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Rain. The smell of soil that comes after a rain. The thunder and lightning. Im in awe of it all. I have a love
affair with the beach. I could sit for hours together just looking at squirrels play or simply stare at the trees
and flowers. I love to dream.

From faded photographs and stories that my mother often tells me, I know I was a child that enjoyed
playing in the wild. I was never the one to sit around at home with toys. And, that child still lives in me.
Fascinated with nature, looking for ways to incorporate a bit of it into living spaces, I became more
passionate about creating built spaces that do not destroy it. I took up the Bachelor of Architecture
program in Sri Ramaswamy Memorial (SRM) University, Chennai, India, because my skills in sketching and
observation had instilled an enjoyment within me for creating spaces and moulding designs that catered
to human needs and comfort.

During my journey through architecture, I realized that I had a bigger responsibility at hand and my passion
grew its roots. With a deep desire to merge the two, I am applying for the Masters program in Sustainable
Design and Landscape Architecture at The Piacenza Campus for, I know that it will stimulate trains of
thought that will help me do my bit to give back to the society and the environment, in ways that would
not be possible if I take up any other course in fields allied to Architecture.

While pursuing my Bachelors degree at SRM University, I learnt of the impacts that building techniques
have on the environment and how important sustainable design methods are to reduce the effects of
these footprints. Hailing from the southern tip of India, Kerala rightly termed Gods Own Country our
ancestral houses are made of laterite blocks, the roofs are covered with Mangalore tiles, and a majority
of the small roads are still made of compacted soil. Needless to say, a vast majority of the people used to
worship in places called Sacred Groves, which is an area filled with mangrove trees, other plants and
wildlife. However, these vernacular styles are being traded for something more modern, and the
traditional techniques are ebbing away. It is, after noticing this, that I was driven to take up Sustainable
Design. In this rapidly progressing and busy world, where people have little time to adhere to traditional
methods, using modern technologies and techniques in a sustainable and environment friendly manner
is our best option.

In the 6th semester of my Bachelors program, the course Green Buildings evoked a keen interest in me.
We learnt about Bio-Climatic Design Concepts, Active and Passive Heating and Cooling Methods, the
Techniques involved in the Recycle and Reuse of various materials such that their detrimental effects on
nature are reduced. I have experimented with several of these concepts in my design projects like - the
utilization of green walls, terrace gardens and solar panels in the Orthopedic Hospital; employing water
bodies, climate responsive architecture and skylights, to reduce heat and mechanical systems, in the
School of Architecture and Meditation Center. During the 3rd year, I was involved in the Annual NASA
Design Competition 2013, conducted by the National Association for Students of Architecture (NASA);
wherein our proposal involved reviving the polluted Coovam river in Chennai. The project also proposed
creating a skywalk, designing a promenade with landscaping and community spaces on it, and bringing
back the ferry system to Chennai to help raise funds for the project.
My Final year Thesis Project Indraprastha Sanskrithik Kala Kendra , A Socio-Cultural Hub in Delhi
focused on creating spaces that would promote and display the culture and traditions of India; and
providing a lung space where the people could gather. The proposal was made green and sustainable,
keeping in mind the user comforts, heat reduction, and ample air circulation, by using as less mechanical
ventilation as possible. The use of green walls, mosaic flooring for terraces, green roofs, circulating water
bodies, traditional jalli (patterned grill) walls helped to bring down the extremities of Delhi weather
conditions. Other notable features included recycling construction debris to create building blocks, the
utilization of melted Ocean plastic wastes to make furniture (The Sea Chair Project) and the reuse of
materials like glass chips as aggregate for terrazzo.

For the official training, I worked with Synergy Property Development Services Pvt. Ltd for 5 months,
where I was part of the Design Proposal team. Landscaping and Green Spaces were given utmost
importance in every project. My tenure there gave me experience on working with high rise buildings,
gated communities, as well as, the opportunity to assist landscape architects. Some of the projects
included Embassy Springfields, Bangalore; Urbana, Bangalore; Century Breeze, Kerala. In pursuit of my
interest for sustainable and environment friendly building techniques, I also applied to firms like
COSTFORD (Laurie Baker Foundation), Trivandrum and Mozaic (headed by Ar. Dean DCruz), Goa.
Receiving offer letters from both these firms instilled in me a confidence to further explore these fields.

From an early age, my parents always encouraged me, Do your best and never shy away, they would
say. That became my motto for life. I involved myself in every opportunity that came my way and gave it
my best shot. During my Secondary school, as the sports captain, I juggled my responsibilities with
academics, topped in the school examinations and came at third place in the country. This tenacity paid
off in college too, as I was able to secure scholarships based on merit and passed out with a CGPA of 8.9.
I was a part of several Personality Development Programs, organized by the YMCA and Youth Leadership
programs, organized by the Toastmasters Club in Bahrain. These leadership and management skills were
further honed while I headed the Hospitality team for the Zonal NASA Panel Discussion and FABFEST (an
inter-collegiate fest organized) at SRM School of Architecture and Interior Design. I learnt immensely more
and was able to build and retain cordial relationships with my peers and seniors from the offices and
college. As someone interested in baking, I, with two of my friends, set up a cupcake stall for one of the
college fests, where we sold out, making a considerable profit - our first business venture.

After analyzing the course structure at Politecnico di Milano and talking to a few seniors from the
university, I believe that the platform provided will enhance my thought process and create a healthy
dialogue between people from various parts of the globe. Also, the scholarships provided at your
esteemed institution, bring together several creative, passionate minds and hardworking people, enabling
mutual learning at a much deeper level. I believe the facilities provided will equip me to pursue research
and return to my homeland with a hoard of knowledge, that can be utilized for the greater good. Also,
during my thesis, I did a special study for acoustics on Renzo Pianos Parco Della Musica, Rome. The
knowledge that this famous architect is an alumni of Politecnico Di Milano further deepened my wish to
study at your university.

Born and raised in the Middle East, I enjoy the diversity of a place, relish meeting new people and learning
about different cultures. Being native to a country with a rich cultural heritage, I have always been
fascinated by Art and History. That, combined with a love to travel makes Italy the perfect place to
appreciate and study various architectural styles; where Old meets the New, Tradition meets Modernism.
My aim is to work with an architectural firm and eventually, set up my own practice, to give back to the
society that made me who I am; by way of being an advocate for sustainable design, in a developing
country, and involving myself in the academic circles. Studying at your esteemed university would educate
me on global standards in this field and provide me the much needed exposure to the current trends in
the field. With this, I present to you my hopes of being a part of your University, wherein I hope to learn
and contribute a great deal.

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