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Conditioning Your Mind For Success

To make a significant change in your life and achieve whatever goals you set for yourself you
must condition your mind for success.

The journey of success (and it is a journey) will be full excitement, achievement, happiness
and satisfaction.


The journey of success will also be full of pitfalls, obstacles, failures and challenges. And if
you arent able to handle the failures, youll never reap the reward of the achievements.

Learning how to handle failures, setbacks and challenges starts with how you approach
everything in your life, ESPECIALLY THE LITTLE THINGS.

Conditioning your mind for success means establishing new habits, and habits are formed
with the little things you do every day.

Let me explain with a quick example

Imagine youve entered into a marathon 3 months down the track, but each day you dont
train, you dont run and you dont work on your fitness, technique or psychology.

By the time the big day comes you wont have the required physical or mental conditioning to
win the race. Heck, you probably wont even finish!

But if you trained every day If you improved your performance every day... If you planned
how you were going to become your very best for the big day How do you think youd go?

Probably a whole lot better. In fact, you might even win the race!

Achieving success in your own personal, professional or business life is the same. If you dont
work on your mindset, your focus and your ability to keep positive every day, you wont be
able to handle the difficult times when they come


Its easy to be focused, positive and keep moving forward when things are going to plan. The
key is to be able to do the same when things are NOT going to plan.

To be able to do this requires doing certain things every single day to to condition your mind
for success.

But before I share some proven techniques you can start using immediately its important to
understand that everything comes down to building positive habits (habits which improve your
life) and getting rid of negative habits (habits which hold you back from achieving your goals).
Generally, it takes 21 days to build a new habit. And although I will be giving you 5 techniques
you can utilize on a daily basis to condition your mind for success, make it easy to succeed by
practicing one thing at a time for 21 days, until it becomes a habit and then moving on to
something else. The wonderful thing about building a habit is that you only need to do it once,
and the habit will continue for life (or until you change it).

In any case, here are 5 things you can do on a daily basis to condition your mind for success:


By writing out goals for each part of your life as soon as you awake, you focus your mind on
what you want to achieve. Your mind will be looking for ways throughout the day to move you
closer to your goals with the least possible effort.


The key to your success is defining what you want (ie. writing your goals) and then focusing
on the achievement of those goals. Focusing on what you want means thinking about what
you want all the time, and refusing to entertain thoughts of doubt or fear.


Every thought we have is a result of a question we ask ourselves. If something negative

happens in our lives we automatically ask ourselves 'why me?' or 'why does this have to
happen?'. By asking yourself a question you give your mind license to think of anything that
answers that question. The problem lies in that your mind can choose to think of positive
answers or negative answers (thinking negatively is usually much easier for most people and
is how most people are conditioned).

A much better approach is to take better care with the questions you ask yourself, and ask
questions where there can only be a positive answer. So that instead of asking 'why me', you
can ask yourself 'what can I learn from this?' or 'what is positive about this?'. It won't be easy
in the beginning, but with practice it will become easy.


The quality of the people in your life will determine the quality of your life. If your friends are
successful, positive people then you will be too. But if your friends are negative, doubtful
people who constantly live in fear then you will become that too. By only allowing the most
positive people in your life you give yourself every opportunity to succeed.


You should write down everything you want to achieve every day, prioritize it in order of most
important to least important and focus only on completing the top task until it is complete, then
the next task and so on. If something pops up during the day, insert it on the to-do list where
you think it ranks in terms of importance, but dont get distracted from completing the most
important thing. You will be surprised at how fast your life moves forward by doing this every
day. Click here to learn a simple method for prioritization your to-do list every day.
These are just some things you can do to condition your mind for success. There are many
more which I will share in the future.

And remember, choose one thing to practice for 21 days, and once it becomes a habit, start
on the next thing and so on.

There are 365 days in a year. If you take just one step every day you will achieve massive
results in no time at all.

Failure in Something You Enjoy? - Unmask Hindrances to Success

It seems impossible being a failure in something you enjoy, right? How come you are a
failure? What are the factors making you one good-for-nothing guy or gal in that vocation of
yours? Yes, you need to consider them if you want to figure out the real problem.

Enjoying your job is good for your health. You have a good night sleep, feeling great every
day as you go on doing your job, and always in a positive mood dealing with all problems that
come your way. In fact, problems become your daily staple for gaining confidence and
developing competence in life. And every time you ace them out, you are becoming a better

Maybe you have missed one basic ingredient in making you a success. Well, office politics or
personal belief can be a hindrance here. Say, you were surrounded with immature, insecure
co-workers. Of course their own interest versus yours is a tough nut to crack. You will need
tough affirmations that you are a great survivor of their dirty tactics, below the belt verbal
attack just to disorient you or other people around in their cheap attempt to focus the limelight
on them, thus stealing away from you the chance of being recognized as performer, etc.
When it comes to personal belief you need to see to it that your self-knowledge is healthy;
free from negative or disempowering mantra such as " I can't ", " Can't do ", etc.

Yes, it is impossible to gain something when you are not after any productive aspirations. You
are just existing like the wall decors, home appliances, and the like. Being merely spectator
instead of a participant in the game of life, you won't accomplish more but just having sore
butt for sitting in the fence; satisfied as if you were born to just be like a tape recorder, video
player or what not.

There is more to life when you are an active player than a passive observer. Yes, it is a matter
of attitude. If you have positive attitude towards life, of course you are in the right track to
attaining success. On the other hand, if you are negative in life, of course you will not amount
to anything worthy of your existence.

And this negative attitude is your stumbling block to success. So before all your strength and
all fades out and the inevitable old age sets in, you better take your chances of getting
successful by empowering yourself with positive attitude--can do, nothing is impossible, etc.
must replace your disempowering beliefs.

Only then can you climb the ladder of success and get a better view of the world. So what are
you waiting for? Start now examining your life and conquer all your fears--and you will be on
with LIFE...conquering heights!
Moving Out of Poverty Into Opportunity

Unrealistic scenarios and promises are counter-productive. When planning our future, we
should think twice before trusting exaggerated positive statements. On the other hand, we
should also refrain from painting all alternatives as dark and all attempts as hopeless.

Various approaches have been tried against poverty, with different levels of success. Living in
an environment of deprivation can undermine a man's spirit and this is why he needs to figure
out a feasible plan to improve his situation. What we know is that unrealistic expectations do
not work.

If you happen to find yourself living in a poor district of town, you do not need to give up your
hopes of a better future. If you are suffering from lack of formal education, becoming bitter is
not going to improve anything.

What is needed is to take action to detect and seize available opportunities, but frequently,
those can only be perceived when we look at the world realistically. When a man is
unemployed or stuck in low-income occupations, he might develop a view of the world that
prevents him from seizing his chances.

The conviction that nobody is going to listen to one's troubles does not necessarily
correspond to reality. The perceptions that nobody is going to help and that no one cares are
contrary to the fact that opportunities, although scarce, do exist.

The great news is that businessmen, generally speaking, like to grow their companies and
that this creates sales openings in many areas. The way out of poverty involves the
recognition that a man must often take whatever jobs are offered, even if he would have liked
to do something else.

Sales work is available almost at any time, irrespective of the overall economic situation,
since selling is the most critical business function. Taking a sales position is frequently the
only way available to break out of poverty into fields of better opportunity, so here is my

1. Go to the public library, borrow some books about sales, and study them.
2. Get a suit and a tie, even if they are second hand, so that you can go to interviews.
3. Forget about fixed-income jobs and look instead for a sales position.
4. Ignore those around you who criticize or ridicule your ambitions.
5. Watch the best-performing salesmen in your company and listen to their advice.
6. Keep on reading about sales and learn as much as you can about your industry.
7. Gain experience and become proficient in sales.
8. Move to a better sales job.
9. In the future, consider the possibility of starting your own company.

Taking the future in one's own hands might require discarding unrealistic ideas held in the
past. The fact is that some opportunities exist and others are hard to come by. Experience
shows that sales work can be the way to a better life, a path that many have successfully
walked before
The Price of Being a Genius? 10,000 Hours

Recently, I was extremely humbled (and a bit embarrassed) when someone who read my
books came up to me and called me a genius. " You are truly a genius', he said. "How are you
able to write a best-selling book so effortlessly in just 30 days?" (he was referring to my latest
book 'Profit from the Panic that has topped the best-sellers list). "And how are you able to
speak in front of so many people and talk non-stop for 8 hours without feeling nervous and
without requiring to use any kind of notes?"

"Normal people can't do what you do", he said. " You must be just a genius!". What many
people do not realize is that my "Genius" ability was not something I was born with. In fact,
when I was younger, I had absolutely no natural aptitude in writing or speaking. Back in
school, I was never really good at writing English essays. My usual scores would be 'C's and
'D's. If I was lucky, I would get a 'B' once in a while.

While talented students with the 'gift of the gab' were often given the chance to become
emcees during school events, I was a shy kid who never dared to speak up.

So, how did I develop my 'Genius' in speaking and writing that has helped me become a
leader in my field? The answer is through over 10,000 hours of CONSISTENT HARD WORK.

How I Developed My Genius in Writing

I first got interested in writing a the age of 15 (when I was in secondary three). At that time, I
was very passionate about learning and using accelerated learning techniques and self
motivation methods to improve in my studies. When I started to do well, I wanted to share this
knowledge with all my friends. So, I wrote hand-written articles on study tips (on A4 paper)
than I would photocopy and distribute to my friends in class. I wrote articles entitled 'How to
improve your memory', 'the secret of speed reading', ' smart exam tips' etc..

At the time, my writing skills were not so good so I took a long time just to put my thoughts
down on paper and I revised them over 8 times until I got them right. This was a time (1989)
when i did not know how to use a computer, so I had to write and re-write my articles by hand
until they were good enough. Besides doing my usual school homework, I spent about 2
hours a day,everyday to write these articles.

Three years later, I revised and refined my articles and sent them to Teenage Magazine
which had them published in their monthly 'Study Smart' column. At the age of 18, I became a
part time writer, contributing motivational articles to Teenage Magazine for $150 an article.
Slowly but surely, my gift in writing developed.

At the age of 20 (when I was in the Army), I got the inspiration to write an entire book on
empowering students to do well in school. The book would be called 'I Am Gifted, So Are
You!' Was it easy for me to write an entire book? To tell you the truth...I almost died in the
process. I spent hours a day, late into the night (after Army training) 'trying' hard to write each
page. I would write a sentence, delete it and re-write again. It took 4-5 excruciating hours just
to write ONE PAGE!
So, how long did it take me to write my first draft of the manuscript? 3 YEARS! After I had
completed the manuscript at age 23 (3 years later), I searched for a publisher to publish the
book. I was rejected by over 9 of them until Oxford University Press decided to give me a
chance. After the editor-in-charge read my work, she told me that my ideas were god but my
writing was COMMERCIALLY UNVIABLE (which is a nice way of saying that my English
sucked). She asked me to re-write the whole book. I almost fainted! It took me 3 years to write
my first draft and now I have to re-write the whole thing again?

Thankfully, I didn't give up! I took another 1 year to re-write the book, based on the advice and
pointers the editor gave me. Finally, 'I Am Gifted, So Are You!' was published in 1998 and
went on to stay on the best sellers list for 8 years. After the success of the first book, I then
wrote 'Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny' that was also very difficult (it took me 2 years),
then I wrote 'How to Multiply Your Child's Intelligence', 'Clueless in Starting a Business', '
Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires', 'Secrets of Millionaire Investors' etc.... It was only AFTER I
wrote 8 books that I developed my GENIUS for now writing a best-selling book in 30 days. In
fact, I can type almost as fast as I can talk now.

How I Developed My Genius in Speaking

My genius in speaking also came about the same way. Many people say that I have a talent
for speaking but then do not realize the hours I have put in speaking over the years to develop
my abilities.

So, how did I first get the opportunity to become a public speaker? Well, for the first 8 YEARS
of my speaking career, I spoke for free to churches, bookshops, schools, community centres
etc... Why? Well, its because nobody would ever pay for me to speak so I could only speak
for free. I started out when I was in secondary three (age 15), where I would give free
motivational talks to students in holiday camps. At the age of 24, I went round speaking in
bookshops three times a week to promote my newly launched book. Again, it was only after 7
years of speaking of at least 3 times a week that I developed my speaking talent!

Anyone Can Be a Genius in Something, You Just Have to Pay the Price

Many people think that talent and 'Genius' is something lucky people are born with. The truth
is that true talent is only developed after years and years of focus and persistent hard work on
a particular skill. If YOU had spent the same number of hours as me speaking for 7 years, you
too will be able to speak very confidently today without using notes. If YOU have spent as
much time as me writing and re-writing books and articles, you too would be a great writer

The Price of Being a Genius? 10,000 Hours

So, how many hours of hard work must you put into a certain skill before you become great at
it? According to research published in the best-selling book, ' OUTLIERS- by Malcolm
Gladwell', it takes 10,000 hours to become a genius at something.

When I read the book, I indeed found it to be so true. Indeed, I did spend more than 10,000
hours on writing and speaking UNTIL I finally became great at it.

The Best in the World Put in 10,000 Hours

If you study the most successful people in the world, you will also realize that their genius only
came after more than 10,000 hours of focus and hard work.

What makes Tiger Woods the greatest golfer of all time? Well, his father taught him to play
golf at age 3! From the age of 5, Tiger spent at least 4-5 hours every single day hitting 800
golf balls until he could hit them perfectly. It was only after 18 years of non-stop practice (4-5
hours a day) that he became world number one at the age of 21!

What makes Warren Buffett (the world's richest man) the greatest investor in the world? Well,
he started reading financial books and began buying his first stocks at the age of 8! While his
friends were out playing games and reading comics, young Warren spent hours a day reading
annual reports and looking at stock charts!

How about Bill Gates? Well, many people know him for being a school droput who started a
computer company called Microsoft and through sheer brilliance and ambititon, built it into the
biggest computer software company in the world. What actually happened behind the
scenes? How did he become a genius at computers? Well young Bill got the chance to do
real time programming at eighth grade (age 14) because he attended a school that had a
computer lab (a rarity at the time). From the age of 14, Gates spent an average of 8 hours a
day, 7 days a week in the computer lab while all his friends were out partying and playing.

In his book, 'Outliers', Malcolm Gladwell, writes:

" The closer psychologist look at the careers of the gifted, the SMALLER the role innate talent
seems to play and the BIGGER the role preparation seems to play"

Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson studied gifted musicians. What was concluded from the
study was that they couldn't find any natural musicians who floated effortlessly to the top while
practicing a fraction of what their peers did. Nor could they find anyone who worked harder
than anyone else yet did not make it to the top.

In other words:

Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good."

Why Some People Never Become Successful

Most people do not have the patience and faith that their hard work will pay off. They want
instant success and instant results. Once they don't get it, they think that they lack the talent
and give up. So they never become great in anything!

The Lesson

The lesson I would like to share with you is that in order for you to become successful in any
field, you have develop a talent for it. To develop a talent for anything, you must have the
discipline to work on it for hours and hours until you master it!

So, before you can succeed as trader, you have to first put in 10,000 hours studying stock
Before you can become a best-selling author, you have to write for 10,000 hours

Before you can succeed in golf, you have to hit golf balls for 10,000 hours

Before you can succeed in sales, you must spend 10,000 hours selling in front of customers

Pay the price and you will be a genius!

Purpose Driven Life - What is My Purpose?

I went on a walk today, as I usually do. I found something I child said, and I want to share it
with you. I think you will like it, because it deals with the purpose driven life, and the age old
question - what is my purpose in life?

It intrigues me that out of 100 people interviewed in their 20's, when asked about the
prospects for their life, they felt good about life, and felt they would be successful. When again
asked in the later years of life there was a marked difference!

Only 1 person achieved extraordinary success, 4 achieved notable success. The rest were
either broke, requiring state pension (which is just like welfare), or were dead! This is
unfortunate; however, if we look at these 5 people who did make it, what is the answer?

We find the successful man is one who knows his or her purpose, and is acting upon it.
Ultimately this makes a person a success. Consider it for a moment! To be a success, you
need to know your purpose. This makes a purpose driven life.

Some people spend their entire lives to try and figure out their purpose. For the most part,
people spend so little time on it. Like how the wannabe's who want to visit Hawaii, but do
nothing about it!

A look at purpose will show that you need to step out of the materialistic view for a moment.
Looking at the Joneses, the rich and famous just won't do this.

Going back to earlier, I went for my walk today, as I like to do. I prefer it better than running!
What was interesting is that when I left home, I heard a mother ask her child - "what are you
going to be when you grow up?" The child replied "Everything will come out ok!"

Normally I would consider that as not being a purpose driven life! However, the echoes of
those words brought intrigue in me, and looking at my own life path, to this point.

For example, I have had occasion where I have followed my head. I.e. I said I was going to do
something, achieve something, etc, and it never worked. The moment I started seeing
success, was when I started listening to my heart.

So true it is what that child said today, and I had to share it with you today, and with the world.
If we all can listen to our own hearts, we can achieve something amazing - freedom!
But, you have all these problems, and a purpose driven life seems ok for some! We can learn
a lot from the birds that fly around this Earth. They neither argue nor struggle, being free, they
live there purpose, and life gives them abundantly. They have food, they have shelter, etc.

It seems like humans are the only ones struggling! And this is even though we are meant to
be the vicegerents of the Earth! What are your skills, abilities and talents? That is where the
truth of purpose lies. All you have to do is start!

Developing a Success Mindset

Success is achievable through the persistent and coherent application of successful habits
that are supported by a "success mindset". So what is a success mind set and how can one
develop it easily and effortlessly?

A success mindset is one that embodies positive thoughts such as:

1. I deserve success
2. I am capable of anything I apply myself to
3. The universe loves me and supports me in everything I do
4. Positive opportunities come easily and effortlessly into my life
5. I trust that all will unfold in a positive manner in its own time and manner
6. I attract positive experiences into my life because I am inherently magnetic

Such thoughts are also supported and fuelled by corresponding feelings or emotions such as:

1. The feeling of worthiness

2. Feelings of inner peace, joy, contentment and easiness about life
3. Feelings of love for life and an enthusiasm and desire for unlimited new adventures
4. Feelings of gratitude
5. Feelings of self confidence and self esteem
6. A desire to create a fulfilling and ever evolving life experience

What's more, the success mind set is not something one must constantly work at, it just
simply "is" who and what one "is" effortlessly. Sound like a tall and improbable reality? Well if
so, it is so only because you have forgotten who you are and what you are truly capable of.

You are more likely to "believe" that life is hard, that it is unwise to hope for too much here lest
you be disappointed, or that you are unworthy of success etc. You may also "feel" unworthy,
undeserving, stuck in the status quo, self doubting about your capabilities and so on. Why is
this your "set point" of existence?

Well largely because throughout your life you were "programmed" or "conditioned" with
negative beliefs and feelings about yourself and what you were capable of. Such beliefs and
feelings are stored in your unconscious mind and are generated and supported there by the
negative memories they are associated with.

Did you know that it is possible to completely erase this programming and start afresh? Well it
is! The net result is a "remembrance" and "re-emergence" spontaneously, effortlessly and
permanently of your true empowered and attractive self.
If you are interested in re-instating your success mind set then I invite you to visit the web site
below where you can learn more about a process that will help you and where you can also
request a free introductory telephone consultation to help you experience it firsthand.

How to Accomplish Anything You Desire

Is it really possible to accomplish anything one desires? Absolutely! Yet many individuals find
themselves trapped in a state of inertia that is fuelled exclusively, not by their situation as is
thought, but by the repertoire of negative thoughts that intrude into their conscious mind form
their unconscious mind. H Such thoughts largely have a stranglehold on their ability to move
forward in a coherent and self determined fashion. Now does this sound like a normal or even
a desirable situation to be in? Do you want to be free?

If I said to you that it is possible for you to accomplish anything you desired you might have
two important reactions to this statement.

On the one hand you might feel wistful and imagine how wonderful this would be to feel so
free and empowered. This "feeling" emerges mainly from the Heart and is felt there. If you do
feel such a feeling you may wish to do the following:

Place one hand over your Heart and simply, as if you are speaking from your Heart, affirm to
yourself that you like this feeling. Then notice how you feel there. You will notice that the
feeling intensifies and/or has other positive aspects coming in to join it such as a feeling of
joy, easiness, warmth, lightness, happiness, a sense of peace, a feeling of release and relief
and so on. If you like any or all of this then once again simply affirm this to yourself again via
your Heart and it will grow even stronger.

The other reaction(s) that you may have also experienced are in the form of thoughts that
originate in the mind. Thoughts such as:

"Who is he kidding, everyone knows life is tough and only the rich and powerful can really
make a difference", or

"I don't have what it takes to accomplish my goals, I feel so ill equipped, inadequate that it
would be difficult if not impossible for me to make any major changes in my life", or

"This is just another gimmick to scam money out of me so it's time I stop wasting my time
reading this"

Such thoughts, as stated emerge into the conscious mind once they are triggered by the kind
of statement I made above. Triggered from where, you ask? Well from where they reside, the
unconscious mind. There they live, like sentries, waiting for just the right moment to pounce
on anything that threatens their livelihood.

Now you're probably thinking "What the hell is this guy talking about?"

I want you to notice something. When those negative or sceptical thoughts emerge what
happens to your enthusiasm, motivation, self confidence, self esteem, self worth, desire for a
better life, your mood, your energy etc... Well they all get depleted don't they? Where does
that leave you? Well, exactly nowhere! Yet those negative thoughts remain strong and well
rooted. So where does all of your energy go when these thoughts get launched? It goes into
reinforcing those very same thoughts.

So what is actually happening here is that those negative thoughts are feeding off of your
energy like parasites just to sustain themselves. In other words your energy is being
manipulated and diverted away from your life and into supporting them. You are their lunch!

Are you happy about this state of affairs? Likely not. If not then, if you wish, once again, place
one hand over your Heart and affirm to yourself your displeasure with this situation and then
notice how you feel.
Now once again notice your reaction to the following statement:

You can accomplish whatever you desire.

Does it now feel like more of a possibility? Probably yes.

All those negative thoughts are generated by negative memories of events from your life that
are stored in your unconscious mind that must be released/erased once and for all in order for
you to become free and empowered.

If you'd like to learn more about a process that can help you accomplish this kindly visit the
web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation that will
give you such an experience.

The 4 Easiest and Guaranteed Steps to Being Successful in Life

Do you think that achieving what you want in your life is something difficult? Do you think that
becoming successful is something complicated? Let me tell you this, as long as you are
determined to be successful and are committed to take the necessary action, success is easy
and you can achieve it.

Many people thought that being successful is something difficult, in fact, it is not. Here are the
4 easiest steps to be successful in life. Follow through and you will definitely produce the
results you want...

1. First, know what you want to achieve in your life. Dream big dream and be visionary. Every
successful person knows exactly what he or she wants. And you must be the same. Know
specifically what you want, when are you going to achieve it and why you want to achieve it.
When you know the answers to these questions, nothing can ever stop you.

2. The next step is to set a clear and specific goal with deadline. You have to write down what
you want on a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. You must do this
because you want to keep on remind yourself about your goal and you want to sink the idea
into your subconscious mind. Never underestimate the power of goal setting. It allows you to
stay focused and move your life in the right direction. You can also learn from these proven
strategies, Master Your Mind.
3. Create an action plan of how you are going to achieve your goal. If your goal is to become
a millionaire but you have no idea how to do it, buy and read books or attend workshops that
will teach you how you can do it. Remember, you have to take at least one action that will
lead you toward your goal everyday. As for now, do not worry about whether you are using
the right strategies, just follow through and do it.

4. The final step is to take action according to your action plan. Action produces results and if
you are not taking any action, you will never produce any results. Once you have taken the
action, you will either get the results you want that will bring you closer toward your goal, or
you will get results that are not contributing to your goal. What you have to do then is just to
treat them as feedback, change your action plan and take action again.

Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real
guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming
successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a
proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.

The 3 Simple and Proven Mindsets That Will Make You Successful in Life

Do you want to be successful in your life? I bet your answer will be a big yes. Many people
want to be successful in their life, but most of them fail to achieve the results they want. Why
is this so? One of the simplest reasons is because most people do not have the correct
mindset to be successful.

If you are serious in learning how to be successful in life, you must always start from your
mindset. No matter what you do today, it is because of your mindset or your thought. The
reason you are reading this right now simply is because you want to learn more about being
successful. This shows that you already possess the thoughts of wanted to be successful in
your life. So here are the 3 simple and proven mindset that will make you successful in your

1. Believe that it is possible for you to be successful. Do you believe that you can become a
millionaire? Do you believe that you can achieve whatever you want in your life and live the
successful life that you have always dreamed about? You will never achieve what you want if
you do not believe that it is possible. Once you believe that you can do it, you will tap into your
maximum potential and do it with commitment. This is why you need to believe before you
can achieve it.

2. Being passionate in what you do is another key mindset that will responsible for your
success. To be successful, you need to have the desire and the motivation to keep you going.
Therefore, passion is something that you cannot ignore. If you are doing something without
passion, you will feel it is boring, mundane and tedious. That is why every successful person
is so passionate about their work. For them, it is not working; it is enjoying something they
love. Master Your Mind will show you everything about living a passionate life.

3. Finally, you have to adopt the mindset of taking 100% responsibility of your life. When
something bad happen to your business, tell yourself that you are the one who is responsible
for it and you must change in order for the situation to change. If you blame on the
circumstances or give lousy excuses, you will never improve because you are giving away the
power to control the situation. It is just like if you blame the economy, which is an external
factor, you will never improve because you cannot change the economy.

Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real
guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming
successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a
proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.

How to Be Successful in Life - 4 Powerful Tips For You

How serious are you to be successful in life? Do you really want to be successful? Are you
willing to do whatever it takes? If your answer is a big yes to all the questions, you can
continue to read on. What you are about to discover here in this article are the 4 powerful tips
that will help you to be successful in life.

Most people fail to achieve the things they want in their life simply because they are not
committed and they are not determined to succeed. In other words, they do not have the right
mindset to be successful. Once you have the right mindset, follow through these 4 powerful

1. Visualize that you have achieved the things you want in your life everyday. When you
visualize about your success, you are activating the law of attraction to work for you. And you
must do it constantly, preferably twice a day. This will keep your mind focus in what you want
to achieve in your life.

2. Set a clear and specific goal. Do not underestimate the power of goal setting. Your goal will
help you to stay focused in your life toward the direction you want to go. Most people forget
about their dreams because life is busy and there is just too much distraction. This is where
goal setting can help you. Your goal will help you to stay focused in the direction where you
are heading.

3. Create affirmations such as "I'm a savvy businessman and I bring my business to the next
level" to empower your life. You have to fake it until you make it. Just pretend that you are
successful in your mind and you will eventually create the results you want. You have to
create the image of success from the inside before you can manifest it into the outside world.
Want to learn more powerful tips how to be successful in life? Master Your Mind is the best
book that will teach you all the tips and strategies you need to be successful in life.

4. Take at least one action that will bring you toward where you want to be everyday. Do not
procrastinate or delay your action as you will make it a habit. No matter how busy you are,
you have to make sure you are moving one step closer toward your goals everyday.

Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real
guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming
successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a
proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.

How Do You Measure Success?

I work with numbers and variables quite a bit, in both prevention services and healthcare. In
case you're not sure what I mean by variable, it means something you can measure which
has changing values over time, place and with different people. It is often used to measure
success. For instance, with one client I have we are successful if we can drive down the
average number of times students surveyed at a local high school drink in a 30-day period.
We typically work with a school 2 or more years and measure our success each spring before
spring break.

So, how do you measure SUCCESS? (This reminds me a bit of the old commercial phrase-
How do you spell relief? ROLAIDS. Maybe you're too young to remember this, but I'm not.)
Perhaps you measure success with a variable which is easy to measure and track. Beware of
this! The State of Michigan is measuring its success in driving down teen alcohol use and
heavy adult drinking by measuring deaths and accidents which involve alcohol. This is part of
SPF/CIG program. It doesn't take long for me to find all kinds of problems with this. For
instance, suppose the teen isn't driving yet? How can you measure the alcohol use of a 13
year old? By the way, the average age a teen has his/her first drink is 13 and heavy adult
drinkers typically start drinking before the age of 13.

Another example of a poor indicator variable is measuring physician performance by the

percent of patients with hypertension who keep their chronic disease under control with
prescribed medication. There are several possible flaws with this. Most certainly there are
confounding variables which make comparing two or more physicians in this area difficult.
One factor could be that one physician's patients are generally well educated and have good
incomes. Another physician might have as clients mostly Medicaid patients with generally low
incomes or with poor reading skills. Almost certainly the former physician will have a higher
percentage of patients in compliance.

These are just examples of indicator variables which have been poorly chosen to measure
success. Let me give you an example of a well-chosen variable. I would like to return to the
client that I am working with in alcohol and drug prevention, Dr. Nancy Harper. Dr. Harper
directed a program to drive down frequent heavy drinking and occasional heavy drinking at
Grand Valley State University from 1999 to 2006; she used a social norms theory. In that
time she was able to drive down frequent heavy drinking by nearly 50%. Since this was the
only project on campus to drive down heavy drinking, we are fairly certain that it was her
campaign that made the difference. You might object that it could be a confounding factor,
such as change in the types of students that attended the college over this period. In fact, the
admission to the school became much more difficult over this period. Yet, there are good
reasons that indicate that it was the program. One, college heavy drinking has increased
significantly over this period, especially among women, as alcohol advertising and alcopops
has targeted this age group. This has also been true of some nearby colleges. This type of
comparison is known as benchmarking. Another factor that indicates that this program was
responsible for the changes is that it is based upon similar evidence-based approaches in
driving down alcohol use. Social norms theory used to drive down alcohol use has been
successfully adopted at several colleges in the U.S. Finally, I was able to prove the approach
worked in a classically designed experiment with a control and experimental group.

So, what can you glean from these examples in regards to choosing indicator variables to
measure success? First, I would work with a team of people to help choose a variable. If the
team includes someone who is a statistician or quality engineer, all the better. Second,
choose variables that have been used in similar evidence based projects. In healthcare,
many such can be found online at the American Society of Quality website or the iSixSigma
web site. Further, if you like, compare yourself to similar programs with similar patients or
similar circumstances. This can represent somewhat a control group. Lastly, use the variable
to measure a condition before any new approaches are used (baseline the variable) and then
sample with it over a period several times to track changes. If statistically significant changes
continue, it is quite likely that the new approach is valid.

One last note-you cannot prove that the new approach is directly responsible for changes
without a classical statistical approach-control vs. experimental or with some other logical
proof. For instance, it was long shown that the use of tobacco was statistically significant in
raising heart disease. This was not proven, though, until the chemical process causing the
diseases was understood. The classical statistical approach couldn't be used because of
ethical considerations. It probably won't be necessary for you to try the classical approach or
use a logical proof in most cases though. Most people are fine with knowing that the program
producing the changes is either directly or indirectly responsible.

7 Steps - How to Achieve Whatever You Want and Be Successful in Life

1. Be very clear of what you really want to accomplish in your life. Without knowing exactly
what you want, you will never achieve it. Most people fail to achieve what they want in their
life simply because they do not know what they really want. Once you knew what you want,
you can then stay 100% focus and make it come true.

2. Believe that you can achieve it. Stop selling yourself short and don't tell yourself that it is
not possible to be a millionaire or to be successful in your life. You have all the potential to
make your dreams come true as long as you are willing to work on it. So believe that it is
possible for you to achieve your dreams.

3. Set a clear and specific goal with deadline and write it down on a piece of paper. Carry this
paper with you no matter where you go and make sure you review your goal everyday at least
twice, once after you wake up and once before you sleep. This will sink the idea of achieving
your goal into your subconscious mind.

4. Spend some time to develop the action plan on what you should do to achieve your goal.
Don't just talk or dream about achieving what you want, you need a solid action plan to follow
through only then you can make your goal come true and achieve what you really want in
your life. Create an action plan where you should take at least 3 action steps that will move
you toward your goal.

5. Stick to the plan and take consistent action everyday. Make sure you follow through your
plan and take every necessary as you have planned. Success is about getting things done. If
you are not doing anything, you will never produce any results in your life. If you are serious
about learning how to create an action plan to follow through, Master Your Mind will be perfect
for you.

6. Review your results once every week and see whether you are moving closer toward your
goal. If you are getting closer to where you want to be, congratulations, you can keep on with
your plan or proceed faster. If you are not getting the results you want, change your action
plan and do it all out again.
7. Finally, reward yourself for taking action by doing something you love such as watching
movie or go for shopping. Once you have produced some results, always reward yourself so
that you will be more willing to take even more action next time.

Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real
guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming
successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a
proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.

The Number One Reason Most People Fail to Be Successful in Their Life

Do you want to be successful in your life? And do you know that out of 100 people who dream
about being successful, less than 5 of them actually achieve their dreams? Why is this so? In
this article, you will discover the exact reason most people fail to be successful in their life.

The reason is pretty simple; it is because most people do not have the passion to be
successful in their life. Ask yourself this question honestly right now; are you really passionate
to be successful in your life? Most people are not passionate about it and that is why they are
not successful.

To become successful you need the motivation and the energy to keep you going. If you do
not have the passion, you will never have the motivation to do it. Most people just dream and
talk about achieving what they want in their life, they never really put in real action to make
their dreams come true. The reason is because they are not passionate enough or they do
not have the desire for it.

Passion is the fundamental element that you must have before you can make goal setting,
law of attraction, visualization, affirmation, etc to work for you. No matter how hard you try, if
you don't have the passion, you will feel boring and not worthy of your time to pursue your
dreams. You will then end up giving up or rather just forget about your dreams and do
something else. Master Your Mind will show you how to can create the passion in your life.

For example, if you have intense passion for golf, you will wake up 6am in the morning just to
play golf. This is the reason successful people can work 18 hours a day for their business,
because to them, it is not working, it is enjoying something that they are passionate in. The
moment you discovered your real passion, you will never work for another day. And this is the
real key to success in life.

Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real
guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming
successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a
proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.

Stand Up From Failure

It is high time people should learned how to shake away failure and embrace success. A
whole lot of people living in this world are unable to meet their failures in order to find
remedies to solve them.
Our life have been made of special in it uniqueness which our creator has made and have a
purpose for every one but our destiny lies in our own hand. This brings about the question
should we determine our success or failure.

Failure as one of the agent which minimizes our potentials and our desire can be defined as
the lacking of success in doing something in a particular field or activity. Failure makes
philosophers of us all. Constantly, we encounter failures in our daily life and because of FEAR
we are unable to square up this success. Failure always tremble and wear-off our desire
when we want to move ahead in life.

However, failure is a stumbling block that does not allow one to progress in life. A whole lot of
people fail because they do not have a plan set for a particular project and also unwillingness
to trust in the Lord. As a Christian and Non-Christian you need to build a successful level with
vision and determination. Constant prayers, Faith, determination hard work, imagination,
foresight, revelation, creativity etc since this are the most desirable core keys that can create
a path for one to succeed in life.

In most cases, we lose faith in God because we do not wait for the Lord. We sometimes rush
in life due to the fact that we do not think ahead, prepare for contingencies.

In addition, a thousand journeys always begin with only one step so you need to start a good
journey with a single step in order to arrive at your destiny. Remember that in your way to the
journey of life there may be full of obstacles but let the Lord be your helper. The God of Grace
will himself restore, establish and strengthen you in the time of suffering during your journey
of life. This should be your pillar - He will not forsake you.

Also, you need to speak blessings over your life, and as you do, you'll go out with more
confidence, you'll be more congenial and, in turn, achieve your goal. Success is the gateway
to life you need do your part and speak words of victory, God will pour out His favor in
exciting, fresh ways in your life, and you will live the abundant life He has in store for you.

Whenever failure comes, instead of sitting back and accepting it, say, "No, I'm a victor and not
a victim. I may have been defeated before, but the past is the past. This is a new day."

Moreover, one more good reason to become active in ministry. Be an encourager. Be an

ambassador of the love of God. I know of no better prescription of any kind. As you can see,
there's nothing trite about my advising you to cultivate a closer relationship with God.If you
find out that you are a failure draw near to God, starting today. Increase your time in his word,
devote more time to prayer and keep a prayer journal of how he comforts you in times of

If you are struggling financially in life, remind yourself repeatedly, "I am the head and I am not
the tail. I will lend and I will not borrow. I will succeed and I will not fail. Everything I touch will
prosper and succeed."

Facing Your Fears to Achieve Success

Success is such an interesting topic. Why? Because many see others with huge success, and
when most try they can't seem to get the success equation right. This article will lead you from
fear to action to achievement.

In this article, you will soon discover:

* Why Fear Is The Only Thing To Fear

* What The Sunny Side Of Life Can Look Like
* Taking Steps - Even If They Are Baby Steps

* Why Fear Is The Only Thing To Fear

What drives some to success, in fact immense abundant and fulfilling success, while others
only read about success and wonder what it tastes like?

Success is one of those things where consistent success on a regular basis is the remedy
over success which is simply brought about once, like lottery winners. To hold the status of
success, success must be had more often.

So now we find that certain factors exist. For example in sports, a lot of the winners are also
big losers! The difference is that they marginally make more wins.

Fear stops us. Life doesn't hand success on the first attempt. After all how good would that
be! And think of the inflation such things would cause! Instead an alternative is needed and
that is confidence.

How many times have you tried? I mean really tried. For most they will try once, twice,
perhaps 3 times. The success stories try a thousand times, they try till success happens.
Edison for example tried 10,000 times to invent the light bulb! How many times would you try?

* What The Sunny Side Of Life Can Look Like

Success is beautiful! That is probably why sunny and success starts with an s! Truly success
tastes sweet. Taste it for a moment.

All things seem to fit into place. You are happy, and are likely doing what you love to do. And
that last statement is truly a key.

The success takes success and failure in its stride. It is a positive direction, as we learn. The
pilot is off course 90% of the time, but with the right adjustments, they get to there destination,
and this happens every day!

* Taking Steps - Even If They Are Baby Steps

So what are the steps? First and foremost action is essential. This is important! Without
action, how will you succeed?

Action is necessary. We are talking about the beginning, after all, when you have climbed half
way up the ladder, these steps are known, and a certain level of mastership is there to rise up
above these problems.
Revolving around solutions is essential, to get there, you need to know what you want! What
is your outcome? This will enable you to do so much more. So take action!

Let Your Heart Hear It

In the 2008 Super Bowl Michael Strahan stood on the sideline in the fourth quarter,
addressing his New York Giants football team, "The final score of this game is 17-14. Believe
that and it will happen." They were losing 14-10 at the time. I guess the team believed him
because 17-14 was the final score and his New York Giants won. So we see here that three
steps make up doing the impossible: (1) think it, (2) act it and finally, (3) speak it-because the
words become flesh. You can literally speak something into existence!

Life and death are in the tongue, and few pay attention to the spoken word, but spoken words
are powerful beyond measure. Do you ever listen to you? If you really want to do something
amazing, you have to listen to your spoken words. They are the last step, and they will
manifest miracles. See the event in your mind, do it, and know it all happens when you out
loud declare it.

Ideas in you are like a hot water tank, and when they get so much energy brewing that the
release valve gives way and the words of your vision start coming out of your mouth as
released pressure, "it" will become what you say. Your mind knows where you are headed,
your actions also know, but when you say it out loud, your heart finally finds out. And now you
have the angels on your side. Now they go to work for you. As I have heard it said, "You
cannot defeat Goliath with your mouth shut."

For years I interviewed college players wanting to come to the National Football League, and I
asked them if they were a leader. Often they answered, "I lead by example." And I always
thought, "How convenient; nobody really knows what you think because you do not open your
mouth." Don't get me wrong; you need the example part first, but it has to be spoken, or else
the vision is incomplete.

To speak it, a person needs to have courage and boldness and maybe even to be a little
radical. Your tongue is the pen that you are going to use to write to the tablet of your heart -
and on the heart of others. When you speak it, then the vision becomes established like dry

The problem here is that many see vision as the first and only step needed, but that attitude
will not work. You must have a vision that you sink deep into your consciousness day after
day, and, yes, you have to do the actions that stand as your payment for the dream, but the
spoken word is the icing on the cake. Talk out loud for at least you to hear that vision if not for
the entire world to hear.

People are utilizing this law all the time but only in reverse. They are walking and talking all
day long out loud, arguing for their own limitations and the limitations of their environment,
saying, "I don't think I can do it" or "I'm afraid to be bold." And I am surprised that they are
shocked when what they are saying comes true, and they don't fulfill their dreams. When
these spoken words come out, they are doing the equivalent of praying for what they don't
What is it that you want everyday? Do you want peace, happiness, kindness? Speak out loud
the words that would bring that to you, such as "no judgment," "love one another," or "help a
friend." Life and death is in the tongue, so always choose life and choose it abundantly.

Is Your Self Sabotaging Personality Blocking Your Success?

Do you have a self sabotaging personality? Do you find that your personality undermines your
best efforts to achieve success in your life? Does it feel like there is "someone" inside you that
has "hijacked" your mind away from you and is using it to careen your life into the rocks? Do
you feel helpless and out of control and desperate to get your hands back on the steering
wheel of your life before it's too late? Would it surprize you if I said that the "personality"
actually "IS" a foreign intruder that was never meant to be inside you? If so then you are
already half way to becoming free of it and reclaiming control over your life.

What is this thing called the "personality"?

Well for many it feels like a straightjacket they were forced into without ever being asked if
that was Ok with them.

Many then attempt to live out their lives under the tyranny and constraints of its limitations all
the while experiencing inordinate degrees of frustration, confusion, feelings of inadequacy or
deficiency, hopelessness, despair, and the tendency to ultimately give up on life all together.

To make things worse it has also become a widely held belief, perhaps even a supported
scientific fact, that the personality cannot be changed, let alone jettisoned. So where does that
leave you if yours has turned against you and is killing you? Well nowhere!

In this article I have deliberately attempted to portray the "personality" as a separate "entity"
i.e. something other than you, that appears to be co-existing inside your mind and body with
you. In truth it is not a "living" thing rather its form and structure is based on the matrix of
beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and behaviors your mind/body were programmed with as a
result of early childhood experiences that are still stored as negative or limiting memories in
your unconscious mind. They all actively compete for control over your conscious mind i.e.
the "steering wheel" of your life.

This is much like the software on the hard drive of your computer that works behind the

What's more interesting however is that you are a "separate" being from it because you can
observe it, feel how it feels to be controlled by it, comment on or have an opinion about its
actions and so on.


What's more this thing called the personality is in most cases getting in the way of your self
expression, creativity, and success.

So are you feeling a bit inspired? If so there's more.

It is actually possible to "uninstall" or "jettison" this "thing" from within you. If you would like to
learn more about this or experience and free introductory telephone consultation kindly visit
the web site below.

Free Yourself From the Limitations of Your Unconscious Mind and Achieve Success

It seems that with all this talk about the unconscious mind and its apparent hidden wisdom
how would you feel if I said that it was loaded with a life time of negative conditioning that not
only limits your potential success it also robs you of vital life energy thereby killing you in the
process? What if I said that this is the state that the majority of individuals find themselves on
this planet? How do you know that this is the truth?

Well simply because you exhibit many automatic thoughts, perceptions, and habitual patterns
of behavior that seem to be "programmed" into you and which feel much out of your control. If
you stop and "feel" what it feels like to live this way it starts to resemble a state that is nothing
short of enslavement. With it comes a state of frustration, helplessness, feeling stuck or
trapped, a sense of meaningless to one's life, despair and eventual giving up on life to name a

So where does all that programming live? Why is that you only notice it after the fact (in some
cases only after many years of repeating the same old blunders), after it has captured control
over your conscious mind and the seat of your free will thereby directing you and your life
towards destinations that do not always feel desirable?

Well the very fact that it is "automatic" implies that it is "out of consciousness" or as we say
"unconscious". It lives therefore in the unconscious mind much like the installed software in
your computer remains hidden in the background of what you actually see on the screen.
Sadly much of this unconscious programming gets laid down in the early years of your life as
memories of experiences of your life history and often in ways that constrain your day to day

This "life history" forms and structures what has been referred to as your "personality" which
many believe is a difficult thing to change, or is it? Well it's only difficult to change if you also
believe that the past cannot be changed or erased. Of course to question that might make
one sound insane, correct?

Well here's a bit of a paradox. One must dare to be a bit odd and begin to challenge this belief
because doing so ushers in the possibility of also changing the "personality programming"
mentioned above and finding a road to freedom of choice. Yes, freedom of choice. This is the
ingredient that is at the heart of creativity and ultimately success.

So can the past be changed or erased? Absolutely yes!


While I was in my practice as a psychiatrist over 7 years ago I was very interested in the
matter of helping individuals heal from past traumas. I learned that one could not really heal
from such events if any part of the negative memory remained stored in the person's
unconscious mind. Much like the root of a weed in the garden, unless it is completely
removed it will grow back each and every time. This I realized was the reason that many of
the so called therapies for such problems were only temporarily effective.

So with this awareness I had to find my way out of this limited paradigm of thought and this
led me to a new and remarkable understanding of how and why memories remain "anchored"
into a person's unconscious mind. This allowed me to create a new process that has been
effective not only for trauma but also to help empower and expand one's creative potential.

Success - Is it All Just a State of Mind?

There is no question that we all want our lives to be more successful and that we want to feel
as though we have achieved and accomplished our goals and given our best efforts to do so.
You want this and so do I. But, the real question is not whether or not we want success. It is
how we can make sure that we do achieve the things that we want to.

So, you really want to know how you can make your life more successful. And you
want to know whether or not it really is all just a state of mind.

In truth, success is different for all of us. Some want more money and others want more free
time. Some want a family and others want to enjoy a single life. So, the truth is that it really is
up to you whether or not you are willing to define yourself and your life a success.

With that being said, you may wonder, well are there any secrets that can help me to succeed
in what I want to do. And the answer to that is YES!


Just as your own definition of what a success is lays in your own mind, so do many of the
secrets to achieve what you want. If you believe that you are ready, then you are. And if you
believe that you have limits to your own potential, then you do.

So, what do you want?

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