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Obstetrics Board Presentations Physical Exam:

One-liner, initial cervical exam, intrapartum course and interventions Vitals

(pitocin/FSE/IUPC/dilaudid/Ampicillin), GBS status, current cervical exam. General: NAD, A&Ox3 etc
"Sally Jones is a 32-year-old G3P1102 at 32weeks 5days who presented with painful contractions. Her CV: normal rate, rhythm, no murmur, pulses present etc
initial cervical exam was 3/70/-3. She received an epidural and was started on pitocin. She's GBS Lungs: clear to auscultation in all four quadrants
positive, on ampicillin. She is now 8/90/-2." ABD: Gravid uterus, nontender, fundal height, estimated fetal size by Leopolds maneuver
EXT: Note if edema is present (1+? 2+?) or absent, reflexes/DTRs (including clonus)
Obstetrics H&P: FHT: (fetal heart tones)
CC: A few words on why the patient presents, usually a symptom such as my water broke. You may 4 components:
quote the patient, or simply write painful ctx, leakage of fluid etc - Baseline HR (normal 110-160)
HPI: Start with age and G_P_ _ _ _ @ ## of weeks, admitted for: __________. - Variability [absent (0), minimal (1-5), moderate (normal, 6-25), marked (>25)]
Describe the reason for coming to the hospital as you would for other rotations. Be sure to ask about pain, - Accelerations (generally a 15x15 increase from baseline)
vaginal bleeding, contractions (frequency, intensity, when they started), loss of fluid (what color, what - Decelerations (early, late, variable)
time), and fetal movement. TOCO: (tocometer measures uterine contractions) q*** min
Prenatal Course: Complications (diabetes, hypertension, hyperemesis gravidum, any antepartum SVE (sterile vaginal exam): Dilation/Effacement/Station (done by the resident or attending; students write
hospitalizations and treatments, if Rh neg did the pt receive Rhogam at 28wks) deferred or per [examiner]).
Ultrasound: Most uncomplicated patients will have a growth ultrasound (Level I) at 20wks SSE (sterile speculum exam): nitrazine/pooling/ferning (often done in triage by resident/attending).
Look through prenatal chart and document most recent ultrasound. EFW (estimated fetal weight): bag of flour roughly equals 7lb baby; or estimate how many bags of saline,
Ex. 30w1d: 1488g, 64%, AFI 26.4cm, anterior placenta grade 1, cephalic 1bag equals 1000g
Prenatal Labs: Look through prenatal chart and document Blood type /Rh status /antibody status/Rubella Presentation: cephalic/vertex? Transverse? Breech? by leopolds or BSUS (bedside ultrasound)?
/RPR /HepB/HIV/Gonorrhea/Chlamydia/GBS status Membranes: intact? ruptured? pooling/nitrizine/ferning? amnisure? AFI?
PMH: As per usual (asthma, hypertension, thyroid issues, diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc)
PSH: Particularly any abdominal surgeries (include D&Cs), include year of surgery A/P: Age, G_P_ _ _ _ at ## weeks admitted for _____________.
OBHx: # of pregnancies; # of births; Ask about date, route of delivery, duration of labor, birth weight,
gender, anesthesia requirement and any complications (including postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia, 1.Maternal issues (e.g gestational diabetes, HTN, PreE, etc.)
gestational diabetes, etc) 2.Fetal Well Being (FWB): Reassuring? Reactive? Category of FHT tracing?
Ex. G1 - 2003, FTNSVD (full-term normal spontaneous vaginal delivery), 12hour labor, 7lb 6oz, 3.Labor: Expectant management? Induce/Augment with Pitocin? AROM?
Male, epidural no complications 4.GBS: neg/pos; if pos, document antibiotics given
G2 - 2007, C-section, 5hour labor, 7lb 4oz, Female, epidural - FITL (fetal intolerance to labor), 5.Pain: Plan for CLE when uncomfortable? No pain control desired?
postpartum hemorrhage 6.CEFM/Toco
G3 - 2010, Missed abortion @ 12weeks
G4 - Current Attending: Dr._________
GynHx: Abnormal pap smears? STDs? Resident: Dr.__________
Meds: As per usual, including prenatal vitamins Student: ______________ MS3
Allergies: As per usual
Social Hx: EtOH, tobacco, illicits. Specify if used during pregnancy. Patient communicates comfortably
in [language]. Domestic violence?
Family Hx: History of birthing complications or birth defects, mental retardation, bleeding diatheses,
clotting disorders, HTN, DM, CAD, gyne cancers, genetic/chromosomal abnormalities

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