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351A Final Study Guide, Spring, 2017

The Final will cover the material in Chapters 13 through 16 of the Burkholder/Grout,
History of Western Music. Youre also responsible for all musical selections on the syllabus
beginning with Monteverdis Cruda Amarilli, and ending (pending further notice) with De
Araujos, Los coflades de la estleya.

Much of the test will consist of short or slightly longer questions that ask for term definitions,
people identifications, describing genres, etc. There will be a longer essay question that deals
with text expression in the secular 16th century vs. the 17th century.

The listening portion, consisting of two-point questions, will involve my playing a brief selection
from several pieces, having you identify the piece, the composer and genre, and then asking you
a stylistic question or two. You should know something about the piece, as well as its
composer, title and type. When I discussed it in class, what did I point out about the piece?
Was it typical of something? Did it do something unusual? How did the music relate to the
text? There will also be a score identification selection from the pieces on the syllabus, and you
will need to answer the same kinds of questions as for the listening.

The most important instruments of the early Baroque (violin and harpsichord!)
The two governing aspects of the Baroque (contrast and ornamentation/improvisation)
The three categories of Baroque music (church, chamber and theater)

Be prepared to define or identify the following people, places, and ideas. Youre of course
responsible as well for the composers who wrote selections on our listening.

Courts and patronage of musicians Chorales

Decline of the Church Salamone Rossi
The Florentine Camerata Improvisatory pieces
Birth of virtuosity Canzonas Sonatas
Castrati Ricercars Fugues
prima vs. seconda prattica Types of variations pieces
Basso continuo Dance related pieces
Birth of tonality Passcaglias and Chaconnes
Vincenzo Galilei Ground basses
Development of Monody Maurizio Cazzati
Pastoral dramas and comedies Louis XIV
intermedii Ballets de cour
The first operas Tragdie lyrique
The opening of the first public opera house Philippe Quinault
Venetian opera Masques
Francesco Cavalli Incidental Music
Concerted madrigals Villancicos

Make sure you study your lecture notes! Good luck!

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