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Interventions to Support High School Freshmen

Katherine E. Tarvyd

Pepperdine University


Table of Contents


Background 3

Setting 3

Problem Statement 4

Overarching Inquiry Question 5

Purpose Statement 5

Potential Importance of Study 5

Definition of Terms 6

Ethical Plan 7

Study Methodology 7

Cycle One Story

Research Question 8

Key Literature 8

Actions and Measurements 17

Outcomes, Lessons Learned, and Plans for Cycle Two 18

References 23

Appendix A Team 9 Student Survey Results 25

Appendix B Team 9 Parent Survey Results 29

Appendix C Chiron Survey Results 33

Appendix D Former Team 9 Student Survey Results 41


PAR: Interventions to Support High School Freshmen

Part 1: Introduction

Background. Many high school freshmen students have traditionally underperformed in

high school due to their lack of skills and preparation for high school. These students do not

earn enough credits to keep them on track for graduating within the four years they are in high

school. High School is the first experience students have where they are expected to pass all

courses to satisfy graduation requirements. Some students lack academic skills, whereas other

students lack study skills. This topic was chosen to explore the interventions needed to support

freshmen students as they transition to the high school and during their freshmen year to ensure

that they complete their A-G graduation requirements and complete their diploma with their

graduating class.

Setting. This study is set in a high school located in a small district in the West Los

Angeles area. The district has five elementary schools, one middle school, and one traditional

high school. I serve as the Assistant Principal over the Team 9 program and have worked at the

high school for over 20 years. My experience provides me the knowledge of the schools

programs and personnel and places me in an administrative position to make changes to the


The Team 9 program is in its fifth year at the high school, though no data-driven

assessment has been completed of the program. Three teachers served as the Team 9 lead

teacher. Each teacher implemented the program differently, though each used upperclassmen

mentors to assist and tutor the Team 9 students.


Students who do not culminate from the feeder middle school are recommended for the

Team 9 course to gain study skills and organization to assist them during their foundation year at

the high school. Eleven students, composed of seven males and four females, were enrolled in

the Team 9 class during the 2016-17 school year. Seven upperclassmen mentors were assigned

to the class as mentors to work with the Team students. Special Education students are not

placed in the Team program as they receive targeted support from their case carriers.

The collaborators for this program include the schools Intervention Coordinator, the

Team 9 teacher, and the former Team 9 teacher. The Team 9 teacher left on extended maternity

leave during the month of March and will not return to the school until Fall 2019. Hence a long-

term substitute teacher taught the class for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year, and a

replacement teacher for the Team 9 program will take over while the Team 9 teacher is on

maternity leave.

Problem Statement. Culver City High School (CCHS) is the sole feeder high school for

Culver City Middle School (CCMS), and they are physically next door to one another.

Therefore, administrators have easy access to one another. CCHS identified that there is a high

failure rate amongst freshmen with over 60% of students earning at least one F in their freshmen

year. Four years ago, CCHS identified their school-wide goals which include: all freshmen will

earn 60 credits. Through anecdotal discussions between the CCHS and CCMS administrative

staffs and informal conversations with staff, concerns regarding freshmen preparedness for high

school have been identified - specifically for incoming high school freshmen that did not

culminate from middle school to ensure their success in high school.

CCHS implemented a Summer Bridge Program from middle school to high school and a

Team 9 Study Skills course for students who did not culminate from middle school to high

school. However, neither of these programs have been evaluated to understand their

effectiveness. Thus, we do not know which interventions would best support these students in

completing their A-G requirements and graduating on time. Furthermore, middle school

culmination rates and freshmen course completion rates have not been reviewed.

Therefore, a need exists to study appropriate interventions for freshmen high school

students to support them in completing their A-G requirements [i.e. The University of California

(UC) and California State University (CSU) course requirements for entering freshmen] and

graduating on time.

Overarching Inquiry Question. What interventions are needed to support freshmen

students who did not culminate from middle school in completing 60 credits aligned with A-G

requirements, so they will stay on track for graduating on time?

Purpose statement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interventions needed

for freshmen students who did not culminate from middle school to ensure that they remain on

track for completing 60 credits aligned with A-G requirements, so they will stay on track for

graduating on time.

Potential importance of study. High schools will be interested in this study to learn

best practices to support their freshmen students during their first year of high school. Middle

schools will be interested in this study to learn the supports freshmen students will need during

their first year of high school so the middle school can initiate these supports during middle

school to ease the transition of their eighth graders to high school. The outcomes of this study

may be applied in a high school setting to develop programs and activities to support freshman

students during their first year of high school. This PAR will add a case study of a high school

implementing interventions for targeted ninth graders to existing literature. This study is

compelling at this time as it presents strategies to support high school freshmen students who did

not culminate from the middle school. The California Department of Education drives high

schools to ensure that their graduates are A-G ready to prepare them for university entrance.

Providing students with interventions and supports during their freshmen year will increase high

school graduation rates and A-G readiness.

Definition of Terms. Team 9 Team 9 is an intervention course built into the master

schedule to support freshmen students who did not culminate from the middle school. Freshmen

students work with peer tutors to learn study skills, learn about navigating the high school, and

gain assistance with their academic coursework (Culver City High School, n.d.).

Chiron The schools mascot is a Centaur. Greek mythology identifies a Chiron as an

elder and wiser Centaur. A Chiron is an upperclassmen mentor who provides support within the

schools intervention programs. Team 9 students work with eleventh-grade Chirons. (Culver

City High School, n.d.).

Culmination Culver City Middle School includes a promotion contract in the Parent-

Student handbook identifying the requirements students must satisfy to participate in the

culmination or promotion ceremony at the end of the eighth grade. Requirements include

maintaining a minimum of 2.0 grade point average, failing no classes, and maintaining

satisfactory attendance and discipline as identified within the parent-student handbook (Culver

City Middle School, 2016).

A-G readiness A-G readiness is completing the minimum eligibility requirements for

entrance into a public four-year university within the state of California including a University of

California campus or a California State University campus. Although A-G readiness includes

the minimum number of entrance requirements, most University of California campuses

requirement additional coursework due to their impacted campuses. A-G readiness includes

completing the following coursework within the high school years: two years of Social Science,

four years of college preparatory English, two years of a foreign language in one language, three

years of mathematics with a minimum of Algebra I, two years of a laboratory science through

four years are recommended, one year of a visual and performing arts elective, and a year of an

approved college preparatory elective (Culver City High School, 2016).

Ethical Plan. No formal proposal was necessary for this study as it is not considered a

major research project. To conduct a PAR study at Culver City High School, I discussed the

project with my Principal, and the project was approved by her. As it will not be a published

study, it will not need to be approved by the District or Board of Education. Students were asked

to participate in surveys and were given the opportunity to opt-out. The Team 9 teacher, former

Team 9 teachers, the Intervention Coordinator, the Assistant Principal over Curriculum and the

Principal will serve as critical friends and will guide me to assure the studys rigor,

confidentiality, validity, honesty, and impartiality.

Study Methodology. This PAR is a mixed-methods study. Qualitative and quantitative

data in the form of surveys completed by students, parents, and student Chirons are used in this

study. Qualitative data in the form of notes taken during a focus group with the Team 9 teacher,

former Team 9 teacher, and the Intervention Coordinator. Triangulation is used to compare the

data from the different sources.


Part 2: PAR Cycle One Story

Research Question. What interventions are needed to support freshmen students who

did not culminate from middle school in completing 60 credits with A-G requirements, so they

will stay on track for graduation on time?

Key Literature. Five themes emerged from the research on interventions to assist

students as they transition from middle school through their freshmen year in high school.

Successful interventions include a type of freshman academy, peer mentors, summer bridge

programs, teacher/counselor supports, and additional supports. Schools embedding at minimum

one of these strategies show increased engagement and success with their freshmen students.

McCallumore and Sparapani (2010) state increased graduation requirements and rocky

transitions from middle school to high school seem to comprise a majority of the reasons for

students struggling, failing, and dropping out (p. 447). Students who fail to pass all of their

classes in ninth grades have an elevated risk of dropping out (Neild, 2009). Providing

interventions to high school students, specifically as they transition from middle to high school,

contributes to the success of students towards earning their high school diploma.

Neild (2009) discusses that freshmen students have reduced parental supervision as they

transition to high school, many are unprepared for the demands of high school, and that breaking

the bonds with their middle school teachers and peers also have an impact on the transition to

high school. On average, freshmen students attend high school with 60% of their middle school

classmates. Neild argues that each of these factors require different programs or responses to

support the students to remain on track for graduation. Should a ninth grade student not earn

enough credits, he will not promote to the sophomore class requiring the student to stay longer in

high school and creating social complexities.


For the first time in their academic career, freshmen students face the reality of rigorous

classes that one must pass to earn credits towards graduation. Social promotion is no longer in

practice. Fritzer and Herbst (1996) point out that that students have declining academic

performance, increased absences, increased behavioral disturbances, and decreased participation

in extracurricular programs during the transition to a new school (p.7). Ninth-graders have a

22% repeat rate due to these factors. Struggling high school readers fall behind their peers and

have difficulty in understanding the graded-level texts (Lang et al., 2009).

After reviewing data at West High School in Bakersfield, California, Emmett, and

McGee (2012) found that 22% of freshman in that school did not promote to the sophomore

status as they had not earned enough credits to promote. Behavior problems have a great impact

on academic success. McIntosh, Flannery, Sugai, Braun, and Cochrane (2008) stated, the

presence of low academic skills often interfere with social behavior, but the presence of problem

behavior nearly always interferes with academic learning (p. 251). Hence, supporting the

students in all aspects of their life is important.

Neild (2009) states ...ultimately, it is the high schools that bear the most immediate

responsibility for putting in place the curriculum, school organizational feature, and strong

teachers who will increase a ninth graders chances of making a good transition to high school

(p. 72). One high school had a 43 percent discipline referrals rate for their 9th-grade students

during the 2006-07 school year (Frank, 2011).

During their freshmen year, students not only face biological changes as their body is

changing, but they also meet new friends, may face social problems such as bullying and must

pass rigorous courses to stay on track for earning their diploma (McCallumore & Sparapani,

2010). These changes, combined with reduced parental supervision and a change in a school

setting, contribute to transition problems. Programs implemented in some school show success

in supporting freshmen students.

Theme 1 Freshmen-type academies

Whereas many middle schools have a school schedule that meets with a few subjects

each day, typical high schools include six periods a day. Managing this new schedule and a

large campus overwhelms students. Morgan and Hertzog (2001) suggest providing freshmen

with a copy of the school map and schedule to ease the transition to the new school. Freshmen

will use these resources to navigate the campus and arrive at classes on time.

Freshmen-type academies appear in different formats across the research. They are

designed to personalize the support for the social and emotional needs of the students and to

provide targeted remediation for the students who have academic deficiencies (Emmett &

McGee, 2012). The overarching theme amongst these academies is to support freshmen students

through their transition and to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of the students.

West High School implemented a freshman academy that was a concept rather than a physical

space (Emmett & McGee, 2012). Fritzer and Herbst (1996) present the idea of a ninth grade

House concept which includes a separate physical area for the students.

Remediation of subjects is necessary sometimes to prepare the students for advancement

in school. Incoming freshmen at West High School took the STAR Diagnostic Reading

Assessment. Fifty percent of the students were reading at the sixth-grade level, and only 18

percent of the incoming freshmen at were reading at or above grade level (Emmett & McGee,

2012). Hence, the students were at a disadvantage by not possessing the reading ability to

understand the grade-level textbooks. Neild (2009) discusses the academic skills that freshmen

need to be successful in high school and the need to read at grade level. Neild (2009) explains

for students who enter high school below grade level, trying to read and comprehend standard

high school texts is deeply frustrating, and many simply give up (p. 61).

Emmett and McGee (2012) discuss a Freshmen Academy that is a concept rather than an

identified space. This type of school setting allows for freshmen students to mix amongst the

rest of the students in the school and make the transition to the next school year easier. Teachers

share a group of students and offer a double period of English which embeds Scholastics Read

180 program to focus on developing English skills (Emmett & McGee, 2012). Class size is

maxed at 30 students per class to foster relationship building. The idea was to offer smaller

classes where teachers could have more one-on-one time with students. This would also help

with maintaining control of student behavior (Emmett & McGee, 2012, p. 76).

Fritzer and Herbst (1996) present the idea of a Ninth Grade House in a separate physical

area of campus from the other students. A faculty team, including counselors, work with the

freshmen to ease their transition to the high school. An interdisciplinary, themed curriculum is

planned during a common planning period and presented by the team of teachers to assist

students in connecting the ideas across the curricula (Fritzer & Herbst, 1996). The teacher team

uses the common planning period to meet with students, their colleagues, and to hold parent-

student-teacher conferences during the school day. The House assigned counselor and

administrator work directly with their students to support and guide them as their transition into

high school. The suburban school that implemented the Freshmen House had success with their

program and extended it the following year to include a freshmen school orientation and a

weekly motivational assembly for the freshmen class during the first three weeks of school. This

not only motivated the students but also ingrained in them the school expectations and rules.

Project Transition provides for a personalized school environment for teachers and

students (Neild, 2009, p. 64). Students and teachers are placed in interdisciplinary teams to

create lessons, facilitate meetings, coordinate professional development and to coach the teachers

on the lessons. Common planning time for the teachers is effective as the teachers use the time

to work on lessons and discuss student progress. This collaborative instruction focus leads to a

more personalized learning environment at one school where students earned higher GPAs and

more credits (Neild, 2009). The Ninth Grade Success Academy, another freshman academy

model, placed their students in physical proximity to one another to facilitate communication and

problem-solving amongst the students (Neild, 2009). Talent Development Schools use a block

schedule with their freshmen students to limit the courses freshmen take to four at a time.

Additionally, students take two English classes and two math classes to catch up on academic

skills (Neild, 2009, p.66). The second class is a supplement to accelerate the learning and

prepare them for college preparatory course sequences.

Theme 2 Summer Bridge programs

Some districts are providing a Summer Bridge program during the summer from eighth

to ninth grade. Students familiarize themselves with the physical campus at the high school,

focus on skill development in math and reading before starting the school year, and introducing

high school personnel and their peers (Neild, 2009). The Step Up to High School program in

Chicago targeted students who ranked in the 35th to 29th percentiles in reading and math for

their summer bridge program (Neild, 2009). This district focused on these students as there was

a high probability that they would struggle in high school. A study found that students who

participated in this program had significantly and substantially higher rates of being on track

after ninth grade (Neild, 2009).


At another school, a summer orientation for 26 identified at-risk students took place a

week before school started where ninth-grade students were paired with upperclassmen mentors.

Students planned joint activities and fundraisers to cement the time they would work together

(Frank, 2011). These activities established the bond between the students and created a

connection to the school.

Theme 3 Peer Mentors

Peer mentoring frequently appears in the research as an effective intervention for

freshmen students. Fritzer and Herbst (1996) discuss the value of using upperclassmen as peer

mentors in school clubs and sports. Freshmen students have an easier time becoming involved in

school activities when teamed with an upperclassmen student. Pairing the freshmen students

with active and influential members of the Senior class helps to encourage the students to

become involved in their school (Fritzer & Herbst, 1996, p. 8).

State, Harrison, Kern, and Lewis (2017) present information about a Check and

Connect program where mentor students collect weekly data (i.e., absences, suspensions,

grades, missing assignments, and office discipline referrals) and meet with their mentees to

review the information and problem-solve on how to improve upon it (p. 29). Mentors work

with the students after securing appropriate permissions due to the sensitive and confidential data

with which they work.

Creating a buddy system for freshmen by teaming them with upperclassmen has eased

the transition for the ninth graders. Some districts implement a one-day orientation before

school students to create this bond (Neild, 2009). Link Crew leaders, upperclassmen nominated

by their teachers, receive a two-day training to work with the underclassmen. The Link Crew

members participate in a freshmen orientation and implement freshmen activities throughout the

school year. At one school, they worked as peer tutors with freshmen English classes (Emmett

& McGee, 2012).

A peer mentoring club existed at a high school that encompassed individualized meetings

with at-risk freshmen students and their senior mentors. The frequency of the meetings

contributed to the 65% success rate of the freshmen student earning the credits to advance to

sophomore status (Frank, 2011). Each mentoring meeting lasted 43 minutes, sometimes meeting

daily and was under the supervision of the librarian. Students focused on organizational and

study skills. Mentors monitored their mentees grades to determine where to focus their efforts.

Mentors also accompanied their mentees to discuss problems with their teachers (Frank, 2011).

At the end of the school year, mentees and mentors participated in a trip to a theme park as a

reward. Students were not required to spend the day together at the theme park; most pairs did

spend the day together thus demonstrating the bond the students had formed. Frank (2011)

found peer mentoring is about forming relationships. The freshmen realize that their mentors

care about them and have high expectations (p. 68). Establishing the mentor-mentee bond had a

positive impact on the students.

Theme 4 Teachers; counselors, support

Creating a bond with an adult at school enhances a students success rate in high school.

Ninth grade teachers need to be experienced and implement solid classroom management skills

to support the students (Frank, 2011). Frank (2011) found teachers who are assigned to ninth

graders are more likely than teachers in the upper grades to be uncertified, new to the profession,

new to the school and sometimes all three (p. 62). Assigning experienced teachers to this grade

level and providing adequate training and support will contribute to the success of the students.

At one high school, six high school teachers chose to adopt and mentor an identified at-risk

student by providing guidance and support during the school year. This team expanded to

include a program coordinator, the school psychologist, and the school librarian to support the


Providing reading opportunities across the curriculum so students can develop

comprehension and reasoning strategies supports the students (Lang et al., 2009). At one school,

reading programs were identified, and teachers were trained in their implementation. Providing

the targeted support to the teachers trickled down to empowering the skills of the students.

The Talent Development schools implement a professional development program for

teachers assigned to freshmen courses. Teachers participate in several days of professional

development before the school year starts to learn key instructional strategies to use with

freshmen. Neild (2009) identified teachers receive intensive support from classroom coaches,

who preview upcoming curriculum units, provide feedback on lessons that they observe, model

key instructional strategies, and research additional instruction materials (p. 66). Supporting

teachers who work with freshmen students is important to ensure they meet the needs of the

students, so they learn the curriculum and pass their classes.

The consistency of classroom interventions implementation (e.g., expectations, routines,

etc.) and student interventions (e.g., study and organizational skills) have a positive impact on

the emotional and behavioral development of high school students (State et al., p. 26). Students

have emotional and behavioral challenges if they lack support. Teacher training, teacher

efficacy, and collaboration are critical components of working with freshmen students to support

their academic and social needs of their students (Emmett & McGee, p. 74).

Theme 5 - Additional supports

Parents also need to be supported through the transition to high school. McCallumore

and Sparapani (2011) present the idea of a parent information night where parents can learn

about the school, its programs, its expectations and meet some of the personnel including

freshmen teachers. Morgan and Hertzog (2001) suggest inviting groups of 15-20 parents to

coffee or tea hosted by the school administrators to discuss school procedures and policies.

Supporting the student and parent through the transition will provide an easier transition.

A High School 101 course is offered to freshmen students during the school year in

another high school. In this course, students are taught essential high school survival skills such

as time management, decision-making skills, study skills, test-taking strategies, social tolerance,

computer research skills, and career alignment (McCallumore & Sparapani, 2010, p. 448).

Preparing the students for the rigors of high school and teenage social interactions contribute to

academic success.

The five themes identified in the research to assist students as they transition from middle

school through their freshmen year in high school include a freshman academy, peer mentors,

summer bridge programs, teacher/counselor supports, and additional supports. These themes

will guide the application of my Participatory Research Project (PAR). Although Culver City

High School has implemented some of these support programs, their successes have not been

evaluated. The next steps in the PAR project will be to evaluate the effectiveness of the Team 9

intervention program and the use of upperclassmen mentors within the program.

Freshmen students need interventions as they transition to the high school where they

experience a new school setting with new teachers, peers, curriculum, and academic

expectations. Students who enter high school lacking reading and math skills are at a

disadvantage to other students when trying to complete the credits for the freshmen year. (Lang

et al., 2009) Additionally, these deficiencies contribute to student misbehaviors and discipline

referrals to the office while pulling the students from needed academic time (McCallumore &

Sparapani, 2010).

Neild (2009) stated it goes almost without saying that one of the most important things

that school districts can do to support ninth-grade reform is to encourage interventions at the

school level that have research support (p. 69). Successful research-based freshmen support

systems include freshmen-type academies, summer bridge programs, upperclassmen mentors,

targeted training and support for teachers and counselors, parent information nights, and the need

for freshmen students to participate in school extracurricular activities. Each type of support will

not be successful without one or more of the other identified support systems.

Actions and Measurements. During Cycle One of the PAR process, research on high

school interventions specifically focusing on interventions for freshmen students was reviewed.

Questionnaires were developed and administered to current freshmen students in CCHS Team 9

support class. Questionnaires were also developed and administered to the parents of current

Team 9 students and to former Team 9 students to determine the impact of the program. Refer to

Appendices A, B, C, and D to view the questionnaires.

A focus group including the current Team 9 teacher, the former Team 9 teacher, and the

Intervention Coordinator was held to discuss the program, its successes, and changes that could

be implemented to strengthen the program. The Intervention Coordinator shared book resources

and lessons she obtained while attending a conference to support freshmen students. A day-by-

day layout of the freshmen supports program was discussed and will be laid out for future Team

9 teachers. It was determined that the incoming Team 9 teacher did not have the necessary

support to understand and structure the program for the Team 9 class. A guide book should be

created for the Team 9 teacher for the types of lessons and supports to be implemented for the

Team 9 students. This information will assist the teacher in organizing and structuring the

students to support them and to guide the Chiron mentors in assisting their Team 9 mentee.

A second focus group including the Intervention Coordinator, former Team 9 teacher,

future Team 9 teacher, and the future Team 11/12 teacher took place to discuss changes to the

program and to introduce the new Team teachers to the program. Results from the surveys were

discussed and considered as the program is being re-vamped for the new school year. The group

discussed visiting La Serna High School, the school upon which CCHS intervention program is

based. The team discussed

Finally, a parent information night took place at a local restaurant. Team 9 students, their

Chiron upperclassmen mentors, and the Team 9 students were invited to learn about the program,

meet the teachers and administrator over the program, and most importantly for the Team 9

parent and the Chiron to meet to discuss the progress the Team 9 student made over the school

year. The connections made between the student, student mentors, parents, and teacher will

continue to support the Team 9 students through their freshmen year of high school.

Outcomes, Lessons Learned, and Plans for Cycle Two. Hord, Rutherford, Huling, and

Hall (2006) present the six strategies to support change which include a shared vision of the

change, professional learning, an implementation plan and required resources, implementation

progress, ongoing assistance, and a context that supports change. Change facilitators should

implement these strategies into innovations to successfully make a change. The steps do not

need to be completely followed, but can be adjusted along the journey to change (Hord,

Rutherford, Huling, & Hall, 2006).


Hord, Rutherford, Huling, and Hall (2006) discuss that concerns can be a highly

effective guide to actions that school leaders or others might take to facilitate the implementation

of change (p. 43). The Team teacher expressed a need for a course guidebook to be created for

the Team 9 teacher including the types of lessons and supports implemented within the Team 9

program. Lack of clarity in a program will lead to personal preferences when implementing a

program (Bolman & Deal, 2008). This information will assist the teacher in organizing and

structuring the students to support them and to guide the Chiron mentors in assisting their Team

9 mentee. Some Chirons feel there should be more structure to the program and that the teacher

should be more proactive. Some Chrions felt that the grading procedures should be addressed as

they are too focused on paperwork being turned in (i.e., - progress reports). The primary

concerns are information and management concerns which will be developed (Holt, Rutherford,

Huling, & Hall, 2006). These expressed concerns guide the program to more effective


The Administrator over the program and the new Team teacher will visit La Serna High

School, the school whose intervention program is modeled upon at the school studied to learn

more about their intervention program. The team will observe their training for mentors, after

which we will be able to discuss their intervention program with their Intervention Coordinator.

Clarity and a sense of direction are part of the structural frame of an organization (Bolman &

Deal, 2008). Implementing formal patterns and policies will provide clarity and a sense of

direction for teachers.

Teachers suggested that Team 9 students be scheduled with the same teachers in their

core subjects to assist with helping students complete assignments. The Team 9 administrator

will discuss the possibility of like scheduling with the administrator who oversees the master

schedule. The teacher and mentors feel this will impact the program as they will assist students

from one English teacher rather than five English teachers. Hence, the teacher and mentors will

be able to provide more targeted support for homework and projects. Bolman and Deal state an

organizations structure represents its best efforts to align internal workings with outside

concerns (p. 97). Aligning the students with like teachers is a minor change that should have a

heavy impact on the success of the program.

The Team teachers decided to hold two parent/student/Chiron evenings - one each

semester. The fall meeting will be scheduled within the first month of school. Although parents

feel that their students benefit from participating in the Team 9 program, a parent stated that he

was not clear on how he could support and reinforce the Team 9 goals. At the Fall parent

meeting, the Team 9 teachers will present supports parents can use with their Team 9 students to

impact their freshmen year. Strengthening the symbolic frame of the program by communicating

its goals and sharing knowledge with the parents will make the program stronger (Bolman &

Deal, 2008).

Student surveys indicate they feel they are making progress in the Team program. Some

do not like the paperwork associated with the program (i.e., progress reports), though 78% of the

students were neutral or feel like they learn English skills from their Chiron. Team 9 math skills

are positively impacted by their Chiron; 100% of the Team 9 students state they are neutral or

feel like they learn math from their Chiron. Team 9 students recognize the benefits they receive

being part of the Team program; 100% of the Team 9 students state they are neutral or agreed

they improved as students since being in the 9th grade due to their participation in the

intervention program. Students feel they learned study skills, to be more responsible, to organize

themselves, and to be more social. Students who look the least engaged are often the most

committed ones of the group (Zander & Zander, 2008).

The Team students benefit from the study hall time and being able to obtain help from the

Chiron. Students noted their Chiron is supportive and not strict like some teachers. A student

stated in his survey that he felt like his Chiron is stuck to them like glue. The Team teacher

will explain the role of the Chiron to the Team students and Chiron; additionally the teacher will

train Chirons on effective mentorship strategies. Students state their Chiron helps them remain

on track at school. This Team 9 teacher, Intervention Coordinator, and the administrator of the

program will use this information to make decisions for the program

The success of the Team program is not solely attributed to the teacher. According to

Zander and Zander (2000), a leader does not need a podium; she can be sitting quietly on the

edge of any chair, listening passionately and with commitment, fully prepared to take up the

baton (p.76). Chirons, the upperclassmen mentors in the Team program, lead from their chair

in the Team 9 classroom. Recruitment of Chirons will be developed as some Chirons had to

work with more than one student. The upperclassmen mentors feel that the program would have

more impact if a one-to-one ratio existed in the Team program. Many times, students work on

assignments for different teachers which reduced the amount of time each mentor had for each

mentee if he was working with more than one student. Holt, Rutherford, Huling, and Hall (2006)

discuss a prime responsibility of change facilitators is to guide the change process to the point

of successful implementation (p.54). I will work with the Intervention Coordinator to recruit

more Chirons for the Team program to empower this intervention program for its participants.

In the next cycle, I plan on implementing the ideas presented in this section of the paper.

Bolman and Deal (2002) recognize that frequent glances in a schools rearview mirror are as

necessary as having a vision of the future (p. 104). Analyzing a schools program is necessary

to ensure its impact and to make progress. Effective leaders will ask questions and lead their

school through the steps to necessary change. I learned a wealth of knowledge through the first

cycle of this PAR and plan on fine-tuning the project with minor adjustments in cycle two.


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Condensed for Quick Review 76(2): 60-64.

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Morgan, P. L. & Hertzog, C. J. (2001). Designing comprehensive transitions. Principal

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Appendix A

Team 9 Student Survey Results


What did you expect Do you feel TEAM 9 What changes, if What improvements
for your student and your Chiron any, would you may you suggest for
from TEAM 9 this helped you grow suggest to improve your Chiron for the
year? Were your academically, the TEAM 9 class? rest of the year?
expectations reached socially, emotionally, How can we help
so far? Why or why etc? Why or Why improve academic,
not? not? How? social, emotional
success for all
i expected what s yes it helped me with none not be so pushy
going on right now my homework
to help me with math mainly I need help letting us listen to I do not need help
so I could get at least academically. I think music because that's socially or
a c this year that They have helped when I work my best. emotionally that's not
me a little in math but It helps me to focus my chiron or teachers
there is still room for and stay on task by place. To me the best
improvment including blocking out all way my teacher and
me outside noises. chiron can help me is
I didn't expect Yes, academically The only change I I want my chiron to
anything but I didn't this class helped me want if for there to be stay the same because
know we would have because of all the anymore he is doing everything
someone to help us effort the teacher and presentations because right so far.
and in our own chiron put in. I feel as if it is a waste
person. of time.
Yes they were Yes because I've Less paper work so
because I've improved turned in my work we can have more
my work habits and more often and on time to work on other
I've been more on top time classes
of things

Yeah, i guess because I would change the To not be all over the
they are there to help way the chirons are kids backs and let
when i need it. stuck to us like glue. I them breathe
would just have them sometimes.
do whatever they
have to do and if the
students need help
then they ask for it

What I expected from I feel like my chiron I would change the My chiron is perfectly
TEAM 9 was reached helped me grow progress reports for at fine.
so far. My academically. least once or twice a
expectations were for Because, she has month. I don't like the
my chiron to being helped me be more fact that we have to
able to help me in my independent on my do it every week of
classes that I was assignments for my the month. I just feel
struggling in. classes. like it's more work on
us. We are here in
TEAM 9 to get help.
We're obviously
getting help because
we struggled in our
classes or whatever
reason. So, yeah I
don't like the progress
reports all the time.
I feel like my chiron more time for study Be more social with
helped me hall you chiron
academically because
of the ways he taught
me helped me take
notes and i learned
new ways to do things
Yes, because she More focus on one on show more positive
stayed focus witch one activities that emotion/feelings
helped me. She help with specific when being strict and
always checked in work and group helping your student
with me and always activities as well that keep up and stay on
wanted full details help, like math groups track with work
which made me do and one on one habits.
and focus more. testing.
yes because I was none none
able to learn math a
lot better with my

What do you like What do you like Please provide any

best about TEAM 9 least about TEAM 9 other suggestions or
so far? Why? so far? Why? comments you have
about TEAM 9.

its very fun and the blue sheet

the snack and getting Some of the let us listen to music
help in math restrictions and please
strictness. I also do
not like being told
what to do or
I like the chirons the I don't like all of the
most because they presentations because
encourage everyone it takes up time for us
all the time. to study.
The help and extra Some of the paper No comment
time I get in here to work I get in here
work cause its very cause it takes away
useful for when Im from the time I could
busy outa school be using for subjects
with lower grades
I like that we get help About how the I don have any.
and that we have chirons are all over
someone by our sides. our backs.

What I like bestis the The progress reports.

help that we get so
that I can improve in
my classes.
I like the study hall it We should get more
helps me a lot with time of study hall
my study skills and
helps me get work
done in class
That everyone gets
included so no one
feels left out.
The Chirons are none none
supportive and not
strict like some

Appendix B

Team 9 Parent Survey Results


What did you expect Do you feel TEAM 9 What changes, if What improvements
for your student and your students any, would you may you suggest for
from TEAM 9 this Chiron helped your suggest to improve your Chiron for the
year? Were your student grow the TEAM 9 class? rest of the year?
expectations reached academically, How can we help
so far? Why or why socially, emotionally, improve academic,
not? etc? Why or Why social, emotional
not? How? success for all
I Expected more Yes, because, So far, very pleased. She is doing a good
motivation, self Academically his work !!
coonfidence, and grades went up and
responsabilty. My socially ineracting
expectations where specially with his
definitely reached. Chiron created a
Bond , Emotionally,
He feels more
Confident . (Better
I was surprised that Emily was the perfect Possibly more contact I'm not certain that I
this program existed, Chirons for my son. with the teachers can give a general
it is something that I Academically he still syllabus for the suggestion without
believe that many has alot to work on, student, that way the knowing how the
students could benefit more specifically his Chirons can help keep other Chirons work.
organization skills and
from. Our particular the student on track I'm certain every
staying on task. But, I
results could be much can honestly say that Chiron has their own
higher, but that lays she has been a positive way of approaching
solely on the my son ( influence on his overall schoolwork, unless
the student) and I, experience with school. the Chirons go
(the parent) It's comforting that she through some sort of
shows genuine concern generalized training.
for him and his
achievements. For a
teenage boy in his stage
of development he is
constantly around other
teens that are quick to
be negative about
eachother. She has a
nurturing energy about
herself, and my son has
even said that he feels
lucky to have her as an
advocate as well as a

I expected support Yes. My child It wasn't clear to me My son's Chiron is a

and assistance in struggles with school. initially how I could great kid. He is
helping my child He has the potential support and reinforce conscientious and
reach his potential. but not the the TEAM 9 goals. very caring.
My expectations were motivation. TEAM 9 I reached out to Ms. However, He is also
exceeded. Ms. Ta is makes him Ta to learn more. She very smart in math.
amazing! She is able accountable and his was more than Math is a subject my
to look past a child's Chiron has been an accommodating. son struggles with.
deficient and see their excellent role model It might be helpful to He feels he is not
potential. I met with and support for him. "check in" with "good" at it. He also
her and we created a His Chiron even individual parents to feels that people who
plan together with invested time to help see if they really are are "good" at math
her, me and my child. him with his math understanding how expect struggling
The plan has really after school hours. He the program works. people to catch on
helped him to become "faced-time" with my faster than they can. I
more motivated and child to give him am not sure if my
invested in his own extra help. I am so son's perspective is
learning. appreciative of the correct or not but he
support my son has did feel
Improved She's great but I think Someone the child None
organization skills, there's only so much can connect with on
one on one teacher she could do. all levels. Someone
engagement. Basic perhaps a little older
study planning. with recent high
Unfortunately we're school experiences.
not there yet.

What do you like What do you like Please provide any

best about TEAM 9 least about TEAM 9 other suggestions or
so far? Why? so far? Why? comments you have
about TEAM 9.

it gave my son a we like every thing Thanks for the

space to grow and oportunity.
mature emoconally
more than any thing .
Everyone associated I can't say I dislike It's important for me
with the program is anything about it. to mention that my
focused on providing son still needs to
a positive atmosphere. improve his academic
That I believe is the scores, however his
foundation of any overall disposition
learning program has greatly improved
this year. That is
ultimately my greatest
Ms. Ta! Ms. Ta is I can't think of I am a little anxious
amazing. I have not anything I don't like. since Ms. Ta is going
met many teachers on maternity leave. I
especially in middle am not sure how the
to high school who program will be since
are so committed to she is leaving. I think
their students. She it would have been a
has done so much to good idea if the new
help my son. He has teacher would
been able to meet introduce him/herself
with her after school and tell us what if any
to complete changes will be taking
homework place and to know a
assignments are to little more about
receive help with him/her.
math. She answers
my emails promptly
and is always
available. She really
is special. I am so
glad he had the
opportunity to work
with her.
The effort is in place I haven't seen
to help the students. improvement.
I'm not clear about the

Appendix C

Chiron Survey Results


What did you expect Do you feel you are What changes, if What improvements
for your student making a difference any, would you may you suggest for
from TEAM 9 this with your mentee suggest to improve your mentee for the
year? Were your (academically, the TEAM 9 class? rest of the year?
expectations reached socially, How can we help
so far? Why or why emotionally)? Why improve academic,
not? or why not? social, emotional
success for all
I expected my Yes. I feel as though I To improve TEAM 9, For the rest of the
students to see their am helping them get I would try to find year, i can suggest
grades improve, while used to high school, more chirons, because that my mentees
adjusting to high making sure they feel working with two really buckle down in
school life. My they have support students can be school, being that
expectations were from me. Both of my challenging. there is about half a
reached for the most mentees know I care semester left.
part. They are for them and will help Socially, I am going
adjusting to high them with anything. to encourage them to
school life well, but Academically, I think go out of their
their grades have not I am also making a comfort zone little
shown as much difference, but not as bit, to try new things
improvement as I much as i have hoped. and make new
have hoped. friends.
To have my student Yes, I do believe that Nothing Try to put more effort
put in the same I am making a into school, push the
amount of effort that I difference in my students that getting
put into this process. mentee's life good grades is
No, my expectations academically because needed.
were not reached my students grades
because I still have to have improved since
continuously ask my middle school. But, I
students to do still believe that my
something over and students could do
over again. better if they put more
effort towards school.

I expected a good, I do feel like I am A change team 9 I really want to

well respected making a significant should consider is the emphasize the
environment where difference in my type of teachers they importance of a future
me and my mentee mentee's life because chose to lead TEAM in the mentee's life. I
could efficiently work his life is unique. He 9. A strong, proactive want to emphasize
together to better the has some obstacles teacher is important how every action my
mentees school life that most people do because the type of mentee takes is an
and their life in not have. Having a kids that are in this effect on their future.
general. Team 9 has helper (me) by his class needs a teacher
met my expectations, side to guide him like that.
and maybe even through his school
exceed, because the and life has eased the
techniques utilized to burden.
maintain an orderly
life and surpassed my
expectations. The
techniques used to
help the students are
creative and
i thought my men-tee definitely socially and more organized but for him to apply
would not care about emotionally the alot of freedom himself he has the
school at all which toughest was capability
was true but with academically. we
some work he is have become really
really coming around close and he tells me

I expected my TEAM I do feel like I am TEAM 9 is pretty I suggest my mentee

9 student to be making a difference well coordinated as is, have a monitored
enthusiastic about socially and but if I had to watch by the teacher
having a period academically because improve one thing to make sure my
reserved for getting my mentee is starting about it, it would be mentee is paying
work done. My to speak up and more cooperative attention in class or
mentee doesn't enjoy participate in more work like more study gets extra help when
the class as much as I activities as well as groups when there is falling below a C.
would have thought, improve on work an upcoming test.
but does get work habits. Through this method,
done when prompted. mentees will be much
more prepared and
ready when the test
comes as it will serve
as a tutoring or mini-
cram session.
In addition, I believe
removing the Weekly
Progress Report
would be a change for
a the better because I
don't see it helping
the mentees because
all it requires is
signing signatures and
often most mentees
do not get them
signed. Because they
are not signed,
mentees lose points
and most of them
have their grade
lowered solely
through this sheet. I
just do not see how
this sheet helps and
improves a student's
work habits.

I expected that my Yes, I definitely think I think it should just My suggestion for
student would work I'm making a be a little more them is to work hard
hard and want to have difference with my organized so that because they are
a successful freshman mentees because even mentees have more going to want to get
year. My expectations though i have to push one on one so that their work done so
were some what met them so that they can chirons don't get two, that they can get into
because both my get there work done, because it becomes the habit of doing it
students work hard they grow more and complicated to work themselves without
but they usually need more academically. I with them and get anyone constantly
a pep talk to also feel like in a way them the help they telling them. We can
encourage them to do i have helped them need at the same time. help the students
the work. I don't mind socially and achieve this by
giving them a push emotionally because continuing programs
but I was expecting I've come to care for such as TEAM 9
that maybe by second them as friends and
semester they would we always talk and
take the initiative and they tell me whenever
do it themselves. they are having a hard
time with anything.
They also know to
look for me at school
if they ever need help
with anything.

I expected my student I do believe so, my Less systematic of an Stress the importance

to be improving mentee considers environment, and of taking action for
quicker than they are. himself not perhaps different yourself.
If there is anything responsible or grading procedures.
I've learned from this intelligent. I've Right now the
class is that progress pushed him very hard mentees grades are
is a team effort, that this year to take based only on the
no matter the responsibility for his sheets they complete
resources or aid I homework, absences, every week.
provide my mentee it and actions and I
is up to him to accept think that is
it and use it. I do see something he and his
some more home could not have
improvement from really emphasized, so
him this second I am happy I was able
semester which is too. In the beginning
encouraging. of the school year, it
took me over a month
for him to get
comfortable with me;
today he's disclosed
to me some personal
things about his
personal night, all
subtly, but even
though he refuses to
say it bluntly I know
he trusts me. I'd like
to think I know him
pretty well now.
Academically, he still
struggles and is not
incredibly motivated.
I believe I have made
an impact, but not
nearly as large as I
would like to have
made. Luckily there is
still time left for me
to change that.

What do you like What do you like Please provide any

best about TEAM 9 least about TEAM 9 other suggestions or
so far? Why? so far? Why? comments you have
about TEAM 9.

I love that as a class, The class structure is The class as a whole

we are all there to a little rough. The is an amazing way to
support each other. class is meant to be a ensure the freshman
With my metees, I support class, but being their high
love that I get to make some of the students school careers off
connections with don't have passing positively.
freshman who I grades, which I
wouldn't usually get personally do not
to know, and also get agree with.
to make a positive
impact in their lives.
The whole concept of The behavior of some
the chiron class, and of the students in the
the fun Fridays and class, they don't take
team 9/10 challenge. advantage of this
class period.
I really like how What i dont really
interactive and how like about TEAM 9 so
involved the Mentor far is how rules are
is involved in the not totally enforce.
mentee's life. It is This allows students
important to give the to partake in rowdy
mentees a push in behavior and lets
their life and having a them continue this
mentor there to do so behavior. Without
is the best way. strong rule
mentees have
preconceived notions
that their type of
behavior is allowed in
a working
connecting with my ms ta to have group study
mentee it made me sessions organized by
realize what i want to level of learning
do with my life
TEAM 9 is really fun, When my mentee Very helpful and
interactive, and doesn't do work, that's beneficial program
satisfying because what I find least

helping someone to enjoyable about for those falling

understand something TEAM 9. Sometimes behind academically.
is enjoying. my mentee just
doesn't feel like doing
work or ignores my
help or doesn't ask for
help when needed.
There can be a lack of
communication at
times which can
affect learning and
ability to understand
certain topics.
I like that I'm able to I don't like that it the Keep it going!
help other more than teacher cant get a
myself because i feel handle of certain
that i'm making a students from time to
difference in time.
someones life
I love the personal Some days are not as None.
connection built with productive as others
the mentee, and the so it can occasionally
traditions engrained feel like a waste.
in the class like the
raffles, whoops and
poops, and fun

Appendix D

Former Team 9 Student Survey Results


At the beginning of Do you feel TEAM 9 What changes, if How did you change
the school year, and your Chiron any, would you as a student after
what did you expect helped you grow suggest to improve being a TEAM 9
from TEAM 9? At academically, the TEAM 9 class? student?
the end of the year, socially, emotionally,
were your etc? Why or Why
expectations met? not? How?
Why or why not?
At the beginning of Yes, I do feel the I believe there should I became more use to
the school year, I was team 9 helped me be more group events, taking responsibility
expecting more of a grow academically, only because there is for not doing the
baby sitting type socially, and only one the entire things i should have,
class. As the year emotionally because year and I feel that in being able to say
went by, I had my Chiron, Dezyier, order to become something was my
realized that there was and I connected on closer as a group fault was hard for me,
more freedom than I more than just an there should be more but with Team 9,
expected and was academic level and I events with each other academically there is
really happy that that felt it helped me be and the Team 10 no excuse.
was the case. able to ask for help. class. Maybe a group
study hall rather than
the two groups
at the beginning of i feel Team 9 did help To be fair i dont think after team 9 i feel like
the school year i me a lot all around. there should be any i became more social
expected team 9 just my Chiron Daniel changes because the and it also motivated
to help me with my Solache helped me a class is perfectly fine. me to finish my work
grades. at the end of lot and we became and all the chirons and gave me great
the year my very good friends and they choose are good study skills.
expectations were we still are. He also people.
more than met. helped keep my
grades up and
motivated me to get
my work done all the

At the beginning of I do think TEAM 9 I don't have ant TEAM 9 helped me

the school year, I and my chiron helped suggestions to help be more organized
didn't expect TEAM 9 me grow improve the class. and helped me
to be that helpful, but academically, because improve my study
it was, so by the end there was a lot of skills.
of the year my work my chiron
expectations were helped me with that I
surpassed. don't thunk I would've
understood without
their help. They also
helped me improve
my organization
I thought team 9 was I think my Chiron Nothing really, when I learned how to be
just going to be a helped me I was in that class organized and that it's
class I did my work academically, she everything workout OK to ask for help.
in, I didn't expect showed me and gave so I think things
much from it. yes, me tips I can use in should stay the same.
and more. The class class and at home. she
helped me learn what also showed me new
I need to do to be was to study my
organized and what I work.
should and should not
study, it helped a lot.
i expected to see yes, my chiron and No changes needs to As a students i
improvement in all team 9 teacher helped be made the class was changed academically
my classes. Yes all of me improved perfect. and socially.
my expectations was academically and
met because i passed socially beacuse i
all of my classes. passed all my classes
and began to socialize
more with people.
In the beginning i My chiron helped me the teacher i felt like i learned to become
expected it to help me in many ways. He the teacher was alittle more organized,
have good grades. In helped me stay on too stubborn with us friendly, and new
the end i got okay track and even would it made most of us study habits.
grades remind me to do my feel kind've dumb. I
work by texting me. didn't think the
He always made it yellow sheets really
fun and not boring. helped me either.

In the beginning of Yes, TEAM 9 and my One suggestion is to Being in TEAM 9

the school year, Chiron helped me add more taught me study skills
TEAM 9 was very learn from a motivational games or and how to be more
productive and perspective that may prizes to push the raesponsable.
helpful. My not be taught in class students to thrive in
expectations were met but still helped me there school work.
mostly because enormously in my
having someone by education.
my side helping me
through my struggles
in school work helped
me concentrate and
motivated me to do

well from team 9 i yes it did my chiron well i suggest more well like i said i got
was really nervous , was really helpful she teacher help and more better at math.
but i knew it would showed me ways of time when it comes to
help me , some highschool and school work
expectations i met helped me through
were me getting better my problems.
at math .
to help with my yes because if not for that when pair the two i was more open to
school work that i Camilla i wouldn't be people that the chiron talking to upper
didn't finish in class able to talk in front of is able to help and has clansmen and to talk
and to help me with a class of students and a strong suit in that to the teachers to get
my homework that im would probably be students weaknesses. more connected
not able to complete failing 9th grade
at home. my grades because all i wanted
didn't reflect what i to do was play in the
was doing in that local neighborhood
class. i completed my and she was the one
work but lost it or to tell me to get back
procrastinated a lot to work and the fact
so. she was really good at
math and i wasn't was
amazing resource to

Please provide any

other suggestions or
comments you have
about TEAM 9.

None ! (:
Nothing everything
was perfect.
It was great
No projects for team
9. That class is made
for us to study for
other classes

more chirons and

more time when
working on hw
keep it going. it
definitely help me
through 9th grade and
will help the
oncoming students

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