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Saint Academy Daniel Book Club


In Introduction part, the author seems to defy the conventional
wisdom that fighting overwhelming odds such as squaring off against
a Goliath-like giant is nothing to gain, a desperate last resort. In the
authors depiction of the legendary fight involving David and Goliath,
what are the main points of the authors argument when the underdog
challenges a overwhelming giant?
Saint Academy Daniel Book Club

In Chapter 2, the author used the Inverted-U curve to explain that there may
be no significant correlation between the small class-size and better educational
performance. On this point, Teresa De Brito, the principal of Shepaug Valley
Middle School observed very relevant comments on the fabled conventional
thinking that the smaller the class size gets, the better the academic results get.
Whats her point and do you agree with her point of view?
Saint Academy Daniel Book Club


In Chapter 3, the fateful collapse of the prospect of Caroline Sacks as a would-

be promising biologist is well documented. The authors argument in relation
to Big Fish-Little Pond Effect is very cautionary in the sense that it is much
better to be accepted by a less competitive university than by a very competitive
university in terms of longer perspective of your life and career. What are the
main points of this Big Fish-Little Pond Effect and what is your personal
opinion on this effect?

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