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Simulation of the VPython camera geometry.

Version using wx widgets. Geoff Tovey, England, 11 March 2014.


from __future__ import division, print_function

import visual as vs # for 3D panel

import wx # for widgets

# Draw window & 3D pane =================================================

win = vs.window(width=1024, height=720, menus=False, title='SIMULATE VPYTHON GUI')

# make a main window. Also sets w.panel to addr of wx window object.

scene = vs.display( window=win, width=830, height=690, forward=-vs.vector(1,1,2))

# make a 3D panel

clr = vs.color

vss = scene

# Draw 3D model ======================

def axes( frame, colour, sz, posn ): # Make axes visible (of world or frame).

# Use None for world.

directions = [vs.vector(sz,0,0), vs.vector(0,sz,0), vs.vector(0,0,sz)]

texts = ["X","Y","Z"]

posn = vs.vector(posn)

for i in range (3): # EACH DIRECTION

vs.curve( frame = frame, color = colour, pos= [ posn, posn+directions[i]])

vs.label( frame = frame,color = colour, text = texts[i], pos = posn+ directions[i],

opacity = 0, box = False )

axes( None, clr.white, 3, (-11,6,0))

def drawGrid( posn=(0,0,0), sq=1, H=5, W = 8, normal='z', colour= clr.white ) :

""" Draw grid of squares in XY, XZ or YZ plane with corner nearest origin at given posn.

sq= length of side of square. H = number of squares high (Y). W = number of squares wide (X).

normal is the axis which is normal to the grid plane.


ht = H*sq

wd = W*sq

for i in range( 0, wd + 1, sq ): # FOR EACH VERTICAL LINE

if normal == 'z': vs.curve( pos=[(posn[0]+i, posn[1]+ht, posn[2]),

(posn[0]+i, posn[1], posn[2])], color=colour )

elif normal == 'x': vs.curve( pos=[(posn[0], posn[1]+ht, posn[2]+i),

(posn[0], posn[1], posn[2]+i)], color=colour)

else: vs.curve( pos=[(posn[0]+i, posn[1], posn[2]+ht),

(posn[0]+i, posn[1], posn[2])], color=colour)

for i in range( 0, ht+1, sq ): # FOR EACH HORIZONTAL LINE

if normal == 'z': vs.curve( pos=[(posn[0], posn[1]+i, posn[2]),

(posn[0]+wd, posn[1]+i, posn[2])], color=colour)

elif normal == 'x': vs.curve( pos=[(posn[0], posn[1]+i, posn[2]+wd),

(posn[0], posn[1]+i, posn[2])], color=colour)

else: vs.curve( pos=[(posn[0], posn[1], posn[2]+i),

(posn[0]+wd, posn[1], posn[2]+i)], color=colour)

drawGrid( normal = 'z', posn= (-6, 0, -6), colour =, W = 12 )

drawGrid( normal = 'z', posn= (-6, 0, 6), colour =, W = 5 )

drawGrid( normal = 'z', posn= ( 1, 0, 6), colour =, W = 5 )

drawGrid( normal = 'x', posn= (-6, 0, -6), colour =, W = 12 )

drawGrid( normal = 'x', posn= ( 6, 0, -6), colour =, W = 12 )

drawGrid( normal = 'y', posn= (-6, 0, -6), colour =, W = 12, H = 12 )

drawGrid( normal = 'z', posn= (-6, 0, 0), colour =, W = 12 )

# The central post. Base of post is the origin. ***************

pole= vs.cylinder( pos=(0,0,0),axis=(0,3,0), radius=0.1, color=(1,0,0))

scene_size = 12 # approx size of model drawn above.

def drawLine( posn, length, direction): # draw straight line STARTING at given posn, with given

# length and direction. ALL ARE RELATIVE TO CAMERA FRAME

return vs.curve( frame=cam_frame, pos = [posn, posn+direction.norm()*length ])

def reDrawLine( line, posn, length, direction):

line.pos = [posn, posn+direction.norm()*length ]

def drawCameraFrame(): # create frame and draw its contents

global cam_box, cent_plane, cam_lab, cam_tri, range_lab, linelen, fwd_line

global fwd_arrow, mouse_line, mouse_arrow, mouse_lab, fov, range_x, cam_dist, cam_frame

global ray

cam_frame = vs.frame( pos = vs.vector(0,2,2,), axis = (0,0,1))

# NB: contents are rel to this frame. start with camera looking "forward"

# origin is at simulated

fov = vs.pi/3.0 # 60 deg

range_x = 6 # simulates scene.range.x

cam_dist = range_x / vs.tan(fov/2.0) # distance between camera and center.

ray = vs.vector(-20.0, 2.5, 3.0).norm() # (unit) direction of ray vector (arbitrary)


cam_box =, length=1.5, height=1, width=1.0,,

pos=(cam_dist,0,0)) # camera-box

cent_plane =, length=0.01, height=range_x*1.3, width=range_x*2,

pos=(0,0,0), opacity=0.5 ) # central plane

cam_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'U', pos= (cam_dist,0,0), height= 9, xoffset= 6)

cam_tri = vs.faces( frame=cam_frame, pos=[(0,0,0), (0,0,-range_x), (cam_dist,0,0)])



range_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'R', pos= (0, 0, -range_x), height= 9, xoffset= 6)

linelen = scene_size + vs.mag( cam_frame.axis.norm()*cam_dist + cam_frame.pos)

# len of lines from camera

fwd_line = drawLine( vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, vs.vector(-1,0,0))

fwd_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame, axis=(-2,0,0), pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0), shaftwidth=0.08,


vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text='C', pos=(0,0,0), height=9, xoffset=6, color=clr.yellow)

mouse_line = drawLine ( vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, ray )

mouse_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame, axis=ray*2, pos=(cam_dist,0,0), shaftwidth=0.08,

mouse_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'M', height= 9, xoffset= 10,,

pos= -ray*(cam_dist/,(1,0,0))) + (cam_dist,0,0))


# axes( cam_frame,, 3, (11, 6, 0)) # testing ###########

############## cam_frame.pos simulates ################

############## - cam_frame.axis simulates scene.forward ################

############## range_x simulates scene.range.x ################

############## fov simulates scene.fov ################

#### ray converted to world coords simulates scene.mouse.ray ################

# Animation tools ==========================================

def reDrawLines():

global fwd_line, mouse_line, cam_dist, ray, scene_size, linelen

linelen = scene_size + vs.mag( cam_frame.axis.norm()*cam_dist + cam_frame.pos)

reDrawLine( fwd_line, vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, vs.vector(-1,0,0))

reDrawLine( mouse_line, vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, ray )

def reDrawTri(): # redraw the camera triangle

global cam_tri, range_x, cam_dist

cam_tri.pos = [(0,0,0), (0,0,-range_x), (cam_dist,0,0)]



# Event handlers =========================

def setModView(): # set so that we see view from mod-cam

global saved_pyvars

vss.userspin = vss.userzoom = False

vss.autoscale = vss.autocenter = False # should not be necessary, but is!

saved_pyvars = [ tuple(vss.forward), tuple(, vss.fov ]

# save VPython GUI status (so that we can restore it later ). tuple()is NEEDED so the data

# is copied - not just its address. vss.range is not useful.

vss.forward = - cam_frame.axis = cam_frame.pos

vss.fov = fov

vss.range = range_x

cam_box.visible = fwd_arrow.visible = mouse_arrow.visible = False

cam_tri.visible = False

def setPyView(): # set so we see view from py-cam (ie std VPython)

vss.userspin = vss.userzoom = True

vss.forward,, vss.fov = saved_pyvars

# Restore py-vars to what they were when qPy was turned off.

# Except RANGE - as cannot be saved. So....

vss.range = scene_size*1.5 # SET it.

cam_box.visible = fwd_arrow.visible = mouse_arrow.visible = True

cam_tri.visible = True

def hCamera(evt): # re "Switch Camera" button

global qPy

if qPy: # we are seeing view from py-cam

qPy = False

setModView() # set so that we see view from mod-cam


qPy = True

setPyView() # set so we see view from py-cam (ie std VPython)

def hReset(evt): # re "Reset" button

global cam_frame

cam_box.visible = fwd_arrow.visible = mouse_arrow.visible = True

cam_tri.visible = True # so is included in cam_frame.objects list.

for obj in cam_frame.objects:

obj.visible = False

del obj

del cam_frame

drawCameraFrame() # recreate camera frame and its contents

mode_lab.SetLabel("") # as is no longer right

if not qPy: setModView() # because drawCameraFrame() assumes qPy is True.

def hRadio(evt): # re radio button

global mode

mode = ['c', 'f', 'r', 'v', 'm', None][ bRadio.GetSelection()]

if mode == None: mode_lab.SetLabel('')

def hHelp(evt): # re "HELP" button


"""The BLUE BOX (at U) represents the camera - ie your viewpoint in the model.

The WHITE rectangle represents the VPython window on your display device.

On that: C marks its centre (held as

R marks the midpoint of the right-hand edge, and

M marks the mouse position (held as scene.mouse.pos, READ ONLY).

The YELLOW ARROW marks the scene.forward (unit) vector.

The RED ARROW marks the scene.mouse.ray (unit) vector. It is READ ONLY.

The right-angled triangle U-C-R shows the relationship between the main scene attributes:

The shape is determined by the angle at U - which is held as scene.fov/2.

The size is determined by the length C-R - which is held as scene.range.x

The position is determined by the position of C - which is held as

The orientation is determined by the direction U-C - which is held as scene.forward.

The camera position is also held (as - but is READ ONLY.
In this simulation scene.range is the same on all 3 axes.

The control panel lets you see the effect of altering each of the above scene attributes.

The "Switch camera" button shows you the view from the camera in the model. It toggles.

The "Reset model" button resets the model to its initial state. It does not alter your view.

Zooming is similar to altering scene.range but does not alter scene.range.

Spinning is similar to altering scene.forward.

""", 'HELP', wx.OK )

def hMousedown(): # handle mouse-DOWN event

global qDragging, mouse_pos_old

vss.unbind( 'mousedown', hMousedown) # STOP monitoring for mouse-down

qDragging = True

mouse_pos_old = vss.mouse.pos # forget old position of mouse.

vss.bind( 'mouseup', hMouseup) # START monitoring for mouse-up

vss.bind( 'mousedown', hMousedown) # START monitoring for mouse-down

def hMouseup(): # handle mouse-UP event

global qDragging

vss.unbind( 'mouseup', hMouseup) # STOP monitoring for mouse-up

qDragging = False

vss.bind( 'mousedown', hMousedown) # START monitoring for mouse-down

# Draw widgets ==========================

x1 = scene.width + 5

pan = win.panel # addr of wx window object

pan.SetSize( (1024,720)) # work-around to make display work. >= size of client area of window.

# Controls (= widgets) have to be put in the wx window.

# Positions and sizes are in pixels, and pos(0,0) is the upper left corner of the window.

wx.StaticText( pan, pos=(x1,10),

label = "Select an item, then\nleft-drag the mouse over\nthe model "

"to see the\neffect of altering that:" )

bRadio = wx.RadioBox(pan, pos=(x1,90), choices = ['', 'scene.forward', 'scene.range',

'scene.fov', 'moving the mouse', 'NONE OF THOSE'], style= wx.RA_VERTICAL)

bRadio.SetSelection(5) # Set NONE as intially selected.

bRadio.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, hRadio)

mode_lab = wx.StaticText( pan, pos=(x1,310))

def str2(object): # convert tuple or vector to char values with 2 sig figs. Ie is like str()

# but shows only 2 sig figs.

RC = ''

for i in object:

RC += format( i, " 9.2") # Means output has: pad LHS with spaces, width 9, 2 sig figs.

return RC

def Button1( label, y, func):

bb = wx.Button( pan, label=label, pos=(x1+5,y), size = (150,40))

bb.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, func)

Button1('HELP', 500, hHelp )

Button1('Switch Camera', 550, hCamera )

Button1('Reset model', 600, hReset )

# Capture events =========================================

mode = None

qDragging = False

qPy = True # we see view from std VPython camera

mouse_pos_old = vss.mouse.pos

vss.autoscale = False

vss.autocenter = False

while True:


if not qDragging: continue # only simulate changes if left button is down

if vss.mouse.pos == mouse_pos_old: continue

mouse_change = (vss.mouse.pos - mouse_pos_old)

mouse_pos_old = vss.mouse.pos

if mode == 'c': # demonstrate altering

mouse_change.z = mouse_change.x # improve variation

cam_frame.pos = cam_frame.pos + mouse_change/1.5


mode_lab.SetLabel('\n' + str2(cam_frame.pos))

if not qPy: = cam_frame.pos

elif mode == 'f': # demonstrate altering scene.forward vector

cam_frame.axis = (cam_frame.axis + mouse_change/12.0).norm()

cam_frame.up = (0,1,0)
mode_lab.SetLabel('scene.forward:\n' + str2( - cam_frame.axis))

if not qPy: vss.forward = - cam_frame.axis

elif mode == 'r': # demonstrate altering scene.range. Alters size of camera triangle.

if qPy: gearing = 4

else: gearing = 1

cam_dist = cam_dist + (mouse_change.x + mouse_change.y + mouse_change.z)*gearing

if cam_dist <= 0: cam_dist = 0.001 # allow only positive

limit = scene_size*2

if cam_dist > limit: cam_dist = limit # limit size


cam_box.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

cam_lab.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

fwd_arrow.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

mouse_arrow.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

mouse_lab.pos = -ray*(cam_dist/,(1,0,0))) + (cam_dist,0,0)

range_x = cam_dist * vs.tan(fov/2.0)

cent_plane.width = range_x*2

cent_plane.height = range_x*4.0/3

reDrawTri() # redraw the camera triangle

range_lab.pos= (0,0,-range_x)

mode_lab.SetLabel( 'scene.range:\n' + format( range_x, "9.3"))

if not qPy: vss.range = range_x

elif mode == 'v': # demonstrate altering scene.fov

cam_dist = cam_dist + (mouse_change.x + mouse_change.y + mouse_change.z)*4

if cam_dist <= 0: cam_dist = 0.001 # allow only positive

ray = (mouse_lab.pos - (cam_dist, 0,0)).norm()

cam_box.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

cam_lab.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

fwd_arrow.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

mouse_arrow.pos = (cam_dist,0,0)

mouse_arrow.axis = ray*2

reDrawTri() # redraw the camera triangle

fov = 2*vs.arctan( range_x / cam_dist)

mode_lab.SetLabel( 'scene.fov:\n{0:9.0f} deg'.format( vs.degrees(fov)))

if not qPy: vss.fov = fov

elif mode == 'm': # demonstrate moving the mouse.

hit = vss.mouse.project( cam_frame.axis, cam_frame.pos)

m_pos = cam_frame.world_to_frame(hit)

if abs(m_pos.z) <= cent_plane.width/2.0 and \

abs(m_pos.y) <= cent_plane.height/2.0 : # not "off the screen"

ray = (m_pos - (cam_dist,0,0)).norm()

reDrawLine( mouse_line, vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, ray)

mouse_lab.pos = m_pos

mouse_arrow.axis = 2*ray

rayout = cam_frame.frame_to_world(ray) - cam_frame.frame_to_world((0,0,0))

mode_lab.SetLabel( 'scene.mouse.ray:\n' + str2( rayout))

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