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1AC Enders Game

A Kid's Book
Our first argument is about a kids book

"We're going to make him the best military commander in history. 'And then put the fate of
the world on his shoulders."

So begins Orson Scott Card in his seminal novel Enders Game which dominated my
childhood and the childhood of millions of kids like me all over America. I wanted to go to
Battle School, to play war games and freeze my friends with guns and move up in the
rankings and be chosen because I am special. I must have read Enders Game 50 times
and Im not alone.

Battle School in the novel was created so that humans would be saved from the beastly
enemy, the Buggers, whom the humans were just able to beat twice in a row despite
inferior weapons. Kids were schooled there in war games that seemed pretty awesome
before they were shipped off to the graduate schools of militarism. Ender, the novels
protagonist, is a disregarded Third Child in an era where people can only have two
children, and he is chosen because his sister Valentine is too sweet and his brother Peter
too violent but Ender has just the right temperament for leadership and can predict the
moves of his enemies.

So Ender is shipped off to Battle School, and plays imaginary video games, simulations of
war. Orson Scott Card describes them as a hyper reality: The mind game is a relationship
between the child and the computer. Together they create stories. The stories are true, in
the sense that they reflect the reality of the childs lifethe computers making this up as
it goes along.

Finally Ender gets the guts to drop the nuke, in what he thinks is a game, on the Buggers
home planet. Oops! It wasnt a game, Ender! You committed Xenocide. And so, Ender
eliminated the only alien species humans ever had known.

After I grew up and stopped reading so much science fiction, I joined debate, where I was
trained not with guns but with speaking drills to eliminate my opponents. I was told to hate
the people I couldnt beat because they beat me and to hate the people I could beat
because they were an insult to the game. I have read affirmatives that proclaim the
wonders of American exceptionalism and 15 internal links to china war and, just like
Ender, surrendered myself to the simulation. Space is militarized and so is debate. We
have transformed from policymakers to war-makers, stuck in a race to the biggest impact.

As Orson Scott card describes,

In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat
him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think its impossible to really understand
somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love
themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them-..... I destroy them. I make it
impossible for them to ever hurt me again. I grind them and grind them until they dont

Thus, rather than the understanding of space through the violent and militaristic
exploration and/or development, Mia and I advocate space as a form of liberation. Mia
and I advocate an organic intellectualization of the resolution, a form of education that
doesnt exclude or entrench us in a hyper reality. Debate should be a site for people to
interact with difference. The role of the ballot is to determine which team better solves for
oppression and violence.

Why this Matters

Now, your next reason to start writing on a new sheet of paper is remember why this

Orson Scott Card justifies all of Enders atrocities by creating him as the innocent killer.
Because Enders intentions are good, his actions are justified. This twisted, utilitarian
logic makes genocide justifiable. we do not endorse gendered language. Kessel writes in
(John, originally published in Foundation, the International Review of Science Fiction, Vol. 33,
Number 90, Spring 2004, copyright 2004 by the Science Fiction Foundation, Creating the
Innocent Killer: Ender's Game, Intention, and
Morality MGE)

This, I fear, is the appeal will not accept that.` JK

We can learn something from Enders Game. The military sure did. Just ask Michael
Macedoniahes the director of the Armys training simulation center and it inspired him.
Today, war games have infiltrated every aspect of our lives and simulations are making
war a reality. Harmon elucidates in 2003,
(Amy, The New York Times, More Than Just a Game, But How Close to
THE noise level was rising, see consequences of their decisions.''

Lets stop simulating. Enders simulation results in an unimaginable violence, the

elimination of the potential cooperation and mutual love between two species. Debaters
simulate a hundred billion times a tournament and lets just stop. To do otherwise is to
risk horrorible atrocities. As der derian explains in 1998,
(James, Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst, On
Security, Columbia University Press, Chapter 2: The Value of Security: Hobbes, Marx,
Nietzsche, and Baudrillard, Columbia International Affairs
Baudrillard goes beyond Nietzsche in simulations was and is unsurprising.

This enforces militarized knowledge which further entrenches the system and causes
violent policy. BondGrahm writes in 2003,
(PhD Sociology UC Santa Barbara, and Hell, UC Fiat Pax Research Project Group, Higher
Education Militarization Resource, 2003 Darwin, Emily, The Militarization of Americas
Universities, Fiat Pax, UC Santa Cruz Press, pages 3-4, MGE)
The militarization of knowledge is have only accomplished the latter.

Enders simulations, and the simulations in debate all start from a form of otherness.
Orson Scott Cards Buggers are a stand in for the war against queers this occurs in
debates over futurity and normalcy and this debate space is no exception. Ender, and the
debaters within us, emerge as the savior of heterosexuality. Campbell explains in 2009,
(James, Kill the Bugger: Enders Game and the Question of Heteronormativity Science Fiction
Studies, Vol. 36, No. 3 (November 2009) MGE)
Ender' s formative experience is thus safe for normative, procreative heterosexuality.

First, this logic result in destruction that kills all potential queers. Sedwick writes in 1998,
. [Eve, former Newman Ivey opened and opened and opened?
And secondly it prevents the ability to interact with queerness in the debate space.
As Steyaert writes in 10
(Doctor in Psychology and Professor in Organizational Psychology at the University of St. Gallen (January 2010,
Chris, Gender, Work and Organization., Queering Space: Heterotopic Life in Derek Jarmans Garden, vol. 17, no. 1)

The rich artistic output that , extremely simplified, and extremely poor.

Meaningful Education
Finally, lets talk about what is meaningful education

Enders genius is revealed in Battle School for his wondrous idea to break the games he
plays by sending people through the enemys gate he uses people as human shields to
reconceive of traditional norms. So we use this metaphor of a frighteningly complicated
novel that is frighteningly applicable to break the game that is debate and beat it, once and
for all. Johnson writes in 1999,
(Ian, Research Associate @ Malaspina University- College, Theres Nothing Nietzsche Couldnt
Teach Ya About the Raising of the Wrist (Monty Python): A Lecture in Liberal Studies)
The analogy I want to put no claim to privileged access

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