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The Physiology of Stress in Depression and Anxiety:

Causes, Implications for Health, and Treatment

Christina Vannelli

Nipissing University


This project investigates the physiology of stress in depressed and anxious adults. Sources of

stress are explored through dimensions of life stress. Sources of depression and anxiety are

reviewed in terms of biology (short allele for the serotonin transporter gene), and common traits

such as dysfunctional cognition, worry and rumination, self-conscious emotions or negative self-

view, neuroticism, and exaggerated threat perception. Physiological dysregulation was explored

in the immune, endocrine and neurological systems, with emphasis on the effects of stress in the

hippocampus. Lastly, contemporary pharmacological and alternative treatments that address

these aspects of dysregulation were reviewed. Findings among depressed and anxious groups

include high levels of interpersonal stress and health problems, dysregulation of cortisol, pro-

inflammatory cytokines, immunosuppression, and hippocampal atrophy. Treatments to

ameliorate both cognitive and physiological dysfunction are discussed. This paper emphasizes

consideration of biological and cognitive etiology of depression and anxiety in order to better

understand the physiology of stress in these disorders and their subtypes.



I would like to express gratitude to those who have provided me with support and

encouragement in completing this project. I am very appreciative for the guidance of my course

instructors, Anna-Liisa and Nancy. I have learned a great deal about integrity in research and the

value of a critical perspective. I will remember and strive for these qualities in all of my research

endeavors in the future.

I am tremendously indebted to my family and close friends K., P., and A. for their kind

words of support when I have been difficult or discouraged. Special thanks to my family for

providing me with the opportunity to attend school. I sincerely hope that I have and will

continue to make them proud.

I especially thank all of these individuals for their willingness and ardor to engage with

me in understanding of my research topic, which has in turn taught me a great deal about myself.

The Physiology of Stress in Depression and Anxiety: Causes, Implications for Health, and


Foundations in the Study of Stress and Mental Health

Twenty four centuries ago, Hippocrates (460 BC 370 BC), known as the Father of

Medicine, established that sickness is not only suffering, or pathos, but also toil, or pnos that

is, the fight of the body to restore itself (Grammaticos & Diamantis, 2008). Cannon (1932), a

Harvard physiologist, named this ability homeostasis. For this process of homeostasis to occur,

the human body must maintain balance and communication between its highly complex systems

(Cannon, 1932). This is supported by the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune

system. When an individual experiences stress or tension physically or psychologically, the

brain and body must respond accordingly in order to survive. Lovallo and Thomas (2000)

emphasize that physical stressors have the direct ability to damage tissues, and psychological

stressors challenge homeostasis because of their perceived potential to cause harm. Both types

of stressors result in physiological and behavioural changes in order to maintain homeostasis.

Selye (1956) redefined the notion of stress into its modern physiological definition. In

his book The Stress of Life (1956), Selye discusses stress as the non-specific response of the

body (Selye, 1956, p. 74). As a medical student, Selye studied the development of cancer in

laboratory rats and it was during this time that he noticed the prominent triad of symptoms,

which he referred to as a syndrome: adrenocortical stimulation, thymicolymphomatic activity,

and intestinal ulcers (Selye, 1956). That is to say, he discovered that many of the rats had

swelling of the adrenal cortex above the kidneys, atrophy (or deterioration) in the thymus, and

duodenal and gastric ulcers. These symptoms occurred in the rats that were exposed to the

chronic stress of Selyes experiments chasing them around the room and repeatedly missing

injection sites; the rats injected by his more skilled colleague did not develop any of these three


The triad of symptoms in rats is also present in humans when exposed to chronic stress

through prolonged activation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical (HPA) axis and stress

response. While Selye was concerned primarily with physiological symptoms and consequences

of stress, Mason (1975), a Yale physiologist, expanded upon these ideas to account for the

powerful cognitive and emotive capacities of humans. Mason argued that HPA axis responses

and the stressfulness of a stimulus each result from cognitive and emotional reactions (Mason,

1975). According to Shiota and Kalat (2011), this can also be referred to as cognitive appraisal.

Furthermore, Mason contended that certain stimuli are more likely to produce HPA responses,

and individuals differ in their reactivity to such stimuli or events. Thus, physiological and

psychological responses to stress represent both a traditional learned stimulus-response pattern

and also individual differences in response (Lovallo & Thomas, 2000).

Anxiety and Depression

Differences in response to stress and the effects of stress are readily visible in those who

suffer from anxiety or depression. Individuals who suffer from one or both of these disorders

appear to demonstrate distinctive physiological and psychological changes and dysregulation in

their endocrine system, immune system, and neurochemistry. Stress can be measured through

physiological means, such as salivary cortisol, heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation, or

psychological means such as subjective thoughts and feelings (Lieberman, Kellogg, Kramer,

Bathalon, & Lesher, 2012; Qin, Hermans, Marle, & Fernandez, 2012).

Anxiety disorders present themselves in several different ways. This paper will examine

stress physiology in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress

disorder (PTSD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The prevalence of GAD rests at

approximately 5% of individuals over their lifetimes. Rosenberg and Kosslyn (2011) estimate

that in the United States, PTSD will occur in 8% of adults. Panic disorder is estimated to occur

in roughly 3% of people worldwide, with an estimated 30% of people experiencing at least one

panic attack in their lives. Similarly, social phobia is also projected at a 3% prevalence rate.

Regarding OCD, Rosenberg & Kosslyn (2011) estimate that 2 3% of Americans will develop

this disorder at some point in their lives.

Anxiety disorders have a tendency to be comorbid with a depressive disorder. Depressive

disorders discussed in this paper include major depressive disorder (MDD) and chronic

depression. According to Rosenberg and Kosslyn (2011), around 10 25% of females and 5

12% of males will develop MDD over their lifetime.

Comorbidity between depression and anxiety is extremely common, with about 50% of

those suffering from an anxiety disorder also suffering from depression (Rosenberg & Kosslyn,

2011). It is important to distinguish between each disorder and its subtypes, as they possess

physiological and cognitive traits that may be unique to each subtype. Furthermore, they may

also possess a unique physiological profile.

This paper shall discuss how biological and cognitive sources of stress, depression, and

anxiety contribute to dysregulation in the endocrine, immune, and neurology of individuals with

depressive and anxious disorders. Specifically, this paper shall first explore dimensions of life

stress in the independent, dependent, interpersonal, and non-interpersonal domains, and their

relationship with biological and cognitive sources of depression and anxiety. Next, this paper

shall address the dysregulation that occurs in the three main systems involved in the stress

response: the endocrine system, the immune system, and neurological structures of interest.

Third, this paper shall discuss contemporary pharmacological and alternative treatments for

depressive and anxious disorders, while focusing on addressing some of the problems that occur

in sources of stress, immune, endocrine, and neurological dysregulation. Finally, this paper shall

discuss implications of these findings for the health and treatment of those who suffer from

anxiety and depression.


This paper shall examine scientific writings that draw samples from various populations

in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and location. The focus of the paper is human physiology,

which draws from multidisciplinary sources relevant to people of all ages and ethnicities, such as

psychology, biology and genetics, chemistry, neuroscience, and the humanities. Therefore, it is

not within the scope of this paper to address major differences in gender, ethnicity, and age. This

paper focuses largely on the adult population.

Additionally, this paper seeks to explore the differences in the physiology of stress in the

specific populations of those who suffer from anxiety disorders, depression, or both. It is

important to note that these disorders are highly comorbid and not all scientific and clinical

studies distinguish between subtypes when measuring depressive and anxious symptoms.

Furthermore, depressive and anxious disorders often have overlapping symptoms. Also, it is not

within the scope of the paper to discuss all subtypes or other comorbidities (e.g. substance use),

and therefore there is a focus on social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress

disorder, and major depression.

This paper shall examine the function and dysregulation that can occur in many different

biological systems within the human body, such as the endocrine system, immune system,

cardiovascular system, and nervous system, and their relationships to stress, depression, and

anxiety. This paper is limited in this way, as it would not be feasible to include all systems of the


Furthermore, the author notes that there are many other biological markers that may

potentially play a major role in the physiological response to stress in depression and anxiety.

Human physiology and neurochemistry is both fascinating and complex. For instance, substance

P, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factors, endorphins, serotonin and other

neurotransmitters, growth and sexual hormones are only some of those factors which will not be

discussed in the interest of brevity. The structure of the paper shall follow the order of its three

research questions.

Research Questions

This paper seeks to address the following questions: What are biological, psychological,

and environmental sources of stress that contribute to anxiety and depression?; How do sufferers

of depression and anxiety experience endocrine, immune, and neurochemical dysregulation?; and

additionally, what are the treatments for depression and anxiety? These questions will be

explored by examining scientific readings in psychology, neuroscience, biology, and health. By

understanding the sources of stress, depression, and anxiety, one can gain insight into the

dysregulation that can occur within the body under these conditions. These findings will be

further evaluated under the final question regarding the treatment of these conditions. Efficacy

of treatments for anxiety disorders and depression will be reviewed from a physiological

perspective. How and why do these treatments work at the level of the endocrine, immune, and

nervous systems?

The study of stress reveals the complete integration of hormonal outflow with thoughts

and feelings, and makes this field of study ideal for psychological research. Adrenal secretions

are more than simply an output of the organisms interaction with the environment: it reflects

interconnections between metabolic regulation, emotions, and cognition (Lovallo & Thomas,

2000). One might even consider anxiety or depression a whole-body disorder as opposed to

solely a mental disorder, for stress can have profound effects on the body and the brain,

especially in vulnerable populations. Individuals suffering from anxiety or depression present an

interesting case of endocrine, immune, and neurochemical dysregulation that is exacerbated by

the effects of chronic stress.


Sources of Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

This section explores sources of stress, depression, and anxiety, as well as the

interconnection between these variables. Individuals with depression and anxiety share a

common genetic predisposition for the development of anxious and depressive disorders. Also

shared between these groups is the common personality/cognitive trait of neuroticism. They also

tend to develop maladaptive behaviours (i.e. cognitive appraisals of threat, or negative emotion-

focused coping style). Maladaptive behaviours and cognition discussed in this section are: the

tendency to perceive life events as threatening or having a high negative impact, self-conscious

emotions or negative view of self, and a tendency to worry or ruminate. Though individuals with

depression and anxiety do not necessarily experience more fateful life stressors, stress generation

theory suggests that cognitive style and other factors leave individuals with depression and/or

anxiety vulnerable to more interpersonal stress and health problems.

Sources of Stress

How do we define stress? Researchers have very different definitions of this term

especially in the context of chronic stress ranging from several weeks to enduring events with

an undetermined on or offset (Liu & Alloy, 2010, p. 585). There are many different sources of

stress with roots in interpersonal domains, family or home life, occupation, school or education.

Additionally, life stress can occur more suddenly in the form of a natural disaster, accident, or

physical/mental illness. Moreover, just as past depression [and anxiety] consistently has been

found to be a strong predictor of future depression [or anxiety], so may past stress, in like

manner, predict future stress (Liu & Alloy, 2010, p. 585). In order to gain a better

understanding of the physiology of stress, this paper shall explore how individuals with

depression and anxiety experience stress in different domains.


Dimensions of Life Stress. Research shows that major stressful life events can be used to

predict severity and onset of a depressive or anxious episode (Uliaszek et al., 2012, p. 4). This

theory of stress generation identifies four different dimensions of life stress as independent,

dependent, interpersonal, and non-interpersonal. Independent life stress occurs out of ones

control. Dependent life stress describes events that occur, at least in part, due to the individuals

actions. Interpersonal life stress manifests as difficulties with family, peers, or romantic partners.

Non-interpersonal stress describes occupational, educational, and health problems (Uliaszek et

al., 2012). A meta-analysis by Liu & Alloy (2010) in the Department of Psychology of Temple

University, Philadelphia, assessed the relationship between dimensions of life stress and

depression. This analysis found that depression was predictive of interpersonal stress, but was

not predictive of independent or fateful events (such as loss or accidents) that cause distress.

High levels of individual differences present challenges in measuring psychological and

emotional stress as not all people find the same events stressful. Hobson (1998) surveyed over

300 people on stressful life events in their past 12 months to determine which events were the

most stressful. A series of minor stressors did not necessarily represent more stress than one

major stressor. The most highly rated stressful life event was the death of a spouse/mate,

followed by the death of a close family member, and then injury or illness to oneself. Various

other stressors involved work, school, caring for dependents, etc. Many of these stressors

reported by participants followed the classification of independent-dependent, interpersonal-non-

interpersonal, which shall be further examined.

Independent. Independent life stress events (also called fateful events) are events

that occur out of the control of the individual (Uliaszek et al., 2012, p. 5). Individuals with

depression and anxiety do not necessarily experience more independent life stress than healthy

people or people with other disorders. However, certain independent life stress events can

facilitate the development of a depressive or anxious disorder. For example, interpersonal loss

events (e.g. death or separation) may be more strongly related to depression whereas

danger/threat events (e.g. accidents or assaults) may be more strongly linked to the development

of an anxiety disorder (Sandin, Chorot, Santed, & Valiente, 2004), a good example of which is

post-traumatic stress disorder.

Interpersonal events and dependent events seem to be more predictive of depression than

independent or fateful events (Liu & Alloy, 2010, p. 583). However, independent stressful life

events can contribute to the development of depression or anxiety. For example, early loss or

separation of a parent (Slavich, Monroe, & Gotlib, 2011, p. 1149), or low socioeconomic status

(Wang, Schmitz, & Dewa, 2010) may also contribute to depression. Assault (Creighton & Jones,

2012) and political strife and war (Almedom, 2004) may contribute to anxiety.

Dependent. These life stressors are, at least in part, a result of the individuals

own actions (Uliaszek et al, p. 5). Examples of this type of stressor include financial, marital, or

academic difficulties, though under different circumstances, they might be classified as

independent events. According to Liu & Alloy (2010), the stress generation model of depression

and anxiety dictates that depression and anxious prone individuals are not passively responding

to stressful life events, but are actively involved in the generation/creation of life stressors. In

other words, individuals who are predisposed to depression (whether it is due to cognitive or

genetic predisposition), when compared to individuals without this vulnerability, are more likely

to experience a higher rate of dependent life stressors. In particular, they are likely to experience

it interpersonally; these dependent events are partially influenced by maladaptive behaviours


(e.g. coping style) (Liu & Alloy, 2010, p. 583) which can overflow into the interpersonal


Interpersonal. Interpersonal stress in depression is characterized by negative

inferential style, the tendency to ruminate, higher self-criticism, hopelessness, neuroticism, and

maladaptive coping (Liu & Alloy, 2010). A history of depression tends to be related to higher

levels of interpersonal life stress (Uliaszek et al., 2012). This type of stressful event is defined as

difficulties with family, peers, or significant others (Uliaszek et al., p. 5). According to the stress

generation model (Uliaszek et al., 2012; Liu & Alloy, 2010), individuals with depression and

anxiety contribute to stressful events in their lives through their thoughts, feelings, and

behaviours. For instance, a tendency toward self-conscious emotions such as shame and guilt is

linked to the way an individual approaches social interactions. Shame-prone individuals tend to

have more problems with relationships, as they experience more hostility and social anxiety

(Shiota & Kalat, p. 262).

Research on self-conscious emotions has demonstrated that individuals who suffer from

depression and anxiety may be self-conscious and have low self-esteem (Sowislo & Orth, 2013).

Self-esteem has positive interpersonal value, fostering a sense of belonging, social support and

inclusion, and a sense of mastery and control (Sowislo & Orth, 2013, p. 215). Naturally, a sense

of low self-esteem might lead to feelings of depression, loneliness, anxiousness, and self-

consciousness. These feelings are likely to be exacerbated by the effects of both severe and non-

severe life stressors, especially if they are interpersonal. Individuals who feel confident

about themselves in social situations do not become embarrassed often, and handle their

embarrassment well when they do (Shiota and Kalat, 2011, p. 260). Those who are highly

neurotic experience more self-conscious emotions, such as anxiety, fear, guilt, self-disgust, and

shame (Penley & Tomaka, 2002, p. 1222).

It is interesting to consider these self-conscious emotions in the context of stress and the

activation of the sympathetic nervous system (also known as the fight-or-flight response).

Individuals with greater activity of their parasympathetic nervous system report more positive

affect in their daily lives (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 107). Correspondingly, individuals with

greater activation in the sympathetic nervous system will experience more stress.

High levels of interpersonal stress in depression might be due to the style of interaction

with others. Interpersonal style in depression is fixated on negativity, higher self-criticism,

hopelessness, neuroticism, and maladaptive coping that is emotion-focused instead of problem-

focused (Liu & Alloy, 2010). Research in psychology and the health sciences is becoming

interested in the relationship between stress, depression or anxiety, and health or disease.

Non-Interpersonal. This type of stress refers to occupational, educational, and

health problems (Uliaszek et al., 2012. p. 5). The study of stress physiology is important

because anxiety and depressive disorders place individuals at a much greater risk for developing

an array of diseases and illnesses, which can be exacerbated by the immunosuppressive effects of

stress. Common medical conditions associated with anxiety and depression include Cushings

syndrome (Pereira, Tiemensma, & Romijn, 2010), cardiovascular illness (Kunert, 2011), acne

vulgaris (Atkan, Ozmen, & Sanli, 2000), migraine and headache (Wacogne et al., 2003;

Peroutka, Price, Wilhoit, & Jones, 1998), sleep disorders such as insomnia (Edinger et al., 2000),

periodontal conditions such as gingivitis (Johannsen, 2006), and chronic conditions such diabetes

type II (Ryan, Sheu, Critchley, & Gianaros, 2012).


Certain disorders may be related to problematic health behaviours. For example, a study

of individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) found that this condition is associated

with a higher incidence of poor health habits. PTSD was found to be associated with an 80%

higher chance of poor medication adherence (forgetting or skipping medications). It was also

found that PTSD was correlated with an increased likelihood of being a current or former

smoker, with a more extensive history of tobacco use. Lastly, PTSD with comorbid depression

was associated with low physical activity (Zen, Whooley, Zhao, & Cohen, 2012). Other research

shows that sufferers of PTSD have higher rates of substance abuse (Bremner, 2005).

Conclusion. Examining the sources of stress has shed light on how individuals cope with

problems. Certainly, there are individual differences in both perceptions of stressful life events

and also with coping style. Evidence indicates that those with depression and anxiety are not

more likely to experience independent life stress than other groups, but are experiencing higher

levels of stress in dependent, interpersonal, and non-interpersonal domains. Elevated levels of

dependent and interpersonal life stress in individuals with depression and anxiety seem to be

influenced by the symptoms of the disorders themselves. More specifically, perceiving events as

having very high negative impact, high levels of self-conscious emotions, or even poor health

behaviours may be contributing to dependent and interpersonal stress. Furthermore, the

physiology of these mental disorders is also implicated in non-interpersonal stress in the form of

many different diseases and conditions. There may be underlying factors, such as biology or

cognitive and social styles common to these disorders that foster an elevated level of overall

stress, which shall be addressed next.


Sources of Depression

This paper emphasizes the importance of considering biological and cognitive etiology of

depression and anxiety in order to better understand the physiology of stress in these disorders

and their subtypes.

Biological. The use of genetics in understanding depression or anxiety in the context of

stress becomes imperative as genetics contain information passed on to us from our parents that

provide a blueprint for how we will grow and develop (Bremner, 2005, p. 63). Evidence

suggests that there is a genetic influence in the development of depression. The risk of

depression is highest for individuals whose relatives became depressed early in life, especially

for those with depressed female relatives compared to those with depressed male relatives

(Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 338). Incidence of maternal depression tends to play a role in the

development of depressive disorders (Espejo et al., 2012; Liu & Alloy, 2010, p. 584). The

heritability of depression is not yet fully understood, though the mechanism by which this occurs

might be in the serotonin transporter gene; individuals with certain variations of this gene are

more likely to develop major depression after a stressful life event (Bukh, Bock, Vinberg,

Werger, Gether, & Kessing, 2009). The serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is also

implicated in anxiety disorders and will be further elaborated upon later.

Cognitive and Social

Neuroticism. A trait commonly considered to be characteristic of neuroticism is

the tendency to react negatively to stressors (Espejo, Hammen, & Brennan, 2012, p. 304).

Individuals who score high on neuroticism on personality trait questionnaires tend to use

maladaptive means for coping with problems and have stronger negative reactions to stress.

Furthermore, they are more sensitive to social and interpersonal stress (Funder, 2010, p. 247).

Accordingly, the tendency to cognitively appraise life events as having an intense negative

impact is predictive of subsequent onset of both depressive and anxious disorders, even when

controlling for covariates like exposure to stressful life events, current symptoms of depression,

and the presence of other disorders. Additionally, depression that is comorbid with anxiety is

strongly associated with cognitive appraisals of high negative impact of stressors (Espejo et al.,

2012, p. 311). It seems that a feature of neuroticism, depression, and anxiety is a tendency to

react negatively to life stressors, and view these events as very threatening. Stressful life events

may not actually be threatening or realistic, but they seem to be psychologically distressing and


Researchers Penley & Tomaka (2002) conducted an experimental study with 97 male and

female undergraduate students and the associations between neuroticism, cognitive appraisals,

and responses to the stress of a public speaking task. It was found that individuals who scored

high on measures of neuroticism experienced greater levels of self-conscious emotions (i.e. fear,

anxiety, guilt, and shame). These individuals also demonstrated a tendency to cognitively

appraise the public speaking task as a threat and not a challenge. Neuroticism was also

negatively associated with participants self-reports of coping and ability perceived performance,

even though it was uncorrelated with observers ratings of task performance. Neurotic subjects

reported that they coped or performed poorly, but these reports did not correspond to the actual

performance as rated by observers. Participants who displayed high levels of neuroticism also

reported use of emotion-focused strategies to cope with the stress of the task. That is, defensive

coping in the form of disengagement and denial, and emotional awareness/regulation in the form

of trying to control negative thoughts and feelings (Penley & Tomaka, 2002, p. 1222).

Overall, neuroticism is associated with depression and negative life outcomes (i.e.

interpersonal, family, and occupational difficulties) (Funder, 2010, p. 247). It is unfavourable, as

findings seem to indicate that the type of individuals to experience more interpersonal life stress

are the same individuals who are particularly sensitive to it. Likewise, they may also have a

tendency to ruminate about these events.

Rumination. Rumination, a type of thought pattern studied across a variety of

disorders, has been defined as maladaptive, repetitive negative thinking that is relatively

uncontrolled (McLaughlin & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011, p. 186). It is a manner of responding to

stress in which an individual persistently thinks about his or her upsetting symptoms and the

consequences of those symptoms (McLaughlin & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011; Hong, 2007). This

type of thought pattern is harmful because the individual fails to consider problem-solving that

might change his or her view or resolve the cause of distress. Furthermore, this type of thinking

can yield more depressed or anxious feelings, and is related to hopelessness and aggression

(Seldenrijk et al., 2013).

Rumination leads to more negative thinking, less effective generation of solutions to

problems, uncertainty or hesitation in the application of solutions to problems, less willingness to

engage in distracting or mood-lifting activities, less social support and more social conflict, and

being viewed less favorably by others (McLaughlin & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011, p. 187).

Ruminators are less confident about their problem-solving skills, less eager to follow through

with their solution, and are more likely to give up or disengage from stressful life events (Hong,

2007). The act of rumination prolongs depressive moods by increasing pessimistic or negative

thoughts (e.g. self-criticism) and interferes with problem-solving (Hong, 2007, p. 279).

A study by McLaughlin & Nolen-Hoeksema (2011) sampled a group of adolescents aged

11-14 years and a group of adults aged 25-75 years on symptoms of anxiety or depression and

rumination on three occasions across a span of 7 months. Rumination was measured with

Response Style Questionnaires, which assess the extent to which an individual responds to

feelings of sadness with rumination. In this study, rumination was defined as self-focused

thoughts about the causes and consequences of depressive mood, and unwillingness to engage in

problem solving or mood-lifting activity. Sample items of self-focused responses are thinking

about a situation and wishing it had gone better, or why do I react this way? An example of a

symptom-focused item was I think about how hard it is to concentrate. Lastly, an example of

an item about thoughts on consequences of ones negative mood is I think I wont be able to do

my job if I dont snap out of this. It is important to understand the symptom of rumination

because it provides information on how and why individuals may become cognitively and

emotionally imprisoned by their depression.

Results of this study showed that rumination mediated the comorbidity of depression and

anxious symptoms in adolescents and adults over time, though the relationship was stronger for

adolescents (McLaughlin & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011, p. 189). Implications of this study are that

rumination may be common to both anxiety and depression, especially in adolescent years.

Researchers noted that cognitive behavioural therapy might best address this problem, and

although this therapy does not necessarily target rumination, perhaps it should (McLaughlin &

Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011, p. 190).


In a similar study by Michl, McLaughlin, Shepard, & Nolen-Hoeksema (2013), a group

of adolescents and a group of adults were recruited to participate in a longitudinal investigation

on stressful life events, rumination, and coping style. Participants completed measures of self-

reported life stress and questionnaires to determine susceptibility to rumination. This study also

found that rumination was predictive of depression and anxiety. However, this study highlighted

the impact of negative life events insofar as they are often uncontrollable and chronic.

Researchers identified rumination as a mechanism behind stress and the onset of internalizing

psychopathology (i.e. depression and anxiety) (Michl et al., 2013, p. 340). Experiences of

interpersonal stress, especially social rejection, activate the brain region that is involved in self-

reflection and emotion regulation (Eisenberger, Lieberman, & Williams, 2003; Michl et al.,

2013). This particular brain region is called the anterior cingulate cortex, and will be discussed

under the next subheading, Anxiety and Threat Perception.

Conclusion. Depression appears to have some level of heritability, as evidenced by

research on the serotonin transporter gene and the role of maternal or female-relative depression.

This disorder presents a highly negative cognitive style, characterized by neuroticism and

rumination. Rumination is common to both depression and anxiety, but findings seem to indicate

that it is more characteristic to depressive disorders. Interpersonal stress seems to weigh heavily

on those who suffer from depression. Future research should attempt to clarify whether or not

specific types of life events are correlated respectively to depression versus anxiety (Espejo et

al., 2012, p. 312).

Sources of Anxiety

Biological. Differences in genetics and physiology contribute to the likelihood that an

individual may develop an anxiety disorder. The individual differences in genes, brain

chemistry, and subsequent behaviour may be consistent for years, decades, or a lifetime (Shiota

& Kalat, 2011, p. 172). For example, adults who display extreme shyness and nervousness as

children will exhibit stronger amygdala responses to photographs of faces, especially if they are

unfamiliar (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 172). Individuals with social phobia show especially strong

amygdala responses to the sight of an angry or contemptuous face (Stein, Goldin, Sareen, Zorilla,

& Brown, 2002). The amygdala is implicated in emotional processing such as fear and panic

(Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011), and evidence seems to show that it plays a role in anxiety


It is also possible that anxiety disorders are heritable to some degree; panic and phobic

disorders are more common among individuals who have relatives with similar disorders, which

suggest that there is a genetic influence (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 172). Disorders themselves

may be heritable, or it may be that the propensity to have a certain brain chemistry is heritable.

Neurotransmission of serotonin varies among individuals with anxiety disorders. The

neurotransmitter serotonin is strongly associated with mood (Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011; Shiota

& Kalat, 2011). After a neuron releases serotonin to communicate with another neuron, it

attaches to the receptor, stimulates it, and then becomes detached, returning to the original

neuron. A protein on the membrane of the presynaptic neuron absorbs most of the serotonin,

recycling it to use again. This protein is called the serotonin transporter protein, and there is

much variation in the gene for this transporter in humans (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 172). The

gene that controls for the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) occurs in humans in two alleles: the

short allele (s), which leads to less production of the serotonin transporter; and the long allele (l),

which leads to greater production. The short allele for the 5-HTTLPR gene has been implicated

in the cause of depressive and anxious disorders alike (Zannas et al., 2013), though there seems

to be mixed results. The role of serotonin in the treatment of depression and anxiety is later

discussed in the final section on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Cognitive and Social. Biological sources of anxiety disorders are important in

understanding the development of this condition. However, it is equally important to consider

cognitive, social, and environmental factors.

Neuroticism. A meta-analysis by Kotov, Gamez, Schmidt, & Watson (2010)

reviewed 175 studies from the years 1980 to 2007 to explore whether or not personality traits

(i.e. the Big Five: neuroticism, extraversion, disinhibition, conscientiousness, and agreeableness)

were associated with depression or anxiety. It was found that both depressive and anxious

individuals scored high on neuroticism (Kotov et al., 2010). These findings are congruent with

other research that show neuroticism as an underlying factor in depression and anxiety (Uliaszek

et al., 2012; Funder, 2010; Penley & Tomaka, 2002)

A longitudinal study by Uliaszek et al. (2012) gathered data from 627 adolescents and

young adults to explore whether or not neuroticism and extraversion could account for stress

generation in anxious and depressive disorders. Participants completed a personality test and

structural clinical interview to determine incidence of neuroticism, major depressive disorder, or

anxiety subtypes. Next, chronic and episodic life stress was determined by the Life Stress

Interview, with the subscales of interpersonal (e.g. friendship, romantic relationships, family),

and non-interpersonal (e.g. school, work, finances, personal or family member health). Results

showed that neuroticism was risk factor for episodic and interpersonal life stress one year later

(Uliaszek et al., 2012). Researchers proposed that increases in stress over time may be related to

specific characteristics or behaviours of those high in neuroticism (Uliaszek et al., 2012).


Those who are high in neuroticism may experience self-conscious emotions (guilt,

shame, embarrassment). In the meta-analysis by Kotov et al. (2010), an unanticipated finding

was a strong association between low conscientiousness and internalizing conditions (i.e.

anxiety disorder). Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder, often viewed as an extreme

form of neuroticism, scored particularly low on personality measures of conscientiousness

(Kotov et al., 2010, p. 808). This personality trait is related to success, achievement, and drive

(Funder, 2010; Penley & Tomaka, 2002). Individuals who score low in the trait of

conscientiousness are susceptible to poor coping styles, which can contribute to the development

of disorder. Furthermore, negative self-perceptions common in internalizing behaviours may

have led to a low score in conscientiousness, as this personality trait involves self-efficacy and

goal striving. Researchers also noted that the association between low conscientiousness and

anxiety is not generally observed in the literature, and there is little conceptual framework for

interpreting this result (Kotov et al., 2010, p. 809). Due to the lack of available research on this

particular matter, it is difficult to make conclusions. However, one might reasonably presume

that anxiety, which by nature involves internalization and nervousness, is related to self-

conscious emotions, worry, and coping style, which shall be explored next.

Self-Conscious Emotions. Embarrassment, shame, and guilt arise when we have

done something morally wrong, hurt someone, or become the focus of peoples attention due to

an understandable mistake, an accident, or even a positive event (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p.

256). Scores on questionnaires that evaluate subjective experiences of embarrassment are highly

correlated to scores on neuroticism questionnaires; neuroticism is characterized by a tendency

towards experiencing negative emotions such as fear, sadness, and embarrassment. Additionally,

embarrassment is also highly related to social anxiety, shyness, and loneliness (Shiota & Kalat, p.

260). Dysfunctional cognitions are thought to play a role in the development and maintenance of

depression, through negative views of oneself and ones life circumstances, and also to anxiety,

through an overestimation of danger/risk (Seldenrijk et al., 2013, p. 126).

Individuals with social phobia, a condition characterized by avoidance of people and

social situations, are particularly fearful of public embarrassment, and often misperceive or

overstate the frequency of embarrassing behaviours (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 260).

Anxiety typically involves a high level of physiological arousal with rapid heartbeat,

shortness of breath, trembling, etc. These physiological sensations, accompanied by an

exaggerated sense of self-consciousness, might be mutually reinforcing sensing oneself as

having acted inappropriately, feeling embarrassment, guilt, or shame, and subsequently

experiencing physiological sensations of panic.

Social threats to the self tend to occur alongside self-conscious emotions (Denson,

Spanovic, & Miller, 2009, p. 828). Individuals who are self-conscious or have low self-esteem

tend to be very sensitive to criticism and social rejection (Sowislo & Orth, 2013, p. 216) and may

be prone to trait perfectionism. To investigate the relationship between perfectionism,

depression, and anxiety, 155 undergraduate students were recruited to complete questionnaires

on trait perfectionism, rumination, and measures of depressive and anxious symptoms.

Individuals who were high on self-presentation of perfectionism tended to have a highly negative

self-view, be socially anxious, and also report high levels of negative social feedback and

rumination following negative interpersonal events (Nepon, Flett, Hewitt, & Molnar, 2011, p.

297). It is possible the self-reported negative social feedback was not real, but perceived,

making it psychologically real. Social rejection (real or perceived) may trigger the onset of

depressive or anxious feelings. This may be the case among those with perfectionism (Nepon et

al., 2011, p. 298), which is prevalent among those with obsessive compulsive disorder (Clark &

Beck, 2010, p. 117).

It seems reasonable to conclude that individuals with depression and/or (but especially)

anxiety are prone to neuroticism, self-consciousness, and perfectionism. It seems to be that these

individuals have a cognitive style fixated on maintaining control of the self and situation,

demonstrated by a tendency toward negative self-view, self-conscious emotions and social

anxiety. Anxiety appears to be characterized by uneasiness and worry about oneself, ones

behaviours, and life stressors.

Worry. Symptoms of worry and rumination are very similar cognitive processes

that share the attribute of repetitive thought (Hong, 2007, p. 278). Worriers are able to produce

solutions to problems, and even engage in positive coping behaviours, but it seems they lack

confidence in their own solutions, or might procrastinate making a choice; worrying leads to

dissatisfaction with coping efforts (Hong, 2007, p. 279; Penley & Tomaka, 2002). Worrying

seems to be a way of maintaining control; something that anxious people tend to struggle with is

losing control (Gould & Edelstein, 2010). It becomes problematic because many stressful life

events are independent, and thus not controllable. Thinking about a stressor may be a way for

individuals to maintain control, albeit falsely. Changing ones cognitive appraisal or method of

coping is perhaps considered a way of letting it go, which is a choice that this type of individual

might be unwilling to make. The tendency of an anxious individual to require control and

predictability is appropriately referred to as intolerance of uncertainty (Clark & Beck, 2010, p.

117). Cognitive behavioural therapy might best address this problem. Without treatment,

however, anxious individuals will continue to think persistently about problems that may or may

not be realistic.

It makes sense to presume that worry is typically associated with anxiety about future

events and rumination tends to be related to depression over past events (Hong, 2007, p. 278);

however, it is important to note that depressed and anxious individuals alike can experience both

rumination and worry. A meta-analysis by Hong (2007) sought to challenge the assumptions that

worry correlates only to anxiety and rumination only to depressive disorders.

In his experiment, Hong (2007) recruited 248 undergraduate students (mean age 20 years

old) to assess the relationship between worry, rumination, symptoms of anxiety or depression,

and coping behaviour. Participants completed questionnaires to determine their tendency to

engage in worrisome and ruminative thoughts in two sessions, one month apart. During the

second session, participants completed the same questionnaire and then were asked to recall a

major stressful life event that occurred during the one month interval and discuss their coping

strategies for style and perceived effectiveness. To assess coping style, the COPE Scale

questionnaire was used, measuring three different subscales: problem solving, social support

seeking, and disengagement. Problem solving was defined by active planning. Social support

consisted of instrumental social support seeking, (e.g. I ask people who have had similar

experiences and what they did) and emotional support seeking (e.g. I talk about my feelings

with someone). Disengagement was described as behavioural or mental disengagement, with

items such as I admit to myself I cannot deal with it and quit trying, or I watch movies or TV

to think about it less.

Regression analyses were run to explore the dynamic relationships between worry,

rumination, depression or anxiety, and the three coping styles. Results showed worry correlated

uniquely with symptoms of both anxiety and depression, while rumination was correlated only

with depression (Hong, 2007, p. 285). Individuals who exhibited symptoms of anxiety were

more likely to demonstrate low levels of perceived coping effectiveness (Hong, 2007, p. 286).

Threat Perception. Research on emotion seems to direct attention towards

exaggerated threat perception in anxiety disorders. Anxious individuals may overestimate

situations as being threatening, frightening, or evocative of their specific anxiety state (Clark &

Beck, 2010, p. 77). Additionally, Clark & Beck (2010) contend that there are five criteria that

distinguish clinical anxiety from normal anxiousness: dysfunctional cognition in the form of

beliefs about threat and fear; impaired functioning in the form of effective and adaptive coping;

persistence, as anxiety prompts a future-oriented perspective that involves anticipation of threat

or danger (Clark & Beck, 2010, p. 7); false alarms in the form of fear and panic in situations

that may not call for it; and lastly, stimulus hypersensitivity, or general fear and phobia (Clark &

Beck, 2010, p. 7). Anxious individuals may be more likely to develop learned fears or phobias,

be more automatically evaluate stressors as threatening, and overestimate the proximity and

impending nature of such an event (Clark & Beck, 2010, p. 74). This cognitive error, also

called catastrophizing, is seen in both anxiety and depression, and the role it plays in the persist

activation of fear and stress is not fully understood (Clark & Beck, 2010, p. 75).

Furthermore, it is worth noting that anxiety is self-perpetuating (Clark & Beck, 2010, p.

40; Seldenrijk et al., 2013, p. 130). Attention is turned inward to both the physiological

sensations and of anxiety and the cognitive awareness of these thoughts and behaviours. This

heightened arousal may interfere with the individuals ability to complete a task and may

reinforce more feelings of anxiety (Clark & Beck, 2010, p. 40-41). The cognitive model of

anxiety demonstrates that internal and external cues can trigger an exaggerated perception of

threat. The types of situations that trigger anxiety often differ according to subtype, for example,

social situations are triggers for social phobia, memories of past trauma to PTSD, apprehension

to a stressful event in panic disorder (Clark & Beck, 2010, p. 42), and intrusive thoughts of dirt,

contamination, doubt, or injury to others in obsessive compulsive disorder (Clark & Beck, 2010,

p. 77). The excessive sensitivity to threat, fear, and stress in anxiety disorders has been attributed

to an overactivated amygdala (Britton et al., 2011; Shiota & Kalat, 2011; Deckersbach,

Dougherty, & Raunch, 2006).

Conclusion. In summary, some research shows that anxiety shares a common genetic

basis with depression of a short allele on the serotonin transporter gene, though more research is

needed to clarify this relationship. Evidence does seem to indicate a genetic predisposition to

develop anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder. This may be through the serotonin transporter

gene, an over-active amygdala, or through personality traits like neuroticism.

Personality traits, heritable or not (Funder, 2010), certainly play a role in the cognitive

and social sources of anxiety. From this perspective, neuroticism and a tendency toward self-

conscious emotions are seen as a source of interpersonal life stress. Lastly, worry, rumination,

and an exaggerated threat perception are other sources of stress in anxiety.


This section has reviewed sources of stress, depression, and anxiety. Findings on sources

of stress, explored through dimensions of life stress, point to interpersonal, dependent, and non-

interpersonal (health) dimensions as presenting the greatest challenges for individuals with

depression and anxiety. These disorders are highly internalizing in nature.

After exploring biological and cognitive /social sources of depression and anxiety,

evidence for the theory of stress generation highlights the cognitive and social styles of

individuals with these disorders as major contributing factors to the interpersonal and dependent

stress domains, and consequently health problems in non-interpersonal domains.

Both depression and anxiety seem to present some degree of heritability, though it is not clear if

this is necessarily the case. More research is needed to identify genetic links between these


Interestingly, despite the potential for sharing some genetic basis, each disorder seems to

present its own cognitive/social profile, though there certainly can be overlap of these traits from

one disorder and its subtypes into the other. For example, depression is largely characterized by

low affect, highly negative style, and rumination. Anxiety, on the other hand, presents higher

degrees of self-conscious emotions, worry, and exaggerated threat perception. Common to both

disorders are personality traits such as neuroticism and emotion-focused coping style, as opposed

to problem-focused. It is likely that the mechanisms of rumination and worry may play a role in

preventing the individual from generating problem-solving or mood-uplifting strategies to cope

with stress.

Dysregulation in Endocrine, Immune, and Neurological Systems

This section explores the dysregulation that occurs in the endocrine, immune, and

neurological systems in individuals suffering from depression and anxiety. First, the physiology

of the stress response is explored by the endocrine systems role in the activation of the

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). Next, this section will discuss how this system

becomes over-activated in depressive and anxious disorders, leading to pronounced levels of

cortisol. Second, the negative effects of endocrine dysfunction that carry over to the immune

system are examined through research on immunosuppression and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Lastly, damage/dysfunction that occurs in the neurological domain is shown through research on

hippocampal and white matter atrophy facilitated by pro-inflammatory cytokines. An important

theme in this section is negative spill-over effects; dysfunction that occurs in one system carries

over into the others.

Dysregulation in the Endocrine System

The functions of the autonomic nervous system depend on neurons that allow the brain to

communicate with specific organs (Shiota & Kalat, p. 88). The functions of various systems and

cells within the human body are controlled by hormones and proteins, which are chemicals

assembled by glands in one part of your body, and carried through the bloodstream to

communicate with organs in other areas (Shiota & Kalat, p. 88). This is the foundation of the

endocrine system, which becomes especially important during periods of stress, as it allows the

organism to survive. The endocrine system affects numerous physiological functions through

release and circulation of hormones, including metabolism and the stress response. For example,

epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and cortisol are the hormones involved

in the stress response.


HPA Axis. The stress response involves activation of a branch of the autonomic nervous

system, which is called the sympathetic nervous system. More specifically, the stress response

activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis, or the HPA axis. As implied by its

name, this axis involves the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal cortex. The activation of

the HPA axis allows the body to respond to acute or prolonged stress. When an individual

encounters a stressor, the amygdala1 becomes activated and releases corticotropin-releasing

hormone (CRH) to the hypothalamus. CRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce

adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), which travels through the bloodstream where it reaches

the adrenal cortex by the kidneys. The adrenal cortex is responsible for the release of cortisol

(commonly known as the stress hormone), and the catecholamines epinephrine and

norepinephrine (known as adrenaline and noradrenaline) (Gunnar, Herrera, & Hostinar, 2009).

The attenuation of the stress response depends heavily on a negative feedback system in which

cortisol, after its release in the bloodstream, makes its way back to the brain through systemic

circulation (Lovallo & Thomas, 2000). In a manner of speaking, the negative feedback system

turns off the stress response by telling the brain to stop releasing CRH and ACTH, while

instructing the adrenal cortex to stop releasing cortisol. If any aspect of the HPA axis is

impaired, it becomes difficult for the brain and body to communicate, resulting in overproduction

of cortisol and catecholamines, which have potent effects on an individuals health (Qin et al.,


The amygdala is an important structure known to be associated with emotional responses, such

as the fight-or-flight response, vigilance, and fear (Gunnar, Herrera, & Hostinar, 2009; Bremner,

2005, p. 47).

Cortisol. Mainly, cortisol has two main functions: to suppress inflammatory and immune

responses; and to alter the metabolism of glucose, fat, and proteins (Kunert, 2011). This means

that cortisol serves to summon the bodys stored energy and suppress immune activity that is not

immediately necessary. Often, this is called the fight or flight response. Cortisol, a steroid

hormone, belongs to the family of glucocorticoids and has pronounced effects on the body.

Virtually every nucleated cell in the body contains receptors for cortisol. This hormone crosses

the cell membrane to combine with its receptors in the cytoplasm and then enters the cell

nucleus, where its primary action is to induce or inhibit expression of a wide range of regulatory

genes (Lovallo & Thomas, 2000, p. 343). For example, in the hypothalamus, CRH gene

expression is inhibited by cortisol, which allows the brain to mediate the rate at which the

pituitary gland releases ACTH pulses (Lovallo & Thomas, 2000, p. 345).

Interestingly, the pulses of ACTH that regulate the cortisol response operate during

wakefulness and sleep. In fact, humans display a distinct pattern of cortisol secretion with

specific peaks throughout a 24-hour period, which is largely influenced by circadian rhythms, or

the sleep-wake cycle. This diurnal (daily) pattern can be easily disrupted by sleep deprivation

and changes in sleep patterns (Lovallo & Thomas, 2000, p. 344), both of which are common in

depression and anxiety (Edinger et al., 2000). Cortisol peaks just before awakening, with a low

point in the evening and early morning, and shows additional rises during the day related to meal

times (Lovallo & Thomas, 2000, p. 344).


Dysfunction of cortisol secretion has been observed in individuals with anxiety and

depression. In an experiment by Yoon & Joorman (2012), participants with social anxiety

disorder demonstrated heightened cortisol reactivity, and participants with anxiety and comorbid

depression exhibited blunted or dampened cortisol response. In this experiment, participants

with anxiety, anxiety with comorbid depression, and controls completed affect ratings, providing

a saliva sample each time. Participants were informed they would be given five minutes to

prepare a five minute speech arguing for or against capital punishment. They were also informed

that the speech would be videotaped and subsequently rated by experts for clarity and quality.

Participants were given pencils and paper to prepare notes, though they were not permitted to use

the notes when delivering the speech. The experimenter left them to prepare their argument, and

returned after five minutes with a video camera on a tripod.

Repeated-measures ANOVA compared salivary cortisol levels in the three groups over

time. It was found that the socially anxious individuals had the highest salivary cortisol, and that

those with comorbid depression did not differ significantly from controls. When scores from the

socially anxious group and comorbid depression were combined in a separate ANOVA to create

one group, the interaction was no longer significant. Researchers noted that this indicates that

ignoring participants comorbidity status could have interfered with their ability to have found

that heightened cortisol reactivity was associated with social anxiety in the first place (Yoon &

Joorman, 2012).

An intriguing trait which is characteristic of social anxiety patients is an excessive fear of

situations in which one might be evaluated or observed by others. Socially anxious individuals

often avoid social situations for this reason (Yoon & Joorman, 2012). In a study of cortisol

secretion in anxiety subtypes, Vreeberg and colleagues (2010) assessed salivary cortisol seven

times throughout the day for nine days in the following subtypes: social phobia, panic disorder,

panic disorder with agoraphobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. These anxiety subtypes were

further divided into categories of comorbid depression. Researchers found that the participants

with panic disorder had the highest morning cortisol and it was even higher in panic disorder

with agoraphobia and comorbid depression. Morning cortisol was higher in this group than any

other anxiety subtype even when those subtypes had comorbid depression. Depression and

PTSD exhibit particularly low levels of cortisol (Vreeberg et al., 2010). In other studies, it was

found that the lower the levels of cortisol in depression and PTSD, the greater the impairment in

concentration and memory capacities (Bremner, 2005), which shall be discussed further.

Conclusion. Panic disorder seems to show high levels of morning cortisol. This is

interesting because it seems to reflect anticipatory stress that they experienced even before

waking. In terms of cortisol, depressed patients and PTSD patients tended to exhibit cortisol

secretion that was either the same as or less than controls. One researcher proposed that this is

because people with depression have a low amount of cortisol but sensitive receptors, and people

with anxiety have lots of cortisol but not very sensitive receptors (Kunert, 2011). Another study

by Vreeberg et al. (2009) found that morning salivary cortisol was high in individuals with

major depression, though only when it was comorbid with anxiety.

Dysregulation of the Immune System

The present section will explore the effects of immunosuppression which are brought on

by the endocrine system when the stress response becomes activated. Next, pro-inflammatory

cytokines and associated health risks are discussed.

Immunosuppression. Negative emotions such as feelings of anxiety and depression are

important risk factors in the development of illnesses with an inflammatory etiology, and

furthermore, inflammation itself may be an important mediator of emotion-disease relationships

(OConnor, OHalloran, & Shanahan., 2000, p. 1074). Cortisol is supposed to suppress

inflammation and the immune response of the body, but chronic inflammation caused by stress

keeps cortisol levels high, which severely impacts the immune system because it is

immunosuppressive in nature. Clinical and subclinical anxiety or depression can directly

influence immune dysregulation and may lead to maladaptive changes in the endocrine and

immune systems (Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 2002). Furthermore, stress and symptoms of

depression and anxiety can influence changes in cellular responses. For instance, individuals

with depression will show alterations in response to the physical challenge of a vaccine (Kiecolt-

Glaser & Glaser, 2002). Even individuals who are healthy but under stress tend to produce

weaker immune responses (Cohen et al., 2012, p. 5996). As a consequence, immune responses

to pathogens are slowed, which places individuals with chronic stress and depression or anxiety

at a greater risk for more illnesses.

In an experiment by Cohen et al. (2012), 276 healthy male and female adults were

exposed to the common cold virus and were monitored for symptoms of infection or sickness.

The individuals who had experienced a prolonged stressful life event were more likely to

develop colds. The symptoms of the common cold, researchers note, are not caused by the virus

itself, but are instead side effects of the inflammatory response as the body fights the infection;

the greater the response, the more likely one is to experience cold symptoms. Researchers

concluded that the participants who experienced a stressful life event (e.g. occupational,

financial, relationships) had immune cells that were unresponsive to hormonal control through

cortisol, and subsequently, produced levels of inflammation that incited illness (p. 5996).

For individuals with depression and anxiety, stress seems to be experienced in a way that

is much more pronounced, and perhaps this is due to the fact that more events are perceived as

being stressful. For example, in healthy individuals, shopping for groceries is a normal task,

though for individuals with anxiety or depression, this can be extremely challenging. Individuals

who are anxious may not feel comfortable in crowded public spaces, and individuals with

depression may find this task exhausting. Cognitive biases, such as a bias towards threatening

information, or a bias towards negative affect, prolongs the activation of the HPA axis and stress


According to Cohen et al. (2012), chronic psychological stress is a main contributor to

the bodys loss of ability to regulate the inflammatory response. As stated before, every

nucleated cell has receptors for cortisol, and immune cells fall into this category. When the HPA

axis is activated for a long period of time, the immune cells become over-saturated with cortisol

and no longer respond to its immunosuppressive effects. Thus, the body cannot regulate the

process of inflammation, which is likely the mechanism by which individuals with depression

and anxiety come to accumulate large amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the risk of

diseases with inflammatory etiology.

Cohen et al. (2012) proposed that it is not necessarily the elevated levels of circulating

cortisol that place individuals at risk of disease, but more specifically the response of target

tissues to cortisol (p. 5995). However, these researchers also emphasize the role of stress

especially chronic stress in risk for development of disease.

Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines. Exaggerated and sustained threat perception may result

in chronic activation of the HPA axis, leading to increased inflammatory activity. Research

indicates that depression and anxiety may influence production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,

such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) (ODonovan et al., 2010).

A review of literature by Kiecolt-Glaser and Glaser (2002) of Ohio State College of

Medicine evaluated the function and dysregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, particularly

IL-6, in individuals with depression and anxiety. The purpose of inflammation in the immune

response is to attract immune cells to the site of infection or injury, and prime them to respond.

Immune cells, such as macrophages and microglia, communicate with each other by secreting

cytokines. In general, cytokines provide inter-cellular signals necessary for the function of the

immune system (Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 2002).

In their review, Kiecolt-Glaser and Glaser (2002) discuss how cytokines have strong

effects on the central nervous system (CNS), including intensification of negative moods,

physical symptoms such as lethargy and fatigue, and a range of behaviours associated with

illness, such as loss of appetite. Curiously, not only do these symptoms resemble those of

depression, but depression enhances the production of IL-6, and following pharmaceutical

treatment of this disorder, elevated IL-6 levels also decline (Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 2002). An

overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines can lead to malfunctioning in the immune system.

For example, IL-6, which is pro-inflammatory, is a powerful stimulator of the stress hormone

cortisol. Elevated cortisol can perpetuate and aggravate symptoms of depression, such as

anxiety, insomnia, and poor memory, as well as feelings of illness, because cortisol suppresses

the immune system. In this way, there is a bi-directional relationship: negative emotions that

dysregulate IL-6 secretion can also facilitate neuroendocrine changes (Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser,

2002), and IL-6 is directly influenced by the bodys neural and hormonal responses to stress

(ODonovan et al., 2010, p. 1076).


IL-6 is an important factor in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Straub,

2011; Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 2002). In the review of literature by Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser

(2002), the relationship of IL-6 with CVD is partially due to the role of IL-6 in stimulating the

production of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a risk factor for heart attack. The purpose of

CRP is to bind to the outside of dead or dying cells so that they can be disposed of by immune

cells (Straub, 2011); however, elevated levels of IL-6 and consequently CRP can be dangerous.

CRP is associated with the development and rupture of atheromatous plaques2, which places an

individual at risk of heart attack or stroke (Ridker & Silvertown, 2008, p. 1548). In addition to

CVD, inflammation is also linked to a variety of other conditions, including osteoporosis,

arthritis, type II diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers disease, and periodontal disease. It has been

suggested that chronic inflammation plays a major role in the decline of physical functions in

older adults which leads to frailty, disability, and death. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-

6) may slow muscle repair and accelerate muscle atrophy, or wasting/deterioration (Kiecolt-

Glaser & Glaser, 2002).

Higher plasma IL-6 and CRP levels are associated with negative health behaviours such

as smoking, lower physical activity, and higher BMI. Individuals who experience a large amount

of stress are more likely to have health behaviours which place them at a greater risk for

developing illness. Some of these behaviours consist of poorer sleep, susceptibility to substance

abuse, poorer nutrition, and less exercise (Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 2002; Straub, 2011). These

have cardiovascular, immunological, and endocrinological consequences (Kiecolt-Glaser &

Glaser, 2002) especially in individuals with clinical depression and/or anxiety.

A large number of studies have examined relationships of inflammation and depression,

while many questions remain unanswered about the link between inflammation and anxiety. It is

possible that anxiety may present an even stronger risk factor for inflammatory diseases than

depression (ODonovan et al., 2010, p. 1074). Anxiety and depression are highly comorbid with

one another, and anxiety appears to confer increased risk for CVD independent of a comorbid

depressive disorder (ODonovan et al., 2010, p. 1074).

Atheromatous plaques occur in atherombosis and atherosclerosis. These conditions,

characterized by fat and cholesterol deposits (plaques), and lesions or hardened arteries

(atherosclerosis) have harmful consequences for the heart and circulatory system. (For more

information see Straub 2011, and Ridker & Silvertown, 2008).

An experiment by ODonovan et al. (2010) explored the possibility that clinically

anxious participants would have higher levels of inflammatory markers (IL-6 and CRP)

compared to non-anxious participants, independent of comorbid depressive symptoms and

neuroticism. In this experiment, 56 male and female participants from Dublin, Ireland, provided

samples of blood and salivary cortisol and completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale

(HADS). The HADS is a widely used and validated questionnaire that assesses 7 items for

anxiety and 7 items for depression. Compared to the non-anxious group, clinically anxious

participants did not differ in levels of CRP, had lower levels of cortisol, and significantly higher

levels of IL-6. Even after controlling for depression as a covariate, anxious participants

continued to exhibit higher levels of IL-6.

Results of both the review of literature by Kiecolt-Glaser and Glaser (2002) and the

experiment by ODonovan et al. (2010) suggest that depression and/or anxiety is related to

elevated levels of cytokines like IL-6 and cardiovascular illness. However, a difference between

these two pieces of research is that findings in the review of literature lean towards depressed

patients having the highest levels of IL-6, whereas the experiment demonstrates that anxious

patients have greater IL-6 in circulation. A major limitation of the review of literature is that the

authors did not necessarily reference studies in which depression and anxiety were understood as

covariates. This is a strong limitation as there is a very high rate of comorbidity between the two

disorders, and when they are not distinguished as two distinct conditions, results may be

reflecting the comorbidity and not one condition or the other. The experiment, however,

controlled for depression as a covariate, and found that anxious participants were displaying the

most strongly elevated IL-6 levels independent of depression.

Furthermore, as research seems to point to the link between IL-6 and CVD (Straub, 2011;

ODonovan et al., 2010; Kiecolt-Glaser & Glaser, 2002) and it is known that anxiety is more

strongly related to CVD than depression, one might conclude that it is anxiety, and arguably not

depression, that presents the greatest risk for elevated levels of IL-6. Anxiety is more closely

related to intense and sustained activation of the stress response and heightened HPA activity

which stimulates the release of interleukin-6. On the other hand, the role of inflammation in

anxiety has largely not been studied and more research is needed to clarify this association. At

present, these findings on cytokines such as IL-6 seem to indicate that individuals with

depression and anxiety experience dysregulation of the HPA axis and stress response.

Conclusion. The stress response is designed to be acute and short; when the stress

response is prolonged, it becomes immunosuppressive which has detrimental consequences for

the body, especially in individuals with depression or anxiety. The mechanism by which this

occurs seems to be through chronic activation of the HPA axis primarily the secretion of

cortisol which overwhelms immune cells, causing them to become unresponsive. The result is

a weaker immune response (immunosuppression), overabundance of glucocorticoids (cortisol)


and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, CRP), and excess inflammation. Individuals with

depression and anxiety exhibit an interesting physiological stress profile.

Dysregulation of Neurological System.

The hippocampus, the primary point of negative feedback regulation of cortisol during

both normal and pronounced stress, has more corticosteroid receptors than any other region

(Lovallo & Thomas, p. 345). This particular area of the brain, then, must endure the battering

effects of chronic stress as it is quite sensitive to cortisol. Moreover, because of its close

anatomical proximity to the amygdala (known for its role in emotional processing and fear

response), cortisol secretion is enhanced by input from the amygdala during periods of

psychological distress. The hippocampus is an extremely important area for memory and mood

(Straub, 2011; Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011; Shiota & Kalat, 2011). It is perhaps not

coincidental that the principal site for negative feedback regulation of glucocorticoid secretion is

the hippocampus. This suggests intimate connection between emotions, endocrine regulation,

and cognition. (Munck, Guyre, & Holbrook, 1984, p 348).

Hippocampal Volume. In depression, there is often an over-activation of microglia

which secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) and

interleukin-6 (IL-6). This process interferes with neural progenitor cells (replace lost neural

cells) directly impeding neurogenesis of the hippocampus (Dowlati et al., 2009, p. 450). If

progenitor cells are distressed, the hippocampus will lose the ability to replace cells when they

are lost due to normal attrition and also due to stress. Past research has shown that stress may

affect hippocampal volume in a negative way, causing it to shrink. Animal studies often show

decreases in neurogenesis as well as accelerated apoptosis (cell death) in the hippocampus with

both acute and chronic stress (Lucassen et al., 2006, as cited by Zannas et al., 2013, p. 833).

Researchers at Duke University in North Carolina (Zannas et al., 2013) examined the

relationship between stress and hippocampal volume in older adults (65 years or more) with and

without depression, and whether or not there is a genetic basis for their findings on the 5-

HTTLPR gene for serotonin transportation. Participants in this study were homozygous for the

long allele (L/L), homozygous for the short allele (S/S), or heterozygous (L/S). The long allele

(L) has been discovered as the more active producer of serotonin transporter, and other research

seems to indicate that there is an imbalance in serotonin levels that may be related to depression.

In order to measure stress, participants completed the self-report Life Stress questionnaire, which

assessed a variety of stressful life events (or SLE) each item specifying whether events were

interpreted as negative, positive, or neutral. Severity of stress was also indicated on a 1-10 scale.

Some of the items on this questionnaire included illness and injury, marriage or divorce, family,

work, and finances. In order to measure hippocampal volume, a whole-body MRI system was

used, where images were processed to examine cerebral and ventricle volume in both brain

hemispheres. Genomic DNA for 5-HTTLPR alleles was extracted using a blood sample. These

assessments were performed once every three months for two years, with the exception of DNA

sequencing as this remains unchanged over time. Researchers found that greater nSLE (negative

life events) was a predictor of hippocampal volume. Furthermore, 5-HTTLPR genotype and

genotype-stress interaction was significant, but only for L/L homozygotes. The interaction

between genotype and changes in perceived stress over time was not significant for carriers of

the short allele, that is, S/S and L/S. As life stress increased, hippocampal volume decreased,

and as life stress decreased, hippocampal volume increased. This suggests that the phenomenon

of hippocampal atrophy in stress and depression might be reversible. Other research seems to

support this notion as well (OConnor, OHalloran, & Shanahan, 2000, p. 329).

The hippocampus is densely packed with white matter, some loss of this volume over

time is normal with aging but can become abnormal with acute stress (Bremner, 2005). White

matter of the brain appears white because of the myelin, the fatty, protective layer that envelops

neurons (Bremner, 2005, p. 43). New research seems to indicate that major depressive disorder

might be associated with an abnormal loss of myelin, especially in the frontal lobes of the brain

(Walther et al., 2012, p. 15, Tham et al., 2011, p. 27), and the process behind this loss will be

explored in the next section on oligodendrocytes.

Neurotransmission. The communication between brain cells depends largely on

myelination of neurons. Myelin consists of tightly compacted membranes that form an

insulating sheath around neurons (Saher, Quintes, & Nave, 2011, p. 79). Myelin, rich in

cholesterol and lipids (Saher, Quintes, & Nave, 2011, p. 80), contributes to efficient connectivity

and helps maintain both the structural and functional integrity of neurons (Saab, Tzvetanova, &

Nave, 2013, p. 1065). White matter in the brain is packed with glial (immune) cells like

microglia. It is also full of myelinated neurons, which give white matter its white appearance

(Tham et al., 2011).

Oligodendrocytes. There is new evidence that major depressive disorder involves a loss

of oligodendrocytes, which are glial cells that produce and envelop neurons with myelin (Tham

et al., 2011; Mosebach et al., 2013). Myelin is a waxy substance made of fats that speeds up the

process of neurotransmission, or the communication between brain cells (Saab, Tzvetanova, &

Nave, 2013, p. 1065). A common view in the study of psychology is that depression is a disorder

caused by low serotonin levels, but it is interesting to note that oligodendrocytes show high

levels of dopa decarboxylase, a serotonin synthetic enzyme (Barres, 2008, p. 436). This means

that a loss of oligodendrocytes would lead to not only a loss in myelination of neurons, but also a

loss of serotonin, as oligodendrocytes are involved in the synthesis/production of serotonin.

Furthermore, Barres (2008) notes that if the rate of new generation of oligodendrocytes is even

slightly lessened, for instance by stress, this could lead over time to substantial loss in myelin,

and if this is the case, that oligodendrocytes might be an important drug target (Barres, 2008, p.

436) because of their ability to restore myelin to neurons.

Recalling earlier discussion that microglia secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines such as

TNF-, it becomes important to consider that TNF- contributes to demyelination by interfering

with oligodendrocytes (Saab, Tzvetanova, & Nave, 2013, p. 1066; Barres, 2008, p. 436).

Elevated levels of TNF- in depression might be the mechanism by which loss of white matter

and demyelination in depression occurs (see Dowlati et al., 2009; Binder & Scharfman 2008).

TNF- is a cytokine, which means it is a secreted as a form of communication between cells. It

is called tumor necrosis factor because it is supposed to kill cells that are mutated, which could

cause cancer.

In depression, chronic activation of the HPA axis leads to a high level of cortisol. This

causes immune cells like microglia to become unresponsive to its commands to suppress

immune activity. In turn, microglia are secreting pro-inflammatory cytokines at a rate which

becomes harmful to the brain and body. This is directly observed in the demyelination and loss

of white matter seen in depression. Unfortunately, the available literature at present does not

seem to explore whether or not this is the case in anxiety disorders. Future studies should

explore this question. As such, it is appropriate to at least briefly discuss the implications of a

loss of myelin due to stress and depression.

It becomes curious that a common symptom of depression is psychomotor retardation

(Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011) which is defined as a slowing of thought and movement, with

difficulties carrying out normal/simple physical tasks. Recall that myelin (and white matter) is

important in speedy neurotransmission, and that depressed patients seem to show a loss of white

matter in their frontal lobes (Walther et al., 2012, p. 15; Tham et al., 2011, p. 27). A loss of white

matter may underlie cognitive impairment in processing speed, memory, and executive

functioning in major depressive disorder (Tham et al., 2011, p. 33). Deficits in white matter may

also be associated with more severe depressive symptoms and a lower quality of life (Tham et

al., 2011, p. 34).

Conclusion. This section has reviewed structural damage and dysregulation in

neurotransmission that is common in depression and anxiety, and the mechanisms behind which

they occur. Dysregulation of the neurological system is principally observed in loss of

hippocampal volume and white matter. The underlying mechanism behind this seems to be in

the negative spill-over effects of the dysfunction in the immune system. Mainly, this seems to be

due to overproduction of overactive immune cells (e.g. microglia) pro-inflammatory cytokines

IL-6, TNF-alpha, and the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone and these proteins are

contributing factors to the loss of oligodendrocytes, which myelinate neurons that comprise

white matter in the brain. A loss of white matter is known to lead to cognitive impairment, but

might also be involved in some of the problematic symptoms of depression (i.e. psychomotor

retardation) (see Walther et al., 2012). More research is needed on the subject of demyelination

in depressive disorders to clarify this relationship, and to explore whether or not it occurs in

anxious disorders as well.


Findings of this section are that dysregulation is experienced in the endocrine system

through over-activation of the HPA axis in both anxiety and depression. This results in an

overproduction of glucocorticoids and catecholamines (stress hormones and adrenaline) (Qin et

al., 2012). Overproduction of cortisol is particularly pronounced in panic disorder, demonstrated

by high levels of morning cortisol. PTSD and major depression, however, exhibit particularly

low levels of cortisol. Notably, these two disorders share the common trait of difficulty

concentrating and poor memory. An interesting finding from this section is that the hippocampus

(implicated in memory) is an important structure in the negative feedback system of cortisol.

PTSD patients often have problems with concentration and memory. Furthermore, research

seems to indicate that high levels of cortisol in depression only become excessive if this disorder

is comorbid with anxiety. This makes sense because anxiety, characterized by exaggerated threat

perception, activates the stress response frequently and for a long time. Because the stress

response is considered designed to be quick and short, it suppresses the immune system, as this

system is generally not needed for immediate survival. Consequently, when the stress response

is chronically active, the immune system is chronically suppressed. Cortisol is supposed to work

through a negative feedback system to communicate with immune cells like macrophages and

microglia to stop the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, or TNF-). Unfortunately,

immune cells, overstimulated by cortisol, are no longer responsive to its demands to suppress the

immune system, causing dysfunction of the endocrine system to overflow into the immune


Findings about dysregulation in the immune system are largely characterized by

immunosuppression and over-secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In both depression and

anxiety, it seems as though the body has lost its ability to properly regulate its stress response.

Pro-inflammatory cytokines become excessive and increase inflammation, which places these

groups at risk of cardiovascular disease and many other conditions especially those with

anxiety. Health conditions with inflammatory etiology are especially risky for older adults, who,

if chronically stressed (or depressed/anxious), have likely accumulated a much greater amount of

damage because they have lived longer. Higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-

6, CRP, and TNF- are damaging to the immune system, cardiovascular system, and neurological

structures like the hippocampus.

The literature seems to indicate that the hippocampus suffers the harshest consequences

of both acute and chronic stress, especially in depression and anxiety. Progenitor cells, tasked

with the replacement of dead neurons, and oligodendrocytes, targeted to protect them (through

myelination), are damaged or inhibited by cortisol and pro-inflammatory cytokines. This may be

what leads to a loss of white matter and hippocampal volume observed in depression and PTSD.

There also may be an underlying genetic influence, as there is a correlation between

hippocampal volume and the serotonin transporter gene 5-HTTLPR in depression. Loss of

hippocampal volume seems to be reversible, though, and this will be discussed in the following

section of treatment with SSRIs. Reversibility of damage makes it important to consider

oligodendrocytes as drug targets.


Treatment of Depression and Anxiety

Given the prevalence of anxiety and depression, it is important to study methods of

treatment and how they work. Mental illness can be treated pharmacologically (with

medication), individual therapy, or alternative methods. This section explores several different

medications for depression and anxiety, such as tricyclics, SSRIs, SNRIs, and anxiolytics,. Next,

alternative methods of treatment such as MDMA assisted psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural

therapy, and aerobic exercise will be presented. This paper places focus on how these treatments

will address some of the dysregulation in the endocrine, immune, and neurological systems as

previously mentioned. Lastly, this paper will discuss, in the context of stress and dysfunction of

systems, the importance of diagnosis and implications for treatment.


Tricyclic. Tricyclic antidepressants work by inhibiting activity of pro-inflammatory

cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) (Hestad, Aukrust, Tonseth, & Reitan, 2009). This finding

is important because pro-inflammatory cytokines seem to influence the development of

depressive symptoms and have detrimental effects on mood (Dowlati et al., 2009, p. 450). A

relatively new development in development of tricyclic medications is a corticotropin-releasing

hormone receptor antagonist.

CRH1 Receptor Antagonists. At the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich,

Germany, researchers Ising & Holsboer (2007) explored the hypothesis that CRH1 receptor

antagonists may be appropriate for the pharmaceutical treatment of depression and anxiety. This

question arose because preliminary research seems to indicate that corticotropin-releasing

hormone (CRH) levels are often elevated in acute depression, and CRH has a tendency to bind to

CRH1 receptors with a higher affinity (more frequently) than CRH2 receptors (Ising & Holsboer,

2007). As discussed in the previous section, CRH facilitates the release of adrenocorticotropin

hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and adrenaline (Gunnar, Herrera, & Hostinar, 2009). Therefore,

CRH1 receptor antagonists are considered prospective drug targets.

An antagonist drug is one that blocks or dampens the effects of neurotransmitters or

nerve receptors (Shiota & Kalat, 2011). Based on studies in mice, Ising & Holsboer (2007)

hypothesized that selective CRH receptor antagonists would reduce stress-induced anxiety

without interfering with the functioning of the HPA axis. It is important that the HPA axis is still

in working order, because it is necessary for survival (Selye, 1956; Gunnar, Herrera, & Hostinar,

2009). In clinical experiments by Ising & Holsboer (2007), the compounds used were not actual

drugs on the market, but are presently in development.

In Study 1, researchers administered the first test/clinical trial of NB-30775/RS121919

(also known as Compound 2). Twenty drug-free inpatients suffering from major depressive

disorder (MDD) were divided into either the low-dose condition or the high-dose condition

where they received medication for 30 days. Inpatients were closely monitored, having anxiety

or depression symptoms, and sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) assessments regularly. Results

showed that in the low-dose condition, half (5 out of 10) responded to treatment, and 3 out of 5

achieved remission. In the high dose, 8 out of 10 met criteria for a treatment response, 6 of

which were remitted. Depression symptoms dropped distinctly in both doses, with greater

effects shown in the high-dose condition. Furthermore, sleep EEG recordings showed increased

slow wave/deep sleep in both low- and high-dose patients before and after treatment with

Compound 2. REM density decreased in high-dose participants but not in the low-dose,

indicating a better-quality nights sleep (Ising & Holsboer, 2007).


This type of drug might appeal to the large portion of individuals with depression and

anxiety who are suffering from insomnia (Edinger et al., 2000). Furthermore, the blocking of

CRH circulation would also block, to some extent, the over-activation of the stress response


SSRI. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly used in the

treatment of depression and anxiety. Research seems to indicate that depression and anxiety

share the common trait of a short allele for the 5-HTTPLR serotonin transporter gene, leading to

less production of serotonin (Zannas et al., 2013). SSRI medication interferes with the reuptake

or recycling that would normally occur in the synapse of neurons. Mainly, SSRIs keep

serotonin in the synapse for a longer period of time, which increases stimulation of serotonin

receptors (Shiota & Kalat, 2012, p. 131). Furthermore, SSRIs have the potential to address some

of the dysregulation that occurs in the endocrine and immune systems, and neurological

structures like the hippocampus. The complex relationship between SSRIs and improvement in

neurogenesis will be discussed next.

It has been established that depression and anxiety are associated with immune

dysregulation through cognitive biases towards negative and threatening information. This

exaggerated threat perception or negative cognitive appraisal informs the brain that it should

activate the HPA axis, commencing the stress response. Chronic psychological stress leads to

chronic activation of this system and elevated cortisol levels. When cortisol is in circulation, one

of its primary functions is to suppress immune activity. However, with chronic and exaggerated

circulation of cortisol, immune cells such as microglia (that protect the brain and spinal cord)

become unresponsive and continue to release pro-inflammatory cytokines (to communicate and

promote inflammation). This is the proposed mechanism behind the overproduction of pro-

inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 that is observed in depressive and anxious patients

(ODonovan et al., 2010). In depression, there is an over activation of microglia (Dowlati et al.,

2010, p. 450). This is problematic because there is not necessarily any actual infection or trauma

only psychological distress. Progenitor cells that maintain growth and development of neurons

(neurogenesis) in the hippocampus have IL-6 receptors that can be damaged through

overstimulation (Dowalti et al., 2009, p. 450). Hippocampal neurogenesis is important because,

as discussed in section 2, it seems that major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder are

associated with hippocampal atrophy which has potential negative repercussions for memory and

concentration. This is likely due to the fact that progenitor cells, damaged by the overstimulation

of IL-6, cannot grow and maintain neurons. The role of SSRI medication in neurogenesis is

through the up-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which promotes the

health of neurons in the hippocampus (Binder & Scharfman, 2008, p. 3). The role of SSRI

medication in improving dysregulation is through increasing serotonin (Shiota & Kalat, 2012, p.

131) while simultaneously attenuating IL-6 (Hestad et al., 2009).

Therefore, SSRI medications are able to address dysregulation and negative symptoms of

depression and/or anxiety through neurogenesis in the hippocampus and also by increasing the

amount of serotonin stimulation in the synapse during neurotransmission. Vermetten et al.

(2003) showed beneficial effects of SSRIs on hippocampal volume. After one year of

administering Paxil, an SSRI, researchers observed a 5% increase in hippocampal volume and a

20% increase in declarative memory function in PTSD patients.

SNRI. Selective norepinephrine (or noradrenaline) reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are

similar in function to SSRIs, in that, by definition, they reduce or inhibit reuptake of

norepinephrine in the synapse (Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011). In humans, norepinephrine


increases breathing, blood pressure, and subjective sensations of anxiety (Bremner, 2005, p. 87).

In general, this type of medication is provided to individuals who suffer from major depressive

disorder (Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011), likely because norepinephrine may underlie some of the

symptoms of anxiety.

Noradrenergic functioning is elevated in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder

(PTSD), and contributes to flashbacks, excessive arousal, hypervigilence, and increased startle

response (Bremner, 2005, p. 88). It has also been implicated in the development of substance

abuse, which tends to be prevalent among PTSD patients. Bremner (2005) noted that many of

his subjects who suffered PTSD also faced addiction to benzodiazepines, heroin, and alcohol.

Withdrawal from these types of drugs often worsened symptoms of PTSD because these drugs

act by decreasing activity of the norepinephrine neurons in the locus coeruleus. Furthermore,

Bremner (2005) highlighted that his patients felt these substances, especially heroine, reduced

symptoms of hyperarousal, startling, and intrusive memories. In addition, patients tended to

begin using these types of drugs after the onset of the disorder, and as PTSD symptoms

increased, so did drug abuse (Bremner, 2005, p. 85).

Generally, then, SNRIs are likely more ideal for those experiencing extremely low affect,

as in the case of major depressive disorder and least ideal for those who suffer from PTSD.

However, a new alternative for PTSD treatment has been proposed and will be discussed later.


The most common types of anxiolytics are known as benzodiazepines, such as diazepam

(Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), and alprazolam (Xanax) (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 171).

Anxiolytics function by facilitating the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter gamma-

aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts on the amygdala.

In doing so, these medications suppress fear and reduce anxiety. However, GABA is involved in

inhibition throughout the brain, and the effects of anxiolytics are not limited to acting on the

amygdala alone; a risk or side effect is drowsiness and memory impairment (Shiota & Kalat,

2011, p. 171).

Anxiolytics and benzodiazepines are likely best suited for anxiety disorders because of

their recognized ability to increase the efficacy of GABA and inhibit some of the fear that results

from over activation in the amygdala.

Alternative Treatments

Often, patients are unable or do not desire to take pharmacological medication, in which

case, it may be appropriate to suggest alternative methods of treatment.

MDMA supplemented psychotherapy. MDMA. 3,4-

methylenedioxymethamphetamine is also known as ecstasy. Cahart-Harris et al. (2013a) from

London, UK, hypothesize that MDMA would reduce subjects responses to negative memories.

These researchers believed that administration of MDMA would facilitate a positive emotional

bias to recollection of personal memories through increased serotonin functioning. Preliminary

work for this study supported the potential of MDMA as part of psychotherapy for the treatment

of posttraumatic stress disorder, but the mechanisms by which it would function are not yet fully

understood. This study used fMRI to examine autobiographical memory recollection in healthy

participants (aged 29.4 7.4) under the influence of MDMA. Participants were presented with

personalized autobiographical memory cues to evoke six of their favorite and six of their worst

memories after oral administration of either a placebo (100mg ascorbic acid) or 100 mg of

MDMA-hydrochloride. Subjective experiences were recorded on continuous scales.


The autobiographical memory cues referred to 12 separate, emotionally salient, personal

memories. Participants were instructed to write down brief cues for these memories (one

sentence or less) and to refer to specific life events rather than prolonged periods of time in their

lives; the researchers are interested in supporting MDMA as part of treatment for PTSD, which is

characterized by traumatic life events. The cues were encouraged to be highly personalized by

the participant and encrypted so that they could not be understood by others (e.g. Remember

X). This strategy was used to ensure that participants would not be afraid of social judgement.

Not all participants chose to encrypt their memories. Examples of some of the cues are

remember the waterfall (favorite), and remember being told my friend was dead (worst).

Participants were asked to lie still in the fMRI, close their eyes, and recall their memories as

vividly as possible after the memory cue. Additionally, participants gave subjective ratings

regarding vividness, and also for strength of positive or negative emotions felt for each of their


Participants reported intensification of their best memories, and similarly reported

experiencing their worst memories as less negative under MDMA. The attenuation of negative

affect during the recall of worst memories reflects a new positive-biased in the emotional

processing that is consistent with the researchers hypothesis of increased serotonergic

functioning caused by MDMA. Researchers observed reduced activation to worst memories in

the left anterior temporal pole. A significant positive correlation was also found between

temporal pole activity and ratings of negative emotions. The temporal pole is closely connected

with the amygdala, which is commonly known for its association with affective processing of

fear and anger. The findings of this study support the perception that the temporal pole is likely

involved in memory-evoked negative emotion.


A second study by Cahart-Harris et al. (2013b) investigated the mechanisms by which

MDMAs characteristic effects of euphoria and openness could be used in the treatment plan for

individuals with anxiety specifically PTSD. All participants were healthy adults (age 34 11

years) and were randomly assigned into placebo and treatment conditions. Participants

underwent fMRI imaging and also completed a 29-item questionnaire which measured the

subjective experience of MDMA. Some examples of items included are: I felt entirely normal,

the experience had a dreamlike quality, or my imagination was extremely vivid. The item I

felt amazing was most highly rated under the influence of MDMA, and likewise, I felt entirely

normal was the highest rated under placebo. Researchers were interested in the relationship

between subjective effects of MDMA and changes in cerebral blood flow.

Results of the fMRI showed decreased cerebral blood blow in the right hippocampus and

right amygdala. Furthermore, the greater the decrease in activity in the amygdalae and

hippocampi, the more intense the drugs effects were, as reflected by the participants responses

about their subjective experiences (Cahart-Harris et al., 2013b). This result is of particular

interest because MDMA is known for its serotonergic effects stimulating the release of

serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine all of which are implicated in positive mood

(Rosenberg & Kosslyn, 2011; Shiota & Kalat, 2011).

These results have interesting implications for psychotherapy for individuals with

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), because the nature of the disorder is largely influenced by

the trauma they have experienced. Part of the difficulty of treatment for this disorder is that it

requires discussion, recollection or reliving of the traumatic event. However, if it were possible,

through administration of a small dose of MDMA, to evoke a reduction in negative feelings, it

may be easier for subjects to open up about their experiences. The pro-serotonergic effects of

MDMA distinguish it from other amphetamines, and it is often referred to as an empathogen

because it promotes social interaction, positive emotion, and openness (Cahart-Harris et al.,

2013a). The major limitations of these studies, however, are that participants were healthy

individuals (without PTSD), and the researchers did not look for dose-dependent effects by

dividing the participants into smaller or larger dosage conditions.

Aerobic Exercise. It is well known that exercise is beneficial for good health (Straub,

2011). Research is investigating the hypothesis that exercise might have special benefits for

those with depression and anxiety. The evidence is mixed on whether or not exercise actually

improves symptoms of depression and anxiety (Salmon, 2001). Typically, it seems that the anti-

depressant and anxiolytic effects of exercise are attributed to noradrenergic and opioid activity

within the body (Salmon, 2001, p. 49). Initially, it may seem counter-intuitive to increase

activity of noradrenaline, especially for individuals prone to depression, anxiety, and the negative

effects of stress. However, it has been proposed that individuals who suffer from depressive and

anxious disorders may suffer from a phenomenon called anxiety-sensitivity (Seldenrijk et al.,

2013; Broman-Fulks, Berman, Rabian, & Webster, 2004) which may be reduced through

physical exercise.

Anxiety-sensitivity refers to the degree to which an individual feels concerned about their

symptoms of anxiousness, that is, all of the cognitive and bodily sensations of anxiety

(Seldenrijk et al., 2013). Researchers Broman-Fulks and colleagues (2004) recruited 54 male

and female volunteers age 18 to 51 to participate in a study on aerobic exercise and anxiety-

sensitivity. In this experiment, volunteers with high levels of anxiety completed six 20-minute

aerobic treadmill exercises at either a high-intensity (running) or a low-intensity (walking) across

the span of two weeks. Self-ratings of anxiety-sensitivity, fear of physiological sensations


associated with anxiety, and generalized anxiety measures were taken pre- and post-treatment,

and again at the one week follow-up. Results of this study showed that both groups had reduced

scores of anxiety-sensitivity, with the largest effect sizes observed in the high-intensity group.

Additionally, only the group in high-intensity saw reductions in scores of fear of anxiety-related

bodily sensations (Broman-Fulks et al., 2004). These results are promising for the reduction of

anxiety and depressive symptoms, and furthermore, for health benefits that offset the tendency of

these groups to develop cardiovascular disease. Depression and especially anxiety are strongly

related to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (Seldenrijk et al., 2013), the risk of which

can be reduced through exercise (Straub, 2011).

The rationale behind aerobic exercise as a form of treatment is that it may extinguish the

fear response and change how feelings of anxiety-sensitivity are interpreted (Broman-Fulks,

2004, p. 126). High-intensity exercise elicits many of the same bodily sensations that often

evoke anxiety or panic, such as increased breathing, heart rate, and perspiration. By eliciting

these symptoms in a healthy and safe way, aerobic exercise functions similarly to cognitive

behavioural therapy in changing the way an individual thinks and therefore feels.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This type of therapy holds the objective of cognitive

restructuring (also called cognitive reappraisal), which refers to changing the emotional response

to how one thinks about an event or stimulus (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 145). Cognitive

behavioural therapy has been shown to increase positive affect and lower negative affect,

increase life satisfaction, increase friendships and sharing of emotions with others, and lower

ones risk of developing depression (Gross & John, 2003). Cognitive restructuring does not

mean that one becomes optimistic necessarily, but rather becomes more realistic about their

thoughts and how they interact with others.


For example, as discussed earlier, individuals with depression and anxiety may be prone

to a negative view of self or self-conscious emotions. Instead of reacting to unpleasant

comments or interactions as finding evidence for the notion that people dont like me,

cognitive restructuring helps individuals learn to think Oh well, that person is just hard to

please, or is in a bad mood today, (Shiota & Kalat, 2011, p. 145). A form of cognitive

behavioural therapy, called acceptance-based behavioural therapy, targets similar specific

behaviours in generalized anxiety disorder. Acceptance-based therapy helps clients adopt an

expanded, compassionate, and centered awareness, as opposed to threat-focused, judgemental

stance (Hayes-Skelton, Roemer, & Orsillo, 2013, p. 762). This treatment option may also help

anxious individuals with issues of control, intolerance of uncertainty, and self-conscious

emotions, as per discussion in the previous section.

Cognitive behavioural and acceptance-based therapies may be an ideal technique of

helping improve self-esteem, reducing elevated threat perception, and decreasing rumination and

worry. What's more, it may also help reduce some of the high levels of interpersonal stress

experienced by those with depression or anxiety. These therapies can surely be tailored to fit the

unique cognitive profiles of disorders and their subtypes, or individual clients.

Conclusion. This section has discussed three contemporary methods of treatment for

depressive and anxious disorders. MDMA supplemented psychotherapy, aerobic exercise, and

cognitive behavioural therapy.

MDMA supplemented psychotherapy is aimed to treat individuals with posttraumatic

stress disorder. Unfortunately, research in this area is limited as it is a relatively new concept.

The concept of drug-assisting psychotherapy may also lay precedent for other types of

medications that may aid in psychotherapy sessions. Preliminary work with healthy patients

shows that it may be a potential drug target in the future, at least for patients who suffer from

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Unlike MDMA supplemented psychotherapy, which targets one specific subtype, aerobic

exercise presents many benefits for both depression and anxiety and all their subtypes. First,

exercise is a distraction from the sources of stress (e.g. independent, dependent, interpersonal,

non-interpersonal). Secondly, it improves overall health and would help reduce the risk of

cardiovascular disease (Straub, 2011), which these groups are particularly prone to. This is

important because, as discussed in the previous section, by nature of their physiological response

to stress, individuals with depression and anxiety are prone to diseases with inflammatory

etiology (OConnor, OHalloran, & Shanahan., 2000, p. 1074). Exercise reduces the risk of

developing these conditions (Straub, 2011). Additionally, exercise increases noradrenergic and

opioid activities, which act directly on an individuals physiological response to stressful events.

Physiological and cognitive responses to stressful events can be altered further through

treatment with cognitive behavioural or acceptance-based therapies that target the dysfunctional

cognition that occurs in depression and anxiety. These dysfunctional cognitions are worry,

exaggerated threat perception, self-conscious emotions and anxiety-sensitivity, rumination,

negative self-view and poor self-esteem. Reductions in maladaptive cognitions may also

improve interpersonal relationships. As previously discussed; interpersonal stress seems to be a

recurring problem among those with depression and anxiety. Dysfunctional cognitions are not

necessarily specific to subtype, and dynamic therapies that involve cognitive restructuring can be

personalized to fit the needs of each client. By restructuring the reaction to and appraisal of

events perceived as stressful, individuals can become freed of their symptoms of depression and

anxiety which have constrained them.



By reviewing some examples of pharmacological and alternative treatments for

depression and anxiety, it becomes clear that treatment must be specialized for each individual,

because each disorder and its subtypes present different problems both physiologically and

psychologically/cognitively. For example, if a patient is exhibiting high levels of CRH, ACTH,

and cortisol, or have disrupted sleep, it may be appropriate to treat them with CRH receptor

antagonists. If they present particularly low levels of serotonin or have high levels of IL-6,

treatment with SSRIs may ameliorate their symptoms of anxiety, depression, and also may

improve memory and concentration through its ability to contribute to restoration of neurons in

the hippocampus. If a patient presents particularly low motivation, low affect, and symptoms of

major depressive disorder, treatment with SNRIs may be of interest. However, this draws

attention to the importance to distinguish comorbidities and subtype, as increasing noradrenergic

activity in patients with a subclinical PTSD may be counterproductive. Anxiolytics, such as

benzodiazepines, may not be ideal for PTSD patients either, as researchers noted high levels of

comorbid substance use in this subtype. Anxiolytics, which promote the efficacy of GABA, act

by suppressing amygdala activity, which, as discussed in previous sections, appears to be

overactive in anxious individuals.

Alternative treatments, such as MDMA supplemented psychotherapy may be ideal for

patients with PTSD. Research here is preliminary only, and requires more work on

understanding the serotonergic properties of MDMA, and whether or not it would be appropriate

for use in PTSD. Other alternative treatments, such as aerobic exercise, may be feasible because

it is relatively inexpensive, and there is a lot of research evidence that indicates it is good for

overall health (mental and physical). Additionally, aerobic exercise may be less exclusive, as it

seems to be beneficial to a broader range of anxious and depressed subtypes. Another therapy

that is highly inclusive is cognitive behavioural therapy, or acceptance-based behaviour therapy,

which offers patients a means of changing their thought patterns and subsequently, their feelings.

This type of therapy may be especially important in treating patients with mental disorder who

also experience high levels of stress because of the role of cognitive appraisal in the stress

response. That is, if an event or stimulus is no longer perceived as threatening (i.e. exaggerated

threat perception in anxiety), or having a high negative impact (i.e. hopeless in depression), it is

therefore less stressful to the individual.


Final Discussion

Our understanding of the physiology of stress is vastly improving over time. The Father

of Medicine, Hippocrates, was one of the first to formally document his thoughts on the

relationship between psychological and physiological distress (Grammaticos & Diamantis,

2008). Much later in time, Cannon (1932), Selye (1956), and Mason (1975), emphasized a more

clinical study of stress and physiology. Researchers such as Kalat & Shiota (2011) and Lovallo &

Thomas (2000) highlighted the importance of emotional and cognitive processing in the stress

response, that is, cognitive appraisal, and individual differences in response to stressors.

These differences make the study of stress physiology interesting in the context of mental

disorder. Certain individuals may experience, cognitively appraise and perceive stressful life

events differently. This paper has explored the physiology of stress in depression and anxiety

subtypes, focusing on major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic

disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and others. It is important to note that many of

these conditions are highly comorbid and have similar or overlapping symptoms.

First, this paper has examined sources of stress, depression, and anxiety. By reviewing

dimensions of life stress, evidence points to interpersonal and non-interpersonal life stress as

major challenges for those with depression and anxiety (Uliaszek et al., 2012; Liu & Alloy,

2010). That is, difficulties in social relationships, and problems with ones health, respectively.

After exploring sources of depression and anxiety, research seems to indicate a biological/genetic

component (i.e. short alleles for the serotonin transporter gene). However, as evidence is mixed

on whether or not this is truly a cause, the first question what are sources of stress, depression,

and anxiety, is perhaps best answered in this paper by cognitive and social factors. The main

finding here is that elevated levels of interpersonal and health problems were perhaps due to the

symptoms of the conditions themselves. For example, high levels of negativity, negative self-

view, rumination, neuroticism and low conscientiousness, and other traits of depression may be

contributing factors to both social and health problems. Similarly, in anxiety, neuroticism, self-

conscious emotions, worry, and elevated threat perception may be important factors. It was also

interesting that symptoms of anxiety and depression are often overlapping but also self-


This paper proposes these dysfunctional cognitions that occur in the mind will contribute

to dysregulation that occurs in the body. Specifically, findings indicate that structures involved in

the physiology of the stress response the immune, endocrine, and neurological systems are

negatively impacted by the effects of stress, depression, and anxiety.

In the endocrine system, it seems to be that depression and anxiety are associated with

overproduction of cortisol, especially in panic disorder. Depression and PTSD presented a unique

profile, in which cortisol levels were very low. Though, after conducting research on the

physiology of stress, it is highly suspect that cortisol levels were once high but the adrenal glands

have become exhausted. Cortisol seems to exert the most destructive effects (as opposed to the

catecholamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine). The available literature focused largely on

cortisol, and rightfully so, as it has strong immunosuppressive effects.

It has been discussed that cells of the immune system (e.g. macrophages and microglia),

which communicate via cyotkines (e.g. Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor)

are disrupted by surplus cortisol. It seems that these immune cells have become unresponsive

and continue to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines to the extent that it becomes excessive,

which causes inflammation and contributes to the development of many health problems.

Primarily, cardiovascular illness seems to present a major risk to depressive and anxious patients.

The hippocampus, a neurological structure implicated in memory and in the stress

response, can become damaged by the harsh effects of cortisol especially in depression and

PTSD. Evidence indicated these groups also tend to present disturbances in memory and

concentration, and correspondingly, loss of white matter, especially in the hippocampus. On a

positive note, however, research on its etiology and treatment also highlight that these effects are

likely reversible, even in adulthood. Potential drug targets for neurogenesis in the hippocampus

are oligodendrocytes, serotonin, and brain-derived neurotrophic hormone. More research is

needed on whether or not these are possible.

Many treatments discussed in this paper, such as anxiolytics, selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitors, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclics, are commonly known

medications for depression and anxiety that are generally effective in combatting some of the

dysregulation that occurs in depression and anxiety.

New treatments were also discussed, such as CRH1 receptor antagonists that attenuate the

stress response or MDMA which promotes openness. Additional treatments such as exercise and

cognitive behavioural therapy seem to present a more encompassing alternative, as these

therapies seem to be applicable to diverse depressive and anxious subtypes, and their


Implications of these findings on physiology and cognition highlight the importance in

distinguishing between disorders and their subtypes. Furthermore, studying the physiology of

stress and systemic dysregulation in depression and anxiety should become important in the

diagnosis and etiology of these disorders. Each disorder and its subtype seems to present a

unique physiological profile, which has significant implications for treatment. Hypothetically,

clarifying and establishing the physiological profiles of disorders could supplement psychiatric

diagnosis, therefore making it more reliable. In other words, if mental disorders could be

identified by their physiological/biological markers (e.g. cortisol, lipids, hormones, etc.), these

measures could supplement psychiatric diagnosis conducted by interview or questionnaire.

Furthermore, by identifying the important physiological structures involved in stress, depression,

and anxiety, target treatments can be identified and made more effective to fit each profile. It

would also be optimistic to extend these implications to other mental disorders.

Major limitations in the research are heterogeneity in diagnoses of depression and

anxiety. Many studies did not distinguish between subtypes, which makes it challenging to

disentangle depression from anxiety as many symptoms are overlapping. However, the three

research questions have been, for the most part, answered, though many questions remain about

the specific physiology of stress on a micro level.

The main finding of this paper is that stress seems to exert its effects in a cumulative

manner on many of the bodys systems, and is largely exacerbated by stress and anxiety, which

underlines the importance of treatment intervention and prevention.



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