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Integration of AcidBase and Electrolyte Disorders

3. Boron W. Acid-base physiology. In: Boron W, Boulpaep E,
To the Editor: In his review on acidbase disor-
eds. Medical physiology. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2012:
ders, Seifter (Nov. 6 issue)1 attempts to integrate 652-71.
the traditional, bicarbonate-centered model de- 4. Stewart PA. Modern quantitative acid-base chemistry. Can J
scribed by Davenport2 and Boron3 with Stewarts Physiol Pharmacol 1983;61:1444-61.

strong-ion-difference model4: DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1414731

strong ion difference (in mmol per liter)=

[Na+]+[K+]+[Ca2+]+[Mg2+][Cl]. To the Editor: Seifters integration of the
In unbuffered salt solutions, bicarbonate-centered and strong ion approaches
strong ion difference=[OH][H+] to acidbase disorders has added a new layer of
and is thus a pH surrogate. However, adding confusion and leads to incorrect conclusions. As
buffers as strong ion salts (e.g., sodium bicar- examples, neither hypoalbuminemia nor hyper-
bonate equilibrated with carbon dioxide, or so- natremia causes metabolic alkalosis. These are
dium lactate equilibrated with lactic acid) in- facts, not opinions. The problems of the strong
creases the strong ion difference while having ion approach have been elucidated in detail by us
variable or even no effects on pH. Thus the and others.1,2 The fundamental problem is that
strong ion difference does not uniquely define the strong ion approach is anchored exclusively
pH. Changes in the strong ion difference are a in the chemistry of solutions in a beaker, where
consequence of adding acids or bases as strong strong ions, weak acids, and carbon dioxide de-
ion salts; they do not cause pH to change. Stew- termine the bicarbonate concentration and pH.
art4 makes the fundamental error of mistaking In the body, however, a system of cellular pro-
correlation for causation. Proteins are generally cesses and transporters regulates acidbase
sensitive to pH per se, not the strong ion differ- homeostasis (as described in Seifters article), so
ence. No biologic mechanisms exist for directly that dependent and independent events cannot
sensing or regulating the strong ion difference be isolated. These physiological events are fully
in cells, blood, or other compartments (e.g., the considered with the use of the bicarbonate-cen-
cerebrospinal fluid) domains where pH is tered approach. Stewart recognized that his
both sensed and regulated. Seifter advocates the analysis could not deal with the secondary re-
strong ion difference as a diagnostic tool, rather sponses to disruptions in acidbase homeostasis.
like the anion gap. Although this analysis may Contrary to Seifters assertion, all acidbase ab-
indirectly provide information on acidbase con- normalities can be diagnosed and interpreted
trol, the strong ion difference offers no new with the bicarbonate-centered approach, and in-
mechanistic insight because it does not have a sights into their pathophysiology can be under-
causal role in pH changes. stood without adding the complexity of strong
Richard D. Vaughan-Jones, Ph.D. ion analysis.
University of Oxford
Horacio J. Adrogu, M.D.
Oxford, United Kingdom Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Walter F. Boron, M.D., Ph.D. F. John Gennari, M.D.
Case Western Reserve University University of Vermont College of Medicine
Cleveland, OH Burlington, VT
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re- No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re-
ported. ported.

1. Seifter JL. Integration of acidbase and electrolyte disorders. 1. Kurtz I, Kraut J, Ornekian V, Nguyen MK. Acid-base analysis:
N Engl J Med 2014;371:1821-31. a critique of the Stewart and bicarbonate-centered approaches.
2. Davenport HW. The ABC of acid-base chemistry: the ele- Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2008;294:F1009-F1031.
ments of physiological blood-gas chemistry for medical stu- 2. Adrogu HJ, Gennari FJ, Galla JH, Madias NE. Assessing
dents and physicians. 6th ed., rev. Chicago: University of Chica- acid-base disorders. Kidney Int 2009;76:1239-47.
go Press, 1974. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1414731

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

To the Editor: As supporters of the Stewart ap-

Table 1. Calculated Values of z for Use in the FiggeJabor
proach,1 we appreciate the fact that Seifters clear KazdaFencl Equation.*
explanation of these complex disorders does not
take sides in the old quarrel between the tradi- Ionized Calcium (mmol/liter) pH
tional and physicochemical approaches.2 How- 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5
ever, we would like to point out a small error in 1.12 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5
the reasoning behind the effect of balanced solu-
1.26 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5
tions on acidbase equilibrium. It is not true that
1.40 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5
the use of Ringers lactate with an in vivo strong
ion difference of 29 mmol per liter could lead to * The variable z is the net negative charge (in millimoles
metabolic acidosis in patients with normal acid per liter) contributed by each gram per deciliter of albu-
base status. On the contrary, it would lead to a min concentration (including the charge contributed by
bound calcium).
slight metabolic alkalosis. An intuitive explana-
tion is that the total concentration of weak acids
such as albumin and phosphate an acidifying corrected for the concentration of albumin. The
entity that Stewart called Atot will also be di- FiggeJaborKazdaFencl equation2 for calculat-
luted by the infusion. Morgan et al.3 showed in- ing the albumin-corrected anion gap is:
dependently and Carlesso et al.4 showed mathe- Albumin-corrected anion gap=anion gap+z
matically and experimentally that the strong ion ([normal albumin][observed albumin]);
difference of a crystalloid required to maintain where [normal albumin] and [observed albumin]
unmodified baseline pH (in a patient with a nor- are expressed in grams per deciliter, the albumin-
mal level of bicarbonate) is 24 mmol per liter. corrected anion gap and the anion gap are ex-
Niels Van Regenmortel, M.D. pressed in millimoles per liter, and z is the net
Antwerp University Hospital negative charge (expressed in millimoles per liter)
Antwerp, Belgium contributed by each gram per deciliter of albu-
min concentration (including the charge con-
Manu Malbrain, M.D., Ph.D. tributed by bound calcium). The variable, z, can
ZiekenhuisNetwerk Antwerpen Campus Stuivenberg be derived with the use of an extension of the
Antwerp, Belgium
strong ion model in which albumin is treated as
Philippe Jorens, M.D., Ph.D. a polybasic macromolecule with many equilibri-
Antwerp University Hospital um dissociation constants corresponding to
Antwerp, Belgium
various classes of amino acid side chains.3 By
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re-
ported. accounting for the charge on albumin,3 includ-
ing bound calcium,4 the model yields a value of
1. Kellum J, Elbers P, eds. Stewarts textbook of acid-base. Am-
sterdam: 2.3 to 2.5 for z as pH ranges from 7.2 to 7.5, and
2. Kurtz I, Kraut J, Ornekian V, Nguyen MK. Acid-base analysis: the level of ionized calcium ranges from 1.12 to
a critique of the Stewart and bicarbonate-centered approaches. 1.40 mmol per liter (Table 1).
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2008;294:F1009-F1031.
3. Morgan TJ, Venkatesh B, Hall J. Crystalloid strong ion differ- James J. Figge, M.D.
ence determines metabolic acid-base change during in vitro he-
modilution. Crit Care Med 2002;30:157-60. St. Peters Health Partners
4. Carlesso E, Maiocchi G, Tallarini F, et al. The rule regulating Rensselaer, NY
pH changes during crystalloid infusion. Intensive Care Med
2011;37:461-8. No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1414731
1. Berend K, de Vries APJ, Gans ROB. Physiological approach to
assessment of acidbase disturbances. N Engl J Med 2014;371:
1434-45. [Erratum, N Engl J Med 2014;371:1948.]
To the Editor: Berend et al.1 reviews the physi- 2. Figge J, Jabor A, Kazda A, Fencl V. Anion gap and hypoalbu-
ological approach and Seifter reviews the strong minemia. Crit Care Med 1998;26:1807-10.
ion approach to assessment of acidbase distur- 3. Figge J, Mydosh T, Fencl V. Serum proteins and acid-base
equilibria: a follow-up. J Lab Clin Med 1992;120:713-9.
bances. There is an interesting intersection be- 4. Marshall RW, Hodgkinson A. Calculation of plasma ionised
tween these models relating to the albumin-cor- calcium from total calcium, proteins and pH: comparison with
rected anion gap. As both articles noted, in the measured values. Clin Chim Acta 1983;127:305-10.
physiological approach, the anion gap must be DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1414731

390 n engl j med 372;4nejm.orgjanuary 22, 2015

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Copyright 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

To the Editor: Seifter discusses some concepts dium chloride solution increases both the strong
introduced by Stewarts novel approach to acid ion difference and the pH. They further claim
base analysis.1,2 Figure 1 of the article shows that the strong ion difference, but not pH, chang-
sodium, chloride, potassium, bicarbonate, and es with the addition of sodium lactate to sodium
hydrogen ions moving from blood into cells and chloride solutions. However, lactate in the beaker,
from cells into the tubular lumen, with chloride like chloride, acts as a strong ion, so that the
being exchanged for bicarbonate or potassium mixture would not be expected to change the
exchanged for hydrogen ions. Unfortunately, this strong ion difference. It is the metabolism of lac-
representation ignores simple stoichiometric is- tate to bicarbonate in the body that increases the
sues. For example, the hydrogen ion concentra- strong ion difference and has an alkalinizing ef-
tion is expressed in nanomoles per liter, whereas fect. This point applies to the correct observation
chloride, sodium, and potassium concentrations by Van Regenmortel et al. that acidosis associat-
are each expressed in millimoles per liter, a mil- ed with infused Ringers lactate is unusual, but
lion times greater. Moreover and perhaps more the alkalinizing effect of Ringers lactate requires
importantly, the figure ignores the renal impli- lactate metabolism.
cations of Stewarts model there is no such Although I did not propose a mechanism for
exchange. Changes in the measured urinary hy- sensing the strong ion difference, as stated by
drogen ion and urinary bicarbonate concentra- Boron and Vaughan-Jones, I recognize a role for
tions simply reflect changes in the state of dis- strong ions such as sodium, potassium, and
sociation of carbon dioxidecontaining urinary calcium, as well as charge and hydrogen itself,
water, which follow alterations in the luminal in pH regulation.
strong ion difference induced by electrolyte In disputing the findings of studies by Figge,
movement. This is the key iconoclastic implica- Fencl et al.,1 and others, Androgu and Gennari
tion of Stewarts message: the porterantiporter exemplify the consequences of neglecting other
theory of tubular luminal hydrogen ion and bi- charged species such as chloride and albumin,
carbonate concentrations is an illusion created while they reference their own review2 that mis-
by changes in the dissociation of water and car- takenly attributes normochloremic alkalosis with
bon dioxide in water. hypoalbuminemia to diuretic-induced alkalosis.
Rinaldo Bellomo, M.D. The contribution of hypernatremia to acidbase
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre disorders depends on the accompanying anion,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia with differences expected according to the ad-
ministration of either hypertonic sodium chlo-
John A. Kellum, M.D. ride or sodium bicarbonate. Furthermore, since
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
the sodium level but not the anion concentration
Pittsburgh, PA
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re-
is osmoregulatory, the relative concentration dif-
ported. ference between the sodium level and the chlo-
1. Stewart PA. Modern quantitative acid-base chemistry. Can J
ride level is important.
Physiol Pharmacol 1983;61:1444-61. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Bellomo
2. Kellum JA. Disorders of acid-base balance. Crit Care Med and Kellum deny the presence of antiporters,
such as sodiumhydrogen and chloridebicar-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1414731 bonate exchange, which are shown in Figure 1
of my article and supported by the substantial
The Author Replies: These letters illustrate the contributions of Boron3 and others. I do not
sharp dispute between two models for analyzing agree that these mechanisms are an illusion;
acidbase disorders. Boron and Vaughan-Joness rather, they demonstrate the interdependence of
support of the bicarbonate-centered approach acidbase balance and electrolyte balance and
rests on experimental and theoretical consider- constitute common ground for the two oppos-
ations; Androgu and Gennaris approach rests ing camps.
on clinical interpretation. Boron and Vaughan- It is interesting that the statement by Androgu
Jones propose that the strong ion difference does and Gennari that strong ions, weak acids, and
not alter pH; however, adding sodium bicarbon- carbon dioxide determine the bicarbonate con-
ate at a constant level of carbon dioxide to a so- centration and pH in a beaker contradicts the

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

interpretation by Boron and Vaughan-Jones that Since publication of his article, the author reports no further
potential conflict of interest.
changes in the strong ion difference are a con-
sequence of adding acid and base as strong-ion 1. Fencl V, Jabor A, Kazda A, Figge J. Diagnosis of metabolic
acid-base disturbances in critically ill patients. Am J Respir Crit
salts; they do not cause pH to change. The de- Care Med 2000;162:2246-51.
bate about cause and effect and fact and opinion 2. Adrogu HJ, Gennari FJ, Galla JH, Madias NE. Assessing
is really a debate about interpretation, given that acid-base disorders. Kidney Int 2009;76:1239-47.
3. Boron WF. Regulation of intracellular pH. Adv Physiol Educ
causation is notoriously difficult to prove.4 2004;28:160-79.
Julian L. Seifter, M.D. 4. Hill AB. The environment and disease: association or causa-
tion? Proc R Soc Med 1965;58:295-300.
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Boston, MA DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1414731

Hidden Formaldehyde in E-Cigarette Aerosols

To the Editor: E-cigarette liquids are typically (SE) of 38090 g per sample (10 puffs) of
solutions of propylene glycol, glycerol, or both, formaldehyde was detected as formaldehyde-
plus nicotine and flavorant chemicals. We have releasing agents. Extrapolating from the results
observed that formaldehyde-containing hemiac- at high voltage, an e-cigarette user vaping at a
etals, shown by others to be entities that are de- rate of 3 ml per day would inhale 14.43.3 mg of
tectable by means of nuclear magnetic resonance formaldehyde per day in formaldehyde-releasing
(NMR) spectroscopy,1 can be formed during the agents. This estimate is conservative because we
e-cigarette vaping process. Formaldehyde is a did not collect all of the aerosolized liquid, nor
known degradation product of propylene glycol did we collect any gas-phase formaldehyde. One
that reacts with propylene glycol and glycerol dur- estimate of the average delivery of formaldehyde
ing vaporization to produce hemiacetals (Fig. 1). from conventional cigarettes is approximately
These molecules are known formaldehyde-releas- 150 g per cigarette,3 or 3 mg per pack of 20
ing agents that are used as industrial biocides.5 cigarettes. Daily exposures of formaldehyde as-
In many samples of the particulate matter (i.e., sociated with cigarettes, e-cigarettes from the
the aerosol) in vaped e-cigarettes, more than formaldehyde gas phase, and e-cigarettes from
2% of the total solvent molecules have converted aerosol particles containing formaldehyde-re-
to formaldehyde-releasing agents, reaching con- leasing agents are shown in Figure 1.
centrations higher than concentrations of nico- Inhaled formaldehyde has a reported slope
tine. This happens when propylene glycol and factor of 0.021 mg per kilogram of body weight
glycerol are heated in the presence of oxygen to per day for cancer (
temperatures reached by commercially available TCDBcas061809.pdf). This slope factor was cal-
e-cigarettes operating at high voltage. How culated as follows: [the kilograms of body
formaldehyde-releasing agents behave in the re- weightthe number of days of formaldehyde
spiratory tract is unknown, but formaldehyde is exposure] the milligrams of formaldehyde.
an International Agency for Research on Cancer Among persons with a body weight of 70 kg, the
group 1 carcinogen.4 incremental lifetime cancer risk associated with
Here we present results of an analysis of com- long-term cigarette smoking at 1 pack per day
mercial e-liquid vaporized with the use of a may then be estimated at 9104. If we assume
tank system e-cigarette featuring a variable- that inhaling formaldehyde-releasing agents car-
voltage battery. The aerosolized liquid was col- ries the same risk per unit of formaldehyde as
lected in an NMR spectroscopy tube (10 50-ml the risk associated with inhaling gaseous form-
puffs over 5 minutes; 3 to 4 seconds per puff). aldehyde, then long-term vaping is associated
With each puff, 5 to 11 mg of e-liquid was con- with an incremental lifetime cancer risk of
sumed, and 2 to 6 mg of liquid was collected. At 4.2103. This risk is 5 times as high (as com-
low voltage (3.3 V), we did not detect the forma- pared with the risk based on the calculation of
tion of any formaldehyde-releasing agents (esti- Miyake and Shibamoto shown in Fig. 1), or even
mated limit of detection, approximately 0.1 g 15 times as high (as compared with the risk
per 10 puffs). At high voltage (5.0 V), a mean based on the calculation of Counts et al. shown

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