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Year Level: 5 Time: 45mins (9:30am 10:15am) Students Prior Knowledge:
Date: 28 June 2017 Terminology eights, fifths, quarters, thirds,
halves, whole, total, numerator, denominator,
Learning Area: Mathematics museum, masterpiece.
The structure of a unit fraction (denominator and
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum: numerator, defined as parts of a whole).
Number and Algebra Fractions and Decimals: It is recommended that this class takes place later
Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and in the calendar year when the students have a
represent them on a number line (ACMNA102) confident grasp of unit fractions.
Students are aware of the Traffic Light Symbols
For Understanding strategy, whereby the teacher
ask the students to indicate their level of
understanding by choosing a traffic light colour:
a) Green for complete understanding;
b) Orange for partial understanding; and
c) Red for little or no understanding.

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only) Understanding, Problem-Solving and Reasoning
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Apply knowledge of unit fractions to construct three unit fraction models using a variety of materials (show
what they know);
Identify and Explain the unit fractions represented in the unit fraction models using appropriate terminology
(oral); and
Record unit fractions represented in the unit fraction models using appropriate symbols and written
terminology (written).
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
6 x manipulatives group: containing pom-poms, A demonstration of the lessons activity will be
feathers, Cuisenaire rods, double-sided counters, pop- presented to the class by the teacher (Modelling).
sticks etc (approximately 30 of each). Students experiencing difficulty will be asked to
12 x post-it note pads (76mm x 76mm recommended represent simpler unit fractions (, , etc),
for this lesson). however, they can still complete the rest of the
30 x textas. task as normal. Prompting questions may also be
1 x spare desk (to be used as teacher demonstration asked by the teacher, including how could we
table). show this unit fraction? and what would we
1 x teachers chair. need to do with the (feathers) to create a unit
30 x Unit Fraction Museum Tour student work sheets fraction?
(one per student) (Refer to Attachment 6). Extension students will be asked to stretch
30 x clipboards (put one student worksheet inside). themselves and represent difficult unit fractions.
Objective recording sheet with rubric (Refer to Other questions could include; what have you
Attachment 5). noticed? (possible similarities between
List of student pairs (for second part of the lesson). representations or even equivalent unit fractions
(Year 6 WA Curriculum Standard)), how else
1 x camera to take photos of students work (to be
could you show me this unit fraction?, could you
glued to their worksheets in a later lesson).
make a more complex unit fraction, can you
write this another way without using numbers
Manipulatives = any of various objects or materials that ask them to write a pictorial unit fraction on their
students can touch and move around in order to help them worksheet or can you find a similar model or
learn mathematical and other concepts. museum that has been made like yours? How
do you know?

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Setting: Year 5 class desks are positioned in groups of 4/5.
3 mins Motivation and Introduction:
Prior to lesson: Refer to
(9:30am 1) Greet the students and invite them to sit on the floor at the front of the Attachment 1. At the
classroom facing the teachers chair to begin the lesson. front of the classroom,
9:33am) position the teachers
2) Once you are seated in the teachers chair, ask the students if they have chair and table side-by-
ever visited a museum before. Follow this question with other probing side, facing the
questions: students. Next, place
What are some things that you can find at a museum? (students will three groups of
raise their hands - allow two/three students to respond (time depending)). manipulatives (four pop-
sticks (one green/ three
Have you ever noticed at the bottom of an exhibit there is usually an white), four pom-poms
information sign which tells you its name and some details about it? (two blue/ two pink),
(students will raise their hands - allow one student to answer). seven feathers (three
3) Once the student has finished answering the question, and you have blue/ four orange), one
appropriately responded (i.e. yes thats correct or thats an excellent pen and three post-it
example etc), explain to the students the purpose of the lesson: notes on the table ready
for the demonstration.
In todays lesson, youre going to have some fun making your very own Finally, place a box of
unit fraction museums, and you will be using your creativity and the manipulatives in the
knowledge of unit fractions to create three masterpieces for your middle of each desk
museum. group with two post-it
4) Advise that the lesson is to demonstrate that unit fractions can be note pads and six
represented through a variety of forms. Show students the lesson textas to create a
objectives and read them aloud. manipulatives station.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

5 mins Guided Discovery
(9:33am 5) Bring the students attention to the spare desk next to the teachers chair
with the three pre-prepared groups of manipulatives. In front of the class,
9:38am) 5) Spare desk, four
pick up the four pop-sticks (one green and three white) and create a pop-sticks (one green
masterpiece using all four. Once completed, say to the class: and three white).
I have created the first masterpiece using one green pop-stick and three
white pop-sticks. What unit fraction is being represented here?
Choose one student to answer. If they state the unit fraction correctly
(answer = either or ), then ask the class:
Can anyone think of another unit fraction that is being represented
Choose one student at a time to answer (answer = either or ).
6) Once the student has answered correctly, pick up the post-it notes and 6) Post-it notes and
the pen on the desk and write what unit fraction is being represented pen.
(choose ). Explain this to the class:
Refer to Attachment 2.
Using the post-it notes, I am going to write the unit fraction that is being

represented and place it next to the masterpiece as my information sign.
It will be up to you to choose and correctly label what unit fraction your
masterpiece will represent, as we have clearly identified that sometimes
unit fractions can be interpreted in many different ways.
7) Bring the classs attention to the second group of manipulatives, and
demonstrate another example using the pom-poms and feathers (two 7) Two blue pom-poms,
blue pom-poms, one blue feather and two pink pom-poms). Write another one blue feather, two
post-it note () and place it next to the masterpiece. After the pink pom-poms, pen
and post-it notes.
demonstration, advise the class that they dont necessarily need to use
the same type of manipulatives for their masterpieces they can be as Refer to Attachment 3.
creative as they like, as long as they can clearly demonstrate and justify
what unit fraction the masterpiece represents.
8) Using the third pile of manipulatives (two blue feathers and four orange 8) Two blue feathers,
feathers), create the final masterpiece, but this time write a question mark four orange feathers,
on the post-it note. Explain this to the class: pen and post-it notes.
The third and final masterpiece will be your mystery masterpiece. This Refer to Attachment 4.
means that instead of correctly labelling the represented unit fraction, you
will need to write a question mark on the post-it instead. This is because
later in todays lesson you will be visiting another students museums and
working-out what unit fraction their mystery masterpiece represents.
9) To check for understanding, ask the class whether everyone understands
what the task for the first part of the lesson is. Use the Traffic Light 9) Manipulatives
Symbols for Understanding strategy to check for student understanding. stations in the middle of
Once the students understand the task, ask the students to return to their grouped desks.
desk groups and advise that their masterpiece materials (manipulatives
stations) are in the centre of their desk groups. Also state that they should
be as creative as they like, but the exhibitions need to remain on their

20 mins Exploration Part 1: Show what you know

(9:38am 10) Allow students to create their three masterpieces, remembering to label
two with the represented unit fraction and label their mystery
9:58am) masterpiece with a question mark (PROBLEM-SOLVING).

11) During this time, move around the classroom with the objective recording
sheet. Assess individual students understanding and application with 11) Objective recording
open-ended questions: sheet.
Can you tell me what youre making?
How are you going to represent your unit fraction? Refer to Attachment 5.
How do you know that you are right? have the students teach
you. Listen to the students justification and explanation to gauge
their level of understanding and determine whether their unit fraction
representation is correct (REASONING).
What other unit fractions can you make within this masterpiece?
see whether they can acknowledge other unit fractions, as outlined in
Parts 5-6 of Guided Discovery.
How do you say this unit fraction? encourage students to use the
correct unit fractional language.

Be sure to appropriately respond to the students (i.e great work or

thats a really good explanation etc).

12) Walking around and meeting with each student makes it easy to
individualise the lesson. For students who are experiencing difficulty or
require extension, refer to Provision for students at educational risk.

13) Take photos of the students and their work for later assessment and 13) Camera to take
documentation in their maths journals. photos of students
14) With five minutes to go, remind the students that they have five minutes
left to make your three masterpieces. Make sure you correctly label them
for your visitors.

15) After five minutes, have students stop work, stop talking and bring the 15) Teachers chair
focus back to you by using the clap back the rhythm strategy. Once students required to
silent, ask the students to bring a pencil and invite them to sit back down bring a pencil.
on the mat in front of the teachers chair.
12 mins
Exploration Part 2: Think, Pair, Share
(9:53am 16) Once seated, remind students that they will be divided into pre-assigned 16) Example copy of
pairs and will be visiting each others museums. Explain this to the class: Unit Fraction Museum
10:09am Tour worksheet and
) For the next part of the lesson, youre going to have the opportunity to pen.
visit each others museums. You will have a pre-assigned partner and you
will be taking inturns to be the visitor and the tour guide. Each of you will Refer to Attachment 6.
be given a worksheet to complete (show this to the students), and you
will need to write your name and the museum you visited first (being your
partners name).

Lets pretend that Matilda and Clay are partners and they are visiting
Matildas museum. As Clay is the visitor to Matildas museum, he will
need to record what unit fractions he sees on the worksheet (hold and
point to the corresponding section of the worksheet), for example . As
the tour guide, it will be Matildas responsibility to explain to Clay why she
named her unit fraction masterpiece . She cant just say, because it is
, she needs to explain in detail. So she could say, because one out of
the three pieces was yellow.

At the bottom of the sheet is room for you to write what unit fraction you
think your partners mystery masterpiece represents. Once you think you
know what it is, talk to your partner to see whether youre right. If you
dont find the unit fraction straight away, ask your partner to provide some
more information such as what colours am I supposed to be looking at.
That way you can think about it a little more and hopefully find the
answer. Does everybody understand?.

17) Use the Traffic Light Symbols for Understanding strategy to check for 17) Clipboards (1 per
student understanding. Once the student understand the task, tell the student) with Unit
students that you will call out the group pairs. As you call out each Fraction Museum Tour
member of the group, hand each student one clipboard with the Unit worksheet inside.
Fraction Museum Tour worksheet inside, and let them start the activity.

18) Once again, move around the classroom with the objective recording 18) Objective recording
sheet. Individually assess the students understanding and application by sheet.
listening to their partner explanations (REASONING).

19) With five minutes to go, advise students that for those who finish the
activity early, they are allowed to visit other students museums to
determine what unit fraction is represented in their mystery masterpieces.
Have the students bring their clipboards and continue documenting
information on their recording sheets.

5 mins
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
m 20) After five minutes, invite the students to sit on the mat facing the 20) Teachers chair

teachers chair and hand you back the clipboards with the student students hand back
worksheets inside. clipboards with
worksheet inside.
21) Once seated, provide the students with some feedback. Tell the students
that you saw some wonderful and creative examples of unit fractions in
their museums.

22) Provide the opportunity for student reflection. Have the students share
verbally the unit fraction masterpieces they felt were extra interesting or
creative. Ask the students what they enjoyed about the activity, what they
found challenging, and how would they change the activity.

23) Read the lesson objectives again to the students. Ask for a show of
hands if they think they have met them.

24) Provide students with their take home message, that unit fractions can
be represented through a variety of forms.

1 min Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

(10:14a 25) Student will be required to pack up their masterpieces and place the
m manipulatives back in their appropriate containers.
) Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
The lesson objectives will be judged by the following means:
Photos taken of students unit fraction models and labels (objectives 1
and 3). As the models will be dismantled at the end of the lesson, the
teacher will be able to have a record of whether the students has
constructed a unit fraction model and created an appropriate label.
Observational assessment conducted and recorded on objective
recording sheet (objectives 1 and 2). By visiting each student, this
allows the teacher to gauge their prior knowledge, assess the students
level of understanding, and also determine whether they require
additional extension or assistance.
Collect student Unit Fraction Museum Tour worksheet (objective 3).
By examining a sample of the students work, this will allow the teacher
to gauge the students level of understanding (i.e. can they represent
this fraction using symbols and words? Can they translate their visual
knowledge into written knowledge?).


Department of Education Victoria. (2007). How do we know when students understand?. Department of
Education Victoria. Retrieved 7 March 2017, from (2017). The definition of manipulatives. Retrieved 7 March 2017, from

Dower, T. (2014). UbD Lesson Plan Template--Fraction Museum Lesson. Retrieved 7
March 2017, from

Scholastic Instructor. (2010). Fraction Lesson: teach your class fractions with Math Man. Retrieved from

School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2017). k10outline - Mathematics v8.1. Retrieved 7 March 2017, from (1998). Travel Clipart. [Online Image]. Retrieved from

as_st=y&tbm=isch& hl=en&as_q=tour+guide&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&cr=&as
on&as_st=y&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbas=0&*&imgrc=vO3QxEMiU JF-mM:.


MUSEUM VISITED_____________________________


1. _____________________________
Write this using symbols Write this using

2. _____________________________
Write this using symbols Write this using


3. _____________________________
Write this using symbols Write this using

Assessment of Objectives Recording Sheet
Objective Photo of MY
3 (Exceeds Masterpieces!
2 (Meets 1 (Below Comments
Expectations) Expectations) Expectations)
Objective 1: The student was The student was The student was (i.e. what
Apply knowledge able to recall and able to construct unable to, or had prompting was
of unit fractions to apply previous manipulatives to difficulty required)
construct three fractional form three unit constructing
unit fraction knowledge to fraction models, manipulatives to
models using a construct three unit with teacher form three unit
variety of fraction models assistance. fraction models.
materials (show from manipulatives,
what they know). without teacher
Objective 2: The student was The student was The student was
Identify and able to identify the able to identify the unable to, or had
Explain the unit specific unit fraction specific unit fraction difficulty identifying
fractions within each unit within each unit the specific unit
represented in the fraction model, fraction model, with fraction within each
unit fraction without teacher teacher assistance. unit fraction model.
models using assistance.
appropriate The student shows The student shows The student shows
terminology (oral). complete reasonable poor understanding
understanding and understanding and and is unable to
uses correct partial terminology explain the basis of
terminology when when explaining the fraction they
explaining the basis the basis of the have identified,
of the fraction they fraction they have without using the
have identified. identified. correct terminology.

Objective 3: The student was The student was The student was
Record unit able to correctly able to correctly unable to correctly
fractions record the unit record the unit record the unit
represented in the fractions fractions fractions
unit fraction represented using represented using represented using
models using appropriate appropriate appropriate
appropriate symbols and written symbols and written symbols and
symbols and terminology, without terminology, with written terminology.
written teacher assistance. teacher assistance.

Student Name: ____________________________

Further Comments:


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