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*Dramatic Play: Activity Description: A police station will be set -Laptop (RR2 Y 222)

Police Station up and inviting for children to come over and -Phone (RR2 Y 222)
(5) pretend and have different roles. -Police uniforms/ hats (RR2 Y
IELG: D1G15 Child Objective: Children will be able to pretend 224)
Takes on pretend in different roles together to create dramatic -Police station signs (IWP)
roles and situations. play. -Paper/Pencils (Classroom)
Uses Intentional Teaching: Teachers will be able to
appropriate help guide the play if needed, and be able to
language, tone, be a support role to help them play their ideas
and movements out.
pretends to be a
baby, meows and
purrs pretending
to be a kitty, or has
a "fire" on the stove
playing in

*3rd: Dramatic Play Description: The children will be able to play fire -Fire Station box (RR2 Y-247)
fire station (Outside) station outside up on the loft fort. This is when - Fire station box cut out
(3) they can pretend to be fire fighters and help the (IWP)
others with the fire that needs to be stopped -Red Streamers (RR2 Beautiful
with the water hose. This relates back to the ITBE Junk 270)
because they are learning the role of a fire -Fold up fire truck (RR2 Y-on
fighter. top)
Child Objective: Children will be able to engage
in imaginary play with other children and how
different roles like in a fire station.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will invite students
to take different roles in the fire station and act
out what they think happens in a fire station.

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