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2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder,

My mission in life is to Help Everyone to Unleash Their Full Poten9al,
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Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder,


15. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? 50

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 1


Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 2


Life is full of shit;

You go/a face it.

You may run, You may hide;

But :me will soon slide.

Whats the use of crying;

When You are never trying.
- Vijay
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 3

Hi, my name is Nammalvar Vijayagopal, founder and author of 21 Ul:mate Success

Principles. You may call me Vijay; some make it shorter by addressing me as VJ.

First of all, let me thank you sincerely for downloading this eBook. You now have in
your hands an excellent tool to grow and succeed, that has been close to me
throughout my trials and tribula:ons. To be honest, I didnt realize the power of these
principles :ll I started to pen it down.

Long Long ago, in the galaxy far away...

No, I am not going to start a novel here. I am pre/y sure you want to know a li/le
about this stranger (soon to be a friend) that wrote this eBook. So here it goes.

I was born in a humble household in a li/le village in South India. My dad was doing
his housemanship aUer nishing his medicine in another state (a day and a half bus
ride away), leaving my mom with rela:ves to take care of my sister and me.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 4

Soon aUer, we returned to Singapore and rejoined my grandparents and uncles and
aun:es. Our en:re family seemed happy and things seem to be going ne as all of us
were living under one roof. I have many fond memories from those days, where I
learnt how to cycle, going on road trips to the neighbouring country and much more.
Being scrubbed down in the shower by my favourite grandpa and running out
screaming in pain.

Some:me midway through January, in Grade 1, I vaguely recollect seeing my parents

at the door of the classroom with the school principal. They were there to get me o
the class and that was the last day of my school. We were packing up and heading
back to India. For some reason, my dad decided to leave Singapore, his home country,
and return to India to work. I was told that since he studied medicine in India, it was
not being recognized in Singapore and he will be stuck in the army as a medical
ocer. I am thinking that was an excuse; I have not asked my parents for the real
reason. My sister and I really missed Singapore.

The Vagabond

My dad had to nd a job and a school for us. I think for a while my dad must have felt
lost, as we had leU Singapore all of a sudden. We moved between the village of my
birth where some of our rela:ves were and Ashram (holy place) in Pu/aparthi. We
seek solace with our beloved Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The Guru, the Lord we believe in.

It was denitely fun for my sister and I as we didnt have to go to school. We were
travelling around enjoying, playing and just not studying. I remember having lime s:ck
ice cream to cool o during summer and our favourite bu/er bun (No idea why this is
so vivid in my memory). But I really missed Singapore and my grandfather; my
beloved strong man.

We were vagabonds for several months before se/ling down in a small town nearby.
Finally, my dad got a job as an emergency ward doctor and my sister and myself
joined a school. My ever so lovely mom decided not to work but take care of us.

I was not much of a book person, didn't really like studying. I was failing Maths and
English quite oUen in school. I oUen got whacked and punished by my dad each :me
he tried teaching me something or failed one of those tests. I hated him to the core
for it. Honestly I s:ll had some grudge un:l recently. (Read up the topic on Forgive
and Forget.)

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 5

Thinking of bad grade, I believe the tui:on didnt help. The thing is this; I was put into
a tui:on with the same math teacher who taught me in class. Seriously! I am not
geang good grades in class, what make you think that the same teacher will get me
be/er grades if I get tutored by him.

The return

When I was 12, my aunt visited us and in one of the conversa:ons asked me if I
wanted to return to Singapore. I jumped at the opportunity. Apparently, the grass is
greener on the other side! I think I wanted to be away from my dad, mostly. My mom
:ll now tells me I was elated and when I leU my parents and sister at the airport, I did
not cry even a single bit.

As much as I tried to t in, it was never easy living with rela:ves. It is one thing to visit
and stay a few days and it is another ma/er to live with them for several years. Due to
some reason and family feud I was moved from one aunt to another. It was this
moment I regre/ed moving to Singapore. But I made the decision didnt I? Had to
s:ck with it instead of running away.

I became more withdrawn as I was afraid to ask to visit friends or simply do anything
outside that requires permission or money. My uncle was strict and it was scary. I do
understand that they want to ensure that I dont go the bad ways since I am living
away from my parents, and as long as I am living with them, they are responsible for

The Big Dream

I had a dream of being a pilot for Singapore Airlines and worked hard or my best for it
even though I knew my chances were low due to my academic status. What broke my
heart was when I heard that eyesight must be good and perfect. So, change of plans, I
set my sight on next best thing, an avia:on engineer. I signed up for the Airforces
learn as you earn scheme. Basically they sponsor your Diploma educa:on and you are
bonded for several years with them. I thought that would be great and the bond
would not be that long. This would ease my expenses for polytechnic diploma course
and would have served Na:onal Service par:ally as well.

This was the beginning of my dreams.. geang crushed. I went for a medical checkup
as part of enrolment and cleared all accept eyesight. Yikes. I couldnt gure out some

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 6

pa/erns on a series of cards. The pa/erns are numbers. No, this was not a colour
blind test, it was a depth/terrain test.

I quickly got my appointment with an eye specialist expec:ng bad news. And it came.
I had Keratoconus, a condi:on where the cornea of the eye becomes conical shaped
which would lead to blur or blindness. The only cure is to have a corneal transplant.
Yes! Somebody elses cornea on mine. And that too probably would last 20 or 30
years and may have to replace it. Ouch! My world turned upside down. Never knew I
would go blind one day. Surgery success rate depends on many factors. In the
meanwhile I had to wear these special hard contact lens that would prevent the
cornea from geang worst and could be able to see be/er. These lenses were
irrita:ng in my eye and each one costs $250, meaning a pair is $500. I had to buy
spare just in case I break them. Yes, they were easy to break when I cleaned them.
Bloody annoying!

I already exercised very li/le and had low morale; this thing tore me apart. I did a
good job of not showing this to my family. I hid it but I think I withdrew into my shell
further. The eye problem would have been the one that contributed to my being
unmo:vated and lack of direc:on? I never really accepted the eye problem as the
cause of my bad grades, it was always me not doing well and blaming myself.

It was during this :me that I wrote my poem/haiku, LIFE. The pain in me wondered
what I should do. Should I wallow in sorrow that I am not only useless but now going

It has been 10 years since I have had surgery but I am s:ll wearing special contact
lenses, as the shape of the cornea was not perfect aUer surgery. Bummer. To make
ma/ers worst now I am allergic to the material of the lens. The allergy is so much so
that I get infec:ons oUen. You got to make do best with what you have, don't you?

Finding myself and my WHY

AUer struggling through my Polytechnic Diploma and nishing my Na:onal Service

amidst my eye condi:on, I started working and didnt have any drive for anything for
that ma/er. I was somewhat contented with the salary, which was good enough for a
single person. The thought of geang married never crossed me, as I never felt
worthwhile or needed to. I dont have to make another person suer my suering.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 7
But, several years back I came across the Millionaire Teacher and he conducted a
session on inves:ng and having enough for re:rement. It was a revela:on. I realised I
needed close to $2 million dollars in bank to be able to re:re comfortably with
$3000 / month :ll my death says at 80 years of age. That was a :ght slap. How am I to
support my parents and save that much for re:rement.

I started seeking ways to make money and got myself mentors that were great. My
strength was in computers and the Internet and I thought I could leverage that to my
advantage. I poured money into courses and mentors to help me out but my fear and
limi:ng beliefs were stopping me from achieving what I wanted. I was afraid to get
out of my comfort zone to do what is needed to achieve success.

I started working towards and achieving some level of success when my eye opened
up to this ques:on asked by a mentor. What is your WHY? It should be more than just
making money and yourself. Oh wow. What's your bigger purpose in life?

Your Why should be bigger than you and money. Money should not be the only
mo:va:on. Is there something else in store for you?

Thats where I made a promise to be successful not only monetary wise but in
freedom to do what I want and enjoying life. Money is not the only mo:va:on now; it
is to help make the world a be/er place in my small way. My inten:on is to bring
educa:on to the underprivileged developing country for free. I would like to start by
fully sponsoring 5 children their en:re educa:on. And to do that I need money.

I have since bought a property and rented out par:ally to make it pay for itself.
Fullled my promise of one day geang my Bachelor's Degree done. I have set up
Internet companies, one that failed but I have learnt from it and failure is not going to
faze me. Another company is running slow but trudging along. These all while having
a full-:me job. The possibili:es are unlimited if you have your heart set on it and you
know your purpose is bigger than you.

I have promised myself that I will quit my job by the end of March 2018. Will you
follow me in my journey to even more success and my journey to support my rst ve
poor kids with their educa:on?

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 8


What is your WHY in your life; what is your purpose? If you dont have the WHY, then
you will not have the drive to succeed or take ac:on. The big WHY is the reason for
everything because everything in life has to have a compelling purpose or it will add
no real value to you. A lot of people I know, say its something you wish for or strive to
a/ain but it is not just these, but an en:rety

The big WHY is the

of purpose. Some people go through life
unfullled because they were never able to
discover their lifes purpose; a life without reason for everything
purpose is mainly exis:ng and not living. because everything in
My why became apparent only when my life has to have a
mentor made it clear to me. I was chasing
aUer money but was not geang it. When I
compelling purpose
don't have true why, I am not heading

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 9

Everybody needs to have a compelling purpose because, without it, we tend to lose
all drive and zeal towards any accomplishment. That purpose is what makes you
unique in everything you do, and it is what sets you apart from everyone else. Before
you start out on anything, you should ask yourself why? Why do I want to start this?
Why is this thing not working the way I planned it? Etc. There are a lot of ques:ons to
help guide and direct you when you do this, you get to discover the real reasons
behind your ac:ons and whether or not you will nd fulllment in them.

When I ask myself why I do what I do, the answer should be something that drives me
to do more and be more. Some:mes we realize that we are either doing something
because we have the talent for it or just because it pays the bills.

According to James Allen (As a Man Thinketh), Un:l thought is linked with purpose,
there is no intelligent accomplishment. What I deduced from this statement is that
you may yet nd accomplishment even when you are not working true to your
purpose, but it will not be sa:sfactory or fullling for you. Everybody has a purpose,
and we all need to discover it so we can all nd fulllment. What drives you to get out
of bed every morning? What pushes you to work hard daily? What makes you
genuinely happy?

Take a piece of paper and write your answer to the following ques:on. Take 5 minutes
to write whatever you can and come back to this book.

1. What would you do if you had 1 Million dollars?

2. What would you do if you had 10 Million dollars?

3. What would you do if you had unlimited amount?

What was your answer? Feel free to email me and lets start a discussion.

Most of you would have said travel, family, investment, donate to charity, it could be
as simple as your childrens educa:on and se/ling cash issues with family, etc.

But what is your bigger purpose?

Think about this deeply and you will realize that a lot of things you do, add li/le or no
value to you personally. It could look like you are the best at your job and bringing
home tons of money but are you being true to your purpose, are you fullled? You
need to nd your big WHY, and then you can live up to your full poten:al by doing
what you are passionate about. What will you be remembered for, what will people
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 10
see when they look at you? What is that thing you love doing that comes to you
naturally? What exactly gives you the most sa:sfac:on when you render a service to
other people? What is that thing you will keep doing even if you were not paid for it?

Once you know the why, the how and what would easily come along. People are
drawn to you because of the why and so you need to analyze and discover your big
WHY. To be truly successful, you have to, rst of all discover your purpose, your big
WHY, this is the bedrock of everything else.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 11


One major characteris:c of highly successful people is the way they think. They think
Big! In the words of Claude M. Bristol, You have to think big to be big. This is so true
because while your thoughts aect your words, your words become ac:on and your
ac:ons form your personality.

Thinking big simply means being ambi:ous, seeing what others do not see, and
planning to be successful in the phase of daun:ng challenges.

What Thinking Big Does

1. It makes you challenge conven:onal wisdom You gotta think

Life has a way of placing a limit to what one can be big to be big
and how far he can go. However, for those who think
big, they see life from a dierent perspec:ve. They do
not accept things the way they are. Rather they seek to make a dierence. To them,
the sky is not a limit but rather a star:ng point.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 12

Big thinkers do not
Tradi:onally it was believed that man
cannot y. We lived with such knowledge
see diculties, they for years un:l the Wright Brothers invented

see opportunities. Airplanes that made such beliefs obsolete.

Christopher Columbus refused to accept
that the world was at. He decided to sail
around the world. His discovery that the earth was spherical changed everything.

2. Makes you go beyond their comfort zone

Those who think big outdo themselves. They go beyond their comfort zones. They
seek new challenges. A High School Student whose dream is to get a scholarship to
study at Harvard University, for instance, will not toy with his studies. He will study
while others are studying, and study again while others sleep. This dream will push
him to not only excel in his terminal examina:ons but also to excel in the SAT and
other required examina:ons. This student will obviously not rest on his oars un:l his
dream is the reality.

3. It makes you passionate and enthusias:c

Big Thinkers are always passionate, enthusias:c and op:mis:c. Their seemingly
impossible dreams instead of scaring them, spur them to ac:on. Instead of the
momentary challenges, they see the end results of their eorts and are encouraged
to carry on.

4. Thinking big makes you crea:ve

When you have a big dream, what happens is that your mind begins to work very fast
and you begin to look for ways to make your dreams come true. Your eyes are open to
opportuni:es. The Wright brothers having desired to see humans y were crea:ve
enough to examine why and how birds y. They used that knowledge to create
airplanes to help man y.

5. Thinking big gives you a purpose to live and die for

Big Thinkers are aware that their purpose is the reason for their being. They strive so
hard, giving their all to ensure that they fulll their purpose.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 13

John F. Kennedys goal was to send a man to space; he lived and died and is today
remembered for that purpose.

Every man has a purpose on earth, but you can only discover yours if you think big.

6. Thinking big eliminates impossibili:es

Big thinkers do not see dicul:es, and they see opportuni:es. When Thomas Edison
started out Inven:ng Electricity, he failed woefully. He should have given up aUer
several a/empts, but no, he never recognized impossibili:es. He pressed on, and
today we are enjoying the fruits of his labor.

How to Think Big

1. Be uncomfortable:

The rst step to thinking big is dissa:sfac:on with your present state. If you are not
uncomfortable with the way you are, you cannot think big.

2. Desire A change:

Having observed your environment and decided that you are no longer comfortable
with it, you must desire to change the situa:on.

3. Set Right Goals:

To think big, you need a goal. This goal should not be ambiguous rather it should be
specic, measurable, and achievable.

4. Start Small:

A child who will y must, rst of all learn to crawl. AUer you have set your goal, you
need to start achieving them. You can start small but do not stay small for long.

Why Some People Do Not Think Big

1. Bad habits such as procras:na:on, perfec:onism, making excuses, over

analyzing stop us from thinking big.

2. Cri:cism: People who think big are oUen cri:cized because they are dierent.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 14

3. Fear: one thing that limits big thinking is fear. Many are afraid of failure,
success, the future and making mistakes. This fear some:mes scares them and makes
them resort to leading normal lives.

Thinking big is all about thinking about the future with hope, enthusiasm, and
passion. It is an important key to success. To think big, you need a clear vision,
courage and a thick skin.

If you must live your full poten:al and fulll your purpose on earth, you must think
and act BIG!

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 15


Entrepreneurs may have dierent business ideas, but their ac:ons can determine the
success or failure of these plans. Working on these ideas at once may not be the right
approach unless you are already a millionaire. With enough cash, you can outsource
tasks and develop more than one idea at a :me. However, start-up entrepreneurs
may not have the resources to do so.

Many individuals make the mistake of building up several projects at the same :me.
With divided a/en:on, they cannot progress. A be/er op:on is to choose an idea
with a poten:al to gain quick returns on investment. Concentra:ng and developing
such idea can be fruitul.

Here are 9ps on how to succeed if you are overwhelmed by ideas.

Avoid the Wrong Percep:on

Many people believe that working on mul:ple projects can provide an alterna:ve
income stream. However, you cannot put two sts in a mouth at once. Possession of
many skills or projects without being an expert is a sure way to become a failure. You
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 16
may have viable ideas with long-term income yielding poten:als but working on all of
them at the same :me will not be fruitul.

Successful business owners strive to become professionals in a skill or industry before

they venture into a new project. To make a project great, concentrate on it and dont
relent un:l you have achieved success. Then, you can develop another idea and have
the mul:ple projects of your dream.

Have a Focus

Great entrepreneurs take quick and right decisions on their business plans. They focus
on an idea and develop it extensively to have a posi:ve outcome. If you are working
on a project, do not leave it to jump into another. Instead, put in more eort to make
it successful. You can build up another plan only when you have made signicant
progress with the rst. Development of a valuable product is an indica:on that your
business is growing favorably.

Choose the Most Protable Idea

Assess your ideas and choose the one that has the highest poten:al of a/rac:ng
greater returns on investment. Develop the idea and use customers feedback to
improve your product. You will achieve your desired result faster when you focus on
only one idea at a :me.

The following guide will help you to choose the right idea.

Available Resources: An ideal op:on is a viable plan that you can quickly source
the materials for the crea:on of products. You spend less if the resources needed to
launch a business are available.

Customer Base: The popula:on of your target audience will contribute to the
success of your venture. Find out the people that need the product you want to
create. A business idea that has a high propor:on of poten:al customers will yield
higher returns within a short period. It is crucial that you build a project that can sell
fast on the market.

Outsmart Compe:tors: Choose an industry where you can posi:on your

products ahead of other brands through your crea:vity. Find out what you can oer
customers to make your merchandise appealing to them.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 17

Move on to Greater Projects

Bear it in mind that your ini:al project is a stepping stone to your success. Build a
solid founda:on so that you can kick-start other business plans from it. Successful
entrepreneurs quit established enterprises to pursue bigger ideas. Richard Branson
started Virgin Airlines and later on Virgin Mobile.

Startup entrepreneurs need to focus on one business idea to succeed. Working on

mul:ple projects at a :me can divide focus and energy. Such situa:on can cause
money yielding ideas to fail within a short period. It can also cause you to lose
protable business opportuni:es. However, spending all your :me and eort on a
project can facilitate its growth into a mul:-million venture.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 18


In your eort to be successful in life you may drama:ze things to add value. Some
people would see through the lies. So be yourself, be truthful and remember your
WHY and work towards achieving your goals. I believe everyone is unique in his or her
way, so never try to be something you are not. No ma/er how much even iden:cal
twins look alike, there will always be a dierence, if not physical, then character wise.

There are :mes I look at people, and I admire their work ethic and courage, and I
want to try to imitate them. Some:mes I learn a thing or two from them, and
some:mes I fail miserably at the imita:on because I need to do things my way. It is
good to learn from others we consider being be/er or ahead of us, but it is also good
to have your voice, be your own person.

Dierent things work for dierent people just the same way we all have dierent
talents, so no two individuals are the same. Never be afraid to stand out, dont always
try to blend into the crowd, be unique and be your own person. Most great people
we celebrate today are those who stood out, who did things no one else was doing

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 19

even though people considered them odd at the :me, but now they are legends, role
models, and founders.

People excel at dierent things so try not to Everyone should say

compare yourself to them unless you have what they feel and be
who they are because
to. Someone may start a business that is
very protable, and you may want to
venture into the same business for the those that would be
prot, the business might be that persons bothered by it dont
matter and those who
passion hence the success and might not be
the same for you so s:ck with your passion.
matter wont be
bothered by it
Theodor Seuss Geisel, popularly known as
Dr. Seuss eloquently gave some words of
wisdom everyone should live by when he
said everyone should say what they feel and be who they are because those that
would be bothered by it dont ma/er and those who ma/er wont be bothered by it.
Stop trying so hard to impress people and then lose focus, be yourself, and those who
should like you will like you. When you build yourself well enough, and you have
become the best you can be, people will appreciate you and not like the you that
you have created by imita:ng someone else.

Stop trying so hard to be interes:ng and liked by others, most :mes it is a pointless
venture. Not everybody will like you, the sooner you accept that, the be/er for you.
Everybody has aws, strengths, and weaknesses, instead of trying so hard to be that
perfect person that everyone likes, work hard at making you a/ributes work for you.
Empower yourself to the point where you dont have to try to be interes:ng and yet,
people will be interested in you and what you have to oer.

There can be the only one you, so be proud of who you are and be the best you can
be. You are unique, your ideas, dreams, visions and passions are yours, do the best
you can with them. Constantly try to learn and be a be/er version of yourself for your
work, business, loved ones and all around you, but never forget who you are. Dare to
be dierent and create a niche for yourself, follow the crowd only when you have to
but never let them lead you wrong.

No ma/er what, do not waver, s:ck to your principles and be honest. Success will
come to you. Try not always to compare yourself with others unless to learn and
improve on something. Everyone is unique.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 20

"Ignore people, do what you want to do" It's usually easier said than done for a lot of
individuals. We frequently depend on people around us for their advice, thoughts,
and opinions concerning the things we have in mind to accomplish. It is inevitable to
hear what people around you have to say or what they think about your latest project
or undertaking and they all have their strong reasons why their way might be a be/er
approach to certain issues.

We oUen like to pretend we aren't bothered by what people say most of the :me, but
we are, usually, anyway. Some:mes they even go the extra mile to try to convince us
to go against original arrangements. Listening and mulling over what people say
around you is dangerous. It could serve as a catalyst to bad decision making, poor
produc:vity, and overall output. They do not have the same goals and vision for their
lives as you do, so why would you want to be swayed by their judgments. Only you

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 21

can dene your future, and you can make the most out of your life, ac:ons, and the
general percep:on of the environment.

Self-knowledge is powerful important in deciding what to listen to and what not to

listen to, as it pertains to your persona and your characteris:cs. If you know yourself
well enough and you hear someone's opinion of who they think you are that is
obviously wrong, it becomes just that, an opinion. Even though it's a wrong one, you
do not owe anyone an explana:on unless they ask to understand you be/er.
However, if you're not aware of your own self, you second guess yourself every :me
and will never be sure of what is right.

It is easy to be manipulated by people's

A double minded impression of who they think you are when
person is unstable in you don't know yourself well enough. How

all his ways then can you be sure that they're wrong or
right about you, enough not to be bothered
when you don't even know that much about
you? It turns into a war in your mind, and in an a/empt to make sense of what is
going on, you lose yourself in the process. In the end, what ma/ers is how you feel
about you. No thought of another should drag you down or make you feel less of
yourself. We all understand from the level of our individual understanding.

No two people are the same. It is important therefore to be be/er by ourselves,

without hur:ng or beli/ling other people in trying to make ourselves be/er. Know
who you are, both the good and the bad. Tell yourself the truth and stand rm on a
moral principle which will guide you through the waves of assessments coming from
people who dont know your story. Dont take the judgments of individuals around
you personally if you dont know them personally.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

You cant avoid hearing judgmental sentences and others like it, but it ma/ers what
you do with said informa:on you receive. Never allow advice and concerns bring you
to ques:on yourself. A house divided against itself cannot stand. If you seek to be
produc:ve and want to make a dierence, then x your a/en:on, focus on the
needful, channel all your resources to aspire and to a/ain. Keep in mind that you
cannot become a be/er, wiser person if you dont work towards it. You know what
you want for yourself and for the people you care about, it will not be as dicult in

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 22

knowing what steps to take to achieve any goal. Your lifes trajectory becomes
everything you had planned it to be.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 23


We are not all the same and cannot all have the same giUs, talents, poten:als, etc.
But what we can do is make the best of what we have, and in doing this, you have to
maximize whatever poten:als you have. We do not all have to go to school to become
successful, and at the same :me not everybody can drop out of school and be
successful like Bill Gates.

Your success in life builds based on how you can maximize the poten:als you have.
Make the best of what you have not what someone else has. According to Susan Beth
Pfeier, The only way you can be the best at something is to be the best you can be.
The fastest path to failure is by refusing to make do with what you have. We all have
dierent poten:als, and it is leU to you to make the best out of it.

Here are some ways to make the best of what you have;

1. Eliminate self-doubt

You cannot do anything if you keep having nega:ve thoughts and doub:ng yourself.
Because someone else made it by doing things a dierent way does not mean you
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 24
cannot do it the way you know how to and succeed at it. If you doubt yourself, you
would never go far, and if you try to make use of what you do not have, you will fail as

Monitor your nega:ve thoughts and try to talk yourself out of it, because we all doubt
ourselves. But to be successful, you have to control it and just keep going.

2. Be content with being dierent.

If you want to be successful in life, you need to be able to look past what people say
and do what you need to do. Most :mes your ideas might be dierent from the norm
that does not mean it is not a good idea. Make do with what you have, never conform
to society demands. The big names you hear today like Graham Bell, Steve Jobs,
Thomas Edison, they had crazy ideas and did not conform to society, and today their
ideas are making the world a be/er place.

It is advisable to share your ideas with people who think like you; else you would be
discouraged before you even start.

3. Have pa:ence and persevere

To make the best of what you have, you need to be pa:ent and persevere. You have
to put in a lot of hard work and stop complaining as that would waste the precious
:me you have. When you fail, do not get frustrated and decide to do it like someone
else because failure would teach you how not to do it.

4. Stop comparison

If you keep comparing yourself to other people, you will not go anywhere. Everybody
has a dierent situa:on and burden they are faced it. So you cannot aord to
compare yourself with other people because you are both dealing with dierent
circumstances. Just make the best out of what you have and stop the comparison.

5. Know yourself

When you understand yourself and have a rela:onship with yourself, it would be easy
to maximize your poten:als. If you believe in yourself, no one would be able to
dissuade you from making the best of what you have.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 25

You should also know that nobody would believe in you or your abili:es if you do not
believe in you rst. Get to know your capabili:es, understand your strength and
weaknesses, so that you would not be swayed by society or other people opinions.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 26


Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. If you are not hearing-
impaired, hearing simply happens. Listening, however, is something you consciously
choose to do. Listening requires concentra:on so that your brain processes meaning
from words and sentences. - University of Minnesota Duluth

Listening involves processing and understanding of perceived message. It is the ability

to interpret the informa:on received during a communica:on process. It is crucial for
eec:ve interac:on among people. This intellectual act is a key factor in developing a
trus:ng rela:onship.

Frequently, hearing is used synonymously with listening, but both words have
dierent meanings. While the former is an automa:c process associated with
perceiving sounds, listening is a voluntary act that involves interest, concentra:on,
and understanding. This desirable strength enables entrepreneurs to take the right
decisions that can improve the performance of their employees and businesses.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 27

If you are to be successful, you will need to listen; listen to what your peers has to say,
listen to what your customers have to say. Even listen to your family on what do they
have to say. Take the posi:ve ones, leave the nega:vity out.

Here are ways through which listening can contribute to success.

Understanding others

Listening enables you to understand other people. This valuable skill will help you to
realize what they have in their minds. Instead of guessing, you will be able to discover
their desires, needs, and problems. Listening is crucial to business growth. Increasing
the volume of your sales depends on your ability to win the hearts of your customers.
You can only understand your clients if you listen to them. The same also applies to
other elds of life.

Broaden your horizon

Listening will make you to think outside the box. It will enable to perceive issues in a
dierent light. This ability lets you perform be/er with problem-solving. You can
quickly provide excellent solu:ons to dicul:es. Individuals with good listening skills
are innova:ve. They can use the resources within their reach to develop amazing
products. Crea:vity is essen:al to businesses. That is why successful people are good

Makes communica9on ecient

You may misunderstand an individual if you do not listen to the persons statements.
This behavior can irritate the speaker and break down the communica:on process.
The act of listening is crucial to every sphere of life. It is a skill everyone needs to
master. For this reason, some employers create sessions for listening skills training.
Employees that undergo such training will be be/er equipped to meet the demands
of their jobs. The success of many entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders has been
credited to ac:ve listening skills.

Increases produc9vity

You can perform a task be/er if you understand what it entails. Comprehension
results from proper listening. This skill reduces errors and increases produc:vity. It
can make employees more crea:ve. Also, it leads to be/er interac:on and customer
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 28
Build Trust

Listening can enhance the communica:on between individuals. When you pay
a/en:on to other people, you learn more about them. Listening is a great way to
connect with other people. It can help to build trust in rela:onships. Ac:ve listening
engages you in a communica:on process just like the speaker. A great listener can
perceive and understand the non-verbal messages of a speaker.

Lessen Conict

This communica:on skill can reduce disagreement resul:ng from misunderstanding

and assump:ons. Failure to listen to verbal instruc:ons can weaken a team. It can
destroy trust if a coworker is made to perform another persons job. The employee
may feel maltreated, and such situa:on can further weaken interac:on in a company.
An excellent listener must pay a/en:on to both verbal and non-verbal expressions of

Enhance Teamwork

Communica:on is a major factor that reinforces the collabora:on among team

members. Listening a/en:vely to verbal instruc:ons and contribu:ons from others
can help you to progress. Listening enhances teamwork by ensuring greater
understanding, increasing employees performance and problem-solving ability.

Eec:ve listening can also lead to success in academics. To excel in life, you have to
cul:vate this skill. Always pay a/en:on to speakers with a neutral mindset. Avoid
assump:ons and analyze opinions accurately. Great listeners do not listen with their
ears only, but also with their senses.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 29


One good thing that my parents taught me when I was young was the ability to
forgive and forget. Forgive people who may have hurt you and move on. There is no
purpose in harbouring the enmity in you. It will only hurt you in the long run. What
does that has to do with success? Read on.

As we go about our everyday ac:vi:es, we may face situa:ons that hurt us and
people that betray us. Geang hurt by people, especially those we love is inevitable.
This leaves us wondering what steps to take. What do we do when people betray us,
cheat on us or take what rightly belongs to us? Do we revenge? Do we bo/le up all
the hurt inside? Simple, the best thing to do is to Forgive!

Of course, it is not that simple. However, if

we want to be successful, we must cul:vate Forgiveness means
the habit of forgiving and leang go.
Forgiveness means showing compassion
showing compassion
towards those who wronged us. It is a towards those who
decision to let go of the hate and vengeful wronged us
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 30
thoughts towards people. Forgiving someone does not mean denying the fact that we
are hurt neither does it mean jus:fying the wrong. It means not allowing the pain rule
over us.

Eects of Unforgiveness

When we get hurt, it could make us sad, angry and confused. If we dwell on it for too
long, we will become bi/er, resentul and hos:le towards the persons involved.

1. Harboring unforgiveness makes someone bi/er and angry.

2. If you hold onto the hurt of yesterday, it can rob you of the joys of today

3. Unforgiveness brings about depression and anxiety

4. When we do not forgive, we may lose our value and self-worth

Benets of Forgiveness

Forgiveness helps create healthier rela:onships, lower blood pressure, boost self-
esteem or reduce anxiety. It also has many health benets:

1. Stress reduc:on:

Forgiveness reduces stress. Whenever we remember the wrong people did to

us, we got angry and worked up, resul:ng in stress. But forgiveness liUs that
burden o our neck.

2. Less hos:lity:

It is normal for people who are hurt to feel hos:le towards others. They most
:mes vent their anger and frustra:on on innocent people. Forgiveness reduces
such hos:li:es.

3. Lowers heart rate:

When we forgive, we ease our pain and relax our hearts. As a result, our heart
rates also reduce.

4. Reduces chronic pain:

It is a fact that Physical pain has psychological connec:ons. So, when we

forgive, we heal ourselves both physically and psychologically.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 31
5. Lowers blood pressure:

Studies have shown that forgiveness reduces blood pressure. By reducing the
heart rate, blood pressure normalizes.

6. Reduces Cholesterol:

People who are more forgiving tend to have lower cholesterol levels than those
who forgive less.

Having highlighted the benets of forgiveness, these are some steps to help us on
that journey.

Steps to take to forgive and forget

1. Acknowledge that you are hurt:

It hurts badly when you nd out for instance that your partner whom you have
been faithful to, cheated on you. Instead of bo/ling up the pain inside,
acknowledging it is a step in the right direc:on.

2. Talk to someone:

Handling issues like indelity may be too big for you to handle alone. You can
seek the advice of people who ma/er to you like your parents, a counselor or
your religious leader.

3. Examine the odds:

Review the situa:on and forgive, for the sake of your own health.

4. Let Go:

Instead of focusing on your pain and feelings, let all those go because seeking
revenge or harboring unforgiveness means giving the person who caused you
pain power over you. Love yourself enough to let all the wrongs, bi/erness and
anger go. Forgiveness is about personal power.

5. Forgive and be forgiven:

What goes around actually comes around. That we are in a posi:on to forgive
today doesnt mean that wouldnt need forgiveness tomorrow. When people
hurt us and ask for forgiveness, we should remember that everyone makes
mistakes. Since man is infallible, we must nd it in our hearts to forgive them.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 32
In conclusion, Forgiveness benets us more
than it does the people that hurt us. It is
necessary to forgive those who oend or
The weak can never
hurt us irrespec:ve of whether they forgive. Forgiveness
apologize or not. is the attribute of the
In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, The strong
weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the
a/ribute of the strong

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 33


We all have this idea of how things are supposed to look like, how a planned vaca:on
is meant to go, how mee:ng a soul mate should be this sha/ering event of planetary
consequence. Those are all good inten:ons, but these things rarely happen precisely
as they were envisioned. Almost every day we have light
bulbs come on in our heads but do very li/le about
Perfection is a
chasing them to frui:on. It is possible to spend most of
your waking hours thinking about all the things needed
to pursue your dream/idea, but get stuck because you
dont have it all together. These are all excuses that paralyze your drive to get things

Can I let you in on a secret? Perfec:on is a mirage.

If you forget everything else wri/en on these pages, dont forget this truth. Seeing a
project, business idea, art project or whatever endeavour that may catch your fancy
through- from concep:on right down to birth is be/er than strenuously planning and
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 34
doing nothing. One popular count against perfec:on is procras:na:on; popularly
called the thief of :me.

Typically, procras:na:on comes bearing giUs in the form of geang things perfect,
although other varia:ons exist and each more decep:ve than the next. One common
strain is the voice that convinces many to conserve energy and plan for that big break
over the horizon. The argument wins you over with sweet words of relaxa:on and
daydreams of a perfect situa:on where everything will click for you.

A maxim to live by should be Done is be/er than perfect.

Ar:st and teacher Mr. Jake Parker live by the mo/o "Finished not perfect, and says
nishing a thing is be/er than perfec:ng it or wai:ng on situa:ons to come together
in your favor. Does seeing a project through with limited resources mean you should
bring forth products of low quality? No!

It has been proven over :me that one of the quickest

Done is better ways to break out of the cycle of procras:na:on is to take
than perfect a step towards your goal(s). The lack of self-condence
and fear of failure are the two prominent fuels of
procras:na:on and taking baby steps in the right direc:on
solves these issues naturally. The interes:ng thing about this move towards a set goal
is that large steps are not required, but li/le incremental moves make the dierence.
In fact, history has shown us that people who go aUer their goals without breaking
them into manageable chunks either fail or lose momentum. Being proac:ve about
goal achievement calls for seang milestones and dividing that big goal into li/le
pieces. This approach helps manage the process and any problem that may arise.

To get you moving in the direc:on of your goal today, here are two ways to kill
inac:vity and procras:na:on.

1. Ingrain Ac:on into Your Subconscious

Every morning repeat the words "imperfect ac:on is be/er than perfect inac:on" or
any other varia:on that will turn your mind and body towards doing rather than
idleness. Block out every form of distrac:on and gauge events based on a scale of
preference. Make minimal contact with func:ons or people that do not drive you
towards your goal. This is not a one-:me thing, consistency is key, and the fruit will
take some :me to show forth.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 35

If you spend too much :me thinking about a thing, youll never get it done. - Bruce

2. Wake Up Earlier Than Usual

Wake up an hour or half an hour before the usual :me and use this extra period to
plan your day. Make room for unexpected events and how to respond accordingly.
You can do this before going to bed if you are not a morning person. Just make sure
you adhere to your set structure.

Make and follow your decisions right now, do not delegate anything to the future.
Success only comes through doing and doing consistently.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 36


Give it a thought - you are surrounded my employees. Your parents, probably were
employee. Your teachers, are employees of the school or college. Most of your
friends you surround yourself with, are probably employees as well. How do you
expect to be successful when we are inuenced by the employee mindset? No, I am
looking down at them, denitely not. How do we then change our mindset?

Think of being the employer of Labor and not the employee. This is because, when
you are employed by someone's business, you end up in very conven:onal ways.
You're either red or you re:re. This is because you are just a factor to the success of
another person's business. If there is need to increase the workforce, you as an
employee is invited, interviewed and employed. But the job security depends on very
modiable factors too. When your employer's business is going through bad :mes
and nancial problems, he or she is always advised to reduce the sta strength to
prevent the business from collapsing. In such situa:ons, most of the employees
receive emails telling them that they've been relieved of their du:es in the company
and promising to pay them o comfortably. Being an employee does not guarantee
your job security.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 37
Some:mes, your employer sees you as not competent enough. Meanwhile, he must
have put you through series of training but he doesn't just see you improving no
ma/er how hard you try, and soon he res you out rightly. Working for people may
not always be doing what you are good at. It is mostly driven by a pressing need to
achieve nancial ends. Our teachers that mo:vate us and even teach us to start our
businesses are employees. Our parents that brought us up are probably employees
too, but we have to break the mindset.

Now, let us assume working as an employee goes very well with you and you scale
through very successfully. During your work, you were promoted to very high levels in
the company, and you were always celebrated. The thing is, these achievements
never make you one of the owners of the company. Not even the least owner. You s:ll
are an employee, and you must re:re someday.

When you re:re, the pensions you get from the company nonetheless, you'll nd out
that working for another person or other people have taken a huge percentage of the
:me you have to live. You no:ce that you do not have any business to your name and
the only proper:es you can leave for your next genera:on to acquire by inheritance
are mostly liabili:es. When you no:ce all these you nd out that you cannot write a
story about your life without always a/aching it to how hard you worked to push
someone else's business to frui:on. You'll begin to imagine how much be/er it would
have been if you garnered all those experience while making your contacts and if you
went through all those hurdles to build your own business and create demand for it.
No ma/er how big or small it turns out to be, it is in your name, and you have a
business that can be carried along by your next genera:on. By doing this, you have
go/en rid of the employee mindset and made way for even you and your next
genera:on to be employers of Labor.

Think about building a business from scratch. Learn how to synergize with other
people, partner with like-minded startups, study business trends and create demand
for the goods or services you provide. You will get to know the mistakes that can be
made in your own business. You will understand the calls you can make to improve
the rela:onship between demand for customers and goods or services you supply to
them. Soon you gain mastery in your own business and begin to expand.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 38


There are :mes in life where we think we can do things on our own. Some:mes this
works well for us, at other :mes it doesnt because we get lost along the way. There is
a famous saying which explains that we cant nd anything new under the sun. Even
though we keep nding new ways to do stu daily, most things have either been done
or discovered before. It is easier and safer to nd someone who has succeeded in
doing what you are trying to do and emulate him/her.

A mentor should be someone you know, who you admire and look up to, or someone
youve never met but have evidence of his/her work, work ethic, principles, business
structure and way of life. It is preferable to get a mentor you know so you can create a
stable, healthy rela:onship. Someone who is where you want to be or even gone
beyond it. A person you can look up to, learn from and try to be like, so you can also
get to that desired point.

Of course, it is possible to get there on your own but why go through all the hardship
and struggles someone else has experienced, when you can as well just learn from
the persons mistakes and get there faster. It just like learning in school, and you get
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 39
to study textbooks and reading materials that leave you wiser and more

According to Noelle Roth, in her ar:cle about mentors, she made it clear that when
work is concerned, everybody needs advice. She highlights three primary career
mentors, a one-year goal mentor, a ve-year goal mentor, and a career mentor. Each
of these people should be at a point you desire to a/ain. You need to create a good
rela:onship with them and learn from their experiences.

I dont have an issue checking in with my

mentor regularly, some people do, however. One way to accelerate
If regular checking in makes you feel like you
your success is to
model who has made
are no longer your person, you dont have
to. Just create a stable enough rela:onship
where you can reach out to your mentor the mistakes and has
when you encounter diculty and require
reached Point B

The one way to accelerate your success is by following or modeling aUer someone
successful. Someone who has been through point A and made mistakes and nally
reached point B. Geang to point B is the nal target, and the quickest way to get
from A to B is a straight line. On your own however, the line is never straight because
you make mistakes, fail and learn along the way.

Choosing a mentor should not be done carelessly, dont just jump at the rst
opportunity you get. You need to think about what exactly it is you need. Find out
what it is that you lack and make sure that person can help you achieve that. Look
closely at your proposed mentors strengths and weaknesses and see how they can
work for or against you. It is also preferable that your philosophies align and you view
things in the same regard. Not only does this make it easier for you to learn, but it
also makes it more prac:cal that his/her results can work for you too.

The whole purpose of mentorship is to challenge you to do be/er. Your mentor

obviously has something above you that should push you to a/ain greater heights.
This mentorship rela:onship is also meant to go both ways because learning never
stops. You should be able to learn from your mentor and also teach him/her and
others a few things so that everyone can progress.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 40


Most people hear the words gra:tude, and automa:cally picture Thanksgiving dinner
and the holidays. Thanksgiving is fabulous; its that :me of the year where we get to
be thankful for our health, our nance, and most importantly, our family.

But heres a secret the average person glosses over; expressing gra:tude doesnt have
to be a holiday thing, it can be an everyday aair. We can call this the aatude of
gra:tude. You may be asking yourself at this moment why you need this aatude of
gra:tude. AUer all your life has been doing okay so far? As New York Times, best-
selling author Lewis Howes once put it Life is be/er when you develop an aatude of

Even the most successful people prac:ce the Life is better when
aatude of gra:tude. Part of being successful
you develop an
Attitude Of
means being thankful for all that life has given
you. The aatude of gra:tude only means making
it part of your rou:ne to express apprecia:on and Gratitude
thankfulness in every aspect of your life, on a daily
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 41
basis for both small and big giUs or blessings that come your way.

If youre ready to make this change to your lifestyle, then I applaud you. Being grateful
is not just a secret to success, it also gives you a be/er overall mindset so when
challenges do come your way, youre able to laugh them o and not let them weigh
you down.

Here are ve simple steps you can use to cul:vate the aatude of gra:tude

1. Create a Gra:tude Journal

This may come o as corny, but keeping a gra:tude journal is an excellent way of
developing the aatude of gra:tude. Why not try it out for 30 days and each day you
record one thing youre thankful for. It doesnt have to be large displays of gra:tude,
as always you can start small. But by registering something you're grateful for each
day, your thoughts will also develop over :me :ll it becomes a subconscious act.

2. Express Gra:tude Verbally

One exci:ng Thanksgiving tradi:on, apart from all the food obviously, is the part
where you share one thing you're thankful for. The aatude of gra:tude means taking
that a step further and sharing what you're thankful for every day week or month.
However, you choose. Sharing what you're grateful for with others also reinforces the
developing aatude of gra:tude as well as how you feel about it.

3. Meditate

The benets of medita:on cannot be overemphasized, and in fact, it'll require its
book to cover it all. When you're medita:ng, for those who enjoy medita:ng, try to
think of someone or something you're grateful for and keep that individual in your
thoughts. If you're not one for medita:ng, you can do this whenever you have a break
or some free :me.

4. Seek it

Gra:tude is contagious, and like they say birds of the same feather do tend to s:ck
together. So if you're interested in developing an aatude of gra:tude, you'll want to
surround yourself with people with that same mindset. When you're grateful, your
en:re aura screams posi:vity, and most people would gravitate towards that.

5. Find ways to express your gra:tude

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 42
Constant expressions of gra:tude are vital if you want to develop the aatude of
gra:tude. Find someone that you care about, say a spouse, your parents or your kids
and tell them how much you love them. Addi:onally, you can express this gra:tude to
your coworkers, say the IT guy that's always xing your computer, or the janitor who
works late.

If you're nding it hard to cul:vate the aatude of gra:tude, the best way to begin is
to ask yourself "What could I be grateful for?" It won't be as easy, but if you focus on
what you're grateful for, you spend less :me focusing on feelings of nega:vity and

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 43


What if I told you that your thoughts could shape the universe around you? Sounds
unbelievable and farfetched? Well, the truth is a lot of us prac:ce this philosophy
without even knowing. You may be unaware of what you're doing, but any:me you
pray or put your faith in a higher power, you're shaping your universe with posi:vity.

What does that have to do with achieving success? Well by applying this posi:vity or
law of a/rac:on in our daily lives as well as business endeavors, you can manifest all
kinds of possibili:es around you.

What is it, this law of a/rac:on? Well in the simplest terms, it means the ability to
a/ract whatever you focus on into your life. The idea is that several laws govern the
Universe, one of which is the Law of A/rac:on, and that every individual no ma/er
their na:onality, or religion, or age, are suscep:ble to these laws.

An understanding of the Law of A/rac:on will give you the mental ability to translate
your thoughts into reality. This does not mean you can make anything you want
magically appear. It just means that if you focus on nega:vity and all the gloom
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 44
surrounding it, your life will gravitate towards
nega:vity. Whereas, if you focus on posi:vity, and
set goals that you want to achieve, you'll nd
If you focus on
yourself moving in ways that will help you a/ain positivity, and set
that goal. Like Dr. Mar:n Luther King Jr. once said goals that you
"Take the rst step in faith. You don't have to see
the whole staircase. Just take the rst step."
want to achieve,
youll nd
yourself moving
All that has been said about the Law of A/rac:on
boils down to one simple statement; What the
mind can perceive and believe, the mind can in ways that will
achieve. So if you take that and apply it to your help you attain
that goal
life and your business, it means believing in your
success and knowing you can get to your goal.

If you just heard about the Law of A/rac:on or you've heard about it before but
didn't give it much thought, or perhaps you're a skep:c wishing to prove it false or
true for yourself. These simple exercises will help you prac:ce the Law of A/rac:on.

1. Take the Universe as your personal supermarket

What's the rst thing you do if you want to go to the supermarket? Create a shopping
list. The same principle applies here; create a "manifes:ng shopping list." Every day
write down one thing you want from life, on a scrap of paper, a journal or your phone.
Each :me you write something down, you're surrendering it to the universe instead
of constantly having to worry about it. This way, the universe will push you towards
what you want.

2. Use your imagina:on

The Law of A/rac:on relies on plenty of visualiza:on and crea:ve imagina:on

techniques. Taking a quick break to try out some crea:ve imagina:on techniques is a
good way to raise your vibra:on towards posi:vity, and to show the universe what
you want.

The exercise is a simple and fun one. Take 10 15 minutes of your break or free :me
to imagine what a perfect day would like for you. Imagine what youll say, what youll
do, what youll look like, and how youll interact with people.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 45

3. Manifest Something

This exercise is to help show you that applying the Law of A/rac:on to your life
works. Prac:ce manifes:ng small things in your life, and it contributes to boost your
condence levels and to hone your crea:ng skills. It is best that you start with
something small that won't add any pressure to you to manifest, like a book or a
ower, or a par:cular food. Spend a few minutes thinking of this item. Imagine how
you'll feel when it's in your hand. Just relax and let it occupy your thoughts for a few
moments. Then nally, forget about it. Surrender it to the universe instead of
worrying about whether it'll show up or not. Just look forward to it showing up
unexpectedly in your life.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 46


Apprecia:ng yourself increases the value you place on yourself which reects in the
way people value you. You have to teach people how to appreciate and value you by
the way you appreciate yourself. When you fail to appreciate yourself, you appear
cheap and worthless to people and also pass a message that says you have no value.

There are so many reasons why you should appreciate yourself, but one of the main
reasons is that you will always be the best version of you which makes you unique.
According to Suzy Kassem, Be yourself because an original is always worth more than
a copy.

Here are some reasons you should appreciate Be yourself

yourself;. because an
It is only up to you to love yourself. Do not original is always
always expect others to appreciate you for you. worth than a copy
When you appreciate yourself, others would Suzy Kassim
appreciate you too.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 47
When you appreciate yourself, you can work be/er.

You would always be uncomfortable living someone else lifestyle. So, embrace
your uniqueness.

When you appreciate yourself, you will take care of your body which would help
you live a healthier and longer life.

You might think you have no value to oer to the world or yourself and that is
because you simply keep looking at other people who have found their value and
appreciated it. Everybody has something of value to oer no ma/er how li/le it is.
You have to nd that unique thing about you and appreciate it before the world can
appreciate you. Self-apprecia:on makes you self-condent and successful in your life

Here are some ways to build self-apprecia9on;

1. Never devalue your ac:ons

When you carry out an ac:on and people are impressed and thankful, never devalue
what you did by denying how great it was or shy away from the thanks and praises. By
doing that you are devaluing yourself. Value what you did and own it; it took a lot to
get it done. You should place value on the things you do if you want to start
apprecia:ng yourself and have people see value in you.

2. Exercise

You should know that exercise is a great way to appreciate your mind, body, and soul.
If you can appreciate these three things, you would be able to value yourself. Find an
exercising or relaxing ac:vity you love and enjoy, and add it to your daily rou:ne. It
would improve your self-apprecia:on.

3. Always appreciate others while apprecia:ng you

While you love and have value for yourself, make sure to do the same to others
because healthy aatudes like these help you appreciate yourself be/er. Never be so
engrossed in self-apprecia:on that you forget other people need apprecia:on too.
The more you appreciate people, the more you get appreciated also.

4. Always be posi:ve

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 48

There is always that one thing you do not like about yourself and wish to change, but
you cannot so whats the point of dwelling on it. Instead, of dwelling in that kind of
nega:vity why not be embrace posi:vity and list the things you love about yourself.
No ma/er how small they are list them down and let them be the mo:va:on you
need to enjoy yourself every day.

5. Take some :me away from social media

Yes! You want to be connected to the things happening around the world and check
your Facebook, Snap Chat, Twi/er, Instagram, etc. But you should also know most of
the lives you see online and wish to be like are heavily ltered to suit peoples needs.
So once in a while, just log out and have some :me to yourself and appreciate

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 49


This phrase is the mo:va:on you need every day to get up and keep going instead of
procras:na:ng. If you maintain this phrase as your mantra and your mind is a/uned
to it, you would be able to take ac:on immediately and do things when due.

Inculca:ng this mantra into your everyday life would make you do things on :me,
very organized and give you enough :me to yourself. There is no point in pushing or
procras:na:ng things that need to be done and dread when you would do it.
According to Abraham Lincoln, You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by
evading it today. Since you would eventually have to do it, why not now? The good
thing about this mindset is that you would not
only be successful in your business or career but You cannot escape
the responsibility
also in your daily life. For example; you need to
mow your lawn but keep procras:na:ng, why not
just take ac:on and deal with because you would of tomorrow by
s:ll do it eventually. Here are some :ps to help evading it today.
you have the mindset of, If not now, when?

1. Do it with someone
Most :mes that thing you are dreading to do
becomes fun when you have a friend by your side. Their presence is a form of moral
support, and your friend can take your mind o the unpleasantness of the task by
discussing your favorite topics.

2. Write them down

Get jo/ers where you write down things you need to do. You get to cross out the
ones you have done, and that would give you a sense of sa:sfac:on and
accomplishment. Wri:ng down what you need to do, be it at the moment or future
forces you to do it so you can cross it out. You would want to do it sooner than later.

3. Think of the relief

There is this relief you feel whenever you do something that needs to be done. A
chemical is released in your brain when you achieve a goal that gives you sweet
pleasure and makes you feel good.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 50
So, whenever you are not in the mood to carry out a task just think of how good it
would feel aUer the task is done. That should propel you to do it now than later.

4. Do it immediately you wake up

We wake up very energized and ready to conquer the world, which would be the best
:me to do those things you do not feel like doing but need to do. Whenever you have
an unpleasant task, always do it rst thing in the morning. As the day goes along, you
are not so energized and can think of a million reasons why you would rather do it
later than now.

5. Prepare in advance

Whenever you have a task to do, you would nd preparing would help. During
prepara:on, you get to divide the work into sec:ons that are easy to do and by doing
that, gradually be task would be over without realizing it.

6. Do it every day

If you have a task you do three :mes a week, it is be/er you do it every day, because
your mind becomes used to the idea of always doing it. But if you do it few :mes a
week, you might end up not doing it. Since you dont do it every day your mind is not
used to it. You can quickly push it to another :me; aUer all, it is not compulsory to do
it all the :me.

If you nd it hard to be consistent with visi:ng the gym three :mes a week, try going
every day, you would nd you would be more consistent.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 51


There are things that can hinder someones progress in life. These hindrances can
come from anyone and from anywhere. Carefully examined, it is no:ceable that one
of the most powerful sources of these kinds of obstacles can be you. Whatever issues
come our way, whether big or small, the rst thing we do is to think about it. A lot of
people dont even know that they over think some:mes. They feel it is all part of the
process, and they arent aware of the dangers it presents. How oUen do we think
about how much thinking we do?

There are :mes that thinking will lead you to great results and bring happiness and
joy to you and those around you, but there are other :mes when thinking about
something turns into a poison you dont need in

You must know

your well of thoughts. You take a li/le issue and
analyze it over and over un:l it becomes a big
problem that you cant gure out how to solve. the dierence
And in cases like these, thinking becomes counter- between thinking
produc:ve. Well then, how can major decisions
and worrying.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 52
be made if one doesnt think and analyze an issue in depth? You cannot avoid making
such major decisions about anything, but you must understand the dierence
between thinking and worrying. The line between thinking and worrying shows when
one begins to over think. You can alleviate the stress you would impose on yourself
when you over think by only giving yourself a :me limit for par:cular decision.

Procras:na:ng oUen comes as a result of over thinking. There you think maybe a
project could be be/er if only you have more :me. Then you spend an unnecessary
amount of :me worrying about how something should be done and then you fail to
do it on :me. Spending :me doub:ng your abili:es is a bad prac:ce that should be
controlled. It is detrimental, and it generates stunted development.

Striving for perfec:on comes at a cost. It leads to over thinking. When you have your
heart set on something, it is only natural for a kind of fear to overwhelm you. You
make considera:ons, and you get too many op:ons that you lose yourself. Dont let
these concerns swallow you. They are only temporary, and you have the power to
make their stay as short as possible. If you let these fears linger for too long, they will
plant seeds of doubt. Surround yourself with fast-moving people, with people who
dont tend to over think things and take a genuine interest in how they make quick
decisions. The habits of these people will rub o on you and will come around to
strengthen your thinking prac:ce. If you havent been, spend more :me with them.

Always bear in mind that just because you are thinking about something to the extent
that it qualies as over thinking doesnt mean that it will bring you insight. Be willing
to accept that not every decision is nal. Plan ahead and set conscious distrac:ons to
take your mind away from pressing issues. However, you should be careful when
choosing these distrac:ons so you wouldnt digress from your original train of
thought. Take a short interest in something unrelated to your work. Solve another
persons problem; itll help to bring a sense of balance to yourself and put your
situa:on in a lighter view.

Always remember that boldness is not a product of over-thinking. You cannot make
bold decisions as a result of over thinking. Move swiUly. A li/le extra :me spent
pondering over certain decisions have made a lot of people miss out on great
opportuni:es that came their way.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 53


This chapter focuses on an all-important subject ma/er Giving. Everybody seems to

know the importance of giving as it relates to success. We hear about it in religious
circles and social gatherings. But is just giving enough to ensure success? Not quite.
Though giving is a necessary catalyst for success,
there is something about giving.
Give without
A lot of :mes, people give with the expecta:on of
receiving. When they receive, their joys know no
bounds, but when some:mes they do not get, anything in
they feel disappointed, slighted, and they even return, because it
is in giving that
regret their ac:on. They feel this way because
they are giving the wrong way. The right way to
give is giving without expec:ng to receive. When we truly receive
you give with the expecta:on of receiving it is no Usain Bolt
longer giving but an investment that is projected
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 54
to yield returns.

Bill Gates, the wealthiest man in the world through The Bill and Melinda Gates
Founda:on has spent a fortune in eradica:ng Poliomyeli:s in Africa.

Usain Bolt the fastest man alive is a perfect example of giving without expec:ng a
reward. He has contributed to the development of Trelawny in Jamaica his country.
Usain repaired the local medical clinic in his community. He funded the electrifying of
his kindergarten school and provided computers for the en:re school for the kids to
learn. Other than that, he provided the school with boots aUer he won a contract
with Puma in 2008.

Many of the worlds most successful men and women take pleasure in giving. And
they give without expec:ng anything in return. As one who aspires to succeed, you
must learn from the successful.

Benets of Giving without expec9ng

It brings sa:sfac:on

Giving without expec:ng anything in return gives you peace of mind and lls your
heart with joy. This happens because your mo:ves are pure and there is no room for
disappointments and bi/erness. Whether or not your eorts are recognized, you are
happy because you gave out of love and not out of hunger for fame or some reward.

When you give, you receive

When you give without expec:ng, the natural law of giving works in your favour,
causing you to receive in abundance. With sacricial giving, you may not receive from
the people you gave, and may not also receive what you gave but receive a blessing
from God and your fellow men.

Some people aUer rendering one form of assistance or another to others, withdraw
such support when they feel the receiving party under appreciates their eorts. This
is wrong by every standard. Again, other people give to only those who can repay the
kindness. For example, it is commonplace for Poli:cians to give to other poli:cians
during elec:ons. They do so subtly with the hope that when it is their turn to vie for
electoral posi:ons they too would be assisted. This also is not giving but an
investment that may or may not yield the required results.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 55

How to give without expec9ng

1. Give what you can spare:

Some:mes the reason we give with expecta:on is that we give our all. It is good to
give sacricially but if it will lead you to give with hopes of receiving, give what you

2. Do not blow your trumpet:

Let others do it for you. A lot of people give and then announce it to the whole world.
This is what I call giving for the cameras.

3. When you act selshly, apologize:

Giving is not only about money or material things. Tendering an apology when you act
selshly is an excellent way to give without expec:ng

4. Forgive your oenders out of compassion not so that they will be indebted to

If you must give, give without expec:ng anything in return, not even a 'thank you.'
With such aatude, you will lead a stress-free life devoid of bi/erness and
disappointments and regret.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 56


In your quest for success, your nance has a vital role to play. There is nothing wrong
with the craving for a good life; lled with luxury
and splendour. But, do not live above your means.
In fact, it is stressful to live above your income
Wealth is power.
because debts will become your regular visitor. With wealth
Success comes to those who are ready for it. Are
many things are
you ready for success? Are you prepared to possible - George
discipline yourself towards the course of your life? S. Clason
If you are willing, you have to abhor frivoli:es.
Managing your nance is one principle that you
must adhere to achieve success in life. No ma/er how li/le your life must have been
nancially, all hope is not lost. In the next paragraph, I would give out a few :ps on
how to live above economic stagna:on.

1. Have a Viable Source of Income

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 57

I am sta:ng this categorically because it is paramount. I could advise that you simply
have a source of income without hin:ng on the "viable." But I have come to realize
that some persons have a source of livelihood. No, they do not have jobs. They do not
work for their needs. On the contrary, they have a

Success comes to benefactor who sustains them regularly. You cannot

achieve nancial freedom when you do not have a
those who are viable source of income. That would be chea:ng on
ready for it. your goals. It will only amount to taking you on a
path where you will have no control. In the end, it
will condi:on you to live in obscurity. Success comes
to those who are prepared for it. For you to achieve success in your nance, you need
to have a viable source of income.

2. Save Regularly

The next step aUer geang a job is to save as the income pops in. Consuming all your
income is not healthy for your nancial goal. When you do not have a shield over your
head during your rainy days, you will get yourself wet with begging; because you
failed to cover yourself when you had the opportunity.

3. Be Disciplined In Your Expenses

So, you are now working, and you have enough cash rolling into your bank account on
a regular basis. That sounds cool. Doesn't it? Life has become be/er than it used to
be. And the feeling to celebrate every moment overwhelms you. You begin to
accumulate expenses because you feel you have to show the extent of your worth
and celebra:ons become your weekend ritual. But before you could realize it, you
have sacriced your nancial goals on the altar of lavishness. What have you
achieved? Nothing more than a setback in your goal. As an individual who desires
nancial success, you must ensure that you adhere to complete discipline in your

4. Invest in a Business Idea

For you to stay aoat and increase your wealth, you need to invest. Develop a
business idea and work on it. You can also get nancial experts to help you manage
your nances. That way, you would be increasing your earnings.

5. Give Cheerfully
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 58
No man ever enriches himself by holding back what he has. In your quest for nancial
success, you must endeavour to give to those around you and the society at large.
Great men whose nancial resources have been es:mated at billions of dollars are
great givers. You cannot discuss Bill Gates, Warren Buet, Oprah Winfrey and Mark
Zuckerberg; and you wouldn't talk about their charity works. Therefore, do not let
anything hold you back. In your aim to achieve success, apply these :ps and watch
your life grow nancially.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 59


You may have heard the term used in situa:ons but have never taken the :me to
understand what it meant. The name itself sounds like a covert opera:on straight out
of Ludlum's Bourne series. So, what exactly is self-sabotage and how does one go
around it? Self-sabotage is any thought, behaviour, ac:on or in-ac:on that keeps you
back from a/aining your goals. These pa/erns

Self-sabotage is
are usually beneath the surface, swimming in
your unconscious stream and manifes:ng in
the measures that defy the a/ainment of any thought,
conscious goals/decisions.
behaviour, action or
The irony of self-sabotage is that your in-action that keeps
innermost being is trying to keep you away
from dangerous circumstances, shielding you
you back from
from what it believes will harm you- staying in attaining your
this loop is comfortable but damaging in the goals
long run. No one has ever achieved anything
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 60
worthy of note by lounging in comfort. Every single human you look up to had to
leave their familiar environment and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Types of Self-Sabotage

There are dierent ways in which this manifest, and the most common are
procras:na:on. Here is a list of pa/erns to look out for:

Incessant worry

Unrealis:c expecta:ons

Constant comparison to others

Lack of foresight and planning

The hand of perfec:on

Lack of exibility in the face of problems

Inability to accept mistakes

Habit of con:nuous complain


Failure to see the big picture

Lack of faith in yourself

Fear of failure

Inability to turn down oers/advice

These pa/erns will linger on and keep manifes:ng for as long as you dont change
these. The abundance of nega:ve thinking like lack of self-condence fuels the engine
of self-sabotage like no other. Get your emo:ons managed and steer your life in the
right direc:on. Dwelling on your inabili:es will only keep you trapped in a bin of
regret and rejec:on. Instead of reac:ng to these thoughts and events around you
take ac:on. Move out of that couch of nothing and step into the world of leaping by

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 61

Elimina9ng Self-Sabotage

Taking conscious control of these behaviours will require work and energy, but it is
possible. Here are two ways to eliminate self-sabotage and walk in total freedom.

Know Yourself

Sounds easy enough? Consciously take note of your decisions daily, mark down any
behaviour that keeps you from moving forward. Constantly ask yourself ques:ons and
be objec:ve with your answers. Find the triggers to these nega:ve pa/erns, note
your response, and the outcome. You should create scenarios from the informa:on
you have so far and nd be/er answers that will lead to favourable outcomes.
Remember that this will require invested eort on your part and scru:ny; don't let
anything slip through.

Change Your Thinking

Carry out a reevalua:on of what your ideal picture of success is. Be realis:c with your
expecta:ons and understand that not everything works the rst :me. In no way am I
saying not to daydream and have hope, just know enough that you are not :l:ng in
one extreme? Staying ac:ve and balanced is key. When setbacks do happen, be
grateful and learn your lesson. Learn it well, so it does not pop up in the future. Also
be careful not to throw out everything you had accomplished before the setback
happened. Our knee-jerk response most :mes is to read the en:re situa:on as a bust.
Do not do that, instead go through individual stages with a ne comb and accept your
humanity in the process.

Self-sabotage pa/erns lend itself to background processes and can be addic:ve, and
take extra care when dealing with it. Seek help from people you trust, people that will
hold you accountable. Do not forget that there is safety in having a council of
advisors. Whenever you fall, get back up- bolder and stronger than the last :me.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 62


Provide value and people will pay you for it regardless. This chapter brings to light the
dierent ways one can add value to himself and the society. A lot of individuals
demean themselves by saying things like I am worthless, I have no talents, etc. No
wonder there is a high rate of suicidal cases globally. People compare themselves with
every other person out there, but the actual truth is that every individual under
planet earth came for a purpose.

Globally, there is an increase in unemployment because everyone is trying to imitate

the next person. Everyone is talented but the issue is that a lot of persons do or
refuse to develop their talent. That is why a lot of people say that the grave is the
most talented place one can ever nd, why because a lot of people refuse to enhance
or even discover their talent instead they take it to the grave when they die.

Adding value is not a herculean task rather a task that must be pursued with all
dedica:on and tactulness. Nobody wants to lend a helping hand to his neighbour.
People are aUer the money they can get by rendering help; this is not right. First of
all, to be relevant in the society, you must search for ways to aect someone's life. A
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 63
lot of people do not know that when you impact
on the life of others posi:vely you are crea:ng a
greater impact on yourself. When you add value
Adding value is
to peoples life, it boosts your self-esteem, you are not a herculean
recognized, you gain a lot of friends, you receive task rather a task
rewards and people value you.
that must be
Helping others and giving a part of ourselves is pursued with all
dedication and
the key to success and happiness everyone is
craving for. To add value to the society and get
paid for it must start with this step, Know what tactfulness
you can do. Every successful person in this world,
rst of all, discovered this secret. What is your talent? What is that service that you
can render to people and feel sa:sed even if you don't get paid? What is that
passion you have that can keep you awake in the night and you get up the next
morning without complaining? What is your driving force? Every man has a driving
force, discover yours.

What is that area in the society you feel there is a void, a gap? What is that area that
always gets you annoyed, you feel the person or people doing it are not geang it
right? That area may be the area through which you value can be felt and you get
paid, not just paid but become rich and well known. It could be fashion, health,
technology, educa:on, charity mo:va:on of youths, religion etc. It could be anything,
yes anything! Go for it as long as you are original and not imita:ng anyone. Keep
learning new things, dont be scared to fail, encourage people (bring out the best in
them), then you are one step ahead.

To add value and get paid, you must know the business that bets you because not
every business does. Do what you know, learn from people who are already in that
business, then emulate them.

You must plan. Every business that has ever succeeded had proper planning, failure
to plan means you are planning to fail. Try to set an objec:ve and ways to achieve

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 64

You must know your prospec:ve customers. Find out the par:cular people your
services or products are made for. Example: young, old, children, mothers, fathers,

Finance is a paramount factor that must be considered. Know the amount needed
to start up business or service of your dream and also ways to generate capital.

Build a team. You cannot achieve your dream alone. Therefore you must seek
supporters, advisors, partners, etc. also try to be yourself, and the right kind of people
will locate you.

The more you expand the business, focus on what you can give back to your
customers or client in order to inuence their lives posi:vely.

Do not be shy or in:midated, say who you are without apology or regret because if
you do not say where you are, nobody will know you are there. Use every available
publicity tool you have to announce yourself and what you do. You could use
marke:ng, email, public rela:on, advert placement, handbills, posters, pamphlet,
magazines, and short videos. You can also use the internet (Facebook, Twi/er etc.),
do not also forget word of mouth.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 65


Success never comes easy, that is a fact. Some:mes we try and fail and just give up
which is wrong because failure builds and gives you the discipline you need to handle
success. When you check the story of most great men you aspire to be like today,
they all failed at one point in their life but never gave up.

In the movie pursuit of happiness, we see a father and his four-year-old son who had
nowhere to live or where their next meal is

Resolve to never
coming from. But with a twinkle of an eye, he
moved from a homeless man to a Wall Street
legend because he never gave up. quit, never to give
According to Jack Caneld, who never gave up up, no matter the
even aUer publishers rejected him, Resolve never situation - Jack
to quit, never to give up, no ma/er the situa:on.
He could make such a quote because he has also
experienced the frustra:on of failing but he chose
to keep trying :ll he succeeded. And today his success story is an inspira:on.
Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 66
Here are some reasons why you should never give up;

To prove people who doubted you wrong.

Someone can decide to never to give up because you never gave up.

When you are most frustrated, your success is just around the corner.

You would gain experience on how to do things and how not to do it.

There is always someone doing worse than you are.

For you to not give up, you need to develop the habit of persistence. It should be like
your second skin, your way of life and your everyday mantra. The ability to always
keep going no ma/er what is thrown at you and to always nd another way when one
is blocked. That is how you can defeat the urge to give up.

Here are a few :ps to developing persistence;

1. Always expect setbacks

When you have a plan, always have a con:ngency plan. Because the best way to deal
with setback is to plan towards it, this way you are not caught o guard since you
expected it. These setbacks do not mean you are not good enough, but that life has a
plan of its own.

2. Take note of your small victories

For you to develop a habit of persistence, you should experiment with smaller tasks.
Like waking up on :me, geang to work on :me, xing that front lawn today, etc.
when you conquer small tasks like this, you can gradually be condent enough to face
the harder task. Also take note of these goals you achieved, for future reference.

3. Know your purpose

Your purpose is your drive and your passion. If you know what your purpose in life is,
then you would have a natural drive that would keep pushing you to never to give up
even when you are :red or frustrated. Ask yourself, what is my greatest fear in life? Or
what is the most important thing in my life? The answer to that is your purpose in life.

4. Have SMART goals

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 67

Your goals should be specic, measurable, a/ainable, relevant, and :me-bound.
Make sure whatever goal you set to achieve follows these principles.

5. Learn from your failures

Whenever you fail, understand what happened, nd out how to avoid it from
happening again and try a new way to do it. Your failure would teach you how to not
make the same mistake again but learn new ways of trying.

6. Be mo:vated by success stories

Find stories of people that went through what you are going through and became
successful. Learn how and what they did to overcome. Also let their stories be your
mo:va:on to never give up because if they can make it so can you.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 68


These principles will guide you to develop yourself and a/ain career success. These
principles will be able to guide you from where you are currently to your desired
place. They are meant to inspire and mo:vate you to a/ain that height you most
desire. I believe everyone can be successful if they put their mind to it. Your life is
yours, so you need to take charge of it and steer it in the right direc:on.

These principles should serve you as a guide and inspira:on to lead you on the part to
self-realiza:on and success. It is not an easy task as each principle requires a lot of
hard work and dedica:on. Every situa:on can be turned around to your advantage so
dont give up just yet. Every mistake should be learned from and viewed as an
experience and not a hindrance.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 69

Even at :mes when you think giving up on your dreams is the easy way out,
remember you are already a step ahead of those who never tried in the rst place. It
may not be easy to make it to that desired point because nothing good comes easy.
By abiding by these principles with diligence, you will get to that desired point.

I would love to hear from you, your thoughts and your arguments. The best way to
contact me is via my email.

To Your Success,

Vijayagopal N
21 Ultipmate Success Principles

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 70


Did you enjoy the 21 Ul:mate Success Principles? I sincerely hope you did.

The links below are some resources that you may nd useful. You could visit my blog
where I share some of my stories and success and mo:va:onal secrets.

You can also browse and check out the other resources, before deciding if it is
suitable and helpful to you. I have personally gone through most of the program
material and there are quite good tes:monials for all of them. It is my inten:on to
share helpful and benecial resources with you.

It is also my duty to inform that if you buy from some of the links, I may be paid a
commission fee. I want to be upfront and open about this.

Regardless of whether you nally buy from the links, I s:ll want to thank you for
reading and nishing this eBook and doing something for yourself. Thank you!

My Personal Site

You can nd ar:cles on self-help, personal development and my thoughts in this

website. I also write about some of my personal experiences and learning, with the
inten:on to share, and inspire readers.

To Your Success Thought Elevators Elevate your thoughts and mind to greater

Morning Ritual Morning Ritual Mastery Start your day right and you will see a
vast dierence in your mood and energy.

For your Reading

The Success Principles by Jack Caneld
The author, is also the creator of the now iconic Chicken Soup for the Soul series. It
is a how-to book by Caneld for reaching the mountaintop, your goal. Reading this
book, youll probably nd yourself encouraged and energized.

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 71

The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
This book outlines powerful concepts to focus on what ma/ers the most. Doing one
thing at a :me.

Both books are available on Trust me and go for it!

Copyright 2017, Nammalvar Vijayagopal (Vijay), Founder, 72

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