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Year 6

Unit 4: More about dissolving

1. How can we separate insoluble solids from liquids? Draw on the column
prepared below.

2. State two tools needed to separate insoluble solid from liquid.

3. What is the process called that removing soluble solid from liquids by
heating? Draw it.
Year 6

4. What mixture can be separated by using magnet?

5. Explain the process of evaporation.

6. State the difference and similarities between evaporation and boiling.

Evaporation Similarities Boiling




Site of process

7. Label.
Year 6

8. Label the parts.

9. State the movement of air during inhalation.

Nose .

10.The process of breathing in and out.

Breathing In Breathing Out
1. Ribs
2. Diaphragm
3. Volume of chest
4. Air pressure in
the chest
5. Movement of

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