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HE RESULTS of a multistep process to begin identifying best practices

in deaf education are presented. To identify current practices, a survey
was conducted of the literature, the Web sites of professional organiza-
tions, and states' education Web sites, which yielded a number of com-
monly discussed practices. Ten of the more highfy cited practices in
literacy instruction and 10 of the more highfy cited practices in science
and mathematics instruction were identified for additional scrutiny.
Hundreds of articles were examined to identify research support for
the 20 identified practices. Some practices had adequate research sup-
port; others had minimal support. The authors identify each of the 20
practices, describe the practice, present a summary of the literature
that was examined, and rate the usefulness of the knowledge base rel-
ative to a "best practice" designation.

SUSAN R . EASTERBROOKS Federal mandates .surrounding the No 'leam 2.2, engaged in a multistep pro-
AND BRENDA STEPHENSON Child Left Behind Act instruct schools cess to examine deaf education prac-
to engage in best practices when in- tices. First, it reviewed best-practices
structing all students. This directive Web sites, looked at states' curriculum
was part of the impetus for the de- Web sites, interviewed representatives
velopment of a grant titled "Join To- of state agencies responsible for cur-
gether" awarded to the Association of riculum and instruction for students
College Educators-Deaf/Hard of Hear- who are deaf or hard of hearing, and
ing (ACE-DHH). Under the auspices of considered the literature in literacy,
this grant, a team undertook several ac- science, and mathematics as it related
tions to gather information about prac- to students who are deaf or hard of
tices in deaf education. In the present hearing, in order to generate possible
article we describe the process of iden- practices for inclusion in the docu-
tifying the practices, list each of the 20 ment. 'I'he team generated a list of 10
practices we examined, provide an ex- practices in literacy and 10 practices in
panded definition of each practice, and science and mathematics that were
identify some of the literature that may routinely cited either in the literature
support each practice. or as field-supported practices. The
The team, referred to as Topical original set of practices was shared with



the ACE-DHH community \ia the ing materials for independent reading stating broad reading goals
nization's iLstserv as well as the Master activities as well as time set aside for openly
Teacher listserv of the Join Together reading. Although there is field-based support
grant, which led to a modification of for this practice (Dry & Earle, 1988;
some of the wording assc^iated with Description of the Practice Schleper, 1994), we found a develop-
the practices. Upon review of the origi- Independent reading involves provid- ing knowledge base with no research
nal practices, the ream noted that the ing students with sufficient opportu- comparing outcomes for groups of stu-
practice of reading ;md writing in the nity and time to read on their own. dents who were deaf or hard of hear-
content area was identified under both 'lTiis practice is based on the notion ing and who engaged in independent
literacy and the content areas of sci- that "nothing succeeds like success." reading with outcomes for groups of
ence and mathematics. This practice Many programs have been used in students who did not engage in inde-
was reassigned solely to literacy to schools over the years such as Sus- pendent reading.
avoid redundancy In addition, review- tained Silent Reading (SSK) and Drop
ers of the original list indicated that the Everything and Read (DEAR). There is Literacy Practice 2:
first science/mathematics practice was much evidence from regular education Use of Technology
quite extensive and needed to be con- that the opportunity to read promotes Use of technology entails the applica-
sidered as two practiees. This advice students' motivation and interest in tion of media such as CDs, captioned
was followed, the result being the list reading (Yoon, 2002). Fundamental to materials, and interest-based Internet
of 20 practices identified in the present independent reading is the use of care- sites that are known to be motivating.
article and examined at greater length. fully chosen level-appropriate reading
A caveat is warranted at this juncture. materials (Fountas & Pinnell, 1996). Description of tbe Practice
Inclusion in the list of practices that re- Use of technology includes the use
sulted from the selection pRx:ess we Evidence of CDs, captioned materials, interest-
have described is not intended to imply Independent reading is both a goal of based Internet sites, and other tech-
that any of the selections are best prac- literacy instruction and an instructional nology as visual support to information
tices; rather, they are examined prac- strategy promoted in schools. Dry and being presented in the classroom, It is
tices. Neither dcx-'s exclusion fix>m the Earle (1988) felt that reading is both considered a best practice when it is
list imply that other practices are not of overtaught and underpracticed. In a used to support the teacher's skilled
equal value. 'I"he described practices do descriptive article, they detailed the explanation and discussion of the sub-
not represent an exhaustive list and are processes and prtjcedures involved in ject being taught. It is not considered a
not the only practices that are suceess- designing and implementing inde- best practice when used as a primary
flil with students who are deaf or hard pendent reading programs for children source of instruction.
of hearing. In addition, the literature with hearing loss. These included
cited in the present article is not in-
tended to be taken as an exhaustive
giving students time to read Few, if any articles, describe the Im-
list of the available research studies, books of their own choosing pact of CDs, captioning, and Internet-
but, rather, as some of the highlights allowing students to enjoy good based instruction. No research-based
of a review of nearly 500 articles. books and stories at many differ- articles were found on the use of CDs
ent levels per se as a category of tools, although
Literacy Practices observing, commenting on, and they continue to be mentioned in the
In this section of the present article we enjoying student strategies as literature under the category of visual
list the 10 literacy practices that were students re-read sections or tell materials that are appropriate for
researched, provide an expanded defi- others what they are reading "visual people" (I^ne, Hoffmeister, &
nition of each practice, then present allowing students time to find Bahan, 1996, p. 116). Regarding cap-
the literature in support of the practice. their own levels and discard tioned media, there is little available
books they become disinter- evidence to guide educators regard-
literacy Practice 1: ested in while encouraging them ing the rate at which captions should
Independent Reading to find other books be presented relative to a student's
Independent reading entails providing having students keep a simple individual reading rate. Hertzog, Stin-
and monitoring level-appropriate read- record of reading son, and Keiffer (1989) found that deaf


college students benefited from cap- pho?2eme categorization, which who are deaf or hard of hearing (Izzo,
tioning presented at the eighth-grade requires recognizing the word 2002), while others have found that
level. While the use of captions was with the odd sound in a se- certain aspects of it do (Luetke-
motivating to some students with quence of three or four words, Stahlman & Nielsen, 2003). While
hearing loss and facilitated vocabu- for example, "Which word does deafness per se does not preclude
lary retention (Koskinen, Wilson, & not belong? bus, bun, rug" (rug) phonemic awareness ability (Miller,
Jensema, 1986), other researchers phoneme blending, which re- 1997), some students who are deaf or
found that captions tended to be pre- quires listening to a sequence of hard of hearing tend to develop it
sented too fast for most deaf readers to separately spoken sounds and more readily than others, and phone-
follow (Shroyer & Birch, 1980). There combining them to form a recog- mic awareness skills correlate with
is a growing bfjdy of practice-based nizable word, for example, "What overall reading ability (Dyer, Mac-
evidence suggesting that specific Web- word is /s//k/^//l/?" (school) Sweeney, Szczerbinski, Green, &
based instructional programs such as phoneme segmentation, which Campbell, 2003). Regarding phonics,
SOAR-High may provide necessary requires breaking a word into its or orthographic devek)pment, Trezek
visual support (Barman & Stockton, sounds by tapping out or count- and Malmgren (2005) provide evi-
2002). These important lines of study ing the sounds or by pronounc- dence that students who are deaf or
indicate that the research base con- ing and positioning a marker for hard of hearing can learn phonics
cerning the instructional use of tech- each sound, for example, "How skills when they are presented via a
nology is developing. Successes with many phonemes are there in combination of auditory and visual
deaf adults need to be documented in shipr {three:/&//I//p/) strategies.
the developing reader. phoneme deletion, which re- Apparently, traditional phonemic
quires recognizing what word re- awareness and phonics instruction
Literacy Practice 3: Phonemic mains when a specified phoneme work for some students and not for
Awareness and Phonics is removed, for example, "What is others. Some students are able to
Phonemic awareness and phonics are ^niie without the /s/?" (mile) develop phonemic awareness and
taught either through structured, audi- phonics skills through audition
torially based programs with appropri- (The preceding list can be found at alone. Some need the support of vi-
ate modifications for oral students or National Institute for Literacy, Assess- sual information. Still others are not
through the use of specialized materi- ment Strategies and Reading Profiles, successful with phonemic awareness
als and techniques that provide \^sual or phonics at all. Perhaps a key to this
support (e.g., Iindamood-Beil, Visual MC_Phonemics.htm.) dichotomy is that deaf educators
Phonics, Cued Speech, teacher-devel- According to the National Reading tend not to address the phonological
oped visual materials) to students who Panel (2000), phonics instruction is a components of reading (Leybaert,
sign or need additional visual support. way of teaching reading that stresses 1993). This reticence may lead to in-
the acquisition of letter-sound corre- adequate instruction in these skills.
Description of the Practice spondences and their use in reading Another factor may be the lack of an
Phonemic awareness, according to and spelling. The primary focus of adequate means of determining
the National Reading Panel (2000), in- phonics instruction is on helping be- which students wouid benefit from
volves six skills: ginning readers understand how let- auditory support versus visual sup-
ters are linked to sounds (phonemes) port, when the range of hearing loss
phoneme isolation, which re- to form letter/sound correspondences, and varieties of learning styles of deaf
quires recognizing individual and to help them learn how to apply and hard of hearing students are
sounds in words, for example, this knowledge in their reading. taken into consideration. Given the
"Tell me the first sound inpaste" generally pt)or reading outcomes
Evidence among students who are deaf or
phoneme identity, which requires The evidence for the support of phon- hard of hearing, educators cannot
recognizing the common sound ics and phonemic awareness provides afford to ignore any avenue that may
in different words, for example, a mixed viewpoint. Some authors have provide students with access to liter-
"Tell me the sound that is the found that phonemic awareness does acy. The research base in this area is
same in bike, boy, and belt' (/b/) not relate to reading ability in students developing.



literacy Practice 4: may not be using these strategies suffi- Evidence

Metacognitive Reading ciently Schirmer, Uailey, and Schirmer- Kluwin and Kelly (1991) examined di-
Strategies Ix)ckman (2004) found that deaf alogue journals of students obtained
Metacognitive reading strategies in- students benefit from reading strate- over the course of a year and found
volve teaching skills such as re-reading, gies but that their repertoire of strate- that, at least for some students, such
looking at pictures, predicting, and vi- gies is limited. As with other reading writing applications improved written
sualizing before, during, and after read- practices, educators cannot afford to language outcomes. Walworth (1985)
ing through guided reading activities ignore any practice that works. 'ITie re- found similar results with a smaller
to promote text comprehension. search base for the practice of teaching sample of students. Most of the litera-
reading strategies is sufficient to con- ture we found on writing applications
Description of the Practice sider that it may be a best practice. described processes or procedures
Reading strategies are an important for implementing programs and activ-
set of tools that help promote text literacy Practice 5: ities. The data on outcomes relative to
comprehension. Reading strategies Writing to Promote Reading literacy were sparse, with the excep-
are based on metacognitive ability and Writing to promote reading involves tion of content-area writing, which is
provide students with a series of steps the promotion of reading skill devel- reviewed in the following paragraphs
by which they can construct meaning opment through written language ap- under "Literacy Practice 6: Reading
from print. Reading strategies are of- plications such as dialogue journals, in the Content Areas." The LEA has a
ten categorized into actions prior to research reading and writing, lan- long history of support by teachers of
reading, during reading, and after guage experience stories, writing to children who are deaf or hard of hear-
reading, and includebut are not lim- read, and other language-based writing ing. However most of the literature is
ited toactivating prior knowledge, programs. of a narrative or descriptive nature,
clarifying, predicting, visualizing, re- suggesting ways to incorporate multi-
stating, re-reading, using context dues Description of the Practice ple elements of instruction into this
or key words, skimming or scanning, Written-language applications may be approach. We found no articles com-
and summarizing. ITiese strategies are used as means to assist students in paring literacy outcomes of children
taught and then reinforced through their development of literacy skills. Di- taught using LEAs with (Outcomes of
guided reading. alogue journals are probably the best children not taught using LEAs. A
researched of these tools. 'l*he Iaurent weak research base supports the prac-
Evidence Clerc National Deaf Education Center tice of incorporating writing its a tool
Brown and Brewer (1996) compared (2004) has identified research reading to develop literaq', necessitating im-
hearing and deaf readers matched for and writing as a tool with which stu- mediate remedies to warrant contin-
reading level and found that compre- dents investigate nonfiction topics and ued use of this time-honored practice.
hension increased when students report in writing to demonstrate com-
drew inferences while reading. They prehension. 'iTie language experience literacy Practice 6: Reading in
found differences between skilled approach (LEA) involves the devel- the Content Areas
and nonskilled readers rather than opment of stories to reinforce read- Reading in the content areas involves
between deaf and hearing readers, ing and writing by using a learner's using content-area reading materials
which indicated that deafriess per se personal experiences and natural lan- to promote reading comprehension
did not prevent the development of guage. Writing to read is an informal through scaffolding and other con-
word decoding or text comprehension writing strategy in which students tent-area techniques.
of both factual and inferential material record personal predictions, observa-
in the population they studied. Strass- tions, and reflections on content-area Description of the Practice
man (1997) reviewed the literature on information. This is very similar to writ- Content-area reading refers to the chal-
metact)gnition and reading and found ing in the content areas, also called lenge of reading in the academic areas
very few resources; however, she did writing to learn, except that the in- of social studies, science, mathematics,
note that metacognitive strategies are tended outcome is improved literacy literature, art, music, and drama. Spe-
associated with positive literacy out- rather than improved comprehension cific skills are needed if one is to read
comes but that teachers as a whole and retention of information. well in the content area, among them


identifying the main idea and support- described a study of reading compre- which are large books with large print
ing details, locating facts and specific hension in deaf college students in the that enable everyone to see the same
details, organi^iing material into logical context of specific training in strategies thing at the same time. Storytelling
patterns, and adjusting reading rate for understanding science text. 'iTiose and reading to others, as well as being
for purpose, difficulty, and content. deaf students who were reading at a read to by others, are components of
Students must be taught these skills so higher level showed greater improve- the shared reading process. Some-
that they can apply metacognitive ments in comprehension than their times language experience activities
strategies to text. "Writing to learn" is a counterparts reading at a lower level. can be thought of as shared writing
t(x)l that has been used to help stu- In other words, the better readers can tasks. In shared reading, two or more
dents construct content knowledge be taught to become better readers, individuals work together to unlock
(Clearinghouse on Mathematics, En- who will in turn become even better the meaning of print. In shared writ-
gineering, technology, and Science, readers. Strategies for reading and ing, two or more individuals work to-
2002). Writing to learn also helps writing in the content area are mutu- gether to craft a written product. It is
teachers evaluate how students are in- ally supportive and lead to improved possible for a learner to draw on past
terpreting activities and discussions literacy outcomes as well as compre- experience or previous learning when
and building new concepts. Some of hension and retention of information. trying to make sense of new informa-
the activities associated with writing to Students cannot be fully prepared tion, but it is much more pmductive
learn are guided free writing, end-t>f- in mathematics unless they are skilled to have new information mediated
dass reflections, rewriting an excerpt, at understanding text (Draper, 2002). through a teacher or parent. Almost
journal logs, graphic organizers, and Using literacy activities to engage stu- all of early learning during the pre-
data entry. dents in a discussion of mathematics school years is mediated socially, so it
While literacy skills remain a crucial strengthens both mathematical ability might follow that young children
factor in comprehension and achieve- and literacy. Borasi, Siegal, Fonzi, and learning to read would do st) more
ment in academic subjects, litde is Smith (1998) showed that encourag- rapidly with mediation from a teacher
known about the impact on the devel- ing students to talk, write, draw, and or parent.
oping reader of reading in the content enact texts provided them with con-
areas. Strategies such as relating prior crete ways to construct and negotiate Evidence
knowledge, clarifying, predicting, and interpretations of what they read, Bar- Luetke-Stahlman, Hayes, and Nielson
restating, among others, should be well (2003) has pointed out that stu- (1996) provided an examination of
applied when one is reading academic dents' personal experiences have an some of the critical factors that
content, as well as wiien one is reading impact on their ability to recognize re- should be involved in the shared
literature. lationships and solve word problems. reading process. Shared reading is
The research base in this area sug- based on the notion of mediated
Evidence gests that this may be a best practice. learning, or learning that is presented
Strassman (1992) studied deaf adoles- through the eyes of another. This
cents' approaches to school-related or literacy Practice 7: Shared kind of mediated reading is highly
content-area reading, focusing in par- Reading and Writing successful with young deaf children
ticular on their application of metacog- Students engaged in shared reading of deaf parents (Maxwell, 1984), who
nitive strategies. She found that most and writing collaborate with others on tend to have higher reading levels
of the students she observed lacked activities that promote literacy devel- than deaf children of hearing parents.
mature metacognitive knowledge, rely- opment. Group storybook reading has been
ing more on skill-based and passive found to be highly motivating to
strategies. This resulted in the students Description of the Practice young children who are deaf or hard
being dependent readers of academic Shared reading and writing activities of hearing (Gillespie St. Twardosz,
information. Yore (2()()()) built a per- are most often associated with chil- 1997), and has been shown to be effec-
suasive case for the need to embed dren who are at the emergent literacy tive with even the most delayed of
reading instruction and writing-to- stage, but these activities are of bene- preschoolers (Gioia, 2001). Collabora-
learn activities within science material. fit to all students. Shared reading of- tive or shared reading has more re-
Kelly, Albenini, and Shannon (2001) ten involves the use of "big books," search support as a best practice in the



literature on the developing reader 1996). Syntax influences word mean- phemes to the front or end of a root
than in the literature on the more ma- ing dramatically. For example, rust can word. The word antidisestablishmen-
ture reader. , be a noun, a verb, or, when hyphen- tarianism comes to mind, in which
ated, as in rust-colored, an adjective. establish is the r(X)t word modified by
Literacy Practice 8: Semantic Those students who are deaf or hard two prefixes (anti-, dis-) and four suf-
Approach to Vocabulary of hearing and who have higher levels fixes {-ment, -ary, -an, -ism). Others
A semantic approach to vocabulary of syntactic competence are better might parse this differently but the
involves teaching vocabulary mean- able to apply their vocabulary knowl- point would be the same. In addition,
ing through semantically based activ- edge to a reading task. If a deaf reader's rules of spelling (changing y to i)
ities that enhance knowledge of syntactic competence is limited, this complicate the matter. If students
multiple meanings of words, idiomatic may prevent that reader from getting who are deaf or hard of hearing are to
expressions, and denotative (concrete) access to stored vocabulary knowledge; read and write well, they must have fa-
and connotative (abstract) meanings thus, there is an interaction between cility with the morphemic system.
of words. the two elements. To enhance stu-
dents' English literacy skills and help Evidence
Description of the Practice students expand their vocabularies in- Gaustad and Kelly (2004) compared
Paul (1996) detailed the "knowledge dependent of direct instruction, teach- the morphological skills of deaf col-
model" of vocabulary acquisition. This ers need to teach them how to learn lege students and hearing middle-
model proposes that vocabulary in- vcKabulary from context, and context is school students matched for reading
struction should integrate new con- constructed of a complex relationship achievement levels and found that
cepts into a student's semantic between vocabulary meaning (seman- even though the older deaf students
repertoire rather than focus on a tics) and grammar (syntax and mor- were measured to be on the same
particular context. Mere memorization phology). Better readers gained more reading level as the younger hearing
of a list of words in order to be able to from context than poorer readers when students, the younger hearing stu-
read an upcoming assignment, which they tried to generate the meanings of dents were significantly superior in
Paul refers to as the traditional "defini- unknown words in a passage (DeVil- the ability to understand the meaning
tion-and-contextual (or -sentence) ap- liers & Pomerantz, 1992). Semantics- of derivational morphemes and r(X)ts
proach" (p. 11), is ineffective because it based vocabulary instruction has a and to segment words containing mul-
does not transfer to other contexts. sufficient research base for it to be con- tiple morphemes. Morphographemic
ITie semantic-based knowledge model sidered a best practice. approaches to teaching vocabulary are
has three components: integration an important complement to semantic
(e.g., semantic maps, word maps, and Literacy Practice 9: approaches but at present have only a
semantic features analysis), repetition, Morphographemic developing research base.
and meaningful use (i.e., encounters Approach to Vocabulary
with words in deliberate and natural- A morphographemic approach to vo- Literacy Practice 10: Fluency
learning contexts). In the semantically cabulary entails teaching vocabulary Specific activities and strategies can
based approach, teachers explore vc> meaning through morphographemic- be applied to promote either spoken
cabulary meaning in depth and as it re- based activities that enhance knowl- reading fluency in oral students or
lates to the child's whole world, rather edge of word meaning through signed reading fluency in signing
than simply teach the use of the word understanding of root/base words, students.
that the child is going to encounter in prefixes, and suffixes, including Latin
an upcoming passage. and Greek derivatives. Description of the Practice
Reading fluency is a complex topic that
Evidence Description of the Practice has until recently received very little at-
Support for approaching the vocabu- English-language word meaning is tention. Reading fluency traditionally
lary within text by means of a seman- based on a highly morphemic system. has been gauged by the number of
tics-based knowledge mode! can be That is, word meanings are expanded, words spoken accurately from a list or
seen in the mutual relationship be- modified, and changed routinely by passage in a given time span (Has-
tween syntax and semantics (Kelly, affixing single and multiple mor- brouck & Tindal, 2005). For students

VouiME 151, No. 4, 20()6 AMERICAN ANNALS OF mE DEAF

who are deaf or hard of hearing and languages and communication modes the problems. The research base Ls
whose primary communication mode used by students. elearly in support of considering g(x>d
is spoken language, this definition may communication skills to be a best prac-
suffice, but how does one measure Description of the Practice tice in the instruction of students who
spoken reading fluency in children The evidence in all areas of education are deaf or hard of hearing.
who do not speak? Visual fluency in (i.e., regular education, deaf educa-
signing deaf children entails rendering tion, and bilingual education) is over- Mathematics and Science
visual print into fluent, signed expres- whelmingly clear that a teacher's ability Practice 2: Instruction
sion (Easterbrooks & Huston, 2001) in- to communicate is a crucial compo- Through the Primary
volving the use of translation skills nent of effective instruction. ITiis is so Language
(Chrosniak, 1993). well known a prerequisite that it LS Instruction through the primary lan-
listed as one of the 10 standards of guage requires teachers to provide
Evidence knowledge and skill required of all be- science and mathematics concepts us-
Reading fluency in students who are ginning teachers (Council for Excep- ing the student's first language before
deaf or hard of hearing can improve tional Children, 2003). For teachers of competence is assessed in English.
with instruction (Ensor & KoUer, the deaf, this means striving for native-
1997). Fluency involves the automatic like skill in ASL, quality replication of Description of the Practice
rendering of print into a spoken or English structure when using English- Although similar to Mathematics and
signed form (Chrosniak, 1993; Easter- based sign systems, and a solid reper- Science Practice 1, Practice 2 is differ-
brooks & Huston, 2001). Processing toire of techniques for making lan- ent in that it recognizes that more than
automaticity is "the ability to complete guage comprehensible when using one language may be involved in the
certain basic operations of reading, spoken language with orally commu- instruction of students with hearing
such as word recognition and syntactic nicating students. loss. Teachers need to be skilled com-
analysis, with a minimum of mental municators in the first language of the
effort" (KeUy, 2003, p. 231) Processing Evidence students they are teaching. For teach-
automaticity is a primary source of the Children who have aceess to commu- ers of the deaf, this may mean that if
difference in comprehension between nication when they are young, whether the students' first language Is ASL, then
skilled and less skilled readers who are that communication be in English or teachers need to be proficient in ASL.
deaf or hard of hearing and is related ASL, learn to communicate equally well It Is considered best practice for stu-
to fluency, 'llie research base on read- (Speneer, 1993). The quantity of lin- dents to receive mathematics and sci-
ing flueney in students who are deaf or guistic input directly relates to in- ence instruction in their first language
hard of hearing may be said to be in its creased early language development before they are assessed in their sec-
developing stages. (Goodwyn & Acredolo, 1993), yet qual- ond language (i.e., English). Evidence
ity communication is a problem for in the literature supports greater aca-
Mathematics and children who are deaf or hard of hear- demic achievement in the content ar-
Science Practices ing because quality and quantity are eas when teachers instruct students in
In this section of the present article we not the same issues. While children their first language.
list the 10 mathematics and science who are deaf may be showered with
practices that were researched, pro- quantities of communication, they can- Evidence
vide an expanded definition of each not benefit from that communication if The research on bilingual hearing stu-
practice, then present the literature in it is not in a format in which they may dents points to increased achievement
support of the practice. engage in uptake of the information when mathematics instruction is pre-
(GaJlaway &. Woll, 1994). Serrano Pau sented in the students' first language
Mathematics and Science (1995) studied the influence of ver- (Bernardo, 2(X)2). This research has
Practice 1: The Teacher as bally presented mathematical prob- implications for the instruction of deaf
Skilled Communicator lems and found that students who students, in that it supports "first lan-
The teacher should be a skilled com- were deaf or hard of hearing and who guage" instruction as an effective ap-
municator in ASL, spoken language, were unable to understand the verbal proach for deaf students. Of 32 distinct
English-based sign systems, or other presentation were also unable to solve characteristics of teachers, their ability



to communicate clearly in sign lan- are being taught by content-area ex- size content so that information be-
guage and to use clear examples in perts. It is not dearly evident that certi- comes a tool for them to use in criti-
explanations is very highly valued by fication in content areas improves cal and active ways to solve real-world
deaf students (I^ng, McKee, & Conner, achievement of students who are deaf problems (Easterbrooks & Scheetz,
1993). Hillegeist and Epstein (1989) or hard of hearing, but there are stud- 2004).
studied deaf high school graduates and ies that support the importance of con-
found that they exhibited poor under- tent expertise. Teachers of students Evidence
standing of concepts in algebra and with hearing loss and such students Alternative mathematics teaching
mathematics. The authors concluded themselves have both reported that methods may be characterized as (a)
that one reason for this poor under- content knowledge relates to percep- building directly on students' entry
standing was difficulty in finding an tions of effectiveness (I^ng et al., knowledge and skills, (b) providing for
effective language in which those con- 1993). Schoenfeld (2002) found that both invention and practice, (c) focus-
cepts could be taught and learned. The when schools implemented mathe- ing on analysis of multiple methods,
presentation features of sign language matics reform curricula, the achieve- and (d) asking students to provide ex-
and teachers' sign choices create ei- ment gap between majority students planations (Hiebert, 1999). Students
ther bridges or barriers to deaf stu- and underrepresented students di- who are deaf or hard of hearing and
dents' ability to solve word problems minished. D. J. Wood, H. A. Wood, and who have used minds-on materials in
(Ansell & Pagliaro, 20()l). Additional Howarth (1983) surmised that dis- science inquiry tasks show improved
empirical evidence is needed to dem- crepancies between hearing and deaf scores in abstract categorizati( in behav-
onstrate differences in students' out- students' scores were related more to ior (Boyd & George, 1973). Students
eomes when they are instructed in differences in their educational expe- who are deaf or hard of hearing and
theirfirstlanguage versus the language riences than to hearing loss. To debate engage in experiential learning per-
of preference of their teaehers. in the literature whether advanced form better on tests of delayed reten-
levels of content-area knowledge are tion of knowledge than those taught
Mathematics and Science needed is moot, as they are now a fed- in a lecture format (Quinsland, 1986).
Practice 3: Teacher as eral requirement, and therefore a re- The research base for use of minds-
Content Specialist I quired practice. on, active learning is quite robust
'Ilie teacher should possess specific when describing older students but
training, experience, and certification Mathematics and Science warrants additional attention regard-
in content-area knowledge of the sub- Practice 4: Active Learning ing younger students who are deaf or
ject being taught. Teachers should enhance concept hard of hearing.
mastery through the use of minds-on
Description of the Practice activities and materials that focus on Mathematics and Science
leachers of the deaf need to have ap- active learning principles that cogni- Practice 5: Visual Organizers
propriate training in the content they tively engage students. Teachers should enhance concept
are teaching as well as the practices mastery through the use of visual or-
they are using. For maximum student Description of the Practice ganizers such as graphs, charts, and vi-
achievement in academic areas, teach- Minds-on, active learning requires sual maps.
ers need to have a high level of com- students who are deaf or hard of
petence or experience (or both). This hearing to apply critical thinking skills Description of the Practice
assertion is based on the premise that when this kind of learning is used in A visual organizer is any visual or
additional content tmining increases the teaching of mathematics and sci- graphic tool that places information
teachers' content knowledge. ence concepts; this, in turn, ensures into a format in which the student
greater understanding and compre- may see, rather than hear about, the
Evidence hension. The use of experiments, for relationships among the concepts un-
Yhc "highly qualified" requirements in- example, requires understanding be- der consideration. Visual organizers
troduced by the No Child U'ft Behind yond Bloom's cognitive-domain lev- are a favorite field-promcited practice
Act compel exploration of whether els of recall and comprehension in fostering content-area acquisition
deaf students are receiving the same (1956). It is important to challenge with students who are deaf or hard of
quality of instruction as students who deaf students to analyze and synthe- hearing. A variety of visual organizers


can be used, such as graphs, charts, Description of the Practice and on various Web sites. Technology
and visual maps. Since most students Authentic, problems-based instruc- applications are increasingly available.
who are deaf or hard of hearing are tion is a strategy that incorporates There is a plethora from which to
visual learners, logic compels us to real-world uses of information or au- choose. Although we found little actual
support the use of visual tools in the thentic experiences when mathemat- research to support this practice, it is
instruction of all content. ics and science concepts are taught. implied that because these applica-
Allowing students to work in groups tions increase visual support, they can
Evidence and discuss soluti<:ns and questions be very important in the instruction of
While there is ample evidence that to real-world problems gives meaning students who are deaf or hard of hear-
graphic organizers and other such vi- to concepts and improves compre- ing. Empirical data are needed on each
sual tools are deemed to be important hension of the abstract content. of the different technology categories
for deaf and hard of hearing students to determine the effectiveness of tech-
based on historical practice (Luckner, Evidence nology enhancements relative to time
Bowen, ik Carter, 2001), few if any arti- Stewart and Kluwin (2001) empha- and cost factors.
cles compare outcomes of use versus sized the need for authentic experi-
nonuse. Graphic organizers can be ef- ences in mathematics instruction. Evidence
fective tools in helping students who They stated that integrating vocabulary The available research indicated that
are deaf or hard of hearing increase and creating greater opportunities for technology can be useful in increasing
their use of adjectives in descriptive self-expression improve mathematics students' comprehensit)n in the con-
writing (Easterbrooks & Stoner, in comprehension, and provided several tent areas. Lang and Steely (2003)
press), and their use is an effective specific activities iov accomplishing found that when information in sci-
practice among hearing middle-school this, 'llie problem-solving method is ence was presented using a "triad"a
students who are deaf or hard of hear- often the one cho.sen by students who short text screen, a corresponding an-
ing when they are studying mathemat- are deaf or hard of hearing when they imation explicating the text passage,
ics (Pape, 2004). Xhc use of pictorial are approaching word problems in and an ASL movie about the text
content and simplified English text mathematics. Moreau and Coquin-Vi- there were significantly greater knowl-
produced significandy higher scores ennot (2003) conducted a study of 91 edge gains for the deaf students than
on comprehension of science con- fifth graders in which they measured in traditional classroom experiences
cepts in one population of deaf stu- student selection of information found that did not include this triad. Several
dents (Diebold &. Waldron, 1988). in word problems. The students were lists of practical computer applications
Luckner and colleagues (2001) em- divided into groups of high ability level for educators to use in mathematics
phasized the need to use more visual and lower ability level, and the results instruction are available (Barham &
strategies, since signing is a transient showed that both groups chose the Bishop, 1991); however, these tech-
signal for deaf learners. Although the problem-solving method more often nologies are not receiving the wide-
research base is sparse in this area, it than the situational model. spread use that might be expected
may be said to be developing, and the ] here is a developing research base (Pagliaro, 1998). No data-based arti-
trend toward pt)sitive research sup- in support of the practice of problem- cles were found comparing CDs as a
port is sufficient to recommend that based instruction in deaf education. category of tools to any other cate-
the use of visual organizers be thought gory of tools, although they continue
of as a probable best practice in deaf Mathematics and Science to be mentioned in the literature un-
education. Practice 7: Use of Technology der the category of visual materials
Teachers should use technology such that are appropriate for "visual peo-
Mathematics and Science as CDs, captioned materials, and inter- ple" (I-ane etal., 1996, p. 116). Individ-
Practice 6: Authentic, est-based Internet sites that are known uals who are themselves deaf rely
Problems-Based Instruction to be moti\^ting. heavily on computers (Zazove et al.,
'leachers should teach mathematics 2004); this finding lends support to
and science concepts by incorporating Description of the Practice technology use as a practice worthy of
collaborative, case-based, real-world, The use of technology to enhance recommendation and in need of re-
or authentic problems allowing suffi- content-area comprehension is consis- search verification, particularly rela-
cient discussion time. tently promoted infield-basedarticles tive to time and cost expenditures.



Mathematics and Science matics vocabulary has been found to focus more on practice exercises than
Practice 8: Specialized be a condition of mathematics achieve- on true problem solving (Kelly, Iang,
Content Vocabulary ment (Thompson & Rubenstein, 2000). & Pagliaro, 2003). Deaf students tend
Teachers should teach science and While there is clear evidence that to do better at solving math problems
mathematics using specialized content knowledge of the language of academic when teachers emphasize the com-
vocabulary, by means of either signs or topics in the form of appropriate signs plete problem-solving process, in-
fingers pel ling, to increase content is a key to understanding academic in- cluding the analytical and evaluative
comprehension and promote group struction, there are no studies compar- components (Kelly & Mousley, 2001).
discussions and opportunities for self- ing use or nonuse of a coordinated and The trend In the literature is toward
expression on specific topics. When an cohesive set of signs among all faculty support of higher-order critical think-
interpreter is used, the teacher should and staff serving a student who is deaf ing and problem solving as important
preteach the vocabulary and agree on or hard of hearing. ITiis warrants fur- practices for teachers of students who
signs for specialized content with the ther investigation. are deaf or hard of hearing.
Mathematics and Science Mathematics and Science
Description of the Practice Practice 9: Critical Thinking Practice 10: Mediating
Specialized signs show students the It is permissible to begin with step-by- Textbooks
context for abstract science and mathe- step strategies for problem solving in The gap between the student's lan-
matics concepts. Although a variety of mathematics, but teachers should go guage abilities and the language de-
signs are often used for the same word, beyond drill and practice to mathemat- mands of the textbook and the
it is important that specialized vocabu- ics and science processes that require instructor should be addressed by scaf-
lary used in mathematics (e.g., ratio, higher-order critical thinking and prob- folding between the students' reading
integer) and science (e.g.. Pleistocene, lem-solving skills. levels and the chosen materials.
corpuscle') be presented consistently
and in a manner that is standardized Description of the Practice Description of the Practice
(or agreed upon) with students, to in- Although drill and practice have a A wide discrepancy between the read-
crease their comprehension. iTiis prac- place in mathematics and science in- ing ability of students who are deaf or
tice is related to the idea that the struction, teachers need to extend hard of hearing and the demands of
educator be a "skilled communicator." their students' thinking beyond the textbooks in mathematics and science
basics to a problem-solving and higher- is a chronic problem that teachers of
Evidence order-thinking approach. Step-by-step the deaf must address in order to en-
Analysis of the language of mathemat- strategies used in problem solving sure access to grade-level content in
ics reveals that it Ls complex and pro- with mathematics and science con- mathematics, science, and other sub-
vides comprehension challenges to tent are useful initially but limit the jects. One way to accomplish this is
students who are deaf or hard of hear- way in which a student will be able to through scaffolding. Scaffolding tech-
ing, especially in the area of word apply the information to other life niques include adding visual prompts,
problems (Kidd, 1991). Students who experiences. graphic organizers, and lower-level
are un^le to understand the verbal reading materials.
presentations of mathematics prob- Evidence
lems are also unable to solve the prob- Hearing students with learning dis- Evidence
lems (Serrano Pau, 1995), a finding abilities have demonstrated improved bonisai and colleagues (1998) used
that suggests that teachers need to achievement in mathematical prob- transactional reading strategies to sup-
teach the language of mathematics to lem solving when receiving strategy port content comprehension of hear-
students who are deaf or hard of hear- instruction (Owen & Fuchs, 2002). ing students. Their results showed that
ing, limited exposure to mathematical Students who are deaf or hard of hear- students who were encouraged to talk,
language and the use of particular ing do not perform as well as their write, draw, and enact information in
symbols in sign language increases hearing peers when there is more texts had concrete ways to construct
misconceptions about geometry in than tme dimension to a problem (Ot- and negotiate interpretations of what
deaf and hard of hearing students (Ma- tem, 1980), perhaps because teachers they read. In one study, the use of
son, 1994), and fluent use of mathe- of students with hearing loss tend to highly pictorial content and simplified


English text with students who were does not mean that we do not have less skilled readers, foumal ofDeafStitdies
deaf or hard of hearing prcxluced sig- and Deaf Education. }(A\ 263-270.
real-world evidence of their efficacy.
Chrosniak, P N. (1993). Reading in English as a
nificantly higher pretest and posttest We may not be able to prove through translation task: Flucni deaf young adult
gain scores than formats with less pic- the existing research evidence that a bilinguals In D. j . U-w & C. K. Kinzer (Eds),
torial content and more complex practice works, but neither can we Examining central issues in literacy re-
searcb. tbeory, and practice. Forty-second
English patterns in the text (Diebold prove that a practice does not work. yearbook of the National Reading Confer-
& Waldron, 1988). 'Ihe avaUable empir- We are left with the challenge of find- ence (pp. 75-82). Chicago: National Reatting
ical evidence supporting modifications ing ways to gather sufficient evidence Conference. (ERIC Document ReprcKiut tion
Service No. ED362855)
to reading matter is very limited, most that the practices used in deaf educa-
Clearinghouse on Mathematics, Engineering,
support being in the nature of field- tion are legitimate practices for use Technology, and Science. (2002). Writ-
promoted practices. Additional data with deaf and hard of hearing stu- ing to learn in science/mathematics.
are needed on several aspects of this dents. A combination of the literature Retrieved July 20, 2006. from http://
practice. across the range of evidentiary rigor, writingtolearnwkshop.html
however, provides a glimpse at rec- DeVilliers, P, & Pomerantz, S. (1992). Hearing-
Conclusion ommended practices in thefield.Re- impaired students learning new words from
written context. Applied PSycholinguistics,
In the present article, we have listed searchers in deaf education have / J . 409-431.
20 commonly used practices in deaf much work to do. Dry, E., & Earle, P. T (1988'). Can Johnny have
education, provided an expanded def- Readers interested in a deeper time to rczii? American Annals of the Deaf
13301 219-222.
inition of each practice, and identified analysis of the articles reviewed in the Dyer, A., MacSweeney, M., Szczerbinski, M.,
the literature in support of the prac- present article, including ratings of Green, L, & Campbell, K. (2003). Pretlictors
tice. Some practices have more of a individual articles for research rigor, of reading delay in deaf adolescents: The
research base than others. Some addi- relative contributions of rapid automatized
should go to the bulletin boards at naming speet! and phonological awarenes.s
tional literature has been added to the Click on Bulletin and dec<Kling. yor/ia/ of Deaf Studies and
original body of work on which the Boards, then scroll down to Project Deaf Education, 8. 215-229.
present article is based (Easterbrtxiks, Topical Teams, then click on 2.2 Con- Easterbrcxiks, S. (2005,January 20). Reviewofthe
literature in literacy development and iast ruc-
2005, Lang & Kelly, 2005; Simmons, tent Competence. tion in students who are deaf and hard of
2003). hearing. Message posted to http://www
The practices we have examined
Note P0.stID= 1964
do not represent an exhaustive list of The authors wish to express their Easterbrooks, S., & Huston, S. G. (2(H)1, April).
practices used. Indeed, the body of gratitude to Elaine Gale, Ron Kelly, Examining reading comprebension and
evidence regarding best practices in Harry Lang, and Melody Stoner for fluency in students wbo are deaf/bard of
hearir^. Paper presented at the convention
deaf education leaves much to be de- their assistance with the original liter- ofthe International Council for Exceptional
sired. Compared to the thousands of ature searches. The contents of the Children, Kansas City, MO.
data-based articles available on the present article were developed un- Easterbrooks, S., & Stoner, M. (in press), tising
age-old communication battle (i.e., on visual tools to increase descriptive writing
der a PT3 grant Coin Together, No. by deaf and hard of hearing students. Com-
the relative virtues of spoken lan- P342A030098) from the U.S. Depart- munication Disorders Quarterly, 27(2).
guage, signed forms of English, and ment of Education. However, the Ensor, A. D., & Roller, J. R. (1997). The effect of
ASL), the research on teaching and contents do not necessarily represent the method of repeated readings on the
reading rate and word recognition accuracy
learning of academic subjects such as the policy of the U.S. Department of
reading, writing, mathematics, sci- Education, and readers should not and Deaf Education. 2(2), 61-70.
ence, and social studies is negligible. assume endorsement by the U.S. gov- Fountas, I. C. & Pinnell, G. S. (1996). Guided
Of the hundreds of articles reviewed reading. Port.smouth, NH: Heinemann.
ernment.The Authors. Gaustad, M. G., & Kelly, R. R. (2004). 'ITie mla-
for the present project by multiple tionship Ix^tween reatling achievement and
reviewers, only a few dozen met stan- morphological word analysis of deaf and
dards of rigor associated with empiri- References hearing students matched for reading level.
cal research. The remaining were Literacy References foumal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Educa-
Barman. C. R., & Sttxkton, J. D. (2002). An eval- tion, 9,20^-2%'=).
quasi-experimental, case histories, uation of the SOAR-bEigh Project: A Web- Gillespie, C. W, & Twardosz, S. (1997). A group
questionnaires, or field promoted. based science program for deaf students. storybook-reading intervention with chil-
American Annals of tbe Deaf N7(3), 5-10. dren at a residential school for the deaf.
However, the fact that we have lim-
Brown, P, & Brewer, L C. (19%). Cognitive American Annals of tbe Deaf N2{4),
ited proof that certain practices work processes of deaf and hearing skilled and 320-332.



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