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Or: B

God the Son, our redemr, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Sprt, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one Gd, have mercy on us.


Holy Mother of Gd, pray for us.

Most honored of all vrgns, pray for us.
Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Rphel, pray for us.
All holy angels of Gd, pray for us.

Prophets and Ancestors of our Faith

Holy Abraham, Moses, and Eljh, pray for us.

(Saint Zachary and Saint Elzbeth, pray for us.)
Saint John the Bptst, pray for us.
(Saint Joachim and Saint nn, pray for us.)
pray for us.
All holy ancestors and prphts, pray for us.

Apostles and Followers of Christ

Saint Peter and Saint Pul, pray for us.

Saint ndrw, pray for us.
Saint John and Saint Jmes, pray for us.
Saint Thms, pray for us.
Saint Mtthw, pray for us.
All holy apstls, pray for us.
Saint Lke, pray for us.
Saint Mrk, pray for us.
Saint Brnbas, pray for us.
Saint Mary Mgdlene, pray for us.
(Saints Mary, Martha, and Lzrus, pray for us.)
All holy disciples of the Lrd, pray for us.


Saint Stphn, pray for us.

Saint Igntus [of ntioch], pray for us.
Saint Ply`carp, pray for us.
Saint Jstn, pray for us.
Saint Lwrnce, pray for us.
Saint Cypran, pray for us.
Saint Bnface, pray for us.
Saint Stnslaus, pray for us.
Saint Thms [Bckt], pray for us.
Saint John [Fisher] and Saint Thms [Mre], pray for us.
Saint Pul [Mk], pray for us.
Saint Isaac [Jogues] and Saint Jhn [de Brebuf], pray for us.
Saint Peter [Chanl], pray for us.
Saint Charles [Lwng], pray for us.
Saint Perpetua and Saint Felcty, pray for us.
Saint gns, pray for us.
Saint Maria [Gortt], pray for us.
All holy martyrs for Chrst, pray for us.

Bishops and Doctors

Saint Leo and Saint Grgry, pray for us.

Saint mbrse, pray for us.
Saint Jerme, pray for us.
Saint Augstne, pray for us.
Saint Athansus, pray for us.
Saint Basil and Saint Grgry [Nazinzn], pray for us.
Saint Jhn [Chrysostm], pray for us.
Saint Mrtn, pray for us.
Saint Ptrck, pray for us.
Saint Cyril and Saint Methdus, pray for us.
Saint Charles [Borrom], pray for us.
Saint Francis [de Sles], pray for us.
Saint Ps [the Tnth], pray for us.
(St. Jhn [Neumann], pray for us.)
Priests and Religious

Saint nthny, pray for us.

Saint Bndict, pray for us.
Saint Brnrd, pray for us.
Saint Francis and Saint Dmnic, pray for us.
Saint Thomas [Aquns], pray for us.
Saint Ignatius [Loyl], pray for us.
Saint Francis [Xver], pray for us.
Saint Vincent [de Pul], pray for us.
Saint John Mary [Vinny], pray for us.
Saint John [Bsc], pray for us.
Saint Cthrine [of Siena], pray for us.
Saint Ters [of Avila], pray for us.
Saint Rse [of Lima], pray for us.
(Saint Elizabeth Ann [Stn], pray for us.)
(Saint Frances Xavier [Cabrn], pray for us.)


Saint Lus, pray for us.

Saint Mnca, pray for us.
Saint Elzbeth [of Hungary], pray for us.
(Saint Isidore and Saint Mar, pray for us.)
All holy men and wmn, pray for us.

Frm all evil Lord, save your people.

Frm every sin Lord, save your people.
From angr and hatred Lord, save your people.
From every evl intention Lord, save your people.
From vrlasting death Lord, save your people.
By your ncarnation Lord, save your people.
By your birth Lord, save your people.
By your baptsm and fasting Lord, save your people.
By your suffrings and cross Lord, save your people.
By your dath and burial Lord, save your people.
By your risng to new life Lord, save your people.
By your return in glory t the Father Lord, save your people.
By your gift of the Hly Spirit Lord, save your people.
By your coming agin in glory Lord, save your people.

Or: B

You came into this wrld, Have mercy on us.

You suffered for us on the crss, Have mercy on us.
You died to sve s, Have mercy on us.
You lay in the tmb, Have mercy on us.
You rose from the dad, Have mercy on us.
You returned in glory to the Fthr, Have mercy on us.
You sent the Holy Spirit upon the Apstls, Have mercy on us.
You are seated at the right hand of the Fthr, Have mercy on us.
You will come again to judge the living
and the dad, Have mercy on us.

Give us true rpentance, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .

Strengthen us in yur service, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Reward with eternal life all who d good to us, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Bless the fruits of the earth and of ur labor, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
(Bring rain to watr the earth, Hear our prayer, Lord . . . )

Or: B

Lord, show us yur kindness, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .

Raise our thoughts and dsires to you, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Save us from final dmnation, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Save our friends and all who hve helped us, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Grant eternal rest to all who have died
n the faith, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Spare us from disease, hungr, and war, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
(From the scourge f earthquake, Hear our prayer, Lord . . . )
(Bring rain to watr the earth, Hear our prayer, Lord . . . )
Bring all peoples together n trust and peace, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .

C (always used)

Guide and protect yur holy Church, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Keep the pope and all the clergy
in faithful service t your Church, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Bring all Christians together n unity, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .
Lead all peoples to the light of th Gospel, Hear our prayer, Lord . . .

A (Simple Ending)

Or: B
(Solemn Ending)

Let us pray.

God of love,
our strength and our protection,
hear the prayers of your Church.
Grant that when we come to you in faith,
our prayers may be answered
through Christ our Lord. $. Amen.


Lord God,
you know our weakness.
In your mercy
grant that the example of your Saints
may bring us back to love and serve you
through Christ our Lord. $. Amen.

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