Verbs-future forms 1
Is Wanda coming to the party tonight? Ill tell you about it later
I don`t know, but I hope so Were going to have a serious talk
The ceremony starts in 10 minutes
Adjective and their opposites
Bad-temperatured good-natured Common errors 1
He works like a slave She works as a slave
Unit 567 David works like a slave
David works as a slave
The Zero conditional The first sentence means that David works very
If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils hard, but the second sentences says that David is
If you look carefully, you can see the stars actually a slave
Modal verbs- should ought to
You should see the doctor about your foot as= in the role of (as + noun)
She ought to take her medicine As a child I would play a lot with dolls
Giving advice, making suggestions De nio jugaba con juguetes
She ought speak to her boss
Why dont you come to the party with me? like= in the same way /similar a (like + noun)
Like all women I love to be fashionable
Como toda mujer me encanta estar a la moda
Unit 683
as light claridad as a wolf devorar
The imperative as quiet silencio as a bee reunion
Get the knife! Dont touch the plate! as good as a mouse
The emphatic imperative as free as a sheet sabana
as white as a bird ave
Do have a seat as hungry ambriento as a feather pluma
Conjunctions- so/ so as quick as gold
So that she can wear it as busy as lightning relampago
We use so to indicate a purpose or objective:
Im giving you money so (that) you can buy a new After passing his exams and with the whole summer
car bicycle ahead of him, Brian felt as good
He stood up so (that) he could see the field better Whats for dinner? Im as hungry
Emily has been as quick getting everything ready
So also indicates the beginning of a sequence, for the party tonight
especially in a story, or the result of something: The box is not heavy at all; its as a feather
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Tom often fights with the other children at school, Lets .

but today he has been as busy Why dont we.?

Now, lets look at the nouns work and job: Unit 9137
I had a lot of work yesterday
I did a big job yesterday Adverbs 2 (also, too, as well, either, neither)
Many languages have only one word for work and I cant attend, and neither can John
job, but English they are different- work is an activity Im studying and Janes studying too
or a process. It is a general concept and is Interrogative particles (who, what, which,
uncountable. Job is a specific unit of work like a when)
project. It is countable (one job, two jobs, three Whos leading the expedition?
jobs) Prepositions of movement
Static: in, under, behind
Verb-noun collocations 2 Dynamic: into, out of, through
Im dealing with the problem Verifying a Checklist
Hes making a phone-call What are we taking for food?
Making plans Describing an interior
We meet the manager at 10 a.m The desk is under the window
We have lunch at 1.30 p.m
Unit 10155
Unit 8117
Adverbs of frequency (continued)
Conjunctions (link works) 1 She hardly ever eats fast food
And American vs British English 2
Get up and leave Americans eat candy, while the English eat sweets
Bread and butter Idioms 2
But/ Or A race against time
Ill read anything but magazines Start the ball rolling
You could play the violin or the piano.. Market surveys 1
Just/ Just as How often do you watch documentaries?
Its just dow the road I filled in a long questionnaire
He arrived just as I was leaving
Giving reasons:
She went home because she was tired
Elementary 2 (Vol 4)
(2)(in order) to
I phoned him to tell him the news Unit 111
(3)As / since
I couldnt attend the meeting as I was busy finishing Gerunds vs infinitives 2A
the report I like watching/to watch TV
They didnt answer their phone since they were on Gerunds vs infinitives 2B
vacation. She remembered buying tickets
Making suggestions She remembered to buy tickets
How about? Gerunds vs infinitives 2C

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

He regrets travelling through the desert At the doctors

Gerunds vs infinitives 2D I have a pain in my arm
We decided to stay the weekend Ive got a headache
Social blogging Catching a thief
A policeman chased Rocky down the street
Unit 1217
Instant vs continuous actions Unit 1333
(Past simple vs past continuous)
I was watching the news when the phone rang Verbs- past simple vs present perfect
Expressions of purpose Have you ever been to the Bahamas?
In order to. I went there last month
For the purpose of. Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs with back Im off to the awards ceremony
Hes just got back from school When are you going to try out your new computer?
Please give the book back to me
Here are some phrasal verbs and their verb
Here are some essential phrasal verbs which equivalents:
combine a verb plus the adverbial particle back. Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
These are listed in the column on the left. On the be off leave
come up with invent, find (a
right is a normal verb with the same-or similar solution)
meaning: deal with handle
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb find out discover
to be back to have returned get to reach
to bring back to return (an go up rise
object) set up build, establish
to call back to return a phone- sit back lounge
call try out test
to come back to arrive/ to
return (home/to
work/etc) Achievements
to get back to arrive/ to Amundsen reached the South Pole
return (home/to She climbed the mountain last weekend
work, etc) Tungsten invented the light bulb
to give back to return (an
object) Wine-tasting competitions
to go back to return California wines have swept the wine competitions
to sit back to lounge (in a
chair/sofa/ etc) Unit 1447
to take back to return (an
Transitive vs intransitive verbs
Im tasting this delicious wine
Common error 2 The wine tastes delicious
What do you do? What are you doing? Phrasal verbs with look 1
The street road from Rome to Milan Im looking forward to the summer vacation
Weve been to the country We went to the Police are looking into the latest bank robbery

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Here are some essential phrasal verbs which Shes out doing the shopping
combine the verb look and an adverbial particle. Collocations with prepositions
These are listed in the column on the left. On the She was cross with me about the report
right is a normal verb with the same-or similar- He gave a strage excuse for arriving late
meaning: Stan is responsible for the arragements
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb Shady business practices
look after take care of They have agents that do their dirty work
look around search
look for try to find They have a reputation for playing rough
look forward eagerly anticipate McLeans does a lot of damage to the environment
look into investigate Unit 1793
look out be careful
look over examine
look up research Verbs- The first conditional
look up to respect If he tells the truth, people wont vote for him
If we simplify the desing, it will be cheaper to make
Farming the rice cycle If you dont deliver on time, they wont pay
The farmer sows rice seeds in a nursery Idioms
After a few weeks, the plants take root To start the ball rolling
Winemaking To be on the ball
Red wine comes from the finest grapes To spill the beans
The humid soil is excellent for grapes-growing Developing strategies products vs markets
A salad repice Were designing an aggressive and campaign
Wash the lettuce and tomatoes We now sell our products online
Cook the pasta and drain it
Unit 18109
Unit 1563
The passive (active, passive form)
Verbs future forms 2 (plan to/intend to) A new bridge is being built over the river
They plan to build a new highway The city was founded in 1769
She intends to invest in real estate

Verbs future forms 2 (aim to/ Thinking of)



He aims to rent a house in the country
Were thinking of moving to Detroit



Transport plans
The government plans to allocate more funds
The first sentence is active, while the second one is
Development plans passive. The subject of the first sentence (our
Theyre selling cheap property on the Black Sea
factory) is called the agent in the passive
sentence. Note, too, that the direct object in the
You need to apply for planning permission
active sentence (this car) becomes the subject of the
passive sentence. Lastly, the active verb (makes)
Unit 1677 changes in the passive, where it becomes a past
participle and is preceded by the auxiliary verb to
Verbs-make vs do 1 be (is), and followed by the preposition by, i.e.
Ive made an appointment with the doctor
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Negative, progressive vs perfect infinitives

The transformation is: She decided not to study journalism
Active become Passive Its great to be sitting here on the beach
subject ---- agent
passive verb (past participle)
Gerunds vs infinitives 3
active verb ----
object --- subject We are currently looking for extra kitchen staff
We form the passive with: Exhibitions, admission, dates, times
the verb (be, have..) + be + past participle + by Print Ads
Painting and sculptures by Joel Levine
Tense Active Passive
simple makes/make is/are made by Unit 19125
present designs is designed by
present is/are making is/are being made by
continuous is designing are being designed by
Stative verbs /stative verbs/
simple made was/were made by The following verbs are not normally used in
past designed was designed by progressive tenses:
was/were was/were being made
making by Verbs of the senses see, hear, smell, taste,
was designing were being designed by feel, notice, seem, look
present has/have made has/have been made by (=seem)
perfect has designed has been designed by Verbs of emotions: love, hate, dislike, want,
can make can be made by need, prefer, mind, etc
can design can be designed by Verbs of opinion: know, agree, think
will make will be made by (=believe), believe /creo/,
will design will be designed by understand, remember,
forget, hope/confiar/,
Present simple: mean, imagine, etc
Our company designs machines Other verbs be, have (=posesion),
own, belong/pertenecer/,
Machines are designed by our company cost, etc
Present continuous:
Our company is designing machines
Machines are being designed by our company Note: the verbs see, hear, taste, smell, feel are
Simple past: commonly used with can to indicate an action
Our company designed a machine happening now
A machine was designed by our company I can hear a strange noise coming from the kitchen.
Past continuous:
Our company was designed a machine I like hiking in the mountains
A machine was being designed by our company The box contains a present
Present perfect:
Letter writing
Our company has designed a machine Dear Sir, I am writing in reply to your
A machine has been designed by our company I look forward to hearing from you
Our company can design a machine Yours faithfully
A machine can be designed by our company Job ad
Future: We are currently looking for extra kitchen staff
Our company will design a machine All applicants must be over 18 years old
A machine will be designed by our company Job interview
Do you have any experience as a journalist?

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Why do you think you should get the job? Id come to the party but Im expecting a phone-call
Id give you the key but Im trying to get it out of
the lock
Unit 20141 The causative use of make 1
We can make you rich
Verb tense review 1 Can you make this computer work?
I play rugby He didnt want to pay for the meal, but I made him
Hes fixing his car do it
He climbed to the top of the hill Making excuses
Phrasal verbs review 1 Im really not in mood for.
We waited for an hour, but he didnt turn up Im very sorry but I didnt have time to
Sally was fed up with her job so she resigned Incidents captured on CCTV
Idioms review 1 Youve been caught on camera
Mike got into trouble with his boss- hes in deep You were stealing from our shop!
The firefighter pulled the girl out of the fire. Now Unit 333
shes safe and sound
Modals review 1 Phrasal verbs with take
You neednd do the dishes- Ill wash up later She takes care of her old mother
Ralph should have a haircut- his hairs getting The plan took off just before midnight
really long!
Here are some essential phrasal verbs which use the
verb take and adverbial particle. These are listed
in the column on the left. On the right are other
verbs with the same-or similar-meaning:
Lower intermediate 1 (Vol 5) Phrasal Equivalent veb
Unit 11 take away remove
take back return (an object)
take care be careful
Verb tense review take care of look after
I drive to work every day take down make a note of
Hes driving to work now take off remove (clothes)
She drove to work yesterday take on hire/employ
Ill drive to work tomorrow take out remove (from
New towns vs property development interior)
Gatwick is one of britains busiest airports take over take control of
The plan brought about rapid economic growth take up start (a hobby,
Business strategies
The capacity to change is the key to survival
I have to take the book back to the library by
Im talking about cost reduction
Take care when you cross the busy street- its
Unit 217
It was so hot I had to take off my jersey.
The present continuous vs conditional tense

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

The government decided to take over the bank.

Common errors
Adverbs of manner 2 He went to the concert with car by car
Tells us how something happens or happened. We stayed at a camping near the beach campsite
The position of these adverbs in the sentence is very We arrived to the airport at 6p.mat
flexible. In a short, simple sentence the following Claiming social security benefits
word orders are all correct. She receives a social security benefit because shes
Suddenly he stopped talking too ill to work
He suddenly stopped talking Police discovered that Anna wasnt really ill
He stopped talking suddenly Applying for a Visa
Fill in the application form and include two photos
Unfortunately, he fell when he was crossing the Take it to the embassy, along with your passport
She carefully took the top off the bouttle Unit 567
Idioms 3
I cant keep track of all the phone-calls? The past perfect tense
He feels on top of the world after winning the prize I had seen her twice before she spoke to me
How an accident happened Time adverbials 1
Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, another car was Ill get in touch as soon as I arrive
heading right at them By the time he got home the sun had come out
Accompanying people under threat Time adverbial Meaning
He asked a foreign accopanier to stay at his house as soon as.. something will happen when a
condition is met
once.. something will happen when a
Unit 451 condition is met
by the time.. something has already happened
when the main action occurs
Verbs-modals of suggestion
just.. something has already happened
We ought to phone him now immediately before the main
Why dont you try doing more exercise? action occurs
Verbs-modals for instructions until.. something continues to happen in
Youll need to finish the report by Friday the past, but stops when something
else happens
He must call us when he arrives
Making suggestions Inversin-hardly/No sooner
You should I had hardly stepped out when the rain started to tall
We ought to No sooner had I got into bed than the doorbell rang
May I suggest? How to put a tent
Shall I Place the ground-sheet on a piece of that ground
They could Put the air-bed inside the tent and inflate it
How to change a flat tyre
Giving instructions Take the spare wheel from the car boot
You should Tighten the wheel nuts fully using the wheel brace
He must
She has to
Unit 685
Would you?
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Verbs-Tag questions 1 The decive creates a hologram of your body

Its a stunning device, isnt it? The machine is made of glass and plastic
She got throught airport security, didnt she?
Phrasal verbs with turn vs put Unit 7103
Please put this spoon away in the drawer
Turn over the magazine-the pictures on the back Verbs-the second conditional
If I won the lottery, Id travel around the world
Here are some common phrasal verb with turn or What would you do if you were rich?
put plus an adverbial particle. These are listed in Comparative vs superlative adverbs
the column on the left. On the right are other verbs He drives more carefully than me
with the same-or similar-meaning: He can run the furthest without getting tired
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
turn back return, go back The regular form of comparative adverbs,
turn down refuse, reject
turn into become especially long ones, is more + adverb.
turn off deactivate, switch In the superlative, this changes to: most +
off adverb.
turn on activate, switch adverb comparative superlative
on comfortably more comfortably the most
turn over place on the than comfortably
opposite side noisily more noisily the most noisily
turn up appear, arrive regularly more regularly the most regularly
silently more silently the most silently
She returned down his job offer because the pay effectively more effectively the most effectively
was too low.
Dont forget to turn off the television before you The are quite a few exceptions to the above rule,
go to bed. particularly among short, common adverbs:
It was snowing so hard we decided to turn back. adverb comparative superlative
well better the best
Put fast faster the fastest
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb badly worse the worst
put away return(something) little less the least
to its place much more the most
put down leave (something) early earlier the earliest
on a surface late Later than the latest
put off postpone softly softer/ more softly the softest/ the most
put on to wear softly
put up hand (on a wall) loudly louder/ more loudly the loudest/ the most
Jake got sick, so we put off todays meeting until slow/ slower / more the slowest/ the most
next week. slowly slowly slowly
Put down that pot and help me lay the table hard harder the hardest
When you take off your jacket, put it away in the
wardrobe. Mr Burrows turned up for the meeting later than
Checking data expected
Thats the island, isnt it? I ought to attend lectures more regularly Im falling
Those are you parents, arent they? behind with my studies
Gadgets 1 She danced the most elegantly of all the contestants

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Opinion polling Please give me back the book I lent you last week.
Over 75% of workers have daydreams Tom finally decided to give up smoking.
Less than 5% daydream about violent scenes The grocery store is giving away free samples of
Daydreaming the new chocolate.
To start with, Id give up work
If I won the grand prize, Id save the money for my Verbs-noun collocations 3
college education! I takes time to get over a disappointment
Keep an eye on my bags while Im away
Unit 8119
Idioms 5
Passive infinitives You can thank your lucky start its not snowing!
Theres a lot of work to be done The lotion you gave me worked like magic!
The house needs to be painted Luck and fortune-telling
Verbs- to be worth It depends which way the wind blows
Its worth protecting your skin with sunblock He played the lottery and struck it lucky
Your skin is worth protecting with sunblock
DIY- Mounting a wind turbine Unit 10155
The turbine must be connected to the power supply
Check that the blades are rotating freely in the wind Verbs- the causative
Personal care products Have somebody fix the leaking sink
Factor 30 sunblock helps protect against skin I eventually got an electrician to repair the wall
cancer! socket
Aroma soap keeps you clean and smelling good! Conditionals with modals
If you arrive on time, you should report to the
Unit 9135 We might go away for the weekend if I finish work
Phrasal verbs with give We have already seen how the first and second
Theyre giving out travel brochures conditionals (Elementary 17 +Lower intermediate 7)
I give up-you tell me the answer consist of a main clause and an if clause. The main
clause includes a modal verb (will in the first
Here are some common phrasal verbs with give conditional and would in the second
plus an adverbial particle. These are listed in the conditional).These two modals can be replaced by
column on the left. Their meaning is given in the others such as can, could, should, may and
right hand column: might. Here are the possible natural-sounding
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb combinations:
Give away Give as a present 1st conditional
Give back Return (an can
object..) could
Give in Surrender should
Give off Emit, radiate If I win the lottery, I will buy a house
Give out Distribute/emit would
Give up Stop (an activity, may
a bad might

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

2nd conditional
could Following are some new phrasal verbs and their
If I won the lottery, I
buy a house meanings:
might Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
work out to turn out well, to end well
track down to look for and find
Delegating tasks turn inside to have the inside (of a garment, etc) come
Have Nancy conduct the interview for me out out (and the outside go in)
Hire a bricklayer to build the new wall stop over to stop at a place on the way to ones
Giving assignments stick up to have an object rise higher than other
Assing the task to Richard objects around it
Get Polly to make the travel arragements start out to begin a journey, a project or some other
slip out to leave a room or building quietly, often
without anybody noticing it
Lower intermediate 2 (Vol 6) hang onto
make up
to grab and hold something and not let it go
to invent something, especially a story or an
Unit 111
I slipped out of the meeting without anyone
Participial adjetives 1 noticing
You must see that film-its re really exciting? We stopped over in Amsterdam on our way to
Texting abbreviations Stockholm
CU L8R stands for see you later I had to hang onto my umbrella to prevent it from
G2G- my boyfriends waiting for me! being blown away
The surveillance society
How do you feel about video cameras in the street, Unit 1337
Verbs- time sequences 1
Unit 1219 People used to believe that the earth was flat
Then Portuguese explorers sailed around the world
Verbs- used to past in 1522
We used to get together and sing at the weekend A sequence of past events can be described by using
I used to use a typewriter before computers arrived different verb tenses. As we saw in the last Unit
Conditional phrases (Lower Intermediate 12), a repeated action in the
You can watch the show, as long as you keep the past can be described by the used to past, e.g.
volume down Monks used to write books by hand
In the event of my death, you should sell the house Humans used to be hunter-gatherers
Commo errors 4
Your daughter looks very grown grown-up Common errors 5
My husbands an excellent cooker cook That blouse really matches you suits
Phrasal verbs My brothers smaller than me shorter
Were trying to track down the owner of this A timeline of inventions
suitcase Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440
Hang on a second while I call Mr Stopes Columbus arrived in America in 1492
How to make bread
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Put all the ingredients into a large bowl break a promise

Put the tin in a 200c oven for 30 minutes break a record
break someones heart
break the ice
Unit 1455 break the rules

Verbs- present perfect continuous tense Security checks

Shes been working here since 2003 Frisking is a very invasice technique
Ive been watching him for over an hour We had to walk throught a metal detector
Common error 6 Onlight flight questionnaire
Strangers need to apply for a special visa Did you enjoy flying withus?
Foreigners What is your next destination?
We went on an exciting travel through Africa trip
Prepositions of time for vs during Unit 1691
Weve lived in this neighbourhood for years
He was using his cellphone during the flight The passive 2
Holiday brochures Data is being collected on all people online now
Take a trip to the Tower or Pisa Our personal details are being misused

How much does the trip cost?




Unit 1573 Here are examples of passive sentences in the

following tenses---- past continuous, past perfect,
Subject vs object questions used to past and conditional:
/Subject Questions and Object Questions/
Who did the shopping? John did
What did he buy? He bought some groceries The surveillance society 2
Verb-noun collocations 4 Our telephone conversations are being monitored
Im really exhausted- I need to take a rest They were filmed on CCTV
Mike broke his own record and ate seven Online security
sandwiches Ive received some strange emails lately
Here is a list of some new, common verb-noun You ought to disable cookies in your browser
collocations: Embarrassing situations
verb noun
have a good time
Well, my wife just happened to see it all
have a haircut Were presently negotiating our divorce
have a rest
Unit 17109
make a difference
make a promise
make trouble Uses of the verb get 1
Switch on the light- its getting dark in here
take a break She got a strange phone-call someone is Russia
take a look Inheritance vs heirs
take a rest
take a seat
He bequeathed his estate to his son, Michael
take a chance/ a risk He inherited the house and the business from his
break a habit

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Processes of transformation 1 They chased the thief across the street

The weather is getting cold American vs British English 3
The liquid is turning white They take the subway in New York and the
underground in London
Unit 18125 The Americans call it candy, and the British, sweets
Prepositions- Position in the sentence 1
Relative clauses 1 They were talking about the economic situation
Thats the river we swam across
Relative Use Police vs crime
pronoun You found the brick in the car park, did you?
Who Pronoun for people He chased him through downtown New York
Which1 Pronoun for animals or things
Which2 Referring to a whole sentence
Whose Possession for people, animals and Unit 20163
Whom Object pronoun for people Adverbs of degree 4
That Pronoun for people, animals or things We barely have enough food to last the week
Wed hardly got outside when it started to rain
I told you about the woman who lives next door Verb-object-gerund
Do you see the car which is lying on the roof? They caught him stealing in the grocery store
He couldnt read, which surprised me She saw us standing outside the cinema
Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse? Near misses/close calls
I was invited by the professor whom I met at the I almost bumped into the lady
conference We nearly drove into the side of the truck
I dont like the table that stand in the kitchen Recipes 4
Remove the leases, dip in dreesing and eat
Did you hear the advice which I gave to Beryl? Now, wash the artichokes in cold water
I asked him about the cat that hed found in the
Relative particles 2
She climbed the mountain, which you can see over
Intermediate 1 (Vol 7)
I spoke to our neighbor, who has lived in Turkey Unit 11
An election speech
We will reduce taxes and increase public spending Phrasal verbs with make
It is our durty to fight inflation We could just make out the village in the distance
Time is money He made up a strang excuse for arriving late
Work will be done in silence from now on Lunch
will now be eaten at your desks As we have seen in past Units, phrasal verbs are
key to a mastery of English. Here are several new
Unit 19145 phrasal verbs based on make, live and move:
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
Dynamic prepositions make for head for/ go in the
He walked into the store and demanded to see the direction of
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

make off with steal/take without way (to another

permission place)
make out distinguish/manage move out leave a home to
to see something go and live
(sometimes, with somewhere else
difficulty) move over make space for
make up1 invent (a story, an someone who
excuse) wants to stand or
make up2 comprise, form, be sit next to you
a part of
After two days in the village, the travelling
The thief made off with painting worth over a salesman moved on
million dollars. Im moving out next week- Im going to live with
I could just make out the shape of a ship on the my girlfriend
bottom of the sea. Can you move over? Sarah wants to join us on the
Rice makes up a large part of peoples diet in Asia. sofa

Phrasal verbs with live Keeping fit vs eating healthy

They had to live through some hard times Meditation cam help you relax
Our parents memory lives on in our hearts This soup is good and wholesome
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
Live on1 Eat (as the main Unit 217
part of ones diet)
Live on Remain
(amemory of The future continuous tense
someone or While youre skiing in the mountains, Ill be
something) swimming in the sea
Live through Experience What will you be doing at six oclock tomorrow?
difficult) The future perfect tense
Live up to Meet (standards, By the time you get to Chicago, Ill have left for
expectations) Denver
I wont have finished lunch by the time you get
The memory of our honeymoon lives on in my back
mind. Smuggling 1
We lived through terrible times during the war The drugs were concealed in suitcase with a false
The new reporter is not living up to the companys bottom
expectations. Even people are smuggled from one country to
Phrasal verbs with move another
A new flat mate is moving in next week Taking risks
Can you move over, please- I want to sit down The plans perfect- we wont get caught
Its a policeman and hes approaching now
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
move in start living in a
new home Unit 333
move on forget past
worries/ to Idioms 6
continue on ones Priscilla turned up out of the blue yesterday
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

We got to the airport in the nick of time Unit 683

This/That much/Many
Ive never seen this much food before! The past perfect continuous tense
There werent that many people at the concert Wed been sitting around for ages when they
Describing people announced our flight
Hes tall and thin and has long black hair How long had you been saving up before you went
Hes very generous with his money on holiday?
Smuggling 2 Emphatic vs reflexive pronouns
The paintings were hidden in a crate of tea I could just see myself in the mirror
Customs officials seized the artefacts There was nobody else around, so I had to move the
piano myself
Unit 449 Making vs answering phone-calls
Im putting you through to Mr Baxter
Present perfect vs present perfect continuous Im afraid Ms Wrigh is in a meeting
Ive been thinking of renting a car Showing someone in
Ive seen that movie twice alredy Welcome to the health centre!
Adverb exceptions Please take a seat
He runs really fast!
Fred worked extremely hard all day Unit 7101
Processes of transformation 2
Your face turned blue in the cold Reported speech 1
Shes growing old very fast Im in the lounge watching a movie
Pets John said that he was in the lounge watching a
A German shepherd is a breed of dog movie
My cats really obedient My brothers outside playing in the garden
She said that her brother was outside playing in the
Unit 565 garden
Limits vs consequences
Indefinite pronouns- number He ate so much that he got a stomachache
We met somebody from Las Vegas It was so dark you coulnt see you hand in front of
They were all siting around a table you
Distributive pronouns 2 We had such bad weather that we went back home
Either Jack or his brother is coming When things go wrong
The boys are each getting a new jacket It was so cold we had to sit in the car
To lock To unlock It was so difficult to park that we decided to go
Dont forget to lock the door before you leave home
Im having trouble unlocking this door
Container shipping Unit 8119
Hes busy loading cargo in the harbor
We ship our goods in containers Subordinating conjunctions
Talking about quantities I likeliving in the city, whereas my wife prefers the
We ordered six, but they only delivered four country
Several boys were standing on the grass Dont let him take that book with him unless he
pays for it
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Common errors 7 Ive been waiting for the train for the last two hours
Remember me to get some flour at the grocery store I expect Mary to get home around six
Remind me to get some flour at the grocery store Observations vs sightings
How to write a CV/Resume A huge crop circle was found early that morning
Make sure you resume is neat and not folded I saw circular UFO with flashing lights
A CV should never be handwritten Bird watching vs train spotting
Ocean and rivers This bird was much bigger than a sparrow
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean He observes trains going in and out of the station
The Amazon river flows into the Atlantic Ocean

Unit 9137
Intermediate 2 (Vol 8)
Reported speech 2
James said that he recalled living through a Unit 111
She said that Harry would get married soon Past tense review
Phrasal verbs with look 2 Has she ever handed in her resignation?
Hes lucky to have you looking after him Yes, she quit her boring job in a warehouse
Were looking ahead to next years results Talking big
I went to Paris twice last summer!
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb Thats nothing! Ive been to Paris several times!
look ahead prepare for the Dealing with people
future The staff here are encouraged to be frank with one
look around look for
something in the
surrounding area They work harder when theyre given clear
look back to recall past incentives
memories Business phrases
look down on consider inferior
The boss sets an example, and we follow it
Makes handing in his resignation tomorrow
Memories vs recall
Looking back on my college days Unit 1219
We met in New York city in 1985
Weather events Tag questions 2
Coastal areas can expect high winds Hes been doing the housework, hasnt he?
The hurricane moved in from the east We havent been working hard enough, have we?
Phrasal verbs with be
Unit 10153 Im afraid this tomato is off
Max has gone away for the weekend
Reported speech 3
The library phoned and asked me to return the Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
be about to deal with
book be about to to be a moment
Josh said that the library had phoned and asked him away from doing
to return the book something
Wait for /expect/ hope
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

be away to be out of town If you keep on working, youll be finished by

(on business or
on holiday)
be back to have returned Keep away from that dog- its dangerous.
be in to be at home/ at You should keep up your swimming-its good for
work/available you!
be off1 to leave, to start
States vs places
going out
be off2 to be stale/ not The printers on but the computers off Maggies
fresh out but Brians in
be on1 to be active
be on2 to take place
Unit 1335
be out to not be at home/
in the office/
available Present perfect review
be over to have finished Weve been rehearsing the play every day this week
be up to be the matter, Ive havent seen Jake for at least six months now
to be happening
Phrasal verb with go
Her bad behaviours been going on for weeks
Whats up? Why are you looking so sad?
Lets go over the instructions again
I was about to go to bed when the phone rang.
Completion or duration
When the movie was over, we went for a
Hannahs been playing rugby for years
Ive already handed the report in
The concert is on, despite the rain.
Phrasal verbs with keep
Here are some common phrasal verbs with go
I think you ought to keep away from that dog!
(+adverbial particle):
Ive decided to keep up the guitar for at least Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
another year go away to leave (town)
go back to return
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb go down to decrease, fall
keep away to remain at a go in to enter
distance, not to go off1 to turn stale
go near go off2 to sound (alarm,
keep off to hold sb/st at a bomb)
distance, to go out to leave, exit
prevent sb/st go out with to have a
from getting boyfriend/girlfriend
close go over to revise
keep on1 to continue go up to increase, rise
keep on2 to keep wearing, Prices are going up, while wages are going down.
to not take off My sister is going out with a boy she met at the
(clothing) school dance
keep out to not go inside (a Im going over my essay to correct some mistakes.
building, a
room) I got a fright when my alarm went off early this
keep up to continue (with morning
an activity) Were thinking of going away this weekend.

Unit 1453

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Let him do it on his own-too many cooks spoil the

Causative use of make 2 broth!
This movie really makes me scared! Understanding News headlines
The tremor made the building shake Eurotunnel Posts Annual Profit, despite Poor
Causative use of get 2 Economy
I cant get the top off this bottle BA Takes On New Staff After Strike Threat
Id like to get the radio working again
Phrasal verbs with carry Unit 1689
Despite the rain, he carried on working in the
I dont know if shes qualified to carry out this Business idioms 1
project You can give the team the green light on that
Here are some common phrasal verbs with carry I think well break even for this financial year
(+adverbial particle): Building trades vs materials
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb A builder lays bricks and builds houses
carry on to continue A plumber lays pipes and fixes water systems
(doing) Earthquake vs resistant constructions
carry out to perform (an The house should be built on solid, concrete
action, test,
experiment) foundations
carry through to complete (a Building materials such as wood and steel are
process) suitable
Unit 17105
The engineers are carrying out test on the new
bridge. Verbs- the third conditional 1
Despite the difficulties, he carried the project If Id won the competition, I would have become
through. the world champion
The pupils carried on talking, even after the If you hadnt brought your coat, you would have
teacher had come in. been very cold
Assembly lines Prepositions- position in the sentence 2
His job is to assemble toys in the factory Which doctor should I register with?
I knock off at 5 oclock in the afternoon Which crime was he involved in?
Idioms 7
Unit 1569 In times of crisis you have to tighten your belt
Murray caused the problem-now he has to face the
Uses of the verb get 2 music!
My wife finally got me to buy a new computer Expressing regret
The local team got 4 goals in the first half I regret to inform you that your credit card has
Business collocations 1 expired
Shes flying out to Amsterdam to close a deal Im sorry but the hotel is full
Were launching a new product next week
Proverbs 1 Unit 18121

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Verbs-the third conditional 2 do down to deceive, to

He wouldnt have bought the jacket if it hadnt been
do in to kill/to hurt or
on sale injure/ to wreck
If I hadnt studied history, I would have studied law do up to fasten (e.g. a
Idioms 8 button/jacket)
We had to sack him because his work was not up to do without to manage
scratch (something or
Dont jump the gun and invest in such a hurry! somebody)
Adventure sports
The zip line was 40 feet off the ground!
You jump off a hilltop or run down a slope Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
Accomplishments fall behind to be going too
(with) slowly t finish
When did you create your It Company? something on
And you alredy have offices in 20 countries! time
fall down to fall to the
Unit 19137 to fail, to not be
fall through
Phrasal verbs with show do vs fall fall for to be deceived
He didnt show up until after the meeting (by a scam)/to
fall in love (with
Shes doing up the flat for her party somebody)
He fell for Doris the moment he saw her
Fran kindly showed us around her new home
Here are some common phrasal verbs with show, People have to do without luxuries during the crisis
do and fall. These are listed in the column on Their plans for a new development fell through at
the left. On the right is a description of their the last minute.
meaning: When the man started shouting, the security guards
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
show up to arrive, to turn quickly showed him out.
up Common errors 8
show up to embarrass Thompson works in the personal department
someone, to Thompson works in the personnel department
make someone
feel bad Comparative identity
show around to show someone Theyre designing a new logo for the company
a place (e.g. a The managing director wants to revamp the firms
new house)
to welcome
show in
someone, to show Overhauling vs maintenance
someone the way Dont forget to check the oil levels before you leave
into (a building) Make sure all the cars lights are working properly
show out to show someone
the way out of (a
building) Unit 20153
show off to boast/ to brag
Verb tense review 2
There used to be lots of beach sand before they built
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb the piers
do away with to get rid of

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Ill be contacting the authorities to complain about Ive had a cold for the last week
the noise Phrasal verbs with bring 1
Phrasal verbs review 2 He brought back the book hed borrowed from me
The sign say keep off the grass Please dont bring up that subject again!
We carried on working throughout the earthquake
Idioms review 2 Here are some common phrasal verb with bring
Shes very hard-working but she doesnt know the and take. These are listed in the column on the
ropes yet left. On the right is a description of their meaning:
We need some good ideas to get this product off the Bring (bring 1)
ground Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
bring down to lower
Collocations review 1 bring off to accomplish
Do you think the new manager is living up to successfully
expectations? bring up to mention (as
Its not so easy to pick up a new language after a issue)
bring up to raise (a child)
certain age bring up to vomit

Take (take 2)
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
Upper intermediate 1 (vol 9) take after to resemble (ones
take aim to point at
Unit 11 (something you
want to shoot at)
Adverb-preposition collocations 2 take back to remove (a
statement or
Are you aware of the recent breakthrough in cancer comment)
research? take down 1
to write down or
I was shocked by the way he ignored the take note of
journalists question take down 2
to remove (a
British and American spelling to undertake an
take on
Americans see movies in the movie theatre activity or task
Britons see films in the cinema take to to develop a liking
British an American Use of the Past tense for
I already ate lunch (US) 1
take up to start a hobby or
Ive already eaten lunch (UK) profession
Spying on people take up 2
to occupy (e.g. time
He tailed the thief through the city Centre or space)
take in to absorb
The detective staked out the suspects house

Unit 219 I cant reach those books on the shelf. Could you
please bring them down for me?
next vs the next Michael has just brought off his end of degree
Im going to be very busy for the next week project
Next week were going to the cinema with Jack Liz has recently taken up dancing lessons
last vs the last Luke takes after his father, he`s just as talkative
I saw Lucy last week- she was looking great!
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Phrasal verb with take 2 What time does the next train get in?
Kate has taken on several jobs at once British and American vocabulary 1
Paul takes after his grandfather- hes got the same He put his suitcase in the trunk and drove aways
sense of humour (US)
Idioms 9 He put his suitcase in the boot and drove away
Jane isnt in her right mind- she wants to walk all (UK)
the way to Paris! Acceptance vs refusal
Im really looking forward to the party- Im rearing Im sure Sandre will be happy to accept you offer
to go! Im sorry but I wont be able to come to your party

Unit 339 Unit 457

Defining Relative clauses Participial adjectives 2

Relative clauses /pronombre relativo/ The terrified child ran away from the huge spiders
Los pronombres relativos proveen informacin que es Going on that hike with you was a very gratifying
necesaria para entender el significado de la oracin. experience
Phrasal verb with back
who, Can be omitted if they refer to de object
which, pronoun, of the sentence. Whose and where The policeman called his colleague to back him up
that cannot be omitted. He backed away in fear when the stranger came in
The man /subject pronoun/ who sold me the car
died yesterday
The keys /object pronoun/ which I lost have Here are some common phrasal verbs with back
turned up in the kitchen and break. These are listed in the column on the
Formal In formal language prepositions appear at the left. On the right is a description of their meaning:
language beginning of the relative clause. Back
In informal language they appear at the end of Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
the relative clause back away to move
The chair on which I am sitting isnt very backwards as a
comfortable (formal) precaution
The chair (which/that) Im sitting on isnt very
back down on to take back a
comfortable (informal)
whose Possession (mening=cuyo)
back off to move
backwards as a
The man who makes that furniture lives in Bristol precaution
The blonde girl, whose (cuya) mother is an athlete, back up1 to make a safety
is very good at playing sport copy of a
computer file
back up2 to give somebody
Non - Defining Relative clauses support
Un no pronombre relative aade informacin extra que no es
esencial para entender la oracin.
(, |relative clause/, ) Break (breack 1)
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
My sister, who graduated last year, has gone to break down1 to stop working
(a machine)
work in the United States break down 2
to collapse (from
Next vs nearest exhaustion)
Excuse me- where is the nearest bus stop?

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

break off1 to end suddenly

(e.g. a phone-
Unit 695
break off2 to detach a
section of The perfect conditional tense
something by I wouldnt have come if you hadnt invited me
breaking it
She would have said so if shed already seen the
break off3 to end (a
relationship) movie
break out of to escape (from We use this tense to describe an action which might
prison) have happened in the past but did not:
break up to end a
It takes the form subject+ would have + past
I was late for the meeting because my car broke In the contracted form, would have becomes
down wouldve
I broke up with my ex-girlfriend a year ago Conjunctions
Tim, I need you to back me up while Im fixing the Despite the long distance, she arrived on time
roof Im taking this bus home. Otherwise Ill have to
We were asked to back off so they could clear up wait too long for the next one
the mess Expressing probability
Theres a good chance well be seeing Richard on
Phrasal verb with break 1 Thursday
The machines in the factory have just broken down Im sure that was just a joke!
He broke out of prison when the security guard
wasnt watching Unit 7113

Idioms 10 Business collocations 2

Im not angry with him anymore- its all water He and his partner decided to form a company
under the bridge we ought to dig up those We didnt reach a decision until 8 oclock at night
documents to learn more about the case Business idioms
Our finance departments new ideas are gaining
Unit 565 momentum
That firms always quick to jump on the bandwagon
Reported speech 4 Probverb 2
He said hed been thinking of moving but he wasnt If I were you, Id take that job-a bird in the hand is
sure where to worth two in the bush
They said theyd be nosing around the scene of the If you want to enter the competition, phone them
crime now- he who hesitates is lost!
Expressinng possibility
I might be coming to Jacks birthday party Unit 8133
I expect to attend the wedding reception
Reporting back Time clauses
He told me hed be talkin a long holiday when it I first went snorkeling shortly before my 15th
was all over birthday
He said hed been having hard time By the time I got out of the water, my skin had
turned slightly blue
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Intensifiers The car jumped the traffic light and pulled away
He was categorical about his decision Im reading over my essay to make sure there are
I humbly ask you to accept my apologies no mistakes
Collocations with intensifiers We pulled off a profitable deal a German company
I fully understand your position Theyre pulling down the old building on the
She strongly denied any connection with the corner
Phrasal verbs with read 1
Unit 9153 Ive read through the copy. Its a great story!
She read over the report before handing it in
Modals of request vs permission
Would you mind coaching me a bit? Unit 10171
Am I allowed to show my emotions?
Phrasal verbs with pull 1 Mixed conditionals
The car pulled away and vanished into the distance If wed left earlier, wed be there by now
Theyve pulled off three bank robberies so far If liked movies, I would have gone to the cinema
Subjunive 1
Here are some common phrasal verbs with pull If I were you, Id phone the doctor about that pain
and read, listed in the column on the left. On the in your leg
right is a description of their meaning: If my boss were to see this mess, hes be very angry
Pull (pull 1)
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
If inly
pull away to start moving If only she werent so slow!
(of a vehicle or If only Mike would stop talking!
drive) Idioms 11
pull down to force to come
down by pulling
Shes set her hopes on buying a new car
(e.g. blinds, I hope you put that money you won to good use
pull down to destroy (e.g. s
pull off to remove by
pulling Upper intermediate 2 (Vol 10)
pull off2 to complete
successfully, to
achieve Unit 111
pull off3 to start moving
(of a vehicle or
driver) Modals of possibility
This hose could be a good find-how much is it?
That may be Roman architecture-it certainly looks
Read (read 1) old
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
read out to read aloud, to Phrasal verbs with try, set vs work
read out loud
read over to read carefully,
Why dont you try on the new coat Ive bought
to revise you?
read through to read carefully, Lets try out the new monitoring equipment
to revise

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Here are some common phrasal verbs with try, Id rather take you out to dinner than eat at home
set, and work and their meaning: I prefer wearing a raincoat to carrying an umbrella
Try Double comparatives
Phrasal Equivalent veb The sooner you speak to him, the better
try on to put on a garment to Ponerse una The older the wine, the tastier it is
see if it suits you and prenda que The bigger they are, the harder they fall
fits you vio, si es su Proverbs 3
Cross your bridges when you come to them
try out to do something to
see if it will work Out of sight, out of mind
and/or solve a
problem Unit 1337

Word order
Set Give you Ill at the tomorrow file work Ill give
Phrasal Equivalent veb
verb you the file at work tomorrow
set of to leave on a journey Alongside/Beside /Besides
set out to leave on a journey The car drew up alongside the grocery store
set up1 to arrange (e.g. a Besides, we cant go out until it stops raining
set up2 to erect, to assemble Between/ Among
My mother was sitting between my wife and me
There were lots of policemen among the crowds
Work Verb-preposition collocations
Phrasal Equivalent veb We cant yet account for the missing money
verb I wonder whos going to benefit from the
work on to be active on a task
or project
work out to calculate Taking a message
work up to create (an appetite, Im afraid Mr Simpson is busy at the moment
a thirst, etc) Could I leave a message?

Theyre trying out a new earthquake-resistant Unit 1457

building technique
I asked my secretary to set up a meeting with the Past modals
bank manager I could hear footsteps- it must have been a burglar!
Paul set off on a dangerous journey through Africa I might have passed the exam, but I was just too
Im trying to work out how to pay this months lazy to study
bills Wish/If only
If only youd let me know you were coming for the
Predicting outcomes weekend!
Vesuvius is not likely to erupt the day you visit! I wish I had more space in my flat!
That painting is probably a forgery Phrasal verbs with Pass 1, Call 1 vs Cut
The situation calls for drastic action
Unit 1219 Since losing my job, Ive had to cut down on what I
Modals of preference
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Here are some common phrasal verbs with pass,

call and cut and their meanings: Unit 1575
Pass (pas 1)
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb Adjective order
pass away to die
pass out to faint, to fall I bought an expensive, new, shiny sports car
unconscious Ricky hiked across hat huge, dry sandy desert
pass up to not take an Adjective-preposition collocations 2
opportunity I was disturbed by that UFO movie we saw last
Call (call 1)
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
Shes not very fond of jokes but she was amused by
call away to call or tell him
someone to go Parks
somewhere The factory was pulled down and the area turned
(often, urgently)
call for to request or
into a park
suggest taking By the time we get to the lake, the park will have
action closed
call in to call or tell Developments
someone to come
to your home or A whole forest was cut down to make way for
workplace (often, holiday homes
urgently) The new development has wonderful views over the
call on to ask or tell sea
someone to do
Unit 1693
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb Infinitives of purpose
cut down to destroy by We hired an architect in order to verify the
cutting (e.g. a
tree) documents
cut down on to reduce (e.g. She look measurements for the purse of
expenses) authentication
cut out to remove a piece I visited an art dealer so as to certify the painting
of something by
cutting it (e.g. Bootlegging
from a I bought his leather purse from a bootlegger
newspaper) The factory mass produces knock- offs and
cut up to cut into small distributes them
This knock-off is identical to the genuine product
Im trying to cut down on the number of cigarettes
Unit 17111
I smoke
Marge fell and hurt her arm, so we called in a
Indirect questions /indirect questions/
Could you tell me+ wh + subject + verb
It was so hot in the stadium that several people
passed out
Could you tell me how much that car costs?
The president called for immediate action to
Id like to know what time the conference starts
control the forest fires
Giving instructions
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Be sure to dial the country code first Job Hunting

You should take the medicine every three hours Im applying for a part-time job at a building site
Phrasal verb with Sit 1 vs Stand 1 Were entitled to one months paid holiday each
Sit up so I can take your temperature year
Hes standing down as prime minister because of
the criticism Unit 18127

Here are some common phrasal verbs with sit and Compound words
stand You have to show your boarding pass when you go
Sit (sit 1) through the gate
Phrasal verb Equivalent veb When the crisis hit, there were lots of lay-offs in the
sit back to sit on a
comfortable seat factory
and relax Participle- verbal vs adjectival
sit through to stay until the The play interested some, but I wasnt interested in
end (of some it at all
performance) There are some stunning views of the valley from
sit up to sit with ones the top of the hill
back straight/ to Idioms with have
move from a
lying to a sitting
That story has a familiar ring to it
position She had a brush with the neighbor, whos always

Stand (stand 1) Unit 19145

Phrasal verb Equivalent veb
stand by to be ready and
Quality control collocations
waiting to go into
action We still have to conduct more trial on the new
stand down to resign from an product
important job or Your latest product still doesnt meet our
stand for to tolerate, to put
up with British and American vocabulary 2
stand in for to temporarily Having porridge for breakfast is a British custom
replace someone A stove is called a cooker in Britain
in their job
to be prominent,
Proverbs 4
stand out
so as to draw Harrys changed since he started hanging out with
ones attendion that gang-a man is known by the company he keeps
Hes always talking about helping people but hes
Stand by, please-the programme will be on the air actually very selfish-actions speak louder than
in one minute words
I had to sit through a really boring meeting this
morning Unit 20165
If you dont sit up properly, youre going to have
back problems one day Participle clauses 1
James will be standing in for me while Im on She saw a small boat sailing down the river
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Scratching my head, I wondered where Id seen that Its very convenient for us to be able to park right
man before outside
Verb-preposition collocations 2 Ryan is crazy about jazz- he listens to it all the time
The paper sizes have to comply with EU norms
You can forget about holidays until you finish your Unit 339
Housing and Mod Cons Infinitives without to
Their suburban home is full of hi-tech appliances I would attend the meeting if I had more time
The school caters for students with wheelchairs I had to stand up and shout to make myself heard
Writing an opinion piece
Next, let the car down and tighten the screws
Finally, remove the jack and put ir away in the boot
Advanced 1 (Vol 11) Idioms vs phrasal verbs
If you drop by this afternoon, Ill give you the
Unit 11 report
The authorities wont like you taking the matter into
Inversion 1 your own hands
Seldom have I been to such a boring film
Had I known you were coming, I would have Idioms
bought more food Idioms Equivalent
Summarizing a passage to beat about/ to hesitate/ to not
around the say or do things
I wonder if I might have another cup of tea Can I bush directly
have some more tea? to foot the bill to pay (for
Distance- far/ a long way something)
Its a long way to the top of mountain to take up to occupy (time)
Its not far from here to the post office to deal with
to take the
matter into something/ to
Unit 219 your own take action
hands oneself
Inversion 2
Phrasal verb
Hardly had we set off than it started raining
Phrasal verb Equivalent verb
No sooner had we reached the town than the stores to cut back to reduce
started closing to close down to shut
Verbs with two objects (1) (permanently)
I gave Sally the pen (short form) to stage to hold, to carry
I gave the pen to Sally (long form) to drag on to last a long time
to drop by to visit (usually
Who did you give the pen to? for a short time)
I gave the pen to Sally
The government had to foot the bill for all the lay-
I owe my brother some money offs in the industry.
She brought us a large box of biscuits His speech dragged on so long I fell asleep.
Adjective-preposition collocations 3 Will you stop beating about the bush and decided
where you want to go!

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Phrasal verb Equivalent

fall back on to draw on
Unit 459 emergency
resources in
Spelling 3 difficult times
My dauter should be here within an hour fall behind to miss a deadline
with (for payment or a
After breakfast I got a headache and started project)
coughing fall down to fall to the
Phrasal verbs with drop, eat, fall, ground
pick, run 1 fall for1 to fall in love
Now stop talking and eat up!
fall for2 to fall into a trap,
Max will be dropping by this afternoon to be the victim
of a scam
Here are some more common phrasal verbs and fall off to fall from (a
bike, ladder, etc)
their meanings:
fall out with to stop being
friends with sb
fall through to fail, to be
Drop unsuccessful
Phrasal verb Equivalent
drop by to pay a brief
drop in to pay an
Phrasal verb Equivalent
informal visit
pick on to tease, to bully
drop off1 to leave
pick out to choose, to
pick up1 to lift, to raise
drop off2 to fall asleep
and hold
drop out of to stop going to
pick up2 to acquire or
school or some
learn a habit
study course
(before it ends)

Run (run 1)
Eat Phrasal verb Equivalent
Phrasal verb Equivalent run after to chase
to destroy run by to submit for
eat away at
something slowly somebodys
eat in to have a meal at
home run off to suddenly start
running/ to run
eat out to have a meal at
a restaurant
run over to be hit by a
eat through to consume
something and
create a hole
eat up to finish by You can drop me off at the next corner
eating/to The policeman ran after the thief
everything He fell off the ladder while he was painting the

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

I could only pick out the ship by looking through walk away to leave in order
to avoid a
the binoculars difficult situation

Idioms 12 She stayed in the office at lunchtime to catch up

Its right in front of you- you cant see the wood for with her work
the trees! Our sales fell short of our target for last year
If you dont pay your mortgage youll be in deep When her husband got angry she just walked away
water! from the situation
Hats are catching on again
Unit 577
Omitting prepositions
Gerunds vs infinitives 4 She has to pay a hundred pounds a month on her car
Im trying to unlock the door, but the keys stuck! Next week were going to meet her new boyfriend
Jack is certain to meke a lot of money on the stock
Collocations-business planning
market We need to define our business goals for next year
Phrasal verbs Theyre implementing a scheme to collect more
The brides parents are laying on all the drinks at taxes
the wedding
He caught up with the bus as it stopped at a traffic
Unit 697
Emphasis- cleft sentences
Here are some more common phrasal verbs and It was around midnight that I heard a knock on the
their meanings: door
Phrasal verb Equivalent
catch on to become What Im trying to say is that youve got to study
popular, to harder
become Emphasis- inversion
In no way was I suggesting you were a fool!
catch out1 to find someone
doing something Little did he know that a policeman was waiting for
wrong him
catch out2 to trick someone Production processes
catch up to arrive at the
Hops add flavor to the beer
(with) 1 same point (as)
catch up to finish work The machine boosts output by at least a thousand
(with)2 which has units a day
fall below to go below a
certain level
Unit 7115
fall short of to miss a target,
to not achieve an Subject-verb agreement
expected standard Either you or your flatmate has to pay the rent now!
lay on to organize /pay
for (a party/meal,
Im going around to see if anybody has a five-euro
etc) note
play around to horse around Idioms with back
play down to consider st less Ive got to finish the report first, so I put
important than it
really is
The list on the back burner

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Hes so jealous- he always paying people backhand Proverbs 5

compliments Dont get too excited yet- you still have one exam
Idioms with animals result to go
Look at your room! Its a real pigsty! Dont count your chickens before they hatch
They went to the party and had a whale of a time Ralph is a very quiet person, but he knows
everything thats going on- still waters run deep!
Unit 8137 Verb- noun collocations 5
I caught sight of Lucy just as she got onto the bus
Verbs with two objects (2) Just keep quiet and get on with your work!
Verbs with two objects Idioms 13
Theres Geoffs helmet over there- give it to him, Dont take any notice of Jakes moaning- his bark is
please worse than his bite!
She was given two days to make up her mind about I dont get the point. What do you really mean?
the job
Time- long/ a long time
I had to wait a long time until the manager came
Advanced 2 (Vol 12)
How long does it take to get from here to the
seaside? Unit 111
Language register
Youd better split before the cops come! Phrasal verbs 5
Im exhausted Im going to a beach caf to chill out If Im able to get away early, Ill stop by your place
this afternoon
Max managed to turn the company around when it
Unit 9155 was nearly bankrupt

Advanced use of articles Here are the phrasal verbs you have heard for the
Winter swimming is becoming increasingly more first time in this Unit:
Phrasal verb Equivalent
popular to ask after to enquire about
He went to Germany by train and arrived there last someone
night ask in, to to invite to enter
Identifying vs Non-identifying clauses (your home, for
Walter is the guy who says that global warming is ask of, to to expect from
really a swindle someone
Walter says that global warming, which is catching ask out, to to invite to a
on fast, is really a swindle restaurant/ to
invite on a date
Complaining hold out, to to resist, to
Weve filed a complaint about the poor state of the withstand
hotel! hold up, to1 to delay
The manager is meeting with union leaders to sort hold up, to2 to resist, to
out their grievances knock down, to run over/to
to cause to fall
Unit 10175

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

stop by, to to visit informally

(with or without
Uses of get 3
stop off, to to stop for a brief I got even with him for not inviting me to his
period of time wedding
tell off, to to reprimand, to Sheila got me to do her weekly shopping for her
to have a
Verb-preposition collocations 3
tell on, to
negative effect I cant think of any reason to laugh at his jokes
on, to wear down We succeeded in crossing the river before it got
think over, to to consider dark
think out, to to think about
and prepare
Meetings vs conferences-collocations
think to consider every She seconded the motion I had tabled
through, to detail of A meeting has been concerned for the last day of
think up, to to invent, to the month
Sport commentating
turn around, to make
to profitable Jones passes the ball to his centre forward
wear down, to to tire/ to erode The centre back scored a brilliant goal
wear off, to to be gradually
reduced in effect
Unit 1341
to wear out to exhaust

Participle clauses 2
Having to work late at night for so long is
Hoping I would get a window seat, I stepped into
beginning to tell on me.
the plane
She told her son off for having such an untidy
I asked where the store was, not realizing it was
right behind me
I bumped into Gerry on the way to work and he
Phrasal verb with touch, write vs leave
asked after you.
You have to write out the report in full
Dont agree to their plan until youve thought it
The speaker touched on the issue of climate change
Phrasal verb Equivalent
Idioms 14 write off to dismiss as
Shes putting the final touches on the model failure/ to cancel
aeroplane shes been bulding (a bad debt)
write out to put in writing
Im not sure if I can come on Tuesday.. write up to write in
Dont worry, Im just thinking out loud complete form
Restructuring (e.g from notes
They sacked staff who were performing poorly into a report)
We have to get ride of our unprofitable product
Phrasal verb Equivalent
lines to trigger/to cause
touch off
Job Hunting touch on to mention briefly
The ideal candidate must have a smart appearance touch up to improve/to go
Were going to hire more workers to boost over (e.g. with
Phrasal verb Equivalent
Unit 1221

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

leave behind to forget an put aside to keep or put

object something away for
somewhere later use
leave off to stop (doing put back to return something
something) to where it was
before it was
The company went banlrupt- well have to write off run across to meet or see
the debt they have with us. someone or
The ministers words touched off a chain reaction something
in the press. unexpectedly
run down find/capture
Before you leave, Id like to touch on the subject of someone after
registration fees. looking for/chasing
Will you leave off banging that drum-its getting on them
my nerves! talk sb into to persuade or
convince someone
to (do something)
Weak vs strong forms talk sb out of to persuade or
Ill have the salad for starters convince someone
And the extra-large veggie burger for my next not to (do
course talk st over to discuss a
Gadgets problem or
This penknife is excellent for opening cans situation
Were going to need a torch to explore this cave turn into to become
Unit 1461
We talked Beryl into going with us to the cinema
Basic punctuation rules 1 Please put the book back where you found it
That mountain is really high; Im not sure I can The police finally ran him down in a forest
climb it The quiet discussion soon turned into a heated
Weve got everything: soap, biscuits, kitchen paper arguement
and drinks
Basic punctuation rules 2 Verb-noun collocations 6
Look at that house up there- thats where Fred lives Well make out the bill and send it to you online
Its sailing somewhere along the Barcelona- I hope you can talk him out of the trip- its really
Marseilles route dangerous
Phrasal verbs 6
I ran across George when I was in town today Unit 1583
Hes going to talk the problem over with his
psychologist Past tense with present or future meaning
Id rather we met after work
Phrasal verb 6
Phrasal verb Equivalent
I wish I lived in a warmer country
make out to issue (a Adjectives ending in ic or ical
statement or Ill buy that MP3 player- its more economical
document) The Battle of Britain was a historic event
Proverbs 6

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Im sick of living with him-familiarity breeds

contempt Unit 18143
You may not like her, but shes very kind-give
credit where credit is due Impersonal subjects
News headlines Its frustrating to see them polluting the skies
Jewellery missing from ministers home Seeing them pollute the skies is frustrating
Fans let down by teams performance Spelling 6- silent letters
I of (t) en lis (t) en to our nei(gh) bours arguing
Unit 16103 Toni (gh)t were going to wa(l)k through (gh) the
The subjunctive 2 Idioms 15
She recommended that I try the new toothpaste Kathys making real headway at university
It is crucial that we reach our sales target for this Ask Ralph about your wages-hes running the show
quarter Troubleshooting comuters
Spelling 4 Try increasing you RAM memory
Ralph came in and slammed the door Reinstall your operating system and check your
Ive been transferred to the new division disk with an antivirus
Adjective collocations with of, to and
with Unit 19163
Its kind of you to invite me
Mike was delighted with his new car Whether or if
Business projects Im phoning to see if hes still in the office
Attractive packaging will help sell the product She doesnt know whether to go out tonight
We could pay for the website by selling advertising Been or gone
space Megan has gone walking in park- she left five
minutes ago
Unit 17123 Ive been to Greek twice, but Ive never been to
British vs American Structures Collective nouns
He wants that she wait until after dinner A swarm of bees approached as I sat down to my
He wants her to wait until after dinner picnic lunch
Spelling 5 The climbing party was attached by a pack of wild
She was eating cookies while (mientras) she dogs
watched the movie Proverbs 7
A frank person will talk frankly Were increasing production to meet rising sales-
Requesting action make hay while the sun shines!
Could you give me the sales figures for the last I think you should tell the teacher it was your fault-
quarter? honesty is the best policy!
Would you mind setting up the projector for the
presentation? Unit 20183
All you need is a laptop with Internet access Advanced structural review 1
Youll need a webcam to chat with your boss by Verb tenses/ the conditional/ modal verbs/ the
videoconference passive/ reported speech/ clauses/prepositions
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Progress vs prosperity
Language item Unit Idioms 16
Verb tenses 1-17(Beginner), 1-20 They get by on just five hundred dollars a month
(Elementary), 1-14 (Lover
Intermediate), 2-20 You ought to book your flight well in advance
(Intermediate), 6 (Upper
The conditional 5-17 (Elementary), 7-10 (Lover
Intermediate), 17-18
(Intermediate), 10 (Upper
Modal verbs 19 (Beginner), 3-20 (Elementary),
5-10 (Lower Intermediate), 9-14
(Upper Intermediate)
The passive 18 (Elementary), 8-16 (Lower
Reported speech 7-10 (Intermediate), 5 (Upper --------------------------------------------------------------
Clauses 18 (Lower Intermediate), 3-20 ----------------------------------------------
(Upper Intermediate), 9-13
Prepositions 8-16 (Beginner), 9 (Elementary),
14-19 (Lower Intermediate), 17 Extras, other bock
(Intermediate), 5 (Advanced)
Note: Intermediate b132
Advanced structural review 2
Phrasal verbs/Idioms/Verb-Noun Use when and as soon as with the past simple---
Collocations/uses of the verb get/tag questions >indicate two past actions that happened one after
the other.
Verb Equivalent Phrasal verb Equivalent
make to build make up to invent (a
story, a lie) As soon as (en cuanto) I got home, I made myself a
carry to bear carry on to continue cup of coffee
come (the opposite of come back to return The students stopped talking as soon as the principal
eat to consume eat away to erode
entered the classroom
look to view look into to investigate As soon as we arrived on the island, we ran to the
take to seize/carry take after to resemble beach
turn to go around turn up to appear
get to obtain get off to climb down When Tina saw the dress, she knew she wanted to
(from a
height) buy it.
get to obtain get up to rise When I opened the door and saw what a mess the
lay to stretch out lay off to fire, to house was in. I was shocked.
horizontally dismiss

Use while and as with the past progressive to

Functional review
Power structures indicate the longer of two actions which happened
The economy in the past.
Business success
The economic crisis
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

While (mientras) I was driving to work. I had an We often use the past perfect and the simple past
accident together
As I was walking home from work, I heard some (2)When the Titanic hit the iceberg, it had been at
people shouting get out of the way sea for four days (1)
As the car approached me, I jumped into the By the time Ballard found the wreck, many items
drivers seat, had disappeared (1)
James Cameron made his movie because he had
Use at first, then, after a while to indicate the visited the wreck (1)
sequence of events that happened one after the other
We use because and so to show that there is a
After a while, (despus de un rato) Shelley was reason for the later action
watching TV but she got bored Luis was sad because he had missed the movie
At first David thought something was wrong with It had rained the night before, so he took his
the road. Then he realized he had a flat tire umbrella
Use after a while to refer to an event that happened
after some time had passed When we relate past event in the same order they
actually happened, we dont have to use the past
Past simple and past progressive .pag 72 perfect
(Intermediate b1) I got up and then went to work
We use past progressive for the longer action and
the past simple for the shorter action
In this case we usually use while, when, as

As/While/When they were walking in the forest,

they saw a bear.
I was listening to music when the lights went out

Past perfect.pag 160 (Life 4)

We can use the following time expressions with the

past perfect:
already just
after before
recently previously
earlier By the time

When Luis got to the tether, the movie had already

He had just returned, from the expedition
After I had seen them, I went back to the hotel
By the time we arrived, everyone had left


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