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Accurate Performance Analysis of UWB Acquisition Over

Multipath Channels

Yao Ma and Lei Zhao

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Iowa State University
Ames, IA, 50011, USA

ABSTRACT increase in capacity. With an extremely large bandwidth

Signal acquisition is a critical step for the ultrawideband of 7.5 GHz (3.1 GHz -10.6 GHz) that has been approved by
(UWB) communication link to be set up, thus, accurate ac- FCC for unlicensed commercial use [3], the study of UWB
quisition performance analysis is of practical importance. signalling has intensied in the past few years.
In this paper, we analyze the pulse-level acquisition per- Initial acquisition is a crucial task for a UWB communi-
formance of dierential coherent and noncoherent acquisi- cation link to be set up and various algorithms for fast and
tion schemes combined with a novel hopping method, non- reliable acquisition have been proposed and evaluated [4,
consecutive search (NCS) and path diversity (PD) for fast 13, 18, 15, 9, 5, 12]. Despite these signicant contributions,
and low-complexity UWB acquisition over multipath chan- accurate performance analysis of the UWB signal acquisi-
nels. We derive the receiver output statistics and acquisi- tion over realistic multipath channels based on a systematic
tion probabilities valid for arbitrary order of path diversity analytical framework has not been adequately addressed.
and for both dierential and noncoherent acquisitions. Fur- In this paper, we focus on the acquisition analysis for time-
thermore, using a generating function (GF)-based method, hopping impulse radio UWB (TH-UWB) systems using a
we accurately evaluate the mean, variance and the distri- systematic approach of the generating function and accu-
bution function of the acquisition time TA , accounting for rate signal statistics.
the eect of multiple co-channel interferers and multipath We propose dierential coherent and noncoherent acqui-
fading channels. Simulation and numerical results verify sition schemes combined with a novel hopping method,
our analysis and show the large performance enhancement nonconsecutive search and path diversity (NCS/PD) [11,
realized by NCS/PD than the serial search. 6, 7] for fast and low-complexity UWB acquisition over
multipath channels. In our scheme, the hopping code chip
duration Tc is much smaller than the pulse duration Tw .
Categories and Subject Descriptors As we will show later, this design will render the multiple
B.4 [Input/Output And Data Communications]: Per- access interference (MAI) approaches a Gaussian distribu-
formance Analysis and Design Aids tion, a fact not known in the literature but extremely useful
for TH-UWB systems. The NCS/PD acquisition scheme
General Terms for a CDMA multipath channel with three-fold diversity
was proposed in [11]. The detection probability for UWB
Performance, Algorithms
with NCS was evaluated in [7], which, however, did not
consider the path diversity and also the performance anal-
Keywords ysis in terms of statistics of the acquisition time TA was
Ultra-wideband communication, acquisition performance, not included.
generating function, search algorithm For accurate acquisition performance analysis of the con-
ventional and the NCS/PD schemes for UWB channels, we
1. INTRODUCTION derive the receiver output statistics, taking into account
the eects of multiple co-channel interferers and multipath
Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication is an emerging
fading. To evaluate the acquisition probabilities for arbi-
wireless technology which can provide seamless, low-cost,
trary order of path diversity, we design a novel analytical
highly reliable video, audio and data connectivity. UWB
approach by evaluating the moment generating functions
comes with uniquely attractive features: low-power trans-
(MGFs) of the decision variables (DVs) and using inverse
missions, ample multipath diversity, high data-rates, accu-
Laplace transform of the MGFs to obtain the cumulative
rate ranging and positioning, and the potential for huge
distribution functions (cdfs) of the DVs.
Furthermore, we derive the generating function (GF) for
the acquisition time TA for the conventional and the pro-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for posed searching schemes, and present a general and yet
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are more strict analysis than those available in the literature.
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies For example, it is assumed that the cell-search starts from
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to an H0 cell [8], or from the rst cell of the H1 region [6,
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific 16], and the case that the search starts from within the H1
permission and/or a fee.
region has not been included in those works. Due to the
IWCMC06, July 36, 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-306-9/06/0007 ...$5.00. extensive multipath spread for UWB signals the H1 region

is substantially long, thus, this case cannot be ignored and where (t) is the Dirac delta function, L is the number
will be included in our analysis in a strict way. of resolvable paths, and k,l and k,l are the channel gain
Consequently, we can accurately evaluate the mean, vari- and timing delay of the kth users l-path. We assume k,l
ance, and cdf of the acquisition time. Simulation and nu- remains constant for a block of symbols, but will vary from
merical results verify our analysis and show the large per- one block to another.
formance improvement of the proposed acquisition schemes After undergoing a multipath channel, the received signal
over the serial search. Our result can be readily used for from the K users may be represented by,
practical UWB communication design and analysis for mul-
tiuser systems over multipath channels. 


r(t) = Pk k,l (j)xk (t k,l ) + n(t) (4)
j=0 k=1 l=1
where Pk is the average signal power for user k, and xk (t)
2.1 Signalling Schemes was dened in (2) and (1) for UWB-BPSK and UWB-PPM
signals, respectively.
We consider pulse position modulation (PPM) and bi-
Without loss of generality, we assume that 1,1 = 0 and
nary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), and the latter is
0 k,l < Ts +Tm for all k and l, where Tm is the maximum
equivalent to binary phase shift keying (BPSK).
multipath delay spread. n(t) is a zero-mean additive white
2.1.1 UWB-PPM Gaussian noise (AWGN) with power spectrum density N0 .
Consider a system with K active users. The received 2.3 Acquisition Methods
UWB-PPM pure signal the kth user over the j-th symbol
duration (k = 1, . . . , K, j = 0, 1, . . .) can be represented by 2.3.1 Conventional Serial Search
(j+1)Ns 1 In this scheme, we assume that the correlation receiver
xk (t) = w(t nTf ck,n Tc dk,PPM ) (1) output is tested consecutively, with the searching step size
tSer . For the case of uniformly-spaced multipath we assume
the multipath resolvable interval is ts = 1/B = Tw /M ,
where Tf is a frame interval, and there are Ns frames in one where B is the RF bandwidth of w(t), and M (assumed to
symbol period Ts , so that Ts = Ns Tf . w(t) is the received be an integer) is the number of paths in a pulse duration.
mono-cycle waveform, with major energy concentrated in The number of tested cells in the uncertainty region of
the duration t (0, Tw ) and Tw  Tf . The autocorrelation one symbol interval Ts is
 T /2
function of w(t) is dened as Rw ( ) = Tww /2 w(t)w(t Ns Tf
)dt, with Rw ( ) = 0 for (Tw , Tw ), and Rw ( ) = Nu =  +1 (5)
0 otherwise. w(t) may be dierent from the transmitted
monopulse due to channel distortion. In our scheme, we where x is the largest integer not larger than x.
assume the receiver has the knowledge of w(t).
In (1), Tc is a chip interval, and ck,n , for n = 0, 1, . . . , Np
2.3.2 NCS/PD
1, is a time hopping (TH) sequence (or called hopping code) To utilize the eect of long-spread multipath and cy-
for the kth user, with period Np . When Np = Ns , this clostationarity of UWB signals, we may employ the path-
sequence is normally referred to as a short TH sequence; diversity and nonconsecutive search [11, 7]. For the PD,
otherwise if Np > Ns , it is called a long TH sequence. we assume that the correlator outputs for N dierent cells
In the acquisition mode for the desired user, short TH are combined, with a time delay dierence of Tw /2 between
code with period Ts is used. Accordingly, the correspond- the nth and (n + 1)th correlators, for n = 1, . . . , N . For
ing uncertainty region to be searched for acquisition pur- example, when the rst correlator is testing the ith cell, the
(j) second correlator is aligned to the (i + M/2)th cell. The
pose is Ts . We assume dk,PPM = 0 in the acquisition mode.
N cells under test is called a cell group (CG). For NCS,
the next CG to be tested has a time delay of N tSer with
2.1.2 UWB-BPSK
respect to the current CG, with N 2N .
For BPSK modulation, the signal may be represented by With noncoherent acquisition, the correlator outputs are
(j+1)Ns 1 summed by using the square-law combining to form a new
xk (t) = dk,BP w(t nTf ck,n Tc ) (2) decision variable (DV), which is compared to a detection
threshold. Faster acquisition than noncoherent acquisition
may be achieved by using the dierentially coherent ac-
(j) quisition [17], in which the correlation outputs at adja-
where dk,BP = 1 is the data for jth symbol of the kth
user. cent symbol durations are multiplied to form the DV. For
NCS/PD the acquisition is achieved when a cluster of cells
2.2 Channel Model within the H1 region is positively declared as signal cells.
IEEE 802.15.3a Model [10, 1] has been proposed for the Thus, our schemes achieve the pulse-level acquisition, in-
UWB channel modelling for wireless personal area net- stead of the more rough symbol-level and frame-level ac-
works (WPANs). In this model, the path delays are non- quisitions.
uniformly spaced according to clustered structures. The
channel impulse response for the ith user is given by 3. CORRELATION OUTPUT STATISTICS

hk (t) = k,l (t k,l ) (3) We derive the correlation receiver output statistics and
the related detection and false alarm probabilities, which

are then used to analyze the statistics of the acquisition the unconditional variance for ysi as
time in the next section. For tractability of the analysis, we
assume that the multipath channel has a uniformly-spaced s2i = s2i ,SIG + s2i ,MAI + Ns Rw (0)N0 (10)
paths. Our analytical result may be extended to the case
of non-uniformly spaced paths (e.g. the IEEE 802.15.3a
Model [10, 1]). Without loss of generality, we assume that 
the rst user (k = 1) is the desired user. s2i ,SIG = Ns2 P1 2
1,i+l 2 (lt )
Rw s (11)
3.1 Statistics for Single Cells
Tm  K
The correlator output for testing the ith cell at the jth s2i ,MAI = Ns 2
Pk Rw (12)
symbol duration is given by L Tf
 1,i +(j+1)Ts
(j) which are are the variances of the desired signal and MAI
yi (j) = r(t)x1 (t 1,i )dt (6) 2 (lt ) = 1
1,i +jTs parts, respectively. In (11) and (12), Rw s
 tSer /2 2 1
 Tw 2

where 1,i is the delay position being tested. t /2 Rw (lts + )d and Rw = 2Tw Tw Rw
2 ()d.
When the i-th H1 cell is under test, ideally, the code For the i -th H0 cell (i = L + 1, . . . , Nu ), the variance of
delay of the local correlator is set to 1,i = 1,1 + (i 1)ts . the correlator output ysi is derived as
The actual test position (delay) closest to 1,i is denoted as
1,i , which has an alignment error denoted as 1 = 1,i Tm K
1,i . 1 can be modelled as a uniformly distributed random R = s2i = Ns 2 + N R (0)N
Pk Rw s w 0 (13)
L Tf
variable with 1 (0.5tSer , 0.5tSer ). k=1
The correlator output for testing i-th H1 signal cell is
given by 3.2 Statistics and Acquisition Probabilities For
 1,i +(j+1)Ts NCS/PD
ysi (j) = r(t)x1 (t 1,i )dt For NCS/PD with N th-order diversity, the correlation
1,i +jTs outputs for N -cells (a cell group) are combined. Using the

l=M noncoherent squared-law combining the DV for the ith CG
= P1 Ns 1,i Rw (1 ) + P1 Ns 1,i+l Rw (1 + lts ) (with i = 1, . . . , Nu /N + 1, and i = i/N + 1 holds)
l=M is given by

Ns 1 

+ Pk k,l Rw (k + lts ) + nw (7) xnoncoh
i,N = yi+M k/2 (j) (14)
n=0 k=2 l =M k=0

where the rst term in the right hand-side of (7) is the where yi (j) is given by (6) (which may be an H1 or H0
desired signal output, and the second and the third terms cell).
are due to the interpath interference (IPI) and MAI re- For dierential acquisition with NCS/PD, the DV is given
spectively. The output noise nw is a zero-mean Gaussian by
variable with variance Ns Rw (0)N0 .
For the i -th H0 cell (for i = L + 1, . . . , Nu ), the output 

of the correlator (with a code delay of 1,i = 1,i + 1 ) is xdiff

i,N = yi+M k/2 (j 1) yi+M k/2 (j) (15)
given by k=0

(j) In the H1 region , when xdiff > 1 or xnoncoh > 1 , where
ysi (j) = r(t)x1 (t 1,i )dt i,N i,N
1 is the detection threshold, the detection event is de-
1,i +jTs
clared. For the H0 region, when xdiff
> 1 or xnoncoh
> 1 ,
s 1 
the false alarm event occurs. For constant false alarm rate
= Pk k,l Rw (lts + k ) + nw (8) 2
(CFAR) design we may set 1 = R , where is a scalar
n=0 k=1 l =M
to be adjusted.
Since we let Tc  Tw in our design, the collisions of The closed-form cdfs of the DVs for NCS/PD with dif-
dierent users pulses occur in a more random pattern than ferential and noncoherent acquisitions are in general dif-
the case of Tc  Tw . Consequently, the resulting MAI to cult to derive. Here, we observe that the detection and
the desired user approaches a Gaussian distribution, which false-alarm probabilities is related to the complementary
is derived below (also c.f. the numerical results in [7]). cdf (ccdf) of the DV. Thus, we design a technique by de-
Conditioned on a set of time delays {k,1 }K k=1 and step riving the MGF of the DV and then employ the inverse
quantization errors {k }K
k=1 , the variance (or power) of ysi Laplace transform to obtain the acquisition probabilities,
is given by valid for arbitrary multipath intensity prole (MIP) with

M uniformly-spaced paths.
s2i (, ) = Ns2 P1 2
1,i+l 2
Rw (lts + 1 ) The DV xnoncoh
is a Gaussian quadratic form. When it is
l=M related to the ith H1 cell group (CG), its MGF is derived

2 2
+Ns Pk k,l Rw (lts + k ) + Ns Rw (0)N0 (9)
xnoncoh,H1 (s) = E[exp(sxnoncoh
i,N )]
k=2 l =M i,N

By averaging (9) over {k,1 }K 1

k=1 [0, Ts ) and {k }k=1
=  N1 (16)
(0.5tSer , 0.5tSer ), which are uniformly distributed, we have q=0 (1 ss2i+M q/2 )1/2

where E[] denotes expectation. For any of the H0 CGs, Equations (23) and (24) can be evaluated by using an
the MGF is obtained as ecient Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature (GCQ) formula. For
1 example, letting s = c + j and = c tan(/2), (23) is
xnoncoh,H0 (s) =  N1 2 1/2
(17) reduced to
q=0 (1 sR )
For dierentially coherent acquisition, xdiff may be ex- (2n 1)
i,N Pd (i, N ) = 1 Re xi,N + RM
pressed in a quadratic form 2M n=1 2M
i,N = v Q2N v (18) where RM is a residual term which vanishes quickly to zero
where v is the transpose of vector v, v = [yi (j 1), . . . ,
T as M increases, and xi,N () = xi,N (c + jc tan(/2))(1
yi+M N/2(j 1), yi (j), . . . ,yi+M N/2 (j)]T , and e[c+jc tan(/2)]T )[1 j tan(/2)].
0NN 0.5IN We note that in [11] for a CDMA multipath channel the
Q2N = , where 0NN and IN represent acquisition probabilities for the case of N = 3 and non-
0.5IN 0NN
the N N all-zero and identity matrices, respectively. The coherent acquisition were derived based on a closed-form
MGFs of xdiff
for H1 and H0 CGs are derived as cdf. In comparison, the acquisition probabilities for UWB
signals are more complex to evaluate and our technique is
1 more general in that it is valid for arbitrary N and also for
xdiff,H1 (s) = (19)
i,N det[I2N Pv,H1 Q2N ]m dierential acquisition.
xdiff,H0 (s) = (20)

R IN 0NN In the literature for analyzing the acquisition probabil-
Pv,H0 = 2 . (21) ity, it is usually assumed that the cell-search starts from
an H0 cell [8], or from the rst cell of the H1 region [6,
and 16], and the case that the search starts from the middle of
the H1 region has not been strictly analyzed. For UWB
Pv,H1 = channels, however, due to long multipath spread, this case
diag({s2i+2n }n ) b1 (j) diag({s2i+2n ,SIG }n ) must be accurately evaluated. Below, we derive a new and
b1 (j) diag({s2i+2n ,SIG }n ) diag({s2i+2n }n ) general GF result applicable to multipath with arbitrary
(22) statistics (e.g., delay spread, path powers), and then ob-
tain the mean, variance and cdf of the acquisition time TA .
(j1) (j)
where b1 (j) = d1,BP d1,BP for dierential UWB-BPSK and
b1 (j) = 1 for UWB-PPM. In (22), diag({s2i+2n }n ) = 4.1 Conventional Scheme
diag(s2i , . . . , s2i+2(N 1) ), and diag({s2i+2n ,SIG }n ) = There are L cells in the H1 region, and Nu L cells in
the H0 region. Without loss of generality, we dene the
diag(s2i ,SIG , . . . , s2i+2(N 1) ,SIG ), respectively. Here, rst L cells to be H1 cells. The initial position of the cell
diag(x1 , . . . , xL ) is a diagonal matrix that is formed by set- search (say iST ) is a random variable uniformly distributed
ting x1 , . . . , xL on its main diagonal. s2i+2n and s2i+2n ,SIG in [1, Nu ]. Without loss of generality, we let iST = 1 corre-
can be evaluated using (10) and (11), respectively. sponds to the rst signal path in the H1 region.
The probability of detection given the threshold 1 can In order to obtain the GF of TA , we derive some useful
be evaluated by expressions below. The GF for the time of miss detection
 in the nth H1 cell is given by
Pd (i, N ) = Pr(xi (N ) > 1 ) = fxi (x)dx
1 Hm (s|n) = [1 Pd (n)]estd
1 c+j
=1 xi,N (s) ds (23) where td = Ts + tSer accounts for the time for the signal
2j cj s correlation and threshold comparison. The GF for the miss
detection time in the whole H1 region is
where j = 1, c is a positive real constant in the con-
vergence region, and xi,N (s) is given by (16) and (19) for

noncoherent and dierential acquisition schemes, respec- HML (s) = Hm (s|n) (25)
tively. The miss detection probability is obtained as n=1

Pm (i, N ) = 1 Pd (i, N ). The GF for the signal detection time in the nth H1 cell
is obtained as
The false alarm probability is derived as
 Hd (s|n) = Pd (n1 )estd .
1 c+j
1 es1
Pf (i, N ) = 1 xi,N (s) ds (24)
2j cj s Assuming a serial search and L paths, the GF for the
signal detection time in the whole H1 region (consisting of
where xi,N (s) is given by (17) and (20) for noncoherent L signal paths) is derived as
and dierential acquisition schemes, respectively. It follows
n1 1
that the correct rejection probability is 

HDL (s) = Hd (s|n1 ) Hm (s|n2 ) (26)

PRej (i, N ) = 1 Pf (i, N ). n1 =1 n2 =1

The GF for the time used for the rejection of an false Mean TA, noncoherent acquisition

alarm event in an H0 cell is Mean TA, differential acquisition

s(td +tp ) 100

Hr (s) = (1 Pf )e std
+ Pf e (27)
where tp is the penalty time of the conrmation of a false

Mean TA (in number of symbols)

alarm, which is normally much larger than td .
With the denitions above, we proceed to derive the GF
for the acquisition time TA of the serial acquisition scheme. 60
When iST [1, L], that is, the initial search starts from
anywhere of the H1 region, we derive the GF for TA as
HTA (s|iST [1, L]) = HD,iST (s)
HM,iST (s)HrNu L (s)HDL (s) N =24

+ (28) 20
1 HrNu L (s)HML (s)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
n1 1

Diversity order N
HD,iST (s) = Hd (s|n1 ) Hm (s|n2 )
n1 =iST n2 =iST
Figure 1: T A (in the number of symbols) vs. diver-

L sity order N for dierential and noncoherent ac-

HM,iST (s) = Hm (s|n) quisition receivers with the IEEE 802.15.3a CM2
n=iST channel model, with K = 5.
When iST [L + 1, Nu ], we derive the GF of TA as
HR,iST (s)HDL (s) P1 = Pk , for k = 2, . . . , K. In the examples given below,
HTA (s|iST [L + 1, Nu ]) =
1 HML (s)HrNu L (s) for simplicity, we consider the search mode only and the
verication mode is not included.
In Fig. 1, we present the simulated mean acquisition
where HR,iST (s) = [Hr (s)]Nu iST = HrNu iST (s).
An ex- time T A (in the number of symbols) vs. diversity order N
pression equivalent to (29) was given in [16], however, to for dierential and noncoherent acquisition receivers over
our knowledge, (28) has not been available in the literature. the IEEE 802.15.3 CM2 channel model, with K = 5. The
Combining (28) with (29), we obtain the average GF for detection threshold is = R and = 9. The result
TA with the conventional search as shows that as N increases, the TA decrease rapidly. Fur-
thermore, dierential acquisition achieves a substantially
better performance than the noncoherent scheme.
HTA (s) = [HTA (s|iST [1, L])
Nu i =1 In Fig. 2 we show analytical and simulated T A for the
proposed dierential acquisition scheme in the multipath
+HTA (s|iST [L + 1, Nu ])] (30) channel with an exponential MIP. The result shows that as
To our knowledge, (30)is a new and accurate GF expres- search step size N increases, T A tends to decrease. The
sion for UWB acquisition analysis. The GF for the com- result also veries the accuracy of our analysis.
bined NCS and PD scheme can be obtained using a similar In Fig. 3, we present the numerical result for T A vs. N
procedure, omitted here due to the space limitation. for dierent N s, assuming a uniformly-spaced multipath
with a uniform MIP. T A decreases as N increases, and a
5. STATISTICS OF TA larger N causes lower T A when N increases. However,
when N = 1, N = 64 gives worse performance than N =
The mean and variance of TA can be obtained using a
24 and 32 do, which suggests that NCS and PD should be
numerical dierentiation of HA (s). The cdf is dened as
combined to give optimal acquisition performance.
FTA (T ) = Pr(TA < T ), which is the probability of acquisi-
tion given an allowed search time T . In other words, when
TA > T , the acquisition failed within the given time T . 7. CONCLUSIONS
An accurate cdf evaluation formula using the Gamma In this paper, we have provided an accurate performance
approximation [2] is given by evaluation for dierential and noncoherent UWB acquisi-
tion schemes with non-consecutive search and path diver-
1 sity, and a new hopping method. We have derived new
FTA (T ) = (a, T /b) (31)
(a) results on the UWB correlation statistics, acquisition prob-
2 abilities, and then employed a GF-based method to accu-
where a = T A /T2 A , b = T2 A /T A , and (x, y) is the incom- rately evaluate the mean, variance and the cdf of the acqui-
plete gamma function. sition time TA , for the conventional and improved search
schemes. Simulation and numerical examples verify the
6. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES accuracy of our analysis and show the large performance
The received monocycle for all the users is modelled as improvement realized by NCS/PD than the serial search.
the second-order derivative of the Gaussian pulse [14] with
pulse width of about Tw = 1 ns. We assume the sampling
interval to be tsam = 1/16 ns. For the multipath channel Acknowledgement
with uniformly-spaced paths, we assume that Tm = 20 ns, This work was supported in part by a research award from
and tSer = ts for the serial search. We let Tc = tsam , and Rockwell Collins Inc. (RCI), Cedar Rapids, IA. The au-

700 45

Mean TA by analysis 40 N=24

Mean TA by Simulation
35 N=32
Mean T (in number of symbols)

Mean TA (in number of symbols)

N =64







0 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Step size N Diversity order N

Figure 2: T A v.s. step size N for the dierential

correlation receiver in a Rayleigh fading channel Figure 3: T A vs. diversity order N for the nonco-
with an exponentially-decayed MIP. Diversity or- herent correlation receiver in the multipath fading
der N = 1, K = 10, and = 2.5. channel with a uniform MIP, K = 9 and = 2.5.

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some useful discussions. radio communications. IEEE J. Sel. Areas.
Commun., 23(5):898908, May 2005.
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