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Style Guide Version 6


Version Date Changes

1.1 13-11-2008 Part II I. English and II. German added.
Part I Paragraphs changed: Unit of
measurements, Bias-Free Language,
Consistency, Idiomaticity and Style
1.2 17-12-2008 Part II / III. French added.
1.3 13-01-2009 Part II New rule concerning use of quotation
marks (in red).
1.4 25-02-2009 Part II / III. Franais / c. Terminologie / 1.
Terminologie John Deere (F-/V-Type tractor rule)
1.5 16-02-2009 Part II IV. Spanish added.
1.6 09-10-2009 Part II / III. Franais /d. Ponctuation / 2. Guillemets
13.10.2009 Part I / f. Factory and product Overview modified
1.7 02.02.2010 Part I / III Declarations of conformity added
1.8 14-06-2010 Part II, English d: (Legends, anchors, captions,
specifications, index) changed.
1.9 29-09-2010 Part I, section IV modified (AMS translations).
2.0 22-02-2012 Annex III Units of Measurement changed
2.1 23-02-2012 Part III, e. 1 modified (rule on nombres ordinaux
3.0 22-01-2014 Updated cover and pub num info
Removed Trados references
Added SCTM info
Updated Multiple Translation Segment info
Legends info in French
Russian added
List of control units deleted
4.0 01-07-2015 Deleted Bias-free language (II X) and added Entities
and punctuation (II X)
Updated I d
5.0 01-02-2016 Updates to language-neutral guidelines: all sections,
especially crossTerm and Source Text
Updates to all languages to avoid redundancies
New Polish section
Removed units of measurement, updated
trademark list
6.0 01-04-2017 Substantial changes in most chapters of the
language-neutral section
New Romanian, Czech and Portuguese sections
Minor updates in other languages
Trademark lists updated


PART I LANGUAGE NEUTRAL GUIDELINES.................................................................................................................................. 7

GENERAL INFORMATION ON JOHN DEERE PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 7
a. Source Language ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
b. First Translation Edit (FTE) .......................................................................................................................................... 7
c. Publication Types......................................................................................................................................................... 7
d. Deere Language Codes ................................................................................................................................................ 8
e. Regional / Language Code Numbering for CTMs and TMs ......................................................................................... 9
f. Publication Numbers referenced on CTM and TM Covers ........................................................................................... 9
g. Factory and Product Overview .................................................................................................................................. 10
THE JOHN DEERE BRAND AND TRADEMARKS ............................................................................................................................ 13
a. John Deere Brand ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
b. Trademarks ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
DECLARATIONS OF CONFORMITY ............................................................................................................................................ 15
LANGUAGE AND ART/DISPLAYS ......................................................................................................................................... 16
CONSISTENCY, IDIOMATICITY AND STYLE .................................................................................................................................. 20
TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
a. crossTerm .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
1. Definition and purpose....................................................................................................................................................... 21
2. How to use crossTerm ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
b. Terminology rules ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
COMPREHENSION AND MISTAKES IN SOURCE TEXT ............................................................................................................... 27
STRUCTURE AND CONTEXT MATCHES ................................................................................................................................. 27
UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 28
LAYOUT ISSUES ................................................................................................................................................................... 28
ENTITIES AND PUNCTUATION ............................................................................................................................................ 30
ANCHORS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
a. General ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
b. Control Units/Control Softwares ............................................................................................................................... 32
PART II - LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................................ 33
ENGLISH ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
a. Translating Technical Publications - Style ................................................................................................................. 33
1. Imperative Form ............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
2. Understandable Style ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
b. Titles .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
1. Section, Group and Block Titles ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
2. Subblocks and Diagnostic Steps ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
c. Legends, Captions, Index Entries, Specifications and Anchors .................................................................................. 37
1. Legends .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
2. Captions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
3. Index Entries................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
4. Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
5. Anchors .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
6. Units of Measurement ................................................................................................................................................................... 39
d. Numbers .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
e. Fractions .................................................................................................................................................................... 40
f. Punctuation ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
1. Lists ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
2. Parenthesis..................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
3. Introductory Phrase........................................................................................................................................................................ 41
4. Introductory Verb ........................................................................................................................................................................... 41
g. Emphasis on Text....................................................................................................................................................... 42
h. Grammar ................................................................................................................................................................... 42
1. Verbs Followed by Object and Infinitive ......................................................................................................................................... 42
2. Verbs Followed by Infinitive ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
3. Hyphens ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
4. Apostrophe..................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
i. Terminology .............................................................................................................................................................. 44
1. Onto or on to .................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
2. Fewer or less .................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
DEUTSCH........................................................................................................................................................................... 45
a. Stilistische Richtlinien ................................................................................................................................................ 45
1. Infinitiv versus persnlicher Stil bei Handlungsanweisungen ......................................................................................................... 45
2. Passive Konstruktion versus aktive man-Konstruktion ................................................................................................................ 45
3. Unpersnlicher Stil versus erste Person Plural ............................................................................................................................... 46
4. Hervorhebungen ............................................................................................................................................................................ 46
5. Indexeintrge ................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
6. Abkrzungen .................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
b. Grammatik ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
1. Alte versus neue Rechtschreibung .................................................................................................................................................. 47
2. Satzbau .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
3. Interpunktion ................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
1. Anfhrungszeichen ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
2. Listen und Aufzhlungen .................................................................................................................................................... 49
4. Zahlen und Ziffern .......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
1. Im Text ............................................................................................................................................................................... 50
2. In Legenden........................................................................................................................................................................ 50
3. Leerzeichen ........................................................................................................................................................................ 50
c. Terminologie ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
1. Wahl der Verben (Partikelverben) .................................................................................................................................................. 50
2. Komposita ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
3. Beziehungsweise ............................................................................................................................................................................ 51
FRANAIS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
a. Style ........................................................................................................................................................................... 52
b. Grammaire et orthographe ....................................................................................................................................... 54
1. Temps ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
2. Infinitif/impratif ........................................................................................................................................................................... 54
3. Subjonctif/indicatif ......................................................................................................................................................................... 54
4. Orthographe................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
c. Terminologie ............................................................................................................................................................. 54
1. Terminologie John Deere................................................................................................................................................................ 54
2. crossTerm ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
3. Registre linguistique ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56
4. Abrviations et acronymes ............................................................................................................................................................. 56
5. Erreurs de traduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57
d. Ponctuation ............................................................................................................................................................... 57
1. Majuscules et minuscules............................................................................................................................................................... 57
2. Guillemets ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
3. Espace inscable ............................................................................................................................................................................ 58
4. Parenthses et crochets ................................................................................................................................................................. 58
e. Nombres et units de mesure.................................................................................................................................... 58
1. Nombres ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
2. Units de mesure ........................................................................................................................................................................... 58
f. Titres, listes et ancres et lgendes ............................................................................................................................. 59
1. Titres .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 59
2. Listes .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 59
3. Lgendes ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 60
ESPAOL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 61
a. Introduccin .............................................................................................................................................................. 61
b. Estilo .......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
c. Gramtica.................................................................................................................................................................. 61
1. Uso del infinitivo o el estilo impersonal .......................................................................................................................................... 61
2. Uso del tiempo futuro o el tiempo presente ................................................................................................................................... 62
3. Uso de la voz pasiva o la voz activa ............................................................................................................................................... 62
4. Traduccin de la forma ing .......................................................................................................................................................... 62
5. La construccin sintctica nombre + a + infinitivo ......................................................................................................................... 63
d. Puntuacin ................................................................................................................................................................ 63
1. Guin largo .................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
2. Uso de maysculas ......................................................................................................................................................................... 63
3. Unidades de medida....................................................................................................................................................................... 64
4. Numerales ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 64

5. Comillas .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
e. Terminologa ............................................................................................................................................................. 65
1. Glosario .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
2. Traduccin de trminos con diversas acepciones........................................................................................................................... 65
3. Siglas .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
f. Ttulos y textos de enlace .......................................................................................................................................... 67
1. Ttulos............................................................................................................................................................................................. 67
1. Formato ............................................................................................................................................................................. 67
2. Traduccin ......................................................................................................................................................................... 67
2. Textos de enlace (anchors) ............................................................................................................................................................. 67
RUSSIAN............................................................................................................................................................................ 69
a. John Deere .............................................................................................................................. 69
b. ................................................................................................................................................ 70
c. ...................................................................................................................................... 70
d. ......................................................................................................................................................... 71
e. ................................................................................................................ 71
f. .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
g. .................................................................................................................................................... 73
POLSKI ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
a. Sposb zwracania si do czytelnika........................................................................................................................... 74
b. Tytuy sekcji/grupy/bloku .......................................................................................................................................... 74
c. Legendy, opisy rysunkw (captions), pozycje indeksu, specyfikacje i odsyacze ....................................................... 76
1. Legendy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
2. Opisy rysunkw (captions) ............................................................................................................................................................. 77
3. Pozycje indeksu .............................................................................................................................................................................. 77
4. Specyfikacje.................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
5. Odsyacze ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
d. Przyciski, ikony, interfejs uytkownika ...................................................................................................................... 78
e. Cudzysowy, czniki, ppauzy, pauzy ...................................................................................................................... 79
1. Cudzysowy..................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
2. czniki........................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
3. Ppauzy ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
4. Pauzy .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
f. Jednostki, liczby ......................................................................................................................................................... 80
g. Listy punktowane ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
ROMN ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
a. Stilul ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83
b. Titlurile ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
1. Infinitivul lung .................................................................................................................................................................... 83
2. Articolul hotrt................................................................................................................................................................. 83
c. Diacriticele ................................................................................................................................................................. 83
d. Numerele, unitile de msur i intervalele numerice............................................................................................. 84
1. Ordinea unitilor .............................................................................................................................................................. 84
2. Unitile imperiale ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
3. Pluralul unitilor de msur............................................................................................................................................. 84
4. Separatorii coreci ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
5. Spaiul dintre numr i unitatea de msur ....................................................................................................................... 85
6. Intervalele numerice .......................................................................................................................................................... 85
7. Alte reguli .......................................................................................................................................................................... 85
e. Majusculele i literele mici ........................................................................................................................................ 86
f. Ghilimelele ................................................................................................................................................................. 86
g. Termeni preferai ...................................................................................................................................................... 87
h. Greeli frecvente........................................................................................................................................................ 88
ESKY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 89
a. Neosobn forma ......................................................................................................................................................... 89
b. Nzvy kapitol, st, blok......................................................................................................................................... 89
c. Uvozovky, spojovnk a pomlka................................................................................................................................. 91
1. Uvozovky ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
2. Spojovnk (-)................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
3. Pomlka () .................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
d. Jednotky .................................................................................................................................................................... 92
e. Smrnice a nzvy norem ............................................................................................................................................ 93
f. Pdavn jmna elov a djov ............................................................................................................................. 94

g. Jednotnost pvlastk shodnch a neshodnch .......................................................................................................... 94
h. Termn OPERATOR .............................................................................................................................................. 94
PORTUGUESE ............................................................................................................................................................. 95
a. Capitalization ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
b. Grammar ................................................................................................................................................................... 95
ANNEX .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
CTM REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................................. 96
QUERY TEMPLATE ............................................................................................................................................................... 98
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN JOHN DEERE TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENTS .............................................................................. 99
JOHN DEERE TRADEMARK LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 101
COMMONLY USED NON-DEERE PRODUCT TRADEMARKS .......................................................................................................... 130

Part I Language Neutral Guidelines

General Information on John Deere Publications

a. Source Language
About 85% of John Deere publications are authored in English. Some publications coming from Brazil,
Germany and China factories are written in the local language. These publications are translated into
English first. The English translation is used as source for all other languages.

b. First Translation Edit (FTE)

First Translation Edit (FTE) is a John Deere process in which a John Deere technical translator creates the
first translation of a publication (into English, German, French or Spanish). At the same time, the
translator edits the source text to improve readability and translatability and eliminates errors in the
source text. Translations into other languages are only started after First Translation Edit. FTE is not
carried out for all publications.

c. Publication Types
- OPERATOR'S MANUALS (OM) contain operating, maintenance, safety and service
- PREDELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS (PDI) provide information about proper assembly,
adjustment, and pre-delivery service for a machine.
- INSTRUCTIONS explain how to unload, assemble, adjust, or use a complete good or a
service part. There are Installation Instructions (II) and Unloading Instructions (UI).
- SERVICE RECORD BOOKLETS contain service schedules for the machines.
- TECHNICAL MANUALS (TM) provide service technicians information on how to repair or
completely overhaul a John Deere machine and include diagnostic, test, adjustment,
theory of operation and repair information. For most machines, there are both a
Diagnostic Technical Manual and a Repair Technical Manual. Some manuals cover both
diagnostics and repair.
- COMPONENT TECHNICAL MANUALS (CTM) include diagnostic, test, adjustment, theory of
operation and repair information of components. Typically these components are used
on more than one vehicle; e.g., engines, axles, hydraulic pumps and motors.
technicians with information for troubleshooting specific complaints and symptoms.
- PARTS CATALOGS (PC) are the basic source of information about replacement parts for
the dealer and the customer.

d. Deere Language Codes
ISO 639- John Deere
1 Language Lang. Code
ar Arabic 04
sq Albanian A7
bg Bulgarian 11
cs Czech 16
da Danish 74
de German 29
el Greek 30
en English 19
es Spanish 63
et Estonian 21
fi Finnish 22
fr French 28
hr Croatian A5
he Hebrew 33
hu Hungarian 35
is Icelandic 85
it Italian 39
ja Japanese 40
kk Kazakh KK
km Khmer KM
ko Korean 44
lt Lithuanian 26
lv Latvian 25
mk Macedonian A8
mt Maltese 48
nl Dutch 18
no Norwegian 78
pl Polish 53
pt Portuguese 54
ro Romanian 58
ru Russian 59
sk Slovak 76
sl Slovenian 82
sr Serbian A6
sv Swedish 67
th Thai 81
tr Turkish 80
ug Uyghur UG
uk Ukrainian UK
vi Vietnamese 83
zh Chinese 14

e. Regional / Language Code Numbering for CTMs and TMs
Up to November 2006, every TM and CTM has had a unique number for every language (e.g. Tractors
6820, 6920 and 6920S Repair: TM4756 - English, TM4966 Hungarian; Alternators and Starter Motors:
CTM77 English, CTM576 Greek). All authored publications created on or after 01 November 2006 no
longer have unique numbers for every language. Instead, a base number is assigned to the authored
publication and the Deere language code is appended to it.
Example: Publication requested by a German factory to be authored in German: TM400029
Translated versions of this publication will be TM400063 (Spanish), TM400019 (English), TM400054
(Portuguese), etc.
The TM and CTM numbering system will indicate the factory/region where a given product is built not
where the publication was authored.
1000xx to 2999xx -- Ag and C&CE products manufactured in North America
3000xx to 3999xx -- Ag products manufactured in France
4000xx to 4999xx -- Ag products manufactured in Germany & the Netherlands
5000xx to 5499xx -- Ag products manufactured in Spain
5500xx to 5999xx -- Ag products manufactured in UK
6000xx to 6999xx -- Ag products manufactured in Mexico
7000xx to 7999xx -- Ag products manufactured in South Africa
8000xx to 8999xx -- Ag products manufactured in Brazil and Argentina
9000xx to 9999xx -- Ag products manufactured in India
In the new numbering system, xx is the appended language code.
Please note that the old numbering system will continue to be used as long as translations of revised
publications are needed which were created before 01 November 2006.

f. Publication Numbers referenced on CTM and TM Covers

TM and CTM covers provide information on reference TMs and CTMs.
Note: All publications are not necessarily translated into all languages!
See example below.

For publications going through the TIR/Across process, the translation project coordinator will check the
numbers on the cover page before publishing in TIR.
IMPORTANT: Although this is not the official recommendation, a reference TM or CTM number can
sometimes be found within the TM or CTM. These numbers need to be adapted by the translator. If the
correct target publication number is unknown, ask the translation project coordinator for assistance.

The correct publication number for the German translation is TM102829, for the Spanish translation
TM102863, etc. Refer to the language code table in Deere Language Codes.

g. Factory and Product Overview

The following table is intended to help identifying the various types of machines manufactured in John
Deere factories and the different publication numbers used for a particular factory.

Unit Code Unit Machine type(s) Publication Nr.

Planters A12345
Drills OMA12345
AX Seeding (USA) Air seeders PDIA123456
Tractors MN12345
BM Montenegro (Brazil) OMCQ12345
CC Arc-ls-Gray (France) Balers
Front loaders OMCC12345
CD Saran (France) Engines CD12345
Tractors OMAL123456,
CP Tianjin (China) OMRE123456,
Combines CQ12345
Corn heads OMCQ12345
CQ Horizontina (Brazil) Cutting platforms PDICQ12345
Warranty manuals WAM123456
DX Moline (USA) Standard blocks DXABCD
Special projects, tests etc.

Balers E123456
Mower-conditioners OME123456
EX Ottumwa (USA) Windrowers OMFH12345
Mowers PDIE123456
GX Greenville Lawn equipment OMGX12345
Combines H123456
Headers OMH123456
HX Harvester (USA) PDIH123456
JX Argentina Tractors OMSU123456
Tractors OMRE123456,
JZ Domodedovo
Combines, etc. etc.
KM Kemper (Germany) SPFH headers OMLCA12345
Tractors (5015 Series, MHM123
5R Series, 6030 ER123456
Series, 6030 Premium OMAL123456
Series and 7030 OMER123456
LX Mannheim (Germany) Premium Series, 6M, OMLG123456
6R Series) SBAL123456
Tractors (5000 Series, OMRE12345
LV Augusta (USA)
Utility) R123456
MX Horicon Lawn equipment OMM123456
MY Sirhind (India)
Cutting Platforms OMYC12345
N4 Ningbo (China) Combines OMYC12345
Sugar cane
NW Catalo (Brazil) harvesters
Sprayers OMNW123456
Cotton pickers N123456
Cotton strippers OMN123456
NX Des Moines (USA) Chisel plows
Field cultivators
Mulch tillers
Rippers PDIN123456
Intelligent solutions OMPC12345
(for ex.: GreenStar 3
ISG (EU, USA) 2630 Display,
Starfire) PC12345
PX Monterrey (Mexico)
Loaders OMP12345
Tractors (5000 Series) OMPY1234
PY India (Pune)
Engines OMRG12345
RG Engine Works (USA)
Tractors (7000 Series, AR123456
8000 Series and 9000 OMAR123456
RX Waterloo (USA) Series) R123456
TC Turf Care Lawn equipment OMTCU12345
Sugar cane
T8 Thibodaux (USA) harvesters
Scrapers OMCM123456
TX, XJ, XU, Construction & Forestry Compactors
YN (USA) Excavators
Skid steers OMT123456
TY Merchandising
Sprayers OMWZ12345
WZ Horst (Netherlands)
Portfolio extensions
XG John Deere Ltd
YH Harbin Combines
Platforms OMRE123456
YC Jiamusi Cotton pickers OMN123456
YZ Funk (USA) Engines YZ123456
Combines (W-, T- and OMZ123456
C-Series) SBZ123456
ZX Zweibruecken (Germany)
Self-propelled forage
harvesters Z123456

The John Deere Brand and Trademarks

a. John Deere Brand

1. Capitalize the initial letters, use lower case letters for the rest of the name:
John Deere
2. The John Deere name must not be hyphenated.
Wrong: John-Deere-Ersatzteile, etc.
Right: John Deere dealer, John Deere parts, John Deere filter, John Deere Vertragshndler etc.
3. Do not suffix the letter 's' to John Deere.
Wrong: John Deeres parts, John Deeres Traktoren, etc.
Right: John Deere parts, Traktoren von John Deere, etc.

b. Trademarks
A trademark is a word, or term reserved legally by a company to identify a product and/or services. To
legally preserve a trademark, it must be used in a consistent style.
Primary trademarks (John Deere, JD, and the leaping deer) are those that last for the life of the
Secondary trademarks are those whose lives may be limited to the life of the product or service, such as
the term Sound-Gard cab or slogan The Long Green Line.
Trademarks are identified by the symbol .

Trademark Use Guidelines

1. Never use a trademark in the plural form or modify the spelling of a trademark. For correct
spelling, refer to crossTerm. If the spelling of a trademark is wrong in the source text, use the
correct spelling in the translation
o Incorrect: Several ExactEmerges.
o Correct: Several ExactEmerge Row Units.

2. Trademarks should not be translated. The original spelling of the trademark must be used in all
translated languages.

3. Never use a trademark in the possessive form.

o Incorrect: Welderator's performance.
o Correct: The utility of a Welderator Machine.

4. Never use a trademark as a verb.
o Incorrect: The debris was CargOMounted.
o Correct: The debris was hauled away utilizing a CargOMount single bucket holder.

5. Never use a trademark as a participle.

o Incorrect: HarvestLabbing.
o Correct: Measure the data with HarvestLab Sensors.

6. Never compound a trademark by hyphenation with another word.

o Incorrect: AgLogic-System.
o Correct: AgLogic System.

7. Never abbreviate a trademark.

o Incorrect: GS 3 Display.
o Correct: GreenStar3 Display.

8. Never use a trademark as a descriptive adjective to modify any words other than the proper
descriptive name of the product sold by Deere.
o Incorrect: The GATOR plant.
o Correct: The plant that manufactures Gator Utility Vehicles.

Declarations of conformity
Declarations of conformity are very important for our business, so it is essential to have a standardized
and clearly defined content in all languages. The decision has been made NOT to translate the following
Name and location of the company
Models, serial numbers
Names and addresses
Manufacturing unit name

See example below for more details. DO NOT translate the highlighted text.

Language and Art/Displays

John Deere publications contain language-specific artwork. Every graphic has a number, a language code
and a date:
CC1026961UN26JAN05, or CC1023619 1926JAN05
UN means the graphic is language-neutral. The graphic will be the same for all languages.
19, 28, 29, 39 etc. mean that the graphic contains text (see example below). In the pdf file generated for
the translation, the graphic will have the target language code:

In the target publication, the text in the graphic may either be in English (i.e. the decal/display does not
exist in the target language) or in the target language.
You will only know after having created a pdf file in your target language.
Whenever the continuous text refers to a graphic, the translator has to refer to the terms in the graphic
in the language displayed in the graphic.
Graphic in English: Refer to the text displayed in English and explain in target language. See
example for a Dutch translation:

Exception: ISG publications (unit PC) may have English text in artwork for all languages. Translate
all English text outside the artwork (legends, legend references in text, etc.). Do NOT keep
English text in ISG publications!

Graphic in target language: Refer to the text displayed in target language. See example for a
French translation:

Example for language-specific display and text (GreenStar display) (in English and Estonian):

English (source):

In the target publication, the display is in Estonian. Whenever the text refers to the display, the
translator has to use the correct display entry:



Displays are not available in all languages. Authors sometimes add a bilingual table to explain the display
entries in each language:


Target (example in German):

Consistency, Idiomaticity and Style

Translation of modularized technical information requires a high level of consistency throughout the
technical information documents.

1. Make sure that text and legend items match throughout the documents.


2. Translation memory segments which were created by John Deere internal translators take
precedence over segments from external translators. Segments from internal translators are
recognizable by the following User Ids:

English/German French Spanish Italian

_Alexandra Drummond Anne Kagan _Maria Bellido _Claudio Testa
_Walter Hoffner _Hubert Scheuer _Thomas Wendt
_Hans-Joachim Kieling _Lise Hesemann _Paula Martinez
_Gordon Donaldson Coralie Faure _Carlos Lorenzo
_Sandra Hinckers _Yolanda Rodriguez
_Jennifer Jung
_Thomas Wendt

More recent versions have probably been improved or altered to conform to terminology.
Where multiple translations exist, select the most appropriate one considering terminology.
Internally translated segments should be changed only if it is absolutely necessary (e.g. to correct a
mistake or to keep terminology consistent).

Concerning style, keep to the following guidelines:

- Use punctuation.
- Keep nomenclature/terminology consistent, call parts by their commonly used names.

Regardless of whether the document is targeted at individual consumers, dealers, or John Deere
employees, the sensitivity of users to male and female stereotypes should be recognized by translators.
The language used should be gender-neutral.


a. crossTerm

1. Definition and purpose

crossTerm is the reference for terminology, particularly terms that may be specific to John Deere.
However, crossTerm also contains more general terms (like screws or bolts for example).
crossTerm contains entries with definitions, graphics and other additional information as well as English
designations with its translations in up to 39 languages. These designations (terms) are based on term
guidelines and were approved by the John Deere Term Council members and/or linguists.

Make sure that John Deere terminology is used!

Terminology is available for English, Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese,
Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Finnish, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Danish, Romanian, Czech and
Ukrainian. A few entries are available in additional languages. More languages will be added in future.

2. How to use crossTerm

Whenever terminology is available in your language, the corresponding terms will show up in crossDesk
in the terminology window. Just like for crossTank, each project only contains an extract of the whole
database, i.e. the entries corresponding to the source terms appearing in the current project.

Entries released by John Deere can be identified by the corresponding leaping Deere icon:

NOTE: Whenever there is an information icon, if there are multiple entries or you have any doubt,
please view the complete entry directly in the crossTerm module!

The following window gives an example of a search result:

In addition to the search results on the left, information is displayed in three important window sections
on the right. These are marked with green numbers 1, 2, 3.
The top section (1) shows all relevant information about the entry. This example displays
properties (4, in red) such as machine type and source factory. Definitions (in English and/or
other languages) and/or pictures can also be shown here.
The middle section shows the designations or terms. The left column shows the terms in the
source language, and the target terms are shown on the right.
The bottom section provides additional information regarding the term. An information sign
behind the term (5, in yellow on the screenshot above and on the picture below) indicates that
additional term information is provided in this section.

In addition to this information icon, two other symbols are also important: The green hook symbol (in
the middle of the picture above) and the red stop symbol (on top of the picture above).

The green hook stands for approved and official John Deere terminology. These terms must be
The red stop symbol stands for rejected or forbidden terminology. There are many reasons for
exclusions: technically or linguistically incorrect designations, jargon, not corporate wording, etc.

Example: grain tank


Inconsistency in German:

crossTerm entry: Only Korntank is officially approved and should be used.

b. Terminology rules

crossTerm should have priority over any other Excel list or glossary.
Official terminology has priority over consistency. Even if structure and context matches use a
different term, please stick to the approved crossTerm entry, otherwise it will not be possible to
enforce terminology. We will try to clean-up crossTank progressively to remove wrong or outdated
Some terms may have several meanings, depending on the machine and/or the context. Always
check the full crossTerm entry (attributes, graphic, and definition) to make sure you are using the
right term in the right context. Referring to crossTerm is essential but it does not replace the
translators judgment and his ability to question a translation that may not fit in some cases. Here
are some examples showing that relying merely on crossTerm can lead to erratic or inappropriate
- Lug bolt is a general term which can be found in specialized dictionaries. Lug bolt is
not in crossTerm but lug and bolt are separate entries. Lug bolt should not be
translated by simply adding the two crossTerm entries, which leads to an inadequate
- In French, Holder is translated by Support in crossTerm. This does not mean that ALL
holders should be supports in French. For instance, cup holder should be porte-

gobelet and not support de gobelet. Another example is document holder (not
shown in crossTerm); it can be translated by porte-documents which is better than
support de documents.
Authors sometimes use terms which are defined as rejected instead of using the corresponding
official terms. This is an authoring issue on which the translator has no impact. However, the
translator should use the official translated term relating to the rejected source term. Every
rejected English entry in crossTerm should show its equivalent official entry and the
corresponding official translation is always given.

IMPORTANT: The translator should not be inconsistent in the translation just because the author
was inconsistent in the source! Always use the approved target term, regardless of the source term.

Example: If an author used Bale case (rejected) instead of Bale chamber (official) in the source
text, the translator will get the following information in crossTerm:

So both for bale case or bale chamber, the translator should use chambre balles in
French, cmara de fardo in Portuguese, Presskammer in German, etc.

The translator should always bear in mind that authors do NOT always use the correct terminology
in the source text and that crossTerm cannot compensate for that. If the translator is not sure
whether the information given in crossTerm is reliable or not, please contact us.

Example: If an author used oscillating frame or pivoting frame (rejected) instead of tilt frame
(official) in the source text, the translator will get the following information in crossTerm:

The translator should not use the rejected term (prohibitive sign) in his or her language, just
because the English source term is a rejected one. ALWAYS use the official term (green tick) in
your language.

All translated terms have been reviewed by linguists or subject-matter experts from the field.
However, we cannot exclude spelling errors or inconsistencies. Should you detect any issue, dont
hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to double-check. If you have any question regarding the
John Deere terminology, please send your feedback to

Comprehension and Mistakes in Source Text

If the source text is not clear or if there is a mistake in the source text, contact the translation project
coordinator. Please use the excel template provided by John Deere to ask questions or report issues (see
Query Template in the Annex part).

Even if the author confirms that there is a mistake in the source text, dont correct it in the translation.
Correcting the error would generate a wrong paragraph in CrossTank and the source and target versions
would not match anymore. For these reasons, we recommend to translate as is, but would appreciate to
be notified about errors in the source text so the author can update the text in the next version of the
publication. In such cases, there is no need to upload the project unfinished since the error cannot be
corrected in Across; if necessary, it will be corrected directly in the content management system.

Structure and Context Matches

A structure and context match is a 100% match meeting the following criteria:
The previous and the next translation unit are the same as in a previously translated document
(context match)

The translation unit uses the same structure attribute (structure match).

The structure and context matches are greyed out in CrossDesk and locked. It is NOT possible to unlock
the matches to perform changes. To make proofreading easier and allow the translator to identify the
structure and context matches, the corresponding sentences are greyed out on the pdf files delivered by
PE (and composed via Across).

If critical corrections are required (for example safety issues), the translator should notify the project
manager who has to upload the project unfinished so we can perform the corrections before the book is
If non-critical corrections are required, the project can be uploaded as usual. For example, terminology
corrections or consistency issues would fall into this category. The corrections will be done to improve
the translation memory and take effect for the next projects.
If any corrections are required (critical or not), inform the translation coordinator upon delivery of the

Units of Measurement

John Deere uses dual dimensions in technical publications. Normally metric values are shown first and
the customary (US) values follow in parenthesis, except when no appropriate conversion exists.


13000 kPa (130 bar) (1880 psi)

Always use the units as defined by the International Systems of Units (SI) wherever possible.
Keep to the order of values. A space must appear between the number and the approved unit of
measurement. Generally speaking, the official rules applicable in the respective countries need
to be followed.

For example, here is an official statement for Bulgaria:

In Bulgaria, there are no specific regulations regarding units of measurements which are
applicable to agricultural machinery. As a consequence, there are three possibilities to display
units of measurements in Bulgarian technical documentation:
Only in latin characters
Only in cyrillic characters
In latin and cyrillic characters.

All three possibilities are legally acceptable.

Do NOT translate or convert U.S. measurements and keep the values and units in brackets

Do not convert in to the symbol!

If one of the values is missing, do not convert the units by yourself. Please inform your project
coordinator, who will forward the information to the author for correction in a future revision.

Layout Issues

The translator should make sure that the layout of the publication looks good, and correct obvious
layout issues which are not caused by a bug or known issue in the composition engine (for example, text
running off the page in certain situations).

This includes the following items:

1. Section and group titles must fit into one line.


2. The footer text should not overwrite the page number.


3. Legend or table text should also fit in the space provided.



Abbreviate the text accordingly. The content should be readable.

Entities and punctuation

Please make sure you dont use any entities which are not declared in our DTD.
If this is the case, a corresponding error message will appear in the Tagged XML Validity Check:

Example: Use ONLY straight or curly quotation marks. Do not use any other quotation marks, even if
your language would typically use this style!


"This is correct"

Other punctuation rules cannot be applied for technical reasons, for example the use of non-breaking
spaces before question marks, exclamation marks or semi-colons.

Generally speaking, please use the same formatting as the source text, especially for long dashes, even if
this may be uncommon in your language.

Examples for onscreen help texts:

In such cases, keep the long dash in all languages, dont replace by a hyphen or any other punctuation


Anchors are references to block titles of other blocks. Text in anchors and block titles should match.

IMPORTANT: Quotation marks are NO LONGER used outside the anchor tag at the beginning and end of
the anchor. For references to a block or a section, in an anchor or not, DO NOT USE QUOTATION

Make sure the tags in the translated text are placed at the right location around the anchor text.


a. General
Abbreviate words only if necessary (in legends etc.).
For commonly used abbreviations, refer to the table Abbreviations Used in John Deere Technical
Information Documents in the Annex part of the Style Guide.

b. Control Units/Control Softwares

Control units/control softwares are identified by three-letter acronyms/abbreviations. These three-
letter identifiers must not be translated.

Examples (English/German/French):

ATC control unit Steuereinheit ATC contrleur ATC

ECU control unit Steuereinheit ECU contrleur ECU
PTQ control unit Steuereinheit PTQ contrleur PTQ
LC1 control unit Steuereinheit LC1 contrleur LC1

ATC control software Steuersoftware ATC logiciel de contrle ATC

ECU control software Steuersoftware ECU logiciel de contrle ECU
PTQ control software Steuersoftware PTQ logiciel de contrle PTQ

NOTE: CAB control unit Steuereinheit CAB contrleur CAB

CAB control software Steuersoftware CAB logiciel de contrle CAB
BUT: Cab control unit Steuereinheit in Kabine contrleur de la cabine

Part II - Language-Specific Guidelines

The following guidelines are complementary to the general rules of the English language in terms of
grammar, style and punctuation as well as guidelines and instructions provided in the previous parts of
this document. All of them should be strictly followed.

When working in Across, the translator should always consider the part of the document being
translated: title, core text, legend, caption etc. For this reason, it is mandatory to use source and target
PDF previews.

American spellings are used in John Deere publications.

Color NOT Colour

Tire NOT Tyre

Vise NOT Vice

a. Translating Technical Publications - Style

1. Imperative Form
Use the imperative form, especially in procedures.

Wrong: You should press the button to decrease the speed.

Right: Press the button to decrease the speed.

Please note that descriptions do not require the imperative form in English.

Beispiel: Prfung der Anlage

Wrong: Check the system

Right: Checking the system

2. Understandable Style
First priority is that the translation must be understandable.

Avoid clumsy constructions, agglomerations of nouns and sentences which are too long.

Wrong: AutoPowr/IVT Transmission Problem

Right: Problem with AutoPowr/IVT Transmission

Wrong: Should the engine stall when operating under load, depress
clutch and restart it immediately to prevent abnormal heat buildup and
continue with normal operation, or operate at slow idle for one or two
minutes before stopping.

Right: If the engine stalls under load, restart it immediately. Continue

normal operation to prevent heat buildup. Run the engine at slow idle for
a few minutes before stopping.

Wrong: Transmission control valve spool spring

Right: Spring for spool of transmission control valve

Avoid contractions.

Wrong: This value can't be changed.

Right: This value cannot be changed.

Cannot should always be written in one word.

Avoid future tense.

Wrong: A buzzer will sound when the temperature has exceeded 92C.

Right: A buzzer sounds when the temperature has exceeded 92C.

Avoid passive voice. The active voice is easier to read and translate.

Wrong: Shaft and bearing failure are often caused by excessive chain

Right: Excessive chain tension often causes shaft and bearing failure.

Avoid compound split infinitives.

Wrong: It is a good practice to individually mark each blade before


Right: It is a good practice to mark each blade individually before


Avoid the when referring to artwork. An exception can be made when the expression is
very complicated.

Wrong: Secure the brake pedals with the pin (A).

Right: Secure the brake pedals with pin (A).

Condition must precede action. If the sentence has a condition, place the condition
before the action.

Wrong: Yellow indicator light may come ON if engine was started with
low batteries.

Right: If engine was started with low batteries, yellow indicator light may
come ON.

b. Titles

1. Section, Group and Block Titles

Initial letters of nouns, adjectives and verbs are upper case in John Deere publications. This does not
apply to prepositions (of, with), articles (the) and conjunctions (and).

Section title

Group titles

Block titles

Refer to Layout Issues for issues concerning title length.

2. Subblocks and Diagnostic Steps

The first letter should be a capital; remaining letters should be lower case letters in John Deere


Diagnostic steps

c. Legends, Captions, Index Entries, Specifications and Anchors

1. Legends

Use an upper case letter for each word (except for: conjunctions, prepositions, articles):

2. Captions
A caption is text which describes a piece of art. Captions are always used in conjunction with a figure.
Most captions are not visible in the PDF, but in the Service ADVISORTM application.
Use an upper case letter for each word. The content of the caption must correspond to the content of
the running text.

3. Index Entries
Use a sensible word order in the index entry. Consider that the index is often the first place to search for
information. The most important thing is to keep consistent all identical index entries of the same level.
Note that there will be a separate entry for each index entry which is not written in the same way as the
other index entries.


Use an upper case letter for the first letter of each word. As a general rule, use a noun first, put a
comma and add the verb in progressive form.


4. Specifications

Use an upper case letter for the first letter of each word (except for: conjunctions, prepositions and

5. Anchors
As the anchor text refers to a block title, it is absolutely important to keep to the following rule: Initial
letters of nouns, adjectives and verbs are upper case. This does not apply to prepositions, articles and
conjunctions. Refer to Section, Group and Block Titles.

6. Units of Measurement
Abbreviate units of measurement if they are preceded by a value.

Wrong: 20 volts

Right: 20 V

d. Numbers
Spell out numbers at the beginning of sentences.

Right: Thirteen pistons make up the radial piston pump.

Spell out any number up to and including 10. Exceptions:

It represents time or measurement
It is preceded by a pound sign (#) or it is preceded by the words step, priority
or number/no.
In legends, use numerals.
Use numerals for number 11 and above.

If the wrong code is entered eight times InoP appears on the display.

Wait 3 minutes.

Injector #1 part number is invalid.

Refer to step 5.

In numbers of five digits or more, use spaces after every three digits, counting from the

Wrong: The respective lengths were 379 m, 1520 m, and 15200 m.

Right: The respective lengths were 379 m, 1520 m, and 15 200 m.

Do not use ordinal numbers for dates.

Wrong: The meeting is scheduled for April 1st.

Right: The meeting is scheduled for April 1.

Spell out ordinal number "first" to "tenth". Exceptions to this rule are ordinal numbers
that are part of a list or range. Write the ordinal numbers 11th and greater as digits.

Wrong: The 3rd module.

But: If rear wheels spin excessively, shift from third gear to second gear to first

Right: The third module.

Right: Engage the 12th gear.

e. Fractions
Create all fractions with whole numbers and a slash.
Do not use the fraction character entity.
Use a hyphen to separate whole numbers from a fraction.
Use an initial zero for decimal fractions less than one.



Wrong: Add .5 L to the radiator when coolant is changed.

Right: Add 0.5 L to the radiator when coolant is changed.

f. Punctuation

1. Lists
In lists without main words the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, use no punctuation
(comma, semicolon) after each item and no full stop at the end.

Lists should be treated as separate sentences when every item is a complete sentence.

2. Parenthesis
Avoid placing a comma before parentheses.

Wrong: Further calibration is needed, (see Calibration Procedures).

Right: Further calibration is needed (see Calibration Procedures).

3. Introductory Phrase
Use a comma after an introductory (infinitive) phrase or adverbial clause.

Wrong: For complete attaching and detaching procedures refer to the Operator's

Right: For complete attaching and detaching procedures, refer to the Operator's

4. Introductory Verb
Use "that" after an introductory verb which is used to introduce a quotation or paraphrased

Wrong: The company announced a new product was available.

Right: The company announced that a new product was available.

g. Emphasis on Text
If you need to emphasize your text (e.g. key functions, tabs), and the source has no appropriate
formatting (such as capitals, etc.), use capital letters. Quotation marks () are used to enclose
ordinary words used in an extraordinary way.

Beispiel: Auf die Registerkarte Legende klicken.

Wrong: Select the legend tab. Select the legend tab. Select the Legend tab.

Right: Select the LEGEND tab.

h. Grammar
The following paragraph will give some grammar rules, although translators should be aware of them.

1. Verbs Followed by Object and Infinitive

Some verbs have the structure verb + object + infinitive. Examples: advise, allow, enable, encourage,
forbid, force, instruct, invite, order, remind, persuade, show, teach, tell, warn

Right: The software enables users to share documents, pictures, and videos.

2. Verbs Followed by Infinitive

Many verbs are typically followed by to + infinitive when followed by another verb. Examples: agree,
aim, appear, arrange, ask, claim, decide, expect, fail, forbid, intend, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare,
refuse, seem, tend, and want

Right: Heavy pulling and heavy rear-mounted implements tend to lift front

3. Hyphens
Hyphenate compounds if they form an adjective, but not if they form a noun.

Wrong: John Deere sells walk behind mowers.

Right: John Deere sells walk-behind mowers.

Wrong: Remove quick lock pin and washers.

Right: Remove quick-lock pin and washers.

Hyphenate words with prefixes, if the absence of the hyphen results in a confusing
combination of vowels and consonants.

Right: non-operational

Do not hyphenate words beginning with re. But avoid double consonants and vowels
and put a hyphen in-between.

Right: redo, refuel etc.

Right: re-install, re-enter, co-axial, co-ordinate, etc.

Avoid hyphens with the prefix un-.

Right: unscrew

Avoid hyphens with the prefix sub-.

Right: subsoil

Do not use hyphenation if one of the words is an adverb ending in ly.

Right: highly flammable liquid

Note the difference between verbs and nouns. Hyphenate combined words if they form a
noun, but not if they form a verb.

Verbs: set up back up sign off

Nouns: set-up back-up sign-off

When a unit of measurement is used as an adjective, put a hyphen between the number
and the unit of measurement.

Right: 9-ton puller

Left-hand and right-hand must be written with a hyphen. Left and right can also
be used.

4. Apostrophe
Plurals of acronyms do not take an apostrophe. Add a lower case s to form the plural.

Wrong: ECU's

Right: ECUs

i. Terminology

1. Onto or on to
Use onto to indicate moving something to a position on top of something else. Use on to for the
action of connecting to a network or similar.

Wrong: The dealer logs onto the system.

Right: The dealer logs on to the system.

2. Fewer or less
Fewer means smaller in number. It modifies nouns that can be counted. Less means lower in
quantity. It modifies nouns that cannot be counted.

Wrong: The implement must weigh fewer than 1.5 times the tractor weight or
fewer than 1.5 t (3300 lb) when fully loaded.

Right: The implement must weigh less than 1.5 times the tractor weight or less
than 1.5 t (3300 lb) when fully loaded.

Wrong: After moving publications to an archive folder, you can search the model
folder more quickly, because it contains less files.

Right: After moving publications to an archive folder, you can search the model
folder more quickly, because it contains fewer files.


Die nachfolgenden Richtlinien gelten ergnzend zu den allgemeingltigen deutschen Sprachregeln in

Bezug auf Grammatik, Stil und Interpunktion sowie ergnzend zu den Richtlinien und Anweisungen, die
im ersten Teil dieses Dokuments genannt wurden. Alle Regeln sind genau zu befolgen.

Beim bersetzen in Across sollte sich der bersetzer bewusst sein, welchen Teil des Dokuments er oder
sie gerade bersetzt: Titel, Flietext, Legende, Caption, usw. Daher ist die Verwendung einer PDF in
Ausgangs- und Zielsprache zwingend erforderlich.

a. Stilistische Richtlinien

1. Infinitiv versus persnlicher Stil bei Handlungsanweisungen

Handlungsanweisungen mssen immer mit Infinitiv ausgedrckt werden. Der Infinitiv hat den Vorteil,
dass bei Partikelverben keine Satzklammer entsteht, die das Satzverstndnis erschwert. Die persnliche
Anrede Sie/Ihnen darf NICHT verwendet werden.

Beispiel: Take out hex. socket screws (B) and remove lining.

Falsch: Entfernen Sie die Innensechskantschrauben (B) und nehmen Sie die
Verkleidung ab.

Richtig: Innensechskantschrauben (B) entfernen und Verkleidung abnehmen.

2. Passive Konstruktion versus aktive man-Konstruktion

Englische passive Konstruktionen sollten im Deutschen nicht durch die man-Konstruktion
wiedergegeben werden. Stattdessen ist die Passivkonstruktion auch im Deutschen vorzuziehen.

Beispiel: The connecting lines within a data BUS system are called communication

Falsch: Die Verbindungsleitungen innerhalb eines Daten-BUS-Systems nennt man


Richtig: Die Verbindungsleitungen innerhalb eines Daten-BUS-Systems werden

Kommunikationsleitungen genannt.

3. Unpersnlicher Stil versus erste Person Plural
Die 1. Person Plural sollte vermieden werden.

Beispiel: We would suggest using the following layout on combines.

Falsch: Wir empfehlen, auf Mhdreschern das folgende Layout zu verwenden.

Richtig: Auf Mhdreschern wird die Verwendung des folgenden Layouts


4. Hervorhebungen
In den englischen Ausgangspublikationen wird neben Fett- und Kursivschreibung im Flietext
hervorgehoben, indem die Anfangsbuchstaben grogeschrieben werden. Im Deutschen ist es nicht
immer mglich, dieser letztgenannten Art der Hervorhebung durch die Benutzung von
Anfhrungszeichen zu folgen, da sie zu einer ironischen Lesart fhren knnen. Auf eine Hervorhebung
sollte dann verzichtet werden.
Beispiel: A Company Employee must supervise the installation of duplicate

Falsch: Die Anbringung von Typenschildduplikaten muss durch einen

Angestellten des Unternehmens berwacht werden.

Richtig: Die Anbringung von Typenschildduplikaten muss durch einen

Angestellten des Unternehmens berwacht werden.

Achtung: Auch bei Abschnittsberschriften, Blockberschriften und Aufzhlungen sollte in diesem Fall
die bliche Gro- und Kleinschreibung verwendet werden.

Komplett mit Grobuchstaben hervorgehobene Wrter knnen auch im Deutschen auf diese Weise
hervorgehoben werden:

5. Indexeintrge
Der Index ist fr den Leser oftmals die erste Informationsquelle. Bei der bersetzung von
Indexeintrgen ist dies zu bercksichtigen. Oftmals kann im Deutschen eine andere Reihenfolge der
Information als im Englischen sinnvoll sein.
Bezglich Gro- und Kleinschreibung gilt, dass jedes erste Wort jeder Ebene gro geschrieben wird. Das
gilt auch fr die Verben.

6. Abkrzungen
Folgende Wrter nicht abkrzen:
Ausschlielich, einschlielich, mindestens, positiv, negativ

Max. und min. mglichst ausschreiben.

Ausnahme: Diese Begriffe treten bei einem Zahlenwert, in einer Legende oder in einer
Spezifikation auf.

Zu viele Abkrzungen in einer Reihe vermeiden.

Falsch: D.h., dass z.B. der max. Wert erreicht ist.

b. Grammatik

1. Alte versus neue Rechtschreibung

Bei John Deere wird seit dem 1. November 2009 die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung verwendet.

2. Satzbau
Der Satzbau in einer technischen Information sollte einfach sein. Diese grundstzliche stilistische
Anforderung bedeutet folgende Vorgehensweise:

Schachtelstze und lange Attribute vermeiden.

Beispiel: Raise three-point hitch until the chain can be connected to the tractor
with the same length and at the same location as required for the tongue
adjustment, then slowly lower three-point hitch until chain begins to tighten.

Falsch: Nachdem die Dreipunktaufhngung so weit angehoben wurde, dass die

Kette am Traktor mit der gleichen Lnge und an der gleichen Stelle eingehngt
werden konnte, wie es zur am Gert vorzunehmenden Einstellung der Deichsel
erforderlich war, die Dreipunktaufhngung langsam absenken, bis sich die Kette
zu spannen beginnt.

Richtig: Dreipunktaufhngung so weit anheben, dass die Kette am Traktor mit der
gleichen Lnge und an der gleichen Stelle eingehngt werden kann, wie es zur
Einstellung der Deichsel am Gert erforderlich ist. Danach Dreipunktaufhngung
langsam absenken, bis die Kette sich zu spannen beginnt.

Fllwrter und Partikeln vermeiden.

Beispiel: Start engine. Turn rotary switch (A) to position X. Engage separator.
Engage header. Multi-function lever in forward travel position. Adjust reel speed
by means of rocker switch (B), as required.

Falsch: Motor wie gewohnt anlassen. Drehschalter (A) dann auf Stellung X
drehen. Dreschwerk schon einschalten. Und Erntevorsatz einschalten.
Multifunktionshebel auf Vorwrtsfahrt stellen. Anhand des Schalters (B) die
Haspeldrehzahl entsprechend einstellen.

Richtig: Motor anlassen. Drehschalter (A) auf Stellung X drehen. Dreschwerk

einschalten. Erntevorsatz einschalten. Multifunktionshebel auf Vorwrtsfahrt
stellen. Anhand des Schalters (B) die Haspeldrehzahl entsprechend einstellen.

Aufforderungen ohne Artikel schreiben.

Beispiel: Press SETUP key.

Falsch: Die Taste SETUP drcken.

Richtig: Taste SETUP drcken.

Bezge mssen klar sein.
Demonstrativpronomen sollten eindeutige Bezge haben. Ist der Bezug nicht eindeutig,
muss das Substantiv, auf das sich ein Pronomen bezieht, wiederholt werden.
Richtig: Gelbe Lampe blinkt. Dies weist auf eine Strung hin, deren Ursache sofort
berprft werden sollte.
Falsch: Gelbe Lampe blinkt, die Rotoren drehen, Erntegut wird gleichmig geschnitten.
Dies (?) weist auf eine Strung hin, deren Ursache sofort berprft werden sollte.

Vermeidung von elliptischen Konstruktionen.

Konditionalstze mit wenn einleiten. Keine Konditionalstze mit falls und statt

Beispiel: If after 10 minutes value is 003, 008, 012 or 015, call the hotline at 0049

Richtig: Wenn nach 10 Minuten 003, 008, 012 oder 015 erscheint, die Hotline
0049 XXXX XXXX anrufen.

Falsch: Erscheint nach 10 Minuten 003, 008, 012 oder 015, die Hotline 0049
XXXX XXXX anrufen.

Falsch: Falls nach 10 Minuten 003, 008, 012 oder 015 erscheint, die Hotline 0049
XXXX XXXX anrufen.

3. Interpunktion

1. Anfhrungszeichen
In den deutschen John Deere Publikationen werden aus systemtechnischen Grnden die
englischen Anfhrungszeichen (“ ” 66-99) verwendet:

Diese Anfhrungszeichen werden bei Verwendung der deutschen Tastatur automatisch bei
der bersetzung in Across eingefgt. Gelegentlich werden in der Ausgangspublikation auch
gerade Anfhrungsstriche (") benutzt. In diesem Fall knnen die geraden Anfhrungsstriche
bernommen werden.
Die deutschen Anfhrungszeichen (99-66) drfen NICHT verwendet werden!

2. Listen und Aufzhlungen

Bei John Deere gilt fr Listen und Aufzhlungen die interpunktionslose Variante. Es werden
keine Satzzeichen (Komma, Punkt, Semikolon) an das Zeilenende gesetzt.

4. Zahlen und Ziffern

1. Im Text
Zahlen von 1 bis 12 als Zahlwrter schreiben, darber als Ziffern schreiben. Zahlen, denen
abgekrzte Einheitsangaben folgen, immer als Ziffern schreiben. Dasselbe gilt fr Zahlen in
Tabellen. Zwischen Zahlen und Maangaben steht ein Leerzeichen.

Zwlf, aber: 127

12 kg, 127 L

2. In Legenden
In Legenden hngt die Schreibweise von Zahlen und Ziffern davon ab, ob die Legende lesbar
dargestellt werden kann, wenn Zahlen ausgeschrieben werden. In diesem Fall hat die
Lesbarkeit Vorrang. In der Regel kann man sich nach dem Ausgangstext richten. Die
Vorgehensweise innerhalb der Legende sollte konsistent sein.

3. Leerzeichen
In deutschen John Deere Publikationen werden Zahlen mit mehr als vier Stellen nicht durch
Leerzeichen in Gruppen gegliedert:

Beispiel Englisch: 12 000

Falsch Deutsch: 12 000

Richtig Deutsch: 12000

c. Terminologie

1. Wahl der Verben (Partikelverben)

Zum leichteren Lesen und Verstehen sollten bei der Wahl der Verben diejenigen Verben den Vorzug
bekommen, die im Satzbau nicht getrennt werden mssen.

Beispiel: While header is moved down, the system determines the header position
using the header angle sensor and header height sensors.

Richtig: Whrend der Erntevorsatz abgesenkt wird, bestimmt das System die
Position des Erntevorsatzes mit Hilfe des Neigungssensors und der

Falsch: Whrend der Erntevorsatz abgesenkt wird, stellt das System die Position
des Erntevorsatzes mit Hilfe des Neigungssensors und der Hhensensoren fest.

2. Komposita
Das Deutsche bietet die Mglichkeit, Komposita zu bilden. Allerdings sollte diese Form der Wortbildung
nicht vllig ausgereizt werden. Als Faustregel gilt, dass bei John Deere nicht mehr als vier selbststndig
vorkommende Wrter aneinander gereiht werden. Vielmehr ist eine Umschreibung unter Verwendung
von Prpositionen und Attributen vorzuziehen.

Beispiel: charge air cooler outlet air temperature sensor

Richtig: Sensor fr Auslasstemperatur des Ladeluftkhlers

Falsch: Ladeluftkhlerauslasstemperatursensor

3. Beziehungsweise
Bzw. oder beziehungsweise ist zu vermeiden. Beziehungsweise hat nur die beiden folgenden
Bedeutungen (siehe Duden):
1. oder im Sinne von genauer gesagt, oder vielmehr.
Beispiel: Wir sind Bekannte bzw. Freunde.
2. und im anderen Fall:
Beispiel: Der Eintrittspreis fr Erwachsene und Kinder betrgt 10 EUR bzw. 5 EUR.
Ist eine der beiden vorgenannten Bedeutungen gemeint, darf bzw. verwendet werden, in allen
anderen Fllen NICHT!


Les directives suivantes viennent complter les rgles gnrales de grammaire, de style et de
ponctuation de la langue franaise, ainsi que les directives et recommandations figurant dans la
premire partie de ce document. Toutes ces rgles doivent tre respectes.

Lorsquil travaille dans Across, le traducteur doit savoir quelle partie du document renvoie le texte
quil est en train de traduire (titre, texte courant, lgendes, etc.). Cest pourquoi lutilisation de fichiers
PDF pour les langues source et cible est indispensable.

a. Style
Les publications techniques John Deere doivent rpondre un certain nombre de rgles stylistiques de
- viter les constructions maladroites.
- Faire des phrases simples.
- viter les accumulations de complments dobjet direct, en particulier dans les titres (voir
- Respecter la syntaxe.

Exemple : When a new receiver/dryer is installed and there were no leaks

found in the system, add 15 mL (0.5 oz) of R134a refrigerant oil.

Incorrect : Si lon installe un dshydrateur neuf et quon na pas dtect

de fuite de circuit, ajouter 15 ml (0.5 oz) dhuile rfrigrante R134a.

Correct : Si un dshydrateur neuf a t install et quaucune fuite na t

dtecte, ajouter 15 ml (0.5 oz) dhuile de rfrigration R134a.

- Ne pas utiliser le discours direct (pronom personnel vous , adjectif possessif votre ,
etc.) et prfrer les articles dfinis et linfinitif.

Exemple : Have this service job performed by your John Deere dealer.

Incorrect : Confiez cette opration votre concessionnaire John Deere.

Correct : Confier cette opration au concessionnaire John Deere.

Incorrect : Munissez-vous dun tournevis.

Correct : Se munir dun tournevis.

- Utiliser de prfrence la voix active.
- Toutefois, pour viter les formulations avec on , la voie passive est autorise.

Exemple : Load capacity with front loader is obtained by multiplying the

load capacity of the tire by the percentage given in the table.

Incorrect : Avec un chargeur frontal, on obtient la capacit de charge en

multipliant la capacit de charge du pneu par le pourcentage indiqu
dans le tableau.

Correct : La capacit de charge dun tracteur avec chargeur frontal est

obtenue en multipliant la capacit de charge du pneu par le pourcentage
indiqu dans le tableau.

- viter les phrases trop longues (mme si le segment source est long, ne pas hsiter
couper le segment cible en plusieurs phrases).

Exemple : Failure to flush the air conditioning system before the new
compressor is installed will create excess PAG oil in the system, resulting
in excessive high pressure which can lead to compressor failure.

Incorrect : Si on nglige de rincer le circuit de climatisation avant

dinstaller le compresseur neuf, cela cre un excdent dhuile PAG dans
le circuit ce qui rsulte en une pression excessivement leve menant
la dfaillance du compresseur.

Correct : Si le circuit de climatisation n'a pas t correctement rinc avant

d'installer le compresseur neuf, un excdent d'huile PAG s'accumule dans
le circuit. Une pression excessivement leve est alors cre dans le
circuit, ce qui peut entraner une dfaillance du compresseur.

- viter les formulations du type faire + verbe .

Exemple : Start engine.

Incorrect : Faire dmarrer le tracteur.

Correct : Dmarrer le tracteur.

Exemple : Turn feed shaft BY HAND before adding seed if drill has been
standing for a long time period of time.

Incorrect : Faire tourner l'arbre d'entranement LA MAIN avant

d'ajouter de la semence si le semoir est rest inutilis pendant

Correct : Tourner l'arbre d'entranement LA MAIN avant d'ajouter de la

semence si le semoir est rest inutilis pendant longtemps.

- Toutefois, certains verbes intransitifs ncessitent la construction avec faire .
Exemples : faire pivoter , faire osciller , etc.
- Traduire clockwise/anticlockwise par dans le sens horaire/antihoraire ( vers la
droite/vers la gauche est galement acceptable) et non pas par dans le sens/
sens inverse des aiguilles dune montre qui est trop long.
- viter le langage familier, le jargon et les termes humoristiques.

b. Grammaire et orthographe

1. Temps
En anglais, le futur et le conditionnel sont souvent utiliss pour dcrire une action se produisant
vritablement dans le prsent. Cest pourquoi, en franais, on utilise le prsent (en respectant toutefois
la concordance des temps). Exemple :

Pressure will vary slightly depending on machine.

La pression peut varier lgrement en fonction de la machine.

2. Infinitif/impratif
Dans toutes les publications techniques (OM, TM, notices de montage, etc.), toujours utiliser lindicatif
et non pas limpratif pour dcrire des oprations effectuer par le client/le concessionnaire.
Limpratif peut uniquement tre utilis pour la traduction de lettres commerciales sadressant
directement au client ou au concessionnaire.

3. Subjonctif/indicatif
Utiliser le subjonctif aprs les tournures suivantes : condition que, afin que, moins
que, bien que, de sorte que, jusqu' ce que, pour que, quoique, sans que, veiller ce
que, etc.
Utiliser lindicatif aprs les tournures suivantes : aprs que, tant donn que,
sassurer que, selon que, tandis que, vrifier que, etc.

4. Orthographe
Voici quelques exemples rcurrents de mots mal orthographis :
Incorrect Correct
le diagnostique le diagnostic
le concessionaire le concessionnaire
davantage davantage

c. Terminologie

1. Terminologie John Deere

Les publications John Deere font l'objet d'une terminologie spcifique qui diffre
parfois de l'usage habituel. Exemple :
Anglais Traduction courante Traduction John Deere
forage ensileuse rcolteuse-hacheuse
operator oprateur conducteur ou utilisateur (selon le contexte)
NOTE : Toujours se rfrer en priorit crossTerm qui contient la plupart des termes
spcifiques John Deere.
Le type de tracteur (Premium, HighCrop, etc.) se place aprs la srie (ex : Tracteurs
5015 HighCrop, Tracteurs 6030 Premium)
NOTE : F-type tractor et V-type tractor se traduisent respectivement par tracteur
verger et tracteur vigne et non par tracteur de type F et tracteur de type
V ; F signifie fruttero (fruit) et V vinero (vigne).
Quand F et V font partie du numro du modle, ne pas les traduire.
Exemple :

2. crossTerm
Pour la terminologie spcialise, toujours se reporter crossTerm. Pour certains termes, il existe une
version officielle et une version rejete . Veiller bien utiliser le terme officiel .
Exemple :

Des explications supplmentaires concernant lusage de crossTerm figurent dans la partie I Language
Neutral Guidelines .
3. Registre linguistique
Respecter le vocabulaire spcifique aux types de produits John Deere. Utiliser de
prfrence des termes neutres pour viter les erreurs de contexte. Exemple :

The oil spray also provides splash lubrication for the piston pin and the

Incorrect : Les embruns dhuile servent galement lubrifier laxe du

piston et le manchon.

Correct : Lhuile pulvrise assure galement la lubrification de laxe du

piston et du manchon.

4. Abrviations et acronymes
De faon gnrale, il est prfrable, en franais, d'crire le terme en toutes lettres,
sauf si la place n'est pas suffisante.
Exemples de termes pour lesquels il nexiste pas dabrviation en franais :

DDS Differential drive shaft Arbre du pignon dattaque

CAC Charge air cooler Refroidisseur dair de suralimentation
SCV Selective control valve Distributeur auxiliaire

Exemples de termes quil est prfrable dcrire en toute lettre, mais dont
labrviation franaise peut tre utilise dans certains cas :

PTO Power Take-Off Prise de force PDF

ID Inner diameter Diamtre intrieur D.I.
2WD 2-wheel drive 2 roues motrices 2RM
4WD 4-wheel drive Pont avant 4RM
TDC Top dead center Point mort haut PMH

Exemples d'abrviations qui doivent rester inchanges en franais :

TM Technical Manual Manuel technique TM 1

CTM Component Technical Manual Manuel technique composant CTM 2
VGT Variable Geometry Turbocharger Turbocompresseur gomtrie VGT 3

Ne pas utiliser labrviation MT en franais.
Ne pas utiliser labrviation MTC en franais.
Surtout ne pas utiliser l'abrviation TGV en franais !
5. Erreurs de traduction
Faire attention aux faux amis.

Exemple : Location of ballast

Incorrect : Location du lestage

Correct : Emplacement du lestage

viter les non-sens.

Exemple : Adjust fast idle.

Incorrect : Rgler le ralenti acclr.

Correct : Rgler le rgime maximum vide.

viter les barbarismes.

Exemple : Hydrometer Test

Incorrect : Contrle de laromtre.

Correct : Contrle de laromtre.

d. Ponctuation
Dans les publications John Deere, un certain nombre de rgles de typographie spcifiques doivent tre
respectes. Noter que ces rgles sont, pour la plupart, diffrentes des rgles conventionnelles.

1. Majuscules et minuscules
Dans les publications John Deere, les majuscules sont accentues. Exemple: viter de... ,
ARRTER... , etc.

2. Guillemets
Dans les publications John Deere, les guillemets droits ou anglais sont utiliss. Ils
peuvent avoir lapparence suivante : ou "". Ces deux variantes sont galement
utilises en franais. Ne pas utiliser les guillemets franais habituels .

Exemple : When the drop floor is lowered, dn (E) is displayed and a

slow intermittent alarm is emitted.

Incorrect : Lorsque la tle de fond mobile est abaisse, dn (E)

saffiche et une alarme intermittente lente retentit.

Correct : Lorsque la tle de fond mobile est abaisse, dn (E)

saffiche et une alarme intermittente lente retentit.

Ne pas utiliser de guillemets pour les renvois de titres, avec ou sans ancres.

Incorrect : Voir Rglage de la rampe dexpulsion des balles dans la

section Prparation de la ramasseuse-presse.

Correct : Voir Rglage de la rampe dexpulsion des balles, dans la section

Prparation de la ramasseuse-presse

3. Espace inscable
Dans les publications John Deere, il ny a pas despace inscable avant les deux-points, le point-virgule,
le point d'interrogation, etc.

4. Parenthses et crochets
Les parenthses ne sont jamais prcdes dune virgule, dun point-virgule ou de deux-points.
Ne mettre de point final dans un texte entre parenthses que si la phrase commence dans la

Incorrect : Purger le circuit dalimentation (voir Purge du circuit

dalimentation dans ce groupe.)

Correct : Purger le circuit dalimentation (voir Purge du circuit

dalimentation dans ce groupe).

Lorsqu'un lment entre parenthses doit tre introduit dans un lment qui se trouve lui-mme entre
parenthses, utiliser de prfrence des crochets. Par exemple : (1 m [39.4 in]).

e. Nombres et units de mesure

1. Nombres
Les nombres qui commencent une phrase s'crivent en toutes lettres.
Dans les publications John Deere, les nombres cardinaux partir de mille ne sont pas
spars par un espace inscable (ex : 1000, 25000).
Dans les publications John Deere, il ny a pas despace inscable entre le chiffre et le
symbole de pourcentage (ex : 5%).

2. Units de mesure
Dans les publications John Deere, toutes les units de mesure doivent tre indiques dans le systme
mtrique et le systme anglo-saxon. En franais, lunit mtrique doit tre traduite , mais lunit
anglo-saxonne reste telle quelle.
Exemple :
Anglais Franais
1.5 m (59.05 in.) 1,5 m (59.05 in)
24.5 L/min (6.5 gpm) 24,5 l/min (6.5 gpm)

f. Titres, listes et ancres et lgendes

1. Titres
La premire lettre dun titre prend une majuscule (ainsi que la premire lettre qui suit
un tiret court [-] ou long []), le reste est crit en minuscule (voir lexemple ci-
En ce qui concerne la ponctuation dans les titres, utiliser les mmes signes que dans
le texte source. Exemple :
Anglais Franais
Fuel and Air Intake Systems Repair Alimentation et admission Remise en tat
Throttle Pedal Adjustment5085M, 5095M and Rglage de la pdale dacclration5085M,
5095MH (Cab) 5095M et 5095MH (cabine)
Formuler les titres de faon simple et concise. Ne pas coller tout prix la source,
mais veiller au sens et la bonne comprhension du titre en franais.
Tous les titres (section, groupe, bloc et illustration [caption]) doivent tre formuls,
de prfrence, en utilisant des substantifs.

Exemple : Remove cab

Incorrect : Dposer la cabine

Correct : Dpose de la cabine

La premire lettre dune entre ou sous-entre dindex prend galement une


2. Listes
Quand la liste est une numration de substantifs, la premire lettre de chaque
lment prend une minuscule et la fin de chaque lment nest marque par aucun
signe de ponctuation (ni point, ni virgule).
Quand chaque lment de la liste est une phrase, la premire lettre de chaque
lment prend une majuscule et chaque lment est termin par un point.

Dans les listes de rfrences, en dbut de groupe, ne pas utiliser de guillemets.

Incorrect :

Correct :

3. Lgendes
Dans une lgende, le nombre de pices utilises sur la machine est indiqu en anglais par (X Used) .
En franais, seul le chiffre doit tre indiqu.

Exemple : DCap Screw (2 Used)

Incorrect : DVis (2 utilises)

Correct : DVis (2)


a. Introduccin

A continuacin, se describen una serie de pautas que se deben tener en cuenta al traducir las
publicaciones de John Deere. Estas pautas son complementarias a las reglas bsicas de escritura de la
lengua espaola en cuanto a gramtica, sintctica, estilo y puntuacin, as como a las reglas definidas en
la primera parte de este documento.

Al traducir en Across, se deber tener en cuenta qu parte del documento se est traduciendo; es decir
si se trata de un ttulo, o de una descripcin de cmo instalar o desmontar componentes hacindose
referencia a ilustraciones. Por tanto, ser necesario en todo momento disponer de un documento
impreso en pdf del ingls y una vez traducido, una copia en pdf del espaol para comparar.

b. Estilo

Al realizar la traduccin se recomienda tener en cuenta las siguientes normas bsicas:

Escribir de forma clara y concisa.

Unificar la terminologa de toda la publicacin.

Procurar no usar palabras vagas (cosa, hecho, algo) ni verbos que sirvan para todo (hacer, poner,
haber). Tratar de buscar la palabra que exprese exactamente el mensaje que se quiere

Limitar el uso de expresiones como sin embargo, por un lado, adems, asimismo,

c. Gramtica

1. Uso del infinitivo o el estilo impersonal

John Deere prefiere el uso del infinitivo o del estilo impersonal. Adems, es fundamental mantener la
coherencia a lo largo de toda la publicacin. Esto afecta en especial a casos determinados (mens,
cuadros de dilogo, texto de botones, etc.), que casi siempre expresan la ejecucin de una accin.

Ejemplo: Use the screwdriver to push back the retainer.

1. Open the cover.
2. Remove the spring set.

Incorrecto Utilice el destornillador para empujar el retenedor.

1. Abra la tapa.
2. Extraiga el conjunto de muelles.

Correcto: Utilizar el destornillador para empujar el retenedor.
1. Abrir la tapa.
2. Extraer el conjunto de muelles.

Ejemplo: If you choose this option.

Correcto: Si se selecciona esta opcin.

2. Uso del tiempo futuro o el tiempo presente

El tiempo futuro tan frecuente en ingls, en los manuales tcnicos, admite una traduccin en el tiempo
presente, ms comn en espaol.

Ejemplo: This section will describe the procedures to install the final

Correcto: Esta seccin describe los procedimientos para instalar las

reducciones finales.
Correcto: En esta seccin se describen los procedimientos para instalar
las reducciones finales.

3. Uso de la voz pasiva o la voz activa

Frente al uso generalizado de la pasiva en los manuales tcnicos en ingls, en espaol se prefiere el uso
de la voz activa.
Otro recurso para evitar el uso de la pasiva es el estilo impersonal. En los mensajes de error es la
solucin ms satisfactoria por su concisin, claridad y sencillez.

The bearing extractor is used as follows.
The grain tank cover cannot be installed.

El extractor de rodamientos se utiliza de la siguiente forma.
No se puede instalar la tapa del depsito de grano.

4. Traduccin de la forma ing

En ingls el gerundio se utiliza con mucha frecuencia, en especial, en los ttulos. En espaol siempre se
debe traducir por el sustantivo correspondiente. Se debe mantener el gerundio en algunas ocasiones,
por ejemplo, cuando en la barra de estado se indica una accin que se est realizando.

Removing and installing final drives

Adding and saving configurations in the monitor

Separacin y montaje de las reducciones finales
Adicin y memorizacin de configuraciones en el monitor

5. La construccin sintctica nombre + a + infinitivo

En espaol no se acepta esta construccin, consecuencia de la traduccin literal de la construccin
inglesa nombre+to+infinitivo.

Ejemplo: Parts to remove

Incorrecto: Piezas a desmontar

Correcto: Piezas que es necesario desmontar

d. Puntuacin

1. Guin largo
En ingls se usa el guin largo a modo de parntesis. En espaol, este guin se elimina siempre y se
puede sustituir de diversas formas, segn el estilo del traductor y el sentido de la frase. Puede
convertirse en una frase de inciso entre comas, en un punto y coma, en una frase entre parntesis o
guiones cortos.

NOTA: En los ttulos de bloques o de secciones en los manuales del operador, se debern respetar los
guiones largos del texto en ingls. Ejemplo:

Ingls Espaol
Fuel and Air Intake Systems Repair Sistemas de alimentacin y admisin Reparacin
Throttle Pedal Adjustment5085M, 5095M and Ajuste del pedal del acelerador5085M, 5095M y
5095MH (Cab) 5095MH (cabina)

2. Uso de maysculas
El ingls hace un uso frecuente de las maysculas. En espaol slo se utiliza mayscula en la palabra
inicial, el resto va en minscula, a menos que entre stas se incluyan nombres propios o de productos.

Ejemplo: Air Intake System

Incorrecto: Sistema de Admisin de Aire

Correcto: Sistema de admisin de aire

Los nombres comerciales deben seguir su grafa original.

Ejemplo: HMS (Headland Management System)

Correcto: HMS (Headland Management System)

Las letras maysculas, tanto si se trata de iniciales como si se integran en una palabra escrita
enteramente en maysculas, deben llevar tilde si as les corresponde segn las reglas de acentuacin.
No se acentan, sin embargo, las maysculas que forman parte de las siglas.

3. Unidades de medida
En espaol las unidades de medida NO llevan punto. Los manuales tcnicos en espaol incluyen en las
tablas las medidas en el sistema internacional SI y sus equivalencias en el sistema ingls (entre
Por normal general se dejan en espaol entre parntesis las unidades en el sistema ingls pero sin punto
(p. ej. m, kg, l, lb, lb-bu, lb-ft, lb-in).

Ingls Espaol
1.5 m (59.05 in.) 1,5 m (59.05 in)
8 Nm (70 lb-in.) 8 Nm (70 lb-in)

NOTA: Nunca traducir la unidad de medida in por pulg, pulgadas o por el smbolo .

4. Numerales
En las cantidades numricas escritas en cifras se pone coma (,) para indicar los decimales y punto (.)
detrs de las unidades de mil y de milln.
Ejemplo: 1.000 y 25.000
NOTA: No se escribe punto en los nmeros de ao o de pginas.

Como norma, los nmeros del cero al diez se escriben con todas sus letras. Tambin se usan letras para
escribir mil y milln y las decenas, centenas y millares cuando forman parte de nmeros.
En las tablas, leyendas, frmulas matemticas o ejemplos se utilizan siempre nmeros; tambin se
pueden utilizar stos por consideraciones de espacio.
NOTA: La traduccin del trmino ingls billion es mil millones.

2 covers and 8 screws

Dos tapas y ocho tornillos
Tres millones

5. Comillas
En espaol se utilizan diferentes tipos de comillas: las espaolas ( ), las inglesas ( ) y las
simples ( ). Las comillas espaolas ( ), tambin llamadas latinas o angulares, son las aconsejadas
por la RAE, a pesar de la popularidad de las comillas inglesas.
En las publicaciones John Deere SOLO utilizar las comillas rectas dobles (" ") inglesas, procedentes de
la mecanografa. Por razones tcnicas ACROSS solo acepta esta tipografa de las comillas.

e. Terminologa

1. Glosario
Mediante el uso de crossTerm obtenemos trminos especficos o exclusivos de John Deere. CrossTerm
sirve como base de datos de terminologa fiable y unificada.

Tener en cuenta los trminos con la marca oficial y los trminos con la marca rejected a la hora de
elegir el trmino adecuado para la traduccin.
Tener en cuenta que en algunos trminos aparece el smbolo de i (informacin), mediante el cual se
puede obtener informacin especfica acerca de su uso o de la mquina a la que pertenece. A veces tan
slo un dibujo puede ser de gran ayuda.

2. Traduccin de trminos con diversas acepciones

El ejemplo ms habitual suele ser el trmino pin. La traduccin al espaol ser pasador o buln,
dependiendo del tamao de la pieza y de la funcin que realice (fijacin o carga).

Ejemplo: Draw pin

Incorrecto: Pasador de tiro

Correcto: Buln de tiro

Ejemplo: Detent pin

Correcto: Pasador de retencin

3. Siglas
Utilizar la sigla correspondiente apropiada en espaol, si es conocida en las publicaciones John Deere.
Aunque en los manuales tcnicos la inmensa mayora de las siglas no se traducen, la primera vez que
aparecen en un documento se deben traducir entre parntesis como nota explicativa para el lector. En
el ejemplo de abajo, TDM existe como sigla.

Ejemplo: MFWD (Mechanical Front Wheel Drive)

Correcto: MFWD (traccin delantera mecnica, TDM)

Otros ejemplos de siglas importantes en nuestros manuales que s tienen traduccin al espaol:

PTO Power Take-Off toma de fuerza TDF

ID Inner diameter dimetro interior D.I.
OD Outer diameter dimetro exterior D.E.
2WD 2-wheel drive sin traccin delantera sin TDM
4WD 4-wheel drive Traccin en las cuatro ruedas TDM
SCV Selective Control Valve Vlvula de mando a distancia VMD

Ejemplo de siglas que no cambian en espaol:

TM Technical Manual Manual tcnico TM

CTM Component Technical Manual Manual tcnico de componentes CTM
VGT Variable Geometry Turbocharger Turbocompresor de geometra VGT

El nombre de las unidades de control (ECU), se abrevia con sus siglas correspondientes en ingls y stas
no deben traducirse al espaol. Para ms informacin sobre su significado y denominacin correctos,
consultar Abbreviations Used in John Deere Technical Information Documents o la base terminolgica
de crossTerm.

f. Ttulos y textos de enlace

1. Ttulos

1. Formato
IMPORTANTE: Cuando se hace referencia a un ttulo en una publicacin, ya sea texto de



2. Traduccin
En ingls los ttulos suelen ser comnmente gerundios, pero en espaol ha de evitarse esta forma, as
como otras formas verbales, y emplear un sustantivo adecuado.


2. Textos de enlace (anchors)

A menudo, cuando en una publicacin se hace referencia a otro bloque del mismo manual se menciona
su ttulo insertndolo entre dos etiquetas o anclas (anchors) que sirven de texto de enlace. Al hacer
clic sobre el texto (en SERVICE ADVISOR), se accede directamente al bloque mencionado. Los ttulos de
enlace deben ser idnticos al ttulo del bloque indicado, de lo contrario se generarn confusiones en el

lector y los enlaces podran funcionar incorrectamente. Adems, las etiquetas de enlace SLO deben
contener el ttulo correspondiente.


, , ,
. .

: , , , . .

a. John Deere

1. , :
John Deere
2. John Deere .
: , , , etc.
: John Deere, John Deere, John Deere,
John Deere, etc.

3. ( ),

: ,
, . (John Deere).
: , ,
. ( )

4. ,
Deere & Company.
, .

: John Deere Rus, John Deere Agricultural Holdings, etc.

: OOO (John Deere Rus. LLC),
, . () (John Deere Agricultural Holdings, Inc. (USA))



() , ,
. .
. ,
111 C (232 F)
13000 kPa (130 bar) (1880 psi)


, John Deere
, .

Section Title

Section Title

Section Title


: CCS, VRD, SFP, MFWD, etc.

: ,
, ,

: (CCS),
(SFP), (MFWD) ..


( ,
, ..),

: Prestarting Checks: Check Engine Oil Level, Drain Water Separator,

Check Coolant Level. VS. Spray System Check, Oil Drain.

: . e
. . VS.
, .

: .
. . VS.
, .


, John
Deere. John Deere: Product Portfolio 2014

Row-Crop Planters 1700-Series (1700) (DB)
Box Drills 455, 1590 (455, 1590)
Air (Disk) Drills 730/740/750,
Air Hoe Tilt Drills
Air Hoe Drills 1830/1835
Air Commodity Cart 1910 1910
TBT (Tow between) --
TBH (Tow behind) --
Chisel Plow 2410
Disk Ripper 2720
Cultivator 2210
Mulch Tiller 2310
425/670/2600 Series
Rippers 913/915/22/2100
Seedbed Finisher 200
Headers: :
Flexible 600F
Draper 900D

John Deere Section Control John Deere Section Control
AutoTrac AutoTrac
AutoTrac Universal
AutoTrac Universal 200 200
Trailed Sprayer
Fertilizer Spreader
Round Balers (Variable - (
chamber) )
Round Balers (Fixed chamber) ( )
Square Balers 359/459 -
Windrower W110/150/R450
Front MoCos (Mower-
Conditioner) -
Rear MoCos -
c /
Side-Pull/Center-Pivot Tongue


Primary/Secondary Filter , ,
/ , ,
Primary/Secondary ,
/ .

: Primary/Secondary Fuel Filter

: /

: / .

: Primary/Secondary Air Filter

: / .

: / .

Start/Stop the Engine / .

: / .

: Start/Stop the Engine

: / () .

: ()/ .

Boom boom ,

: Sprayer with boom weighs approximately 14,345 kg (31,559 lb.).

14 345 (31 559 ).

14 345 (31 559 ).

John Deere.

Ponisze instrukcje stanowi uzupenienie do oglnie obowizujcych zasad jzyka polskiego w zakresie
gramatyki, ortografii, skadni, interpunkcji, a take wskazwek podanych w oglnej czci tego
dokumentu. Wszystkich zasad jzyka polskiego i wskazwek podanych w tym dokumencie naley cile

Podczas pracy w rodowisku Across tumacz powinien zawsze mie wiadomo, jak cz tekstu
tumaczy: tekst gwny, tytu sekcji/grupy/bloku, legend, opis rysunku (caption), pozycj indeksu,
specyfikacj, odsyacz itp. Z tego powodu obowizkowe jest korzystanie z plikw PDF.

a. Sposb zwracania si do czytelnika

Naley uywa formy bezosobowej, a nie trybu rozkazujcego.

le: Wykr rub i zdemontuj wspornik.

Dobrze: Wykrci rub i zdemontowa wspornik.

Zawarto bazy CrossTank dla jzyka polskiego prawie w caoci jest w formie bezosobowej, uywanie
trybu rozkazujcego spowodowaoby powstanie powanych niespjnoci stylistycznych. Jedyny wyjtek
stanowi tumaczenie sowa see w zdaniach takich jak See Technical Manual for details, ktre naley
tumaczy jako patrz.

b. Tytuy sekcji/grupy/bloku

W odrnieniu od jzyka angielskiego, w jzyku polskim wielk liter naley pisa tylko pierwsze sowo
tytuu, reszt naley pisa ma liter (z wyjtkiem znakw towarowych, nazw wasnych, imion i

le: Demonta Pompy Hydraulicznej

Dobrze: Demonta pompy hydraulicznej

Tytu sekcji

Tytu grupy

Tytu bloku

Kolejn kwesti, na ktr naley zwrci uwag podczas tumaczenia, jest rozrnienie tytuu od frazy ze
zwykego tekstu, poniewa w jzyku angielskim czsto maj one takie samo brzmienie. Na przykad tytu
Remove the Hydraulic Pump naley przetumaczy jako Demonta pompy hydraulicznej, natomiast
fraz Remove the hydraulic pump. ze zwykego tekstu jako Zdemontowa pomp hydrauliczn.. W
celu rozrnienia tytuw od fraz ze zwykego tekstu naley korzysta z pliku PDF oraz sprawdza, czy
wszystkie sowa s napisane wielk liter i czy na kocu znajduje si kropka. Nigdy w takich przypadkach
nie zatwierdza wysokich fuzzies bez dokadnego sprawdzenia segmentu.

Powysze zasady maj take zastosowanie do podblokw i krokw diagnostycznych, patrz przykady



c. Legendy, opisy rysunkw (captions), pozycje indeksu, specyfikacje i odsyacze

W odrnieniu od konwencji przyjtej w dokumentacji John Deere, w jzyku polskim wielk liter naley
pisa w przypadku legend, opisw rysunkw (captions), pozycji indeksu, specyfikacji i odsyaczy tylko
pierwsze sowo, reszt naley pisa ma liter.

Przykad legendy w jzyku angielskim:

Naley zapewni spjno legendy z tekstem odnoszcym si do rysunku.

2.Opisy rysunkw (captions)

Przykad opisu rysunku (caption) w jzyku angielskim:

Opis rysunku (caption) to tekst opisujcy rysunek, jest on uywany zawsze w odniesieniu do rysunku. W
wikszoci przypadkw te opisy nie s widoczne w plikach PDF, ale s widoczne w aplikacji Service
ADVISORTM. Naley zapewni spjno opisu rysunku z tekstem odnoszcym si do rysunku.

3.Pozycje indeksu
Przykad pozycji indeksu w jzyku angielskim:

Naley zapewni spjno pozycji indeksu z tekstem dokumentu i spjno pozycji midzy sob, tak aby
nie generowa niepotrzebnych pozycji indeksu (np. tumaczenie Brake Housing raz jako Obudowa
hamulca a innym razem jako Obudowa hamulcw).

Pamita podczas tworzenia pozycji, e indeks jest zwykle pierwszym miejscem poszukiwania informacji
przez czytelnika, dlatego pozycje musz trafnie charakteryzowa przedmiot, do ktrego si odnosz. W
przypadku pozycji zoonych, jak na powyszym przykadzie, naley najpierw umieszcza nazw
elementu/podzespou, a nastpnie rodzaj wykonywanej czynnoci , np. Obudowa hamulca, monta.

Przykad specyfikacji w jzyku angielskim:

Naley zapewni spjno specyfikacji z tekstem dokumentu.

Przykad odsyacza w jzyku angielskim:

Odsyacze to odwoania do tytuw innych blokw. Tekst odsyacza musi by zgodny z tytuem bloku, do
ktrego nastpuje odwoanie. Jeli dany blok nie stanowi czci tumaczonego dokumentu, naley
zapyta koordynatora projektu o prawidowe tumaczenie.

UWAGA: W przypadku odsyaczy nie stosuje si cudzysoww.

d. Przyciski, ikony, interfejs uytkownika

Nazwy przyciskw i ikon niezawierajcych tekstu, a tylko element graficzny, naley przetumaczy. Na
przykad Arrow Button naley tumaczy jako Przycisk strzaki.

W przypadku przyciskw i ikon zawierajcych tekst oraz tekstowych elementw interfejsu uytkownika
w jzyku angielskim naley zastosowa konwencj z zachowaniem oryginau, a nastpnie podaniem
tumaczenia w nawiasie, np.

Enter the menu item "Advanced Settings"

naley przetumaczy jako:
Wej do pozycji menu "Advanced Settings (Ustawienia zaawansowane)".

Jeli takie elementy tekstowe wystpuj wielokrotnie, mona zastosowa powysz konwencj raz (np.
w legendzie rysunku), a pniej stosowa ju tylko polskie tumaczenie.

W przypadku tekstowych elementw interfejsu uytkownika, ktre s na rysunkach pokazane w jzyku

polskim, naley dostosowa tumaczenie do rysunku, bez zachowywania oryginau. Jeli polskie
elementy interfejsu uytkownika pokazane na rysunkach s niskiej jakoci, niespjne itp., naley taki fakt
zgosi koordynatorowi projektu.

e. Cudzysowy, czniki, ppauzy, pauzy

W polskim tumaczeniu dokumentacji John Deere naley uywa wycznie prostych cudzysoww
podwjnych: " ", nie naley stosowa adnych innych cudzysoww.

le: Obroty silnika faluj po rozruchu w niskiej temperaturze.

Dobrze: Obroty silnika "faluj" po rozruchu w niskiej temperaturze.

cznik, ang. hyphen (-) jest stosowany w przypadku kodw produktw lub dokumentw, np. PD-34-
9651-A, kodw pocztowych, np. 00-950, zoe typu biao-czerwony (w znaczeniu w poowie biay i w
poowie czerwony), zoonych nazw i nazwisk, np. AutoQuad-Plus, Bielsko-Biaa, Kowalska-
Nowak, konstrukcji typu 16-biegowy, jedno- lub dwuczonowy oraz do dzielenia wyrazw midzy
Znak cznika jest dostpny bezporednio z klawiatury.

Ppauza, ang. n-dash () w polskim tumaczeniu dokumentacji John Deere jest stosowana w przypadku
podawania zakresw liczbowych, np. 380385 mm. W tym zastosowaniu ppauza nie jest otoczona

le: 380 385 mm

le: 380-385 mm
le: 380 - 385 mm
le: 380385 mm
le: 380 385 mm

Dobrze: 380385 mm

Znak ppauzy jest dostpny za pomoc kombinacji klawiszy Alt+0150.

Pauza, ang. m-dash () w polskim tumaczeniu dokumentacji John Deere jest stosowana jako znak
rozdzielajcy w przypadku konstrukcji typu Pompa paliwowa monta, ruby moment
dokrcania czy A110X1 zcze zespou sterujcego kabiny oraz jako znak zastpujcy czci zdania
lub przecinki w przypadku konstrukcji typu Dolny wspornik naley zamontowa na dole, a grny na
grze czy Czujnik temperatury wraz z caym okablowaniem naley zamontowa przed
zamontowaniem osony. Pauza zawsze jest otoczona spacjami.

le: Pompa paliwowamonta

le: Pompa paliwowamonta
le: Pompa paliwowa monta
le: Pompa paliwowa-monta
le: Pompa paliwowa monta

Dobrze: Pompa paliwowa monta

Tekst znajdujcy si po pauzie naley pisa ma liter.

le: Pompa paliwowa Monta

Dobrze: Pompa paliwowa monta

Znak pauzy jest dostpny za pomoc kombinacji klawiszy Alt+0151.

f. Jednostki, liczby

Naley zachowa oryginalny ukad z wartociami metrycznymi i imperialnymi w nawiasie. Nie tumaczy
jednostek imperialnych, nie usuwa wartoci imperialnych, nie dodawa brakujcych konwersji. W razie
stwierdzenia bdw/brakw w jednostkach lub wartociach liczbowych naley taki fakt zgosi
koordynatorowi projektu.

le: 254 mm
le: 254 mm (10 cali)

Dobrze: 254 mm (10 in.)

W przypadku wartoci metrycznych stosowa przecinek dziesitny, a w przypadku wartoci imperialnych

kropk dziesitn.

le: 25.4 mm (1.0 in.)

le: 25,4 mm (1,0 in.)

Dobrze: 25,4 mm (1.0 in.)

Dodawa zero w przypadku uamkw dziesitnych poniej 1:

le: 10,16 mm (.4 in.)

Dobrze: 10,16 mm (0.4 in.)

Wartoci liczbowe od jednostek naley oddziela spacj. Wyjtek stanowi jednostki temperatury, a
take znak procentu %, ktrych nie oddziela si spacj.

le: 15,32mm
le: 40 C (104 F)
le: 35 %

Dobrze: 15,32 mm
Dobrze: 40C (104F)
Dobrze: 35%

Nie uywa separatorw tysicznych (spacji, kropek ani przecinkw).

le: 15 200 m
le: 15.200 m
le: 15,200 m

Dobrze: 15200 m

Zapisywa w tekcie cigym liczebniki porzdkowe od 1 do 10 sownie. Liczebniki powyej 10 zapisywa


le: Wczy 3. bieg.

Dobrze: Wczy trzeci bieg.

g. Listy punktowane

Jeeli elementy listy nie s penymi zdaniami, lecz krtkimi zwrotami w mianowniku, nie naley
umieszcza na kocu kropki.

Wybierz rodzaj drukarki:

Drukarka matrycowa
Drukarka atramentowa
Drukarka laserowa

Jeeli niektre (lub wszystkie) elementy listy s penymi zdaniami, naley je rozpoczyna wielk liter i
umieszcza na kocu kropk.

Celem spotkania jest:

Okrelenie problemw biznesowych, ktre naley rozwiza.
Uzyskanie wzajemnego zrozumienia wymaga przez transfer wiedzy.
Uzgodnienie potencjalnego rozwizania.

Jeeli lista ma form kontynuacji otwierajcego zdania, kady z elementw powinien by zakoczony
przecinkiem, z wyjtkiem ostatniego, po ktrym naley umieci kropk.

Opracowane zostan dokumenty z formalnymi instrukcjami okrelajcymi:

metody serwisowania lub naprawy,

wykorzystanie odpowiedniego sprztu,
udzia odpowiednio wykwalifikowanego personelu.

UWAGA: Jeeli jeden (lub wicej) elementw listy zawiera przecinek, kady z elementw wyliczenia (z
wyjtkiem ostatniego) naley zakoczy rednikiem zamiast przecinka.
Przy wyliczaniu naley stosowa najbardziej odpowiedni regu spord wymienionych powyej
(niezalenie od sposobu zastosowanego w wersji angielskiej).


Regulile de mai jos sunt specifice documentaiei John Deere i pot reflecta sau nu
regulile aplicabile ale Academiei. V rugm s respectai regulile descrise aici n toate
documentele John Deere.

a. Stilul

Utilizai un stil clar i concis. Evitai diatezele pasiv i reflexiv dac este posibil. Pentru proceduri i
instruciuni, utilizai imperativul.

b. Titlurile

1. Infinitivul lung
Titlurile utilizeaz ntotdeauna caractere aldine. Pentru titluri, utilizai infinitivul lung, indiferent de
forma verbal utilizat n surs, atunci cnd este cazul.
Sursa Incorect Corect
Check the wiring and Verificai cablajul i Verificarea cablajului i
connections conexiunile conexiunilor

Atenie la segmentele provenite din memorie! Dac fraza de mai sus a aprut anterior n corpul de text
(respectiv ca Verificai cablajul i conexiunile.), nu este suficient s tergei punctul de la sfrit.
Adaptai forma verbal la context.

2. Articolul hotrt
Utilizai articolul hotrt n titluri.
Sursa Incorect Corect

Maintenance ntreinere ntreinerea

Deseori, titlurile (afiate cu caractere aldine) sunt urmate de segmente identice, ns afiate cu caractere
normale. Acestea fac parte din indexul manualului; pentru a evita ncrcarea inutil a memoriei, utilizai
o traducere identic (respectiv, cu articol hotrt).

c. Diacriticele

Diacriticele utilizate n documentaia John Deere sunt cele cu sedil (, ). Dei regulile Academiei prevd
utilizarea diacriticelor cu virgul (, ), acestea creeaz probleme de afiare n pdf-urile generate. Prin
urmare, este necesar s utilizai diacriticele cu sedil (tastatura Legacy din Windows, nu tastatura
Standard). Dac preferai s utilizai tastatura Standard, avei la dispoziie dou metode pentru a v
asigura c textul final va conine diacritice Legacy:

Dup ce ncheiai traducerea/revizuirea fiecrui fiier, nlocuii diacriticele Standard cu diacritice Legacy
folosind funcia de cutare i nlocuire din Across (Ctrl+Shift+H). Nu uitai s utilizai corespunztor
opiunea Match case.

II (metoda recomandat)
n Across, mergei la Tools > Profile Settings > CrossDesk > Target Editor > Auto-Replace > Add i
adugai urmtoarele elemente:
Replace With

Across va nlocui automat diacriticele Standard cu diacritice Legacy.

Diacriticele , i nu sunt afectate de aceast problem.

d. Numerele, unitile de msur i intervalele numerice

1. Ordinea unitilor
Ordinea corect a unitilor este SI (Imperial). Unitile de msur SI trebuie traduse n romn;
avei grij s respectai conveniile SI (de exemplu, pentru litru se va folosi l mic, nu L mare, iar
pentru centimetri cubi se va folosi cm3, nu cc). Pentru unitile SI, separatorul zecimal este

2. Unitile imperiale
Unitile imperiale vor rmne exact aa cum sunt n surs, iar separatorul zecimal pentru
valorile numerice ale acestora este punctul.

Sursa Incorect Corect

1.5 m (59.05 in.) 1,5 m (59,05 in) 1,5 m (59.05 in)

24.5 L/min (6.5 gpm) 24,5 L/min (6.5 gal/min) 24,5 l/min (6.5 gpm)

3. Pluralul unitilor de msur

Dac o unitate de msur apare cu numele ntreg, nu ca abreviere, folosii formele de singular i
plural conform necesitilor.

Sursa Incorect Corect

6 bar 6 bar 6 bari

4. Separatorii coreci
Asigurai-v c utilizai separatorii coreci. Pentru fiierele mari care conin multe valori numerice,
este recomandat urmtoarea metod:
- n timpul traducerii, folosii virgula ca separator zecimal pentru toate valorile. Alternativ, putei
lsa punctul ca separator, nlocuindu-l cu virgula la sfritul traducerii dup cum urmeaz:
utilizai funcia de cutare i nlocuire (Ctrl+Shift+H) pentru a nlocui .0 cu ,0, .1 cu ,1, .2 cu ,2 etc.

- Odat ce toate valorile numerice au virgula ca separator zecimal, facei clic dreapta pe opiunea
de verificare a datelor, orelor i valorilor numerice din seciunea de verificare din panoul din
stnga i alegei Check now. n acest mod, vei verifica numai valorile numerice, nu i formatul
numerelor, i vei evita afiarea a numeroase alarme false cauzate de utilizarea punctului ca
separator zecimal.
- Dup ce v asigurai c toate valorile numerice sunt corecte, utilizai din nou funcia de cutare i
nlocuire (Ctrl+Shift+H) pentru a nlocui ,0 cu .0, ,1 cu .1, ,2 cu .2 etc. numai pentru unitile
imperiale. Acest lucru este posibil graie funciei de cutare i nlocuire din Across, care permite
selectarea separat a segmentelor pentru nlocuire.
Procesul pare complicat, ns dureaz ~10 minute pentru un fiier mare, cu sute de valori
numerice. Dac nu utilizai aceast metod, v putei confrunta cu un numr mare de alarme
false la verificarea numerelor, ceea ce va consuma mai mult timp i va spori riscul de eroare.

Nu utilizai separatoare de mii.

5. Spaiul dintre numr i unitatea de msur

Introducei ntotdeauna un spaiu ntre numr i unitatea de msur, cu excepia unitilor procent
(%) i grad (). Acestea nu sunt desprite de numrul care le preced. Nu utilizai niciodat spaii
neseparatoare (hard space).
Incorect Corect

50cm 50 cm

10 C 10C
10 C 10 C
10 % 10%

6. Intervalele numerice
Pentru intervalele numerice, utilizai liniua en-dash (, Alt+0150), fr spaii nainte i dup
Incorect Corect
50 - 100 cm 50100 cm
50 100 cm
50100 cm
50 100 cm
50-100 cm
50 -100 cm

7. Alte reguli
Nu repetai unitatea de msur.

Incorect Corect

25 mm31 mm 2531 mm

Pe lng rolul de cratim, utilizai liniua scurt (-) ca semn minus (de ex. -10C).
Pentru intervalele de temperatur n care se utilizeaz semnele plus i minus, nu utilizai liniua
en-dash, ci formula de la la, pentru a evita confuziile.

Incorect Corect
-5+20C De la -5 la +20C

e. Majusculele i literele mici

n englez, majusculele sunt folosite mult mai frecvent dect n limba romn. Nu utilizai majuscule
dect atunci cnd acest lucru este necesar n romn.
Incorect Corect

Senzor de Temperatur Senzor de temperatur

Deseori, termenii ON i OFF sunt scrii cu majuscule n surs. Nu este necesar s utilizai majusculele n
romn pentru traducerea acestora.
Sursa Incorect Corect
Ignition is OFF. Contactul este OPRIT. Contactul este oprit.

Numai n cazul titlurilor, utilizai o majuscul dup linia de pauz (en-dash precedat i urmat de
Incorect Corect

Service la fiecare 50 de ore Service La fiecare 50 de ore

Aceast regul nu se aplic i n corpul de text.

Nu utilizai majuscule pentru a traduce termeni precum Section i Group.

Incorect Corect

Consultai Seciunea 40, Grupul 8. Consultai seciunea 40, grupul 8.

f. Ghilimelele

Utilizai ghilimelele englezeti ( sau ""). Indiferent de varianta aleas, utilizai-o consecvent n ntregul
document (mai exact, asigurai consecvena nu doar la nivelul fiecrui fiier, ci la nivelul tuturor
fiierelor care vor compune un singur document, de exemplu un manual de utilizare). Dat fiind c
ghilimelele sunt introduse cu ajutorul codurilor Alt+0147 i Alt+0148, este mai uor (i, prin urmare,
recomandat) s utilizai ghilimelele drepte "".

g. Termeni preferai

Mai jos sunt indicate traducerile preferate pentru civa dintre termenii care apar frecvent n
documentaia John Deere. Traducerile de evitat nu sunt neaprat incorecte; tabelul de mai jos are n
primul rnd scopul de a asigura consecvena unor termeni deseori utilizai. n afar de aceti termeni, ca
regul general, respectai terminologia din crossTerm.

Surs Traducere De evitat

service service/lucrri de service servisare
group grup fascicul
torque cuplu moment
loosen a slbi/a deuruba a desfileta
maintenance ntreinere revizie
inspection inspectare inspecie
see consultai vezi
hole orificiu gaur
bore alezaj gaur/orificiu
cap screw urub cu cap hexagonal urub cu cap
stud prezon tift
screw urub bol
pin tift bol
lock nut contrapiuli piuli de blocare
grease vaselin unsoare
attach, detach conectare, deconectare ataare, detaare
implement instrument unealt, utilaj, accesoriu
hitch cuplaj crlig
clutch ambreiaj cuplaj
manifold colector tubulatur
fuel carburant combustibil
tow bar bar de tractare bar de traciune
axle punte osie
lever manet levier
rocker arm culbutor bra oscilant
pressure switch presostat comutator de temperatur

h. Greeli frecvente

Asigurai-v c utilizai forma corect de singular/plural. Nu uitai c, n englez, singularul poate avea i
sens de plural (de ex. knife drive se refer la acionarea cuitelor, nu a cuitului).
Sursa Incorect Corect

thermostat housing carcasa termostatului carcasa termostatelor

(consultai contextul pentru a
determina numrul
termostatelor i utilizai
corect forma de

wheel speed sensor senzor de vitez a roii senzor de vitez a roilor

Utilizai prepoziiile corecte.

Sursa Incorect Corect

Install the valve on the fuel Montai supapa la rampa de Montai supapa pe rampa de
rail. carburant. carburant.

V tto sti uvdme veobecn pravidla eskho jazyka, kter je teba pi prci na pekladech do
eskho jazyka dodrovat.

a. Neosobn forma

Pi uvdn pokyn pouvejte pouze formln, neosobn formu vykn.

patn: Demontuj roub a vythni filtr.

Sprvn: Demontujte roub a vyjmte filtr.

Jedinou vjimkou bude sloveso vidt v imperativu, tedy viz (v originle napklad See Section 51 tedy
bude do etiny pevedeno jako viz st 51). Neteba pipomnat, e se nejedn o zkratku, ale o
sloveso v imperativu, a nepeme za slovem teku.

b. Nzvy kapitol, st, blok

Na rozdl od anglitiny se v etin velkm pe pouze prvn psmeno prvnho slova v nzvu i nadpisu.

patn: Demont Palivovho Filtru

Sprvn: Demont palivovho filtru

Nzev oddlu

Nzev kapitoly

Nzev bloku

Dalm skalm, na kter je teba si dvat pozor, je rozdl mezi nadpisem a vtou, kter nemus bt v
originle vdy patrn. Napklad text Remove Hydraulic Pump me bt peloen jako Demontujte
hydrogenertor (1), nebo Demont hydrogenertoru(2). Zle na umstn frze v textu. Nkdy se
toti me jednat o nadpis (2), ale taky me jt o pokyn uveden za odrkou nebo slem oznaujcm
poad ve sledu pokyn. Proto je naprosto nezbytn pi prci vyuvat referenn soubory PDF.

Tato pravidla plat tak pro dl bloky a pokyny diagnostiky.

Dl bloky


c. Uvozovky, spojovnk a pomlka

1. Uvozovky
V etin pouvejte pouze anglick uvozovky shodn s originlem, tedy rovn uvozovky nahoe:

patn: Na obrazovce se objev InoP.

Sprvn: Na obrazovce se objev InoP.

2. Spojovnk (-)
V etin dbejte na sprvn pouit spojovnk dle J ( Ve vtin
ppad bude v eskm textu pouita pomlka namsto spojovnku v anglickm textu.

3. Pomlka ()
I v tomto ppad se ite pravidly J ( Nikdy nepouvejte dlouhou
pomlku (), pestoe to etina umouje.
Pomlka se nenachz na esk klvesnici a spojovnk v textu se automaticky nezmn na pomlku, jak je
tomu zvykem u textovch editor jako MS Word. V nstroji Across je teba pout kombinaci Alt+150.

d. Jednotky

Co se te imperilnch jednotek, ite se pokyny uvedenm v pslun sti tto pruky. Pi kladen
mezery mezi slici a jednotku se ite obecnmi pravidly etiny (stejn tak pro znaky %). Mezi slem a
stupnm se klade mezera vdy:

patn: 4mm 4 milimetry

patn: 4 mm tymilimetrov

Sprvn: 4mm tymilimetrov

Sprvn: 4 mm 4 milimetry
Sprvn: 3% tprocentn
Sprvn: 3 % ti procenta
Sprvn: 20 C dvacet stup

Dle pouvejte u metrickch jednotek desetinnou rku, zatmco u jednotek imperilnch zachovejte

patn: 25.4 mm (1.0 in)

patn: 25,4 mm (1,0 in)

Sprvn: 25,4 mm (1.0 in)

Pokud je slo v originle men ne 1, pouijte obvykl zpis:

patn: 10,16 mm (.4 in)

Sprvn: 10,16 mm (0.4 in)

Jednotka tlaku bar se nesklouje:

patn: 10 bar

Sprvn: 10 bar

Jednotka kosk sly (hp) se nepekld a pe se malmi psmeny, jednotka mle za hodinu (mph)
patn: 155 HP
patn: 155 ks
patn: 80 m/h

Sprvn: 155 hp
Sprvn: 80 mph

Jednotka rychlosti otky za minutu se pe bez teek:

patn: 1000 ot./min.

Sprvn: 1000 ot/min

e. Smrnice a nzvy norem

Zvltn pozornost vnujte pekldn nzv norem a smrnic, a tak jejich oznaen. Vtinu oficilnch
nzv lze snadno dohledat online. Pozor na oznaen evropskch norem, kde EU zna Evropskou unii
(European Union) a EC oznauje Evropsk spoleenstv (European Community). Nen to vak pravidlem a
vdy nzev a slo normy i smrnice vdy ovte, nkter dokumenty jsou znmy pod rznm
oznaenm. Pklad oznaen norem EU a ES:

EN: 2014/53/EU CS: 2014/53/EU

EN: 2005/5/EC CS: 2005/5/ES

f. Pdavn jmna elov a djov

Pozor na zmnu pdavnch jmen djovch a elovch. V ppad termnu se VDY pouvaj pdavn
jmna elov. Tedy:


patn: chladc kapalina

Sprvn: chladic kapalina

g. Jednotnost pvlastk shodnch a neshodnch

Pokud pekldan termn nem svj ekvivalent v databzi crossTerm ani crossTank a je teba se pi
pekladu rozhodnout mezi pvlastkem shodnm (olejov filtr) a neshodnm (filtr oleje), dejte pednost
pvlastku shodnmu nebo neshodnmu dle zabhlho zu, a tento zpsob dodrujte v celm textu.


Tento termn byl asto do etiny pekldn jako idi. Nicmn u mnoha stroj m obsluhujc osoba za
kol nejen zen stroje, ale tak zkladn drbu, nastaven atd. a naopak u stroj, jako je zahradn
sekaka, na klasick zen za volantem ani nedojde. Proto nen termn idi pesn a termn operator
se nadle pekld jako OBSLUHA. M se za to, e je tento termn ble anglickmu operator a na
rozdl od eskho ekvivalentu opertor je i genderov neutrln (v nkterch ppadech me bt
alternativou tak obsluhujc osoba/osoby, pokud je nutn piblit poet osob).


a. Capitalization

Please follow the same rules as English regarding the capitalization of nouns.
This applies specifically to:
- Block and Section Headings
- Captions and Legends

Generally speaking, whenever text is capitalized in English, it should be capitalized in Portuguese too.


b. Grammar

Always use the imperative form, not the infinitive.

CTM References

Query Template

No. Public. Section Block number Block title Context Query Assigned to (Author/JD) Answer

Abbreviations Used in John Deere Technical Information Documents

Abbreviation Designation
ABC Assisted Basecutter Control
ADU Armrest Display Unit
AHC Advanced Header Control
APS Automatic PowerShift
ASR Anti-Slip Regulation
ATC Automatic Temperature Control
CAC Charge Air Cooler
CCS Central Commodity System (CCS is a trademark)
CEB Central Electronics Box
CMS Condition Monitoring System
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CTM Component Technical Manual
DDS Differential Drive Shaft
DEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid
DOC Diesel Oxydation Catalyst
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EH Electro-Hydraulic
EHS Electronic Hitch Sensor
E-ICV Electrically-Actuated Independent Control Valve
EOL End Of Line
EPRC Electronic Population Rate Control
ESC Electronic Seed Control
E-SCV Electrically-Actuated Selective Control Valve
EUI Electronic Unit Injector
EUP Electronic Unit Pump
FET Field Effect Transistor
FMI Failure Mode Identifier
FWD Front-Wheel Drive
HID High Intensity Discharge
HMS Headland Management System
HPCR High-Pressure Common Rail
HSL Hydraulic Self-Leveling
HVAC Heater/Ventilation/Air-Conditioning System
ICCS Isolated Center Control Support
ICV Independent Control Valve
IDM Internal Data Monitor
ILS Independent-Link Suspension (ILS is a trademark)
IMS Implement Management System
IOOS Isolated Open Operators Station
IVLOC Infinitely Variable Length-of-Cut (switch or transmission)
LED Light Emitting Diode

LNG Liquified Natural Gas
LS Load Sensing
LSSM Low Shaft Speed Monitor
MAP Manifold Air Pressure
MAT Manifold Air Temperature
MCS Material Collection System
MECA Machine Electronics Common Architecture
MFWD Mechanical Front-Wheel Drive
M-ICV Mechanically Controlled Independent Control Valve
M-SCV Mechanically Controlled Selective Control Valve
MSL Mechanical Self-Leveling
NDF Neutral Detergent Fiber
NSL Non-Self-Leveling
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
O.E.M. Original Equipement Manufacturer
OOS Open Operators Station
PA Population Adjust
PBST Push-Button Shift Transmission
PC Pressure Compensated (hydraulic system)
PCV Pump Control Valve
PDP Product Development Process
PEP Product Enhancement Program
PFC Pressure and Flow Compensated (hydraulic system)
PIN Product Identification Number
PIP Product Improvement Program
POST Power-On Self Test
PTO Power Take-Off
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RCD Reconfigurable Display
RMB Round Module Builder (for cotton picker)
RTK Real-Time Kinematic
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction
SCV Selective Control Valve
SDS Software Delivery System
SID Steering Input Device
SMV Slow-Moving Vehicle
SPFH Self-Propelled Forage Harvester
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
STC Snap-To-Connect (fitting)
TCM Terrain Compensation Module
TDC Top Dead Center
TIA Tractor-Implement Automation (TIA and Tractor-Implement Automation are
TLS Triple-Link Suspension (TLS is a trademark)
VCM Vehicle Control Module
VGT Variable Geometry Turbocharger
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VRMP Variable Reluctance Magnetic Pickup (sensor)
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WAS Wheel Angle Sensor
WCS Whole Crop Silage

John Deere Trademark List

NOTE: This list is provided for information only. Please refer to crossTerm for the most current updates.

This list includes updates as of February 1, 2017.


7Iron mower deck

Accel Deep deck; mower deck

AccuCount planting

AccuDepth field cultivator

Active Terrain Adjustment sensors

ActiveCommand Steering (ACS) system

ActiveSeat equipment


Aercore aerator

AgLogic system

Air Power fan drive system

AirCushion suspension system

farm management

mid-mount mower

autoload scraper

AutoLoc system

AutoPedal system

AutoPowr transmission

AutoQuad transmission

automatic guidance

AutoTrac RowSense system

BaleTrak monitor

BaleWatch monitor

Bio Chain-Gard oil; lubricant

Bio Hy-Gard oil

BoomTrac sprayer

Break-In oil

Campo Y Mecanica magazine

CargO Mount single bucket holder

credit delivery

Chamberlain model

Champion model

Click-N-Go brackets

temperature control

ComfortCommand operator's seat

ComfortGard cab


ComfortView cab

CommandARM simulator

CommandCenter display

CommandComfort equipment

mower deck lift kit

CommandPRO control; lever

CommandQuad transmission

feederhouse drive

CommandView tractor cab

Compresserator air compressor

ComputerTrak monitor

ConservaPak air hoe drills

automatic self-
leveling system

Cool-Gard coolant

CoolScan cooling testing kit

CoverEdge baler wraps

Creditran computer terminals

CropTracer system

CTS combine


Deere Run golf course services

DiamondTough round baler belts

DieselScan fuel analysis program

Double-Decker rotary cutters

Doubl-Loc sweeps

Dura Line wear parts

Dura Pak bearings

Dura-Cut knife system

Dura-Drum cutterhead parts

Dura-Flex bearings

Dura-Guard knife guards

Dura-Lite knife cutting system

DURA-MAX cutting system

Dura-Twin knife system

Dynadoc feature

combine cleaning

Dynareport feature

Dynatrace feature

Dyna feature

e23 transmission

EBS grader transmission

hybrid fairway

mulch system, cutting

Edge system; mulch deck;

Edge Xtra mower deck

Efficiency Manager transmission

eHydro transmission

El Surco magazine

ExactApply sprayer system

ExactEmerge row unit

liquid fertilizer

Extreme-Gard oil

EZtrak mower

Fanggs bucket teeth

Faran magazine

Fara magazine

revolving credit
Farm Scene design
financing services

FarmSight technology solution

Fastback mower deck

Field Doc system

FieldCruise engine controls

FieldGlide suspension system

FieldVision lighting

Flur und Furche magazine

For Generations to Come slogan

For Generations slogan

system, computer
ForestSight program, technology,

Frontier implements

Fuelscan test kit


Furen magazine

Gator Design Mark utility vehicle

Gator utility vehicle

Gator & Design utility vehicle

GoBaleTM mobile application

GoCutTM mobile application

GoFellTM mobile application

mobile application;
computer software
application; combine

GoHaulTM mobile application

Gopalite coating

GoPushTM mobile application

GoSeedTM mobile application

GoSprayTM mobile application

GrainTruckPlus mobile application

Grease-Gard grease

financial rewards

Greens Tender conditioner

GreenStar display

Guardian nozzle spray tips

HarvestLab sensor

feedrate control

HeaderTrak lateral tilt system

HillMaster self-leveling system

management system

HydraFlex platform headers

suspension system

Hydrau-Gard oil

Hydrau oil

Hydro-Max cylinders

transmission oil

automated water

Il Solco magazine

Illustruction operator manual

ILS (Independent-Link suspension system;

Suspension) system

quick attach hitch

system; hitch system

IMS feature

IntelliAxle steer assist

IntelliGuard metal detector

guidance and
machine control

It's not how fast you mow, it's how

well you mow fast

guidance and
machine control

IVLOC transmission

IVT transmission

Jagz cutting edges

JD Cross-Search parts database

JDLink telematics system

JDParts parts database

John Deere

John Deere ActiveCal sensors

John Deere Active Implement machine control

Guidance system

John Deere and Leaping Deer


John Deere CommandPRO control; lever

John Deere Custom engine support

Performance system

John Deere Easy Change oil filter

John Deere FarmSight telematics solution

soil monitoring
John Deere Field Connect system; field and crop

system, computer
John Deere ForestSight program, technology,

John Deere MyAnalyzer mobile application

John Deere MyJobsTM mobile application

John Deere PowerAssistTM mobile application

loyalty rewards
John Deere RewardsTM

system, computer
John Deere WorkSight program, technology,

Johnny Poppers footwear

LaserRip ripper points

Le Sillon magazine

Leaping Deer design

Load Command system

LoadMatch switch

MachineFinder website

Magic Happens HereTM

MaxEmerge row units

MaxiCut feature

MaxPlanter precision planter

MegaTooth pickup teeth

MegaWide pickup

M-Gator military utility vehicle

Mow ADVISOR software

MowerPlus mobile application

MowMentum drive system

MowPro batteries

Mulch On Demand mower deck

MulchControlTM kit and system

MyJDLink mobile application

MyJohnDeere portal

MyLogistics mobile application

MyOperations mobile application

MyTransfer mobile application


NeverGrease rear axle

NEVERSTOP services & support

Nothing Runs Like a Deere

O Sulco magazine

Oilscan test kit

OnRamp drive-over deck

Opti-Loc feature


Parts ADVISOR searching system

Parts OnSite
program; cabinet

PermaClutch 2 clutch disks

points and deck


Perma-Loc sweeps

Personal-Posture seats


Plus-4 oil

Plus-50 oil

feederhouse drive

Power Flow collection system

PowerCast tailboard

protection plan;
PowerGard extended warranty

Powerllel loader linkages

PowerPlan credit account

PowerShift transmission

PowerTech engines

PowerZero transmission

PowrQuad transmission

PowrQuad PLUS transmission

PowrReverser transmission

PowrSync transmission

walk behind
aerification machines

PrecisionCut reel mowers

ProDrive propulsion system

ProFinish leveling system

ProGator utility vehicle

Pro-Series XP row units

Pro-Shaft drive

Pro-XL spindles

Quad-Cool cooling system

Quadra-Flo cleaning system

Quik-Fill valve

Quik-Park loader

Quik-Tatch attachment system

QuikTrak mower

Ready To Mow

RelativeFlow sensors

Residue Master nutrient applicator

R-Gator utility vehicle

RoadGard batteries

rollover protective

RowCommand control system

RTK Extend guidance system

SC-2 undercarriage

SeedStar electronic system

SeedStar Mobile electronic system

Select Series lawn tractors

SelectSpray spray system

Service ADVISOR service tool

SERVICEGARD online tool source

SideFinder lights

Skiba magazine

SmartGradeTM control system

Sound-Gard body

Speed Link cutting system

automative cruise

Spiral Energy batteries

SprayerPro system

SprayMaster sprayer parts

sprayer nozzle

SprayStar control system

SpreaderPro system

SpreadStar rate controller

StalkMaster corn heads

StarFire receiver

StarLock blade design

StellarSupport portal

Stinger grader edges

StrongBox batteries

StructurALL warranty plan

STS combine

Sulco magazine

Superlock air filters

Surface Water Pro field and crop solution

Surface Water Pro Plus field and crop solution

Swamper bucket teeth

Swath Control Pro field and crop solution

SWEDA (Super Wide Extreme

Duty Axles)

SyncReverser transmission

SyncroPlus transmission

SyncShuttle transmission

Tango autonomous mower

TeamMate axle

Technozzlegy plant health solution

TerrainCut front mowers

The Furrow magazine

Therma-Gard coolant

measuring and
control system

TK-Series bucket teeth

TLS (Triple-Link Suspension) suspension system

Torq-Gard oil

TouchSet depth control

measuring and
control system

TractorPlusTM mobile application

Tri-Lobe conditioner rolls

TriStream rotor

spring cushion

measure control;

Tru-Width sweeps

TurboStar mower deck

Turf-Gard lubricant

Turn Kam bucket teeth

Twin Touch pedals

TwinSelect nozzle control

Uni-Gard oil

Vako magazine

Vari-Cool fan drive system

Waterloo Boy toy

Welderator machine

system, computer
WorkSight program, technology,

Worksite Pro attachments

XtraFilm baler wrap

XtraNet baler wrap

XtraTwine baler wrap

ZTrak mower

Commonly Used Non-Deere Product Trademarks

Trademarked terms Trademark type Owner of trademarked terms

ACCU-PLANT Use Trimble Navigation Limited Corporation

ACCU-RATE Use Trimble Navigation Limited Corporation

German Association of the Automobile Industry
AdBlue Use
AGCO Use AGCO Corporation

All Trail II Use Carlisle Intangible Company

Ancla M-T Use Cheng Shin Rubber USA Inc.

Android Use Google Inc.

AutoFarm Use Novariant Incorporated

BaleBind Use TM American Brazilian Company

Baler's Choice Use TM Univar USA Inc.

BEKA LUBE Use after LUBE Baier & Kppel GmbH & Company

BEKA Use Baier & Kppel GmbH & Company

BEKA-MAX Use only after BEKA Baier & Kppel GmbH & Company

Belarus Use Santra Belarus, Inc.

Bighorn Use Cheng Shin Rubber USA Inc.

Bluetooth Use Bluetooth SIG Incorporated

Boottector Use Kolpin Powersports Incorporated

Bosch Use Robert Bosch GmbH

Briggs & Stratton Use Briggs & Stratton Corporation

Buhler Use TM Buhler Industries Incorporated

C.Van Der Lely N.V.
Use C.Van Der Lely N.V. Corporation
CalAmp Use CalAmp Corp.


CDS-John Blue Use CDS-John Blue Company

CLAAS Use CLAAS KGaA mbH Limited Liability Co.

Clearfield Use TM American Brazilian Company

Continental Use Continental Tire North America Incorporated

Cordura Use INVISTA

Cummins User Cummins Incorporated

Dana Use Dana Holding Corporation

Davey Use Davey Products Pty Limited

DENSO Use DENSO Corporation

Deutz Use Deutz Ag Corporation

Deutz-Fahr Use SAME Deutz-Fahr S.p.A. Corporation

DICKEY-john Use DICKEY-john Corporation

Digidrive Use Kuhn S.A. Corporation

Docol Use SSAB Tunnplat AB Limited

DuPont Use TM E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

Fendt Use AGCO Corporation

Feraboli Use Feraboli S.P.A. Joint Stock Company

Firestone Use Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC

For Case IH trademarked

terms (Steiger, CNH, New
Holland, AccuGuide,
Use TM CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries
Diesel Saver, Automatic
Productivity System, AFX
Fox Racing Shox Use Fox Factory Incorporated

Fresh Start Use Briggs & Stratton Corporation

Geringhoff Use Carl Geringhoff GmbH & Co.

Goodyear Use Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

Grammer Use Grammer Aktiengesellschaft Joint Stock Company

GreenLink Use LaForge Systems Inc.

Gun Boot Use Kolpin Powersports Incorporated

Gun Boot 6.0
Use Kolpin Powersports Incorporated

GVM Use GVM Incorporated

Hannay Reels Use Hannay Reels Incorporated

HARDI Use HARDI Midwest Incorporated

Hardox User SSAB Tunnplat AB Limited

HARDWOODS HD Use Jordan Outdoor Enterprises Limited

Harvest Tec Use Harvest Tec Incorporated

HELLA Use HELLA KG Heuck & Co.

Hemisphere Use Hemisphere GPS

Honda Use Honda Motor Company

iOS Use Cisco Technology, Inc.

iPad, iPod, iPhone Use Apple Incorporated

Iveco Use
Iveco S.P.A. Private Limited Liability Co.
Jacobsen Eclipse Use ; Use Textron Innovations Incorporated

Kanzaki Use Kanzaki Kokyukoki Mfg. Company

Kevlar Use E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

Kolpin Use Kolpin Powersports Incorporated

Kristin Tilus of Raven
Industries confirmed
these trademarks for
Raven on 13 April 2009:
KRONE Use Bernard Krone Holding GmbH and Company

Kubota Use Kubota Tractor Corporation

Kuhn Use Kuhn S.A. Corporation

Kverneland Use Kverneland AS Corporation Norway

Laforge Use Laforge Corporation

Leica Geosystems Use Hexagon Group

Lely Use Cheng Shin Rubber USA Inc.

LEXION Use CLAAS KGaA mbH Limited Liability Co.

Uses both TM and
List of Adobe
for various terms.
trademarked terms on Adobe Systems Incorporated
Type specified on Web
Web site
Uses both TM and
List of Kawasaki
for various terms.
trademarked terms on Kawasaki Motor Corporation
Type specified on Web
Web site

List of trademarked terms

Use Google Incorporated
on Web site

List of trademarked terms

Use Intel Corporation
on Web site
Uses both TM and
List of trademarked terms for various terms.
KINZE Manufacturing Incorporated
on Web site Type specified on Web
Uses both TM and
List of trademarked terms for various terms.
Microsoft Corporation
on Web site Type specified on Web
List of trademarked terms
on Web site, including
Challenger, CAT,
Caterpillar, Mobil- Uses both TM and
Trac, Auto-Guide, and for various terms.
Caterpillar Incorporated
Opti-Ride Suspension, Type specified on Web
Surround-Flow, site.
Nightbreaker, One-
Touch, and

LubeMinder -- spell out

this way because the
company does it this way Use Suburban Manufacturing Incorporated
on its Web site:

Massey Ferguson Use AGCO Corporation

MATO Use MATO Maschinen und Metallwarenfabrik

Maxxis Use Cheng Shin Rubber USA Inc.

MAXXUM Use CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries

McCormick Use TM McCormick International USA Incorporated

McHale Use McHale Engineering Limited Company Ireland

Mercedes-Benz Use TM Daimler AG

Michelin Use Michelin North America, Inc.

New Holland
List of all trademarked
terms for Case IH and Uses both TM and
New Holland on Web site. for various terms.
CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries
See also Puma for Case Type specified on Web
IH entry, as this is site.
omitted from the Web
New Holland
List of all trademarked
terms for Case IH and Uses both TM and
New Holland on Web site. for various terms.
CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries
See also Puma for Case Type specified on Web
IH entry, as this is site.
omitted from the Web

New Leader Use Highway Equipment Company

Oilite Use Beemer Precision Incorporated

Orthman Use Orthman Manufacturing

Outback Use Hemisphere GPS

Perkins Use Perkins Engines Co. Ltd.

Podium Use Fox Factory Incorporated

PowerCore Use Donaldson Company, Inc.

POWERtach Use TM POWERtach company

Prestolite Use Prestolite Wire Corporation

PT Powertrain
Use Fiat Powertrain Technologies S.P.A.

Puma -- For other Case
IH trademarked terms,
see also:
Use TM CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries

Raven AccuFlow Use TM Raven Industries Incorporated

Raven AutoBoom Use TM Raven Industries Incorporated

Raven SCS 450 Use TM Raven Industries Incorporated

Raven SCS 660M Use TM Raven Industries Incorporated

Raven Sidekick Use TM Raven Industries Incorporated

Raven SmartBoom Use TM Raven Industries Incorporated

Raven Use Raven Industries Incorporated

Rawson Use Trimble Navigation Limited Corporation

Realtree Use Jordan Outdoor Enterprises Limited

Santoprene Use TM Exxon Mobil Corporation

Sauer-Danfoss Use Sauer-Danfoss Incorporated

Seed Manager Use DICKEY-john Corporation

SHURflo Use Sta-Rite Industries, LLC

SiriusXM Use Sirius XM Radio Inc.

Snow Series Use Briggs & Stratton Corporation

Sparying Systems Co. Use Spraying Systems Company

Sprayer Specialties Use Sprayer Specialties Incorporated

STS Use Site-Specific Technology Development Group, Inc.

Subaru Use Fuji Heavy Industries Limited

Sunbrella Use Glen Raven Incorporated

Super Lo-Tone Use Briggs & Stratton Corporation

Tama SCM Use Tama Plastic Industry

TeeJet Use Spraying Systems Company

the Predator Use GVM Incorporated

TITAN Use TITAN International Incorporated

Uses both TM and

for various terms.
List of other trademarked Trimble Navigation Limited Corporation
Type specified on Web
terms on Web site
Trojan Use Trojan Battery Company

Tru Count Air Clutch Use Trimble Navigation Limited Corporation

Tru Count Air Clutch
Use Trimble Navigation Limited Corporation
TUCANO Use CLAAS KGaA mbH Limited Liability Co.

TYM Use Tong Yang Moolsan Co., Ltd. Corporation

Valtra Use AGCO Corporation

Valtra Use Sisu Tractors Inc.

Vanguard VM-2200
Agri Motive Products, a division of The Daugherty
Planting Information Use TM
Companies Incorporated
Vanguard VM-2500
Agri Motive Products, a division of The Daugherty
Precision Information Use TM
Companies Incorporated
Vanguard VM-2500SE
Agri Motive Products, a division of The Daugherty
Precision Information Use TM
Companies Incorporated
Vanguard VM-2600
Agri Motive Products, a division of The Daugherty
Population Information Use TM
Companies Incorporated
Vanguard VM-2800
Agri Motive Products, a division of The Daugherty
Precision Information Use TM
Companies Incorporated
Vanguard VM-2900
Agri Motive Products, a division of The Daugherty
Planting Information Use TM
Companies Incorporated

Landbouwwerktuigen-En Machinefabriek H. Vissers

Vicon Use
N.V. Corporation Netherlands

Viton Use DuPont Performance Elastomers

Warn Use Warn Industries Incorporated

White Use AGCO Corporation

Willmar Use AGCO Corporation

Windows Use Microsoft Corporation

Yanmar Use Yanmar Company Limited

Zeiss Use Carl Zeiss AG Corporation

Agrozet, Koncern Zemedelskeho Strojirenstvi
Zetor Use


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