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Djihad-ul n lumea otoman n secolele XVI-XVII

bibliografie selectiv

A. Lucrri generale

1.Inalcik Halil i Quataert Donald. "An Economic and Social History of the
Ottoman Empire," 1300-1914,Marea Britanie , Ed. Cambridge University Press ,1994,
pp. 263-295

B.Lucrri speciale

1.Viorel Panait "Dreptul pcii i rzboiului n Islamul otoman" , Bucureti,

Ed.Universitii Bucureti,2008, pp.96-105

2. Hakan T.Karateke i Maurus Reinkowski " Legitimizing the Order: The Ottoman
Rethoric of the State Power ", vol.34,UK,Ed.Brill,passim

3.Marc David Baer, "Honored by the Glory of Islam: Conversion and Conquest in
Ottoman Europe",Oxford,Ed.Oxford Univeristy Press , 2008, pp.234-262

C.Resurse web

1. The Oxoford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, autori : J. Shaw, Gkhan etinsaya-
text pe website-ul, accesat la
data de 12 mai 2016 .

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