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Lauren Week: June 5- June 9

Theme: Lets go to the

Language & Literacy
Sometimes the Beach by Scott C. Health, Wellness &
CT Early Learning Standards
Johnson Week:
Physical Development
Social & Emotional Development: Show interest in what other
Curious George Goes to the Beach by Teacher: Walking like crabs! This week
children are doing and play alongside them with similar materials
H. A. Rey the children will use their
Social & Emotional Development: Seek out other children and
will interact with other children using common materials imaginations and gross motor
skills to pretend to be crabs!
S.T. E.A.M. We will have crab races in the
Ocean Discovery Bottles
Social Studies
1. Collect materials including sea shells, sea animals, water, blue glue &
Exploration/ Discovery
In the sensory table this week, 2. Discuss the items we have collected
we will explore blue water and 3. Children will take turns adding the items to the bottles
Sing Language
fish! We will practice identifying 4. We will make predictions about what will happen when we shake the
the colors of the fish! bottle! This week we will learn the
sign for beach!

Mathematical Thinking

This week we work with

Creative Thinking & Expression Popsicle stick shape
Social & Emotional
Flip flop feet puzzles. Children will use
their cognitive and problem
In dramatic play we will Sun & rainbow paper plates solving skills to find the pair
pretend to play at the Crab hand prints of sticks that make a shape!
beach with beach balls,
pals, shovels and beach Popsicle art
towels! Woohoo!
Fish hand prints

Your Child. Our Care. Their Future.

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