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Childrens Functional Health Pattern Assessment

Functional Health Toddler Preschool-Aged School-Aged

Pattern Assessment Ericksons Developmental Stage: Ericksons Developmental Stage: Ericksons Developmental Stage:
Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt Initiative VS Guilt Industry VS Inferiority

Pattern of Health -Parents incorporate -Encouraged to learn -Understands what it

Perception and Health healthy life styles/routines basic hygiene as hand. means to be healthy or
Management: and assist child in washing sick.
-Hand and brushing teeth -Able to verbally tell the -May learn how to deal
List two normal assessment findings before bedtime. adult where the pain is at. with minor ailments and
that would be characteristic for each
age group. -A toddler will say that how to get their inhaler
they are sick when they during asthmatic crisis.
List two potential problems that a nurse feel bad. The health of the -Culture influences their
may discover in an assessment of each child depends on parents. view on health and illness.
age group.

-Trouble swallowing. -Sees dirty hands as a -Tend not to care about

-Respiratory and ear norm. their appearance or their
infections, cavities if -Could be picked on hygiene.
parents do not brush the child is small -If the parents
teeth well. are practicing poor health
habits, the school-aged
child is prone to copy

Nutritional-Metabolic --Often progress from -May enjoy helping -Understands healthy

Pattern: breast feeding to using family cook meals, assist snacking.
Sippy cups and spoons. the family with simple -Obesity and anorexia.
List two normal assessment findings -Picky eaters. kitchen chores like -Skipping meals and
that would be characteristic for each
age group. -Parents may gradually washing apple. eating fast foods due to
reduce milk intake. their busy schedule may
List two potential problems that a nurse -Parents gives child lead to metabolic
may discover in an assessment of each healthy snacks. problems.
age group.

-Food allergies.. - Obesity and

-Become malnourished underweight as many
due to switch from breast preschoolers would like
milk to solid foods to eat junk food a lot like
fries and burgers.

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Pattern of Elimination: -Able to flush toilet with -Child is able to hold -Have full control over
assistance from parents. bladder and undress self. bladder and bowel
List two normal assessment findings -Able to wash hands with -Toilet training, but may
that would be characteristic for each
age group. assistance. forget to flush and wash -pattern of elimination is
hand after bathroom, like that of an adult.
needs a gentle reminder -uses bathroom
List two potential problems that a nurse unassisted.
may discover in an assessment of each
age group. -Child does not show -Forcing child may lead -May still wet bed at night
interest in washing hands. to constipation. -constipation and other
-There may be failures if -Encopresis and enuresis, health issues in the future
parents rush to toilet train. child be bullied for
wetting himself
Pattern of Activity and -Repetitive activities Increased confidence and -Motor skills, able to
Exercise: practice new skill. coordination. engage in sports.
-learns to crawl, walk, sit -Able to balance, catch -very active physically.
List two normal assessment findings stand and run. and throw ball.
that would be characteristic for each
age group. -More prone to injuries -Not allowed to assist -Want to watch TV all day
because they dont know leads to poor Not socializing leading to
their limits. coordination, shy away psychosocial abnormal
List two potential problems that a nurse
may discover in an assessment of each
-Risk of poisoning. from activities. behavior.
age group. -Decreases confidence,
tend to play alone and
have social issues.

Cognitive/Perceptual -Able to recognize home. -Mastery of handwriting -Abstract thinking.

Pattern: -Parents allows toddler to and vision coordination. -Develops problem
play safely. -Distinguishes past and solving skills and starts
List two normal assessment findings
that would be characteristic for each
present. asking the what if
age group. -Develops imaginary questions.

List two potential problems that a nurse -Allowed to play -Has difficulty - Learning disabilities.
may discover in an assessment of each unsupervised leads to distinguishing past and -School-
age group.
injuries. present. aged childrens
-Child has difficultly Environment and their
-Not able to recognize coordinating hand and culture start to discourage
their house and common vision. or encourage them from
places. learning.
Starts to understand other
peoples feelings.

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Pattern of Sleep and Rest: -Takes at least 2 of 30- -Take a nap a day -Sleeps at least 8hrs at
List two normal assessment findings
60minutes naps a day -Sleeps at least 8-10hrs at night.
that would be characteristic for each -Sleeps 12 hrs. at night night -Do not need bedtime
age group. Established bed time -Bedtime reading helps routine as sleep pattern
routine. to put child to sleep has changed. Has
cognition of sleep
List two potential problems that a nurse deprivation.
may discover in an assessment of each
age group.
-Child is cranky and -Easily gets tired. -Child may be late to
fussy. Falls asleep when tired wake up due to stay up at
-Child constantly refuses night watching movies.
-Restlessness. to sleep tiring parents. -May become clumsy or
sleepy during the day
-Sleep walking at night.
Pattern of Self-Perception -Explores new things like -Child shows talent and -Good self-esteem
and Self-Concept: crawling, climbing. hobbies. should be in be any
Tasking new things -Develops a positive healthy school-aged child.
List two normal assessment findings influence - Wants to master
that would be characteristic for each
age group. -Child gets frustrated whatever they do, and
when things dont go their they get more competitive.
List two potential problems that a nurse way i.e. tantrums
may discover in an assessment of each
age group.
-Can injure self during -Child shows no interest -Children that have any
tantrums. in talents and hobbies disabilities could worry
-Behavioral issues and if about what their peers
toddler does not respond -Speech pattern disorder think of them.
more at this age may -They could have bad
mean sensory problems hygiene and could just not
care about their
appearance overall.

Role-Relationship Pattern: -Sibling rivalry -Checks in with parents - Haves a best friend
and takes roles in the usually of sane sex.
List two normal assessment findings -Baby talks their way out family -Starts to understand their
that would be characteristic for each
age group. of issues -Have peers and role role more in the family.
models, sees themselves
List 2 potential problems that a nurse
as care givers
may discover in an assessment of each -Sibling rivalry if not -Negative reinforcement -Prefer spending time with
age group.
handled well may create a leads to bad behavior friends than family
lifelong tension. leading to estrangement
-Rivalry between them from family.
and care givers -If behavior is
Unable to maintain uncontrolled, may lead to

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-May like one parent more relationships and peers problems in the future.
than the other leading to
crying when left with that

Sexuality Reproductive -Has no perception of -Explores and -Has full perception of

Pattern: gender. investigative concerns to sexuality
-Curious about their body their own bodies. -May be curious to
List two normal assessment findings during diaper change. -Have a perception of explore other sexuality,
that would be characteristic for each
age group. gender, ask genital starts to develop breast
List two potential problems that a nurse
questions. and pubic hair.
may discover in an assessment of each
age group.

-Sex organs are called -Unable to recognize -may wear more revealing
other name confusing other gender. clothes to expose
child. -Child is punished for themselves to the opposite
-If child cries a lot during normal bodily gender.
diaper change may mean a exploration. -May be asking questions
sign of abuse. which parents perceive as
embarrassing and not
different between gender.
Pattern of Coping and -Always stressed and -Able to verbalized stress -Competition, homework
Stress Tolerance: throws less tantrums and parents gives support and family issues can
List two normal assessment findings -Identification of stressors and reinforcement overload the amount of
that would be characteristic for each
age group. and parents gives positive -Understands stressors stress a child has.
List wo potential problems that a nurse
reinforcement. and able to verbalize it. -Death of
may discover in an assessment of each parents, becoming
age group. homeless can be some of
many problems that might
cause stress.
-Bad behavior and Blamed imaginary -May not be able to
tantrums persists. friends for bad behavior. identify and cope with
-Sees tantrums as a way of Child becomes stressors like school work
getting what she wants. overstressed and not able and home work.
to identify it -May loose interest in
school or social events.

Pattern of Value and -Giving more attention Parental control over -Able to identify right
Beliefs: and praise when they do what they see on TV from wrong.
what is right. -able to control their -Shares opinion with peers
List two normal assessment findings -Control behavior and do emotions more, start to influence them or gain
that would be characteristic for each
age group. right attending church and acceptance.
religious functions. -Cultural and religious

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List two potential problems that a nurse
values will start to
may discover in an assessment of each influence them greatly
age group.
-Many parents only attend -Watching of -They could lie a lot,
to their toddlers if they inappropriate shows and the parent should top
are being bad, which is learning bad things. this behavior as soon as it
unhealthy for the kid. -Can act out in public. is found because it can
Parents have to always lead to more serious lies
reward good behavior or in the future.
the child will keep -Some children may not
doing bad things to get show many respect for
attention. other people or their

Short Answer Questions

Address the following based on the above assessment findings. Expected answers will be 1-2
paragraphs in length. Cite and reference outside sources used.

1) Compare and contrast identified similarities as well as differences in expected assessment

across the childhood age groups.

According to (Javis, 2012), children should be treated as equal partners in the health care
triad. In the assessment of a child, the nurse should be in mind that she is not only caring for
the child but the parent as well.

Before the nurse assess the child, she should interact with the parent first to give the child the
opportunity to watch, see and develops trust and confidence, and accept the nurse. In
assessing the toddler and preschool, the child sits on the lap of the care giver and media and

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reading materials are used to distract the child, the parent gives all the medical history but in
a school age child, the child lays on the examination couch and the nurse maintains privacy
and provides care at an eye level. Preschool children are more cooperative during physical
examinations when they are allowed to actively participate, such as holding the equipment,
examining you as you examine them. Provide simple explanations about the procedure
(Hoffman, 2001).

2) Summarize how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and
communication differently with children versus adults. Consider spirituality and cultural
differences in your answer.

In examining a child, the nurse should use simple words that can be easily understood by
the child, use of dolls and pictures to demonstrate and relay information, use of pictures , the
nurse should make the child comfortable and not forceful approach. Always check with the
care giver when dealing with a child (Eldeman, 2010).

School-age children often enjoy actively participating in their examination and care. Allow
them choices within acceptable limits. Provide simple explanations. Remember that they
are modest and proud. Respect their modesty and keep them covered and screened when
possible. Do not embarrass them especially in front of other children.
School-aged children are well coordinated and more safety-conscious. Usually may
ambulate freely. Keep bed in low position and side rails down during day unless otherwise
ordered (Hoffman, 2001).

In conclusion, culture, spirituality of parents or belief system, affects the health and
wellbeing of a child .In parents who do not belief in immunization, the child could be found
with so many preventable childhood diseases. In parts of Africa where they belief that giving
children meat and eggs will make them to steal, such children lack protein and are often
malnourished. In orthodox people who dont believe in going to the hospital may result to
going the shrine or temple or seek the opinion of their religious leader first in illness


Eldeman .L. Mande .L.(2010). Health Promotions Throughout lifespan (7th ed),

Hoffman.T, L. (2001). Age-Specific Competency Review and Testing.

Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 7th Edition. Retrieved from

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2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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