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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US 8,495,243 B2

Bellamy, III et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 23, 2013

(54) DYNAMIC AND RECURSIVE TRANSACTION 5,983,208 A 11/1999 Haller et a1.

GATEWAY SYSTEM AND METHOD 6,072,870 A 6/2000 Nguyen et a1.
6,230,201 B1 5/2001 Guck et a1.
(76) Inventors: Samuel W. Bellamy, III, Bryn Mawr, Egg/12am 31'
PA (Us); Christopher R- Kronenthal, 7,058,611 B2 6/2006 Kranzley et a1.
Penn Valley, PA (US); Stephen M. 7,526,563 B2 * 4/2009 Ingimundarson et a1. 370/401
Oberholtzer, King of Prussia, PA (US) 7,566,002 B2 7/2009 Love et_a1~
7,584,244 B2 * 9/2009 Forstadlus .................. .. 709/203
* .

(*) Notice: P211811t

any disclaimer,
Or adjusted
the term
of this
35 2003/0009382 A1 * 1/2003 DArbeloffetal.""""""
U.S.C. 154(b) by 175 days. 2007/0091870 A1* 4/2007 Hsu e161. .................... .. 370/401
2010/0017468 A1* 1/2010 Forstadius .................. .. 709/203

(21) Appl. No.: 13/185,746 * Cited by examiner

(22) Flled: Jul 19 2011 Primary Examiner * Bharat N Barot

(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT

US 2011/0276717A1 Nov. 10, 2011 . . . .
A dynamic and recurs1vetransact1on gateway system and its
Related US Application Data method are disclosed. The dynamic and recursive transaction
_ _ _ _ gateway system is designed to handle ?nancial, medical, and
(60) PrOVlslOnal aPP1_1C_anOn NO' 81/965,734 ?led on 1111' other types of transactional information. The dynamic and
e on u '

aPP119aF1n1N 161/$661133
provlslona app 102 10,11, O
recursive transaction gateway system provides intelligence
for processing transactions in all phases of the system. The
61/31.66t(.)90N?1e(611/g26 g1) (120191 11320512811131 dynamic and recursive transaction gateway systemis empow
alrjgvlizeilofg a o'lication NO 61 Be6 60115011 ?le d On Jul ered by introducing the protocol of Level 4 Data which are
1230 2010 pp ' ' supplementary data used by the decision-making engine in
' the system. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateway
(51) Int_ CL system has a capability of generating and processing token
G06F 15/1 73 (200601) iZed data which includes tokens for predetermined numbers
(52) U.S.Cl. 0 f transactions,
' to k ens for Pd 'dp'd
re etermine er1o s 0 f'
USPC .......... .. 709/238; 709/202; 709/242; 370/401 tokens for unlimited time, and chain-bound tokens shared
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search across locations. The dynamic and recursive transaction gate
USPC ......... .. 709/202e203, 2384242; 370/401k401 Way System Provides a novel approach recursive transaction
See application ?le for Complete Search history processing. Through the recursive transaction processing,
sub-transactions generated from an original transaction are
(56) References Cited recursively fed to the system. The sub-transactions are indi
vidually processed by the system and routed to different
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS destination systems.
5,93l,9l7 A 8/1999 Nguyen et a1.
5,978,840 A ll/l999 Nguyen et a1. 7 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

Transaction data Response data Irom FreeWay"

(mm an onginalmg system m an ungvrenrrg system
16 FreeWay" SuD-transadiuns
Freeway" Orv Ramp \ gTnerated in FreewayM
FvewaH 2, 0
ems 11m deeming Em valids?un

Dlsnalchsr 220
221 220
Program for convening vanous (annals 01
o?gmal transaction U613 10 8 OOI'WIWVI 501N131 Program for converting
8 COMMON format back (0
vsnnus (urmals oforiginal
Program fur?rsl ansyzing transaction data and \IEHSECUDH data
o?ginalmg syslem data and 10/ than making

Program for naHing at \east one speci?c nenmer Program [or rrmnuunng
overall 51am; 0! a
224 rransacmon and its
Program for passmg objects by reference

Event Henmer Library I 230

Handler 1 Henmerz Haumars

and msnugmg mulled dale

Respcn e from Tokenlled data

Transschon am passed 6 ms/change from Interchange
\merchange Response dale by exteme1 endpoint
systems through on Ramp & \nlsmhangs
US. Patent Jul. 23, 2013 Sheet 2 of4 US 8,495,243 B2

FIG. 2 .
Trans.a?t'ol. data Response data from FreeWayTM
from an originating system I to an Originating System
to FreeWayTM Sub-transactions
generated in FreeWayTlvl it
FreeWayTM On Ramp
200 v

Firewall I I O
Performs data cleansing and validation

Dispatcher 22g\
r221 if 226
. . f
Program for converting various formats of
original transaction data to a common format Program for converting
a common format back to
r 222 l various formats of original
Program for first analyzing transaction data and transaCtion data
originating system data and for then making M
processing decisions
,22s I, r 225
Program for calling at least one specific handler Program for monitoring
overall status of a
{224 l transaction and its
Program for passing objects by reference sub-transactions

Event Handler Library f 230

v g
I I \l f

V f V T T r I
Handler 1 Handler 2 Handler 3 - - - - -- Handler n

L\r \I J + \l t
it M M
Handlers operable to perform functions
including: sending a transaction to downstream
processes, halting a transaction, managing
response data, generating sub-transactions,
and managing tokenized data.

" Response from Tokenized data

Transaction data passed to Interchange from Interchange
Interchange Response data by external endpoint
systems through Off Ramp & Interchange
US 8,495,243 B2
1 2
DYNAMIC AND RECURSIVE TRANSACTION these disclosures, either originating systems or destinations
GATEWAY SYSTEM AND METHOD of transactions are predetermined, transactions are statically
routed to destinations. In general, these gateWay systems or
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED methods lack dynamic features.
This application claims bene?t from US. Provisional
Patent Application No. 61/365,734 ?led on Jul. 19, 2010, and The present invention discloses a dynamic and recursive
from US. Provisional Patent Applications Nos. 61/366,083, transaction gateWay system Which is designed to handle
61/366,090, 61/366,093, and 61/366,100 ?led on Jul. 20, ?nancial, medical, and other types of transactional informa
2010. All the U. S. Provisional Patent Applications mentioned tion.
above are hereby incorporated by reference. The present invention provides intelligence for processing
transactions in all phases of the dynamic and recursive trans
FIELD OF THE INVENTION action gateWay system. The dynamic and recursive transac
tion gateWay system applies a dynamically formed rule set to
The present invention relates to transaction gateway sys
analyZe contents of the transactions in real-time, and has a
tems and methods Which are used to manage ?nancial, medi
cal, and other types of transactional information. capability of changing the original intent and properties of the
transactions, e.g., generating sub-transactions from an origi
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 20 nal transaction, changing original destinations of transac
tions. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
Previous transaction gateway systems are considered lin is empoWered by introducing the protocol of Level 4 Data
ear in nature. In previous gateWay systems, both a predeter Which are supplementary data used by the decision-making
mined originating system and a predetermined destination engine in the dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay
system are either part of the interfaces to the transaction 25 system. In previous gateWay systems, the data passed in and
systems or encoded in transaction information itself. used in ?nancial transaction processing is relegated to the ISO
Although those previous transaction gateWay systems use the speci?ed track 1, 2, and 3 data, plus a feW additional key data
transaction information to statically route a transaction and points surrounding an originating entity. HoWever, the
may appear dynamic With several inputs and outputs, they do dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system uses an
not dynamically make decisions on hoW to process and route 30 expanded full-scenario data set to make decisions on process
a transaction. In some previous systems, processes of decid ing transactions.
ing the best paths may be in place, but the ?nal destination of The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
a transaction is the same. provides a novel approach: Recursive Transaction Processing
In US. Pat. Nos. 5,931,917, 5,978,840, 6,072,870, and (RTP). After receiving an incoming transaction from an origi
6,304,915 B1 (Nguyen et al., 1999, 1999, 2000, and 2001) 35 nating system, the RTP in the dynamic and recursive trans
disclose a payment gateWay system. The payment gateWay action gateWay system analyZes the transaction information,
system receives, unWraps, and decrypts payment requests, spins off a plurality of sub-transactions, and feeds the sub
converts transaction data to host-speci?c formats, and then transactions recursively to the dynamic and recursive trans
forWards mapped requests to one host. US. Pat. No. 5,983, action gateWay system. Then, the sub-transactions are indi
208 (Haller et al., 1999) discloses a method for communicat 40 vidually analyZed by the dynamic and recursive transaction
ing betWeen a gateWay and an existing host payment appli gateWay system With the intelligence speci?c to each indi
cation. U.S. Pat. No. 6,373,950 B1 (RoWney, 2002) discloses vidual sub-transaction, and routed to a plurality of end-point
a method for transferring electronic payment information or destination systems. Eventually, all the sub-transactions
from a ?rst computer to a second computer. In the disclosure, are coordinated back to the originating system With a univer
a payment gateWay system formats transaction information 45 sal transaction identi?cation number, and then the recursive
and transmits to a host legacy system. US. Pat. No. 7,058,611 nature of the transaction process is ?naliZed. The universal
B2 (KranZley, et al., 2006) discloses a system including a transaction identi?cation number binds all the sub-transac
payment gateWay. The payment gateWay performs authenti tions in the RTP. Thus, no matter hoW many subsequent
cation and sends transaction data back a message originator, sub-transactions are processed through the RTP, the RTP
and enables the message originator to use its existing payment 50 ensures that the integrity of the original transaction is pre
system protocol for actual authorization. US Pat. Pub. No. served. The Recursive Transaction Processing is capable of
20030009382 A1 discloses a method using a merchant pay being applied in a Wide array of products and services, and
ment gateWay server. In the method, an electronic payment servicing many industries and end-cases of transaction pro
request is directed to the payment gateWay server, and the cessing.
payment gateWay server identi?es and authenticates the 55 The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system has
request, and routes the request to an internal payment/ loyalty a capability of generating and processing tokeniZed data
program or to one of payment/loyalty netWorks. US. Pat. No. Which is used to replace sensitive data With nonsensitive data,
6,230,201 B1 (Guck et al., 2001) discloses an electronic e.g., to replace transaction identi?cation numbers With uni
transaction gateWay. The gateWay establishes communica denti?able data. The tokeniZed data is generated and
tions betWeen a host system and trading partners. US. Pat. 60 encrypted by the dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay
No. 7,566,002 B2 (Love et al., 2009) discloses an identi?ca system upon a request in an initial transaction of a customer
tion veri?cation system Which includes a transaction gate from an originating system, and sent back to and stored in the
Way. The transaction gateWay receives a communication originating system. In subsequent transactions, the tokeniZed
associated With identi?cation veri?cation, determines data is retrieved and decrypted for further use. It is uniqueness
Whether the communication includes a request to verify 65 that the tokeniZed data in the present invention is capable of
encoded data, routes the request to a service, receives a result being programmatically designed for (1) unlimited transac
of the service, and transmits the result to a requester. In all tions Without expiration, (2) predetermined numbers of trans
US 8,495,243 B2
3 4
actions, (3) predetermined periods of time, and (4) chain systems at the point of transaction origination, including but
bound tokens shared across locations. not limited to electronic payment, inventory movement, loy
The dynamic and recursive transaction gateway system alty, and promotions.
comprises a plurality of on ramps, a plurality of interchanges,
and a plurality of off ramps. Incoming transaction data in BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
various formats from originating systems are managed by the
on ramps, and transformed into a common format used by the FIG. 1 is a schematic shoWing an exemplary system archi
dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system. In the on tecture of the dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay
ramps, the transaction data and originating system data are system.
analyZed. Based on the analysis, the on ramps make decisions FIG. 2 is a diagram shoWing an exemplary on ramp in the
on hoW to process the the incoming transaction data. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system.
originating system data includes con?gurations and param FIG. 3 is a diagram shoWing an exemplary interchange in
eters of the originating systems and devices used by the the dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system.
originating systems. The decisions are made based on the FIG. 4 is a diagram shoWing an exemplary off ramp in the
dynamically formed rule set. The harmoniZed transaction dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system.
data in the common format are processed by the interchanges.
Routing the transaction data to ?nal destination (or end-point) DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY
systems are dynamically determined, and then the transaction EMBODIMENTS
data is transformed to secure formats for transmissions to the
?nal destination systems. The transaction data is routed to the 20 FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary system architecture of
?nal destination systems through the off ramps. The off ramps FreeWayTM. FreeWayTM 100 is an exemplary dynamic and
receive responses from the destination systems, transform the recursive transaction gateWay system. FreeWayTM 100 is an
transaction data back into the common format, and concludes abstraction level from multiple hosts, and provides a common
by programmatically triggering appropriate ones of the on interface for clients. FreeWayTM 100 is capable of handling
ramps to respond the originating systems. 25 ?nancial, medical, and other types of transactional informa
Off ramps in the dynamic and recursive transaction gate tion. The hosts include, but are not limited to, full payment
Way system manage transmission of the transaction data to services 101, analytics for solving problems in business and
destination (or end-point) systems. Each of the off ramps has industry 102, loyalty programs 103, credit/ gift card proces
a protocol translator and a dynamically loaded one of con sors 104, and medical processors 105. FreeWayTM 100 pro
?gurations. The dynamically loaded con?guration is speci? 30 vides a common interface for various clients, including Inter
cally for at least one of the destination systems. The con?gu net users 106, mobile communication users 107, retail stores
rations include information of the destination systems, e.g., 108, points of sale (POS) 109, and enterprise resource plan
IP addresses and modes. The con?gurations also includes all ning (ERP) systems 110.
of localiZed semantics and functional interoperability con FreeWayTM comprises a plurality of on ramps, a plurality of
straints. When the transaction data is transmitted from the 35 interchanges, and a plurality of off ramps. FIG. 2 presents an
dynamic and recursive gateWay system to the at lease one of exemplary on ramp in FreeWayTM. The exemplary on ramp
destination (or end-point) systems, the protocol translator, the 200 comprises a ?reWall 210, a dispatcher 220, and an event
dynamically loaded con?guration, and the at least one of handler library 23 0. Referring to FIG. 2, incoming transaction
destination (or end-point) systems are lined up. An important data from originating systems are validated by the ?reWall
feature is segregation of the protocol translator and the con 40 210. The ?reWall 210 performs typical validation functional
?gurations. The segregation puts the burden of transforma ities, such as required ?eld and data typing checks. And, the
tion of con?gurations one layer abstracted from the destina ?reWall 210 also employs a unique solution that alloWs this
tion systems, such that a single protocol translator can be existing validation practice to be employed on a basis of
shared by a plurality of con?gurations and thus by a plurality per-client and per-transaction-identi?er (i.e. primary account
of destination (or end-point) systems. In the present inven 45 number). One advantage is that this implementation in the
tion, When a speci?c transaction is processed, only one of the ?reWall 210 alloWs a single interface to service many unique
con?gurations that is speci?cally for the at least one of the requirements insofar as data integrity and consistency are
destination systems is dynamically called and loaded. This concerned. And, another advantage is that it alloWs validation
level of scalability alloWs rapid expansion of con?gurations rules to be updated and maintained Without any code change
in the gateWay system for any transaction formats, especially 50 to the FreeWayTM platform. All these advantages give
for industrially standardized formats, e.g. ISO 8583 and HL7. extreme bene?ts to the quality of services in the environment
Each transaction entering the dynamic and recursive trans of high volume transactions. External systems bene?t greatly
action gateWay system is analyZed by a dynamic rule set. Due from this implementation because the ?reWall 210 provides
to the data-aWare nature, the dynamic rule set alloWs a diverse them With a single interface for integration. The single inter
range of applications of the dynamic and recursive transac 55 face supplies errors/feedback in a consistent state across an
tion gateWay system. And, the present invention can process unlimited implementation of rules for validation and data
transactions from any industry using any standards based integrity.
and/ or proprietary formats. Immediate uses of the dynamic Referring to FIG. 2, a dispatcher 220 is part of the on ramp
and recursive transaction gateWay system include acting as a in FreeWayTM. A ?rst dispatcher program 221 in the dis
gateWay in the ?nancial industry, Which alloWs numerous and 60 patcher 220 is for converting various original data formats of
various payment systems and applications to communicate the incoming transaction data to a common data format used
via transactions. The gateWay system in the ?nancial industry by FreeWayTM. A second dispatcher program 222 is for ana
Will support public and private label account cards, loyalty lyZing transaction data and originating system data and for
and promotion systems, as Well as cashless and closed loop then, based on rule settings, making processing decisions on
payment systems. Due to the ?exibility of the architecture, the 65 hoW to process transaction the transaction data. The originat
present invention supports numerous and various markets for ing system data includes con?gurations and parameters of
the capture and compilation of business data from disparate originating systems and devices used by originating systems.
US 8,495,243 B2
5 6
The processing decisions include sending a transaction to program 310, the second interchange program 320 if the
downstream processes of FreeWayTM, halting and rejecting a originating system requests for the tokeniZed data, and the
transaction, and halting a transaction and then generating ?fth interchange program 350. After the ?fth interchange
sub-transactions. The second dispatcher program 222 con program 350, the transaction data is passed to the sixth inter
trols Which handlers are needed in processing the transaction change program 360 for the extended ?eld validation. If the
data. A third dispatcher program 223 is operable to call at least extended ?eld validation of the transaction data fails, the
one speci?c handler in event handler library 230. A fourth validation response data Will be sent to the originating system
dispatcher program 224 is for sending a transaction to an through the on ramp. After passing through the uni?ed log
interchange 300 shoWn in FIG. 3 by passing objects by ref ging layer 370, the transaction data is route-ready With end
erence. A ?fth dispatcher program 225 is for monitoring point systems ?agged and sent to an off ramp in FreeWayTM.
overall status of a transaction and its sub-transactions. And, a FIG. 4 illustrates an exemplary off ramp in FreeWayTM.
sixth dispatcher program 226 is for converting the common Referring to FIG. 4, the route-ready transaction data With
data format to the original data formats. end-point systems ?agged is sent from the interchange to the
Referring to FIG. 2, the event handler library 230 com off ramp. While the interchange manages the ?nal decision on
prises a plurality of handlers. The handlers provide various routing of the transaction, the off ramp facilitates the trans
functionalities, including sending a transaction to doWn action leaving FreeWayTM. The off ramp comprises a protocol
stream processes, halting a transaction, handling a request for translator 410 and a dynamically loaded con?guration 420
tokeniZed data, managing validation response data from an speci?cally for at least one of the destination systems 500.
interchange, and managing end-point response data from an The dynamically loaded con?guration 420 is among a plural
end-point system. One of the handlers in the event handler 20 ity of con?gurations. The con?gurations in the dynamic and
library 230 is speci?cally operable to generate sub-transac recursive transaction gateWay system comprise information
tions from an original transaction and feed sub-transactions of destination (or end-point) system 500, eg IP addresses
individually back to the ?reWall 210 of different on ramps. and modes. The con?gurations also include localiZed seman
When the sub-transactions are generated and recursively fed tics and functional interoperability constraints. When the
to FreeWayTM, the original transaction is halted by another 25 transaction data is transmitted from FreewayTM to the at least
one of the handlers in the event handler library 230. Through one of destination (or end-point) systems 500, the protocol
the jockeying of the handlers, the dispatcher 220 is capable of translator 41 0, the dynamically loaded con?guration 420, and
managing the order of operations for processing any incom the at least one of the destination systems 500 are lined up.
ing request in real-time and dynamically. The single protocol translator 410 can be used by the plurality
FIG. 3 shoWs an exemplary interchange in the dynamic and 30 of the con?gurations and thus by a plurality of the destination
recursive transaction gateWay system. A ?rst interchange pro (or end-point) systems. When the speci?c transaction is pro
gram 310 in the interchange 300 is for credential inspection cessed, only the con?guration 420 that is speci?cally for the
on originating systems. A second interchange program 320 is at least one of the destination systems is dynamically called
operable to generate tokeniZed data upon a request from an and loaded.
originating system and manage sending the generated token 35 Although the present invention has been described in con
iZed data to the originating system. The tokeniZed data is used siderable detail With clear and concise language and With
to replace sensitive data With nonsensitive data. The token reference to certain preferred versions thereof including the
iZed data includes tokens for unlimited transactions Without best mode anticipated by the inventor, other versions are
expiration, tokens for predetermined numbers of transac possible. Therefore, the spirit and scope of the invention
tions, tokens for predetermined periods of time, and chain 40 should not be limited by the description of the preferred
bound tokens shared across locations. A third interchange versions contained therein, but rather by the claims appended
program 330 is operable to retrieve previously generated hereto.
tokeniZed data in a transaction. A fourth interchange program What is claimed is:
340 is operable to decrypt incoming encrypted data. A ?fth 1. A dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system,
interchange program 350 is operable to make a routing deci 45 Which is used as a common interface betWeen originating
sion on sending a transaction to at least one of end-point systems that initiate transactions and end-point systems that
systems. FreeWayTM dynamically routes transactions to their are destinations of said transactions, comprising:
?nal destinations based upon a dynamic rule set. Previous a plurality of on ramps, a plurality of interchanges, and a
gateWay systems are relegated to back-end routing based on plurality of off ramps;
certain pre-de?ned identi?cation numbers. HoWever, the 50 each of said on ramps comprising a ?reWall for data cleans
open-ended architecture of FreeWayTM facilitates rules based ing and validation, a dispatcher for managing transac
on regular expressions and pattern matching, thus alloWing an tion data processing, an event handler library compris
unlimited set of rules to be applied for mapping direction. A ing a plurality of handlers;
sixth interchange program 360 is operable to conduct said dispatcher comprising a ?rst dispatcher program for
extended ?eld validation for a transaction. And, a uni?ed 55 converting original data formats used by said originating
logging layer 370 ensures all transaction data to be logged in systems to a common data format used by said dynamic
a consistent manner. and recursive transaction gateWay system, a second dis
Referring to FIG. 3, the incoming transaction data passed patcher program for ?rst analyZing transaction data and
from the on ramp is processed by the ?rst interchange pro originating system data and for then making processing
gram 310, the second interchange program 320 if the origi 60 decisions based on rule settings, a third dispatcher pro
nating system requests for the tokeniZed data, then the third gram for calling at least one of said handlers, a fourth
interchange program 330 if the tokeniZed data is in the trans dispatcher program for passing objects by reference to
action data or the fourth interchange program 340 if the said interchanges, a ?fth dispatcher program for moni
encrypted data is in the transaction data, and then the ?fth toring status of said transactions and sub-transactions
interchange program 350. If neither the tokeniZed data nor 65 generated therefrom, and a sixth dispatcher program for
encrypted data is in the transaction data, the transaction data converting said common data format to said original
passed from the on ramp is processed by the ?rst interchange data formats;
US 8,495,243 B2
7 8
said handlers operable to perform a plurality of functions of said transactions, and sent to a speci?c one of said
Which include sending said transaction data to doWn originating systems that has initiated said one of said
stream processes of said dynamic and recursive transac transactions.
tion gateway system, halting said transaction data pro 2. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
cessing, managing validation response data from said of claim 1, Wherein said one of said transactions is halted if
interchanges to said originating systems, and managing said sub-transactions are generated and processed.
end-point response data from said end-point systems to 3. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
said originating systems; of claim 1, Wherein a respective one of said requests for said
said handlers comprising a recursion handler operable to tokeniZed data made by a respective one of said originating
generate said sub-transactions from one of said transac systems is passed through a respective one of said on ramps,
tions and feed said sub-transactions recursively to said and processed by said second interchange program, and said
dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system; tokeniZed data is sent to said respective one of said originating
said handlers comprising a tokeniZation handler operable systems through said tokeniZation handler, said ?fth dis
to forWard requests for tokeniZed data by said originat patcher program, and said sixth dispatcher program.
ing systems to said interchanges and manage sending 4. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
said tokeniZed data to said originating systems; of claim 1, Wherein a respective one of said transactions is
each of said interchanges comprising a ?rst interchange processed through said ?reWall, said ?rst dispatcher program,
program for inspecting credentials of said originating said second dispatcher program, said third dispatcher pro
systems, a second interchange program for generating gram, said fourth dispatcher program, said at least one of said
said tokeniZed data for said originating systems to 20 handlers, said ?rst interchange program, either said third
replace sensitive data, a third interchange program for interchange program or said fourth interchange program, said
retrieving said tokeniZed data in said transactions, a ?fth interchange program, said sixth interchange program,
fourth interchange program for decrypting encrypted said uni?ed logging layer, said protocol translator, and said
data in said transactions, a ?fth interchange program for dynamically loaded one of said con?gurations, and routed to
25 said at least one of said end-point systems.
making routing decisions, a sixth interchange program
for conducting extended ?eld validation of said transac 5. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
tion data, and a uni?ed logging layer Which ensures said of claim 1, Wherein a respective one of said transactions is
transaction data to be logged in a consistent manner; and processed through said ?reWall, said ?rst dispatcher program,
each of said off ramps comprising a protocol translator for said second dispatcher program, said third dispatcher pro
translating betWeen said common data format and end 30 gram, said fourth dispatcher program, said at least one of said
point data formats used by said end-point systems and a handlers, said ?rst interchange program, said ?fth inter
dynamically loaded one of con?gurations, said dynami change program, said sixth interchange program, said uni?ed
cally loaded one speci?cally for at least one of said logging layer, said protocol translator, and said dynamically
end-point systems, said con?gurations comprising loaded one of said con?gurations, and routed to said at least
interoperability constraints and end-point system data of 35 one of said end-point systems.
said end-point systems and being in said dynamic and 6. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
cursive transaction gateWay system; of claim 1, Wherein said end-point response data With respect
Wherein said originating system data includes originating to a respective one of said transactions initiated by a respec
system con?gurations and parameters of said originat tive one of said originating systems is received from said at
ing systems and devices thereof; 40 least one of said end-point systems, passed through said
Wherein said tokeniZed data includes ?rst type tokens for dynamically loaded one of said con?gurations, said protocol
predetermined numbers of said transactions, second translator, said uni?ed logging layer, said at least one of said
type tokens for predetermined periods of time, third type handlers, said ?fth dispatcher program, and said sixth dis
tokens for unlimited time, and chain-bound tokens patcher program, and sent to said respective one of said origi
shared across locations; 45 nating systems.
Wherein respective ones of said sub-transactions are pro 7. The dynamic and recursive transaction gateWay system
cessed by respective ones of said on ramps, respective of claim 1, Wherein said sixth interchange program generates
ones of said interchanges, and respective ones of said off said validation response data if said transaction data fails said
ramps; and extended ?eld validation, and said validation response data is
Wherein said validation response data or said end-point 50 sent to a respective, one of said originating systems through
response data With respect to said respective ones of said said at least one of said handlers, said ?fth dispatcher pro
sub-transactions is bound to a universal transaction gram, and said sixth dispatcher program.
identi?cation number Which has been used by said one * * * * *

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