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Name Chapter 8

Trail Teamwork

Ava, Jayden, Edwina, Lexi, Luis, and Trina are helping clean up a
hiking trail during the summer.

1. The trail is 10 miles long. Each person is in charge of an equal part

of the trail.
a. What fraction of the trail is Ava in charge of? Write your answer
in simplest form.

b. Write a division equation you could use to find a, the number

of miles of trail that Ava is in charge of. What is the value of a?
Show your work. Write your answer in simplest form.

2. In the first _12mile of the trail, Jayden posts 3 signs that describe local
birds. If the signs are an equal distance apart, what is the distance
between the second and third signs? Show your work.
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Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task 43

3. Edwina, Lexi, and Luis plant a tree every _14of a mile along
the trail.
a. Write and evaluate a division expression to find the number
of trees they will plant. Show your work. Write your answer in
simplest form.

b. Trina brings 6 cubic yards of compost for planting the trees. Each
tree needs to be planted with _16cubic yards of compost. Will there
be enough compost to plant all the trees? If yes, how many extra
trees can they plant? If no, how many trees can they plant? Show
your work.

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44 Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task

Chapter 8
Divide Fractions

Trail Teamwork

CC.5.NF.3 Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator. Solve word
problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of
fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to
represent the problem.
CC.5.NF.7 Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole
numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.
a. Interpret division of a unit fraction by a non-zero whole number, and compute such
b. Interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction, and compute such
c. Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-zero whole
numbers and division of whole numbers by unit fractions, e.g., by using visual
fraction models and equations to represent the problem.
CC.5.MP.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
CC.5.MP.7 Look for and make use of structure.

To assess understanding of fractions as division and the ability to write and evaluate expressions with
division of unit fractions and whole numbers

2530 minutes


Performance Task, paper, pencil
Fraction strips (optional)
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Review the link between multiplication and division before assigning task.
R eview vocabulary, including divisor, dividend, quotient, remainder, factor, product, equation,
numerator, denominator, and mixed number.

R ead the task aloud to students and make sure that all students have a clear understanding 
of the task.
Students may use manipulatives to complete the task.
Allow students as much paper as they need to complete the task.

Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task 45

Allow as much time as students need to complete the task.
Students must complete the task individually, without collaboration.
Collect all student work when the task is complete.

Students will divide with unit fractions and whole numbers.

In this task teachers can
Combine symbols and words to reinforce vocabulary, such as writing numerator above
a fraction bar and denominator below.


In this task teachers can
Offer students fraction strips to model division.
P rovide a graphic organizer to help students interpret division of unit fractions and whole
numbers in terms of shares and groups.

In this task, teachers can
Model temporarily replacing fractions with whole numbers to help students prepare
solution strategies.
Challenge advanced students with division involving non-unit fractions.


Complete the task within the time allowed
Reflect engagement in a productive struggle
Apply division with unit fractions and whole numbers to represent and solve word problems

Use the associated Rubric to evaluate each students work.

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46 Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task

Performance Task Rubric
A level 4 response Indicates the student has made sense of the task and persevered

Demonstrates understanding of a fraction as division

Shows ability to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole

numbers by unit fractions

Shows ability to interpret remainder as numerator of mixed number


A level 3 response Indicates the student has made sense of the task and persevered

Demonstrates understanding of a fraction as division

Shows ability to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole

numbers by unit fractions

Shows ability to interpret remainder as numerator of mixed number


Addresses most or all aspects of the task with the use of

mathematically sound procedures

May include an incorrect answer derived from a correct procedure

A level 2 response Shows that the student has made sense of at least some components
of the task

Demonstrates understanding of a fraction as division

Shows uneven ability to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and

whole numbers by unit fractions

May show an inability to interpret remainder as numerator of mixed

number quotient

A level 1 response Shows little evidence that the student has made sense of the task
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Shows a lack of understanding of a fraction as division

Reflects inability to divide whole numbers by unit fractions and unit

fractions by whole numbers

Shows little evidence of addressing the components of the task

Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task 47

Sample Level 4 Response

47A Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task

Sample Level 3 Response

Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task 47B

Sample Level 2 Response

47C Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task

Sample Level 1 Response

Grade 5 Chapter 8 Performance Task 47D

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