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Web buckling tests on welded plate girders. Overall

introduction and part 1: the test girders.WRC
Bulletin, 64, (September 1960), Reprint No. 165
K. Basler

J. A. Mueller

B. Thurlimann

B. T. Yen

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Recommended Citation
Basler, K.; Mueller, J. A.; Thurlimann, B.; and Yen, B. T., "Web buckling tests on welded plate girders. Overall introduction and part 1:
the test girders.WRC Bulletin, 64, (September 1960), Reprint No. 165 (60-5)" (1960). Fritz Laboratory Reports. Paper 66.

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REP RT NO. 251~ 11






Welded plate Girders, Report No. 251-11

submitted to the
Welded Plate Girder Project Committee
for approval as a publication




Foreword, Acknowledgement, Table of Contents,

Nomenclature, Literature Survey and References,
Part 1: The Test Girders


Basler, K., Yen, B.T., Mueller, J.A.) and ThUrlimann, B.

Fritz Engineering Laboratory

Lehigh University
Bethlehem, pennsylvania
May 1960


An extensive experimental and theoretical investigation

was carried out at Lehigh University with the purpose of

determining the carrying capacity of plate girders whose web

slenderness ratios were beyond the limits stipulated by

present specifications. While the theoretical study will

soon appear in the Proceedings of the ASeE, a complete

report on the experimen~al work will be published in this

Journal in four parts:

Part 1: If The Test Girders"

Part 2: "Tests on Plate Girders Subjected to Bending"

Part 3: flTests, on plate Girders Subjected to Shear"

Part 4: "Tests on plate Girders Subjected to

Combi~ed Bending and Shearo "

The objective of this investigation was to determine

the postbuckling strength of thin web plate girders. The

design of transversely stiffened plate girders presently is

limited to girders whose web depth to web thickness ratios

do not exceed the value of 170. This limit was derived

from the web buckling theory 0 But in discussing the appli-

cation of the theoretical buckling formulae, Ref. 253, po 415,

Timo~henko suggests using a Jfactor of safety of only 1$5


against web buckling, since this occurrence does not cause

immediate failure of the girder. Also, similar consider-

ations are advanced by many foreign plate girder specifi-

cations to justify their factors of safety against web

buckling. For instance, the German specifications, Ref. 52,

require no more than 1.35 or 1.25 as a factor of safety

under principal loading, and principal and secondary loading

respectively. The corresponding Swiss specifications

recommend values of 1.3, 1.5, and 1.8 for plate girders used

in buildings, highway bridges, and railroad bridges respec-

tively. In Belgium~ Massonnet suggests a factor of $afey of

1.35 against buckling due to shear and 1.15 against buckling

due to bending, Ref. 162, p. 81. Thus, not only the safety

factors differ but they also seem to depend on loading

conditions and other factors. In order to clarify this

uncertainty, this plate Girder Project was started.

Sponsored jointly by the American Institute of Steel

Construction, the u.s. Department of Commerce Bureau of

Public Roads, the pennsylvania Department of Highways, and

the Welding. Research Council, the research project at

Lehigh University was guided by its I1Welded plate Girder

Committee" whose members were:


E. L."Erickson, u.s. Bureau of Public Roads, Chairman

A. Amirikian, Bureau of Yards and Docks, U.S. Navy

L. S. Beedle, Lehigh university

Karl de Vries, Bethlehem Steel Company

F. H. i.D:f-ll, American Bridge Div., U.S. Steel Corp.

Neil van Eenam, UeS. Bureau of Public Roads

E. R. Estes, American Institute of Steel Construction

LaMotte Grover, Air ,Reduction Sales Company

T,. R. Higgins, American Institute of Steel Construction

W. H. Jameson, Bethlehem Steel Company

C. D. Jensen, pennsylvania Department of Highways

Knut Jensen, pennsylvania Department of Highways

Bruce G. Johnston, University of Michigan

K. H. Koopman, welding Research Council, Secretary

George W. Lamb, Consulting Bridge and Struct. Engr. (deceased)

w. B. McLean, Dravo Corpo~ation

N. w. Morgan, DoS. Bureau of Public Roads

w. H. Munse, University of Illinois

Eo J. Ruble, Association of American Railroads

J. E. South, pennsylvania Railroad Company

R. M. Stuchell, Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company

Bruno ThUrlimann, Federal lost. of Technology, Switzerland

George Winter, Cornell University

W. Spraragen, welding Research Council



This investigation has been carried out at Fritz

Engineering Laboratory of Lehigh University, Bethlehem,

pennsylvania. Wm. J. Eney is Director of the Laboratory

and Head of the Civil Engineering Department. The chairman

of the Structural Metals Division is Lynn S. Beedle. Thanks

are due to both for the support which they have given to

this plate girder investigation.

T~e project is jointly sponsored by the American

Institute of Steel Construction, the pennsylvania Department

of Highways, the u.s. Department of Commerce Bureau of Public

Roads) and the welding Research Council. It is supervised

by the Welded plate ,Girder project Committee. The financial

support of the Sponsers and the continued interest and which the members of the Committee have given to

the project is gratefully acknowledged.

Sincere appreciation is expressed to the Engineering

and Weldment Department of the Bethlehem Steel Company and

in particular to Mr. K. de Vries for supervision and

faprication of the test girders. At Fritz Engineering

Laboratory, Ken Harpel and his staff of technicians built


the test rig and gave constant cooperation. Special thanks

are due to finer Taysi and Jin Tah for their assistance in
testing, data reduction, and in the preparat~on of the

figures; also to pete Cooper for proof reading the report.


Table of Contents


Table of Contents
Literature Survey and References


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Girder Dimensions Q)
1.3 Steel properties H
1.4 Cross Sectional Constants
1.5 Reference Moments and Loads
1.6 Web Buckling Stresses
1.7 Deflections

201 Introduction Lf\
2.2 Design of Girders and Test Setup
2.3 Basic Test Observations
2.4 Ultimate Loads .~
2.5 Failure Modes H
2.6 Discussion


301 Introduction
3.2 Design of Girders and Test Setup
3.3 Ultimate Loads and Web Deflections
3.4 SR-4 Strain Gage Measurements
3.5 Additional Strain Measurements
3.6 Discussion


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Test Setup
4.3 Test Results
4.4 Discussion


1. capital Letters - preferably used for quantities

which do not have linear dimensions

A Area of cross section

E Modulus of elasticity, 30,000 ksi

G Girder, used with a number, for example, G2 refers

to girder Noo 2; also shear modulus, 11,530 ksi

I Moment of inertia

M Bending moment

NA Neutral axis

P Applied load

Q Statical moment of area

S Section modulus

T Test, used with a number, for example, TI refers

to the first test on a girder

v Shear force

X,Y,Z Cartesian coordinates (in inches) having their

origin in the middle of the girder

2. Small Le~ters - preferably used for linear dimensions

a Panel length

b Web depth, b = 50" for all girders

c One-half the flange width

d Flange thickness

e : Distance from NA to the extreme fiber of the flange

h :.. Distance between the centroids of the flanges

k Buckling constant

1 Buckling length of a column

r Radius of gyration

t Web thickness

u,v,w Displacements in the X,Y,Z directions

x Longitudinal coordinate with origins at either

end of a girder's span

3. Greek Letters - used for nondimensional parameters

and stresses

a=a/b Aspect ratio, panel length to web depth

~=b/t Web slenderness ratio, web depth to web thickness

E : Strain

v Poisson's ratio (= O~3)

cr Normal stress
1: Shear stress

4. S~bscripts Examples

a Above Sa Section modulus above NA

b Below eb Distance from NA to

extreme fiber of bottom

cr Critical ocr Critical normal st,ress

t Centerline v~ Centerline deflection

e End Ie Moment of inertia of

end sections

f Flange Mf Moment contributed by


i Ideal 'Lcri Ideal critical shearing,

stress before inelastic

m Middle 1m Moment of inertia of

middle or test section'

n .. Neutral axis Moment of inertia about


p plastic Pp Load causing the

plastic moment

u Ultimate Pu Ultimate load

v Combined aver Critical stress under

combined loading

w Web Aw Area of the web

y Yield a yw Yield stress of web



An extensive study of the pertinent literature

preceded the investigation. This study led to a survey

of literature on plate ~tability of plate girders. Although

this study was conducted in 1957, any additional references

appearing since then in the technical literature have been

inserted at their proper lo'cation. Figure 1 graphically

summarizes this survey, indicating place, time and 'nature

of the various papers.

This section contains first the abbreviations, as they

are found in the English, French, and German literature.

Then follows the literature survey, with a translation of the

title if in a foreign language. The references are listed

alphabetically by authors. Finally, some additional

references, Ref. 269 to 276,complete this section & These

are papers to which referen~e is made in this report but do

not necessarily belong in the literature survey which is

concerned with plate stability only.

Publications by: Type of Their publications: JO\Lrnals
Meaning of
Abbreviation Full Title Abbrevia,tion Abbreviation
Abbreviation Full Title
Internationale Ver- Vorb. Va rbericht
I.V.B.H. einigung fUr Brllk- Schl.Ber .. Schlussbericht
.kenbau und Hochbau Abh. Abhandlungen
Bauing.. Der Bauingeni.eur
Association Inter- Publ.p"rel. Publication
A.l.P .. C. nationale des Pants preliminaire
ec Charpentes Rap. f. Rapport final Stahlbau Der Stahlbau
Mem. Memoires
Ing~ ArchLy Ingenieur Archiv
International Asso- Prel.Rep .. Preliminary
ciation for Bridge Report
and Structural" F .. Rep . Final Report J~ Aero. Sci. Journal of Aeronautical
Engineering Publ. Publication Science

N~tional Advisary T.N. Technical Note B

N.A.C.A".. Committee o~ Aero- T.M. Technical Memo Nat.Aero.Res.lnst. National Aeronautical J-I
nautics ~v . R. r,\Tartime R~port Research Institute [\)
American Society of Proc. Proceedings
Civil Engineers Trans. Transactions
Weld. & Met. Fabrn. Welding and Metal Fabrication

Inscicut f~r Bau- Luft . Forsch~ Luftfahrt-Forschung

Inst.f.Baust. sta~ik an der Eid-
a.d. E.T.H. genossischen Tech- Mitt" Nr . Mitteilung Nr~
nischen Hochschule Z~Flugtechn.u.Motorluftsch. Zeitschrift ftir Flugtechnik
Z~rich und Motorluftschiffahrt

Technische Kommis- 11
sian des Verbandes z~angew.Math.u~Mech. Zeitschrift fur angewandte
Schweizerischer Mathematik und Mechanik
BrUckenbau- und
T.K.V.S.B. Mitt. Nr. Mitteilung Nr.
nehmungen. Changed
1956 into: Schwei-
zer Stahlbauverband
5. Barbre~.R..
rtStabilitllt gleichmHssig gedrUckter Rechteckplatten
mi.t LHngs- oder Quersteifen 1l
Ing~ Arcbiv, Vo~. 8~ 1937, s. 1~7;

"The Stability of UnuQrinly Loaded Rectangular

Plates with Longitudinal or Transverse Stiffeners"
1. Back;, G. and Schumann ~_ L.
nStrength of Rec-tangular Flat plates Under Edge Translated into English:
_ "N.A . . C.A:. ~ T.M. No. 904;, 1939.'
N.A .. C.A.~ Rep. No. 356, 1930.
6. Barth~ W.~ BBrsch-supan~w. und Scheer~ J.
. f~eu15icherheit ausgesteifter Ree~teekplatten bei
2. Ballerstedt, w. und Wagner~ H.
'Ueber Zugfelder in ursprUnglich gekrllmmten, dUnnen zusammengesetzter Beanspruchung fL
Blechen- bei Beanspruchung __durch -Schubkr~te'f Stahlbau, Vol. 28~ 1959, S. 68.
Luftf. Forsch.~ _vol. 12, 1935., S. 70. -I

"Safety Against Buckling of Stiffened Rectangular

"On the Tension Fields of Initially CUrved, Thin Plates Subjected t.O Combined Loading Cases"
Sheets Under Shear"
7 _ Basler, K.
3. Ban, S.
"Strength of Plate Girders"
Ph.Dc Dissertation~ Lehigh University~ Bethlehem~
"Knickung der rechceckigen platten bei verHnderli- f-'
pennsylvania~ October 1959. W
cher Randbelastung "
I.V.B.H., Abh.~ Vol. 3, zUrich, 1935, S. 1. Reprints or Microfilms available through: (

Hie. 59-6958~ University Microfilms, Inc. ~

"Buckling of Rectangular plates Under Various 313 N. First Street, AnnArbor~ Michigan.
Loading Conditions"
8.. Basler, K. ~nd Thllr1imann, B.
"Plate Girder Research lf
4. Barbre, R.
"Beulspannungen von Rechteckplatten mit I1ings- A.I.S.C. National Engineering Conference,
steifen bei gleichm~ssiger Druckbeanspruchung 'f Proceedings 1959, .American Institute of Steel
Construction, New York.
Bauing.~ Vol. 17, 1936, S. 268.

"Critical Stresses of Rectangular'Plates with

Longitudinal Stiffeners Under Uniform Compression" 9. Basler, K. and Thllr limann , B.
Has been translated into English:
"Buckling Tests on Plate Girders ff
Translation 78 of Navy Dept .. David Taylor Model International Association for Bridge and Struc-
Basin, Washington~ D.C., 1943. tural Engineering, preliminary Report, 6th Congress,
Stockholm ~ 1960. . "

10. Batdorf, S.B.

"Theories of Plastic Buckling l l
J. Aero. Sci.~ Vol. 16~ No.8, 1954, p. 543
11" Bergmann~ St. und Reissner~ H. . 17" Bijlaard, P .. P ..
"Ueber die Knickung vou'Wellblechstteifen bei rtGrundlegende Betrachtungen zum Ausbeulen der
SchubbeanspruchUr.."'1.g iT Platten und Sehaien im plastischen Bereich1f
, j. Z~ Flugtechn. u. Motorluftsch., Vo16 20, 1929, lust .. f . . Baust6- a.a. R.T.H.:; Hitt. Nr" 21,
s. 475 und Vol .. 2.1 1930, 5 . 306.
07 Verlag Leemann, Zllrich, 1948.

nan the Buckling. of Corrogated Panels Due to Shearn ITFundamental Considerations on the Stability of
Plates and Shells in the Plast.i.c. Region l l

12. Bergmann, St.

HUeber Schubknickung von isotropen und anisocropen L8~ Bijlaard, P.P.
Platten U tITheory and Tests on the Plastic Stability of
3rd Int. Congr. for Applied Mechanics, Proe., plates and Shells"
Vol. III, Stockholm, 1930, p. 82. J. Aero. Sci., Vol. 16, No. 9~ 1949, pp. 529-54l~

nOn the Bllckling of Isotropic and Anisotropic

Plates Due to ShearTl 19 .. Bij1aard, P.P., Kollbrunner, CoOF .. und Stussi, F"
ttTheorie und Versuche tiber das plastische Ausbeu-
len von Rechteckplatten unter gleichmassig ver-
13. Bergmann, St. und Reissner, H. teiltem Langsdruck Jf
"Ueber die Knickung von rechteckigen Platten bei I V.B . H., Vorb., 3. Kongress, Luttich, 1948,8.119 .
Schubbeansprucnung 11
z. Flugtechn . u. Motorluftsch., Vol.23, 1932, s. 6. "Theory and Experiment.s on the: Plastic Buckling of
Rectangl..11ar plates Under Uniform Compre~sionlf !----2
HOn the Buckling of Rectangula.r Plates Under Shearn i--
Gets k value for a = 2, under pure shear . ~
20~ Bleich, F .
"Die Stabilitat dlinner l-Jartde gedrUckter Stl{be fT

14. Bergmann, St. I.V .. .. , Vorbe, 1. Kongress, Paris, 1932~ s. 130.
Buckled Rectangular plates Under the
Action of Shearing Forces" "The Stability of Thin Halls in Compression Members f'
Institution of Structural Engineering and Bridge
Building, Rep., Stockholm, 1948.
21. Bleich, F.
tTBuckling Strength of Metal Structures" (Book)
lS~ BLjlaard, P.P~ McGraw-Hill Company, New York, London, and
J~heory of Local Plastic Deformations ~ Theory of Toronto, 1952.
the Elastic Stability of Thin Plates Tt
I .. A B.S.E., Pub1 Vol .. 6 y 1940-41, pp. 27-69.
4 ,

22. Boley, B.
"The Shearing Rigidity of Buckled Sheet Panels"
16. Bijlaard, P . P. J. Aero. Sci., Vol. 17, No~ 6, 1950~
nS ome Contributions to the.Theory of Elastic and
plastic StabilityU
I.A.B.S .. E., Publ., Vol. 8, Zurich, 1947, pp. 17-80.
, 2~" .Bollenrath, F" 29'~ Budiansky, B. and Connor:p- R ...W~
"Ausbeulerscheinungen an ebenen,_ auf Schuh bean- . . "Buckling Stresses of Clamped Rectangular' Flat
spruchten Platten" '. Plates in'Shear"
Luftf" Forsch., Vol ~ 6~ 1929, S':> _1, (auch Thesis N.A.C .. A.'- T~N . 15Sg., 1948.
Techn. Hochschufe, Aachen" 1928) ,,'7

"Buckling Phenom~na on Flat plates Subjected to 30. Budiansky; B", Connor, R~W"., and, Stein, M'..
Shear l ' "Buckling in Shear' of Continuous Flat Plates"
N"A . . C.A~, T~N~ 1565, 1948"

24. Bornscheuer j F .. W' " ,,'

1~indeststeifigkeiten von Plattenaussteifungen 31.. Budiansky, B. and Hu, P .. C..
bei berUcksichtigter Verdrehsteifigkeit" "The Lagrangian Multiplier Method of Finding
MAN-Forschungs-Heft, 1 .. Halbjahr, 1952. Upper-and Lower Limits to Critical Stresses-
of Clamped Plat-esrl
'~he Optimum Rigidity of Plate Stiffeners Taking N.A:C"A", T.N" 848, 1946"
into Consideration Their Torsional Rigidityfl
-3'2. Budi.aIi.s1<y, - Be-, Hu,. P ,,'C. , andConnor,.R .. t-f..
25". Brci~, V" ''Notes on the Lagrangian Multiplier .Method 'in
''Ueber versteifungen einer auf Schub beanspruchten Elastic Stability- Analysi.s tl
rechteckigen Platte 11 N.A.C"A", T~N .. 1558~ 1947,,-
Stahlbau, Vol. 25~ .1956, S. 88.
"On the Stiffener Rigidity of a Rectangular Plate 33n Budiansky, B. and Seide, P. j--J
Under Shearn "Compressive Buckling, of Simply Supported 'Plates \Jl.
with Transverse Stiffeners" - I
N..A.. C ...A., T.N. 1557., 1948~
-26. Bridget, F.J .. , Jerome, C C .. , andVoseller, A"B.
"Some New Experiments on Buckling of Thinwall
Constructions" 34. Burchard, W.
A.S.M . E., Trans., Vol. 56,1934, p" 569. "Beulspannungen ~ der quadratischen Platte mit
SchrHgsteife under Druck bz.w.~ Schuh"
Dig. ~~chi.v, Vole- ~8-, 1.937, SO. 332.
27 Bryan, G"H.
nOn the Stability of a plane Plate Under Thrusts "Buckling of a Square plate With a Diagonal
in Its Own Plane, With Applications to the Stiffener Under Compression or Shear"
Buckling of the Sides of a Ship" ~
Math." Soc .. , Proc", Vol .. 22j1 London, l891~ p. 54-.
35.. Chapman, J.C . .
"Behavior in' Pure Bending of Box Gi.rders"
28.. Bryan~ G"R" Engineer, 1954, pp. 198 (514), 252~ 253-257"
"On the Buck1ing and Wrink~ing of Plating when
Supported on Parallel~ Ribs or on a Rectangular
Math. Soc., proc ... ~ Vol" 25, London, 1894, p. 141.
36.. Chapman, J .. c . and Sparkes, S.R .. 41. Chwa11a, E ..
"Structural Investigation on Box--Girders" "ueber die probleme und L8sungen der StaQil~tHts
Brit .. Shipbldo- Res .. Assn .. , Part i &~2, theorie des Stahlbaus Jt
Report Nos. 122, 127, and 160 .. Stahlbau, 1939, S. 1.

"On the probJems and solutions of the Stability_

37 .. Chwalla, E. of Steel Structures"
"Das allgemeine StabilitHtsproblem der gedrUckten,
-durch.Randwinkel verstHrkten Platte"
lng. Archiv, Vol. 5, 1934, s. 54. 42~ Chwalla, E.
flErlHuterungen zu den Knick- und Beulvorschrift-en
r~he General Stability Problem of a plate Rein- fiir Baustahl, DIN E 4114, 1940 ft
forced by'Angles Along rts Edges" Erganzung ~ur Bautechnik, Vol". 17, 1939;, Nr. 51/52
und Vol. 18;, 1940;, Nr. 2/3.

38. Chwalla, E. nExp1~nations to the Buckling Specifications for

"Die Beme-ssung --der waagrecht ausgesteften -Steg- St-ructural-Steel"
bleche vollwandJ..ger Trager"
I.V.B.H., Vorb., 2. Kongress;, Berlin-MUnchen,
1936, S .. 957. 43. Chwalla, E.
'TIeber die Biegebeulung der IMngsversteiften
HThe Design of Longitudinally Stiffened Webs of Platten und ~sproblem der Mindeststeiigkeit T1
plate Girders 'I Stahlbau;, Nr. 18/20, 1944, s. 84. I
"On the Buckling Problem of a Longitudinally I
39Q Chwalla 7 E. Stiffened Place Under Bending Moments and the
"Beitrag Lur 'StabilitHtstheorie des Stegbleches Problem of Optimum Stiffness"
vollwandiger TrMger"
Stah1bau, Vol .. 9;, 1936;, ~. 161.
44. Chwalla;, E.
"Contribution to the Buckling Theory of Webs of "Aussprache und Vortrag anlasslich der Ehrenpromo~ion
Plat~__ Gi-rder fl an der Techn. UniversitMt Berlin-Charlottenburg"
Solves the case of a longitudinally stiffened Stahlbau-Abh .. , Heft 3, KBln, 1954.
plate under pure bending.
J'Lecture of -the Technical University Berlin on the
occasion of His Promotion to a- Honorary Ph.D. Degree 1f
40. Chwalla;, E.
"Die Bemessung des Stegbleches im Endfeld vo11wan-
diger Trager" 45. Chwalla;, E. und Novak, A.
Bauing., Vol. 17, 1936, s. 81. tlTheorie der einseitig angeordneten Stegblechsteife"
Stahlbau, Vol. 10, 1937, s. 72 und 92, oder
'~he Design of a Web Located in the End Panel of a Bauing.;, Vol. 10;, 1937.
Plate Girder l l
rtTheory of Unsymmetric web Stiffeners"
46. Coan, J.M. 53. Deutscher Normenausschuss und Deutscher Stahlbauverband
"Large Deflect~on Th~ory for, Plates with Small TlErlHuterungen zur Begrl:lndung des.Normblattent-
Initial Curvature, Loaded in Edge Compression" wurfes"
Jour . Applied Mechanics,- Vol. 18, No.2, June 1957 . Beuth-Vertrieb G.m.b ..H.. , Berlin W 15 und K8ln~
S .. 6-18 ..

47. Cornfield, G..M-. and Sparkes, S.R. "Commentary on the Provisions of the Standar4
"Buckling of t;he Webs of Plate Girders" . Specificat.ion$"
Jour . of -the Inst.,_of Civ . Eng . , Vol.24, 1945, p.59. Gives an excellentexplanatiop. of the. German"
Specif~cations by E . Chwalla.

48. Cox, H.L.

lIsummary of the Present State of Knowledge Regarding 54. j Deutscher Stahlbauverband
Sheet-Metal Construction" I r'Stahlbau"
Aerori.Res.Comm.Rep .. and Mem . , No . 1553; London, 1933 . Stahlba~-VerIags-G.. m.. b .. H., KBln, Banc;i 1, 1956.

ltSteel -Struc tures'" (B-ook)

49.. Cox, H.L.
fTBuckling of Thin-Plates in Compression n
Aeron . Res.Comm.Rep. and Mem., No . 1554, London, 1933. 55. Donnell, L.H .. , Karman, T.H., and Se<:;hler, E .. E.
TfStrength of Thin Plates in Compression"
A.S.M.E . , T~ans., Vol. 54, 1932, p. 53. I
50. Cox, H.L . and Gough, H.. J .. ......
"Some Tests on the Stability of Thin-Strip Material -..]
Under SJ:1.earing Forces in the Plane of the Stripll 56.. Drucker) D.C: and Onat, E . T. I
Roy. Soc . , Froe .. , Ser . A, Vol. 137, London, 1932, aOn the Concept of Stability of Inelastic sys-tems"
p. 145. J. Aero . SGi., Vol. 21, No. &> 1954, p. 543 .

.51 . nenke, P.H. ?7 . Dubas, Ch ..

Analysis and Des~gn of Stiffened Sheart...rebs
1J 1T rrContribution a l'etude du voilement des toles
J", Aero . . Sci-., -Vol. 17, 1950 ~ p. 217 . radies n
A.I.P.C .. , Publ .. prel .. , 3e congr .. Liege, 1948 et
lnst .. f .. Baust .. a.d. E.T.H., Mitt. Hr. 23,
52. Deutscher Normenausschuss Verlag LeemaDn', ZUrich, 1949.
"DIN 4114, Blatt 1 und 2 ft
Beuth-Vertrieb G.m'.b.H., Berlin W 15 und KHln, IlContrihutions to the Problem of Buckling of
1952 una 1953. Stiffened Pl~tesn
Derives locati.on of- most efficient longitudinal
l~he-German Standard Specifications Covering stiffener ..
Scability Problems in Steel Structures: Column
Buckling, Lateral Buckling, and Plate Buckling ff
part 1 contains the specifications, Part 2 gives 58. Erickson~ E ..L.. and van Eenam;) N.
addLtional recommendations. ttApplication and Development of A.A.S.H.O.
Specifications to Bridge Design" .
A.S~C.E ~ Froe., Vol. 83) ~957, p. 1320-10/12.
59. Fairbairn, w. 66. Friedrichs,. K.O. and Stoker,. J.J.
"Conway and Britannia Tubular Bridges l l - "Buckling of the Circular . Plate Beyond the
184-9 critl-cal Thrust" >

Jour. of Applied Mechanics, March 1942, p".. A7 __

60 .. Falconer,- B.H.
"Post Buckling Behaviour of Long Square Boxes 67.. Frbhlich-,. H.
Under Torsion fr nStabilitHt der gleichmassig gedrticktenRecht-
Engineer, Vol. 196, 1953, p. 690. eckplatte mit Steifenkreuz 1J
Thesis Tech. Hochschule Hannover, 1937 und
Bauing., Vol. 18, 1937, S .. 673.
61. Falconer, B.H. and Chapman, J.C.
"Compressive Buckling of Stiffened Plates lt i1Stability of uniformly Compressed Rectangular
Engineer, Vol. 195,. 1953, pp. 789, 882. Plate with Crossing Stiffeners ' !

62. Faxen, O.H. _08 . Gaber, ~.

'rnie Knickfestigkeit rechteckiger Platten H "Beulversuche an Modelltragern aus Stahl I'
z. angew. Math. u. Mech., Vol. 15, 1935, S. 268. Bautechnik, Vol . 22, 1944, s. 6.

-'The Buckling 'Strength of Rectangular Plates fT "Buckling Tests~_on Model Girders in Steel'f
63. Federhofer, K. 69. Gaber, E. CD
l'TragfMhigkeit der tiber die Beulgrenze belasteten I
1tUeber die Aussteifung von Vollwandtr~gern aus
Kreisplatte Stahl Tf

Forsch. auf d. Gebiet d. Ingenieurwesens> Vol. 11, Stahlbau, Heft 1 und 2, 1944.
1940, s. 97.
nOn the Stiffening of Plate Girders t1
f1Tne Ultimate Load of the Circular plate Loaded
Beyond BuckliQgrr
70 . Gall, H. ~7 ..
"Compressive Strength of Stiffened Sheet panels'T
64. Fienup, K.L., Levy, s.> and walley, R.M. Reporeed by Newell> J.S. ItStrength of Aluminum
'lAnalysis of Square Shear Web Above Buckling Load tT Alloy Sheets q , Airway Age, 1930.
N.A.C.A., T.N ... 962, 1945.

71. _Gerard, G. .
65.- Friedrichs, K.O .. and Stoker, J .. J. l'Secant Modulus Method for Determining plate
ffThe Non-Linear Boundary Value Problem of the Instability Above the proportional Limit fT
Buckled Plate tT J. Aero. Sci., Vol . 13, 1946, p. 38.
Nat".. Acad .. of Sciences, Proc .. > Vol .. 25, 1939,
p .. 535.
72. Gerard~' G. 19. Hartmann;r F.
"Critical Shear Stress of Pl.ates Above the "Knickung - Kippung - Beulung TJ
Proportional Limit 1f Leip4ig und Wien~ 1937" VIII Absatz ..
Jour. of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 15 ~ No. l"
1948~ pp. 7-12. "Column Buckling - Lateral and Plate-Buckling"

73. Gerard~ G. and Becker" H.

"Handbook of Structural Stability J1 80. Hartmann~ F.
N.A.C.A.;r T.N. 3781 to 3785~ 1957. "StahlbrUcken IJ
herausgegeben von E. Melan, Wien~ 1953 ..

74. Girkmann~ K~ "Bridges in Steel'l (Book)

f'FIMchen tragwerke t!
Springer~ Wien, 1956.
81. Heck, O.S. and Ebner~ H.
JlTheory of Disks~ Plates, and ShellsH (Book) "Methods and Formulas for calculating the
Strength of Plate and Shell Structures as
u'sed in Aircraft DesignTJ
75.. Godfrey, H.J. and Lyse, I. N.A.C.A.~ T.M. 785~ 1936.
-:Investigation of fNeb Buckling in Steel Beams lf
A.S.C.E., 'Trans.~ Vol. lOO~ 1935~ p. 675.
82. Heimerl, G.J~
ItDetermination of Plate Compressive Strength " I
76. Green, G.G.~Winter, G., and Cuykendall, T .. R. N.A.C.A., T.N. 1480~ 1947. t-'
'fLight Gage Steel Columns in Wall-&aced panels rf '-D
Cornell Univ. Engng. Exp. Station Bull. No. 35, I
Part 2, 1947. 83. Heyman, J. and Dutton, V.L.
"Plastic Design of plate Girders ~>Jith Unstiffened
77. Greenman, s. and,Levy, s. Weld. & Met. Fab.~ Vol. 22, July 1954, p. 265.
"Bending \flith Large Deflection of Clamped
Rect~ular Plate with -Lengtl1.-_Width Ratio
of 1.5 Under Normal Pressur~1I 84. -Hill, H.N.;
N.A.C.A.~ T.N. 853, 1942. "Chart for Critical Compressive Stress of Flat
Rectangular plates 1f -

N.A.C.A.~ T.N. 773, 1940.

78. Hampl~ M.
TJEin B~itrag ~ur Stabilitat des horizontal
angesteiften Stegbleches' f 85. Hoff, N.J.
Stahlbau) Vol. lO~ 1937) s. 16 und 21. ~fNote on Inelastic Buckling lT
J. Aero. sci., Vol. 11, 1944~ p. 163.
UA Contribution to the Stability of Longitudinally
Stiffened Web PlatesU .
86. Hoff, N.J., Boley, B.A. 3 and Coan, J.Mo 9-2. Iguchi., -5
If The Development of a Techniqu~ for Tes,ting - "Die Knickung der rechteckigen.Plattedurch
Stiff Panels in Edgewise Compression tl SchubkrH.ft~n
Soc. of Exp. Stress Analysis, Proc., Vol. 5, lng. Archiv, Vol. 9,' 1938, 5.''1-12.
No.2, 1948, pp. 14-24. of RectangUlar Plate Due to Shear"

87. Hotchkiss, J.G.

"New Ways to Cut Bridge weight Lead to Record '3. Ilyushin, A.A.
Spans" TtThe EJ.asto-plastic Stability of P1atesl f
Engineer~g News-Record, Nov. 7, 1957, pp. 36-51. N.A.C'.A'., T.M. 1188., Dec. 1947.

Gives some excellent examples on German plate

g'irder bridges. 94.. Johnson, 'J.H. and Noel"R.G.
f'Critical Buckling' -Stress for. Flat' Rectangular
Plates' -Supporte"d-:Along All--Edges and Elastically
:0808. -'"11oUbo1t, J.C. and Stowell, E.2. Restrained Against Rotation Along the Unloaded
"Critical Stress ,of, Plate Columns l1 Compression Edge'~,
N.A.C .A.) T .,N. 2163, 1950 .. J. Aero. Sci., Vol. 20, No.8, 1953" pp. 535-540.

89. Houbotte, M. 95. Karman von, Th. I

"Versuche {{her die 'Festigkeit blecherner Trllger H "EPcyklopHdie der Mathematisclien Wissenschaften n f\)
Der Civilingenieur,. Vol. 4:1 18;5'8, S. 98. Vol. 15/4, 1910, S. 34~. o
tfTests on the Strength of Plate, Girders l t Derived the 'differential equations for the plate
wLth 'large deflect~ons.

90. Hu, p.e.) Lundquist, E.E., a;nd Batdorf, S .. B.

rTEffect pi Small Deviations from Flatness on the 96. Karman vori, Th .. , sechler, E .. E .. , and Donnell,. L.H.
Effective Width .and, ,o.f Plat.-es in J~he Strength of Thin. Plate ' in -.Compre'ssion,t.
"Compres SiOn-~l A.S.M.E., Trans. 54, 1932. '
N.A~C.A .. , T.N. 1124, 1946.
97. Kaufmann, W'.
91. Iguchi, S .. i1ueber unelastisches Knicken rechteckiger Platten"
I1Allgemeine L8sung der Knickaufgabe fur recht- Ing. Archiv, Vol. 7, 1936, s. 156.
eckige Platten"
lng. Archiv, Vol. 7, 1936, S. 207. "On Inelastic~Buckling of Rectangular Plates"

"General Solution for the Buckling Problem of thct

Rectangular Platen 98 ... Kerensky, O.A., Flint, A.,R., and~own', W.Ch.
''The Basi.s for Dengn of Beams and plate Girders"
in the 'Revi.sedBritish Standard 153 rt
The Insti.tution Engineers, Great George
Street, westminster,. London S.W.l~ Struct. paper
No. 48~1956, pp. 427-440. ,
99-.,. KIBppel, K. 103. K18ppel, K. und Scheer, J.
ur EinftIhrung derneuen. StabilitHts-Vorschriften rT
IIZ "Beulwerte der durch eine rllngssteife im Drittels-
Stahlbau-Abh., Heft 12, 1952!i S... 92 .. punkt der Fel~breite ausgesteiftenRechteckplatte
bei Navierschen Randbedingungen " -
11commentary to the New German Standard Specifi- Stahlbau,~Vol. 26, 1957, S. 364.
'1Buckling Values of a Simply Supported Rectangular
Plate with One Longitudinal Stiffener Located at
100~ Kloppel, K. und Lie, K.H. the Third-point. of the panel Depth"
"Das hinreichende Kriteriwn ftir den Verzweiguugs-
punkt des elastischen Gleichgewichts"
Stahlbau, 1943, S. 17. 104. Kl8ppel, K. und Scheer, J.
"Beulwerte der durch eine LJ:lngssteife im Viertels-
'~he Sufficient Criterion for the Point of Bifur- punkt der Feldbreite ausgesteiften Rechteckplatte
cation of the Elastic Equi1ibrium" bei Navierschen Randbedingungen TT
Stahlbau, Vol. 27, 1958-, S .. 206.

101 .. KlHppel, K. und Scheer, J. "Buckling_Values of a Simply Supported Rectangular

"Das praktische Aufstellen von Beuldeterminanten Plate with One Longitudinal Stiffener Located at
fur Rechteckplatten mit randparallelen Steifen the Quarter-point of the panel Depth"
bei Navierschen Randb~dingungen"-

Stahlbau, Vol. 25, 19s6~ s. 117. 105. Knipp, G . _ . ' I

HUeber die Stabilitlit der gleichmHssig ged~ckten f\)
"The Derivation of Buckling Determinants of Rechteckplatte mit Steifenrost~J - J--I
RectangUlar Plate~ ~o1ith Stiffeners" the plate Bauing., Vol. 22,1941, 'S. 257.
Being Simply Supported and the. Stiffeners
Parallel to the_ Edges U 110n the Stability of the Uniformly Compressed
Rectangular Plate Stiffened by a GrillageSystem"

1.02 . . Kloppel, K. und Scheer, J.

'1Beulwerte del:' durcb. ",wei_gleic~e LMngssteifen in 106. Kollbrunner, C.F.
den Drittelspunkten der Feldbreite ausgesteiften >'Das Ausbeulen des auf Druck beanspruchten
Rechteckplatte bei Navierschen Randbedingungen l ,' freis tehenden r.vinkels:T
Stahlbau!iNr. 11', 1956, s . .265/7.4 und Stahlbau, Inst. f. Ba~st. a.d. E.T.H.:J Mitt. Nr. 4,
Nr. 9, 1957, S. 246/52. verlag Lee~ann, .Zllrich, 1935.

IrBuckl-ing Values of a Simply Supported Rectangular ~ "Th'e Buckling of Compre~ssed Angles"

Plate with Two Lungitudinal Stiffeners Subdividing About 500 steel and aluminum'alloy angles were
the Panel into Three Equal parts" tested. The author used angles for his tests
to simulate buckling of plates being simply
.supported along one edge and free along the other.
107 .. " Kollbrunner, C.F.. _" 111..- Kollbrunner,. C.F. mid Herrmanri., G.
IfStabilitHt der auf Druck lieanspruchten platten t'El-astischeBeulung von" auf .einseitigen" '
im elastischen
urid plastischenBereichl1 Jf
mH'ssigen Druckbeanspruehten Platten l l

.I.V.B.H., Abh .. , Band 7, verlag Leemann, Zurich, T.K .. V .. S.B., MLtt_ Nr. 1, verlag Leemann, zUrich,
1943/44, S. 215. - 1948.. .

'-rhe 'Stability of Compressed Plates in the. Elastic "Elastic Stability of Non~Uniformiy Compressed
and Inelastic Region" Plates tr-
Experimental Investigation ..

112.. Kollbrunner,. C ..Y. und Hen:m-ann~ G.

108. Kollbrunner,- C .. F .. "Reine Biegungsbeulung rechteckiger Platten im
"Das Ausbeulen der auf einseitig.en, gleichmHssig e1astischen Bereich fl
verteilten Druck beanspruchten Platten 1m T.K.V ..S . B .. , Mitt. Nr .. 2, verlag Leemann,. ZHrich,
elastischen _und plastischen _Bereich" 1949.. -
In~t .. f .. Baust .. a.d. E.T . H., Mitt... Nr. 17,
verlag . Leemann ,. Z&ich, 1946. t'Elastic Stabili.tY of- Rectangular Plates under
Pure Bending 'J
''l'he Buckling of Uniformly Compressed Plates in
the Elastic and Inelastic Rangeff
Experimental Investigation .. , 113. Ko1lbrunner, C .. F. und Herrmann, G.
"Der Einfluss der"" schen Zah1 auf die Stab:L-
litHt rechteckiger ,'Platten U I
109. Kollbrunner,C .. F. T . K.V.S.B., Mitt. Nr. 4, verlag Leemann, zllri.c~, f\)
. "Versuche {{ber das Ausbeulen- von Rechteckplatten 1951. I
unter dreieckf8rmig vertei1tem Ilngsdruck rf
I.V .. B.H . , Schl'OBer.) 3. Kongress, LHttich, 1948, ''The Influence of Poisson's Rati.o on the Stability
s. 301 .. of Rectangular~PlatesH

"Buckling 'Tests of Rectangular plates Under

Compression with Triangular Distribution" 114 ~ . Kollbrunner, C.F ~ und Herrmann,. G'O
"Einfluss des Schubes auf cl:Le' S-tabi.LLtlit der' Platten
im elastischen Bereich"
110.. Kollbrunner, C .. F. und Herrmann, G.. .- T.K.V .. S.B., Mitt .. Nr. 14,. Verlag VSB,,1956 ..
IJStabilitHt der Platten im p1astischen Bereich u
Inst .. f .. Baust. a.d .. E .. T.H., Mitt. Nr .. 20,. "The Influence of Shear on the Stabili.ty of
Verlag Leemann, Zllrich, 1947 .. in the Elastic Range ff
Usually, the shear distribution
''The Stability of Plates in the plastic Range" over the thickness of the plate
The theory of A.A. Ilyushin is compared with is neglected in calculating the /y
test results. . strain energy. The authors show /
that this simplification gener-
ally results in a negligible
error . . Note that the publ~ca-
t:ion dea1s o~ -t:xz and ";yz> not
on 1:xy
115 - Kollbruniler, C..F.. und Hernnann, G... . 12.0. Kroll', W.D. "
"plattenbeulung-im plastischen-Bereich mit TlTables of Stiffness and carry-Over Factor for
BerUcksich.tigung der Schubverzerrung t' Flat Rectangular Plates-Under Compression n
T.K.V'.S-~B ... , Mit-t. Nr. 19, verlag VSB, N ..A. C.A., W...R. t.-39-8" 1943.. "
Zllrich, 1959~ -

'~late the plastic Range by 121. Kroll, tV.D., Fisher, G.P .. ," and Heimerl., G.. J.
Considering Shear H TtCharts for Calculati..on_of -the Cri.tical"Stress
As in the previous reer~nce, shear refers for Local InstabilitY of Columns wLth r-, Z-,
to.'t XL and 't yz.' not 't xy. Channel-, and _Rectangular-Tube Sections Tl
N ..A.C.A .. ,W ..R .. L~42?, 1943.

116 . .Kol1brunner, C.F. und Meister, M.

'IAusbeulen (Book)
' 122_. Kromm,. A.
Springer-ve~lag Berlin, GSttingen und He1delberg. tlZur Frage der Mindests~eifigkei.tenvon rlattec..-
aussteifungen Tl .

_~te ,.Buck] jog" Stahlbau,. Heft 18/20,. 1944, S . . 8l-84"~

nOn- the prob-lem of Optimum Rigidi_ty of Stifened

117. Kondo~ K. and yamamoto,' M. __ Plates"
11Buckling and- Failure of Thin Rec"tangular plates Contains fundamental- considerat:lons .. -
in Co~pression" .
Aeron. Res. lnst.,. Rep .. No. 119,. Tokyo, Imp._ Univ.,. I
1935. 123. Kromm., AoO und Marguerre, K. f\)
I1Verhalten eines von S_chub-. und DruckkrHften W
spnichten Plattenstreifens oberhalb- der- BeUlgrenze l l I
118. Krabbe, F.W. Luftf'. Forsch., 1937.
"Beitrag ~ur Berechnung der Stegblechaussteifungen
vol+wandiger B1echtrager 1f "Behavior of a Plate Strip Shear and Com-
Stahlbau, Vol. lO~ 1937, s. 65. pression. Beyond the Buckling Load"
Translated into English:- N.A.C ..A., T.M. 870, 19.38.
"Contribution - to the calcu1~_t.ion of Web Stiffeners
of Plate Girders"
124. Krupen, ph.. ~~d Levy, s.
"Large-Deflection Theory for End Compressi.on o
119. Krabbe, F.W. Long Rectangular Plates Rigidly Clamped Along
o~rundsHtzliche"BemerkungenLur Frage der Beul- Two- Edges H
sicherhei-t der Stegbleche vollwandiger n N.A.C.A .. , T .. N. 884:> 1943 ..
. Stahlba~, Vol. 10, 1937, SO. 97.

"Fundamental Considerations on the Problem of 125. Kuhn,_P. and. Peterson, J.P ...
Buckling safety of plate Girders" rrStrengthAna~ysi.s of Stiffened Beam.-WebsH
N ...A.. C.A .... :) T .M... 1364~ 1947.:-
126 . . Kuhn, p.~ peterson, J.P. and Levin,-L.R. 133-.. Levy, s.
fJA Summary of Diagonal Tension ff Part I and II. ffBuckling of Rectangular, Plates BUilt-In
N.A,.C.A., T.N. 2661 and 2662, May 1952. Edges." '
A.S .M.E.:t Trans. > VoL .. -64,. 1942, p ... A 171...

,127. Lahde, R. und wagner, R.

"Versuche zur Ermitt1ung des Spannungszustandes 134. Levy, s. .
in Zugfe1dern" "Large-Deflection Theory of Curved Sheet"-
Luftf. Forsch., 'Nr. 13, 1936, S. 262. N.A.C.A., T.N. 895, 1943.

See translation N.A.C.A., 'f.,.M. 814, 1936:

"Experimental Studies of the" Effective Width of 135.' Levy, S., Fienup, K.L., and Woolley, R.M.
Bu'ckled She'ets It lTAnalysis of Square Shear Web Above Buckling Loadff
N.A.C.A., T.N. 962, 1945.

128. ""Leggel:t:., "1);-M.A.

"On the Elastic Stability of a Rectangular Plate '136. Li, Y.;S.
wilen'Subjec.ted to Variable Edge Thrust lt "Theoretical and ExPerimental Study of ' the Behav-
Proceedings of the Cambridge Phil. Soc., Vol. 31, iour of Thin Flanged Box Girders in Pure Bending lf
1935, P: 368. Thesis for degree of Ph.D. n Univ. of'London, 1948.

129. Leggett, D.M.A. l37~ Lungbottom, E. and Heyman, J.;. I

"The Buckling of a Squar~ Panel Under Shear ~-Jhen '~xperimental Verification of'the Strengths of f\)
One Pair of Opposite Edges isClamped lJ Plate Girders Designed in Accordance with the ~
Revised British Standard IS3: Tests on Full S~e I
R. & M. No. 1991, 1941. ..
and on Model Plate Girders 1f
The Institution of Civil Engineers, Great . George
130. Levin, L~R. and Sandlin, C.W., Jr. Street, tVestminster,cLondon s . toJ.l, Struct. paper
"Strength Analysis. of Stiffened Thick Beam ~"ebslf No. 49, 1956, pp. 463-486.
N'.-A.C.A. , 7 ~N. 1'820, 194.e,.

138. Lundquist, E.-E.

131. Levy, S. , ifComparisoD, of Three Methods for. Calculating the
"Bending of
Rectangular plates \vith Large Compressive Strength of Flat and Slightly Curved
DefLections" Sheets and Stiffener Combination H
N.A.C.A., T.N. 840, 1942. N A.C.A., T .N. 455.

132. Levy, S'., 139. Lundquist, E.E.

"Square plate With Clamped Edges Under .Normal "Local .Instability of Symmetrical Rectangular
Pressure producing Large Deflections" . Tubes Under Axial Compression"
N.A.C.A4, T ..N .. 847" 1942 .. N A.C.A., T ..N. 686, Feb. L93S.
140" Lundquist 3 E .. E . 147 .. Mackey,. S .. and Brotton, DeM ..
If Local Instability of Centrally Loaded Columns HAn Investigation of the Behavior of a Riveted
of Channel-section and z-section tt Plate Girder Under Load tf
N~A .. C~A~, T . N. 722, 1939. Structural Engineer~ Vol. 30, No.4, 1952, p.73.

141. Lundquist, E.E . and Stowell, E.Z .. 1480 Madsen, 10;

"Critical Compressive Stress for Flat Rectangular ttReport on Crane Girder Tests"
plates Supported Along All Edges and Elastically Iron and Steel Engineer, Vol . 11, Nov~ 1941~
Restrained Against Rotation Along the Unloaded pp.47-97.
Edges t1
N.A . C.A . , T~N. 733, 1942.
149. Mayers, . J. and Budiansky, B.
tfAnalysis of Behavior of Simply Supported Flat
142. Lundquist, E.. E. and Stowell, E.Z. Plat~s Compressed Beyond the Buckling Load into
"Critical Compressive Stress for Outstanding the plastic Range"
Flanges 11 N A.. C.A., T.N. 3368, 1955.
N.. A .. C.A .. , T . N.. 734, 1942.

150. Marguerre, K.
143. Lundquist, E~E . and Stowell, E.Z. TtDie {{ber die Ausbeulgrenz.e belastete platte -
tlRestraint Provided a Flat Rectangular plate by Energieansatz und Differentia1g1eichungen 1f
Sturdy Stiffener Along the Edges of the Plate" Z.A.M.M., Vol. 16, 1936, s. 353. J\)
N.A.C . A., T.N. 735, 1942. \..rl
I1Plate Loaded Beyond the Buckling Load - I
Potential Energy and Differential Equations"
-144 . Lundquist, E . E., Stowell, E.Z., and Schuette, E.H.
IIPrinciples of Moment Distribution Applied to
Stability of Structure~ Composed of Bars or 151. Marguerre, K.
plates U flDie mittragende Breite der gedrllckten Platte"
N.A . C.. A., W..R. L-326, 1943. Luftf. Forsch., Vol. 14, 1937~ S. 121.

"The Apparent Width of the Plate in Compression lt

145. Lurie, H.. Translated into English: N.A .. C.A':l T.N. 833" 1937.
riLateral Vibrations as Related to Structural
Ca~if. Inst. TechnO', Guggenheim Aeron. Lab., 152. Marguerre, K.
Rep~ No .. 2, 1950. Hueber die Behandlung von St:abilitMtsproblemen
mit Hile der energetischen Methode H
z.angew. Math. u~ Mech. 7 Vol 0 18) 1938, s~ 57.
146 . Lyse, I.. and GodfreY:J H..
"Investigation of Web Buckling in Steel Beams:! nOn the solution of Stability Problems by
A.S.C.E . , Trans., 1935, po 675. Energy Methods"
153. Marguerre ~ K. 158. "Massonnet, Ch.
TlZ.ur Theorie' der gekrUmmten Platte mit grosser "Le.- voilement des ,plaques planes'solliei.tees'
FormHnderung U dans, leur plan" ~
Proe. 5th Int. Congr. for Applied Mech.~ Vol. 5, A. I..P .C., Rap. f., 3e congres, Liege, Belgique,
cambridge, Mass .. ~ 1939, - p. 93. septembre 1948, pp. 291-30Q.

"On the Theory" of the CurYed, Plate. with Large liThe Buckling of Plates"
Displacements fl

159. -Massonnet , Ch.

154.. Marguerre, K. und ~effz, E.
'~eber die TragfMhigkeit eines IHngsbelasteten
"Recherches experimentales sur Ie
l'ame des poutres a "be pleine ff
ilement, de
Plattenstreif.ens nach ueberschreiten der Beullast fl Bulletin duCentre d'Etudes, TomeS, 1951,
z. angew. Math. u. Mech. ,Vol. 17, 1937> S. 85. pp. 67-240, au A.I.P.C., ~~bl.prel., "4e congres
cambridge-Londres, .1952" pp. 539-555.
.the Load-ca:rrying-Gapac.i-ty -,of-----a- .Wagi.tudinally
Tl.Qn .
Loaded plate Strip in the post Buckling Range lt t1Experimental Investigations -of t'1eb Buckling of
Plate Gird~rsll

155. Massonnet, Cn.

riLes relations entre lesmodes normaux de vibration 160. Massonnet, Ch.
et La stabilite de_s systemes elas"tiques" "Recherches sur le dimensionnement et le raidissage I
Bull. C.E.R.E.S., Liege, Tome I, Nos.1-2,. 1940. rationnels de l'ame des poutres a ame pleine, en f\)
tenant compte du danger -de voilement U 0'
'~he Relations Between the Normal Modes of Vibra- . Annales de l'Institute Technique du Batiment ~t I
tion and the Stability of Elastic Systems H des Travaux Publics, NO- 71, nov. 1953,7 pp. 1062-1080.

I1Invest.igationson the Design and the Efficient

156. Massonnet, Ch. Stiffening of l~ebs in Plate Girders, Taking in
"La stabilite dellame des poutres munies de Account Web Buckling"
.xa.i.disseur.s horizontaux .e.t so.Llic..i.tees-par. ,flexion.
pure rl
A.I.P.C., Mem., Vol. 6, Zurich, 1940-41, pp. 234-246. 161. Massonnet, Ch .
f1Essais de voilement sur poutres a
ame raidie rl
liThe Web Stability of Longitudinally Stiffened A.I.P.C., .Man.,Vol. 14, Zurich, 1954) pp. 125~186)
Plate Girders Subjected to Pure Bending tr oU4cier~ NO 2, ~eV:ier 1955, pp. 3-12.

HBuck~ing Tests of Stiffened plate Girders rl

157; Massonnet, Ch.
IIEssais de voilement surpoutres a
tse' congres Int-ernational des Centres d r Information -162. Massonnet , Ch.
de l'Acier. (~ee Ref.' 161) "Stability Considerations in the Design of Steel
Plate Girders"
"Buckling Tests of Stiffened Plate Girders" A.S.C.E., Proc. -Vol. 86, No. ST1, paper .No. 2350,
January 1960.
163. Massonnet, Ch. et Greisch, R. 168., Milosavljevitch, M.
flAlbaques permettant Ie choix rapide de 1 J epais,seur IfSur 1a stabilite des plaques"rectangulaires
de l l ame d i une poutre a moe p1eine et de renforcees par des, raid~sseurs',et, s'ollicitees,
11ecartement des raidisseurs vert~caux en tenant it' 1a flexion et au,cisaillement U
compte du danger de voilement" A.I.,P_C.,- Mem~ ,Vol.. 8,.l947,. pp,. 141-160.
A.I.P.C., Rap. f . , 4 e congre.s, Cambridge~ondres"
1,952; pp. 299-308, ainsi que' Han the Stability of Rectangular plates Reinforced
Notes techniques publiees par 1a C.E.C.M., by Stiffeners and Subjected to Bending and Shear"
Bruxelles, 1953, editeur Fabrimetal.

'.'Charts for a Plate Girder, E~,etermining the Web- 169. Moheit" w.

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~ 1 ...... ~

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nOn.a N~w Meth.od for Solving Certain Variational girders.
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"Buckling. of Stiffened Rectangular Plates Under

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ened plate" with stiffener at a quarter of the I.V.B.H., 5. Kongress, Schlussbericht, Portugal,
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* *-
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276. Timoshenko, S. and MacCUllough, G. H.
269. Conyers; A_L. and Ozell, A.M. TtElements of Strength of Mate.rials H (Book)
~...RepDrJ: ~ . .of -Stre&SeS--in---Wel4ed D. van Nostrand Com.p~Y_3 Inc-., New York and
Cover Plates tl -
Toronto, 1954. -
To be published in the Welding Journal, 1960.

270. Dill, F.H. J

"A Report on Transfer of Stresses in Welded W
Cover Plates" 0'
Appendix. - Application to Design. I
To be published in the Welding Jourhal, 1960.

2 71 ~ Haaij er, G. andTh{fr 1imann> B.

"On Inelastic Buckling_in Steel"
Proceedings of the ASCE, Paper No. 1581, April-

272. Kusuda> T. and ThHrlimann, B.

-"Strength of Wide Flange Beams Under Combined
Influence of Moment, Shear, and Axial Forcet.f
Fritz Laboratory Report No. 248-1, Lehigh
University, May 1958.

273.' Mueller, J.A.

"Stresses in Cover Plates and Bearing Stiffener-sri
To be published in ~he Welding Journal, ~960.
Graphical Summary of References

cf ~o
'0 6;'

u. S. A. 0 df5"l$
0 g$.~ 0
Buckling, of Rectangular Plates 6 000
De 6 e-ts
$.6~i 6
Bending, Compression 1 or Shear DO- DO
d' Contai n i og Test Results -eQ
c c.
0 00-&= 6606g o0"6 n-e $ (Jrtl g

Inelastic Buckling'
Longitudinal Sfiffners
DO d c-
OQOSQ (1000 0 [ 1 0 6 _ In.
c. c.
6 110000
rf [rep

On a
Great Britain 01890 Q Transverse 5ti f1ners EJ 0 -Er &~
o cf~
01894 bJ Post Bu ckling' Beh avi or 0 Cfo 0 C 44-
Belgium Book s on Plate Buckling
France e.
oe 0- d'-e-flf -ib
~s -&
'i:r ~
Switzerland 0 o ifB
tr ~ ~
EM'" f.I" 0 Ofre

DO 1),
Germany ~D

4J !}~ -$
rfJ 0 H. -$ -Et

D OgODOD o lJ-e 0 0 Q -$ E-
EJ CJ 6 -g OB-a ~ Q
&C c
eta eo c-
gaD d
D-$-a .$- 0
0 DO 0 0
0 0 0-06 DO Eto-e.O$ $--$- 0 gl3- 0
0 g-e-$-ao ~e-fr~
s c
0 ~
Countries 0 0 DO .gs a
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 Year



1.1 Introduction

The purpose of part 1 is to describe the test girders

and the physical properties of materials used. Then, based
on this information, standard reference values such as
"yield loads", "plastic loads", "critical loads", and com-
puted deflections will be established. The organization

of the test ,program must first be, described.

A girder section can be subjected to bending, shear, or

a combination of both these loadings. In this research pro-
ject all three conditions were investigated. Consequently,
three different test setups were used as shown in Figs. 1.1,
1.2, and 1.3. This cla.ssifies the thirteen..plate girders

into the following three groups:

Grou.p shown in subjected Girders
1 Fig. 1.1 bending GI, G2, G3, G4, G5
2 Fig. 1.2 shear G6, G7
3 Fig. 1.3 combined El, E2, E4, E5, G8, G9

Throughout the entire project the girders are termed as given

in the last column of this table.

The cross' section of some girders changed within their

lengths _. ,~he.,reason for th~s design was to confine failure
" .
t9: ac.ertain'reg1on whose loading eondi tiona were well
defined. Thi's region was the test .section proper as indi-

ca'ted in Figs.l~l an<l1.2. The el:1d sections, flanking the test

see~'ion, onl-y diff'ered in web :thickness for the 'first group,

.whereas in', t~e second group cover plates . were also added. over
a. ,por'ti'on 'of their length. In the third grou.p the cross

se~tion did cnot change and the entire girder was the test
section proper. The rour girde~s termed El, E2, E4, and E5
w~re fabricated by splicing the undamaged end sections of
~.he corresp'ondingly numbere'd girders Gl, G2, G4 and G5.' an'd
.reinforcing .them wi th cover plates-.

Each girder was subjected to at least two ultimate load

tests. After caus~ng failure in a particular panel) the
'load was remo~ed'and the panel reinfo~eed. All bending
girder' fail.urea, occurred in the compressio,n flange and thus
reinforcement consisted of welding small steel plates to
this flange. Diagonal ~nd transverse stiffeners were used
to s,trengthen the girders of the other two groups. Since

no major deformati6ns were caused in panels adjacent to the

one which failed in th~ first test, referr.ed to as. Tl, a

second test, T2, could be conducted. In some cases this

process waf3 repea.ted and additional tests', such as' T3 and
T4, were carried out.

'Of all the po~sibl~parametGr~ influencing the ca~rying

capaoity of,plate girde~s, the investigatio~ was reBtric~ed

to the ,.following four:

shear stress
'1. Loa.ding ootidi t1on: ~ ::; '7:/0 - normal stress

'2,. Type of cross section': various shapes of eompr. flanges

3. Web s'lenderness: ~ = bit = webwebthickness


4. stiffener s,pacing: a == alp = panel


The first parameter was, taken care,of by choosing the three

t'est setu,ps ,pr,eviously mentioned. The. second ,parameter' was

of special import,ance to the bending girders, wherefore

three, ,different shapes of the co~pressi~n f~angeswere

chosen as illustrated with cross sections t, II, and III

shown in Fig. 1.4. Denoting with na,n the stiffener spacing,

"b" the web d.epth, and nt" the web thickness, the third and

fourth parameters completely defined the, shape of a web

panel. In the test 'program, the third parameter was varied
by b~ilding pairs of girders which only differed in the web

slenderness, such as G2 and G4, or G3 and G5. Finally, the

fourth parameter was accounted for by subdividing the test
section into panels with different lengths. After failure
occurred in a longer panel, it was reinforced and thus
failure could be, forced to occur in a shorter panel.

The parametric values of all the girders 1 test sections

are listed in Table 1.1. The added sketches indicate where
each girder failed, how the obtained tests were designated,
and where reinforcement plates were welded to the flanges
or webs. Taking as an example girder E4, the sketches give

the following information: The first test of this girder,

Tl, caused failure in the left-hand end panel whose stiff-

ener spacing was 1.5 times the web depth. The girder was
then reinforced by subdividing each of the two larger
panels with new transverse stiffeners. Thus failure was
roread ,to occur in the right-half of the girder where the
spacing of the stiffeners was 0.75 of the depth4 This
happened in the panel adjacent to the loading stiffener
and furnished the second test, T2. Welding a reinforcing
stiffener across this damaged panel allowed for a third
test T3 in a panel whose aspect ratio was a = 0.,.
In the following sections the evaluation of girder
plate dimepsions is given first, followed by the determi-
nation of steel properties, and finally, the detailed
computation of specific reference values.

1.2 Girder Dimensions

After the general survey of the girders given in

Sec. 1.1, it is the purpose of this section to establish
the accurate dimensions of each girder. The overall
dimensions, as ordered, are given in Figs. 1.1, 1.2, and
1.3; for all practical purposes they can also be considered
to be the actual ones. However, this situation can not be
expected to apply to the size of the component plates and
measurements must be taken to determine their true dimen-

In illustrating the procedure used to obtain the dimen-

sions and the differences between ordered and actual dimen-
sions, the test section of girder Gl is used. The top
flange, web, and bottom flange of this girder are shown in
Fig. 1.5. Here, it is seen that at the ends of each plate,
a piece was cut off and used for coupons. These end pieces
were also used to obtain the width and thickness of the
corresponding plates. The dots in these portions are points
at which thicknesses were measured and the results are
recorded beside them. The averages of all the measurements
recorded were considered to be the true dimensions. Meas-
ured at 20 different locations, the web presented an
interesting finding. As readings were taken from the upper
edge to the lower, the thickness was found to increase, exceeding
the ordered quarter inch thickness anywhere from 1 to 10%_

This variation is due to the fact that the web was originally
cut from a plate whose width was 100 inches and the lower
edge of the web was located at the midspan of the rolls
during the rolling o,peration. The slight flexibility of the

rolls gave this increase of two hundredths of an in,ch.

Using the same procedure and layout of observation

points, the other girders' dimensions were determined and
are presented in Table 1.2. All subsequent computations
are based on these values and other data given in Figs. 1.1,

1.2 and 1.3.


1.3 steel Properties

A great amount of time and effort was spent in evalu-

ating the properties of the girders t component steel plates.
Because the property of paramount importance to this
research program was the yield str~ss, the major part of

this section is devoted to its definition and determination.

It will be seen that, although mild steel was specified for
all girder components and care was taken to obtain a uniform
yield level, a con~iderable scatter of results is unavoid-

Tests on tension coupons made from the material under

consideration were conducted to determine the yield level.
At least one coupon was cut from each flange plate, unless
two or more flanges came from the same slab. In this case,
a single coupon was considered sufficient for the entire
slab. This s~me principle applied to the web plates and,
in addition, a limited number of coupons were cut trans-
versely to the platets longitudinal direction. The relative
location of both flange and web coupons in their respective
plates is shown in Fig. 1.5.

In Table 1.3 all coupons tested for the plates com-

prising girders Gl through G7 are listed . . The additional
coupons, needed to complete the yield stress evaluation in
the group of girders under combined bendin.g and shear, are

recorded in Table 1.4. The first columns of these tables


describe the location of the plates from which the corre-

sponding coupons were cut. Although the exact dimensions
of these plates already appear in Table 1.2, for the
~onvenience, the nominal plate thicknesses are tabulated
again. Each coupon is assigned a number as shown in the
third column. Besides its number, a coupon. is designated
further by listing its steel quality according to ASTM
specifications and its heat and slab numbers provided by
the steel manufacturer. It may be observed that, if two
or more coupons have the same slab number, they originate
from one and the same rolled piece. A common heat number

indicates that the steel of these coupons were taken from

the same furnace charge, therefore they must have the same
chemical composition.

Further listed in Tables 1.3 and 1.4 is the chemical

analysis procured from the mill, showing the carbon,
ma~ganese, phosphorus, and sulfur content of the steel.
In the following columns of the, tables are the yield stresses,
ultima4e stresses and elongations, all determined by the
mill according to standard practice. Finally, in the last
five columns are tabulated the results of the coupon tests
conducted at Fritz Engineering Laboratory~ The three
characteristic values of yield stress, ultimate stress and
elongation are listed here, together with the area reduction
at the fractured section and the rupture stress crr occuring
over the reduced area. To -compare the laboratory results

with those obtained by the mill, the former results need

further explanation.

Each coupon was machined to the dimensions given in

Fig. 1.6. These coupons conform with ASTM requirements
for plates over three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness.
(For plates below this value, specifications call for a
smaller coupon with a two inch gage length rather than the
eight inch length used.) Figure 1.6 is a typical data
sheet illustrating in detail the evaluation of pertinent
data of the coupon. Figure 1.7 is the corresponding load-

strain curve for this coupon. An extensometer was used to

obtain the strain for this figure and an electronic

recorder automatically plotted the resulting curve. The
abscissa is the average strain in inches per inch gage .
length, while the ordinate is the tension force applied to
the coupon. By converting load to stress, this d.iagram

could be considered as a stress-strain curve extending to

about thirty times the yield strain, only about one-eighth
'. ~

of the complete diagram up to the rupture point. Charac-

teristic of this diagram would be the straight-lined
elastic part, the yield level and the inception of strain
hardening. Also included in this graph are: the upper
yield point; immediately ~ollowing the lower yield point;

the dynamic yield level about which the load fluctuates

during yielding; and, finally, the static yield level which
shall be discussed further.

The static yield" level is the yield stress obtained

under a zero strain rate. This strain rate could easily
,be imposed by the 120,000 pound Tinius Olsen machine used;
a screw-powered type machine which allowed complete control
of the speed of the movable crosshead. When pronounced

yielding was apparent, the movement of this crosshead was

stopped after which the load settled to the static yield
level, Fig. 1.7. After about five minutes, the speed of the
crosshead was <again set at its former value of 0.10 inches
per minute. As seen, the resulting dynamic yield level
coincided with its previous value. This procedure was

repea~ed a second time in the yield zone where another

typical V-notch in the recorded load-strain curve occUrred.

It is generally known that the yield stress level does

depend o~ the speed used to test a coupon and increases
with higher testing speeds. However, the signifioant
research work carried out in Fritz Engineering Laboratory,
Ref. 274, correlates the dynamic yield levels obtained at
various strain rates and points out that this static yield
level is a material constant which. can be obtained more
accurately than the fluctuating dynamic yield level. Since
it is impossible to maintain any constant strain rate on a
steel element such as a plate girder, it is obvious that
the static yield level must be adopted as the significant
level in the testing of structural members. Only with zero
strain rate can complete correlation between both structure

and coupon be attained. Therefore, the yield stresses cry

hencefor~h mentioned in these reports will always be the
static yield stresses. As a consequence, the ultimate load
must be defined as the highest load which the structure can
statically maintain.

The results of these carefully conducted coupon tests

can certainly be used as added data to be collated for
statistical purposes. Of the many conclusions which may be
drawn from the two summary tables, o~ly the following are
mentioned. From Table 1.3 the seven t'hres-quarter inch
coupons show the scatter of yield level which mu~t be ex-
pected when plates of equal dimensions are rolled, even
though they origin.ated from the SaPI8 ingot. The one-half
inch,an~ ~hree-eighth inch web material also came from a
common ingot but differed in thickness and, thus, in the
extent o~ rolling. This resulted in a marked difference

in the static yield levels. Furthermore, the 'static yield

levels of the three-quarter inch plates were about 10%
lower than the yield stresses determined by the mill.
However, this percentage chang~s considera~ly with the
plate thickness and the chemical composition. For plate
thicknesses greater than three-quarter of an inch, this
reduction may well be as much as 25%, as seen from Table

Contrary to the aforementioned, it was found that for

the coupons cut from the one-eighth inch plates, CF 23 and

CP 47, the relation was reversed. Static yield levels as

much as 15% higher than the dynamic ones furnished by the
mill were observed. This was then believed to be a mistake
and additional coupons adjacent to the previous ones were
cut from the plate specimen and tested by both the fabri-
cator and the investigator. It can be seen from Table 1.3
that the results of these duplicate coupons, termed OF 23B
and OP 47B,were just about the same as previously obtained.
As stated before, the gage length of the mill and laboratory
coupons w~re two and eight inches respectively; the mill
coupons conformed to ASTM standards. It is interesting to
speculate as to whether the size causes such effects.

In summary, it must be emphasized again that the impor-

tant material property called "yield stress", as determined
by standard practice in the mills, is not adequate for

strength predictions in research work where structures are

subjected to static loads.

For the tubular compression flanges of girders G3 and

G5, a co~pression test was conducted on a short section of
the pipe rather than tension coupon test. Reference should
be made to Fig. 1.8 where the size of this stub column, th~,to.

load-deformation record, and the computed

diagram are all shown. Also the wide scattering of wall
thickness in the tested pipe can be seen. The yield stress
was evaluated from the evident yield level.

Finally, the yield stresses of all co~ponent plates

are summarized in Table 1.5, grouped according to the
respective girders. The computation of all girder reference
values is based on the data tabulated here.

1.,4 Cross Sectional Constants

In this section will be presented the moments of

inertia for all girders with their corresponding section
moduli. To compute these values, it is necessa~y to
know the cross sectional shapes and dimensions. The former
can be found in Fig. 1.4, while the latter are summarized
"'1- 10

in Table 1.2.

A typical computation of the cross sectional constants

is carried out below. The procedure was first to find the
moment or. inertia '1 z about the Z-axis which was located at
the mid-depth of the web. Then, after determining the
actual centroid of the section, the moment of inertia about
the neutral ax~s was found by means of the parallel axis
theorem. Finally, dividing this value by the drstance to
the extreme fibers sa and e b , the s~ction moduli Sa and Sb
were 'obta.ined. The indices "a." and "b" distinguish between
quantities above and below the neutral axis respectively.

". ..

Computation of Section Moduli of Gl-Tl t Test Section

12.2.' 0,160

AY = Qz/A = -15.0/31.59, ~ -O~47 in

!m = I z-(Ay)2A = 14,390 - 047 2x31.59
Sa = 25 + 0.47 + 0.43 25.90 in
eb = 25 0.47 + 0.76 = 25.29 in
Sa = Inlea = 14,380/25.90 = 555 in:;'

Sb = In/eb = 14,380/25.29 == 568' in),

Following the above procedure, all.necessary cross

'sectiona'l constants were COnl.puted for the girders and are
pre,sented in Tab'le 1.6. In the. first th~ee columns of this
'table ar~ 'gi van the properties of the test '~ection, namely,
the moment of inertia 'lm and the corresponding section
moduli S~ and Sb. Next, the moments.of inertia of the
bending and shear girders' end sections~ Ie, a~e added.
Finally, some special moments of inertia are given in the
last column which will now be explained for each girder:

Gl. After the first test on this girder was completed,

its top flange width was reduced by flame cutting to
13.56 inches. Thus, for computations involving GI-T2
(second test of girder Gl) this new width must be used,
resulting in I = 12,210 in 4 and a neutral axis at
y = -3.158 in.

G2, G3, G4, G.5. After completion of the first tes'ts of

these bending girders, a steel plate was welded on each

side of the top flange. Each of these two plates had an
area of one square inch, had the same distance from the
neutral axis as the centroid of the unreinforced flange,
and extended over the longest panel of 75 inches. Where-

from this new I-value is computed.

G6, G7. These values are the moments of inertia of the

sections under the reactions where cover plates were
a.dded, that is, re D shown in Fig. 1.2.

El. The outside cover plates of girder El were termi-

nated 75 inches from its ends and, therefore, two moments
of inertia are needed to compute deflections. The value
shown in the last column applies to the end portions of
the girder. Since the third test produced failure within
this region, the values without cover plates must be used
for calculations concerning EI-T3.

1.5 Reference Moments and Loads

This section is devoted to the computat ion of ,the fla.nge

moment, yield moment, and plastic moment with the correspon-

ding loads of the latter two. These moments are defined in
Ref. 7, p. 34. Their de~initions are repeated below with

the modifications needed to take into account the different

yield stresses of ~he component plates.

The flange moment, M , is defined as the moment carried

by the flanges alone when the stresses over the flanges are

equal to the yield st~ess. For a symmetrical girder whose

yield stresses are the same for both flanges, this would

simply be computed as Mf = Afcryfh,

where A and cr
f yf
are the
area and yield stress of one flange and h is th~. distance
between the centroids of the rlanges. The actual girders
tested exhibited a certain degree of dissymmetry in shape
and yield stress. Therefore, the area and yield stress or
the compression flange are selected to be used for the com-
putation. Incidentally, the alternate use of the tension
flange properties would not lead to any great differences.
Computations show that their use could only give a value
lower by 2.5%. When more than one plate comprises a ~lange,
a weighted yield stress of the compression rlange was used.
This weighted stress, d will be defined as (J y =J:.Acr y /r.!

where A and cry are the areas and yield stresses of the com-
ponent plates and L indicates the-ir summat ion.

The yield moment, My , is the moment which initiates

nominal yielding in the most extreme fiber. In the case

where' the yield stresses of the flanges would be the same,

it would be computed as MY = crys, where the smaller value

of the section modulus, S, would be used. Since the yield
stresses of the flanges differed, the definition that
MY= cryas a is adopted, where cr ya and Sa are the yield stress
and section modulus of the compression flange. As in the
case of the flange moment, the value of the yield moment,
when computed using bottom flange properties, could be lower
than the defined value by only 2.5%. In accordance with the
procedure adopted previously, a weighted yield stress was
used when the flange.was composed of a number of plates.

The plastic moment, MP' is the limiting value of the

moment which would be reached upon applying an infinite
curvature to a section, neglecting the effect o~ strain-
hardening. Usually it is calculated as the product of the
girder 1 s yield stress and plastic modulus, Z. This method
assumes a section whose yield stress is constant for all its
elements. As such, it can not be used in computations in-
volving th~ test girders since most of their component parts
yielded at different stress levels. This moment will be

evaluated from the relation that MP = r..AcryyP' where the A

and cry are the area and yield stress of a section's elements
and yp is the distance from the plastic neutral axis, NAp,
to the centroid of each element.


. ,

16.00 J(1.007 ,
29.4k~i, ", . [~Acry] a - [LA cry] b = 0
12,'(9. x 0,'769.

r NA' ,.
50 x 0.507

"'4.9 KsJ
,474 + 362 + 17.69Y~ - (885 +
17.69Ya} -355 -474 = 0 '
l2 .19 x Oa774
37~G ksi .
. IG~OO ~ 1,007 Ya = 24.8 in .
29. 4.-.kS i .

Mp =2:: (Acry)yp
= 474 x26~07 +' 362 x 2$.19 + ~39 x 12.4 +
446 x' 12.6 + 355 x 25059 + 474 x 26.4~

M~ = 54,lOO'~-ih

This plastic neutral axis is found f~om the equilibrium con-

dition that ~he ,sum 'of the normal .forces over the entire
cross section mUB.t vanish. USing the subsc,~i.pts a and b

mentioned before , ,t,hi~ condition is "ex:pressed as

[tAcrYJ a . - !l=AcryJ b= o. As a sample computation, the plastic
moment of E2 has been calculated apove. All necessary'
static' yield stresses are listed in Table 1.5.

To calculate the yield and plas~ic loads, ,the spans Of

the girder~ enter.. Again, due to' t:pe' different test setu,ps,

three groups are distinguished: 'bendi~g, shear, and combined


The bending group has a constant moment over the test

section, M = 150P. Thus the yield and plastic loads are
simply computed' as Py = My/150 and Pp = Mp/150, ,where the

moments are expressed in kip-inches and the loads in kips.

The shear group, although subjected to a relatively

small variable moment, was considered to be under pure
shear. Therefore, the yield load is the load that initiates
nominal yielding at the neutral axis in the web and is com-
puted from Vy = 't'yw1t/Q where Vy is the shear force at first
nominal yielding, ~yw the shear 'yield stress of the web, Q
and I are the static moment and moment, of inertia about the
neutral axis, and t is the thickness of the web. From

Fig.L2 it can be seen that V = P. Substituting this value

in the preceding equation and using the Mises yield con-
dltioh that cryw = 13' 'T:yw, the yield load will be evaluated
cr It
as p = yw where cryw is the yield stress of the web. The
plastic load is defined as the load which causes the web to
yield completely due to shear,- Pp :: aywAw/n, Aw being the
area of the web, Aw = bt.

The combined grou,p was subjected to both shear and

moment. Since the moment varied throughout the girderts
length, e' cross section in the failed panel was selected
at which the reference loads for each. test were to be
evaluated. This section was chosen to be at a distance of
one-half the web depth a~ay fromthe maximum moment in the
panel or at the middle of ,the panel when its l'ength is less

than its depth. It is realized that this method of evalu-

ating the yield and plastic loads differs from the usual
procedures used for a beam. Thus, the "yield load is defined
as the load which initiates yielding in the critical cross
section of a girder. In general, yielding first occurs at
the intersection of the web and flange where th~ yield con-
dition, o yw =/0 2 + 3't' 2/, is used to evaluate the yield load.
_ VQ _ PQ
Substituting the values of (j = MY = 12. .s2 and 't' -- .....
I 2 I It 2It
into the equation above, where M = Px/2 and V = P/2 from
Fig. 1.3, the yield load for the girders under combined
loading will be

= cryw
J(2,5x/2I)2 + 3(Qj2It)Z'

x being the distance from the end of the girder span to the
critical cross section. If yielding does not begin at the
aforementioned point, the bending or shear case discussed

before applies.

The plastic load of any single test on a girder is

de~ined as the load producing plastification at the critical
cross section of the failed panel,. The presence of shear

in the combined bending and shear group of girders reduced

their full plastic moments MP. For these girders, an ex-

pression for a modified plastic moment MPs was developed

from the following considerations. The stress condition

sketched on next page is the basis for evaluat ing MPs' (Ref'. 272).
It will be assumed that the flanges have fully yielded,


----r--+------t-. -I-T " "

th,ere,by 'pI'o~1d,:tng the .'flange moment" Nr,' and' that a con-
stant normal stress' (j is present ,.,over the web accotrl:panied,
by the eonst~nt ~hearlng.,stres~~. From the sketoh, the
modified moment is : Mps. = Mi' + a~b ~.~. An expression
for ais obtained from the yield criterion ayw = la 2 + 3~2~
V Mpa
where 't = b,t = btx.. Substi tut1ng the value of C1 in tl;le,
.first equation gives Mps ;:: Mf + ~ tb 2 :J a.;w- 3 (Mps /btX)2'
After solving for Mps and.observing that Mps = Pp x/2,
Pp = xa2 -L Mf + jaM
'w 2 -(a-l)Mr
where . the constant a = 1 + -ft(~) 2, and Mw is the portion
of the full plastic' momen,t M,p cont~ibuted by the web,

Mw = aywtb 2 /4. When a negative number results under the

radl~al sign, the shear case e~plained before must be used
to obtain Pp ,. Physic~lly this result'implies that the web
yi~lds due to shea!' befo:re 'the yielQ. stress is .reached in

the ~langes.

In Table 1.7 are sUITJInarized the reference moments and

lo~ds for all test girder~. Unlike the bending and shear
gr6ups, which ha.d constant moments and shear's over their
test section's, the combined grou:p had a var'lable moment
over 1 ts test sections whlc"h resul ts in two or more yield
and plas,tic loads for' each girder.

1.6 Web Buckling Stresses

An additional reference value with which the obtained

ultimate load can be compared is the conventionally computed
web buckling stress or load. It is the objective of this
section to establish these stresses and loads for all the
girders ~

The general equation for the ideal critical stress of an


isolated web panel is

= k ----
rr E2

where 0cri and ~cri are the ideal critical normal and shearing
1I E
stresses, respectively. The ractor is a qonstant
12 (1- \12 )
dependent only on the material properties,'.that is, the

modulus of elasticity E and Poisson's ratio v, while ~ = bit

is the slenderness ratio of the web. Finally, the buckling
coefricient k is a variable depending on the loading and

boundary conditions and, in general, also on the panel's

aspect ratio a = alb. Values for this coefficient can be

:found in such literature as Ref. 73, . , 116, and 247.

Some detail information must be specified in order that

the web buckling stresses of the actual girders can be com~

puted. In general, the procedures of Ref. 21 and 52 have

been adopted for the details which follow:

1I E
The constant, l2(1-v 2 )' for steel plates is equal to
26,750 ksi.
Web panels are considered pin ended on all sides.
The proportional limit 'of the web material is taken as
a.8o y If the ideal critical stress 0cri is less than

this value, it'is equal to the critical stress ocr,

0cri = ocr" Whenever it exceeds this value, the critical
stress ocr is found from a reduction procedure,
ocr = Gy(l - a.16~y), a relation derived from Eq. (64),
cr or 1.
'Ref. 21. Similar ly 't cr = 't' (1 - a 16't"y) , where 't is the
y ~cri
shear stress.
When a moment gradient exists in a panel, the critical
section is considered to be at a distance of one-half the
web depth from the maximum moment in the panel. In the
case where the panel l s length is smaller than its depth,
this section is at the middle of the panel.,

The critical shear force of a panel subjected to pure

shear is computed as the product of the critical shear

stress and the area o~ the web, Vcr = ~crAw.

In all cases, the unsupported web depth "b 1t is taken as

the clear web depth, which is 50 inches for all girders.

Finally, when the neutral axis is 1/2 inch or less away
from the web's geometric center, it is assumed to
coincide with the centerline,

The general cases of bending, shear, and combined

loading are presented next,

F~r.bendl:pg, the general formula for the normal criti-

cal stress Ocr! applies. The k-value is the only remaining
unknown. Since all the girders except GI-T2 had their
neutral axes less than 1/2 inch away from the web's geometrio
center, the k-value is k = 23.9. In GI-T2 the neutral axis
shifted 3.62 inches down from the web's centerline and thus
the co~pressive stresses a~e higher than the tensile stresses.
In accordance with Ref.52, this leads to a k-value of
k = 18.6. The critical load Per is determined from the re~

lation tha.t ocr = MerY/I, where Mcr = P crx/2, see Fig. 1.1.

For.shear, the general formula for the critical shear-

ing stress ~crl.app11e8. The buckling coefficient of
k = 4.00 + ~ is used when the panel's aspect ratio a
is equal to or less than unity, and k = 5.34 +
. a
is used 4.go
when a. ;:"1. In .this ease, Per 1s evaluated from 1;cr = Vcr/bt,

where Vcr = Per, see Fig. 1.2.

For combined bending and shear,

where overi is the equivalent ideal critical stress for com-

bined loading according to Ref. 52, cr the extreme bending
stre'ss of the web, (j ::: MY/I, and 't the a,verage shearing stress
~ =V/bt. M and V are the applied moment and sh~ar respec-
tively :Ln the..conside:red qross ,seetion o The formula above is

only applicable to girders whose neutral axes coincide with

their web's 'geometric centers and as such ap.plies to a.ll the

girders of the combined group whose axes were all less than
1/2" away from the centerline of the web. After reducing
the ideal stress for inelastic action, if necessary, .t~e

cr it ieal loadPer is obtained from the equation 0vcr=!o2+ 3't'2',

where cr and't' are both functions of 'P, the applied load.

As an example, the critical load of the first test of

E2, a girder under combined loading, shall be computed.
From the tables and figures of previous sections the proper-'
ties of E2-Tl are as follows: a = 3.0, ~ = 99, Aw = 25.3
I = 39,620 in 4 and 0yw d 34.9 ksL From Table 1.1 it is seen
that the long panel failed iti this first test. Since a

moment gradient exists in this panel, the critical cross

section is at a distance of 25" to the left of the center
bearing stiffener or x = 125" from the end of the girder.
Knowing this data and using ka = 23.9 and k~ = 5.79 (a>l),
the critical stresses due to moment and shear are evaluated

as 0cri = 65.2 ksi and ~cri = 15.8 ksi. The stress at the
compressive edge of the web is a = MY = P.125 25 = O.0394p
I 2.39,620
~s~ , and the average shearing stress over the section is
't' = A:!- = 2.25.3
P = 0.0198P [}rs~.
Substituting these values
into the equation for the combined crfuical stress,

vcri = J(O.0394P)2+ 3(O.0198P)2! = O.0522P = 37.5 ksi

0 394p 2 + (9 0 198 p\ 2 0 00 139 P
65.2 \ 15.8 7

The proportional limit ,is 0.8 0 y = 0.8x34.9 = 27.9 ksi.


Since Over! /' O.8 oy ,the reduction for the inelastic range
sl?plies. as follows ~

: ~vc~ :: 34.9(1'- 0.16 j~:)= 29.~ ksi

Since aver:: Ja J.+ 3n;2 1

:; 0.05'22P cr , Pcr = 29.8/0.05'22, or
Per = 570 kips

In Table 1.8 and 1.9 are surrnnarized the. or! tical stresses
and lo~ds for all girders., The bend1ngand shear groups
never exceed the elastic limit and thus 0cr1 = ocr and

~cri = ~cr. The eente~ panel of E5-Tl was sUbjec~ed to pure

moment and therefore no' entries are made' under the' qolumns
for shear.

1.7 Deflections

In order to check on the elastic behavior of the

girders, their predicted deflections are evaluated in this
section. Again three groups exist': bending, shear, and

combined loading girders. The centerline deflections are

obtained for the bending and combined groups while the end
deflections are given for the shear girders.

The method of Virtual Work is used to obtain all

deflections. In this method a unit load is applied to
the girder at the point where the deflection is desired
and its resulting moment, m, and shear, v, diagrams drawn.
Then the deflection directly under this "dummy" load is
computed as the sum of the bending and shear contributions:

v = ~
J EI dx + J Vv dx
GA w

In this expression M and V are the moment and shear due to

the actual loading, E = 30,000 ksi is the modulus of elas-
ticity, and G = 11,530 ksi is the shearing modulus. All
integrals extend over the entire girder length where the
origin of the x-axis is taken at the end of each girder.

The units for all quantities and dimensions are kips and

To illustrate the procedure followed in calculating

deflections, the expression for the centerline deflections
of the bending girders is developed now. In the example
shown on the next page, the loading is first pictured, to-
gether with sketches of the areas and moments of inertia of
the girders. Then the moment and shear diagrams, both for
the real and dummy loadings, are drawn. Below these diagrams,
the integrals are written, the first three representing the
moment component and the last one inclUding the shear con-
tribution. Observing the symmetry of the loading and cross

sectional properties, the integrals need only be evaluated

over half the length of the girder and then doubled to obtain
the final value.

SUbstituting the properties of GI-Tl into the resulting

equation (a), where Ie' I m, and Ae equal 15,550 in 4 ,
14,380 in 4 , and 19.10 in 2 respectively, the centerline
deflection for the applied load of cP = 100 kips would be
1.172 inches. In this case the shear component i85.8% of
the total deflection.

Using the same procedure as above, the equations needed

to evaluate all required deflections are obtained. These
expressions are listed on page 31 together with the cases to
which they apply.

C~nterllne Deflection Qf'Bend1ng"Girde~~

p p , "

k ,"150-
" ,
'w Loading
~ , '33J~ ~~ ~~


Ie 1m Mom~ of" Inertia

r~~ llSOP / M-diagram.

~~ m~diagram

+P .. '


+1/2 .1 v~.diagram.

V~ - J: dx + .. J~~w dx .

. :::: 2

o "
EI e
J<PX) (xL2)dX +
. <
J 183'
(150P) (xL2) dx
EI e
. .

270'" 150'
+ J(150~i(x!2)
183 . m...
dx +

= 2xl0.3 [562.~P
. EIe
+ 412.1P + 141 8p + O.0750P
EI,6 EI'
m . Aw'G
, ;

. V
t = p[64.97/Ie.+ 98. 53/Iiri+ O.OI3 01/Ae] (a)

All bending girders, ~xcept Gl)" were reinforced with

ste~l ~lates "afte~ their first test. With a new cross
B~oti,on' 'pre,sent, . whose moment of inerti'a I 'is' 'listed in

th.~: "sp'eclal s<?ct'i.ons" of Table 1.6 the expres~ion for the

centerline deflection,in the second test is:

Vet = P(64.97/Ie .+ 54.~3/Im + 43.59!I + O.013 01/A e ) (b)

The shear girders have a maximum deflection at their

ends. Obse'rving t,p-at the'sa girders ,bav-6 cover plates at

their reaction points " thus having' specia.l moments of

inertia I, the equation 'for' end deflections is:
Va = P(5.689/I e + 7.316/Im + 25.39/1 + O.013 2/Ae,
+.O.0075/Am ) (0)
Girder El, the first of the girder,s' under combined

loading,had its second cover plates term~nated 75 inches

frol11; 1 ts ends. ' Let~ing the moments' of ~nert1a of the
se,ction wi th and wi thout the second cover plates be I m and
I, the relation for centerline deflect~oh is:
( d)

All other girders. under combined loading had constant

cross sections throughout their lengths. As such, the
centerline" deflection's can be found ,from Eq. (d) by sub-

stituting I = lrn.' The resultin'g e'quation is:

Vt = P(22.23/Im + O.00689/Aw) (e)

A summary of girde:r def~ections, co~puted from the

above equations,' ,is given in Table 1.10 Here, the bending

, .
and shear componen'ts o;r the total deflection are listed,
together with the equation that is applied to determine
them. The centerline deflection 18 given for the bending
and combined groups while the end deflection is' listed for
the shear girders. As ~ m~tter of interest, the percentage
of the shear contribution to the total deflection is in-
cluded. All deflections are eva~uated for ~ = 100 kips.
, --33-
. I

Table 1.1'- summa~y o~ . ~G:t:rder Pa,rameters

.'. '1,

S ....:: ~~ stiffener Location of Failure ~
Q).' . tM
tI) -n .. "d ',", " Spacing: C1 . 'arid Reinforcements
'rrj . ' rn 4-). "':~ tJi
H. . 'g;t o 0, t) ~Q) 01 '.Tl " ,T2' Tl ' " 'T2
.,....,., 0,
o 'H
~ .Q)
t.,) rJ)"
Q)" rl (I)
:;: tf) . f=I . T3 T4'," T3 " .,T4

Gl I. 185 .,1.50' 0.75 .CrCJ r::r:cJ

.'II 185 1.50 0.75 ITO crrJ

III 185 1'.5 0.75 rrr:::J m=J
G4 <D
II 388 1.50 0.7,5 ITO r:tD
05 III 388 1.,,50 0.75 ITCJ ITO

G6 I'I 259 .
'1.50' 0.75 ~J !ZIJII] I.

H ',I
ai 0.50 ~ I, I

G7 ,'II' 255 1.00 1.00 [Z[]S]

Table 1.2

Summary of Or-css ,Sectional 'Dimensions

'in inches

Top Flange Bottom Flange Web Thiqkness

Gir- 'Cross Width 'Thick- 'Width Th1ck- Test End
dar ' Sect. ness, ness
20 d 2c d t' t

Gl-" I 20.56 0427 12.25 0.760 0.270 0 .. 38,2

G2 II 12.,19 0.769 12.19 ,0.774 0.,270 0.507

G3 III 8.62 0,.328 12.19 0.770 0.270 0492
G4 II 12.16 0-774 12.19 0.765 0.129 . O. 392
G5 III' 8.62 0.328 12.25 0. 767 0.,129 0.392

G6 II 12.13 0.778 12.13 0.778 O.I?3 0.)69

G7 II 12.19 0.769 12.19 0'.766 0.196 o. 38'1

El IV 20.56 0.427 12.25 . ',' 0.760' 0 . 382

'- .:

E2 V 12.i9 0.769 ' 12.19 '0.774 o ~'507

E4 VI 12.16 0.,774 12.19 0.765 0.392
E5 III. 8.62 0.328 12.25 0.767 0.392
G8 II 12.00 0.752 ',12.00 0.747. 0.197
G9 II 12.00 0.755 12.00 0.745 o.i31

'{'PL A: 15.04 x 0.882, PL c: 16.00 x 1.007

Cover Pl'ates
PL B: 18.00 x 0.750, PL D: 11.19 x 0.510

Summary of r-1a.terial Properties (Gl to G7) .

Des i g n a t i o n Che~ica1 Analysis Mill Tests Fritz Lab. Tests

Thick- Specif'i- Heat Slab C Mh P S CJy _ (Jult El~ng CJyst o-ult Elong Ared 0;
Location ness Coupon cation No. No. % ::t
.r~ % "% ,(ksi) (ks i) 15/
/0 (ksi) (ksi) % % (ksi).
B attorn Gl CP 9 40572 - . 40.2 65.8 30.0 35.8 61.8 33.5 '63.9 127.9_
Top G2 CP 17 40569 420 66.4 29.0 38.6 63.7 27.1 61'.9 120.7
([) Top G4 OF 27 r-I
r- 40511 40.5 66.4 30.0 37.6 63.8 31.5 60.9 125.3
co B attom G3 3/4n OF 40 C\I
40569 .17 .70 .016 .026 42.0 - 66.4 29.0 38.1 63.7 32.1 61.1 125.9
B attorn G5 . c'p 51 ....0 40570 404 65.1 30.0 '37.0 63.0 "32.6 61 . .5 123.3
~ Top G6 CF 54 0::>
40561' h1.9 66 .. 0 30.0 37.9" 63.8 31.4- .59.0 121.4
cd Top G7 Op 62 -..
40568 41.7 65.8 29.0 37.0 63 . 1 31.6 . 59.6 '122.3
M ~
fx.t Top Gl
7/16: T CF 7 >-I
87K270 40833 .22 .59 .011 .029 40.8 66.5 29.0 3.5.2 6~ .5 28.2 59.4 -
Top Gl CF 8 "r""I
35.5 62.2 30.0 58.-1 -
Top Cov. G6 CF 53 33.6 60.8 29.3 61.5
Top Cov. G7 1/2" CP 63 E-t
. 87K254 ,(4859) .22 .59' .008 .023 38.1 63.2 29.0 33.3 60.1 31~e 62.4
- W
'U'\ ...::t
G2 CP 12 I.
CV'\ ~
40671 40.5 66.3 29.0 35.4 63.2 29.9 59.4 - \Jl..
...-i G2 1/2 fT CP 12A r- ed 4067l 40.5 66.3 29.0 343 62.7 24.0. 51.6 - I
G3 OP 35 ('1"'\
r- 41200 40.2 67.8 26.0 37.3 67.4 2E.7 60 .. 0 137.0
~ {\J .22 .59 .Oll .029
t1 G1 OF 2 E-i
rt.1 ..-f
r- 39809 40.9 67.7 28.0 41 69.2 249 51.4 -

3/8" CP
OF 22
2A ctS co 39809
67.7 28.0
67.6 29.0
424 68.4 21.8 32.0'
40.0 67.0 28.2 63.3 105.6'
G1 CP "3 ~ 32.9 55.8 35.1 62.2 -
.D' G1 1/4,i CP~ 3A ..,..;
"d 84K24l > 53268 .13 ,.49 .009 .026 39.1 60.9 28.0 33.0 54.4 346 58.2 . -
G2 CF 13 0
35.3 60.0 31.1 63.3 -

. 0
G6 3/16"
OF 57A
59K346 83483 .22 .50 .008 .020
G7 CP 66 40.8 66.3 24.5 - 36.6 64.2 28.4 52.7 113.4
tr.I G:4 CF 23 40.6 62.9 28.5 43.5 60.7 284 .51.4 104.7
CD G4 OF 236 ASTM-A 40.6 62.9 28.5 43.2 60.9 25.4 63.3 -133.3
GS 1/8 l1 CP 47 245-57T 9%198 - .18 .82 .010 ~022 40.2, 62.3 26.0 46.6 62.'8 27.1 59.9 129.9
G5 CP 47B 40.2 62.3 26.0 44.. 8 63.5 24.2 ,57.9 126.8-
Jii 8" pipe G3 O.322 n CF 3i Grada.p!- - - - - .017 - 40.2 60.4 42.5 35.5' (,51.5) - - -

Note: A ref'ers to call,pon taken in transv~rse dir~ction.

B refers to additional coup-on taken next to the original one, e. g., qP 23 and GP 238


TAB IE . 1.4
Summary of -Material Properties (continued)

Des i g n a t i' 0 n Chemical Analysis Mill Tests Fritz Lab. Tests

. ~

Thick- Speciri- Heat Slab C Mn P S y (j'ult Elong O"'yst O'~lt Elong Ared (Jr
Location Coupon
ness cation No. .No. % % % d1
/0 ksi ks1 % ksi ksi % % ksi

Top Cov. E2 CP E5 - 60.7 32.2 61.5 122.6

Top COV. E2 1" CP E5B p.., -1772 .17 .65 .010 .032. 38.5 62.3 28.0 28..6 60.9_ 31.6 61~9 119.3
Bot.Cov. E2 CP E6 30.3 62.0 30.3 60.4 119.8
..,.; r-i
Tou COV. El CP El Ul C""\ 30.1 59-.8 31.9- 64.2 125.3
Q) Top- Cov. El 7/8" CP_E2 ~ i--i
1773 .17 .64 .008 .032 38_.7 62.8 29.0 30.2 60.2 32.2 62.6 121.1
w Top Coy. El CF. E2B
r-- 30~1 60.8 33.4 62.5 120.4
s:l C"'"\O
as- Bot.Cov. El
r-i Bot.Cov. E1

< as
1771 .16 .65 .011 .031 38.7 63.0 29.0
61.5 31.0 57.9 113.2
60.9 32.0 62.1 119.7
lit Bot.Cov. El CP E4 :z."'C 30.0 62.2 30.2 60.0 121.6 I
3/4 ft
(/) E
<C ..... 0'
Top G8 CPEG3 as C'l""\
40.2 76.1 27.0 . 49.3 123.1 I
Top G8 CPEG4 .... r-i
-~ 42.4 76.7 24.5 53.7 132.2
Top G9 .GP EG9 -0
co 0'
.26 -70 .022 .027 45.1 75.5 22.0 42.1 76.3 22.6 53.5 131.2
Top ;_ G9 CP EGIO ...... r- eo
t"f"\- 41.5 76.6- 25.9 51.5 128.8 'n
C"'\ - '"
r-f . 37.9 57.8 28.1. 58.4 --
:E: t"'"\
G8 3/16 lf CP EGiA ~
en 0'
.13 .52 .008 .028 39'.5 56.7 32.0 384 58.0 28.8 42.2
.0 . . G8 CP EG2 " r- a:>
38.4 57.4 294 62.3 -
(D 8
- roo
;;: G9- CP EG7 U\ -=:t ,l.-::j- 43.8 58.0 23.1 48.8 -
CP EG7A -:E:
fa> C'l""\
,.18 '-49 ,.-011 .0}2 39.6
42.6 '-57.1 21.7 47.2 - ~

G9 . CP EGB rJ]~
<C\I H
cd ~
I 0'
~("\'"\ .
- 56.7 29.0 47.5 59.2 25.0 45.1 -
G9 CP EG8A _<0 0' 44.1 59.2 27.3 47.4 -
Note: A refers to coupon tak~n -m transverse direct-ion
B re:rers to- ~<ldit1onal~oupontakeIl:-next to the -original one~ e-.g., CP E2 and_ CP E23

Table 1.5

Summary of Static Yield stresses

(kips per a'quare' inoh, ks1)

Girder Cr9ss B'langes Webs

Sect. To.p 'Bc)ttom T~st End

Gl I 35.4 35.8 ' 33.0 41.7

G2 I'I 38.6 37.6 35.3 349
G3 III 35.5 38.1 33.7 37.3
G4 II 37.6 37.0 434 40.0

a5 III 35.5 37.0 r~5 9 7 40.0

G6 II 37.9 36.7
G7 II 37.6 36.7

El IV 35.4 35 . 8 41.7
E2 V 38.6 37.6 34-9
E4 VI 37.6 37.0 40.0

E5 III 35.5 37.0 40.0

G8 II 41.3 41.3 38.2

G9 II 41.8 41.8 445

Cover Plates
{PL A: 30.1., PL c: 29.4
PL B': 29.8, PL D: 33.5
, - .38~

Table 1.6'
. , .
'SUmmary of M9m~nts of Inertia "and Se'c.tion Mo'ciuli
, '

,EQd $p~~ .
T. e ,s. 't, S e c t 1 0 n sect." Sect.
G;l.rder : '1m
. 1'n+
Sa "

Sb ':I e ' 'I

in) . ,in 3 "
1n4 .in+

Gl 14,3'80 . 555 568 15,,550 12 , 210

G2 14,940 578 581 17,400 16,170
G3 16,220 488 620 ,~8~530 17,'790"
. G4", 13,4,20 522 519 16,160 14, 6~.,O
G5 14,710 443 561 17,450 16,9$0

Gl? 14,,180 550 550 '16,010 23,750

, G7 14,,100 $4 8 , '547 16,030 23,.7'60

El 52,920 1,922 1,968 33,6,70

E2 39,620 1,480 . 1,485
E4 '34,390 1,.292 1,28.7
.. __....
E5 17,480 $24 .' 672 "-"",,--
G8 i3,640 531. 528
G9 12., 960 505' 501


. Tab'le 1 .. 7

,Summary of Reference, Moment~ and Loads

Girder Test . M'f , My Mp , !?y l'p
k-1n' k-in k-ln kips kips

Tl 15,700 19,600 ,21,900 1)1 148

T2 1Q,400 15,100 18,700 ~Ol' , 118

G2 Tl,T2 '18,400 22,300 .' 24,200 149 167

G3 T~,T2 16',600 17,300 23,600 116 156
G4 Tl,T2 ' 18,000 19,600 '21, 200 130 139
G5 Tl,T2 16,500 15, '700 21,3'00 105 134
G6 Tl,T2,T3 18:,200 20,800 '2'2,600 193 205
G7 Tl,T2 17,900 20,600 22,300 196 208

Tl,T2',T4 .5'~, 000 60,000 ' 68, 600, 826 ,920

T3 36,600 40 ,,700 47,100 905 920

E2 ~1,T2 43,400 48 ,$00 54, 1,00 716 855

Tl 880 905
E4 T2 '39,100 43,000 48,600 658 691
T3 639 666

Tl 248 367
E5 16,500 18,600 27,500
T2 ..... 358 386

.Tl, T3, T4 280 368

a8 18,900 21,900 23,600
T2 410 434

Tl,T3 264 354

G9 , 19,206 21,100 22,700
T2 324 336
Table 1.8

Summary Qf Critical stress'as and Loads

. Bending Girders

Girder Test. on ~ k O'er Per

ksi kips
Tl 1'.50 23.9 ,18.7 70.1
G1' 185
T2 0.75 18.'6 14,.5 41.,9

Tl 1.50
G2 185 23 .. 9 18.7 741 .
, T2 0.75

Tl 1.50
G3 185 23.9 18.7 82.1
T2 0.75

TI' 1.50
G4 388 23.9" 425 15.3 0

T2 0.75

Tl 1.$0,
G5 388 23.9 4,,25' 17.0
T2 0.75

Shear Girders
Girder Te,st a (3 ,k 't" c'r Per
Tl 1.50 7.12 2.84 27.4
G6 T2 . ,0,.75 259 13.5 5.38 51.9
T3 0.50 2,54 10.1 97.6

Tl 1.00
G7 255 9.34 '3.84 37.6
T2 1.00
Table 1.9

Summary of Critical Stresses and Loads

Girders under Combined Loadin,g

Ben~ing . Shear I Combined
Girder ~ (3 I k O'cri k (Jeri, .o-vcri .<rver Per
ksi ks i 1 ksi ks-i I kips

Tl 3.00 5.19 9.01 18.0 . 18.0 332

T2 1.50 7.12 11.1 21.8- 21.8 402
El T3 1.50 131" 23.9 37.2 7 .12 ll~ 1 20.3 20.3 415
T4 1.00 9.34 14.6 27.4 27.4 S06

Tl 3.00 5.79 15.8 37.5 29.8 570
T2 1.59 99 23.9 65.2 " 7 .12 19.4- 44.1 --JO.4 584 1
Tl _.1.50 7'.12 11.6 21~3 21.3 445
~4 "T2 '0.75 128 -23.9' 39-.0 13.5 22. 0 38.5' ' 33.4 513
T3, 0.50 25.4 41.4- 46.9 34.5 517

Tl 0.36
128 23.9 39.0
-- 39'.0 33.-4 - 314
'T2 ,0.75 13.5 22.0 38.-.8 33.4 322

Tl 3.00 5.79 2.40 5.99 5'.99 41.5

T'2 1:..50 7.12 2.96 5.59 5.59 56.4
G8 T3 ~.50 254 - 2).9 .9.91 .. 7.12 2.96 6.96 6.96 48'.3
T4 . . l~OO 9.34 3.88 8.26 ~.26' - 57.3
Tl 3.00 5.79 1.06 ,2.32 . 2.32 12.9
G9 '1'2 1.50 382 -23.9 .. 4-.38- 7.12 '1'.31 2.36 2.36 - 16.8
T3' 1.50 7."12 1.31 ' 2.78 2.__ 18 15-.5
. -42- .

Table 1.10
Summary of GirdC?r Deflect,ions
'(in inches and under nominal lo~d P=lOO kips)

Eq . Deflections due to %Shear

Girder ~est Used Bending Shear Total o Total
Tl (a) 1.1,4 1.172 5.8,
Gl 0.068
T2 (a) 1.225 1.293 5. .3

Tl (al 1.033 1.,084 4.7

G2 0.051
. T2 (b) 1.008 ,1.059 4.8
Tl ,(a) 0.958 '1.011 5.2
G3 0,. 053
T2 (b) 0.931 .0.984 5-4

T'l (a) 1.136 1.202 5.5

,G4 0.066
T2 (b.) 1.102 '1.168 5.6

Tl (a) 1.042 ,1.108 6.0

G$ 0.066
T2 (b) 1.000 1.066 6.2

a6, All (cl 0.194 0.150 0.'344 43.6

G7 All (c ). 0.194 0.147 0.341 43.i

El (d) 0.045 0.034 0.079 43~1

E2 0)
(e) 0.056 0.026 l 0.082 31,.7
E4 (1) (e) O.O~4 0.033 , 0.097 340
E5 r-I
( e,) .0.127 0.033 0.160 20.6
G8 (e) 0.163 0.066 0.229 28 .. 8
G9 .( e) 0.172 0.099 0.271 36.5
!~ Section
Test 1
I y+
4~2U i
-*-- : r;---~~.........L~~U-il
6 -jt= 12'-6,,-J 3'-9"~6-3,l6~3J3~9,L 12'-6'Y~6" IO:'~ 3'-9'1-6'-3"+- 6'-3'~3~* Id-O'~~6"
t-- - , 45-0"-----~ I.. - - - 40'-Cf' - J
. . j . . 1
, 1

V= P

+--- v=-p v=-p

J - . I

~ JI
h Mmolt.=P150"

-Fig. l.l~ Test Setup of Bend-ing Girders Fig. I. 2;: Te-st Setup or Shear Girders'
r- 2c
-j -j 2c G _ 0.328 --L

'p .d

f ~f-
1jtl d

tl--- -

~1 Iat= I ! b=50" )I

1:" III J. b=5o"

.~~ t= 12~S~. -~.~-S"

. ..
. i2'-"6"==:jI-SII ..
26':-6"' ' . . L:.- ill
-.!2C 1- ~2C~ ~2CP-
. Gt G2,G4 G3,G~
V=O.5P; G6 J G7. E5


f t

b=50" VI. I b=50"

LM =
max_ P7S




F"ig. l.>~ Test St?tup o:f G~iptlerEf':'Under F1 ig o 1.Lr' Gi~der Cross Sections
Cornl:;lnec1 IJ{)ading
Thickness 0.431 OA31 0.430 0.425. O~425 O~424 0.427

[~ C~7~] ~~i:~2%'6 .[W>i2~?~??@:I. 0.427 in

Thickness 0.432 OA32 Q430 . 0.4230.423 0.422 0.427

Width 20.5620456 20~56 20.56 20.56 20.56, 2056 in

Girder GI

0.253 0.257 0.259 0~259 0.257

0.264 O~267 0.271 . ,O~270 O~268
c: Test Web
50 ~ 04268 0.271 O~275 O~274 O~272 r O.270in
:c JtSOxlj4
0.274 .rzz: w 0.274 (' 0.277 1Z2 U ????? ??22ZiJ- O~277 0.276

CP3 'CP4
0.277 0.277 0.278 0.278 0.276

(AU dimensions are in inches)

~ ,

Thickness Q760 0759 0759 O~762 0762 0.761

I~ G~9 ~] ~o,t~~";~~,ongel~??c~io?@] 0.760 in

Thickness 0.760 '0759 0758 0.761 0762 04761 04760

Width 1225 1225 1225 12.25 1225 1~25 12425 in


Subject: Coupon Dimensions and Test Results
Specimen No: GP 27 IDate: July 5,1958
Note: Crosshend Spep.d 0.10 inches/minutel Tested by: STY, 80.

Upper '(.F,> 48,60Qlb

Lower Y. F! '.' 46,OOOIb

/" J 46,250 }
_~Il Dynamic'f.F? 46,250 46,2001b
Thickness Width 46.5-45.8
0.769 1.500 Static Y. P. :~:~~~ }43,4001b
0.770 1.500
0.767 1.500 Ult. Lood . 73,500lb
0.769 1.500
Rupture Load ,56,4001b
0.768 1.500
0.769 1.500 Reduced Area . ~ . ~.. O.450j~
0.768 1.499
Elong. Gage Length. ',' 10,49 in
1 0.770

Area 0.768 '1.50=1.152 in 2


Static Yield Stress ~y-~-:

- 43.4 37.6 k SI

Ultimate Stress u -- ~-
1.152 - 638k
S I'
Elongation E= I0.4~9~98'IOO=31.5%
Rupture 'Stress


Teat No., CP..2t Slze U50.0~~t(.Q\ l.leiZ.ti: ~. Yield Point Lbe. Sq. ID......~f&.OQ .. U1tlm8te Str_ LbL Sq_ In 6~............
I Elofll1ation
.~ r
l In.......
r II
1.9.B. .,-=:1'
,..Inchea.,........ '!Iltt ~O.9j' .tllIy'" ~ I:IlTV f
"".,f),,........Per CelJt. EloDlllldoll.......'......"..Per Cent. Reduced Area... ,..~........"Il....Date....K _,,""...M .....'.... ,

n c:
~ 2_
V'l II
.... 0
&It 0
I 0
Vl ~
o due to loCOI

J . .t

, o
30 Average Thickness = 0.323 in.
zoor! i
Average Diameter : 842 in.

Cross Sect- Area, A = 8.56 in2
Yield Load Py ;:: 300 kips
I j
Yield Stress ay = 35.5k.s.i.
=~h ~=~A

100 .I
10 0.310

01 or li" i

j iii

i i i
[ .




i i i

i I i

i i i i

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 ~~lo3


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