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Coarctation of the Pulmonary Artery and

Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis*


Malmo, Sweden

HE SKODAIC THEORY of the etiology of In 1959 Shafter and Bliss" made a survey of
T coarctation of the aorta postulates that
coarctation is produced by an extension of the
all published reports of cases of narrowing or
stenosis of the pulmonary artery and found
obliterating tissue from the ductus arteriosus thirty-three such cases . They described an
into the aortic wall . Since a coarctation of the additional five cases . In four of these the
pulmonary artery has never been observed at diagnosis was made by catheterization of the
the pulmonary end of the ligament of the ductus heart without angiocardiography ; because of
arteriosus, it has been argued that the hypothesis this it is difficult to define the exact anatomic
is not tenable .' position of the stenosis . Trower et al ." have
Since 1953, several cases have been described recently published two cases, one of which was
with a narrowing not only in the pulmonary successfully corrected under hypothermia .
artery at the origin of the ductus arteriosus Thus, a review of the literature has shown
but also peripherally in the branches of the that several cases have been diagnosed by
pulmonary artery . Sondergaard' reported catheterization alone without angiocardiog-
three cases, all of which had a pulmonary raphy . We have observed one case in which
valvular or infundibular stenosis and a nar- catheterization did not give the diagnosis but
rowing of the pulmonary artery at the bifurca- angiocardiography did .
tion . The author called the last-mentioned
anomaly "coarctation of the pulmonary ar-
tery ." Schumacher and Luries and Coles The patient was a twenty-one year old carpenter
et al 4 have each described one case of pulmonary with heart disease diagnosed at school . He had
valvular stenosis in combination with a coarcta- never been cyanotic but had always complained of
breathlessness on exertion, but not during routine
tion of the pulmonary artery . Powells de- work .
scribed a . similar case in which there was no Examination in 1957 showed a patient of normal
evidence of a pulmonary valvular stenosis but body build (and normal strength) without cyanosis
this lesion could not be excluded with certainty . or dyspnea at rest . A slight precordial bulging
Vermillion6 described two cases, one with a was found and a systolic murmur (grade 4) over the
ventricular septal defect and the other with a pulmonary area as well as a thrill and an accentuated
pulmonary valvular stenosis, both having a pulmonary second sound . The electrocardiogram
narrowing of the right pulmonary artery . (Fig. 1) showed normal axis deviation with a QRS
Similar peripheral narrowings have been de- duration of 0 .11 second . P waves were prominent
scribed in ever increasing number since Oppen- but not definitely increased above normal values .
In the precordial leads marked signs of right ventricu-
heimer 7 reported the first case of multiple nar-
lar preponderance were found. The roentgenologic
rowings of the pulmonary artery . Thus, Arvids- examination (Fig. 2) showed slight enlargement of
son et al .8 contributed two cases ; Gyllensvard the heart, especially of the right ventricle, with
et al . 9 described eight cases including one or two a relative volume of 690 cc . per square M . of body
with a narrowing at the bifurcation ; and D'Silva surface (Liljestrandu) and dilatation of the pulmonary
et al ., 10 ten cases . artery . The pulmonary vasculature was sparse .
From the Cardiological Laboratory of the Department of Medicine, the Department of Thoracic Surgery, and
the Department of Roentgenology, Allmanna Sjukhusct, Malmo, Sweden .
j' Present address : Department of Medicine, Serafimerlasarettet, Stockholm, Sweden .

JULY 1961 109

110 Hall et al.

FIG. 1 . Electrocardiogram demonstrating 'gh

FIG . 2 .Roentgenograms (P-A and lateral views) showing increased heart size (right ventricle) and prominence of
the pulmonary artery . Note the decreased vascularity of the lungs, more on the left than on the right side .

F G. 3 . Angiocardiogram demons ra mg pulmonary valvular stenosis and coaretation of the pulmonary artery .


Coarctation of the Pulmonary Artery 111

Right heart catheteication showed a mean pressure found three patients with pulmonary valvular
of 7 mm . Hg in the right atrium, 181/0 in the right stenosis and a pressure gradient of more than
ventricle and 26/8 in the pulmonary artery with a 30 rum . Hg out of 290 patients with patent
mean pressure of 11 mm . Hg . Pressure was meas- ductus . Thus, the combination of a pulmo-
ured in the right pulmonary artery (8 11 mm . Hg)
nary valvular stenosis and a patent ductus with
but not in the left branch . Pulmonary capillary
a high pressure difference across the pulmonary
venous pressure was 6 mm . Hg. Where were no
signs of left to right shunt and there was normal valve is rare" On the other hand, if a high
oxygen saturation in the brachial artery . pulmonary resistance may be established at
Angiocardiography showed a narrowing of the left birth, the frequency of patent ductus ought to
pulmonary artery at the pulmonary end of the ductus be high according to this theory . In 115
artcriosus and also a pulmonary valvular stenosis cases of patent ductus, Wood" found an Eisen-
(Fig . 3) . menger reaction (bidirectional or reversed
Operative Findings : The patient was operated upon shunt) in 13 .3 per cent . Thus, the combination
with a left-sided posterolateral incision and resection
of a high pulmonary resistance and a patent
of the fourth rib_ The right ventricle was extremely
ductus seems to be fairly common .
enlarged and the pulmonary artery dilated . The
We believe that we can neither exclude the
coarctation of the left pulmonary artery was marked
and there was no patent ductus . Surgical relief of possibility of a connection between valvular pul-
the coarctation was not considered necessary . A monary stenosis and coarctation of the pulmonary
transventricular dilatation of the pulmonary valve artery nor exclude the skodaic theory on the basis
was made with Brock's dilator, and the systolic pres- of the fact that we have not observed any co-
sure in the right ventricle fell promptly from 130 to arctation at the pulmonary end of the ligament
75 mm . I1g ; the mean pressure in the pulmonary of ductus arteriosus, as such cases are ob-
artery rose from 7 to 27 mm . Hg . The postoperative served .
period was uncomplicated .
Re-examination one Year later revealed that the
heart volume had diminished . The electrocardio-
gram showed no further changes and the patient was A case is reported of coarctation of the pul-
in good health . monary artery at the pulmonary end of the
ligament of the ductus artcriosus in combina-
tion with a pulmonary valvular stenosis . The
In the literature there are to be found at
valvular stenosis was operated on with Brock's
least five cases with a proved narrowing of the
dilator with good result .
pulmonary artery at the pulmonary end of the The combination of these two malformations
ligament of the ductus arteriosus in combination
and the possibility of a high pressure difference
with a pulmonary infundibular or valvular
between the right ventricle and the pulmonary
stenosis . The pressure gradient between the
artery as a possible cause of coarctation are
right ventricle and the pulmonary artery in briefly discussed .
some of these cases was extremely high . For
the diagnosis it is important to make pressure REFERENCES
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