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It tells the story that Gandhi studied at the School of Law at "The College University" in London,
and Professor Peters, always looked for the slightest opportunity to express his repugnant
animosity. Gandhi at his ironic attacks never lowered his head.

One day, Professor Petters was having lunch in the university dining room, Gandhi came with his
tray and was sent next to the professor.

The professor, in a haughty tone, said:

"Mr. Gandhi, do not you know that a pig and a bird can not send together to eat together?"

To which Gandhi replied:

- Be calm professor Petters , I'm flying; And if I change the table.

We all wanted to have the speed of reasoning that had Gandhi or the other geniuses of the
history. Surely it has happened to you that when you finish discussing or debating with a person
you come to mind ideas or words that you wanted to tell them at the time or think you are a fool
for not passing a test.

The brain, organ of the nervous system control our functions like emotions, reasoning and
thinking, develops from gestation and some develop it more than others either by genetics or
our experiences that we have. But what if I told you that there are people who develop their
brains more simply.


How do they do that? What is the secret?

well, the answer is nothing more and nothing less than MEDITATION

Sara Lazar, a researcher at Massachusetts Hospital and Harvard Medical School, said she found
significant variations in the brain structure of people who meditated. Long-term meditators
showed more gray matter, as well as in the frontal cortex, associated with memory and decision

So they decided to do a second study in which they selected people who had never meditated
before and subjected them to an intensive eight-week meditation program. The results, on this
occasion, were also surprising. People who had learned to meditate, in contrast to the control
group, showed significant thickening in four regions of the brain.

First, the posterior cingulate cortex, related to reflection and self-esteem. Secondly the left
hippocampus, which helps in learning, cognition, memory and emotional regulation. Third is the
temporo-parietal union, or TPJ, which is associated with perspective taking, empathy and
compassion. And finally an area of the brain base called the Pons, where a large amount of
regulatory neurotransmitters is produced.

The recommendation is to start with one with a short time so as not to get bored and increase
with the passage of time until arriving in half an hour like 5 minutes 8 minutes 10 minutes.

To meditate you have to be in a quiet place to close your eyes and not think of anything, at first it
will cost you a little but with effort and perseverance you will succeed in mastering it.

Well, but surely all of you will ask this question

How long should I meditate?

And you will see that in the course of 8 weeks you will see the results.

Occasionally the great geniuses of history stand out for meditating.

As einsten, gandhi, aristotle, platon

Do not be discouraged if you think you are a fool for not passing an exam or for not saying

What are you waiting for? You have the opportunity to change the structure of your brain,
improve it and possess that kind of reasoning and thinking that had the great geniuses of history

Do not be discouraged

Why do not you do it?

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