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In his long career oflestring onthe Bible, Facer Raymond Brown may haveappeared beforesthousaad sleet audiences, and in the question and-answer periods that followed he may have responded to ten thousand queries. Ove a period of time he noticed how the same questions repeated themsehes, For this book he has chosen 10 ofthe most commonlyasked ‘questions onthe Bib. The questions cover wide range ‘of subjects various translations ofthe Bible reasons for reading the Bible the inspiration and historicity of ‘the Bibl, miracles, the resurrection of Jesus, the vr ‘inal conception, what Jesus knew the founding of the ‘hureh,endene for the sacraments, the strvctare oF theeary church theroleof Peter, and more. Allpeople ‘who have read o elected on the Bible wil find ques tionstere they have wanted to ask, along withthe co. ise responses of a noted bila! solar, ‘Raymond. Brown, SS, bornin 1928 nd ordained in 1983 hasbeen recognized universities inthe U.S.A, and Europe by sometwenty onorary doctoral degrees Hewas appointed by Pope Paul Vo the Reman Poa tifical Bitial Commission and with church approval he has serve for many years on the Faith and Order ‘Commission ofthe World Counell of Churches: Time ‘magazine once deseribedhimas "probably thepremie: ‘Catholic sripure scholar inthe USS." and he ithe ‘only person to hve served as president ofall three of these distinguished societies the Catholic Biblia As Sostation, the Society of Bibical Literature, and he Society of New Testament Studies. PAULIST PRESS 0-8001-188-9| semen BROWN anos pos: cs ‘ RESPONSES TO 101 QUESTIONS ON THE BIBLE dedicate this with deep gratitude to so many people whose ‘names alas, Ihave never known or have esciped me, But ‘whose faces and presence I recognize as they come back to lecture ler lecture as I speak at diferent times and often in diferent places. This manifestation oftheir love ofthe Seriptures hasbeen 3 Fesurgent source of encouragement fr me. This books ther book, for their interest and questions generated it Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible Raymond E. Brown, SS. PAULIST PRESS "New York/Mahwah

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