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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No.

2, 2009

Commonly used methodologies

for inorganic analysis in international
key comparisons
Yiu-chung Yip, James Chung-wah Lam, Wai-fong Tong

The Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance Metrology in Chemistry (Comite Consultatif pour la Quantite de Matiere,
CCQM) has the task of organizing international key comparisons. The main purpose is to establish a technical basis for mutual
recognition of measurement capabilities among national measurement institutes (NMIs) in the field of chemical measurement.
More importantly, key comparison results provide an effective means of assessing the degree of equivalence of measurement
standards used at different NMIs. Since 1998, the Inorganic Analysis Working Group of CCQM has been identifying and
organizing key comparisons for the determination of analytes, such as elements, inorganic compounds and organo-metallic
compounds in various matrices.
Methodologies, including inorganic mass spectrometry [e.g., isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) and species-specific
IDMS], inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, neutron activation analysis, ion chromatography, high
performance liquid chromatography, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and
graphite furnace AAS, have provided satisfactory results in terms of accuracy and precision.
Complex sample matrices examined so far include inorganic solutions and water (e.g., calibration solutions and natural
water), metal and metal alloys (e.g., steel and aluminum alloy), biological fluids, materials and food (e.g., serum, rice, wine,
shellfish, salmon fish, tomato and bovine liver), fuels (e.g., diesel), sediments and soils (e.g., sediments and sewage sludge). The
use of IDMS for elemental analysis has attracted considerable attention.
In this review, we focus on commonly used methodologies for inorganic analysis in CCQM key comparisons between 1998
and 2007, and we suggest potential areas for strategic research and development.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: CCQM; Elemental analysis; Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; Inorganic analysis; Isotope dilution mass
spectrometry; Key comparison; National measurement institute; Methodology; Neutron activation analysis; Species-specific isotope dilution mass

Yiu-chung Yip*, Wai-fong Tong 1. Introduction purpose of the Convention is to establish

Government Laboratory, Ho a permanent organization for member
Man Tin Government Offices,
Metrology is defined as the scientific study governments to work on matters relating
88 Chung Hau Street, Kowloon,
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special
of measurement [1]. Kaarls has described to units of measurement. The Convention
Administrative Region, China significant developments in metrology in gives authority to the General Conference
chemistry [2]. Ting et al. paid particular on Weights and Measures (Conference
James Chung-wah Lam attention to the role of metrology in Generale des Poids et Mesures, CGPM),
Center for Coastal Pollution and
chemistry in upholding public health and the International Committee for Weights
Conservation and Centre for
Marine Environmental Research
food safety [3]. The need for measurement and Measures (Comite International des
and Innovative Technology, results that are traceable to the Interna- Poids et Mesures, CIPM) and the Inter-
Department of Biology and tional System of Units (Systeme Interna- national Bureau of Weights and Mea-
Chemistry, City University of tional dUnites, SI) and comparable sures (Bureau International des Poids et
Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong
worldwide is of concern to analytical lab- Mesures, BIPM) to act in matters of
Kong, Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, China
oratories, government authorities, indus- metrology (Fig. 1). Nowadays, 20 May is
tries and the public. known as the World Metrology Day to
The Convention of the Meter forms the mark this historic occasion.
Corresponding author.
basis of metrology. On 20 May 1875, the In 1960, the CGPM adopted the SI as
Tel.: +852 27623862;
Fax: +852 27151737;
representatives of seventeen nations the practical system of units of mea-
E-mail: signed the Convention in Paris [4]. The surement. The seven base units are as

214 0165-9936/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2008.09.013
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

The Convention
of the Meter


Ensure the propagation Provide worldwide Provide the basis for a

and improvement of SI uniformity in units of single coherent system
measurement of measurement that is
traceable to SI


Present activities
concerning primary
methods for measuring
the amount of substance

Organize a series of
international key
comparisons for the
purpose of establishing
the technical basis for
mutual recognition of
capabilities among
NMIs in the field of
chemical measurement

Figure 1. Organizational structure of The Convention of the Meter, CGPM, CIPM, BIPM and CCQM.

follows: meter (m), kilogram (kg), second (s), ampere (ii) to organize a series of international key comparisons
(A), Kelvin (K), mole (mol), and candela (cd) [5]. for the purpose of establishing a technical basis for
Among other base units, the mole is of interest to mutual recognition of measurement capabilities
chemists. The CIPM defined the mole in 1967 and among national measurement institutes (NMIs) in
the CGPM adopted it (1971, Resolution 3) as fol- the field of chemical measurement [8].
lows: Results of key comparisons are intended to support the
(1) The mole is the amount of substance [6] of a statements of Calibration and Measurement Capabilities
system that contains as many elementary entities (CMCs), as listed in Appendix C of the Mutual Recogni-
as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon 12, which tion Arrangement of the International Committee for
are unbound, at rest and in their ground state [7]; Weights and Measures (CIPM MRA) [9]. More impor-
its symbol is mol. tantly, the results provide an effective means of assessing
(2) When the mole is used, the elementary entities the degree of equivalence of measurement standards
must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, used at different NMIs.
ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups In this review, we focus on commonly used meth-
of such particles. odologies for inorganic analysis in CCQM key com-
The CIPM set up the Consultative Committee for parisons between 1998 and 2007 and we suggest
Amount of Substance Metrology in Chemistry (Comite potential areas for strategic research and development.
Consultatif pour la Quantite de Matiere, CCQM) in 1993. Moreover, we would like to share the article with
Two major tasks of the CCQM are: green NMIs and designated institutes (DIs) that are
(i) to present activities concerning primary methods committed to the development of metrology in chem-
for measuring the amount of substance; and, istry. 215
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

Table 1. Measurement service categories and relevant key comparisons

Measurement service Sub-category Key comparison

1. High purity chemicals 1.1 Inorganic compounds; 1.2 Organic compounds;
1.3 Metals; 1.4 Isotopics; 1.5 Other
2. Inorganic solutions 2.1 Elemental; 2.2 Anionic; 2.3 Other CCQM-K8 (Mono-elemental calibration solutions of
aluminum, copper, iron and magnesium); CCQM-K29 &
29.1 (Anion calibration solutions)
3. Organic solutions 3.1 PAHs; 3.2 PCBs; 3.3 Pesticides; 3.4 Other
4. Gases 4.1 High purity; 4.2 Environmental; 4.3 Fuel; 4.4
Forensic; 4.5 Medical; 4.6 Other
5. Water 5.1 Fresh water; 5.2 Contaminated water; 5.3 Sea CCQM-K2 (Cadmium and lead in natural water)
water; 5.4 Other
6. pH
7. Electrolytic
8. Metal and metal 8.1 Ferrous metals; 8.2 Non-ferrous metals; 8.3 CCQM-K33 (Minor elements in steel); CCQM-K42
alloys Precious metals; 8.4 Other (Constituents of an aluminum alloy)
9. Advanced materials 9.1 Semiconductors; 9.2 Superconductors; 9.3
Polymers and plastics; 9.4 Ceramics; 9.5 Other
10. Biological fluids and 10.1 Blood serum; 10.2 Renal fluids; 10.3 Hair; 10.4 CCQM-K14 (Calcium in human serum); CCQM-K24
materials Tissues; 10.5 Bone; 10.6 Botanical materials; 10.7 (Cadmium in rice); CCQM-K31 (Arsenic in shellfish);
Other CCQM-K43 (Organo-mercury in salmon); CCQM-K45
(Toxic metals in food); CCQM-K49 (Toxic and essential
elements in bovine liver)
11. Food 11.1 Nutritional constituents; 11.2 Contaminants; CCQM-K24; CCQM-K30 (Lead in wine); CCQM-K31;
11.3 GMOs; 11.4 Other CCQM-K43; CCQM-K45; CCQM-K49
12. Fuels 12.1 Coal and coke; 12.2 Petroleum products; 12.3 CCQM-K35 (Sulfur in diesel fuel)
Bio-mass; 12.4 Other
13. Sediments, soils, ores 13.1 Sediments; 13.2 Soils; 13.3 Ores; 13.4 CCQM-K13 & 13.1 (Amount content of cadmium and lead
and particulates Particulates; 13.5 Other in sediment); CCQM-K28 (Tributyltin in sediment);
CCQM-K44 (Trace metals in sewage sludge)
14. Other materials 14.1 Cements; 14.2 Paints; 14.3 Textiles; 14.4
Glasses; 14.5 Thin films; 14.6 Coatings; 14.7
Insulating materials; 14.8 Rubber; 14.9 Adhesives;
14.10 Other

2. Measurement service categories and key of final reports. Each KCRV can be calculated as mean,
comparisons weighted mean, median, or mixture model median [10].
To facilitate our discussions, we briefly describe below
Regarding the determination of analytes (e.g., elements, the rationales of the key comparisons (19982007)
inorganic compounds and organo-metallic compounds), under respective MSCs. Table 2 summarizes details of the
the Inorganic Analysis Working Group (IAWG) of CCQM key comparisons.
is responsible for planning and organizing key compar-
isons that cover relevant measurement service categories
(MSCs) in the context of existing or planned CMCs (Table 2.1. Inorganic solutions and water
1).  CCQM-K2 (Cadmium and lead in natural water; Table
Each key comparison has its own rationale for 2, Entry 1) [11]: The comparison was a continuation
choosing a specific analyte (or several analytes) in a of CCQM-1 study Lead in Water and focused on the
particular matrix. In view of the complexity of sample measurement of Cd and Pb in natural water.
matrices and the difficulty of analyte determination, a  CCQM-K8 (Mono-elemental calibration solutions of
pilot study is sometimes organized to obtain satisfactory aluminum, copper, iron and magnesium; Table 2,
agreement among participants prior to scheduling a Entry 2) [12]: Aqueous mono-elemental solutions
key comparison. Participants are encouraged to employ are usually used as calibrants for elemental analysis.
their own methods of measurement. Coordinating lab- Inaccuracy with respect to declared values and quoted
oratories are responsible for preparing test samples, uncertainties has been found in some commercially
homogeneity and stability tests, distribution of samples available standards. The comparison provided NMIs
and the technical protocol (i.e. instructions to partici- with an opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities
pants), calculation of key comparison reference values in the measurement of elements in pure solutions
(KCRVs) and equivalence statements, and compilation with high accuracy.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009
Table 2. CCQM key comparisons (19982007)

Entry CCQM (Time of Matrix KCRV uncertainty (coverage Sample preparation and measurement Range of relative Coordinating
measurement, factor, k; no. of participants results uncertainties reported by laboratory / Ref.
Status) used for calculating KCRV, n; where participants (coverage
applicable) factor, k; no. of participants
involved, n)
1 CCQM-K2 (1998, Natural water Cd (calculated as mean): Measurement (instrument): Cd: 0.274.6% (k = 2; n = 9) Institute for
approved for (83.49 0.83) nmol/kg (k = 1; n = 9)  IDMS (ICP-MS, ICP-SMS) Reference Materials
equivalence) Pb: (calculated as mean): Pb: 0.464.1% (k = 2; n = 9) and Measurements
(62.79 1.33) nmol/kg (k = 1; n = 9) (IRMM) [11]
2 CCQM-K8 (1999 Calibration Al (gravimetric value): Measurement (instrument): Al: 0.030.60% (k = 1; Swiss Federal
2000, approved for solutions (0.99685 0.00040) g/kg (k = 1)  IDMS (ICP-MS, TIMS) n = 13) Laboratories for
equivalence) Cu (gravimetric  ICP-MS Cu: 0.020.53% (k = 1; Materials Testing
value):(0.98819 0.00003) g/kg  ICP-AES n = 13) and Research
(k = 1)  Titrimetry (EMPA) [12]
Fe (gravimetric  Gravimetry Fe: 0.020.52% (k = 1;
value):(1.01966 0.00010) g/kg  Electrogravimetry n = 13)
(k = 1)  Controlled potential coulometry
Mg (gravimetric Mg: 0.020.67% (k = 1;
value):(1.00428 0.00009) g/kg n = 13)
(k = 1)
3 CCQM-K13 (2000, Sediment Cd (calculated as median): Sample preparation: Cd: 1.15.5% (k: 23; IRMM [25]
approved for (5.41 0.17) lmol/g (k = 2; n = 12)  Microwave digestion / wet ashing / open n = 12)
equivalence) system (HF, HNO3, HCl, HClO4, H2O2)

Pb (calculated as median): Measurement (instrument): Pb: 0.43.7% (k: 22.2;

(169.9 1.6) lmol/g (k = 2; n = 14)  IDMS (TIMS, Q-ICP-MS, ICP-SMS) n = 14)
 External standard calibration (ICP-SMS)
4 CCQM-K13.1 Sediment Cd & Pb: KCRV assigned for CCQM- Sample preparation: Cd: 1.26.1% (k = 2; n = 2) National Institute of
(2004, approved for K13 was used.  Microwave digestion (HF, HNO3, HClO4, Standards and
equivalence) H2O2) Technology (NIST)
Measurement (instrument): Pb: 0.83.0% (k = 2; n = 2)


5 CCQM-K14 (2003, Human serum Ca (calculated as weighted mean): Sample preparation: Ca: 0.54.3% (k = 2; n = 9) IRMM [17]
approved for (2.239 0.011) mmol/kg (k = 2;  Microwave digestion / digestion with a
equivalence) n = 9) high pressure asher / digestion with a hot
plate (HF, HNO3, HClO4, H2O2)
 Cation-exchange chromatography
Measurement (instrument):
cold plasma, ICP-SMS)


(continued on next page)


Table 2. (continued)

Entry CCQM (Time of Matrix KCRV uncertainty (coverage Sample preparation and measurement Range of relative Coordinating

measurement, factor, k; no. of participants results uncertainties reported by laboratory / Ref.

Status) used for calculating KCRV, n; where participants (coverage
applicable) factor, k; no. of participants
involved, n)
6 CCQM-K24 (2001, Rice Cd (calculated as mean): Sample preparation: Cd: 0.42.7% (k: 1.972; IRMM [18]
approved for (14.418 0.087) nmol/g (k = 2;  Microwave digestion / wet digestion (HF, n = 12)
equivalence) n = 12) HNO3, HCl, HClO4, H2O2)
 No sample dissolution / chemical separa-
tion was needed for INAA
Measurement (instrument):
 INAA comparator method
7 CCQM-K28 (2003, Sediment Tributyltin (calculated as median): Sample preparation: Tributyltin: 2.58.9% (k = 2; Laboratory of
approved for (1.071 0.023) nmol/g TBT+ (k = 2;  Mechanical shaking / sonication / acceler- n = 6) Government
equivalence) n = 6) ated solvent extraction / microwave- Chemist (LGC) and
assisted extraction National Research
 Derivatization Council of Canada
(NRC) [27]
Measurement (instrument):
 Species-specific IDMS (GC-ICP-MS, GC-
8 CCQM-K29 (2003 Calibration Chloride (gravimetric value): Measurement (instrument) for chloride: Chloride:0.030.74% (k = 2; EMPA [13]
2004, approved for solutions (0.98854 0.00024) g/kg (k = 2)  Coulometry n = 10)

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

equivalence)  Titrimetry

Phosphate (gravimetric value): Measurement (instrument) for phosphate: Phosphate: 0.061.0%

(1.00447 0.00066) g/kg (k = 2)  Titrimetry (k = 2; n = 10)
 IC / UV-visible spectrometry
 Ion-exchange chromatography followed
by coulometry

(continued on next page)

9 CCQM-K29.1 Calibration Chloride (gravimetric value): Measurement (instrument) for chloride: Chloride:0.030.48% (k = 2; Slovak Institute of
(2005, approved for solutions (1.00065 0.00024) g/kg (k = 2)  Coulometry n = 2) Metrology (SMU)
equivalence)  Titrimetry [14]
measurement, factor, k; no. of participants results uncertainties reported by laboratory / Ref.
Status) used for calculating KCRV, n; where participants (coverage
applicable) factor, k; no. of participants
involved, n)

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

10 CCQM-K30 (2006 Wine Pb (calculated as mean): Sample preparation: Pb: 0.855.5% (k: 1.992.4; LGC [19]
2007, approved for (2.99 0.06) ng/g (k = 2.3; n = 9)  Microwave digestion / water-bath diges- n = 9)
equivalence) tion / digestion with a hot plate / sealed
vessel (HNO3, H2O2)
Measurement (instrument):
11 CCQM-K31 (2002 Shellfish As (calculated as mean): Sample preparation: As: 1.915% (k = 2; n = 5) NIST [20]
2003, approved for (0.1117 0.00615) mmol/kg  Microwave digestion (HNO3,H2O2)
equivalence) (k = 2.78; n = 5)  No sample dissolution / chemical separa-
tion was needed for INAA

Measurement (instrument):
 External standard calibration (ICP-MS, C/
RC Q-ICP-MS, Flow injection-hydride
 Standard addition (GFAAS)
 INAA comparator method
12 CCQM-K33 (2003 Steel Minor elements include: Cr Measurement (instrument): Cr:0.353.6% (k: 22.2; National Metrology
2004, approved for (calculated as median):  IDMS (ICP-MS) n = 8) Institute of Japan
equivalence) (0.5091 0.0030) w % (k = 2; n = 8)  ICP-MS (NMIJ), NIST and
Mn (calculated as median):  ICP-AES Mn: 0.223.5% (k: 22.11; Federal Institute for
(0.5063 0.0016) w % (k = 2; n = 8)  Spectrophotometry n = 8) Materials Research
Ni (calculated as median):  XRF Ni: 0.283.5% (k: 1.972; and Testing (BAM)
(2.5490 0.0123) w % (k = 2; n = 7)  INAA n = 7) [15]
Mo (calculated as median):  Titrimetry Mo: 0.333.7% (k: 22.2;
(1.0393 0.0058) w % (k = 2; n = 8) n = 8)
13 CCQM-K35 (2003 Diesel fuel S (calculated as mixture model Sample preparation: S: 0.614.1% (k: 22.31; NIST [24]
2004, approved for median): (42.17 1.32) lg/g (k = 2;  Microwave digestion / digestion with a n = 4)
equivalence) n = 4) high-pressure asher / digestion with a
Carius tube (HNO3, H2O2)
Measurement (instrument):
14 CCQM-K42 (2004 Al alloy Constituents include: Mn (calculated Measurement (instrument): Mn:1.04.6% (k: 2.002.02; BAM [16]
2005, approved for as mean): (0.1084 0.0015) w %  ICP-MS n = 7)

equivalence) (k = 2; n = 7)  ICP-OES
Cu (calculated as mean):  INAA Cu: 1.34.7% (k: 2.002.05;
(0.1098 0.0009) w % (k = 2; n = 6)  XRF n = 6)
Fe (calculated as mean): Fe: 1.44.7% (k: 2.002.03;
(0.2003 0.0014) w % (k = 2; n = 7) n = 7)
Cr (calculated as mean): Cr: 1.644.5% (k: 2.002.14;
(0.0442 0.0002) w % (k = 2; n = 7) n = 7)
Zn (calculated as mean): Zn: 0.95.6% (k: 1.982.00;
(0.1350 0.0015) w % (k = 2; n = 6) n = 6)
(continued on next page)


Table 2. (continued)

Entry CCQM (Time of Matrix KCRV uncertainty (coverage Sample preparation and measurement Range of relative Coordinating
measurement, factor, k; no. of participants results uncertainties reported by laboratory / Ref.

Status) used for calculating KCRV, n; where participants (coverage

applicable) factor, k; no. of participants
involved, n)
15 CCQM-K43 (2005, Salmon fish As: (calculated as mixture model Sample preparation for the analysis of As, Hg, As: 1.35.7% (k = 2; n = 9) IRMM [21]
approved for median): (58.1 1.5) lmol/kg (n = 9) Pb and Se:
equivalence) Hg: (calculated as mixture model  Microwave digestion / digestion with a Hg: 0.674.8% (k = 2; n = 8)
median): (0.3884 0.0056) lmol/kg high-pressure asher (HNO3, HCl, aqua
(n = 8) regia, HClO4, H2O2)
 No sample dissolution / chemical separa-
tion was needed for INAA
Pb: (calculated as mixture model Measurement (instrument) for As: Pb: 2.16.3% (k = 2; n = 5)
median): (3.82 0.10) lmol/kg  External calibration (ICP-MS)
(n = 5)  Standard addition (C/RC Q-ICP-MS)
Se: (calculated as mixture model  Internal standardization (C/RC Q-ICP-MS) Se:1.59.2% (k = 2; n = 10)
median): (7.32 0.28) lmol/kg  INAA / k0-NAA
(n = 10)
Methylmercury: (calculated as Measurement (instrument) for Hg: Methylmercury: 2.36.7%
mixture model median):  IDMS (Q-ICP-MS, C/RC ICP-MS, ICP-SMS, (k = 2; n = 5)
(0.373 0.023) lmol/kg (n = 5) CV-ICP-MS)
Measurement (instrument) for Pb:
 External calibration (ICP-MS)

Measurement (instrument) for Se:


Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

 External calibration (ICP-MS)
 INAA / k0-neutron activation analysis
Sample preparation for the analysis of
 Extraction (concentrated HCl/NaDDTC,
Protease type XIV, TMAH, KOH/MeOH)
 Derivatization [NaB(C2H5)4, NaB(C3H7)4,
Measurement (instrument) for methylmercury:
 Species-specific IDMS (GC-ICP-MS, GC-
16 CCQM-K44 (2005, Sewage sludge Trace elements include: Cd and Hg: Measurement (instrument): - IRMM
measurements 0.510 mg/kg Cr and Ni: 50250 mg/  IDMS (TIMS, Q-ICP-MS)
completed) kg Cu and Pb: 3001000 mg/kg Zn:  External standard calibration (XRF, FAAS,
10005000 mg/kg CVAAS)
The final report of the comparison  k0-NAA
has not been released and the KCRV
for the 7 analytes are not finalized.
measurement, factor, k; no. of participants results uncertainties reported by laboratory / Ref.
Status) used for calculating KCRV, n; where participants (coverage
applicable) factor, k; no. of participants
involved, n)

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

17 CCQM-K45 (2005, Tomato paste Sn (calculated as mean): Sample preparation: Sn: 0.622.6% (k = 2; n = 4) LGC [22]
approved for (227.1 2.4) mg/kg (k = 2; n = 4)  Microwave digestion (HNO3, HCl, H2O2)
Measurement (instrument):
18 CCQM-K49 (2006, Bovine Toxic and essential elements include: Sample preparation for the analysis of Fe, Zn, Se, Fe: 0.35.4% (k: 22.06; NIST [23]
report in progress) liver Fe (calculated as mixture model Cd, Pb, Cr and As: n = 14)
median): (198.1 2.2) mg/kg (n = 14)  Microwave digestion / digestion in an open
Zn (calculated as mixture model system (HF, HNO3, HClO4, H2O2) Zn:0.55.1% (k: 22.13;
median): (181.9 1.9) mg/kg (n = 13)  No sample dissolution / chemical separation n = 13)
was needed for INAA

Se (calculated as mixture model Measurement (instrument) for Fe: Se: 1.35.3% (k: 22.03;
median): (2.056 0.077) mg/kg  IDMS (ICP-MS) n = 5)
(n = 5)  External standard calibration (ICP-MS, ICP-
Cd (calculated as mixture model OES, FAAS) Cd: 0.66.2% (k:22.18;
median): (0.0976 0.0016) mg/kg  Standard additions (ICP-OES) n = 8)
(n = 8)  INAA comparator method Pb: 1.56.8% (k: 22.23;
n = 9)
Pb (calculated as mixture model Measurement (instrument) for Zn: Cr: 3.36.8% (k: 22.3; n =5)
median): (0.0619 0.0012) mg/kg  IDMS (ICP-MS, TIMS) As:4.414.9% (k: 22.4;
(n = 9)  External standard calibration (ICP-MS, ICP- n = 5)
 Standard additions (ICP-OES)
 INAA comparator method
Cr (calculated as mixture model Measurement (instrument) for Se:
median): (0.0514 0.0033) mg/kg  IDMS (ICP-MS)
(n = 5)  External standard calibration (ICP-MS)
As (calculated as mixture model  INAA comparator method
median): (0.01965 0.00131) mg/kg
(n = 5)
Measurement (instrument) for Cd:
 External standard calibration (ICP-MS)
 Standard additions (ICP-MS)
 RNAA comparator method

Measurement (instrument) for Pb:

 External standard calibration (ICP-MS)
 Standard addition (ICP-MS)
Measurement (instrument) for Cr:
 External standard calibration (ICP-MS)
 Standard additions (ICP-MS)
 INAA comparator method
Measurement (instrument) for As:
 External standard calibration (ICP-MS)
 Standard additions (ICP-MS, C/RC Q-ICP-MS)


 RNAA comparator method

Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

 CCQM-K29 & 29.1 (Anion calibration solutions; tope dilution is not applicable to the analysis of mono-
Table 2, Entries 89) [13,14]: Aqueous solutions isotopic elements, such as As, it is an analytical chal-
of anions are widely used for calibration, particu- lenge to develop accurate methods based on other
larly in environmental and medicinal investigations. techniques.
As deviations up to several percent of the declared  CCQM-K43 (Organo-mercury in salmon fish; Table 2,
values have been found in some commercially avail- Entry 15) [21]: Methylmercury has a higher toxicity
able standards, it is necessary to develop reliable than inorganic Hg and is the major form present in
methods for certification purposes. fish and fish products. In order to protect public
health, it is important to ensure that the level of the
2.2. Metals and metal alloys contaminant is below the Hg threshold value of 0.5
 CCQM-K33 (Minor elements in steel; Table 2, Entry mg/kg, as stipulated in the EC Regulation (466/
12) [15]: To maintain the production of high quality 2001).
steel and steel products, accurate control and determi-  CCQM-K45 (Toxic metals in food; Table 2, Entry
nation of minor elements (e.g., Cr, Mn, Ni and Mo) are 17) [22]: The European Union (EU) regulatory limit
of concern. The amounts of minor elements can affect of Sn in food is 200 mg/kg. The scope of the com-
product properties (e.g., tensile strength, hardness and parison was to underpin the capability of NMIs in
ductility). For example, stainless steel should contain the determination of Sn in food samples (e.g., toma-
a minimum of 10% by weight of Cr. to paste).
 CCQM-K42 (Constituents of an aluminum alloy; Table  CCQM-K49 (Toxic and essential elements in bovine
2, Entry 14) [16]: The comparison focuses on the liver; Table 2, Entry 18) [23]: Bovine livers provide
determination of constituent elements (Mn, Cu, Fe, high levels of essential elements (Fe, Zn and Se). How-
Cr and Zn) in aluminum alloy. The availability of a ever, toxic elements (Cd, Pb, Cr and As) may be accu-
robust method is important to guarantee the produc- mulated due to environmental pollution. The IAWG
tion of high quality alloy products. As the final report designated the comparison as an exemplary study,
of the comparison has not been released, detailed which requested all NMIs to carry out determination
information is not readily available. of Zn and Fe for capability evaluation.

2.3. Biological fluids, materials and food 2.4. Fuels

 CCQM-K14 (Calcium in human serum; Table 2,  CCQM-K35 (Sulfur in diesel fuel; Table 2, Entry 13)
Entry 5) [17]: The results of the determination of [24]: Diesel fuel with a sulfur content of less than
Ca in serum samples are usually used for screening 50 lg/g is commonly called ultra-low sulfur diesel
bone diseases or calcium-regulation disorders. In (ULSD). The production of ULSD is costly for both
order to support routine clinical measurements, petroleum industry stakeholders and consumers.
there is a need to develop better methodology for Nonetheless, reduction of sulfur in fuel is expected to
analysis. lower significantly atmospheric sulfur oxides, which
 CCQM-K24 (Cadmium in rice; Table 2, Entry 6) [18]: are the major pollutants leading to the formation of
Cd, a suspected human carcinogen, may cause dys- acid rain. There is a demand for the provision of cer-
functions and reproductive deficiencies in humans. tified reference standards of diesel fuel that contain
As rice is the main foodstuff for approximately half sulfur near the EU regulatory limit of 50 lg/g (EURO
of the worlds population, it is necessary to keep the IV standard for fuel). Laboratories need reliable stan-
contaminant at a level that is toxicologically accept- dards to validate the performance of the methods for
able for consumption. the determination of S in diesel fuel. In this regard,
 CCQM-K30 (Lead in wine; Table 2, Entry 10) [19]: a test sample with a sulfur level of approximately
Wine is an important dutiable commodity trading 40 lg/g was used in the comparison.
all over the world. The Office International de la
Vigne et du Vin recommends that the maximum 2.5. Sediments, soils, ores and particulates
mass fraction of Pb in wine be 0.2 mg/kg, which is  CCQM-K13 & 13.1 (Amount content of cadmium
the threshold value prescribed by the European Com- and lead in sediment; Table 2, Entries 3 and 4)
mission (EC) Regulation (466/2001). Analysis of toxic [25,26]: The sample preparation of sediment is rela-
metals (e.g., Pb) in wine is therefore essential for reg- tively complicated and tedious due to the presence of
ulatory control. highly organic matrices. The comparison was in-
 CCQM-K31 (Arsenic in shellfish; Table 2, Entry 11) tended to address several challenging issues, includ-
[20]: Arsenic is a toxic element and its determination ing analyte losses, higher blank values and matrix
in shellfish tissues is of public health concern. As iso- interferences.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

 CCQM-K28 (Tributyltin in sediment; Table 2, Entry 7) Besides, analytical considerations provided in Sections
[27]: In spite of the ban on the use of tributyltin as an (Use of cleanrooms) and (Sample dis-
anti-fouling agent in paints, the high residual levels of solution with acids/oxidants) should be taken into ac-
tributyltin in water and marine sediment samples count when preventive measures for contamination and
continue to pose an eco-toxicological threat to the complete sample dissolution are of concern. These two
aquatic environment. Quantification of organotin spe- analytical considerations are also applicable to other
cies is difficult because instability of analytes has been methodologies (e.g., ICP-AES, FAAS and GFAAS).
observed during sample extraction. As such, it is nec-
essary to develop robust methods for examination. 3.1.1. Analytical considerations
 CCQM-K44 (Trace metals in sewage sludge; Table 2, Selection of mass spectrometers for isotope ratio
Entry 16): The EU promotes the use of sewage sludge measurements (IRM). Accurate measurement of isotope
as a fertilizer on farmland and has set the concentration ratios is one of the crucial factors for the success of IDMS.
limits for metals such as Cd, Hg, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn in Various mass spectrometers have been employed in key
sewage sludge (86/278/EEC Directive). The compari- comparisons, including thermal ionization mass spec-
son was intended to assess the capabilities of NMIs in trometer (TIMS), quadrupole inductively coupled plasma
the measurement of metals regulated by the Directive. mass spectrometer (Q-ICP-MS), inductively coupled
Detailed information is not available because the final plasma sector field mass spectrometer (ICP-SMS; also
report of the comparison has not been released. known as high resolution ICP-MS or double focusing
ICP-MS), multiple collector inductively coupled plasma
3. Methodologies mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS), and quadrupole
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer with a
Methodologies commonly used for inorganic analysis in collision/reaction cell (C/RCQ-ICP-MS).
CCQM key comparisons include: Recently, we presented a concise summary of mass
(i) inorganic mass spectrometry (e.g., isotope dilution spectrometers currently available in the market for IRM
mass spectrometry (IDMS), species-specific IDMS, [28].
and inductively coupled plasma MS (ICP-MS)); Table 3 shows the typical ranges of IRM precision
(ii) inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spec- achievable by various mass spectrometers [29,30]. As
trometry (ICP-AES); and, shown in Table 2, both ICP-SMS and Q-ICP-MS with or
(iii) neutron activation analysis (NAA). without a collision/reaction cell are frequently used for
Our evaluation of methodologies primarily focuses on IDMS analysis.
analytical considerations, advantages and limitations.
We also briefly discuss other methodologies that are less Calibration strategies in IDMS. In a review
frequently used [e.g., ion chromatography (IC), high about characterization of reference materials by IDMS,
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), X-ray fluo- Vogl suggested three major calibration strategies for
rescence spectrometry (XRF), flame atomic absorption analysis: double IDMS, matching IDMS and single IDMS
spectrometry (FAAS), graphite furnace AAS (GFAAS), [31].
gravimetry, eletrogravimetry, titrimetry and coulometry]. In double IDMS, a known amount of an isotopically
enriched spike of an element is added to the sample.
3.1. Isotope dilution mass spectrometry Once equilibration between the analyte isotope and the
At present, IDMS is the most extensively used method- spike isotope has been reached, the ratio of the amounts
ology in key comparisons for the determination of ele- of the two isotopes will be measured in the sample blend
ments in various sample matrices. (blend isotope ratio = amount of analyte isotope/amount
It is noteworthy that the analytical consideration of spike isotope) using a mass spectrometer. Similarly, a
given in Section (Weighing) is applicable to all calibration blend is prepared by adding the same amount
methodologies that we subsequently discuss. of spike to the primary assay standard, whose element

Table 3. Proposed periods of development for various instruments and typical ranges of precision for IRM

Period Development of instrument Precision for IRM (RSD) Ref.

Since 1947 First commercial TIMS available 0.0050.01% [29]
197883 Initial ICP-MS
198388 Q-ICP-MS 0.10.5% [29]
198893 ICP-SMS 0.050.2% [29]
19931998 MC-ICP-MS 0.0050.02% [29]
ICP-TOF-MS 0.050.1% [29]
1998present C/RC Q-ICP-MS 0.070.1% [30] 223
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

amount content is prepared to match the estimated mary assay standard (mol/kg); my is the mass of the
element amount content of the sample. The element spike in the sample blend (kg); mx is the mass of
amount content of the sample is then calculated from the sample in the sample blend (kg); m0y is the mass of the
that of the primary assay standard. spike in the calibration blend (kg); mz is the mass of the
In exact matching IDMS, first proposed by Henrion primary assay standard in the calibration blend (kg); Ky
[32], an iterative preparation of calibration blends is is the mass bias correction factor for the isotope ratio in
needed until an exact match is produced with respect to the spike; Ry is the isotope ratio in the spike; Kb is the
both blend isotope ratios and isotope signal intensities. mass bias correction factor for the isotope ratio in the
Several sources of error (e.g., detector dead time and sample blend; Rb is the isotope ratio in the sample blend;
mass bias) can be negated. An additional advantage is Kx is the mass bias correction factor for the isotope ratio
that the purity of the spike does not make a contribution in the sample; Rx is the isotope ratio in the sample; K b0 is
to the measurement uncertainty of the final analytical the mass bias correction factor for the isotope ratio in the
result. National Measurement Institute, Australia, suc- calibration blend; Rb0 is the isotope ratio in the calibra-
cessfully applied the exact matching IDMS approach to tion blend; Kz is the mass bias correction factor for the
14 international comparisons [33] [e.g., CCQM-P12 isotope ratio in the primary assay standard; Rz is the
(Analysis of Pb in red wine)] [34]. More importantly, it isotope ratio in the primary assay standard; R(Kxi Rxi) is
has been demonstrated to be useful for reference mea- the sum of isotope ratios in the sample; R(Kzi Rzi) is the
surements [e.g., Myors et al. presented the IDMS mea- sum of isotope ratios in the primary assay standard; B is
surement of 10 trace elements (Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg, Mo, Ni, the procedural blank (mol/kg); D is the digestion factor;
Pb, Se, Sn and Zn) in a test sample of fortified wheat flour and, w is the fraction dry mass/factor for dry mass cor-
for the provision of reference values to a proficiency rection.
testing scheme] [35]. More details about equations employed for quantifi-
In order to simplify time-consuming iterations and cation purposes have also been reported [39,40].
retain the benefits of the full matching procedure,
approximate matching IDMS has been proposed [36]. Optimum blend isotope ratio. In practice, the
Laboratory of Government Chemist, UK, developed an optimum blend isotope ratio is a compromise between
IDMS protocol for the determination of Ca in human the error propagation factor, EPFopt, and the ideal 1:1
serum using a quadrupole instrument operated in the blend isotope ratio. Furthermore, it should be set in the
H2-cell mode [37]. An approximate match within range 4:11:4 to maintain reasonable signal intensities
5% was made between the sample blend and the for both analyte and spike isotopes. However, when
calibration blend. In addition, in the determination of Pb samples with high analyte concentrations are examined,
in a certified reference material (CRM) (NIST SRM 1547 the rule of thumb becomes impractical because a very
Peach Leaves) using IDMS, Lam et al. reported the large amount of costly spike material is needed. To solve
achievement of satisfactory analytical figures of merit the problem, Hearn et al. demonstrated the use of a high
[recovery: 99%; relative expanded uncertainty (coverage blend-isotope ratio (32S/34S) of 14 in the analysis of a
factor, k = 2): 1.1%] based on the use of approximate sample of diesel fuel containing approximately 4 mg/g
match within 10% [38]. sulfur [41]. Satisfactory recovery (>99%) was achieved
The prerequisite for employing single IDMS is the in the analysis of a CRM (NIST SRM 1624d) when the
availability of a certified spike that has been character- blend isotope ratios of the sample and calibration blends
ized with respect to amount content and isotopic com- were matched as closely as possible (within 0.5%). The
position. The element amount content of the sample can method demonstrated its suitability for the determina-
be calculated directly from that of the certified spike. tion of sulfur in test samples of diesel fuel for CCQM
comparisons (e.g., CCQM-K35). Equations for quantification. In key comparison
CCQM-K24 (cadmium amount in rice), Equation (1) Detector dead time and mass bias. Precision and
describes the measurement procedure of double IDMS accuracy of IRM are affected by a number of factors [e.g.,
proposed: detector dead time, mass bias, instrument blank, spectral

" P #
my mz K y  Ry  K b  Rb K 0b  R0b  K z  Rz K xi  Rxi
cx D  cz     P B 1
w  mx m0y K b  Rb  K x  Rx K y  Ry  K 0b  R0b K zi  Rzi

where cx is the element amount content in the sample interferences (polyatomic and isobaric interferences)]. In
(mol/kg); cz is the element amount content in the pri- order to have isotope ratios measured precisely and

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

accurately, appropriate corrective measures should be sample. In this regard, an empirical method was proposed
implemented as far as practicable. for assessing the magnitude of the error introduced by
In the certification measurement of Pb in a red wine performing blank corrections on MC-ICP-MS measure-
sample for International Measurement Evaluation Pro- ments. This was particularly important when samples of
gramme IMEP-16, Quetel et al. achieved the relative low analyte concentration levels were analyzed.
expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of 1.2% [42]. Q-ICP-MS
was used for IDMS analysis. The uncertainty budget Reduction of spectral interferences. The advance
showed that the contribution from the correction for of collision/reaction cell (C/RC) technology offers an
detector dead time effects on isotope signal intensities effective way of reducing certain spectral interferences
and the contribution from the measurements performed based on the proper use of ion-molecule reactions.
to correct for mass bias effects represented 23.1% and Reduction of polyatomic interferences will be achievable
12.3% of the combined standard uncertainty, respec- if reactions between interfering ions and reagent gases
tively. To correct for detector dead time effects, the are faster than those between analyte ions and reagent
methods described by Nelms et al. were adopted [43]. gases. Similarly, separation of isobaric interferences is
Mass bias was corrected by using a certified isotopic feasible when reactions between isobaric ions (or analyte
reference material (NIST NBS-982). Note that the same ions) and reagent gases proceed preferentially.
wine sample (IMEP-16) was used for the other interna- In a perspective about C/RC in atomic MS, Koppenaal
tional comparison (CCQM-P12). et al. delivered an overview of ion-molecule reactions,
Generally speaking, there are two ways to correct for reagent gases used (H2, O2, CO, NH3, CH4, He, Xe) and
mass bias. External standardization is applicable to ele- applications of C/RC in the analysis of a range of
ments whose isotopic abundances are invariant in nat- matrices (biological, environmental, geological and nu-
ure. To establish mass, a standard solution of known clear samples, and high purity reagents) [49].
isotopic composition is analyzed before and after the Later, Olesik presented strategies for using ion-mole-
measurement of an isotopic blend (standard-sample cule reactions in a reaction cell [50]. Analytical con-
bracketing approach). Mass bias correction factor is siderations were discussed with respect to the selection of
calculated according to Eq. (2). reagent gases, the adjustment of reaction-cell bandpass
and the optimization of gas flow rates.
Standard-sample bracketing approach :
Lastly, we reviewed current applications of C/RC in
Rmeasured Rtrue =K 2 IDMS [51]. Commonly used reagent gases (e.g., H2, NH3
where Rmeasured is the experimental ratio of the isotope and CH4) were successfully employed in the determina-
amount fractions measured by a mass spectrometer; tion of various analytes (Se, selenomethionine, Fe, Ca, Cr
Rtrue is the true ratio of the isotope amount fractions and Cd) in biological and environmental samples.
calculated from the known composition data; and, K is In the determination of Ca in human serum (CCQM-
the mass bias correction factor. K14), Simpson et al. demonstrated that H2 was effective
However, internal standardization is recommended for in reducing possible interferences (26Mg16O+, 40 Ar1 H 2,
26 18 + 27 17 + 28 16 + 43 1 +
elements whose isotopic abundances vary naturally (e.g.,
Ca1 H
2 , Mg O , Al O , Si O and Ca H )
Pb). This requires the addition of an internal standard that on a pair of isotopes 42Ca and 44Ca chosen for IDMS
has known isotopic composition. Three approaches are analysis [37]. The result submitted by the laboratory
available for mass bias correction, including linear, (2.236 0.012 mmol/kg, k = 2) showed excellent
exponential and power law functions [4447]: agreement with the mean of all participants results
(2.235 0.035 mmol/kg, k = 2), with one of the lowest
Linear law function : Rmeasured Rtrue 1 K 0  DM 3 relative expanded uncertainties reported in the key
0 comparison.
Exponential law function : Rmeasured Rtrue eK DM 4
ICP-MS operated under cold plasma conditions
0 DM
Power law function : Rmeasured Rtrue 1 K 5 (application of a lower radio frequency power to ICP) has
0 been shown to reduce argon-based interferences effec-
where K is the mass bias per mass unit in each of the
tively [52]. Reduction of intense background peaks
functions; and DM is the mass difference between the
(38Ar1H+, 40Ar+, 40Ar1H+ and 40 Ar1 H 2 ) allowed the
isotopes of interest.
measurement of K and Ca isotopes (39K+, 40K+, 41K+,
Ca+ and 42Ca+). Instrument blank. Elburg et al. reported that Murphy et al. reported the application of cold
MC-ICP-MS generally showed a detectable blank for all plasma to the IDMS analysis of Ca in the aforementioned
elements because of contamination or memory effects in serum sample (CCQM-K14) [53]. The method required
different parts of the instrument [48]. Moreover, the re- matrix separation using cation exchange chromatogra-
search team found that the composition of the instrument phy before ICP-MS measurements. The results showed
blank was often related to the preceding standard or good agreement with other participants results. 225
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Weighing. Weighing plays a crucial role in not The criteria for the selection of acids or a combination of
only IDMS, but also other methodologies. Due caution acids/oxidants are summarized in Table 4 [57].
should be exercised when weighing test samples that are In the certification of Cd, Cu and Pb in a rice material
hygroscopic. Calibration of analytical balances against (IRMM-804) using IDMS, Vassileva et al. compared three
standard weights of appropriate classes should be con- different microwave-assisted digestion procedures
ducted on schedule. Balances should be placed on (HNO3, HNO3/H2O2 and HNO3/HF, respectively) [58].
anti-vibration weighing tables. Weighing is preferably As the rice sample was a complex food matrix that might
performed in a room that fulfills OIML requirements for contain mineral silicates, the use of HF was found nec-
calibration of weights of class E2 (temperature change: essary to ensure full solubilization of residual materials
0.7C/h with a maximum of 1C/12 h; range of rel- and complete spike equilibration. The optimized diges-
ative humidity: 4060% with a maximum of 10%/4 h) tion conditions (HNO3/HF = 9:1) were eventually ap-
[54]. plied to the determination of Cd in the rice sample for
For IDMS analysis, standard solutions are prepared CCQM-K24.
gravimetrically and are stored in containers made of
particular materials, such as Teflon perfluoroalkoxy Procedural blank analysis. To determine the
(PFA) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). In order to procedural blank, Watters Jr. et al. suggested using 1% of
eliminate electrostatic charges, ionizing blowers are the amount of spike that was added to the analytical
recommended for use when weighing involves the use of sample [59]. If the blank is 1% of the element amount
such containers. content in the sample, it will have the same measured
isotope ratio as the sample blend. The blend isotope ratio Use of cleanrooms. Cleanrooms are classified can be achieved with high precision. However, if the
according to the size and the number of particles per- blank is far less than 1%, a much smaller blend isotope
mitted per volume of air [55]. To minimize the risk of ratio will be obtained with poorer precision. Under cer-
airborne contamination, cleanrooms of ISO Class 4, 5 or tain circumstances, the procedural blank can be esti-
6 (US FED STD 209E equivalent: Class 10, 100 or 1000, mated by external calibration [60].
respectively) are suitable for the analysis of samples
having analyte concentrations at trace levels. Correction for moisture/water content. Accord-
For example, Diemer et al. made use of the Ultra-Clean ing to Equation (1), moisture/water content determina-
Chemical Laboratory (Class 10) to perform sample tion will be necessary for IDMS analysis if the sample in
preparation for the measurement of Cu (220 ng/g) in a question is hygroscopic.
water sample by IDMS [56]. In CCQM-K24 (cadmium amount in rice), participants
Other activities (e.g., drying of acid-washed Telfon/ were requested to equilibrate the test sample of rice with
HDPE bottles, polyethylene syringes and pipette tips, and ambient conditions (successive weights should not differ
preparation of sub-boiled nitric acid and ultra-pure more than 0.001 g). The equilibrated sample was
water) are often conduced in cleanrooms. subsequently used for the measurement of moisture
content and Cd amount content. Oven drying at a Sample dissolution with acids/oxidants. Among temperature of 85 2C was recommended. However,
other sample dissolution techniques (e.g., digestion with problems were encountered (e.g., high risk of contami-
a high pressure asher or a Carius tube), microwave-as- nation and difficulty of attaining equilibration due to
sisted digestion is the most popular method of choice. changes of relative humidity and temperature). To

Table 4. Criteria for the selection of acids or a combination of acids/oxidants

Acid HNO3 HCl HF H2SO4 HClO4

Property Strong oxidizing Not an oxidizing Not an oxidizing agent Not an oxidizing Strong oxidizing
agent agent agent agent
Suitable for Biological and Certain metal Silicate-based materials Almost all organic Organic materials
dissolution of botanical matrices oxides/metals, materials, inorganic
sample matrix amines, alkaloids, oxides, hydroxides,
some alloys, metals, and
organometallic ores
Can be mixed with H2O2, HCl, HF, Aqua regia HNO3 HNO3 HNO3
other acids/reagents H2SO4 or HClO4 (HNO3:HCl = 1:3 (v/
Microwave X X X X x (Explosion hazard)

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

address the influence of the correction for moisture/ derivatized products, low analyte concentration levels,
water content, IRMM examined three different methods, and poor sample extraction efficiency) are commonly
namely oven drying, Karl Fischer titration and thermo- encountered in speciation analysis. Species-specific IDMS
gravimetry, respectively [61]. The examination showed solves those problems provided that complete equilibra-
that the three methods did not give significantly different tion between the analyte and the spike has been achieved.
values for the Cd amount content. It is essential that the spike materials used for analysis
should be isotopically enriched species of MeHg/TBT (i.e. Uncertainty estimation. In the Eurachem/ the analyte and the spike are in the same chemical form).
CITAC Guide [62], Example A7 shows the application of In their review about potential and limits of speciated
Kragtens approach to the calculation of uncertainty for isotope dilution analysis, Monperrus et al. discussed the
IDMS measurements [63]. This requires tedious estima- possible applications of isotopically enriched species of
tion of experimental uncertainties of all measurement MeHg and TBT, particularly in IDMS measurements and
parameters that build the model equation [e.g., Eq. (1)]. environmental tracer studies [65].
In order to simplify the work, Magnusson et al.
suggested that only estimates that were >1/5 of the 3.2.1. Analytical considerations
target value for uncertainty would be used for the Extraction, derivatization and separation/detection
estimation of expanded uncertainty [64]. The simplified methods. A number of methodologies have been dem-
approach for uncertainty estimation was successfully onstrated to give satisfactory results in the analysis of
demonstrated in the determination of Ni in the steel MeHg in a sample of tuna fish relating to a pilot study
sample for CCQM-K33 and achieved the relative ex- (CCQM-P39) [66]. Each of the participants received a
panded uncertainty of 1.1% (k = 2), which fulfilled the quartz ampoule containing 202Hg isotopically enriched
target value of 2%. CH3HgCl, which was prepared by Institute for Reference
Materials and Measurements (IRMM) for IDMS calibra-
tion. When the separation of MeHg is performed by gas
3.1.2. Advantages
chromatography, sample preparation always involves a
IDMS is a candidate primary method with satisfactory
derivatization step. Several representative methodologies
accuracy and precision. Once equilibration between the
(extraction derivatization separation/detection) are
analyte isotope and the spike isotope has been reached,
summarized as follows:
total recovery of analyte will be unnecessary and the loss
 Microwave extraction with tetramethylammonium
of analyte will not affect the final analytical result. Many
hydroxide (TMAH) propylation GC-ICP-MS [67]
isotopically enriched spikes are commercially available
 Extraction with TMAH and diethyl-dithiocarbamate
for the determination of multi-isotopic elements. Any
(DDTC) Grignard butylation GC-ICP-MS [68]
variations/drifts of instrumental sensitivity have no
 Extraction with KOH/MeOH propylation solid-
influence on the final value of the element amount
phase micro-extraction/GC-ICP-MS [69]
content in the sample.
 Extraction with concentrated HCl and sodium diethyl-
dithiocarbamate (NaDDTC) Grignard butyla-
3.1.3. Limitations
tion GC-ICP-MS [70]
Nevertheless, certain limitations are apparent:
Besides, the use of HPLC-ICP-MS offers an alternative
 first, resource implications need to be considered, par-
method for examination without derivatization. For
ticularly the high costs of isotopically enriched spikes,
example, Rai et al. developed a method for the mea-
mass spectrometers and training of competent ana-
surement of inorganic Hg and MeHg in fish tissues by
enzymatic hydrolysis (Protease type XIV) and HPLC-ICP-
 second, it is necessary to ensure attainment of com-
MS [71]. Method accuracy was demonstrated by the
plete spike equilibration;
analysis of two reference materials (NRCC DORM-2
 third, the determination of mono-isotopic elements
Dogfish and NIST RM 50 Albacore tuna). Most of the
such as Na and As by IDMS is not possible; and,
mercury in fish tissues examined in the study was
 finally, factors that affect the accuracy in the
present as MeHg (88100%). In view of the satisfactory
measurement of isotope ratios (e.g., detector dead
outcome of the pilot study, a follow-up key comparison
time and mass bias) should be carefully con-
(CCQM-K43) was arranged for the examination of a
lower level of MeHg in salmon tissues. Most of the par-
ticipants adopted GC-ICP-MS for analysis and obtained
3.2. Species-specific isotope dilution mass comparable results.
spectrometry Two reviews about methodologies for the analysis of
Accurate determination of organo-metallic species [e.g., organotin compounds in mussels and sediment are
methylmercury (MeHg) and tributyltin (TBT)] is a chal- available in the literature. Pellegrino et al. compared 12
lenging task. Problems (e.g., instability of analytes and selected extraction methods for the determination of 227
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

butyltin and phenyltin compounds in mussel samples conventionally synthesized and characterized by
[72]. Quevauviller et al. summarized methods suitable laboratories according to published methods (e.g.,
for the monitoring of TBT in mussels and sediment and [198Hg]MeHgCl [77], [117Sn]TBTCl [78], and
reported results obtained in certification campaigns of a [118Sn]TBTCl [79]). The preparation work requires
range of reference materials [73]. skillful analysts, high purity chemicals and reagents,
In order to address the analytical challenge of contamination-free laboratory ware, and suitable mass
organotin speciation, a pilot study (CCQM-P18) for the spectrometers for characterization. In addition, the
determination of TBT in marine sediment was launched quantification of the element amount content of the
[74]. The Laboratory of Government Chemist (LGC) synthesized spike against a primary assay standard
provided each participating laboratory with a vial con- using reverse isotope dilution is needed.
taining a methanolic solution of 117Sn isotopically en- To meet market demand, IRMM initiated a program
riched TBTCl for IDMS calibration. GC-ICP-MS and for preparation and certification of a spike of 202Hg
HPLC-ICP-MS were the popular choices for analysis. isotopically enriched MeHgCl (named ERM-AE670)
Methodologies based on GC-ICP-MS (extraction [80]. Briefly, the starting material was 202Hg isotopi-
derivatization separation/detection) are shown as fol- cally enriched HgO. The spike [202Hg]MeHgCl was
lows: synthesized in three steps:
 Sonication with acetic acid/MeOH ethyla- (i) reaction of HgO with Zn in hydrochloric acid to
tion GC-ICP-MS give HgCl2;
 Microwave extraction with acetic acid ethyla- (ii) reaction between HgCl2 and a Grignard reagent of
tion GC-ICP-MS MeMgCl to form Me2Hg; and,
 Microwave extraction with acetic acid/MeOH/tropo- (iii) comproportionation between Me2Hg and HgCl2 to
lone ethylation GC-ICP-MS produce MeHgCl.
Other methodologies based on HPLC-ICP-MS (extrac- The amount content of MeHg in the spike was
tion separation/detection) are listed below: determined by subtracting the inorganic Hg content
 Accelerated solvent extraction with acetic acid/ from the total Hg content. The Hg isotopic composi-
MeOH HPLC-ICP-MS tion of the spike was checked by Q-ICP-MS. An
 Microwave extraction with acetic acid HPLC-ICP- isochronous stability study was undertaken for one
MS year. The relative expanded uncertainty (k = 2) for the
The satisfactory agreement of participants results in measurement of the amount content of MeHg was
the pilot study encouraged a key comparison (CCQM- found to be 3.5%, which included a factor account-
K28) to be scheduled subsequently and permitted the ing for potential changes over 2 years shelf life. In-
certification of a new reference material for TBT in deed, the certified spike can help laboratories to apply
marine sediment (HIPA-1). direct IDMS for MeHg analysis. Fortunately, isotopi-
There is concern about the performance of separation cally enriched organotin species are also available in
(GC versus HPLC) and detection techniques (Q-ICP-MS the market [81].
versus ICP-SMS) employed for the analysis of TBT. In the
comparison of GC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS for the spe-
cies-specific IDMS analysis of TBT in sediment after Uncertainty contributions to single and double
accelerated solvent extraction, Wahlen et al. found that IDMS. The availability of isotopically enriched spikes
the limit of detection (LOD) of TBT achieved by GC-ICP-MS allows the use of single IDMS for measurement. Double
(0.03 pg TBT as Sn) was two orders of magnitude better IDMS will be an option if spike materials are synthesized
than that obtained by HPLC-ICP-MS (3 pg TBT as Sn) for intended use.
[75]. Q-ICP-MS was used for measurement in both cases. To compare the performance of the two calibra-
Given the superior sensitivity achievable by GC-ICP- tion strategies, it is essential to take a full uncer-
MS, Yang et al. carried out a performance evaluation tainty budget into consideration. Clough et al.
between Q-ICP-MS and ICP-SMS for the determination addressed the concern in the determination of MeHg
TBT in sediment [76]. ICP-SMS was found to provide in fish tissue by HPLC-CV-MC-ICP-MS [82]. MeHg
better analytical figures of merit, including isotope was separated from inorganic Hg by HPLC, which
ratio measurement precision (ICP-SMS gave a more was coupled to MC-ICP-MS via a cold vapor gen-
than two-fold improvement in precision of measured eration system for the measurement of Hg isotope
Sn/117Sn ratios in TBT standards when compared ratios.
with Q-ICP-MS) and method detection limit for TBT Both single and approximate matching double
(ICP-SMS: 0.4 ng/g; Q-ICP-MS: 0.9 ng/g). IDMS strategies gave comparable accuracy in the anal-
ysis of CRMs (DORM-2 and BCR464). Availability of isotopically enriched spikes. Isoto- For single IDMS, two major contributions to the
pically enriched spikes of both MeHg and TBT are combined standard uncertainty (uc) were identified:

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

(i) the standard uncertainty associated with the iso- Mermet answered Yes to this question and suggested
tope ratio 200Hg/199Hg in the sample, which was five remaining fields of research for consideration:
calculated from IUPAC isotopic abundance data (i) sample introduction systems (e.g., direct solid anal-
(58% relative contribution); and, ysis);
(ii) the standard uncertainty due to the mass fraction (ii) photon collection and detection (e.g., background
of the spike [199Hg]MeHgCl (40% relative contribu- noise reduction);
tion). (iii) intelligent software (e.g., automatic selection of
By contrast, in the double IDMS approach, the largest analytical wavelengths);
contributions to uc resulted from the uncertainty asso- (iv) analytical performance (e.g., improvement in
ciated with the measured isotope ratios in the sample LODs); and,
blend (1443% relative contribution) and the calibration (v) method validation (e.g., uncertainty estimation
blend (3474% relative contribution). and traceability of analytical results to SI) [83].
Similar research fields are also applicable to other
3.2.2. Advantages spectrometric techniques (e.g., FAAS, GFAAS and ICP-
For the determination of total element amount con- MS). It is not surprising to see few publications on the
tent, spike equilibration occurs as a result of sample use of ICP-AES in CCQM exercises in the literature,
dissolution with acids/oxidants. As all isotopes of the because participants often use approved analytical
element of interest are reacted to have the same oxi- procedures that may not necessarily show novel sug-
dation state, speciation information is lost. gestions.
However, species-specific IDMS is a very promising
method that provides information of individual analyte
species when the following three criteria are met: 3.3.1. Analytical considerations
(i) spike equilibration is attained; Use of internal standards. The use of internal
(ii) quantitative extraction methods are used; and, standards in ICP-AES measurements has been shown to
(iii) appropriate hyphenated techniques (e.g., GC-ICP- achieve satisfactory accuracy and precision. With a view
MS and HPLC-ICP-MS) are used. to determining major inorganic constituents in solution
Once spike equilibration has been achieved, species with relative expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of the order
transformation (e.g., demethylation of MeHg and deg- of 0.1%, Salit et al. reported a novel ICP-AES-calibration
radation of TBT to dibutyltin) will not affect the final strategy that compared the analyte-to-internal standard
analytical result [65]. signal ratio measured in an unknown sample to those
ratios measured in mixtures whose amount ratios were
3.2.3. Limitations well known [84]. The internal standards used for anal-
There are several constraints on species-specific IDMS. ysis included Sc, Mn, Se, In, Sr, Y, Co, Zr and Mo. The
Complicated processes for synthesis and characterization methodology showed satisfactory performance in both
of isotopically enriched spikes sometimes hinder the certification and international comparison exercises,
availability of materials. The stability of synthesized spikes including the certification of 64 different single-element
should be closely monitored to check whether decompo- standard solutions in the NIST SRM 3100 series [85],
sition occurs within the anticipated shelf life. Selection of the analysis of mono-elemental calibration solutions of
chromatographic columns with high separation effi- Al, Cu, Fe and Mg (CCQM-K8), and the certification of
ciency is critical. Caution should be exercised on the co- major constituents of a refractory alloy (NIST SRM
elution of species. It is necessary to choose appropriate 2175).
flow rates of carrier gases and proper mobile phases for
GC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS examinations, respec- Matching of matrix elements. The presence of
tively. Incomplete species extraction should be strictly percentage levels of heavy metals in a sample matrix
avoided. When new species/matrices are encountered, often causes difficulties in the determination of ele-
extraction conditions should be thoroughly examined to ments of interest at parts-per-million (ppm) levels. In
ensure that quantitative extraction is achieved. order to compensate for strong matrix effects, standard
solutions used for calibration should be fortified with
3.3. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission the same matrix elements at levels similar to the
spectrometry sample.
ICP-AES is a robust methodology, and has an impressive A typical example is the examination of minor ele-
track record of accurate and simultaneous determination ments in steel samples. Sheila et al. developed an exact
of multi-elements in a wide range of matrices. matching technique for the determination of minor ele-
However, the following question has been raised: Is it ments (Mn, Mo, Cr and Ni) in steel by ICP-AES [86].
still possible, necessary and beneficial to perform re- Three important criteria that should be observed were
search in ICP-AES? In a recent perspective article, as follows: 229
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

(i) the concentrations of sample and standard were (ii) comparison of NAA with other analytical methods
matched so that the emission intensity ratio of based on conventional spectrometric techniques
sample to standard was 1; [96,97];
(ii) both sample and standard were doped with an (iii) in vivo analysis of trace elements [98,99]; and,
internal standard solution of Au to correct for (iv) accurate determination of element amount con-
instrumental drift; and, tents for various purposes (e.g., international inter-
(iii) both sample and standard were matched with re- comparisons, biological studies, environmental
spect to the acid strength and the dominant matrix monitoring, geological examinations, and forensic
element of Fe (within 3%). investigations).
The method was validated by a CRM (NIST SRM 2171
Low Alloy Steel) and gave a measurement uncertainty of 3.4.1. Analytical considerations
1% at the 95% confidence interval. The research team The basic principles and instrumentation have been
eventually applied the method to a key comparison for shown in the literature [100]. As NAA is a less common
the examination of elements in steel (CCQM-K33) and technique for ordinary laboratories, we briefly describe
achieved satisfactory agreement with other participants analytical considerations with respect to measurement
results. process, quantification and classification.
Measurement usually involves three basic steps:
3.3.2. Advantages  First, the sample is irradiated with a flux of neutrons.
Spectrometers for ICP-AES can measure up to 70 ele- Neutron fluxes can be divided into three types accord-
ments simultaneously in a single sample analysis. Dual ing to their kinetic energies: thermal (<0.5 eV), epi-
viewing of the plasma offers LODs down to parts-per-bil- thermal (0.5 eV 0.5 MeV) and fast (>0.5 MeV).
lion (ppb) levels (axial viewing) and extends the working Neutron reactors (based on fission of 252Cf), neutron
ranges for percentage concentration measurements (ra- generators (based on deuterium-tritium or deute-
dial viewing). The choice of alternative wavelengths for rium-deuterium fusion reactions) and particle acceler-
the analytes of interest allows analytical results free from ators are the common neutron sources.
spectral interferences. Modern solid-state detectors (e.g.,  Second, transformation of stable isotopes of a target
segmented-array charge-coupled device detectors [87]) element into radioactive isotopes occurs upon neutron
usually provide uniform resolution at all wavelengths. irradiation. Prompt c-rays are emitted from an instan-
Simultaneous background correction can be performed taneous decay of radioactive isotopes. Delayed c-rays
adjacent to the analytical wavelengths. The technical are produced according to the characteristic half-lives
difficulty of direct analysis of samples containing organic of radioactive isotopes varying from seconds to years.
solvents has recently been solved by using a special  Finally, characteristic c-radiations of specific energies
sample introduction system. For example, Grindlay et al. are measured and quantified. c-ray spectrometers
designed a microwave-based thermal nebulizer that per- equipped with Ge(Li) or hyper-pure Ge semiconductor
mitted nebulization of 1040% (w/w) organic solvents detectors are ideal for the measurement of c-rays.
(e.g., formic acid, acetic acid, methanol, ethanol and Two quantification approaches are widely used. In the
propan-2-ol) [88,89]. comparator method, the sample and the standard are
irradiated and measured under identical conditions. The
standard used for calibration contains either an indi-
3.3.3. Limitations
vidual mono-element or multiple elements. The con-
ICP-AES is unsuitable for the analysis of some elements
centration of the sample is calculated according to
(e.g., As and Se) because of their high ionization
Equation (6):
potentials, thus resulting in poor LODs. Inter-element
interferences may not be completely resolved, even using mz Ax
c x cz  6
the sophisticated detection system. Appropriate correc- mx Az
tive measures (e.g., inter-element correction equations where cx is the element amount content in the sample
[90] and multi-component spectral fitting [91]) should (mol/kg); cz is the element amount content in the stan-
be adopted as far as feasible. dard (mol/kg); mx is the mass of the sample (kg); mz is
the mass of the standard (kg); Ax is the activity of the
3.4. Neutron activation analysis sample (Bq or disintegrations per second); and, Az is the
NAA is a powerful technique for inorganic analysis and activity of the standard (Bq or disintegrations per sec-
plays an important role in chemical metrology [92,93]. ond).
Generally speaking, four major areas of applications Furthermore, Zeisler et al. provided a detailed mathe-
are: matical expression to describe the measurement process
(i) certification of candidate reference materials for determination of Cr in a CRM of stainless steel (NIST
[94,95]; SRM 11521a) using instrumental NAA (INAA) [101].

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

For k0 method, a single comparator (197Au standard) including solids, liquids, gases and suspensions/slurries.
is used to determine a k0 normalization factor for all The technique is particularly suitable for the examina-
elements being measured [102]. tion of antiques/valuables and samples that are difficult
NAA can be classified into several types with respect to be decomposed. Matrix effects are often negligible
to: because matrix elements (e.g., H, C, O and N) can hardly
(i) the necessity of carrying out chemical dissolution form radioactive isotopes during INAA measurements.
of radioactive samples and chemical separation of Only small quantities of samples (100200 mg) are
radionuclides {radiochemical NAA (RNAA) [103 needed for analysis. About 70% of the elements shown
105] and INAA [106117], which requires no in the periodic table (Fig. 2) can be examined by NAA,
sample dissolution/chemical separation}; which is regarded as complementary to MS techniques.
(ii) measurement of c-radiations {prompt gamma NAA In view of the advantageous features, NMIs have em-
(PGNAA) [118123] and delayed gamma NAA ployed NAA (mainly INAA and RNAA) for the deter-
(DGNAA)}; mination of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe Mn, Mo, Ni, Se and Zn in
(iii) use of neutron fluxes for irradiation {thermal NAA several key comparisons (CCQM-K24, K31, K33, K42,
(TNAA), epithermal NAA (ENAA) and fast NNA K43, K44 and K49). Results of NAA are comparable to
(FNAA)}; and, those of IDMS in terms of high accuracy and precision.
(iv) measurement conducted inside the body [in vivo However, it is imperative to note that mono-isotopic
NAA (IVNAA)]. elements (e.g., As and Mn) are measurable by NAA but
There are no hard and fast rules governing which not determinable by IDMS.
type of NAA is best for a new application. Nonethe-
less, a review by Witkowska et al. is a valuable ref- 3.4.3. Limitations
erence, which describes recent applications of various The use of NAA is limited to a few NMIs because of
types of NAA (TNAA, ENAA, FNAA, IVNAA, PGNAA, huge resource implications, safety concerns about
INAA and RNAA) for the study of human and neutron reactors and the availability of competent
environmental samples [124]. Furthermore, Fig. 2 personnel. Another drawback is that several elements
shows for reference purposes a periodic table of the (e.g., Pb) can hardly be determined by NAA. Unless
types of NAA for the analysis of specific elements. As NAA is combined with chromatographic separation,
the information is not exhaustive, analysts are speciation information will not be readily available.
strongly recommended to conduct a literature search Among other nuclear analytical techniques, Chai
before examination. et al. highlighted several examples of speciation of Se,
Hg, Cr and I in biological and environmental samples
3.4.2. Advantages based on the combination of chromatography (e.g., an-
The methodology is non-destructive (except RNAA) and ion exchange and gel filtration) and NAA (e.g., INAA
can measure many elements simultaneously. It usually and RNAA) [125]. In addition, Shi et al. demonstrated
provides the total element amount content of the sample. the use of HPLC-NAA for As speciation in natural water
As sample dissolution is not needed prior to analysis [126]. However, due to the limited availability of facili-
(except RNAA), contamination due to acids and reagents ties, chromatography combined with NAA is still less
can be avoided. Samples can be in various forms, widely used in speciation studies than chromatography

H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
(P) (V) (P,V) (P,V) (I)
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
(I,R,P) (I,R,P) (I,R,P) (P) (I,P,V) (P) (I,R,P)
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
(I,V,P) (I,R,P,V) (I,R,P) (I,R,P) (I,R,P) (I,R) (I,R,P) (I,P) (I,R,P) (I,P) (I,R,P) (I,P) (I,R) (R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R)
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
(I) (I,R) (R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I) (I,R,P) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R)
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
(I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I) (I,R) (I) (I,R) (I,R)
Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
(I,R) (I,R) (I,R,P) (I,R) (R,P) (I,R) (I,R,P) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R) (I,R)
Th Pa U
(I,R) (I,P)

Figure 2. A periodic table showing the types of NAA for the analysis of specific elements (Abbreviations for acronyms are as follows: I: INAA
[106117]; R: RNAA [103105]; P: PGNAA [118124]; and, V: IVNAA [98,99,124]). 231
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

combined with ICP-MS (i.e. HPLC-ICP-MS and GC-ICP- 3.7. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry and
MS). graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
The well-established techniques of FAAS and GFAAS are
3.5. Ion chromatography/high performance liquid often used for single-element determinations. These
chromatography (IC/HPLC) instruments are less costly than ICP-AES and ICP-MS.
Not long ago, Haddad et al. reviewed recent develop- When appropriate accessories are coupled to atomic
ments and emerging directions in ion chromatography absorption spectrometers, hydride generation (HGAAS)
(IC) [127]. Topics of the review included: and cold vapor (CVAAS) techniques are suitable for the
(i) new stationary phases; analysis of hydride-forming elements (e.g., As and Se)
(ii) miniaturized IC systems; and Hg, respectively.
(iii) expansion of peak capacity in IC; and, Matrix interferences can possibly be overcome in two
(iv) hyphenated IC systems for speciation analysis and ways:
metallomics. (i) matrix modification (e.g., use of ionization suppres-
IC has been traditionally coupled with a range of sants when analyzing easily ionized elements by
detectors (e.g. conductivity, ultraviolet-visible and elec- FAAS, addition of matrix modifiers for GFAAS);
trochemical detectors) for the determination of anions and,
and cations [128]. (ii) method of standard additions.
Nowadays, the hyphenation of IC and MS allows AAS based on external standard calibration/standard
speciation analysis. Ionization sources, including ICP additions has provided satisfactory results in some key
and electrospray ionization (ESI), are usually employed comparisons (e.g., CCQM-K14, K31 and K49).
in hyphenated IC systems [129]. In an account of recent developments in on-line
Among others, studies of selenium-containing species electrothermal (graphite furnace) AAS, Burguera et al.
[130132] and arsenic-containing species [133,134] in evaluated several on-line analyte pre-concentration
environmental and biological samples have been the systems (e.g., precipitation or co-precipitation/dissolu-
most extensively developed areas in recent speciation tion reactions, sorption pre-concentration and solvent
analysis. New stationary phases developed for IC provide extraction) and on-line analyte separation approaches
remarkable efficiency for the separation of a wide range (e.g., microdialysis separation, electrochemical processes
of complex selenium and arsenic species. and chemical vapor generation) [142].
A pilot study (CCQM-P86) relating to the speciation Advancement in on-line techniques allows analysis of
analysis of selenomethionine (SeMet) in pharmaceutical complex samples with low analyte concentrations. More
yeast tablets is noteworthy [135]. As revealed in the importantly, the coupling of these techniques to ICP-AES
report, IC-ICP-MS (i.e. HPLC-ICP-MS) was the most fre- and ICP-MS can definitely offer a wide range of appli-
quently used technique for the species-specific IDMS cations because of their multi-element measurement
analysis of SeMet. capability.
We expect key comparisons focusing on selenium/
arsenic speciation to be arranged in the near future.
3.8. Gravimetry, eletrogravimetry, titrimetry and
3.6. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) All four methodologies are the oldest techniques in
XRF is a mature technique for elemental analysis and quantitative analysis. They are regarded as candidate
significant improvements continue to appear. Recent primary methods of measurement in chemical analysis
reviews available [136138] covered the latest devel- [143]. As both theoretical and technical aspects have
opments [e.g., instrumentation and detectors, matrix been well documented [144], we do not provide addi-
correction and spectrum analysis procedures, total tional information in this review. Although remarkable
reflection XRF (TXRF)]. A critical review on TXRF analytical methods based on MS are available for inor-
analysis has also been published [139]. The recent ganic analysis, these methodologies remain active for
trends are towards the use of TXRF for metallic con- standardization processes.
tamination control in semiconductor nanotechnology
[140]. Advantages in surface and thin-layer analysis by
TXRF, especially for wafers (thin slices of semiconductor 4. The way forward
material) have been discussed [141].
Although XRF has not been widely used in previous So far, relevant key comparisons under respective MSCs
key comparisons (CCQM-K33, K42 and K44), we have been successfully organized. Three fundamental
anticipate that the technique will be suitable for the issues of chemical metrology are properly addressed:
analysis of metal contaminants in advanced materials (i) establishing traceability of analytical results to SI
(e.g., semiconductors). (i.e. mol and kg);

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009 Trends

(ii) enabling worldwide comparability of results; and, form the basis of a method for the accurate determi-
(iii) showing the degree of equivalence of national mea- nation of metalloproteins by IDMS.
surement standards maintained by NMIs. Study of distributions and compositions of all metal-
In addition, laboratories have taken the opportunity to loproteins in a proteome comprises the scientific field of
develop novel methodologies for chemical measure- metalloproteomics, which has attracted attention to the
ments. development of new methodologies. To this end, Gao
With a view to providing a more comprehensive scope et al. recently evaluated several advanced nuclear ana-
of measurement services, we suggest including two lytical techniques for metalloproteomics (e.g., NAA,
additional MSCs, namely Drugs/Medicines and XRF, Mossbauer spectrometry, X-ray absorption spec-
Metalloproteins. trometry, and neutron scattering and diffraction) [148].
Metal-containing drugs/medicines (metallodrugs) are That evaluation clearly described the advantages, the
widely used for chemotherapy purposes. For example, limitations and the applications of the techniques, so we
carboplatin is a chemotherapeutic drug used for the do not go into detail about these important aspects.
treatment of ovarian cancer. It comprises Pt and a The advancement of analytical techniques allows the
bidentate cyclobutane dicarboxylate moiety. The rec- accurate determinations of metallodrugs and metallo-
ommended dosage will be correctly applied to patients proteins. Under the current structure of 14 MSCs (Table
only if the active ingredient of the drug is accurately 1), the analysis of these two classes of analytes may not
determined. This is important to prevent over-dosing be easily classified into any specific category. It is
and adverse toxic effects. Species-specific IDMS can be therefore desirable to review the present scope of MSCs
the method of choice for the accurate quantification of and consider the two proposed MSCs. We believe that
carboplatin. However, isotopically enriched spikes are this will help promote the development of novel meth-
not readily available. In order to rise to the challenge, odologies for the analysis of such important analytes.
Koellensperger et al. reported the first synthesis of 194Pt International key comparisons focusing on the anal-
isotopically enriched carboplatin [145]. In the quanti- ysis of challenging analytes in more complex matrices
fication of carboplatin in urine by species-specific IDMS, attract the development of advanced methodologies for
both LC-ICP-MS and LC-ESI-TOF-MS (liquid chroma- inorganic analysis. These give benefits to activities such
tography-electrospray ionization-time-of-flight mass as certification of materials and the provision of accurate
spectrometry) were found to be effective for analysis. It and SI-traceable reference values of analytes [149].
was important to note that the LODs achieved by the Analytical field laboratories can validate the methods
two techniques were 0.1 ng/g and 15 ng/g, respec- that they employ for routine analysis through the use of
tively. matrix-matched CRMs and their participation in inter-
Metalloproteins are responsible for many biological laboratory comparisons (e.g., IMEP), whose independent
processes. Some transition metals bind to proteins with reference values (SI-traceable, where possible) are
high affinity interactions. Examples of important determined by candidate primary methods (e.g., IDMS).
metalloproteins (element) include cytochrome oxidase The efforts of NMIs/DIs eventually enhance the compe-
(Cu), hemoglobin (Fe), glutathione peroxidase (Se), tence of analytical field laboratories by disseminating
carboxypeptidase A (Zn) and glutamine synthetase these methods.
(Mn). In a recent review, Garcia et al. described trends
in metalloprotein analysis with respect to four areas,
including protein-separation techniques, metal quanti-
fication in proteins, ligand identification and the latest Acknowledgements
challenges in metallomics [146]. To explore the feasi- The authors are indebted to Dr. T.L. Ting (Government
bility of using species-specific IDMS analysis of metal- Chemist), Ms. S.Y.K Tam, Dr. W.M. Sin, Dr. C.S. Mok,
loproteins, Harrington et al. used a Cu-containing Mr. W.C. Sham and Mr. F.W. Lee for their encourage-
protein, rusticyanin (Rc), as a model system for exam- ment, advice and help. We sincerely thank Drs. J. Vogl,
ination [147]. The protein is involved in the respiratory D. Schiel, W. Pritzkow, R.E. Sturgeon, L. Yang, C.R.
electron transport chain of a bacterium called Acido- Quetel, M. Sargent, L.G. Mackay, R.B. Myors, M. van
thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Rc containing an enriched Son, R.R. Greenberg, K. Chiba, K. Inagaki, E. Hwang,
isotope of 65Cu was produced by cell-culture and pro- O.F.X. Donard and E. Krupp for their great support
tein-expression systems. The isotopically enriched pro- during the development of protocols for IDMS analysis.
tein was isolated from the bacterium and characterized Last but not least, we thank Dr. A.W.L. Leung for
by standard biochemical assays based on UV-visible searching relevant information during manuscript
spectrometry and electrospray MS. The work showed preparation. The contents of this article do not neces-
that the metal center was stable under the HPLC-ICP- sarily reflect the views of the Government of the Hong
MS conditions examined and that the approach could Kong Special Administrative Region, nor does mention 233
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2009

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