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Crusade Watch, Religious Conversion Watch, Evangelism watch

Customized Bible says "The Panare Killed Jesus Christ, Because They Were Wicked
Thursday, 04 August 2005

Christian missionaries, unable to convince

the Panare Indians of the Colorado valley to accept faith in Jesus Christ took
to compiling books for the natives to read in their mother tongue, this was
accomplished during 1975 and 1976.
The compiling of the books presented
certain linguistic problems, solved in the end in a very cunning fashion.
source: An
excerpt from the book The Missionaries: God Against The Indians, Norman Lewis
Customized Bible says "The Panare Killed Jesus Christ, Because They Were Wicked"

To misrepresent another religion

for fear of people converting is one thing, but to do so to one's own in the
hope of gaining converts is another. Christian missionaries, unable to convince
the Panare Indians of the Colorado valley to accept faith in Jesus Christ took
to compiling books for the natives to read in their mother tongue, this was
accomplished during 1975 and 1976.
The compiling of the books presented
certain linguistic problems, solved in the end in a very cunning fashion.
The problems arose because there
are no equivalents in Panare for many words held as basic to the concept of
the Christian religion. There are none, for example, for sin, guilt, punishment
and redemption. Since Panare tribe lived as an isolated society in the forests
for thousands of years, it is impossible to have famines, plagues were unrecorded
and the wars that shaped our history were reduced to a ceremonial skirmish.
The biblical dramas, therefore, were hardly more than shadow plays.[13]
It was soon realized, however,
that before the Indians could be made to accept repentance and salvation - both
equally obscure concepts to the Panare - one had to give them something to feel
guilty about. The missionaries came up with an ingenious, yet underhand, solution
- translate and re-edit the New Testament in such a way so as to implicate the
Panare Indians in Jesus' death! Gone from the Bible were Judas's betrayal, the
Romans, the trial, and Pontius Pilate. The text now read at the appropriate

Panare killed Jesus Christ
because they were
Let's kill Jesus
Christ, said the Panare.
The Panare seized
Jesus Christ.
The Panare killed
in this way.
The laid a cross
on the ground.
They fastened his
hands and his feet
against the wooden
beams, with nails.
They raised him
straight up, nailed.
The man died like
that, nailed.
Thus the Panare
killed Jesus Christ

It is clear that if this could Powered by Joomla! Generated: 5 August, 2008, 03:45
Crusade Watch, Religious Conversion Watch, Evangelism watch

create the feelings of guilt, nothing could. Now there was a talk of God's vengeance
for the dreadful deed. The re-edited New Testament continued:

will burn you all,
burn all the animals,
burn also the earth,
the heavens, absolutely
He will burn also
the Panare themselves.
God will exterminate
the Panare by throwing them on the fire.
It is a huge fire.
I am going to hurl
the Panare into the fire, said God.
God is good.
'Do you want to
be roasted in the fire?' asks God.
'Do you have something
to pay me with so that I won't roast you in the fire?
What is it you're
going to pay me?'

One does not have to think hard

in order to realize what payment was being demanded; namely, unquestioning submission
to the missionaries' demands, the abandonment of their traditional lives and
their customs, and the acceptance of Christianity. The Indians were terrified.
The first Indian woman came forward and said:

I don't want to burn in the big fire. I love Jesus."
.... Here we had
sat for almost a year teaching one believer and nothing else happening and
all of a sudden WOW!

It seems it was a common practice

among the Christian missionaries to accuse Indians of killing the Christ.

Stoll, writing in SIL in Peru, describes a missionary teacher calling his
Amuesha congregations Jews 'because they did not have faith and were killing

From the present discussion, it

would seem that the Bible will be 'translated' for the benefit of winning the
souls even if it requires gross deception and misrepresentation of the scripture
In the Gospel according to John,
chapter six, Jesus(P)
is reported to have said: "I am the bread of life." In the time of
at least, and probably even today in the Middle East, bread is the "staple
of life", it is essential and it is available even to the poor. It is a
'relatively cheap' food. If the Bible translators would translate something
like that into the tribal languages of Papua New Guinea literally, what would
these people think? In these countries, 'bread' is something only the rich can
afford. If they read "I am the bread of life," they would immediately
think "Oh, Jesus is not for me, I can't afford to become a Christian...
" and this would mean a complete miscommunication. In Papua New Guinea
the staple food is sweet-potato. And therefore this verse would be best translated Powered by Joomla! Generated: 5 August, 2008, 03:45
Crusade Watch, Religious Conversion Watch, Evangelism watch

by the missionary standards as "I am the sweet-potato of life" as

well as communion/eucharist is celebrated with sweet-potato instead of bread.
This way the meaning would be "preserved" and convey what Jesus(P)
"meant" albeit the original text is re-edited. It is available for
all, it is life essential, since for those people a meal without sweet-potato
is not a complete meal. Perhaps for the Chinese, Jesus(P)
would be the "rice of life". And to win the souls of some Russian
drunks, a translation of Jesus(P)
being the "vodka of life" would be perfect!
This explains many of the problems
within Christianity; they can't make up their mind on the translation of their
scripture as much as the
actual extent of their scripture.
And above all the deception of any kind is exercised to win converts. Powered by Joomla! Generated: 5 August, 2008, 03:45

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