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Unofficial Cheatsheet Written by

Trace Trajano
Ronald Cagape
Weng Cagape

With special participation from Apple Raquel, Vladimir Caluya, toqueblanche, Vito and
other subscribers of my blog –

Edited by:
Jane Sabater

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
What you will read in the following pages are for educational purposes only
and are not meant to represent legal, financial, accounting or investment
advice. Please seek the help of your legal, financial, accounting and
investment professionals and always do your due diligence before investing.

The success stories you are about to read in the following pages are not
typical. The reason is the typical reader of real estate investing related
eBooks does not implement the knowledge he/she gains from eBooks like
this. Hence, the typical result is zero profit because the typical reader of
eBooks does not take action on what he/she learns.

How to Best Read this Book

If you’re my blog subscriber (, and if you have put a
comment on my blog when I ask the question: “What is preventing you from
getting out of the rat race and into the fast track?” made this e-Book
possible. I’ve chosen some of the comments and put them in the beginning
of every chapter. At the end of the chapter I have a “Cashflow 101 Cheat”. A
cheat is nothing bad. It’s a shortcut to succeeding in a game and making
your money grow is also a game. Therefore you need a cheat…or several
cheats. Utilize these cheats and watch your income soar. Ignore it and your
financial future will be bleak.

Feel free to forward this e-Book to everyone you know. They will most
likely benefit from this.

Dedicated to your success,

Trace Trajano

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.

Introduction: How to “Cheat” Your Money Fears

Chapter 1: Deep in Debt: To Control Your Debt You Set it and Forget

Chapter 2: The Secrets to a Six or Seven Figure Bank Account

Chapter 3: How to Buy a Six Door Apartment Even if You’re Broke

Chapter 4: How to Make P450,000 on One Real Estate Deal

Chapter 5: How to Sell a Condo in Two Days and Make P100,000

Chapter 6: The Ultimate Cheat: Getting a Cashflow 101 Real Life


Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
How to “Cheat” Your Money Fears
By Trace Trajano

“The greatest is FEAR. fear holds your tomorrow and your plan. I have so
many plans to get out of the RAT race search and studied and read a lot of
books to enhance my knowledge but at the end of it all i allowed FEAR to
overcome my will. There is no question that I am here broke and in debt. One
reason why I am here in this blog and writing is to overcome the FEAR and be
out of the RAT RACE and be at the FAST TRACK.” – toqueblanche’s comment
on my blog –

In this chapter I’m going to talk to you

about something that is not necessarily
related to real estate but believe me, this is
the foundation of succeeding in whatever
you want to do — especially in financial
success. This is something that will
definitely either hinder you in succeeding
in whatever financial success you want or
if you turn this stumbling block into your stepping stone - this is how you will “cheat”
your money fears. If you can not cheat them or if you can not control your money fears,
they will control you and they will prevent you from achieving the financial
independence that you want — achieving the financial abundance that you deserve.

Fear is scary, literally, because it kills dreams. Someone once said that the richest
place on the planet is not the New York Stock Exchange, it’s not the Chicago Options
Market, it’s not the commodities market, it’s not the Forex market — the richest place on
earth is the cemetery. The reason why is that in the cemetery are dreams that are not
fulfilled, potential that have not been realized, money that have not been earned by

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
people who have dreams but they just let go of these dreams as well as people with
potential but because they let their fears prevent them from achieving their potential then
they weren’t able to achieve their dreams.

The number one regret of old people who are dying is that they gave into their fears.
If they can live their lives all over again, they will take more risks, they will have the
courage to do what needs to be done to follow their dreams. Most people just let fears
paralyze them. Now, specifically with regard to money, there are many fears that people
share with me and some of these are also my fears. From time to time, I still think that
I’m not worthy of money. I would probably make a lot more money had I not have this
fear instilled in me by my upbringing. I came from a poor family. My dad was an OFW
but he eventually became broke because he wasn’t able to manage his money well and
we suffered as a result of that. So there are many times that I felt that I am not worthy of
money. And those times when I felt that I am not worthy of money I gain my money and
I lose it or I don’t gain it at all when I have that fear. Then this concept of not having
enough money — this poverty thinking, the second fear — this is very common
especially for those like me who came from a poor family. Having the notion that the
money that is coming is not enough or the money that I have will not be sufficient is
always at the back of my head. And when I ask the question, “What’s stopping you from
getting out of the rat race and into the fast track?” This third fear, “What if I fail and lose
money?” — that is a very common or prevalent fear for most people that’s why they
don’t venture into real estate investing because they’re thinking it requires a lot of capital
and the thinking “What if I lose that capital?” or “What if I lose money?”

And the last fear is related to the first one, “What if I have too much money and I
become bad because of it?” We’ve all read in the Bible that money is the root of all evil
but really “the love of money for money’s sake” and one is willing to do everything for
money’s sake — that, my friend, is the root of all evil. Money itself is not evil. What you
do with the money will determine what is good or bad, what is right or wrong. Someone
just once said that money magnifies who you are already. So if you’re a good person,
money allows you to become even better or to spread your goodness wider and farther.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
You can help more people if, by nature, you want to help people. So don’t be afraid of
that. Remove that at the back of your mind —Money is evil. I mean, you decide what you
become. You want to become good? Then use money for good. Bottom line: Money is
neutral. Money is not evil. Money is not inherently evil; it’s not inherently good. You can
use money for evil or for good. Obviously, I encourage you to use money for good and
for helping a lot more people than the people you’re helping now. You can utilize money
to serve people and therefore why should money be evil?

Now, what are the antidotes

to fears? As I said, there are
many money fears that people
have. One of the things that you
need to think about is “What’s
your ‘Why’?” Why are you
doing this? Why do you want to
become financially free? Why do
you want to invest in real estate? Is it for your family? For me, my burning “Why” is I
don’t want to be like my dad. I’m afraid to work hard all my life only to have nothing at
the end of my working days. That’s why even though my job pays me well, I realized that
working at a job will not make you financially free. You have to work long and hard but
still just working on a job will not make you financially free. You need to learn how to
invest. What I found is real estate is a very good investment and that’s why I’m a real
estate investor. What about you? What’s your compelling “Why”? Why are you doing
this? If your “why” is not compelling enough, at the first sight of trouble, at the first sight
of a challenge or a problem, then you will back down and retreat whereas if you have a
burning “why” then every challenge that comes your way, you can turn any stumbling
block into a stepping stone. So ask yourself the question, “Why am I doing this?”

Next, you need to work on your Money Mindset. It’s good to seek out like-minded
people, to have a mastermind group, to seek out a mentor, to say affirmations every
morning, to tell yourself that money is good, that money comes in easily and frequently

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
— you have to say that over and over again so that you can literally unlearn the wrong
mentality and beliefs that you have about money. Do that everyday and join people who
are in this journey with you. Befriend a lot of rich and successful people. Learn from
them. Get their vibes to rub off on you. And then acquire knowledge. Read books about
money. Learn about how money works. Learn about how real estate investing works.
Learn the “How” before you jump. So these three: having a compelling ‘why’, working
on your money mindset and getting the know-how are your antidotes to fear.

But you need to combine all these three and do the last step which is — you have to
be ready, you have to fire, and you have to aim. That means you have to put all of these
things into practice because nothing happens until you do something. Action is the key.
You have to learn the basics, meet like-minded people, network with them, tell everyone
that you know that you buy and sell real estate. Then you need to seek out mentors. Set a
goal and be very specific about it. Once you have a goal, your mind will work even while
you sleep in order for you to accomplish that goal. But you have to believe that this goal
is doable or possible for you. Your goal
has to be time-bound. You can not just
say, “I will be a real estate investor
someday.” You have to be very, very
specific. “I want to buy and sell my very
first real estate deal in the next 90 days
and I’ll make at least one hundred
thousand pesos. You have to tell
everyone about it. Why? So that you become accountable to your goal and failure
becomes a non-option. You will strive to succeed. When you get a mentor, you have to
share your goal with your mentor and you have to have a penalty if you don’t accomplish
your goal and a reward when you accomplish your goal. By having a mentor that you
share your goals with and having a penalty if you don’t achieve it, then now you become
accountable. If you are really serious, you have to do this. You have to seek out a mentor,
set a specific goal, and be accountable to your mentor to achieve your goal. Then you
fire. That means you just take action – whatever action that leads you closer to your goal,

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
and then do it. Don’t even think about it. No action is too small in order to accomplish
your goal. Someone once said, “how do you build the Great Wall of China? Well, you
build it one brick it at a time” So imagine if the thinking is “it’s so big” then the only way
to accomplish this is to carve out a big chunk of stone out of a mountain and not build it
brick by brick. The bottom line is just take action – whatever action it is. Maybe it’s as
simple as making one phone call to a real estate agent. Or maybe it’s as simple as going
to the bank and talking to the banker and asking the banker for a list of non performing
assets. Or checking the internet, going to or and checking out which
houses are being sold. Little actions like those cumulatively, “brick by brick,” one little
action at a time upon one little action at a time and pretty soon you’ll be amazed by what
you will accomplish. But you have to just do it. And then you aim. You refine your
actions. Because once you act or do something, then chances are a lot of your actions will
be mistakes. You will learn from your actions. A lot of things that you do will not be the
correct things to do or you will not do them correctly. Then you learn. Do more of what’s
working and modify the actions that are not working. Don’t just give up too easily on
them. Modify them and see if they will work. Have what I call “creative persistence.”
You persist not blindly, you’re learning and then you’re creating and modifying what
you’re learning so that it can work in your market, in your circumstance, or in the deal
that you have.

One of the things that really bother me is when people tell me, “Hey your methods
only work in the United States.” It bothers me because that’s being close-minded. If only
they realize that by getting and knowing and learning the principles and using creative
persistence so that they can make it work in their market - if only they do that, if only
they realize that by just doing that - they will make a lot of money. It bothers me when
people don’t do that. They give up too easily. And they use the excuse that I’m based in
the US and therefore what I teach won’t work in the Philippines. I mean that’s a whole
bunch of crap. Pardon my term. But that’s the reality. The reality is you can use the
techniques that I teach and my techniques work if you use creative persistence. I have
students who are based in the Philippines and they started as broke people. They didn’t
have any money, they didn’t have any savings and yet in a matter of several months,

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
sometimes even in a few weeks, they were able to make money and out of nothing – out
of being broke – they have money and eventually some of them became millionaires.
That’s why it bothers me that people give up too easily. So bottom line: you have to just
act. Ready, fire, aim!

Let me end this with how I started and

let me cite this quote from Edward Vernon
Rickenbacker. He is a World War I ace
fighter pilot and a Medal of Honor
awardee. Obviously, he was awarded for
bravery. Being an ace pilot, that means he
had shut down a lot of enemy planes.
Mind you this is World War I so the
planes are not as good as now. There were
no computers then so everything is
manual. There was no auto-pilot. There was no laser-targeting technology by then and yet
this guy survived the war and shut down a lot of enemy planes. To say that he is brave is
an understatement. This guy epitomizes what courage is; and yet listen to what he has to
say here, “Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless
you’re scared.” Let me repeat that, “Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can
be no courage unless you’re scared.” - Edward Vernon Rickenbacker, ace fighter pilot
World War I and Medal of Honor awardee. So folks, even though you might be scared of
money, even though you have all these fears, the greatest antidote to fear is just do it. Just
do the thing that you’re afraid of and realize that that is precisely what courage is – doing
the thing that you’re afraid of. And only when you do that, only when you overcome your
fears, only when you act even though you’re scared, that’s the time that you will succeed.

To overcome your fear, do the thing that you are most afraid
of. When you start you will start learning and eventually the
earnings will come so by all means, just start!

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Chapter 1

Deep in Debt: To Control Your Debt You Set it and

Forget it!
By Trace Trajano

“ive grown my debt and now its haunting keep calling at my office..i
thought having a credit card is great but im wrong coz now my debt is greater
than my income..i hate this kind of life..” – Anonymous’s comment on my blog

When I asked the question, “What is the one thing that is stopping you from getting
out of the rat race and onto the fast track?” one of the most common answers is debt. It’s
a variation of “Hey Trace, I’m earning enough for my family and I have this big debt… I
got into this credit card debt… it’s 80,000 pesos… How will I be able to get out of this?
This basically keeps me in the rat race.” That’s one of the most common things that I’ve
read in my blog comments so today in this chapter, we’re going to solve that problem.
The title of the chapter is “Deep in Debt: To Control Your Debt You Set it and forget it!”
So basically to get out of debt, you set it and forget it. And later on, in this chapter, I will
show you how you can do that.

Is Debt the Death of Your Dreams?

The answer to that is “Absolutely Not!” You can turn this debt — this stumbling
block into your stepping stone. Because here’s the thing: Debt is finite but your income,
if you set it correctly, is infinite. Let me repeat that. Debt is finite but income is infinite.
Think about it. Let’s say you buy a property. Think for a moment, suspend your disbelief
and think that now you have millions and millions of pesos and you can buy a piece of
property i.e. five-storey building and it will produce one million pesos a month in income
or cash flow so whether or not you work, you’re getting one million pesos a month in
cash flow and that’s forever — until the property is standing there. You can pass it on to
your heirs so it’s basically infinite whereas your debt is always finite. So take comfort in

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
the fact that you can create infinite income. As we know in Mathematics, no matter how
big a number is, it’s always smaller than infinite. Here’s the other thing I’d like you to
think about and this is something the Real Life Cash Flow 101 Coach told you recently:
He utilized debt — the fact that used to have a lot of debt — he utilized that to motivate
him to strive more, to expand more, to have another stream of income other than the
income he had that at that time and I want you to do the same. I want you to be not
limited by debt and instead, use debt as your stepping stone to financial success.

Here’s the truth: Your past does not determine your future. Let me repeat that. Your
past does not determine your future. See the thing is you can change your future by
changing your NOW. You change your present, that is your NOW — by changing how
you think. And here’s another truth: What you think about comes about. This is called
“the Law of Attraction” Now here’s the problem: the Law of Attraction can not
distinguish or understand if you put the word “no” in front of it… it doesn’t see the “no.”
It’s like this: If I tell you the statement, “do not think of a purple elephant” and you repeat
that after me, “I am not thinking of a purple elephant.” What color of the elephant are you
thinking of? Exactly — purple. That’s how the Law of Attraction works. So if you say
“I’m getting out of debt… I’m getting out of debt.” Then guess what? You will get more
debt. You will attract debt because you are thinking about debt. In order to eliminate debt
in your life, as one of my mentors Bob Proctor said, “You set up an automatic debt
repayment program so you can focus on prosperity.” Focus on the positive which is
wealth or income, not the negative which is debt.
Yes, Mr. Bob Proctor, this is very good but what exactly is a debt repayment
program? Let me illustrate this with you in an example. So now we’re going to do a little
bit of math. So let’s say you’re a high earner, you’re working in your job for about ten
years, climbed the corporate ladder and now you’re earning 100,000 pesos a month. This
is just an example and do not think that this will only work for people who earn 100,000
pesos per month. It can work whether your salary is 10,000 per month or 5,000 per month
or if it’s 1 million pesos per month or 100,000 dollars. It works in all of those cases. I just
want you to get the principle. So going back to our example, let’s say you owe three
people or three entities:

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
1. You owe Ram, the Hard Money Lender — maybe he is the typical “bumbay”
doing 5-6 or whatever; you owe Ram 20,000 pesos and you pay 2,000 pesos
every month. If you do the math, that’s exorbitant amount of interest.
2. You have a Visa credit card at 36% interest and you owe 50,000 with a
minimum payment of 1,000 a month
3. You owe 50,000 from MasterCard with a minimum payment of 2,000 a

So really, you are in deep debt in this example, you actually owe more than what you
earn every month and even though you’re earning 100,000 pesos every month, chances
are you’re earning less than that. You have the government taking its share as taxes.
Anyway, for this example, let’s say you are able to allocate 10,000 pesos per month in
your debt repayment program.

Calculate the “Debt Cash Strain Factor” (DF)

DF = Loan Balance
Minimum Payment

Lowest DF gets paid off first

Now here’s the thing: I’d like you to do a little bit of math. Calculate what I call the
“Debt Cash Strain Factor” and this is basically your total balance divided by the total
payment that you need to make on a monthly basis.

And what I want you to do is pay off those debt that have the lowest Debt Cash Strain
Factor first. By doing it that way, you’ll be able to pay off your debts a lot quicker than
you think. Again, the Debt Cash Strain Factor — this is something I just invented so I can
summarize the whole idea.
So in this example, you owe Ram 20,000 but you pay him 2,000 a month… The Debt
Cash Strain Factor (DF) is 10 whereas MasterCard has 25 and Visa has 50. So the idea
here is you pay all of them — the minimum monthly payment required — but you pay
Ram extra. Recall that you allocate 10,000 per month but you need to pay 5,000 pesos as

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
your minimum payment to all three. The mistake that I don’t like you to make is you only
pay the minimum. If you only pay the minimum, it will take you forever to pay off your
debt. You have to pay not just the minimum payment but also a big chunk of the principal
in order to accelerate you paying off your debts.

• Ram: DF = P20,000 = 10
• MasterCard: DF = P50,000 = 25
• Visa: DF = P50,000 = 50

Before anything else, you have to cut all your credit cards and only keep one for
emergencies. Cut all of them except one. Then you pay off your Visa and MasterCard
minimum payments every month and then given that you want to pay off Ram first, you
pay Ram 2,000 (that’s the minimum he requires); in addition, you pay him 5,000 as
additional principal payment.
And then on Month 2, you do the same thing. But notice now that since you owe Ram
15,000 pesos now because you have paid 5,000 as your principal. Then really the interest
due, if do the math, is 1,500 pesos. Because your total principal has gone down, therefore
your minimum payment should go down as well. And then your Visa and MasterCard
balance would also go down. But for all intensive purposes, we just ignore the principal
pay down of those loans just so we can make the math simple.

Month 2

Ram MC Visa

Balance P15,000 P50,000 P50,000

Payment P1,500 P2,000 P1,000

Additional P5,500 --- ---

And then on Month 3, you do the exact same thing. Now, notice this. On Month 3,
you only owe Ram 9,500 pesos and your monthly interest due is only 950 pesos. Now

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
you can pay Ram even more in terms of principal. So can you see how you’re debt gets
paid off a lot quicker?

Month 3

Ram MC Visa

Balance P9,500 P50,000 P50,000

Payment P 950 P2,000 P1,000

Additional P6,050 --- ---

If you do the math, basically by month 6, Ram would have been paid off. And then
you can allocate the extra payment or more towards paying off the next one which is
MasterCard. So now instead of paying 2,000 pesos, you are paying 7,000 in additional
principal payment. So by the time you pay off MasterCard, now you have 10,000 a month
to pay off Visa.

Month 6

Ram MC Visa

Balance -- P50,000 P50,000

Payment -- P2,000 P1,000

Additional -- P7,000 ---

So can you see now how you can really accelerate paying off your debts by doing it
this way? It’s a very simple technique. It’s very, very powerful and it works! Now the
question that could come up is “Hey Trace, what if I really made a lot of financial
mistakes and I can’t even afford to pay the minimum payment?”

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Well, there are several things that you can do.

Step 1: Cut down on living expenses.

Forego that wedding you’re planning or that vacation, those gimmicks. No

movies, no dinner out. For a while, seriously cut down on a lot of things. If you can
sell some of those doodads that you’ve accumulated over the years, do it. It will help
you to also get rid of all the clutter in your house as well.

Step 2: Renegotiate the debt.

Let’s say Christmas time comes along and instead of you buying all these gifts for
a lot of people, think about how you can still give them something but maybe not as
extravagant. So instead of buying all these doodads again using your Christmas
bonus, why not approach one of the credit card companies that you owe and
renegotiate your debt. As an example, you can call and say “Hey MasterCard, I owe
you 50,000 and I pay you 1,000 a month. What if I offer you cash NOW to pay off
that balance completely? So here’s my offer: I give you 10,000 pesos and consider all
the 50,000 debt gone.”

Some of you might be thinking, “Trace, no, that doesn’t work in the Philippines”
Well, it does work in the Philippines and I know because one relative of mine did
this. So I know that for a fact. And in fact, he did this not just once but several times
across the different credit cards that he had. So offering them a big chunk of money
upfront versus receiving their money in little increments down the road is always
tempting to them. It could actually be a Win-Win situation. Why? Because instead of
receiving a little bit of money on a monthly basis, they can receive a big chunk of
cash now and guess what? — They can write that loan off and they can lend again.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
They can lend that 10,000 or 20,000 that you give them and they will make more
money so it can be a Win-Win situation.

Let’s say you a got a “No” when you offered 10,000 to pay off 50,000 which is 20
cents on the dollar arrangement. Let’s say they said “No” to that but they asked you
to pay 25,000 instead and they will write off your 50,000 credit card debt. Heck, go
for that if you can raise the other 15,000. So there’s really no harm in trying to
renegotiate your debt if your debt is just killing you. You might as well renegotiate
and see if you can get that paid off at a discount.

Step 3: Expand your means

If you’ve been trying to live below your means and yet you still have a lot of debt
and yet you tried renegotiating your debt and the creditor said “no” then now, you
have to expand your means. Learn how to buy real estate with “no money down.” It
happens all the time in whatever country you are, I don’t care where. I was just
talking with a fellow in Singapore and there’s a guru in Singapore who also teaches
people how to buy condos in Singapore with “no money down.” It happens in any
country, in any market, as long as homeownership is allowed, you can use the
techniques that I teach in order for you to buy a house “no money down” and sell
them quickly for quick cash. Like Jay Castillo here who made 140,000 pesos in cash
— that’s not the equity. That’s cash in his pocket in just 7 days. Think about it:
140,000 pesos in cash. What will it do for you right now? How much of your debts
will that pay off right now if you can generate that amount of money in a very short
span of time? And maybe right now you don’t believe it. But believe it. It is true. It is
happening all the time. You just have to get the know-how, get the right coach so that
you’d be able to succeed how Jay and my countless students all over the world are
doing it. You can become my next successful student if you just seek out the know-
how and the coaching.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Let me end this chapter in the same way that I started it which is basically to tell you
it’s high time for you to convert your stumbling block into your stepping stone. One of
the greatest motivational speakers of all time, Norman Vincent Peale, said, that “when
life throws a dagger at you…you can catch it by the blade or you can catch it by the

So what does that mean? That means, yes, granted you have a lot of debt but so what?
Welcome to the real world. There are a lot of people with a lot of debt and yet they’re
able to turn their life around. See the thing is there’s always an advantage for every
disadvantage. You might be skeptical and thinking “what is the advantage of having a lot
of debt?” Well, having big debt forces you to simplify your life. That’s number 1. As I
said you’ll identify what are the really important things and needs that you have versus
your wants. It forces you to simplify, it forces you to make the right priorities. It forces
you to get rid of unneeded clutter in your home, your wardrobe, or the things that you
have. I’m sure if you just look hard enough, if you have accumulated a lot of debt, you
have a lot of stock and 90% of them are things that you don’t even use or see or enjoy. So
it’s high time to simplify your life and enjoy the things that really matter.
Now, big debt also forces you to think big. You’ve probably heard of this story before
but let me tell you the story again. Donald Trump, as
you all know, back in the late 80’s to early 90’s, got into
financial trouble. In fact, at one point in time, he was in
debt. His net worth became negative. Just personally
alone, not including the debt that his company owes to
creditors, he’s liable for 900 million dollars in debt.
Think about it. How much debt do you have in your
credit card? Do you have 900 million dollars in debt? I
bet, probably not! Now think about it. When Donald
Trump saw a beggar down the street in New York, he
said to himself: “This beggar is richer than I am.” That
beggar is richer that Donald Trump because he owed 900 million dollars. He’s $900
million in the hole and yet he utilized his big debt to really focus, really simplify his life,
focus on the things that are really important, focus on what made him rich in the first
Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
place, and then really focus on executing and implementing what needs to be done, focus
on getting more deals done, and you know what? — In 5 years, he is actually richer than
before he got into financial trouble in the first place. If Donald Trump can turn his life
around, convert a negative 900 million dollars net worth into positive billions of dollars
net worth, why can’t you overcome a fifty thousand, eighty thousand, one hundred
thousand peso credit card or even a million pesos in debt? That is nothing. Again, realize
that big debt only gets the winners in life to think big and to turn their greatest adversity
into their greatest victory.

Set up an automatic debt repayment program. Stop thinking
debt so you can focus on prosperity.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Chapter 2
The Secrets to a Six or Seven Figure Bank Account
By Trace Trajano

“i think when it comes to investments my hindrance would be not having the

capital to invest and people around me whom i trust telling me to STOP.. i guess
i have to work hard so i will have enough money to capitalize on investments so
I can share it with people who doens't believe investments like this.. I have to
act FASTER!” – lawsher20’s comment on my blog –

In this chapter, I’m going to talk about how you accumulate a lot of cash and liquid
assets. We’re going to talk about not just cash but also stocks. It’s not just about your
bank account but also your brokerage account, your retirement account, you get the idea.
It’s about being able to accumulate a lot of liquid cash that you can tap into if and when
you want it.
What I advise people is there are 2 ways. You have the slow way and the fast way
and you need both. The Slow Way consists of 20 years or more. The whole idea is to save
a little at a time but to save regularly. This is how retirement funds are being funded
typically. That is withdrawing money from your account on a regular basis every single
month and using that money to buy certain number of stocks of certain companies and
you do that slowly. You need that as your foundation. On top of that are what I advise
people is that they need to learn how to generate cash very, very quickly through “quick
turn” real estate. I have students who made money in a few weeks, sometimes even in a
few days and I want you to learn how to do that in this e-book specially through the help
of Ronald and Weng Cagape — your Real Life Cashflow 101 Coaches.

So what’s the Slow Way?

The Slow Way starts with how much you earn. So the goal is to save 20% or more of
your “after tax” income. It’s crucial that you do that — anything less than that then
chances are you won’t be able to save enough for retirement. It’s preferred if you can
save more than 20%. Actually, my very first millionaire student became a millionaire not

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
through real estate but through business. He saves 50% of his after tax income. So it’s up
to you how quickly you want to become a millionaire, how quickly you want to succeed
financially. The more you can save, the better. But 20% percent savings is what I would
call the minimum because specially in the
Philippines, the inflation rate of 6-8% per year and if
you only save 10% of your after tax income then
guess what? — your real savings is only 4% after
inflation and 4% doesn’t really add up to a lot
specially once you get your money back after 20 or
30 years then you have taxes to worry about. So
really, you need to be saving 20% or more of your
after tax income.
Here’s the thinking I want you to have: you set aside this money and you should
never touch it. You treat it as a bill you have to pay. You don’t get your money back
when you pay bills, right? You pay for bills and that’s it. You should treat it in the same
way. You should never treat it as a pot of money that you set aside for emergencies. No.
You should set aside a separate emergency fund which financial advisors advise that 3-6
months of your living expenses should be in your bank account as a separate emergency
fund. So in case of emergencies, you can fund it. That is on top of your
retirement/investment account which is totally separate from your emergency fund.
I know a lot of us in the Philippines give money to our relatives and family and that’s
good. I suggest you set aside a separate fund for that altogether. I still send money to my
parents back home in the Philippines and I advise you to continue doing so but slowly, of
course, you need to win them out of being dependent on you by teaching them what
you’re learning in this e-book. For the mean time, I know some of you have relatives who
desperately need your financial assistance. That’s fine. But set aside a separate fund for
your own retirement because sooner or later — after 20 or 30 years, you will not be able
to work and you want to be prepared when that happens. You don’t want to be dependent
on someone younger than you hoping and praying that he or she will have the same kind
heart that you have who will support you in your old age. What if he or she doesn’t? Now
what do you do, right? So the old Filipino mentality of being dependent on other people

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
or our family for our retirement — you should remove that from your mind and how you
are able to do that is by setting aside a fund for your own retirement that you should
never, ever touch even in the case of emergency. Again, you should have a separate
account for emergencies altogether and a separate account for the relatives or family or
friends that you want to help out.

Here’s Why You Don’t Have a Six Figure Bank Account

Let me be blunt here. The reason why you don’t have a six or seven figure bank
account is because you are following this equation:

Savings = Income – Expenses

Your income minus the expenses equals your savings. You spend
the money first then you pray and hope that you will have the
willpower and the discipline of a saint in order for you to allocate
some money to your savings. The problem is expenses expand and
consume whatever income you have. That’s just the reality of life.
It’s very tempting to buy the next gadget, fancy cell phone, or eat out
at a nice restaurant because all your friends are doing that, to watch
the next movie on premiere night where you pay higher than usual because you want to
watch it before everybody else, to go on that vacation on a nice beach because all your
friends are doing it. It’s very easy to give in to these temptations, right? It’s just human
nature. So what happens is your expenses expand to consume all the income and the
result is you do not have any savings and then you kick yourself in the butt for having
NO savings at all. You think that budgeting will solve the problem. But the reality is
budgets are meant to be broken just how rules are meant to be broken. It’s the reality of
human conditions. It’s just you being human and you give in to all these temptations. Let

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
me tell you an alternative to budgeting. In fact, in my household, we don’t budget.
Here’s what you do:

Expenses = Income – Savings

Your expenses must be equal to what’s left after you deducted your savings from
your income. That is, as I said, you have to set aside your savings and you have to treat it
as a bill you have to pay every single month. This is how you will have a six or even a
seven figure bank account. You deduct your savings before you even spend your money.
This is a million peso or a million dollar formula. This will literally make you a million
dollars if you use this equation and you practice it, you implement it in your life.

The distinction between the two might seem minor here but this is really profound. If
you set aside your savings — let’s say you set aside 10% of savings every month, in the
beginning, it’s probably going to be hard for you to save 20% so just start with whatever
you can.

Start as low as 5%. Set aside that 5% or 10% or whatever you are comfortable with
and then you spend whatever is left. In fact, every month, you splurge and spend
whatever is left. If there is
5,000 pesos left, you blow that
5,000 pesos and you celebrate
because you know for a fact
that you have saved 5,000
pesos anyway. So that’s what
you do. And then next month, increase your savings to 6% and then 7% … 10% and
eventually until you reach 20% and you still feel comfortable saving even more, then do
that but spend all the money that is left. Reward yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back
because you are able to save money and the only way for you to do that is to save money

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
first before you spend money on expenses. This is what Kiyosaki mean when he said,
“you pay yourself first.” You set aside your savings first and then you spend what’s left.

This is very, very profound and if you truly understand this — if there’s only one
thing you can get out of this book, do this. You set up an automatic savings program in
the same way that you set up an automatic debt repayment program. The goal is 20% of
your after tax income and once you do that, then you’re assured that you have money in
the bank or in your brokerage account being saved every single month.

For example, if you just do this consistently, if you only save 5,000 per month every
single month at 14% per year (the long term return of the Philippine stock exchange is
14% per year) after 20 years, you will have almost more than 5 million pesos in your
account just by saving 5,000 pesos every month for the next 20 years. In 10 years, you’ll
be a millionaire. In 20 years or in 10 years afterwards, you’ll have more than 5 million
pesos. You just have to set aside 5,000 pesos every single month. And this assumes you
don’t increase your savings but I strongly suggest you increase your savings as you get a
salary increase in your job, as you learn how to buy and sell houses, you should definitely
increase your savings.

0 5 10 15 20 25

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
So again, set up an automatic savings program and then you spend whatever is left.
Now, that’s the Slow Way. You need the Slow Way, that’s your foundation. Now you
need to combine the Slow Way with the Fast Way.

The Fast Way

The Fast Way is you learn how to buy and sell houses. You learn how to buy houses
“No Money Down” and you learn how to sell them very, very quickly in a few weeks,
even in a few days.
For example, Thea Santos bought a 4-door apartment with “no
money down.” She did this while she was broke and then in just 14
days, she sold it to a landlord and made 260,000 pesos. What will
you do with an extra 260,000 pesos in your bank account today?
How much more debts can you pay with that? How much more
money can you fund your retirement account with if you can create a big chunk of cash in
just a few days. Maybe you won’t make it in just 14 days. Maybe it will take you a month
or maybe even two but how long will you have to work in your current job, how many
more months will you need to save in order to make or put an extra 260,000 pesos in your
bank account? Maybe it’s not 260,000 pesos. Maybe it’s only 100,000 pesos. So what?
That’s 100,000 pesos that you would never otherwise have had you not learn how to
create quick money relatively quickly.
The Fast Way is how I produced 5 millionaire students in just 3 years: Jessie and
Apple Raquel, Eden Dayrit, Ronald and Weng Cagape. They became millionaires
relatively quickly. Jessie and Apple Raquel became millionaires in just one year; Eden, in

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
just nine months; Ronald and Weng, in just two years. You can do the same. So read this
e-book and you will find out how you can become a millionaire very quickly and it starts
with learning how to generate quick cash — big chunks of change, so to speak — in a
relatively short span of time.

Save a part of your income first before you spend it:
Expenses = Income – Savings
Save automatically so you don’t have to think about it. Then
your job is to spend what’s left and enjoy your money!

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Chapter 3
How to Buy a Six Door Apartment Even if You’re
By Ronald Cagape

“Currently I'm financially strained, I have credit card debts and two children in
college. I've been praying everyday to be financially free and be financially
intelligent but I don't know where to start. i don't have savings, me and my
husband are working a full time job and I'm involved in a networking company
selling supplements but still I can't both ends meet. Please help me how to do
my finances right even with our small income. Thank you in advance.” –
Anonymous’ comment on my blog –

Trace: I’m so excited to interview Ronald and Weng Cagape on how they’re able
to acquire their first deal even while they didn’t have any savings. I want
you to listen to this intently and learn the lessons that they have learned.
So you can apply it in your own real estate business, even if you don’t
have any real estate business at all and you might be in this situation: “I
have a lot of debt. I don’t have any savings. I basically gave up and think
that there’s no way for me to invest in real estate.” In this chapter, we will
prove you wrong. I’m interviewing Ronald and Weng Cagape here and
they’re in SM now. There’s no internet connection at their house because
of the storm that just passed by but they did this — they want to get this
done. We are committed in helping you, in teaching you that’s why they
had to travel far and go to a place where there’s internet connection.
Anyway, Ronald and Weng, how are you? Tell us more about this deal
that you have.

Ronald: This was our first deal. It was a 6-door apartment that we got from a small
bank. We negotiated for this for 8 months. It’s walking distance from a
major mall in Alabang — the Festival Mall. We got it for 3.5 million. The

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
bank asked for a 20% down payment — 10% upon acquiring the property
and another 10% after 90 days. At that time, we were just earning around
20,000 pesos per month and we did not have any savings. We were just
newly married. We had a lot of credit card debt from our wedding but that
did not stop us from acquiring the property. So what we did was we
pooled money from investors for the down payment and for the repair.
Within 1 month, we sold 3 out of 6 units immediately but we were not
able to sell the other 3 units. Our greatest fears were realized at that point.
We had this property that we’re supposed to pay another 10% down
payment and we were not selling half of the units. So what we had to do
was add water source because that was the problem with the property. We
were able to sell the first 3 units even without the water source but we had
to put up the water tank to sell the next 3 units. When we did that, the next
3 units were sold right away.

Trace: Nice. So what’s the profit you’re getting out of it now?

Ronald: Right now, we have passive income of around 20,000 pesos per month.
That is the rentals minus the mortgage. It’s already net of 20,000. That
was what we divide among us investors.

Trace: So it’s more than self-liquidating. That’s good.

Ronald: We’ve actually returned the original investment to our investors already.

Trace: Oh, you returned the investor’s money already. That’s nice. So now the
20,000 per month is yours? Do you get that 100%?

Ronald: Yes, that’s pure profit.

Trace: So what have you learned from this deal?

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Ronald: Three things that we learned here… First, you really need to persist. Some
deals don’t come in the first 30 days, or in the first 90 days… but we
persisted and hang in there — we just did what we needed to do, we
looked at a lot of properties every month or so and that’s just it, we just
The second thing is this: Investors Solve Problems. I believe this property
was not bought by a lot of people because there was no water source. In
that area, that’s an accepted problem. That was Alabang. But when we put
in the water source, that made the property stand out. Another lesson there
is if you solve problems, you make money.
And then finally, just do it. If you don’t do all the things that you read
from books or what you learned from all of the seminars that you attend or
all of the things that our mentors said, it’s useless until you just do it.

Trace: Right. And you were telling me the other day that even though you were
scared, you still did the deal and now you are enjoying the passive income
coming from the property.

Ronald: Actually, when we signed the contract, my hands were shaking.

Trace: (laughs) Yeah. It’s the same thing that happened to my on my very first
deal. I was thinking, “What am I doing?” It was like having buyer’s
remorse. Anyway, that’s really good so folks, there you have it. Even if
you don’t have any money, think about how you can use other people’s
money in order to acquire your first deal. Definitely, as Ronald mentioned,
we as investors, we get paid for solving problems and we don’t shy away
from “problem” properties. In fact, we love problem properties because as
we know, as long as we buy them at a discount or with the right terms, we
can make money from it by solving the problems. And lastly, as Ronald
said, just do it even though you’re scared. Just do it because nothing

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
happens until you do something. So if you want to get massive results, you
need to take massive action.

Learn how to use OPM – or Other People’s Money to
accelerate your way to wealth building.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Chapter 4
How to Make P450,000 on One Real Estate Deal
By Weng Cagape and Ronald Cagape

“I also have that fear of making a mistake. Even though the successful people
say that having mistakes leads you to success, that road is still a risky road for
me. What if I can't cope and get out of my mistakes? What if I get all my
savings out just to cover my mistakes? I'll be left with nothing but mistakes. It's
so hard to be optimistic knowing the risks that you'll be facing...” – Markrobe’s
comment on my blog –

Trace: I’m going to talk to Ronald and Weng Cagape on how they’re able
to make — get this folks, 450,000 pesos on just one deal. I’m so
excited about this and you should be, too. You guys will realize at
the end of this interview that you can make money on real estate
even if you don’t have any money. You just need to do some
things right of some things in a specific way. So Ronald, you want
to talk about the deal?

Ronald: This property is an office condo in Ortigas Business Center. It’s in

Prestige Tower, along Emerald Avenue. Emerald Avenue is a
prestigious address in Ortigas. It’s one of the most sought-after
locations and a lot of call centers are located in that area. This
particular office condo is 150 square meters and the asking price is
8.2 M. The owners are U.S. citizens and they wanted to dispose of
this property because they were undergoing bankruptcy so they
needed the cash. They were asking 8.2M but the good thing about
this deal is that we got a lot of buyers for this property and they
entered into a bidding war so we were able to sell the property for
9.2 M. The buyer owns a call center company and he makes
around one million per month so he could easily bag this
investment in 9 months.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Trace: Nice. So did he pay for this property using “spot cash”?

Ronald: Yes.

Trace: Great. Weng, I know you are the one who actually worked this
deal out. How did you sell this property very, very quickly?
What’s the marketing that you put out there?

Weng: We marketed this property online through Craigslist, Sulit, and our
website. We also advertised in newspapers — Manila Bulletin,
Buy & Sell. Lastly, we posted ads on the Bulletin Boards in the
elevators on the same building which is where we got most of our
potential buyers who visited the property.

Trace: Nice. So that’s really targeted marketing right there. That’s good.
That’s the one which works best — offline marketing, just putting
ads on the Bulletin Board. Excellent. So what did you guys learn
on this deal and what can you tell a beginning investor on how
they can make money in real estate?

Weng: Of course, eXtreme marketing. You never know where and when
your buyer shows up.

Ronald: The second thing is you have to talk about your business. If you’re
in real estate, you have to tell people that you are buying and
selling real estate because we got this particular deal — this office
condo from our church mate. Before, we did not talk about our
business in church. But after we attended your seminar last
February, the first Think Rich Quick seminar, we started talking
about our business as you have advised. So we got this good deal

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Trace: So imagine, how much more money did you not make by not
talking about your business? It’s very simple and yet most people
don’t do that so definitely putting out eXtreme marketing —
putting out multiple media marketed multiple times as Weng
mentioned, is very crucial to success and just doing COIN or
Centers Of Influence Networking — putting yourself out there
through word of mouth.

Weng: Yes. Lastly, a property builds a buyers’ list and from this property
alone, I received three offers and the owner got the best offer
among the three. And as a result, I have two more buyers to serve
— to find property for them.

Trace: So now you’re problem is looking for the right property for them
and it becomes an easier problem to solve versus having a property
that you can not sell. Most people have that concern. “What if I
have a property and I can not sell it?” So, what you did was great.
Thank you, Ronald and Weng. I myself have learned a lot from
what you guys did here. You guys are able to make a lot of money
very, very quickly just by applying very simple concepts.

Use COIN and eXtreme Marketing to buy and sell houses

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Chapter 5
How to Sell a Condo in Two Days and Make P100,000
By Weng Cagape with Special Participation of Apple Raquel

“I guess the main reason I'm stuck in the rat race is I can't increase my means.
I wish I could flip houses like you do, but I've learned I'm not a very good
salesman. I tried being a real estate agent, and offered it everyone I know and
everyone they referred me too. Some were interested but as of today I still
haven't made a sale. How do you do it?!” – Vladimir Caluya, comment on my

Trace: Welcome to the Monthly Success Interviews where I interview my

successful students, franchisees, and readers of my book, “Think
Rich Quick.” This is a service provided to you by and today I’m going to interview Apple Raquel
and Weng Cagape on how they made not a lot of money on this
deal — but it’s a very quick deal. Literally, if you do the math, this
is a 1,000,000% return on investment. That’s just on Apple’s end.

Unfortunately, they did not photocopy the check so they just got
the cash and I have the picture in front of you right now. So Apple,
tell us about the deal and then Weng can tell us how she was able
to find the buyer so quickly.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Apple: A friend of mine who is also a broker just texted me and
mentioned that she knows of a motivated seller who is selling her
condo unit in Corinthian Executive Regency along Ortigas
Avenue. Initially, the selling price was 1.5 million but we tried to
negotiate the price and after knowing that the seller is really
motivated that she can give the unit at a very low price, I
immediately texted my co-franchisees. I’ve texted five of them and
Weng replied back saying she has a ready buyer — a cash buyer
for a unit in that condominium.

Trace: Nice. So Weng how did you find the buyer?

Weng: I’ve known this buyer for five years now. He’s an investor. I
update him regularly whenever I have deals so when Apple texted
me about the Corinthian Regency unit, I informed him (the

Trace: So basically, the buyer is already part of your network and you’ve
built that network of prospective buyers in the past that’s why you
found that buyer so quickly. That’s one of the things that I found
— the fastest way to sell a property is for you to have a buyer’s
database that you can utilize and once you know what they’re
looking for then it’s easier to find a property for them versus
finding a buyer for a property. So what have you guys learned
from this deal?

Apple: We have learned three most important things. The first one is the
importance of network. As they say, in business, it’s not only what
you know but it’s who you know. So for me, it was good to know
that I already have that image as someone who’s into real estate,
buying and selling properties which is the reason why my broker

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
friend informed me of that
condo unit right away. Not
only rely on networking but
we also need to know the
needs of our buyers and sellers
and pre-qualify them as well.
Second, always take
immediate action. They say
that when the idea is still hot,
you must act immediately. In
this case, if I didn’t act and
neglected that text message, I may not have gotten the deal. So it
was good that I immediately texted my co-franchisees and found
out Weng has a ready buyer for it.

Trace: Right. You guys sold this in 2 days. It’s pretty amazing. And the
third one is “Cash is King!” What do you mean by that?

Apple: As you, our mentor, always say that cash is king. We realized that
it’s really important for the buyer’s side because the buyer was
able to get a very good deal. He bought that very nice unit below
market value and he was able to do that because he has ready cash.
So that is really an advantage.

Trace: And it’s better to deal with buyers like that — what I call hot
buyers. For those of you watching this video thinking “how will I
be able to find buyers like those?” you need to learn what I call
eXtreme marketing. You will be surprised just from your own
network alone — if you just ask for referrals, you might be
surprised when people refer you buyers who have the ready cash to
buy properties. So Weng, any last things you want to say?

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Weng: I have nothing to add.

Trace: Alright. Thanks, Apple and Weng. Congratulations on this great

deal. I know it’s not a lot of money but it’s quick, in-and-out, no
risk and you guys sold it in 2 days. So with that folks, go to for more success stories like this and I’ll talk to
you soon.

To sell quickly, build your buyers’ database first.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Chapter 6
The Ultimate Cheat: Getting a Cashflow 101 Real Life Coach
By Trace Trajano

“…many others I've read about are so fortunate to have had a mentor that could be
their pillar of strength and wisdom. Plus, I get the feeling that these mentors probably
did a little bit of ass-kicking to get them moving. As for me, I may have to kick my own
ass but I know that once that 1st step presents itself, I'm in.” – Vito’s comment on my
blog –

Three years ago, I met Ronald and Weng Cagape. They did not have any savings. They
made some stupid financial mistakes and they were deep in bad debt. Instinctively,
Ronald and Weng both knew there has to be a better way. They want the best for their
son Johan. When they met me, they learned some powerful “Cheats” to winning in the
game of money. You see...achieving financial success is a game...and just like any other
game, there are “cheats” or ways to win the game. Ronald and Weng will show you those
“cheats” in a moment. But first, what gives Ronald and Weng credibility to teach and
coach you about these “cheats” to winning the game of money?

Hmmm...Let me count the ways. Three years of my mentoring and coaching and let’s
look at what Ronald and Weng have achieved...

1. They are now millionaires

2. They receive passive income (or income that comes in without working) every month
3. They’ve paid off their bad debts and
4. They now have multiple streams of income

One of the things that trap people in the Rat

Race and lose in the game of money is BIG
Debt. Maybe you have BIG debt. Maybe
you’ve bought stuff for your home...or you
bought that dream vacation using your credit
cards. Or maybe you’ve made a bad
investment decision using borrowed money.
Whatever the case maybe, there is a way out
of BIG debt.

When I interviewed Ronald and asked him

about the problem of debt, he said, “Debt can be scary. But I use the problem of having a
lot of debt to motivate me to earn more.” For most people, the problem of BIG debt
becomes a stumbling block to financial freedom. Ronald and Weng turned their
stumbling block into a stepping stone.

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
How do you do the same? Resolve right now that you will learn how to earn MORE
money. A lot more. Ronald continues, “Also, what most people don’t know is that you
can buy real estate even with no money down. You can use other people’s money as

“When we started, we did not have any savings”, Ronald adds. And despite not having
any savings, they were able to acquire a 6-door apartment as their very first deal. “Had I
not had the courage to acquire that deal...or had I let not having any money stop me from
acquiring that property, I would not be enjoying the passive income from it right now.

You might be saying, “That’s nice. BUT what if I acquire a property with no money
down and I can’t rent it fast enough? I can lose money if I do that, right?” That’s a valid
concern and here’s one of the things that I emphasize with Ronald and Weng when I first
taught them how to invest in real estate. I told them to simultaneously buy-and-hold
multi-door apartments AND buy-and-sell houses and condos too.

You see, the “Cheat” for ensuring you can invest in real estate with as low of a risk as
possible is the following formula:

You buy and sell houses and condos for CASH AND then you
buy and rent multi-door apartments for CASHFLOW and

If you only have CASH by buying and selling houses you won’t build long term wealth.
If you only rent properties for cashflow and long term wealth, pretty soon, you will run
out of cash that you can use to buy multi-door apartments. Combined, you can continue
buying and keeping apartments (and you can also buy more deals) to help you become a
millionaire a lot sooner than you think.

Robert Kiyosaki calls this approach “Power Investing” - and is the key to helping Ronald
and Weng to become millionaires just 2 years after meeting me.

In the previous chapters, I’ve shown you what Ronald and Weng have
done. I convinced them to start teaching what they know as well. My
life’s mission is to help create a million Godly millionaires by the
year 2020. This is the reason why I wrote my book “Think Rich
Quick”…and the reason why Bo Sanchez even endorsed my book and
supports me in my life’s mission. The only way for me to train a
million millionaires is if I can get my successful students like Ronald
and Weng to start teaching and coaching other people as well.
Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
However, Ronald and Weng are busy enough as they are and the last thing they want to
do is “baby sit” some students. They can not just teach you the real estate business, you
have to work IN their business and deliver real results for them. You will deal with real
properties that you have to market and will deal with real buyers, real sellers,
and real tenants. You will even deal with private lenders or private investors. You will
deal with real situations and you better make Ronald and Weng real money or if NOT,
you will be kicked out of the program really, really quickly.

You see, this coaching program or what I call the Real Life Cashflow 101 Coaching
Program (because you will be playing the game Cashflow 101 in real life) is NOT for
the faint of heart. This program is NOT for people who are just curious about real estate
investing. If you are dead serious in making serious money in real estate and you will
work hard at this, then this program is for you.

You are now probably saying, “Trace, the Real Life Cashflow 101 Coaching Program
sounds good and I really want to be your student but what will this program cost me?”
Before I discuss with you the investment you’re going to make, let me just give you a
preview of what you’re going to get as a member of the Real Life Cashflow 101
Coaching Program.

The first thing you’re going to get is ME… every single month. I will spend 60-90
minutes with you in an online LIVE Q&A and Coaching Session. You get to ask me any
questions you may have. You can even have me analyze a property on the spot and I will
tell you, LIVE, whether it’s a good deal and even how you can acquire the property with
no money down. My rate is P10,000 if you want to consult with me for one hour. The
value of spending 60-90 minutes with me is at least P12,500 every month (if not more).

The second thing you’ll get from me is an eBook every month. Just one idea from one of
these eBooks could change your real estate investing forever. Every eBook is worth
P5,000 if not more. Here are just some of the eBooks you will get as a member (you get 1
eBook a month):

Mindset of Millionaires – everyone needs to read this, several times…even daily for you
to think like a millionaire so that your ability to attract money will grow!

No Risk Wholesaling – this is where I discussed the details on how to do affiliate real
estate marketing.

Learn Your Market – in this eBook I revealed how I failed in my first real estate deal
because I did not understand the market and how you can avoid the same mistake!

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
How to Find Buyers – in this eBook I revealed the four types of buyers for any real
estate deal, how to find these buyers and how to talk to them! You will also learn how to
attract CASH buyers or buyers like what Weng and Apple found who paid cash for their
property on the spot (or SPOT cash buyer)!

How I’ve Raised $1 Million on One Deal – in this eBook I revealed how I raised capital
for my BIGGEST real estate deal to date – I revealed how I did it – no holds barred. Most
likely, you will NOT need to raise $1 Million on one deal but the secrets you will learn
from this eBook will help you raise capital for all of your real estate deals.

How to Find Great Deals – you need this eBook because I detailed step-by-step how to
find good real estate deals or properties that will put money in your pocket. Foreclosures
are just one type of real estate deals but there are others which a lot of real estate
investors don’t know about. Getting this eBook will put you ahead of 99% of beginning
real estate investors out there because you can find good deals other than foreclosures.

How to Do Due Diligence – I’ve made money in real estate but I’ve also lost money in
real estate! In real estate deals where I’ve lost money I did not do the “due diligence”
which you will learn how to do when you get this eBook. Getting this eBook will help
you avoid multi-million peso mistakes!

Not only do you get me every month live in an online Q&A session and an eBook
delivered to you every month, you will also get me EVERY WEEK via email! Once you
sign up in the Real Life Cashflow 101 Coaching Program I will send you a real estate
tip right in your email inbox every single week. In fact, you will likely get more than 1
email from me weekly (in some cases, I email my students daily!). I am doing this to
ensure you get powerful real estate wisdom every week and you don’t have to wait for
the Q&A coaching session or the eBook to get it. This is worth at least P5,000 every
month in value.

Oh and yes, let’s not forget: you’ll get access to properties you can sell and do affiliate
real estate marketing with. By having properties that are ready for you to sell, you can
make money in real estate very quickly. You don’t have to spend time looking for
properties, making countless offers…talking to a hundred unmotivated and unrealistic
sellers before finding that one good deal from a desperate seller. You see when you enroll
in this program, you get to practice what you learn immediately and more importantly,
you make money with the knowledge NOW. You cannot get this opportunity just by
reading stuff online. The other benefit of this for you is you get to build your buyers’
database without risking any of your own money in a real estate deal because you don’t
own the property. Then all you need to do is find properties for your buyers so you can
make money without any risks!

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
Lastly, as I said earlier, you will get to work in Ronald’s and Weng’s real estate business.
You will be trained in 10 different functions like Acquisition, Sales, marketing to buy
houses online, marketing to get investors, etc. I will personally train you through pre-
recorded videos. It took me more than 10 hours to record these videos and you get 2
videos every month. That’s P20,000 in value every single month!

You will get hands-on guidance from Ronald and Weng (as your local coaches) on the
specific things you can do to grow their business. AND by helping them make money,
you learn and you also earn money as well!

So let me summarize the benefits for you:

1. You get me LIVE every month in a Q&A and Coaching Session – value:
2. You get 1 eBook every month – value: P5,000/month
3. You get a real estate tip once a week – value: P5,000/month
4. You get properties to sell – value: Priceless
5. You get to work in Ronald’s and Weng’s real estate business going through 10
different functions – value: P20,000 per month
TOTAL VALUE: P42,500++ per month

Your investment is a mere $100 (or peso equivalent) when you pay via credit card or
paypal or P5,000 when you pay via direct bank deposit.

Here’s the thing: given the limited time that Ronald and Weng have to spend with
students, we can only accommodate 20 students in this program. That’s right. Only
20….and once we reach 20 students, we’re going to close the program.

Now…just keep in mind that Ronald and Weng are taking a BIG risk by accepting
students and have them work IN their business. They are going to rely on you for results.
That’s why this program requires 6 months of commitment as a minimum. If you quit
before the 6 months is up - say you only stay for 2 months – you’re still liable to pay for
the remaining 4 months. If you think you will not be able to devote serious time and
effort into this, then by all means DO NOT sign up.

Frankly P5,000 every month is the cheapest way to get me, Ronald and Weng as your
mentors. If you cannot afford that amount, you have two choices:
1. Give up and be content by reading books about real estate or getting free
information on the internet. If you choose this option, keep in mind that 93-97%
of beginning real estate investors who just read books fail to acquire even one
investment property. I am not making this up (google it and find out). There’s a
high failure rate for beginning investors who don’t have coaches or mentors.
Having a coach or mentor on the other hand ensures you avoid the mistakes they
have made and get you moving in the right direction quickly!
2. Re-arrange your lifestyle and finances and figure out how you can afford it.
One of my mentors said that if you cannot afford a coaching program or
mastermind program, then all the more you cannot afford NOT to have it. The

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.
money you’re going to make by knowing what to do and implementing them will
enable you to afford the high tuition or membership cost of the Real Life
Cashflow 101 Coaching Program.

If you’re still on the fence…let me make this a No Risk proposition for you:

If you sign up in the Real Life Cashflow 101 Coaching Program and even after
applying everything I taught you to do over the next 12 months and you have not sold
and made money on a single property, I will give you all your money back ($100 x 12 =
$1,200) no questions asked. No ‘guru’ makes a 12-month guarantee (but of course, you
have to prove you’ve applied what we’ve taught you) but I do because I KNOW my stuff
works if you apply them.

Dedicated to your success,

Trace Trajano

P.S. Ronald, Weng and I are dead serious in limiting the membership to just 20 people. If
you are dead tired of the rat race and you want to become financially free, sign up HERE
at to become one of our 20 students!

P.P.S. If you’re reading this past July 19, 2010…chances are the Real Life Cashflow 101
Coaching Program is most likely closed. However, feel free to sign up at our waiting list

Get coaches and mentors to ensure and accelerate your

Copyright 2010, Trace Trajano; The Cashflow 101 Cheatsheet is not endorsed by Robert
Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Organization.

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