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# Flat

* Author: YoArts
* Author URL:
* Contributer: @yoarts, @ghost, @ashfame, @kevinpapst, @abovethewater
* License: GNU General Public License v3.0
* License URI:

## Description

Flat is a responsive WordPress theme designed by YoArts. We would like to say that
Flat is both beautiful and charming at the same time.

## Features

* Responsive layout
* Off-canvas sidebar on handheld devices and small screens
* WordPress customizer options:
* Add site logo
* Add favicon
* Select fonts (via Google Fonts)
* Choose colors
* And more!
* Editor style for a more WYSIWYG post-editing experience
* Fully HTML5 compatible
* [Bootstrap]( 3.3.2
* Fully responsive framework
* Wide variety of CSS effects available
* [Font Awesome]( 4.3.0
* Over 500 icons scalable to any size
* Several icon effects
* Screen reader friendly
* Compatible up to WordPress 4.1
* Customization read via child themes and/or hooks (see below for available hooks)
* Microdata & Microformats - Enhancements for Richer Posts
* Translation ready, with the following languages included:
* Brazilian Portugese
* Dutch
* English
* French
* German
* Russian
* Spanish
* [Grunt]( for compiling LESS to CSS, checking for JS errors,
live reloading, concatenating and minifying files
* [Bower]( for front-end package management

## Resources

Flat is built with the following resources:

* **Code based on [DW Minion](

* Copyright: [DesignWall](
* Licensed under [GPL v3.0](
* **[Bootstrap 3.3.2](**
* Copyright: [@mdo]( and [@fat](
* **[Font Awesome 4.3.0](**
* Copyright: [Dave Gandy](
* Font Awesome licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](
* Code licensed under [MIT License](
* **[HTML5 Shiv 3.7.2](**
* @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem
* Licensed under [MIT/GPL2](

## Contributers

* [TobsCore](
* [Marcus Michaels](
* [Creative-mind](
* [Mrinal Kanti Roy](
* [Victor Perin](
* [Victor Tsaran](
* [Darshan Sawardekar](
* [Teddy Rilliot](
* [Richard Alexander von Moltke Necochea](
* [Didier](
* [abovethewater](
* [Kevin Papst](
* [Ashfame](
* [Rick Beckman](

## Customization

Flat is able to be customized extensively by the [WordPress hooks & filters API]
(, which is a fancy way of saying that
without creating a child theme, you have the freedom to add, remove, and change a
lot of what makes Flat _Flat_. In addition to the default hooks & filters that just
about any WordPress theme has available, Flat is equipped with the following:

### Available hooks

* `flat_html_before`
* `flat_head_top`
* `flat_head_bottom`
* `flat_body_top`
* `flat_body_bottom`
* `flat_header_before`
* `flat_header_after`
* `flat_header_top`
* `flat_header_bottom`
* `flat_content_before`
* `flat_content_after`
* `flat_content_top`
* `flat_content_bottom`
* `flat_entry_before`
* `flat_entry_after`
* `flat_entry_top`
* `flat_entry_bottom`
* `flat_page_before`
* `flat_page_after`
* `flat_page_top`
* `flat_page_bottom`
* `flat_index_before`
* `flat_index_after`
* `flat_index_top`
* `flat_index_bottom`
* `flat_archive_before`
* `flat_archive_after`
* `flat_archive_top`
* `flat_archive_bottom`
* `flat_search_before`
* `flat_search_after`
* `flat_search_top`
* `flat_search_bottom`
* `flat_comments_before`
* `flat_comments_after`
* `flat_comments_top`
* `flat_comments_bottom`
* `flat_sidebar_before`
* `flat_sidebar_after`
* `flat_sidebar_top`
* `flat_sidebar_bottom`
* `flat_404_content`
* `flat_footer_before`
* `flat_footer_after`
* `flat_footer_top`
* `flat_footer_bottom`
* BONUS! All Theme Hook Alliance hooks are included!

### Available filters

* `flat_404_title` (string) The title of the 404 Error page.

* `show_flat_credits` (boolean) Whether to show the default `footer` credits

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