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iption T UNICELL-D serie are well knows a the most widely used and effete foaming agents for lass an rabers, such as PVC, PP, PE, EVA, ABS, PS, EPDM, SBR, NBR and TPR, UNICELL-D series ar modiid toe adoptable to sbnosall ofthe rbbers and plastics by additives tke activators, UNICELL-D seis ae not-toxic and slFextngushing materials anu have relatvely hgh decomposion temperature and slease a age volume of ass. Taerefoe they ean be use more safely han anyother colorless foaming agent and they can produce a white, mioro-cellular structures. Imposition of UNICELL-D series | Decomposition mechanism of UNICELL-D series (ADCA) is complex and changes depending upon the heating range and the environment of the decomposition. ADCA\Azodcarbonamide) —m No“CO*NHi+HNCO—- 3HN*C#0 = 3HO— ‘2ADCA —> Next2HNCOFHDCA { } 2ADCA*2H:0 —> Nr+2CO:*2NHstHDCA HDCA—> HN —HNNHs HN ONceNH x I | oN I~, CC Hye 07 WSS urgzole oNc~0 i ot iol F 4 3% tT 2oNy Sey Ho FN Non ‘ (athigh temperature) NH ° I " cyamelide 4 ah ow m™ isocyanuri acid 15% cyanuric add ‘eae 0 By these reactions, UNICELL-D series is decomposed and evolves several kinds of gases as below. a Wie i yas MO 8 Tle 1. The volume mio of evolved gts denn on temper and the rao of gases & resi fle decompo. Caer vod gas Volume (ali) 268-320 355-454 Residue afer scomposon 0) TasateT | esta | a69-505 Gaon pod ae decorpoton| Beas [2087 | SSs1 i) woxa9 | sioses | aeaeo Evolved coe wo-265 | 229-831 | 362408 Gases. ‘NH3(%) 0-09 74-120 82-191 corm Toe oa aaa 10 wh as oa —, C —o 02 — Nits 5 —a 180 200~«0 SADC Temperatures) Fig 1 The change of gs eomponcnss depending on tperstue Prrertes of UNICELL-D series Table 2 The physica Properties of UNICELL=D series Item Bruier GradeName | p200 | paw, ooo soo [psa oso sso | pina [sen [ peso | ps0 | prio [p50 | pisto | or500 Chania Nene ‘Aroliaonanil (Abia) ‘Appearance Tine Yellow Powder Decompostion in Temperature (1) ann ‘Ges Vola) D3 Aveape Parle] 524 26-28] 26-29] 26-30] 36-39] 57-61 |16-80]0-83 ]965-100 i130 f40-120}eo240 Siem) Moise Coie 0 ma Cael Formula HN-CO-N=N-CO-NE Moles Weight 168 Specific Gravity , (gom'at280) Ls Space 026 Decompaston bat 1 (kcalinol) ‘aWae ——_omnD s Dyso 4300 Solubility MEK ois (gsampl! Acsone 016 Ur solvent) DME S000 Tew 0012 Berens O44 CASNS. i size of UNICELL-D series [Particle size is a significant factor in determining the rate of decomposition of UNICELL-D series. ‘As the partiele diameter decreases, he surface area is inerease. Thus the heat transfer to the UNICELL-D series is D series ‘mors effective and faster, and this influences on decomposition rats of UNIC ‘The panicle size is selected to provide the proper balance between the curing speed and the decompasition speed of UNICELL-D series, 250 200 = 150 3 100 8 ro 50 =e 150 ° 2 4 6 8 10 Tine(nn Fig 2. The decomposition behavior of UNICELL-D sce a the sonst tempera of 20070

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