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Math - Problem Solving: Where Will I Land?

Teacher Name: Ms. Guzman

Student Name: __________________________

Exceeds Meets Needs

CATEGORY Expectations Expectations Improvement Points Awarded
(20 Points) (17 Points) (15 Points)
The student was
The student was
The student was able to use the
able to use the
Use of Number able to use the number lines for
number line a few
Line number line model the more than half
times to find the
to find differences. of the problems to
find differences.
The student was The student was The student was
able to solve and able to solve and able to solve and
create all the create 6 out of 10 create 5 or less
of Concept
puzzles using the puzzles using the puzzles using the
number line. number line. number line.
The student was
The student was The student was
Participation in actively engaged at
engaged in the engaged in the
Activity all times in the
activity. activity sometimes.
The student
The student worked
worked with
Working with with classmates in a The student worked
classmates in a
Others safe manner at all with classmates.
safe manner
The student
The student listened listened and
Following The student listened
and followed all followed the
Instructions to instructions.
instructions. majority of

Total: ___________

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