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Valeria Arina MIRCEA,

Dana Gabriela SISEA

Valeria Arina MIRCEA: Associate Professor at Faculty of Economics, Ecological University

of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
Dana Gabriela SISEA: Lecturer at Faculty of Economics, Ecological University of Bucharest,
Romania, e-mail:

XXI Century came with major changes in all fields, but especially in domestic and
international banking. In the future, banking marketing will be increasingly influenced by the
evolution of gross and structure of banking activities, both national and international. Today,
the banking sector is a buyer's market. The organization of marketing activities determines
the performance of the banking institution in the market, therefore, the creation and
development of optimal organizational structure becomes an imperative of the time.
Marketing research provide informational support needed at all stages of decision making.
Through the use of concepts, methods and techniques of market research is done specifying
the measurement, collection, analysis and interpretation of marketing information. All this
leads to a better understanding of the environment in which the banking institution, and for
identifying opportunities, evaluating alternative marketing actions and their effects.
Marketing research on the banking market is a complex process that includes two basic
directions: banking market research and market strategy development and implementation.

Keywords: marketing, banking, marketing research, information system

JEL Classification: M31, G21

Today, organizations struggle to shape new ways to create their own picture, strong
consumer, which means a model of education through valuable content.
Creating a successful marketing involves much more important issues than a simple
realization of a new product at a very good and distributed target segment. Institutions need
to communicate effectively with both current customers, but also with the potential by
making well-developed promotional strategies.
In the sphere of banking products and services, the attraction and retention of
customers is more difficult than in the sphere of consumer goods. Characteristic today is
customer orientation, to its loyalty and, ultimately, to a marketing starts from the customer.
According to his theory Kotler & Keller (2008), concept development banking
institutions regarding attitudes towards the use of marketing has undergone five stages, which
are highlighted some fundamental components of marketing in the banking field: marketing

means: advertising, sales promotion and publicity; smile and distinguished atmosphere;
segmentation and renewal; market positioning; analysis, planning and control.
Introduced modern marketing within banking and financial institutions in Romania
the concept of financial products and banking services product differentiation no longer so
visible. Among the reasons mentioned: promoting services are difficult financial and banking
market in the absence of tangibility character led to the allocation of items tangibility
customer service so that they can be readily saleable, promoted and accepted by consumers;
using the concept of banking product enables banks to create financial products through a
portfolio of services group.
We believe that the development and diversification of banking services and products
are resultants of major social forces that led to the appearance of new favourable
opportunities, but also new difficulties for institutions (Berea & all., 2008).

Role of Marketing Information System in the bank

Decision-making in marketing the bank cannot be conceived without a well-organized
and adapted information system requirement. The function of research is considered a
marketing analytic function. There is a need to establish a new function within the bank that
consists of the collection, processing, analysis, storage, distribution and transmission of data
needed for the correct decisions and timely. This function is usually performed by the
department of information or a special - marketing information system. The information
provided by this department is necessary not only to marketers and managers taking strategic
decisions - it can be used by any subdivision of the bank for the purpose of forecasting and
planning, taking into account, of course, the hierarchy of access to different types of
information. Marketing Information System in the Bank must fulfil the following functions,
among which we mention:
Providing quality information;
Ensuring the preservation, transmission and distribution of data collected;
A systematic analysis of current data and those from the archive, taking into account
the indicators needed to manage marketing in the bank;
Providing consumers access to the data relative about the bank's private;
Development of newsletters;
Improving the methods used.
For proper functioning of the information system of the bank, the bank needed to be
technically equipped to accordingly. This equipment includes:
The presence of computer and communicational networks inside the bank so there is
no hindrance in the development and distribution of integrated information flows;
A high level of qualification of the users of the system;
Possibility of connecting to local and global networks;
Development and implementation of indicators of work;
Use this system to solve strategic marketing issues.
Banking Information System - consists of all means and methods of collection,
processing and transmission of information, representing an assumption of good organization,
business management, coordination and control, and to the operative (Cocris & Chirlesan,
The design, organization and functioning of the banking information system affects
the quality and efficiency of banking.

The banking information could be presented as (Cpraru, 2010):

Marketing research provide informational support needed at all stages of decision

making and represents work through which, by means of concepts, methods and techniques
of scientific investigation is done specifying the measurement, collection, analysis and
interpretation of marketing information. This research is dedicated to the management unit
for a better understanding of the environment in which it operates, and for identifying
opportunities, evaluating alternative marketing actions and their effects. Marketing research
on the banking market is a complex process that includes two basic directions: banking
market research and market strategy development and implementation.
Marketing research aims to: analyse banking unit itself; identification and study of
current and future markets; analyse the marketing environment; identification and evaluation
of customer of consumer needs; analysis of consumer behavior; studying marketing mix.
Banking fierce competitive environment requires a systematic investigation of the
present market, and has the potential. Research is an essential tool in planning the marketing
strategy of the bank and the following aspects:
Image bank (vis--vis competing banks);
Banking products and services (a difficult area to explore, as services are
Advertising the bank;
Location (distribution branches and their availability);
Pricing (cost analysis services, compared to those of competitors).

Marketing research process includes a series of steps, which we will elaborate further,
but on the concrete realization of market research experience and traditions basically depends
on the bank's goals, qualification executants research.
1. At first, the problems is focused on setting goals and tasks with essential importance
for research findings and determine the methods to be used. The difficulty is caused by the
fact that the real problem may be a part of a global problem, which is highlighted at the time.
Frequently, the goal of marketing research is to evaluate the potential banking market
developments and trends. In this case, the research is very important in planning alternative
bank management decisions: a new product launch, achieving an advertising campaign,
changing priorities in financial instruments, as research focused on increasing sales of new
service will differ from research on the assessment of the bank's image. Later research

purposes will be transformed into concrete tasks. This will be done through the formulation
of research questions, depending on the information requested.
2. At the planning stage of marketing research, the choice of methods is essential
information. They offer up to date information, complete and accurate. Aspect of basic
research plan is to define the work plan (size research methods related to the audience: direct
questioning, by mail, by phone).
3. Collecting information marketing is done by developing marketing research plan that
gives this process correct targeting search useful information. It is one of the most difficult
stages that determine the outcome of this research, because it follows the behavior, speech,
opinions, ideas, reactions and even the silence of the research object. Collecting information
is accomplished in many cases by the bank. But in these cases requires impressive amounts of
money, and assuming the loss of time. In addition, the bank cannot always guarantee the
accuracy of the information gained.
4. Analysis of collected information and results through statistical methods of data
processing and interpretation aims to extract the necessary details and conclusions bank
activity. Submission of information marketing is depending on research purposes and may be
in the form of charts, diagrams, graphs etc. Marketing research results in the form of report
data analysis, statistics, and interpretations of various issues, conclusions and
5. Based on accumulated data bank service marketing, leadership decisions are made,
aimed at improving the situation or conditions of activity of the bank.
Market research includes analysis of such banking issues such as the needs of potential
consumers in the market competing proposals; Subjects market work; advertising, studying
possibilities of the Bank, including the Bank's analysis of economic activity, production costs
of bank production, stimulate spending and advertising.
Status banking sector is a direct reflection of the general state of the economy.
Therefore, banks are interested in normalizing circuit lending money order and relations at
the micro-and macro-economic development of the country, increase income levels and
general welfare, and that is very essential for political stability.
Research should be noted that the accuracy depends on many factors, including:
The volume of information retrieved;
Choosing representative group;
Method of data collection;
Methods for establishing contacts.
An important area of marketing activity you bank communication policy development
and implementation. This assumes greater importance and unique content in terms of lack of
effective relationships, long-term real customer. In this case the bank is forced to steer policy
and promotion to attract new clients and maintaining effective communication with
customers constantly.
Motivation calls customers in the banking services of particular importance. Factors
shaping consumers' motivations: the need to appeal to a specific service of the bank, the
existence of the necessary information about the product and about the bank can choose from
several service options proposed by the banks in the market, the price, banking, preferences
consumers, the number of consumers, and their income.
Gathering and analysing information from research (financial situation of the bank's
clients, the types of services advertised in the market, the costs to produce a unit of banking
service, the benefit amount received from the sale of a production unit banking) allows useful
conclusions on solvency and competitiveness shares in the banking market. The methodology
for determining the solvability or customer competitiveness can be a "know-how"
commercial bank, drawn by its economic service.

Marketing policies and their role in ensuring the competitiveness of commercial banks

Adoption and successful implementation of the marketing concept as the basis of the
whole strategic and tactical decisions, which are used in the management process and the
underlying actual existence banking institution, requires consideration of the following four
Satisfying customer desires - vital aspect of the marketing concept, without which
the bank's financial objectives could not be achieved;
Return - customers are not satisfied with any price, because there is a balance
between the degree of satisfaction of desires and gains achieved as a result of
Co-workers - all employees should understand the importance of marketing and
work in the spirit of marketing concept. Employees' needs must be satisfied,
taking into account the importance of controlling costs and maximizing revenue;
Social responsibility - the bank must be sensitive and aware of what the
community in which medium works. Depending on this, it must adopt a
responsible behavior.
Any decision marketing strategy to generate market success has to be focused on the
development, maintenance and communication of competitive advantage. Developing
competitive advantage can result from a mix of original algorithm marketing policies that
create value for customers and cannot be easily imitated by competitors or simultaneously
Bank marketing mix according to the literature, includes an expanded number of
policies compared to the marketing mix of the goods. This is explained by the nature and
specificities of banking services. The four policies classic mix (product, price, promotion and
placement) are combined with other specific policies to banking - interest rates policy
processes, relational policy, personnel policy and politics presentation. However, we must
emphasize that the two components of the traditional mix (product and distribution) undergo
significant changes in the scope of banking services. In general the commercial banks are
considered to be essential elements: content providers, the material elements of the services,
personnel contact and communication about the product. Banking products and services
range is extremely wide. The size range of banking products depends directly on the
participation of the product to the bank's profitability and the intensity of current customers
turn to each service; positioning in relation to competing products. Thus, development of new
products the bank is justified in two ways: existing customer needs evolve and new products
are required to meet them; new products are likely to attract new customers to the bank.
The essence of all policies of banking product consists of product-client relationship.
A fundamental aspect of the product is the quality. This, in turn, generates a number
of advantages: greater customer loyalty, a repetition frequency of business, reduced
vulnerability to price policy, ability to practice a relatively higher price without affecting the
market share of costs marketing smaller increase market share.
Quality of service is defined as "the ability of the bank to meet or exceed consumer
expectations", the "expectations" it stands to reason that consumers imagine, they want from
a job. A specific feature of banking is that, given the differentiation otherwise, is depleted,
the quality strategy becomes paramount. In this case, the emphasis is on: improving quality;
maintaining quality; qualitative differentiation.
According to American experts, there are five dimensions that define the quality of
banking services: credibility; tangibility; responsibility; kindness; empathy. The problem of
maintaining and tracking banking products is a very important aspect of the product policy of

a bank. In general, the products "older" very slow. However, at some point there is a need to
improve them after a certain period of time. Banking products are not subject to wear and are
less exposed material obsolescence. Clientele, regular time with the use of a particular
product, will oppose some resistance when you question his disappearance.
Life expectancy of a banking product is very long, and its disappearance causes must
be sought in three directions. First, it should be noted that a large number of banking products
were created at the initiative of the public authorities. By changes in legislation or
introducing certain regulations, such products may be eliminated or, at best, will be affected
by certain characteristics of them. Second, resolve the interchangeable with other products,
which have superior quality characteristics. Two of banking products popular and widely
used - letter of credit and letter of credit - currently considered outdated. Consequently, they
were replaced with the transfer, travel check etc. Third, it should be noted that the bank will
give a product if its profitability will become low.

Efficient methods of organizing marketing activities in commercial banks

Commercial banks are forced to pay attention to competitors, to acquire competitive
battle rules, learn to react properly to them. The key to success in the market and,
consequently, increase the benefit consists of customers. From concept to improve
production, marketing oriented social-ethical conception today, centred on the consumer and
society. The implementation of bank marketing concept dictates special conditions. It was
found that studying customer base, ongoing expansion of its increasing volume of services
rendered, consistent development and implementation of new banking products in
correspondence with increasingly demanding customer requirements, market systematic
study consumer banking products, active service, multilateral and qualitative of each client,
the permanent expansion of assortment of banking products proposed each market segment of
customers, studying systematic and increasing use of bank marketing opportunities
contemporary - all these are in the process of solving problems of marketing services in the
commercial banks.
Marketing service from the bank of can be: a component of commercial bank lines of
activity; independent direction of activity of the bank; a tool to coordinate and control all
activities of bank. In this context, commercial banks using different ways of organizing
marketing service. A unique scheme, ideal for achieving marketing activity in the bank there.
Banks use various forms of organization, depending on the specific market and production
nomenclature banking, internal and external factors, and the actual situation on the market.
Marketing organization within the bank can be: by product, by customer segments,
geographic, functional matrix.
Concrete forms of operation of the marketing and business directions may differ
substantially, depending on bank size, specialization and environmental conditions in which
it operates.

Banks in organizing marketing scroll through these steps:

create a marketing management organizational structures;
the selection of specialists in marketing and improving their skill level;
the allocation of tasks, rights and responsibilities of employees Marketing services
(job organization, providing the necessary information, providing technical means);
organizing effective marketing service interaction with other functional services of the
In the device management, marketing department coordinates and provides control
plan sales strategy. A considerable part of the operational issues concerning the conduct of
market and product are solved at the lower level of service given by the manufacturer

directly. Thus, the structure of bank marketing service should provide the following operating
conditions: flexibility; mobility; adaptability.
It should be noted that the simplicity of the structure lead to greater mobility
management system. The decision-making process is one operative. Organization of
marketing in banking involves creating a mentality that will include the following elements:
principle of tolerance; ability to listen; simplicity and pragmatism; creative approach;
development of new methodologies, special concrete for a market study.

Development and promotion of bank marketing can be driven by: the development of
projects for the implementation of marketing in the commercial banks and will be
subsequently demonstrated results and performances; creation and training departments
(services) marketing in the banking structures; permanent monitoring and raising the level of
professionalism of bank clerk. For this purpose to be taken such actions as: the study of
international experience in the field, expanding collaboration and application of modern
methods of instruction and training.
We believe that professionalism human factor determining satisfaction at the highest
level of customer requirements and profitability of banking; creating an information base on
the bank, which would cause marketing program bank and thus the results of banking;
organizing national and international conferences in bank marketing problems that would
stimulate the exchange of opinions and experience, collaborative relationships among
participants; developing teaching materials that would be used to overcome the current
problems of the bank.
The organizations of marketing activities determine bank performance in the market.
Hence, creating and developing optimal organizational structure becomes an imperative of
the time. Marketing will get increasingly more bank in the consciousness of all workers.
Reshape competition as a result of marketing, bank clerk profile, mentality, behavior,
personal image and corporate identity.

Kotler Ph., Keller K.L., 2008, Managementul marketingului, Ediia a V-a, Editura Teora,
Berea A.O., Grigoru C., Balaceanu V.A., 2008, Evaluarea afacerilor. Managementul
financiar i realizarea performanelor, Editura Bren, Bucureti
Cocris V., Chirlesan D., 2008, Economie bancara, Ed. Universitatii al. Ioan Cuza, Iasi
Capraru B., 2010, Activitatea bancara, Sisteme, operatiuni si practici; Ed. C.H. Beck,


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