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Learnetto LATEX Cheat Sheet

Commands in preamble \begin{center} Begin centering your table Font size

and its content.
\documentclass Style rules in your file.
\begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c| } Set up columns (c) and table
\tiny tiny \Large Large
\documentclass[opt,opt]{class} Class: extra details go into
[] and class inside {}. edges between them.
\scriptsize scriptsize
\footnotesize footnotesize
10,11,12pt Font size. \hline Get a line over your first
table row.
\small small \huge huge
letterpaper, a4paper
portrait, landscape
Example paper size.
Page orientation. A & B & C \\ Data used to fill in every cell
in your first table row.
\normalsize normalsize
\large large \Huge Huge
book, report, article, letter Most common classes.
\hline Get a line under your first
Packages table row.
Example packages: D & E & F \\ Data used to fill in every cell Justification
\usepackage{multicol} Use multiple (x) columns: in your second table row. \begin{center} \centering
\begin{multicols}{x}. \hline Get a line under your second \begin{flushleft} \raggedright
\usepackage{latexsym} Use LATEX symbol font. table row. \begin{flushright} \raggedleft
\usepackage{setspace} Set spacing of your text. \end{tabular} Enter this command to finish
\onehalfspace Add this command under your table.
\end{center} Enter this command to finish Comments
the set space package to set
your spacing to 1.5. having a centered table. Put % before your text to make it a comment.
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} Get font encodings.
\usepackage[french]{babel} Set language in []. Mathematical expressions
Insert packages before \begin{document}. Lists
Place equation between dollar signs ($) or
Title & abstract \begin{equation} list type command result
\author{name} Author. a=b+c-d \begin{itemize}
\title{title} Title. \end{equation} \item
Date. to get
\date{date} Thing 1 Thing 1
Abstract. unordered list
\abstract{abstract content} \item Thing 2
a=b+cd (1)
Thing 2
Header, footer, table of contents \end{itemize}
\pagestyle{empty} Empty header, footer and no
page numbers. Images \begin{enumerate}
\pagestyle{plain} Default style with empty header To insert image: \item
and the footer with page numbers. \begin{figure}[ht] Thing 1 1. Thing 1
\pagestyle{myheadings} Empty footer, the header with ordered list
\includegraphics[width=.5in]{imagename.jpg} \item 2. Thing 2
page number on right side on even \caption{The (optional) caption goes here.} Thing 2
pages and on left side on odd pages. \end{figure} \end{enumerate}
\tableofcontents Table of contents. Omit [width=.5in] if you want the image to be full-sized.

Simple tables Text formatting Acknowledgements

To get the following table: Text decorations The document template and some of the information used has
A B C Your text can be italics (\textit{italics}), boldface been created by Dave Richeson, Dickinson College,
D E F (\textbf{boldface}), underlined (\underline{underlined}).

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