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How to optimize your energy for

maximum results
The new time management perspective
Dragos Barbalata

I believe in continuous personal growth and I think it takes a lifetime commitment in order to make
some important changes in your life. At least this is my experience.

Since this is my first e-book, I want to give you a flavor of my background and why I am now sharing this
info with you.

My life in real world started very promising. I studied at one of the best universities in United States,
worked for Deloitte in Corporate Finance and had a very good life, at least from the outside. I had
everything and had nothing! Later I understood why I was unhappy: I wasnt living my purpose.

Few years back I got in contact with personal development and it opened a new perspective of life, a
new door for me. I became a serious student and studied intensively all the great gurus of personal
development, from Tony Robins, Brian Tracy, Zig Zigler, Nader Ashchi, Eban Pegan and many many
more, attended lots of course and listed to audio books while driving.

I learned and applied many teachings and techniques over these years, tested what works and what
doesnt. One of the most important subjects that I want to share with you is the level of ENERGY that we

I believe energy is what determines whether we are successful or not, weather we are healthy or not,
weather we are a magnet for people or not. Energy is everything. We are Energy!

So lets get started!

Please do me a favor. E-mail me your ideas, comments, and complaints. I want to know what you think.

You can e-mail me at:

Chapter I: Personal Energy, the new Time Management perspective
I have a question for you: Do you need more time or more energy?

Why do we focus so much on time? When is so relative. And why not on our energy level? Energy
optimization brings us everything we desire: happiness, productivity, motivation, etc.

Time obsession comes from the industrial revolution, from the factory work, where your worth was
determined in products per hour. But I think youll agree with me that its no longer true and that we are
living a new stage of evolution, the information stage, where our results are not measured in time, but
in what we create. Of course, there is still a part of the population who is working in the industrialized
world, but I believe thats not your case!

I will share with you some of the best productivity and time management methods, but first of all, you
need to understand that this is more a psychological process. It is emotions management.

Did you ask yourself the question Why do I need to be more productive? Why do I need to save 2 or 3
hours/day? My answer is for BALANCE: to develop our relationships with loved ones, to improve our
health and for personal growth. If this is also your answer, then this book is for you!

On the other hand, does it happen for you to spend the whole day without doing anything basically?
Wonder why?

Because you had low energy level, you started something then get on with something else and at the
end of the day have the sensation that it was a lost day? You could know all the time management
techniques in the world, but if you dont have the drive you wont move.

How do you get motivated? Increase energy level!

Can you remember a time when you felt really low? What kind of results did you have that day? What
kind of interaction did you have with people?
On the other hand, can you think of a moment when you felt you could rule the world? What results in
all your life areas did you get then?
What is the difference between the 2 states? I tell you: its your energy level! Energy is everything!

A successful life is a sequence of successful days! So focus on just today to make it successful! And after
a few days it will be easier and easier, because youll create momentum!

Are you interested in how to be more productive, get more results?

Thats what this e-book is all about: sharing with you a proven system that will improve dramatically
your energy level and as a consequence, your results you get in your business, relationships, health and
basically in all areas of your life!
Stephen Covey used to say: Time management is a miss rumor. The challenge is to manage ourselves.
We need to learn how to manage our thinking and our actions. The most important hour to manage is
the first in the day, before you go to work. Why? Because this is how you can change your whole day
and get the biggest leverage in your business. I know, youll tell me I dont have time for this, I can
hardly get to office in time. Well, in the oriental culture theres a saying: You need to meditate once per
day. When you think you dont have time, you need to meditate twice per day.

Im not saying you adopt the oriental culture. What Im suggesting is that when you feel you are in the
most rush, being overwhelmed then is the moment to step back for a moment, breathe and see the
bigger picture. What is your priority? What do you want to achieve?

I believe that if you get this message you can make a huge difference in your productivity!
Energy is everything- this is how you get results.

Make your daily routine!!!- In Chapter V well share with you the Proven Action Steps for the Energy

You wont learn anything that you dont already know intuitively from any time management book. In
order to learn new things about your potential and how to use it better, you need to expand your books
world into the psychology, neuroscience, which present the way you react to different external stimulus.

I have news for you: You are lazy! The good news is that you are not alone! We as human beings are
lazy! We prefer to get more for the same effort, or work less for the same result. Laziness is not good or
bad by its own. Its neutral. We make it good or bad by our actions- the way in which we use laziness. All
the technological advances were invented because of our laziness.

What does laziness has to do with your energy level? Well, in order to increase your level of energy, you
need to make an investment. An energy investment to do the actions, rituals, develops the habits that
will make you a more energetic person. And you might say I dont have any energy left, how can I give
any? Youll be surprised of how many things you are capable of doing after you said I cant do it
Its the universal law of cause and effect. We cannot ask for heat from a fireplace before we put wood
in. Unfortunately the law says that the price needs to be paid in advance, theres no other way!

People want results fast. Unfortunately, only people who are in pain would pay a tougher price and wait
longer before they see the results.

Some of the ideas I share with you have short term results, some are more long term and need more
patience and belief. For example: you should start to feel more alive by changing your eating habits, or
you would feel refreshed after a short meditation. But working out, being grateful or making the habit of
reviewing the day would probably take a while before you see some results.

Key Points To Remember From Chapter I:

- Your energy level is the difference between a low and a productive state!
- How do you get motivated? Increase your energy level! The Energy Hour!
- A successful life is a sequence of successful days!
- In order to increase your level of energy, you need to make an investment. An energy
- When you feel you are in the most rush, being overwhelmed then is the moment to step back
for a moment, breathe and see the bigger picture!

So, lets go further, shall we?:)

Chapter II: How do you get more energetic?
I hope that at this point we agree that a high energy level is maybe the most important thing
that we need.
In order to find out how to we increase our energy level, lets see which are the sources of

Its been proven that we cannot live without sleeping longer than a couple of weeks. Lack of
sleeping affects our nervous system and eventually we break!
Sleeping is one of the most important sources of energy, which needs attention because not
every kind of sleep gives you the most energy. It is important also because we have to
invest in it almost one third of our life, so its worth paying attention to make sure it pays
- Get a great mattress; it makes such a big difference in the quality of our sleep
- Sleep is influenced by the quantity of light and temperature. Make sure your room is as
dark as possible and a moderate temperature. Being too hot disturbs your sleep.
- Try to relax you mind before going to sleep.

2. FOOD- right foods, right amounts.

Im sure you heard a lot about how to eat right: from eating appropriate quantities, eat fruits
before the meal, Combine properly the foods, eat in a relaxed state, etc.
What I want to emphasize is one of the most important aspects of eating, which is most
connected to your energy level!

Did you hear about the alkaline batteries? What do they say? They last longer! The same is with
the alkaline organism!

When PH (Potential of Hydrogen) is higher than 7, means Alkaline. Lower then 7 is Acid!
You can make a PH test of blood in order to determine if it is alkaline or acid.

If the body becomes too acid, the cells begin to weaken and die. Also the body functions are
altered. (The other extreme- being too alkaline- is not ok either)

One of the great discoveries of Dr. Robert Young is what causes obesity. He notices that the
body fat is actually caused by an acid organism. The organism produces fat in order to protect
the vital organs from the acidity. So, the fat is a reaction of the organism to excess acidity. What
is the solution? Improving your alkalinity level.

Negative effects of acid organism:

-Becoming overweight: the body produces too much insulin, which leads to fat storage
-High blood pressure
-Low energy reserves
-Damage cells
-Hormonal misbalance
Simple advice for improving your alkaline level:

-Drink water with some lemon.

-Fresh salad with everything: go green!
-Fresh smoothie (green vegetables)
-Use spices!
The proper percentage of a meal is 70% alkaline, 30 % acid! You can find detailed lists of
alkaline foods on the internet.

I separated water from food because its such an important element we tend not to take so
We are 70% water. Are brain is 80% H2O (notice the oxygen element!)
Pay attention (on the label) to the PH level of the water you buy- it should be higher than 7.
Usually still water has higher PH than the sparkling one.
Water is essential to regenerate the cells in our body. Also for digestion, blood circulation and
body healing.

Many diseases are a consequence of dehydration!

Do you use to have headaches? Its very possible due to dehydration. The same with indigestion
and feeling tired.

Dont wait till youre thirsty! Take a zip every 20 min.

How much water do you need? Depending on your body weight, between 2 to 4 liters/day.
How do you know you are dehydrated?: the color of you piss is not so light and your mouth is

When you are hungry drink water! Then ask: Am I really hungry?

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables- they have a lot of water!

4. Breathing
Its such an important aspect of our health and vitality; however we dont know how to
breathe correctly.
Breathing gives us energy and eliminates toxins from the body. Breathing also stimulates the
lymphatic system, helping cure the dead cells and toxins from the body. Theres been made a
lot of scientific research of the benefits of correct breathing and still we dont do any effort to
change our breathing pattern or at least exercise occasionally. Why? Probably because were
still breathing.

Breathing EXERCISE that I learned from Tony Robins: Breathe in a sequence of 1*4*2. For
example: Inhale for 4 SEC, Hold the breath for16 SEC, exhale in 8 SEC. Repeat the process 10
Tip: Try breathing in your belly. It oxygenates the body much more than the superficial chest

5. Positive state of mind

You can improve your state of mind by listening to an uplifting music, being around positive
people, laughing, breathing, meditating and doing what you like- hobbies.
I guess these are self explanatory and theres no need for me to detail.

However, I would like to share with you one breathing exercise that I learned in a boot camp
organized by Art of Living International, from an Indian teacher.

We have seen how important breathing is for our heath, but breathing has also a very
important function: it makes the connection between body and mind. It relaxes us, makes us
more aware of ourselves, our bodies, thoughts and feelings. It brings us to the present

Breathing EXERCISE: for calming the mind. Its called Nadi Shodana!
Place the index and long fingers of your right hand in the middle of your forehead, while placing
alternatively the First finger and the 4th Finger to cover alternatively your nostrils.
Inhale through both nostrils, cover the right nostril with your First finger and exhale through
your left nostril. Then inhale through your left nostril, keeping your right nostril covered, then
exhale through your right nostril. And so on. Repeat the process 9 times ( 1 time means each
nostril). Long deep breaths.

Key Points To Remember From Chapter II:

- Get Alkaline!
- Dont forget to breathe!
- Positive state of mind
- Eat water rich foods and drink a lot of water!
Chapter III: How do you save energy?
In order to know how to save energy, we need to know what we spend energy on!

1. Digestion
Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest Americans of all times, put a lot of emphasis in his
biography on eating less in order to live longer and also in order to have more energy and
feel good.
Usually we know how to eat right, theres a lot of information available on this subject, but there are
certain conflicts in us that trigger us in different directions. For instance, You know you should not eat
before going to bed, but sometimes you feel a very strong desire that you cannot resist! Why?

Emotions are the biggest force that drives us to act in a certain way! And emotions come from satisfying
our needs, whether we do that a positive or damaging way! As Tony Robbins says, everything a man
does is to satisfy his needs!.

What do I mean by that? Sometimes we dont eat just because our body needs food, we eat to satisfy
other emotions. Its chemistry! When we stuff our stomach with food we begin to breathe in a certain
way, we become more relaxed and get a pleasant feeling. The same feeling or emotion that we get from
smoking, or other addictions!

As with other addictions, overeating or more precisely not eating properly, even if it brings fulfillment
immediately, it has also many side effects. The one negative side effect that interests us in this e-book is
the loss of energy which the body needs to digest the extra food!
This is why its important for you to understand why we do that and not just use willpower, because
willpower doesnt last, is not sustainable.

We are not what we eat, but what we digest and assimilate!

For a good digestion:

- Chew many times

- Be aware of the food you put in your mouth, eat slowly
- Eat food that feeds your body, not your emotions
- Water, sports, proper breathing

2. Functioning of the body

All the daily activities that we do takes from our energy, including brain activity.
Thats why its important to stop your brain, like stopping the engine of the car. We do this by
meditation, by simply emptying the mind! Being cold takes energy.
3. Sex!
Many say that its no. 1 energy drainer! Some people (especially girls ) state the contrary!
Whats your opinion?
SEXUAL ENERGY- the most important and powerful human EMOTION. When it is tamed and redirected ,
this force brings you motivation, passion, enthusiasm, courage, creativity- which you can use to get
anything you want in life! Sexual energy is an extraordinary impulse for action.




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Its an incredible force, is the key to life. Thats why we have to learn how to transform it, and not
indulge into self sex, or ordinary sex.
For example: a dog or a bull which is castrated becomes docile as a caw, loses its force for action for

N. Hill in the great book Think and grow Rich, which by the way, is the Bible of Personal Development,
said that great achievements have been accomplished by man with great/developed sexual nature,
which learned how to transfer the sexual energy into their goals. Also he talks about the importance of
sexual transmutation- a whole chapter is dedicated to that!

The sexual energy is the passion for life- enthusiasm, energy- which when you have it and you show it-
the opposite sex can feel it- and its very attractive!

Sex can be an extraordinary experience and can get you closer to the Infinite Intelligence. Its a spiritual
experience. And its a pity to do it only as a stress release. This is only a small part of what it can be.
4. Negative emotions & stress
Be aware of the what you read, listen, watch and what people you hang around with. The
environment shapes us!
Positive emotions: in the end its a decision to be an optimist person!
Understand better you body and your mind. This is how youll know how to save more energy!

TOP 3 energy drainers!

- Eat at night, before sleeping! We eat to have energy, right? Why would we need energy for

- Trying to prolong your sleep by using the snooze for waking up in the morning! Gets you even
more tired! Put 10 min later the alarm, but get up immediately. Put the alarm far from you, so you
have to get up. I learned this lesson from my coach and friend Nader Ashchi.

- Too many thoughts! Not relaxing.

Chapter IV: Now, What do we do with so much energy?:)
Going Smart about getting things done!

As Brian Tracy says: Theres never time to do all that we want, but theres always time to do what is
important. And its true. If its a must for you and not a should then you get it done, no matter
what. Imagine for a second that one of the people you care about most is in a life or death situation and
you would have to raise 10,000 EUR in 1 week to save him or her. Do you think you would raise it? What
if it was your person at stake? I bet you would!

The purpose of this e-book is not to give you time management techniques, because first of all I believe
they dont work, different techniques apply to different people, and even if you know them its not
enough to really apply them if you dont have also the drive and energy.

I believe that in every field there are strategies, shortcuts to follow and learn from the experience of
other people. The same is with self management, but in order for these techniques to work, you need to
have some prerequisites:

1. Know exactly where you want to go/ achieve (your goal)

2. Have the energy to follow through

My goal is not to teach you time management techniques, but to understand the bigger picture of it.You
can find a lot of literature on Time Management. I would recommend Brian Tracy and Eban Pegan,
which have very practical teachings.

However, I want to share with you my favorite tips in productivity:

- Apply the Pareto rule in everything you do!

More tasks could involve the same amount of time, but not all have the same results. Focus on
the 20% that bring 80% of results.

- Start with what you dont like! As Brian Tracy says: Eat the frog first thing in the morning.
Our temptation is to do the small things, the easy ones first, but these take time and bring little
results. Start with the toughest task first thing in the morning, which usually brings the most
results. Also gives you a sense of satisfaction and makes it already a great day! Make it a habit-
start takes it as a game, this is the secret to superior performance!

- Make the plan! In detail every day. Do it from the night before for the next day, so that the
subconscious mind can find answers and sleep on it.


a) Make the to do list
b) Allocate a letter A-E for each of them
A: top priority (the frog)
B: would be good to have it done
D: delegate!
E: eliminate!
Finish the A tasks and only then you can go to Bs, and so on, if there is time. If not, at least you
know you did the most important tasks. Theres never time to do all that we want, but theres
always time to do what is important.

- Focus! Concentrate on one major objective and get it done,

Finish what you started! It gives you a supplement of energy!

- Allocate chunks of time for different tasks. Get in the flow! Get absorbed by the task. Get into it!
And dont forget to bring all the tools you need at your desk, so you dont have to interrupt.
Example: work for 50 min, take a 5 min brake for refreshing, then work for another 50 min.
Repeat this for 3 times/ day.

- Cut the task in smaller pieces!

A journey of 1000 miles starts with one step! If you cut it in smaller tasks, youll see the big
objective more achievable! And start even with the smallest one- help in dealing with

- Get moving! Create momentum- an incredible force, like the snowball that we push on the
slope. Its hard the initial push, but after that it get bigger and runs faster by its own- actually by
the momentum force! Its very important not to stop, or it will be much harder again to restart
- Reward yourself! Celebrate when you reach a milestone! Its very important for you psyche.
Ex: Go one day to Spa, take a massage, make a small trip, buy something nice or skydive!

- Group the tasks!

Ex: take all the telephones at once, pay all the invoices at once- you save time and you do them
better. Also, make the habit to answer to emails and phone calls at certain time intervals- if your
activity allows for that! Example:11-12pm and 6-8 pm

Key Points To Remember From Chapter IV:

- Theres never time to do all that we want, but theres always time to do what is important.
- Eat the frog!
- Prioritize!
- Create momentum!
Chapter V: Lets get to ACTION!
Invest your time in this system and youll get results in your productivity, and quality of life.

Daily routine!

Try it for a few days and tell me your feed back! I recommend you do it for 21 consecutive days in order
to develop into a habit, but even do it for a few days to experiment it and you can make a more studied
decision whether to adopt the system or not.

After that we recommend you continue 5 days/week.

Daily routine: *do it before the meal!

1. Morning :

Drink 2 glasses of water with some lemon in


Breathing exercise 1*4*2 (in your belly)- 10 reps ( ex. 4 sec, 16 sec, 8 sec)
(see Chapter II to review it)

Gratitude: 2 min: say what you are grateful for in your life are and live the feeling!

Sports: 10 min

Meditation: 10-15 min

Listen/read motivational stuff: 15 min

Accountability call! (you might want to include this): do it with a partner to support each
other in the process.

2. Lunch time:

Breathing exercise 1*4*2 (in belly)- 5 min (see Chapter II to review it)

3. Evening

Breathing exercise Nadi Shodana- 5 min (see Chapter II to review it)

Meditation - 10 min

Review of day: what did I do well, what would I do differently? What did I learn?

Plan the next day!

You can print this template for one week and use it to make it easier to follow the routine!
You can check each item after you did it!

Dink water
Read/listen uplifting stuff
Accountability call

Breathe diaphragm 5*

Review day
Plan next day
Now that youve read this book, you probably have that same feeling that I had when I first
learned all of this amazing material. Youre probably excited.
Well, theres more. If you are ready to take your education to the next level and advance at a
faster pace, then you need to listen to, read, and watch my other programs.

School of Life (SOL) teaches you how to think, how to make decisions, find your purpose and
set goals, make plans and follow thorough. SOL gets you in the success mode and creates
momentum so you can form new empowering habits and move your life in the right direction!

More details:

Relationships Academy (RA)

What Date Academy can do for you:
- Increase self-confidence and Overcome the fear of talking to the opposite sex
- Understand the needs of the opposite sex
- Develop a pleasant personality
- Create momentum and vibration to get into the desired relationship
- Get in shape and start a healthy and vibrant lifestyle
- Make friends to support you in this process

More details:

Mental Fitness Gym: is actually a support group for helping you get in the habit of practicing the Daily
We believe positive habits are the keys to achieve success! Because once you formed them, you don't
need to think about them anymore, they are automated, there is no more effort. And you cannot
achieve success if you are all the time stressed, and it's painful!!

More details:

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