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animal life

July 2017
Tri-State Area Pet News

Your pet. Our purpose.

Bumblebee Endangered page 3
Impossible Dream page 4
Freedom for Canines page 5
Good Dog? page 9
Assisting the Community page 11
Jackson, Pittsfield, MA Complimentary
om/s onsinishelter

Dear Members of the
e to ex p re ss o u r si n cere gratitude
B o a rd a n d St a ff a t Sonsini would lik a rk N ' B re w Event
Th e ugu ra l B
h o a tte n d e d a n d h e lped make our ina
to all w
a huge success.
, L o ve U s & L e a ve Us and Greylock
rous sponso rs
Thank You to our gene e it w ith ou t yo u . A ls o, a special "thank
uldn't have don dds, Upbeat
Canine Club, for we co n d T a p a s, P a u l D o
to Ja m e s B u rd e n, Mission Bar a d , M ic h a el Vincent
yo u " in g B a n
B e rk sh ir e O u tf it te rs, Ukeville Str h ire Brew-Hous,
K9, S ta r B re w e ry , S
& Wandering nteers and
Bushey, Chris Post d to a ll th e vo lu
in st a n le y P a rt n e rs, Spirited an n t co m e together.
W a ki n g th is ev e
m un it y m e m b e rs th at assisted in m
it h gr ea t a n ticip a ti on . We cannot wait
to next year w
We are looking forward
to see you all again.

Sincere Appreciation,

Krista Wroldson-Mille
Chairman of the Board
Sonsini Animal Shelter
Animal Politics
with Karen Karlberg

Its Official: Rusty Patched Bumblebee

Declared Endangered
For the first time in the United States, a bumblebee species has been declared an of attention in the media, theyre not the only species who work to support wildlife
endangered species: The Rusty Patched Bumblebee (Bombus affinis). Over the and bring us our favorite foods, including chocolate and coffee! Other pollinators
past two decades, the bees population has plummeted nearly 90 percent. Now include birds, butterflies, beetles, rodents, bats all working to spread pollen and
designated as endangered and under federal protection, may be the only thing fertilize plants. If you like Tequila, you can toast to Mexican long-tongued bats,
standing between the bumblebee and extinction. Reasons for depleted rusty who are the main pollinators of agave. According to Bat Conservation Interna-
patched bumblebee populations are severe loss of habitat, diseases, parasites, es- tional, if one disappeared, we wouldnt have the other.
calating pesticides use (especially the neonicotinoid pesticides) and climate Ways to help protect pollinators
change, are killing the bumblebee. You can help bees and other pollinators at home by planting native flowers, lim-
The bumblebees path to the endangered species list was not a smooth one. On iting or avoiding pesticides, and fostering natural landscapes that attract the in-
January 11, 2017, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized the bumblebees sects. Planting native flowering shrubs, trees and flowers that bloom throughout
listing as an endangered species but then on January 20, the bee got stung by the the seasons will attract pollinators and help them thrive. Place these native plants
Trump administrations efforts to postpone and review Obama-era regulations as borders for your fruits and vegetables with native flowers, you'll improve pol-
that hadnt yet taken into effect. Finally on February 10, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife lination of your crops and support the bees when the crops stop blooming. To find
Service announced that the bumblebees listing would take effect on March 21, out about native plants in your area, download Bee Smart an app that will help
more than a month after it was originally scheduled. you decide what to plant based on your landscape and which pollinators you want
June was designated as National Pollinator Month in 2007 by the U.S. Senate. to attract to your garden. Add pollinator habitat by making homes like bat houses
To raise awareness about the key role pollinators play keeping our ecosystems and bee boxes to draw pollinators and help them survive. Keep pesticides, herbi-
healthy and supporting agriculture, in addition to addressing the decline in polli- cides and other chemicals out of your garden and leave the weeds. Some plants,
nator population. It highlights the virtues of pollinators and what we can do to including dandelions and clover, may be considered unsightly on lawns, but
protect and encourage them to continue their vital mission. theyre an important food source for pollinators.
The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) has found that more than half of the Another idea to help bees is choosing native plants in a variety of shapes and col-
4,000 native bee species in North America and Hawaii are declining. Nearly 1 in ors. By encourage diversity among your native plants, you are making sure
4 is imperiled and at increasing risk of extinction. Of these, more than 700 species something is blooming each season. Did you know that most species of bees are
are in trouble from the same serious threats listed above. Kelsey Kopec, a native solitary, and some 70 percent of them dig a nest in the ground to raise their young-
pollinator researcher at the CBD and author of the study, says, The evidence is -something they can't do if mulch is in the way so leave a little bare ground too.
overwhelming that hundreds of the native bees we depend on for ecosystem sta- One last idea is to install a bee block or bee hotel, which are available online or
bility, as well as pollination services worth billions of dollars, are spiraling to- at some garden stores.
ward extinction. Almost 90 percent of wild plants are dependent on insect In closing, the demise of bees and other pollinators will cause untold hardship
pollination. If we dont act to save these remarkable creatures, our world will be and misery for human beings and wildlife. It does not have to happen if we start
a less colorful and more lonesome place. now to make changes in our own yards. We also need to reach out to our con-
Tell the EPA to Save Bees gressmen and senators to let them know we want them to support the Endangered
Environmentalists continue to worry about how the use of insecticides called Species Act and to ban the dangerous pesticides companies want to spew into our
neonicotinoids will continue to hurt pollinators, including honeybees, but the in- environment. By keeping the rusty patched bumblebee from extinction, we are
secticides continue to get approved and companies continue to use them. Bee- helping the well-being of our own species too. Remember, Billions of dollars--
keepers are struggling to have their voices heard by major pesticide manufacturers and a way of life--ride on saving pollinators.
such as Bayer and Monsanto--who makes the neonicotinoids connected to mass For More information:
bee die-offs in hives all around the world. A UN report showed that bees and other Pesticide manufacturers' own tests reveal serious harm to honeybees,
pollinators are at a threat of a global extinction--and we rely on them for 80 per- The Guardian, September 22, 2016
cent of our food crops. In other words, when bees die, people starve. We need Pollinators in Peril, Center for Biological Diversity, March 1, 2017
to stop killing bees. And the best way to do that is making sure neonic pesticides The Plight of the Honeybee By Jennifer S. Holland,
get off our shelves. for National Geographic News, May 10, 2013
According to the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign 80 percent of
food plant species worldwide depend on pollinators. We have them to thank for Until next time
an estimated one out of every three mouthfuls of food and drink we consume.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bumblebees are among the I will continue to speak for the animals and wildlife who have no voice.
most important pollinators of crops such as blueberries, cranberries, and clover, Karen Karlberg
and almost the only insect pollinators of tomatoes. While bees have gotten a lot

Animal Life r July 2017 3

To Dream the Impossible Dream Peace
Jesse Salas The Legacy

He gives us peace about our animas. Animals I took some time off to grieve. Jesse was
we need them. All my adult life I have been patient enough to understand my need for
beholder to the wolf archetype. All my dogs are time. He listens. He waited until I was ready.
husky mixes. I finally fell in love with the pure bred The true training has no begun. My training!
Alaskan malamute. The fee was reasonable. The begin- The first class was a two hour seminar at Sham-
ning of a love story and a master life teaching. rock Professional Dog Grooming and dog waste re-
He tried for twenty years to train my dogs. Puppy kindergartens, moval in Pittsfield. They board dogs and Jesse Teaches there.
private training. There is still something inside me that loves the untamed part of The Seminar was on healing your relationship with your dog. Healing
nature. Freedom. The pure affection it teaches. Loyalty. your perception of your dog. I kept my dog in the car, for fear she would not be
Whenever any of my dogs became defensive with other dogs in class, we were friendly with the other dogs. I spoke to Jesse describing my needs. He said, I
always separated. No more participation-No more interaction with the other dogs wish you wouldve brought her here. I said I did. He went to my car and got

in class. Teaching stopped. Ive been to at least six trainers. Dismissed by all. her. I was mortified. He brought her right into the class!
I began avoidance tendencies, and holding my breath when encountering any He saw all my fear. I held my breath and stood outside the fence, white knuck-
other dogs. Praying on the edges of chance, my dogs would be okay. led. He was immediately able to identify her defensive behavior and neutralize it.
I watched the dog whisperer and tried to decipher Caesars way. Most times Her in one hand, another dog in the other. Belly up she went at his feet.
it, too, made me feel left out. You can wait for years to meet Caesar, or never. Then the miracle happened. He made her calm down and stay right next to the
Then my dog had a horrendous accident. She
severed her ligament, tendons and an artery of
her left front leg on an old piece of mill glass His intuitive insight got right down to
other dog. He didnt separate us!
His intuitive insight got right down to the
core of my dogs issues. She is sweet, not ag-
rising up from the ground. There was blood the core of my dogs issues gressive but defensive. I hadnt realized the
everywhere. We used a queen size sheet as a dog I had previously used to bully her when
tourniquet! she was a pup. She learned defensive be-
My neighbors followed her blood trail to the river. He found this enormous piece havior. What Insight he has!
of inch thick glass that cut her right open! Jesse is from a lineage of profession trainers in Lima, Peru. They trained Ger-
I am forever thankful to Greylock Animal Hospital for saving her life, and her man shepherds from Germany for the police. We are fortunate enough that Jesse
leg! They also prescribed Fitter Critters, a dog therapy pool in Lee, Ma. is an explorer who landed in this country. Im sure Peru misses him.
My dog wore a brace on her leg for months! Jody Chiquoine, founder of Fitter Jesses teaching is a revolutionary, simple, natural, patient approach to dog train-
Critters, and her staff helped heal her leg almost completely. If I didnt have the ing. He listens to your heart. Patience, this takes time, take little steps. One com-
cash for a treatment Jody let us barter. True Wolf Sister. Happily and gratefully, mand at a time. When my dog gets defensive he gently reprimands her with a lot
we walk now. We continue going to Fitter Critters. Able to pay now, we donate of non-verbal communication. (n. the act of transmitting. A giving or exchanging
at least an extra dollar each visit towards the people who cant pay! It adds up of information, signals, or messages as by talk or gestures.)
quickly! Deb, dont avoid. He instills confidence & advocates for the dog. My dog is 8
We moved to a more rural setting. My roommate fell ill. My dog had only one years old. Its never too late. True power doesnt have to announce itself. It is
dog friend next door. He was a Grand Malamute. They instantly fell in love. Un- quiet, yet commanding. That is Jesse. His fresh approach to training is the king-
fortunately my roommate succumbed to his illness and so did the dog next door. dom come. We are not alone!
My dog absorbed the trauma and became very isolated and defensive with other Thank you for an answer, and hope-Jesse Salas.
dogs. Thank you for your legacy of true peach. A world teacher among us.
Longing on one hand (or should I say paw) to play with other dogs, but becom- I love the Berkshires!
ing more and more on edge with them. We had some incidence with an all out de- Now, Jesse passes his legacy onto his daughter! It is the new age.
fensive ambush on two other dogs. Deb Harmatz
Thank god the owner was kindhearted. She saw my extreme vulnerability and Special thanks to Molly for her Beautiful Heart. Peace.
didnt pursue my dog. I am extremely grateful for her.
So again, on the hunt for training, I found one of the top ten police dog trainers
in the country. She had the same response as all the other trainers- fear and sepa-
Finally Jody Chiquoine recommended Jesse Salas The Right End of the Leash.

4 Animal Life r July 2017

Freedom for These Canines
Only Came When Bud and Karen Stepped Up
It only seems fitting that this month I write about freedom and sacrifice. July 4th
is Independence Day. A time to reflect on our past and the sacrifices so many men
and women made to give us our independence. We have an obligation and re-
sponsibility to maintain it. I think us as Americans with individual beliefs and
feelings show that gratitude in a variety of ways.
For some dogs, especially those with an unknown past, a past with physical and
psychological trauma, or the aged and infirmed; FREEDOM only comes when
special people step up. I cannot think of any more special people than Bud and
Karen Fitzpatrick. Despite Karen and Buds own physical and family concerns,
they have opened their hearts and home to some very battle-scarred canines.
Least I mention, Bud is A Viet Nam Veteran. These two folks epitomize love, sac-
rifice, kindness, dedication, responsibility, and grit.
Many years ago Karen rescued a 2 year old husky named Jedi. Upon entering
his early teens, he was diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes. This diagno-
sis not only placed time constraints on the couple but financial due to the frequent
veterinary visits, special diet, and insulin. With the help of their veterinarian, Dr.
half. Knowing my friend, Karen, always had 3 dogs
Elizabeth Tullett at Allen Heights and some savvy budgeting, the family made it
and now had two, a call was made. Jerome had a
work. Jedi had 3 wonderful years after being diagnosed. They postponed vacations
place to go for however long he may have to live.
except for a couple quick get aways because Jedi needed to be cared for by peo-
Upon laying eyes on Jerome, Karen and Bud felt his
ple knowing that disease and that is when a veterinary technician would stay at
loneliness and rejection. They also shared their anger on how this family could do
their home.
to him what they did. Their girls, Maggi and Lexi, loved him too. They were very
Despite the trials and tribulations being endured caring for Jedi, Karen and Bud
kind and allowed him to have the couch. Jerome loved hanging out with Karen
opened their door for Buddy. Buddy was a regal Dalmatian; a not so refined south-
and sunbathing on the deck. He loved the extra attention he got when her grand-
ern gentleman. He was heartworm positive, scruffy, and had lacked human inter-
daughter, Sara, would come over and visit. He NEVER went in the trash. Karens
action. He became physically healthy and heartworm free with the help of Dr.
only regret is that Jerome had only 8 months with the family until he had to be sent
Tullett and her staff. His behavior became quite obedient with the training and
to the Rainbow Bridge.
guidance from Leea Foran at Foranimals. He had 8 years in a loving family. In
When Karen and I spoke about the short time they had with Jerome, she re-
2011 on Valentines Day due to major health complications, he was sent to the
layed that in her heart she knew he had a great 8 months. He had indoor living,
Rainbow Bridge.
good food and treats, safe yard to play in with the girls, a deck to lay on in the nice
With the heartache still present, Karen and Bud saw the loneliness in Jedi and
weather, and awesome veterinary care. But most of all, he knew REAL LOVE.
heard of a dog in urgent need. This time it was a southern unrefined female ball
She shared that Jerome gave more love to her and Bud than they probably gave
of energy. Maggi, as she came to be called by the Fitzpatricks, needed much
him. She went on to state that it is about quality not quantity. She wishes more
training to become civil. After all, she was an indoor dog and living with an older
people would consider giving a home to an aged dog because they have so much
and rather quiet fella named Jedi. Again, Dr. Tullett and Leea Foran were called
love and gratitude to share with you.
in to assist in turning this gal into a dog they could handle. Success!!!!!!! Harmony
Something was missing in 2014 at the Fitzpatrick home. Could it be that third
was back in the home.
canine member? Since Karen had a soft spot for Dalmatians, she found a rescue
Soon after Maggi arrived, Jedis diabetes worsened. His vision was completely
group that had a deaf dal that had in less than a year been in 3 homes. Upon dis-
gone and was loosing control of his bodily functions. Being the compassionate
cussion with Bud and the girls, they applied to adopt her. The application was
folks Karen and Bud are, they sent Jedi to be with his brother Buddy on Buds
approved. Haley arrived to their home quite spirited and full of vigor. Again,
birthday. Karen remembers Dr. Tullett telling her how fortunate her dog was to
Leea and Dr. Tullett assisted in the vetting and training to assist in the transition.
have her in his life.
Today, Karen and Bud, have 3 well- behaved, healthy, and very happy rescue
You think with all the time, energy, financial woes, and recent sadness Karen and
dogs. They remain with a few battle scars but as each day passes the scars fade
Bud would say enough is enough; NOT SO. They heard of a very special dog
a bit. This couple clearly demonstrates the old saying: there are not bad dogs, just
named Lexi that was in a short term Kentucky foster home after being saved from
irresponsible owners. I hope as you read this story, you think about adopting a
a horrific hoarding court case in Tennessee. Karen spoke with the rescue group
dog. And, know that with the proper vetting and training, your dog will live in har-
leader who also was an Animal Rights Law Professor at the University Of Ken-
mony with you and your family.
tucky and arrangements were made to get Lexi to Karen.
Lets Get More Dogs On That Freedom Train!!!!!!!!!
It was love at first sight for Karen when she met Lexi. Despite having had vet-
erinary care in Kentucky, she was still rather inelegant, very slender and would get
in a panic frenzy with loud noises especially thunder. Things for Lexi got much Happy Tails Until Next Month!
better over time with her loving family, Dr.Tullett, and Leea Foran. She will never
be completely free of anxiety but her PTSD is quite controlled and manageable Kathy Mikaniewicz Hynes, RN BSN is a veteran AirForce Flight Nurse and has done
research on the Human-Animal Bond as well as used her rescue dogs as work partners .
with the techniques the Fitzpatricks have learned.
She is the owner/operator of Got Spots : an organization to promote optimal wellness
In 2013, I learned of a senior black lab in Charlotte, North Carolina named through the human-animal bond. The organization is pending 501c status. She is presently
Jerome. He had lived his entire life with the same family. The family recently had employed as a psychiatric nurse for the Veteran Administration and a substitute nurse
a baby and said they had to get rid of him because he was in the diaper genie and teacher for the City of Pittsfield.
and garbage so they booted him to live outdoors until someone would take him
or they would drop him at the public shelter. That nearly broke my entire heart in

Animal Life r July 2017 5

training the canine mind!
myth &truth about dog behavior
My dog wags his tail like crazy when he sees another dog on our walks but

every time I let him go up to the other dog he jumps on them and starts a fight.
I thought his wagging tail meant he was happy to see the dog and wanted to play.
Dog communication is largely about body language and the more we learn to read
our dogs signals the better we will be able to predict (and prevent) unwanted be-
havior. When we look at our dog to gauge
Dedicated Professional

how he feels it is helpful to have several parts

Certified Professional Dog Trainer

to observetail, ears, mouth, forehead and

Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner II
Training for Real Life Needs

overall stance give us a more complete pic-

AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator
Amer Red Cross Pet First Aid Instructor 413-445-8843
ture. Tails come in a lot of different shapes
With 36 Years of

and the wagging tail can be misunderstood.

Teaching Experience

Dogs wag their tails when they are excited or

I believe that training should bring a smile to your face & a wag to your tail. I will never use

force or intimidation to train your dog. Positive reinforcement and up-to-date scientifically

aroused, not just when they are happy. Ex-

based behavior modification programs bring positive results and lasting change. Leea

citement and arousal can go either way de-

pending on the overall situation. Usually the higher up in the air that the base of the
tail is raised (above the level of the spine), the more aroused the dog is becoming.

A softly waving tail below spine level accompanied by a fluid body movement is
Training Services more likely a happy dog whereas a tail held high and wagged in short rapid move-
ments is a dog on high alert. If you allow your dog to approach another dog (espe-
cially if you are holding them on tight leashes) sparks can easily fly. If you would
like to learn more about your dogs body language, the ASPCA has a great article
For appointment and/or on the subject:
Upcoming Class Schedule ior/canine-body-language.
Leea Foran, CDBC, CPTA-KA is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and
518-764-1320 Behavior consultant, Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2 and owner
of Foranimals, LLC in Lenox, MA.
For more information: www or 413-445-8843
Susan & George Clark, ABCDT

Kennel Since 1972

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

All Breed - All Ages

Specializing in the behavior and transition
problems of shelter and rescue dogs.
Training & Certification for

Therapy Dogs International
Home of:
Select AKC Champions 2000 Canadian Grand Victrix
United States Top Ten Police K-9 Unit Service Dogs
AKC Obedience, Agility and Herding titleholders NADAC & Where quality puppies come to life.

Excellent Bloodlines AKCRegistered

Schutzhund titleholders Therapy Dogs and Canine Good
Citizens GSDCA Performance Award of Merit Recipients

Charlene Marchand Please call about our upcoming autumn litter of

German Shepherd puppies born and nurtured in Becket, MA.

North Chatham, NY 518-766-3804
Charlene Marchand is a syndicated columnist for training, behavior, and health issues. She is
actively involved in canine rescue and sheltering, and is the co-creator and trainer for Columbia
County Sheriffs highly acclaimed A New Leash On Life Cell Dog Program.
Helping Cats
Making a Dent in The Primary Cause
of Cat Suffering
Volunteer Opportunities Available!
The mission of Animal DREAMS, trapping, neutering and returning cats who Our work is straightforward.
live outside (TNR), gets to the core of the cat problem; there are too many of We:
them, and the least fortunate of them find themselves living life on the streets in Trap cats, and coach cat caretakers to assist with trapping projects
an endless cycle of reproduction. For an outside cat, its hard enough just surviv- Take care of cats in our Catty Shack as they await their vet appointment
ing. But intact males are destined to battle with other males over territory, and Transport them to and from their vet appointment
they sustain many injuries as a result. Females find themselves pregnant as many Return the cats to their caretakers
as three times a year, which is a great challenge to their health and wellbeing. Kit- Assist with low cost spay and neuter program for owned cats when
tens born outside with no human contact will live their lives afraid of humans but funding allows
reliant on the kindness of people to feed them without expectation of affection in Maintain a food pantry for feral cats; solicit for food donations, store the food,
return. give it to caretakers
TNR is a mission that our small, core group of Animal DREAMS volunteers Keep the Catty Shack and our traps clean
find fulfilling enough to stick with despite the challenges. Its not easy to trap Initiate small fundraising projects to pay for vet appointments
feral cats, and they certainly dont seem to appreciate it when we do! But hearing
the colony caretakers tell us what a difference TNR makes in the lives of the cats One of our volunteers, Pat Welsh, feels that volunteering at
is a great reward. If this mission calls to you, maybe youd like to consider join- Animal DREAMS is a good fit for her.
ing our volunteer force. Heres why.
First, I should say that it takes a certain kind of person to plug into this work. Al- My favorite part of volunteering for Animal DREAMS is getting up early on a
though we are in regular email or phone communication, almost all of us do our summer morning with a worthwhile purpose and setting off on an always-inter-
volunteer duties without seeing each other! So unless you and a friend decide to esting expedition. Barns, front porches, and backyards are all places where kind
volunteer as a pair, this volunteer work wont give you the comradery that other and caring people take care of their neighborhood cats, and where we meet to go
organizations may offer. And when we receive an assignment, its up to us to carry over the trapping process. No two trappings are alike, and there are a variety of
it out; there isnt someone there to remind us. So being reliable and a self-starter tasks between trapping and returning, so the work never gets boring. Of course,
is key. That said, for a person who is responsible, enjoys autonomy and likes to the best part is returning the cat after their vet visit and high-fiving the caretaker,
serve without a great deal of social interaction, its a great way to make a differ- knowing we did good, often having some good laughs in the process. This is
ence. And at least once a year, we participate in the fabulous volunteer recogni- what adventure is all about.
tion party hosted by Berkshire Humane Society, who has welcomed us under
their wing as a partner organization. If youre interested in finding out more about volunteer opportunities,
call 413-997-2287.


simple, direct and personal banking


Animal Life r July 2017 7

pet sitting &day care
PLAYYARD Walk In The Park

Day Care, Boarding & Training Services

Lynn Pfeiler
Putting a Smile on Your Dogs Face Dog Walking/Pet Sitting Services
ABC Certified Professional Training Classes
No Kennels (APDT) Insured 413-446-0684
Safe Home Environment NAPPS
Insured & Bonded
Independent Field Representative for Lifes Abundance References

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Susan & George Clark, ABCDT


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Pet Sitting
518-329-4675 D 349 Farm Rd., Copake, New York


Call to set up your dogs interview

Canine lodging 365 days/year

Salon services for canine and feline Monday-Saturday
Serving area pets since 1995

92 Cook Road, Sheffield, MA
(413) 229-0035
Is It A Good Dog?
A dog seriously attacks an individual or maims/kills another dog. Subsequently,
an Animal Control Officer, the Animal Control Commission, Veterinarian, or
dog-training professional recommends or orders the dog to be euthanized. The
owner shouts, But he/she is a good dog!
Is it? Lets examine the pros and cons. My first question to a client is to ask
about the circumstances surrounding this dogs sudden attack. Was it provoked
by a human or another dog? Was it because it wasnt feeling well or is in pain
due to a medical condition? Was the dog protecting its territory? Or was this
dog misguided by its owner and now
in control of the household? The Premium USAbrands of
aforementioned reasons may not lead
one down the road of a decision to eu- foods and treats
Many years ago I was involved with
Toys Essentials Gifts
a case where a Pit mix bit its owners Natural and Organic Products
face. The Plastic Surgeon strongly
recommended the owner euthanize the Lots of Fun Stuff!
dog. After inquiring about how the in-
cident occurred, observing the dogs Saturday, July 8 1-3pm
body language/behavior, I was confi- c Nail Trimming $7.00 c
dent this dog wasnt a vicious animal.
The owners werent in charge and Monday - Friday 10 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
needed to immediately change their at- OPEN Sundays 11 am - 3 pm
titudes. I prescribed obedience train-
ing and simultaneously worked out a Lenox Commons 55 Pittsfield Road, Lenox, MA
plan of action for them to become
leaders. In conjunction, an exercise
program and a strict training schedule
was instituted. The owners followed through and the dog lived a long life with-
out any other incidents.
All too often, the answer is just plain and simple; the dog has a deep aggres-
Custom Veterinary Medications
sion issue and is a detriment to society. The cause might be due to horrific events
it endured from its environment. We also have to factor in genetics which makes
if only my pi n
up a dogs DNA. The only way to fix genetics is by responsible breeding!
tasted like b
A dog exposed to a poor quality environment may bite due to fear or it has
or cheese!

been abused or neglected. This might or might not be ample criteria for reha-
or liver

bilitation. It depends on the severity of the damage done. It will require hiring
a professional with an extensive background in behavior and rehabbing. Often,
it means this professional taking your dog to their facility for a week or even a
month. Can you incur the small fortune of money this might cost? Additionally
it means the owner(s) will have to follow through at home.
A dog has a history even after just one bite incident. Rescues and shelters cant
help is here for pets & vets!
adopt animals with this history since its a liability. Lets face it; there are too
many animals that truly deserve the chance to find a home. We have to some-
Your dog resists swallowing pills, your cat spits out her medication and your

times seek the truth of reality, even though dogs are living beings; we have no
hamster is not a happy patientWe can help! Our pharmacists can compound your

choice sometimes but to humanely euthanize animals that cant be put into our
pets medications into tasty snacks or other easy to administer forms (creams, gels,

protective coatings) and in dosages adjusted to the size and type of animal.

If you still think you have a good dog and do nothing, than you bear the re-
From house pets to horses, we can provide unique solutions for a wide variety of

sponsibility and consequences when the next incident occurs. Do you want that
ailments and most veterinary medical specialties. We use the highest standards,

on your conscientious the rest of your life?

purest chemicals and the latest technology.

Maybe your dog isnt as good as you thought!

Happy training!
Gloria McClay
call for more information, or visit compounding at

Gloria is the owner/operator of the dog-training and grooming facility Canine

Connection (Cheshire, MA). She is a member and on the Board of the Great
also discover 5 Walker Street
Lenox, MA 413.637.4700
Barrington Kennel Club, author of Dog Sense, former breeder/owner/han-
our all-natural 888.796.1222
open mon-fri 9-6 sat 9-5
dler of Schipperkes & Rottweilers, and sits on the Board of Directors of the Son-
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sini Animal Shelter.

Delivery to your home or office!
independent / local / family owned & operated

Animal Life July 2017 9

grooming Barn Hunt Wrap Up!
Canine Clip Shop
Volunteers, many of whom were also new to the sport, dogs and participants all had
a great time! Many dogs passed their tests, and, even those who didn't had a good
time. My 12.5-year-old deaf-as-a-post German Shepherd, true to her breed and
much to everyone's amusement, lost all interest in the rat when "her" grandchildren
arrived on the scene! Some teams showed a true gift for the sport.
Barn Hunt comes naturally to dogs who love to sniff stuff. All dogs, regardless
of size, can participate as long as they can fit through an 18" tunnel (a Landseer
Newfie squeezed herself through!). Purebreds and mixes are all welcome. Han-
dlers and dogs with limited mobility are also able to participate, so BH is an ideal
$ 00 Off Complete Grooming
Expires July 31, 2017
activity for older handlers and dogs.
The rats are safely enclosed in dog-proof tubes, and have been carefully accli-
mated to this activity. Always attended by their caretaker ("Rat Wrangler") and
his/her assistants, in addition, they get breaks for food, water and rest, so those
Hours: Mon.-Sat. sometimes Sundays 7:30am - ?

who would otherwise not wish to encourage their dogs' desire to hunt critters can
some nights in the summer only

participate without concern. This is what drew me to Barn Hunt. The dog I mostly
Janet Allen (Leave Message) 413-442-5542

participate with is a Clumber Spaniel, and, as such, bred to be a hunter. She is of

1315 East Street, Pittsfield

the flushing spaniel group, but she loves to snoot around in things to find whatever
she can. Mostly, she's on the search for the elusive crumb or popcorn kernel that
Top Dog Styling
Bubbles & Brush may have fallen somewhere, but generally, she just loves to scent. Through Barn
Hunt, I could enable and encourage this innate talent and be assured that no crea-
ture would be hurt, which is important to me.
All dogs want a "job". It channels their abilities and makes them tired, which is
a good thing, especially for the high-energy breeds. And Barn Hunt is almost as fun
dog walking
to watch as to participate. Each dog has his/her way of indicating that the rat has

Poochinis been found. Some are frustratingly subtle (since the handler must know and call
a La Carte items

when the rat has been found) and others are just comical. Some are determined
special services
hunters, and others just enjoy the chance to find the rats or sniff around in the bales
of hay. It is a true joy to watch the skilled dogs and handlers in the advanced Mas-
Accepting most major credit cards

ters class work out the location of the 1 to 5 rats (dismissing the other 11-7 tubes
Fully Insured

that have only rat litter), and indicate to the handler when the course is "clear".
Member of PSI and ASPCA
located at Copake Lake, Dawn Gardina, Owner
The judge's Fox Terrier, adeptly handled by his wife, was just extraordinary to

Barking Beauties
Craryville, NY

watch -- both the skill of the dog and the handler.

518-325-4150 518-821-3959

GBKC has been approved to hold a formal trial on October 1 again at the 4H
Fairgrounds on Utility Drive off Holmes Road in Pittsfield. Dogs must be regis-
tered with the Barn Hunt Association to participate, and preregistration is required
(details to be found at the Barn Hunt website - -- and check for
updates on the GBKC Facebook page). We are excited to have the wonderful
Salon for Dogs & Cats
Carol Soeldner as our judge. Carol is experienced, gentle, funny and encouraging,
especially to those new to the sport.
My dogs and I have also done various kinds of Nosework and Tracking, two
other dog sports that use the dog's natural scenting ability. GBKC has held two
tracking clinics, with plans to hold another, and we also hope to hold a Nosework
event in the future. I am a judge with the USCSS (US Canine Scent Sports) or-
ganization, so that makes it easier to put together a trial. Those interested may con-
Staci A. Barrett, Owner tact me by e-mail --
18Years of Experience Gift Certificates I encourage all dog owners to find a sport that suits you and your dog.
  Always  Available
You won't regret a single moment!
165 Water Street, Lee, MA 413-243-2626

Sally Underwood-Miller, President, GBKC

Do You Have the Ultimate Dog?


10 Animal Life r July 2017

Assisting Communities in Need
We believe in helping people help their pets.
One of the most important vaccinations that puppies receive before being adopted because at that time, they are experiencing financial hardship. I think this service
is the parvo vaccine. The highly contagious canine parvovirus can affect all mem- is a way to help keep animals in their homes, which means they arent in our or
bers of the canine family and is most dangerous for puppies though the risk is sig- any other shelter. Thats the goal.
nificant for dogs of all ages. Symptoms usually appear 4-6 days after exposure More than 50 animals were seen and vaccinated over the course of two clinics.
and may include lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weakness, and The second date was hosted on May 21st a booster clinic where pet owners re-
dehydration. Severity of symptoms vary. Sadly, death may result if the animal is turned with their dog for the second of two parvo shots. New people arrived too,
not promptly treated, is too young, or has a compromised im- having missed the first clinic or having decided to pick
mune system, but this can be prevented with a vaccine. up a spay/neuter voucher. For any owner who declined,
A few months ago, an outbreak of parvo was reported in staff took the opportunity to explain the numerous
North Adams, MA. The virus was present in several neigh- health benefits to animals who are fixed.
borhoods namely apartment complexes where puppies are Animals that are spayed and neutered tend to live
often acquired through friends and neighbors, and therefore longer. They have a lower risk for certain cancers, and
are often adopted without preventative vaccinations. The virus they are less likely to develop unwanted behaviors due
easily transmits through exposure to feces, contaminated ob- to instinctual territory marking and roaming if left out-
jects like toys and water bowls, and through direct contact. In side, said Truskowski. Dogs are sometimes calmer,
communities were people and animals share close quarters, less aggressive or territorial after surgery. Its a bene-
playing (and defecating) in the same areas of communal lawns fit for them as well as their owners.
and sidewalks, the virus can quickly spread. Animal DREAMS, the trap-neuter-return (TNR) non-
In response to the outbreak, Massachusetts Animal Fund profit caring for feral cat colonies in Berkshire County,
(MAF), a department within the Massachusetts Department was present at the first clinic in April to speak to resi-
of Agricultural Resources, reached out to Berkshire Humane dents about outdoor and stray cats at the apartment
Society (BHS). Last year, BHS successfully helped curb a ra- complexes. Free cat food was given to anyone who
bies outbreak by hosting a free vaccine clinic. MAF asked if needed it, and the organization shared information
BHS would assist once again. about resources available for outdoor cat communities,
Together, BHS and MAF teamed up to host a free vaccine as well as encouraged anyone with an unfixed animal
clinic at two of the most vulnerable apartment complexes in to take advantage of the spay/neuter voucher.
North Adams, offering vaccinations for both rabies and parvo. Free cat food is a great way to get people to talk to
With the support of North Adams Animal Control and man- you, said Stacey Carver with a smile. Carver, the di-

agement offices at the apartments, two dates were scheduled rector of Animal DREAMS, collected information
and education flyers were distributed. On Sunday, April 23, from residents about cats living in the area so that fu-
BHS and MAF pitched a tent and set up tables on the lawn. ture TNR efforts could more easily be planned when
By law, these vaccinations can only be administered by a li- necessary. We were there to tell people what we do
censed veterinarian, and the animal must receive a wellness and how we can help, said Carver.
exam and be cleared to receive the
shots. Doctor Heather Blake, chief of
One of the most important vaccinations that puppies
I love offering these clin-
ics, said Perreault. I love

receive before being adopted is the parvo vaccine.

staff at Greylock Animal Hospital, vol- the direct contact with peo-
unteered to work the clinic with one of ple, talking to them, meeting
her technicians. They administered their animals. These dis-
vaccines, gave free exams, and an- eases are preventable they
swered many pet owner questions. just need the vaccine. This is a service to everyone.
One young woman brought in a puppy with a genetic eye The clinics were a great success, with many smiling
condition. Her puppy was also experiencing difficulty eating. people walking away from the tent hugging and kiss-
Both Dr. Blake and BHS shelter manager, Cheryl Truskowski, ing their dogs, happy that they would be protected from
provided feeding advice and encouraged her to have the two deadly diseases for the coming year. The love wit-
puppys eyes examined regularly. She was also given a nessed between the residents and their furry compan-
voucher for free spaying/neutering services a benefit that ions was unmistakable, and when staff packed up that
MAF offered that day to anyone who had their pet vaccinated. second afternoon, it was with the deep satisfaction of
The young woman was so thankful, she returned minutes later having met a need. Helping people help pets that was
to donate some food her puppy had refused to eat. the goal, and the goal was accomplished.
I dont want it to go to waste, she called as she hopped into
the car with her pup and friend. Everyone thanked her and Elizabeth Nelson
waved as she drove away. Marketing Communications Manager
This is a great opportunity for all of us, said John Perreault, executive director Berkshire Humane Society
for BHS. This is an opportunity to assist a community in need and to provide
education about responsible pet ownership. People are extremely appreciative.
They want to do the right thing. Sometimes they dont have the free income when
its time to spay or neuter their pet, or they cant afford a vet visit for routine care

Animal Life r July 2017 11

this side of purradise
Cat-choo! Iris Bass
Imagine how life would be if you had a head cold that seems to leave but then when she is feeling more herself, Cathy told me,
keeps coming back. Uncomfortable sometimes, for surebut not really disabling, she is the perfect lap catincluding snuggling in
right? your arms like a baby.
Thats what life is like for cats that have feline viral rhinopneumonitis (FVR), A family had already expressed interest in adopting
commonly called feline herpes. Forget everything you may know about the kind Copperfield (accepting his herpes as part of the pack-
of human herpes you might catch from an infected date. The kitty variety involves age), which makes it all the more imperative that his foster mom find the right
the upper respiratory tract, with such symptoms as sneezing, runny eyes, nasal home, too, to reduce the emotional effects of their separation: a calm, steady
congestion, fever, lethargy, and sometimes drooling. Except for that last bit, household with, adds WebMDs ASPCA-sourced advisory page, clean bedding
sounds a lot like your last head cold, doesnt it? and access to natural light and hiding places, all of which will help her feel se-
There are a couple of other differences, though. One is that, although cats with cure and keep her stress level low. In the long run, peace and quiet, attention to any
FVR can feel and appear healthy between bouts, stress can bring on cold symp- sign of a flare-up, and physical affection are key to keeping Tootsies come-and-
toms. These flare-ups can be handled by vet-prescribed antibiotics or antiviral go sniffles at bay...while remembering to say the occasional Bless you! in heart-
meds andjust as for peopledrinking fluids and using a vaporizer or nebulizer felt appreciation of her loving presence when she does emit the rare, kitty-size
to add moisture to the air. sneeze.
Another difference is that you cant catch FVP unless you are a cat. Kitty herpes This series follows the special human-feline bond at Purradise, the Berkshire Hu-
cannot be transmitted to humans or dogsonly to other cats that do not already mane Society Cat Adoption Center at 301 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington,
have the virus. MA 01230 (413-717-4244), Open Wed., Fri., & Sat. 10
And this brings me to two FVR-positive kitties that, when I visited Purradise on a.m.4 p.m.; Thurs. 10 a.m.6 p.m.; and Sun. noon4 p.m.
June 22, were happily ensconced together in several linked condos in a room well
away from the shelters other residents. Longhaired nine-month-old Copperfield, Iris Bass, coauthor of the Cat Lovers Daily Companion, shares her Lee home
a black-and-white tuxedo with a bandit-style black mask outlining his expres- with five shelter cats.
sive eyes, was adorable and knew it, rolling about and flirting with any human who
drew near. But that did not prevent his also following about and rubbing against
three-year-old all-black shorthaired Tootsiewho padded over more sedately to
greet meto show off their close feline bond.
Purradise staffer Cathy told me that Tootsie, who previously had been a great
mom to a litter of kittens, had then taken a hankering to young Copperfieldwho
wouldnt?!and mothered him as if her own. Because Copperfield already had
the virus in his system, there was no danger in letting them share living quarters
even when Tootsie was feeling a touch under the weather, as she was the day I was
there, nebulizer a-puff nearby. As I have five FVR-negative cats at home, it was
not a good idea for me to hold Tootsie when she was in an infectious state, but

Double the Love Campaign

Now through August 31st, 2017

Friends of Eleanor Sonsini

Animal Shelter, Inc.
63 Downing Parkway
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Our generous donors & corporate If you can give Sugar a loving, caring home,
sponsors have agreed to Please contact Harriet Clark Koss at 917-670-3892
Danielle LaPointe,
Emily Chasse,
Assistant Manager
that you donate. D Dalmatian Adoption, Inc. D
Your donation will go twice as far to provide food,
917-670-3892 email:
Staff Email: toys, medical care and treats to our animals. This is a courtesy ad provided by Dalmatian Adoption, Inc. In Brooklyn, NY.

12 Animal Life r July 2017

At the
Berkshire Humane Society
I came to the shelter when my owner could no longer care
for me. I came down with another urinary tract infection
and I am on antibiotics to help clear it up. I am a very so-
cial with all the people I meet. I lived with another small/
medium sized dog. We got along most of the time. I would
do best in a home with older kids to adults. I like to go for
short walks and cuddle on the couch. I have dry eye, so I
may need to have eye medication and eye lubricant for
in the tri-state area the rest of my life. But, I am very tolerant with my eye
medications. I would love to get into my new home soon.
Please call or stop by the shelter to see me.

Cindy At the
Berkshire Humane Society
Foxhound/English Mix, 5 year old, female
Hello, Im Cindy an English Foxhound mix. I am a good
girl and can adapt into many situations, and Im social
with dogs and kids. (Just no cats, please.) Ive had a
Hello! I am Bandit. I am a sweet and gentle boy. I came
rough time having puppies in the past, and a few other
to the shelter when the person that rescued me decided
health issues, but Im doing really well now! I prefer the were not able to care for me the way I deserve. I am
people to toys, and Im a typical hound that likes to take fully house trained. I walk pretty well on leash with my
walks and sniff all along the way. Staff doesnt know too easy-walk body harness. I seem like I may do well with
much about my past, but I am looking forward to building other dogs, but we will see through introductions.
a better future! How about giving me a second chance Please consider adopting me and I promise I will be a
at a great life? I promise I will do my best to be a great addition to your life.
wonderful companion.
Sponsored by:
Berkshire Humane Society 36 Pittsfield Road
Lenox, MA

At the At the
Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter
Wednesday Taz
Taz is a 1-year-old Hound/Boxer mix who is looking for
Wednesday is a 1 year old hound/boxer mix who is a home of his own. He came here when he had a hard
looking for a new home! Wednesday is a sweet girl who time adjusting to the children in the home so we are
loves everyone she meets, and we feel she would do looking for a home with older teenagers who can un-
best in an active home that can keep up with her end- derstand and work with Taz in building his confidence.
less energy.We can't say enough good things about He enjoys the company of other dogs. He walks very
Wednesday and feel as long as she is given the proper nicely on leash and is a fast learner with his obedience.
exercise and structure that she will make someone and If you are looking for a great hiking partner and active
dog then Taz could be the boy for you.
Sponsored by: Sponsored by:
Locations throughout
Merrill Road,
Berkshire County

At the
Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

Leonardo is a total love bug. If you are looking for
a cuddly lap cat then he is your guy! He has lived
with other cats and would probably adjust to life
with a dog. Do you have room in your lap, I mean
home for this handsome guy?

Sponsored by:

36 Pittsfield Road
Lenox, MA

Animal Life r July 2017 13

Elizabeth Tullett
Certified in Dr. Sharon Lynch, Veterinarian
Veterinary Acupuncture Fred Davis III, CVT
Comprehensive Veterinary Services
289 Dalton Avenue
Low Cost Individual Attention
Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat. 8-12
Pittsfield, MA 01201

413-443-4949 Caring & Compassionate Washington State Road, Washington, MA 01223

cattle, horses, goats, sheep, llamas

and alpacas at your farm or home



Open 7 Days
a week

Provides. . .
Food for needy dogs & cats
Reduced rate spay/neuter
Assistance with basic
veterinary care costs  
Call 518-781-0362
A 501(c) (3) Non Profit Organization

 House Calls
VCA All Caring Animal Hospital
Conventional & Holistic Veterinary Medicine
& Acupuncture
440 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, MA
*HRUJL%HHEH 413-528-8020
animal life go-to directory
boarding rescues & shelters veterinarian services
BowMeow Regency Allen Heights Veterinary Hospital
A Daycare, Boarding & Grooming Facility for Dogs. Berkshire Humane Society Dog and Cat Grooming
Open Tues.- Sat. 10am to 4pm, Thurs Eve. 5 - 8pm
92 Cook Road, Sheffield, MA 01257 Amanda Bevens,
Honor S. Blume 413-229-0035
Sun. Afternoon 1 - 4pm Closed Mondays
289 Dalton Ave., Pittsfield, MA

Ginas K-9 Bed & Breakfast D 214 Barker Road, Pittsfield, MA

Animal DREAMS Berkshire Ambulatory

Veterinary Services
Quality care pet sitting in my safe, comfortable home
Stray & Feral Cat Advocates
349 Farm Road, Copake, NY 12516 413-997-2287
Gina 518-329-4675

Bluebird Farm Animal Sanctuary

D Yoanna Y. Maitre, DVM
Mobile practice providing quality medical and surgical care

The Playyard
for horses and farm animals. Vaccination, strategic deworming,
Coggins & health certificates, custom dentistry (hand & Power-
413-446-3345 float), castrations, dehorning, & more. Serving MA & NY
Day Care Boarding Training by appointment.

Dalmatian Rescue
88 County Rt. 21, Hillsdale, NY
Susan & George Clark 518-764-1320

pet stores
Harriet Koss

D (917) 670-3892

Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter

Pittsfield Veterinary Hospital
24 Hour Emergency care, animal chiropractic,

BensDotters Pet
acupuncture and dental care.
Open Tues.-Fri. 12 to 6pm, Sat. & Sun. 12 - 5pm
John C. Reynolds, DVM, Madeleine Hoog-Crellin, DVM
Closed Mondays
Quality Foods & Supplies, Raw Diet Specialists. 413-448-9800 Michelle P. Looney, DVM, Bridget E. Pope, DVM
940 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 63 Downing Parkway, Pittsfield, MA Carmen A. Swinson, DVM, , Lindsay M. Cermak, DVM Hours: Daily Mon-Fri. 8am to 8pm,.Sat. & Sun 10am-5pm
Little Guild of St. Francis 1634 West Housatonic St., Pittsfield
Chez Pet
285 Sharon Goshen Turnpike, W. Cornwall, CT


NE Basset Hound Rescue, Inc.

Premium foods and treats. A neighborhood pet
supply store with everything you need for
a healthy pet. Special orders welcome.
Lenox Commons, 55 Pittsfield Rd., Lenox, MA Dawna Hartman, Intake Coordinator,

(508) 243-3622 MA

Meow Growl NE Pyreness Rescue Berkshire Disaster Animal Response Team

Reducing risk for pets during disasters and more!
All organic-Natural Dog & Cat Food (toll free) 877-528-0637 Corrine McKeown, Director
Self Serve Dog Wash Stations!
animal life

59 Main St., Lee, MA

Ultimate Dog Spa & Boutique

Boutique, Full Service Dog Grooming
Open Wed. & Fri. 10am - 4pm, Thurs. 10am - 6pm,
Sunday 12 - 4pm
301 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, MA
Self Serve Dog Wash Stations!
9 Academy St., Salisbury, CT 06068

D Meow Growl
Celebrating Our 20th Year!
Your pet. Our purpose.

Self Serve Dog Wash Stations!

Stonewood Kennels
Kim Arre-Gerber

59 Main St., Lee, MA Contributing Writers

Iris Bass Fran Martino Carol Lew Yoanna Y. Maitre Kathy Heinz

Excellen Bloodlines AKC Registered

Karen Karlberg Rebecca Stanard Leea Foran

German Shepherds

Poochinis Pet Salon

Circulation Fred Speyrer & Martha Chiorgno

Becket, MA Cover photo by Renee Dodds, Love Us and Leave Us4

From Bubbles to Special Services
Mailing Address: 9 County Court, Pittsfield, MA 01201
Dawn Gardina, Owner A Paw Print Division of Animal Laughter Studio. All original content copyright 2017 Animal Life.

Copake Lake, Craryville, NY

D 518-325-4150 or 518-821-3959
Original content contained herin can not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

Animal Life r July 2017 15

BENSDOTTERS PET 413-528-4940



Join us for this very special program!

Dr. Brian Wessels BVSc M.Med
Veterinary Nutritionist

10:00AM - 12:00PM SUNDAY, JULY 30TH

Food-related conditions are at pandemic levels, occurring all over the country in virtually
every breed of dog and cat. Problems of such magnitude and scope are not a result of tiny
errors in the formulation of commercial diets, but rather are a result of a profound error
in their concept that affects dogs and cats all over the country in similar and identical ways.

What is the profound error in pet food?

Dogs are carnivores, cats are obligate carnivores, and yet the vast majority of the pet food
industry feeds them as if they are omnivores or herbivores, offering them a level of vital
nutrients that is far below that which they require, and polluting them with plant-derived
toxins that no carnivore would naturally encounter on a daily basis. And while many
veterinarians routinely "prescribe" special veterinary diets to address the pandemic of
food-related conditions, those "prescription" diets offer some of the lowest levels of vital
nutrients and highest levels of plant-derived toxins the pet food industry has to offer.

So what's a loving pet owner to do?



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