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Chapter 11

1) Cubism Pablo Picasso, on of the greatest painter of the twentieth century, created a new style
known as cubism. Very Abstract.
2) Albert Einstein Responsible for replacing absolute time with the speed of light. He also created
e=mc squared, theory of relativity.
3) Kierkegaard- Philosopher denied that humans would never be capable of discovering truth,
therefore, faith alone is the only way to survive lifes absolute uncertainties. He was a Christian
thinker who believed therefore are no rational answers to anything religious.
4) Nietzsche- Opposite philosopher to Kierkegaard. He believed in the existence of an Oberman or
a superman, within all humans that makes us capable of going beyond our limitations. He
believes Christianity is life denying as it suppresses your innate desires.
5) Psychoanalysis- is a set of theories and therapeutic techniques[1] related to the study of the
unconscious mind,[2] which together form a method of treatment for mental-health disorders.
6) Freud- Sigmund freud, a psychoanalysis, believed that only reason could explain the
development of human society.
7) Impressionism- Painting made with looser brush strokes, with attention to detail becoming less
important. This style became more a about abstraction and modernism, then depicting realistic
8) Post Impressionism - is a predominantly French art movement that developed roughly
between 1886 and 1905, from the last Impressionist exhibition to the birth of Fauvism. Was a
reaction to impressionism. Included styles such as pointillism, naturalism, fauvism and cubism.
9) Abstract Art- Art that didnt depict real life events or settings. About forms and use of lines,
color, space, and shape to produce the five golden rules of beauty- Harmony, balance,
proportion, rhythm and contrast.
10) Monet An impressionist painter who used loos brushstrokes to create images with less detail
than the typical styles of his time.
11) Renoir- An impressionist painter who used loose brushstrokes to create images with less detail
than the typical styles of his time. Renoir the swing Renoirs after bath.
12) Van Gough- post impressionist painter who used water color to depict little detailed images.


Chapter 12

1) Fourteen points Woodrow Wilson declared the creation of the league of nations, a place for
the community of nations to resolve all their issues and grievances, without the need to to
embark on war.
2) Balfour Declaration The British promised the Jewish -Zionist leaders that they would be helped
with the creation of a Jewish nation in Palestine should they win the war.
3) Cold War Competition between the U.S and the union of soviet socialist republics USSR was
4) Dawes Plan- reduced the payment plan to the French to a reasonable level and combined that
with heavy US dollar investments in German industries.
5) Final Solution The name Hitler used to describe what would be the holocaust. This was to once
and for all, get rid of the inferior races in Germany.
6) Husayn-McMahon Correspondence- was a series of ten letters exchanged from 14 July 1915 to
30 January 1916,[1] during World War I, between Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, and Sir Henry
McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, concerning the political status of lands under the
Ottoman Empire.
7) Mao Zedong- Marxist leader in China. Led the communist revolution in China. was a Chinese
communist revolutionary and founding father of the People's Republic of China, which he
governed as the Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949, until
his death in 1976. His MarxistLeninist theories, military strategies, and political policies are
collectively known as Maoism or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
8) Marshal Plan- A comprehensive assistance program for the economic recovery of Western
Europe. This happened simultaneously with the ideological mobilization against communism.
9) NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Led by the United States. Main job now has evolved
to fighting Islamic terrorism and other smaller, nonconcentrated threats.
10) Nazi- Soviet Pact- Germany declared a new alliance with the soviets. Divided Poland between
the two nations. This bought time for Hitler to finish his campaigns in the west without worrying
about Russia.
11) Perestroika and Glasnost-Gorbachev created the perestroika which was a reorganization of the
soviet system. Glasnost, which was the allowance of an open discussion of global affairs.
12) Sykes-Picot Agreement- officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret 1916
agreement between Great Britain and France,[1] to which the Russian Empire assented. The
agreement defined their mutually agreed spheres of influence and control in Southwestern Asia.
The agreement was based on the premise that the Triple Entente would succeed in defeating
the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

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